Componential structure of the typical word formation paradigm of adjectival essive verbs in -y-ty with the semantics of mental state of the subject

Study of derivational potential of words of different structural linguistic units of the Ukrainian language. Establishing the relationship of inchoatives, esives and causatives with verbs. Word-forming means of reflecting the semantics of the subject.

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Дата добавления 17.08.2021
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Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University

Componential structure of the typical word formation paradigm of adjectival essive verbs in -y-ty with the semantics of mental state of the subject

Kushlyk O. P., Kishyk N. M.



The article is devoted to the problem of the stem-centered approach as an important direction in the development of Ukrainian derivatology.

Its methods, techniques, mechanisms of systematization and description of factual material make it possible to achieve results ensuring a consistent, systematic study of the derivational potential of words - linguistic units of the different lingual levels.

The proposed study focuses its attention on Ukrainian verbs of adjectival origin. They are divided into three structural- semantic types - inchoatives, essives and causatives.

Their derivational potential is different and it is significantly influenced by the categorical status of verbs belonging to these three structural-semantic types. Inchoatives, essives and causatives usually correlate with verbs of process, state and action accordingly, each case being characterized by its differential features.

In addition to belonging to a certain part of speech, and thus to a structural-semantic type and lexical-semantic group, a considerable role in producing derivatives is played by the word-forming means.

The structure and content of the typical word-formation paradigm of essive verbs of the Ukrainian language with the semantics of mental state of the subject formed with the suffix -y- are determined taking into account the word- formation paradigmatic principle of factual material systematization, relevant to the stem-centered approach.

The word-formation paradigm of these base verbs comprises two zones - substantive and verbal, the componential structure of which is limited.

This limitation is conditioned by a set of features characteristic of essives in -y-ty with the semantics of mental state of the subject: the part-of-speech status of the stem, belonging to the structural- semantic type of essives, which correlates them with state verbs having differential signs of static character, temporal localization, special phaseness, passive role of the subject, word-forming means.

Key words: stem, word-formation paradigm, word-forming meaning, word-forming means, word-forming potential, essive verb in -y-ty with the semantics of mental state of the subject, structural-semantic type, morphological zone.


Компонентний склад типової словотвірної парадигми відприкметникових есивних дієслів на -и-ти із семантикою психічного стану суб'єкта

Кушлик О. П., Кішик Н. М.

У статті порушено проблему основоцентричного підходу як важливого напряму розвитку української дериватології, методи, прийоми, механізми систематизування й опису фактичного матеріалу якого дають змогу домогтися результатів, що забезпечують планомірне, системне вивчення дериваційного потенціалу слів -різноструктурних лінгвістичних одиниць.

Увагу у пропонованій студії зосереджено на дієсловах української мови відприкметникового походження.

З'ясовано, що їх об'єднують у три структурно-семантичні типи - інхоативи, есиви і каузативи. Зауважено, що дериваційний потенціал їх є різний і що значний вплив на вияв його має категорійний статус дієслів цих трьох структурно-семантичних типів.

Усталилося співвідносити інхоативи, есиви і каузативи з дієсловами відповідно процесу, стану і дії з характерними в кожному випадку диференційними ознаками.

Помічено, що, окрім належності до певної частини мови, а відповідно - структурно-семантичного типу і лексико-семантичної групи, істотну роль для змоги продукувати похідні слова відіграє словотворчий засіб.

З урахуванням словотвірнопарадигматичного принципу систематизування фактичного матеріалу, адекватного основоцентричному підходові, визначено структуру та наповнення типової словотвірної парадигми есивних дієслів української мови із семантикою психічного стану суб'єкта, утворених за допомогою суфікса -и-.

Установлено, що словотвірну парадигму цих вершинних дієслів формують дві зони - субстантивна і вербальна, компонентний склад яких є обмежений, що зумовлено комплексом особливостей, властивих есивним дієсловам на -и-ти із семантикою психічного стану суб'єкта: частиномовним статусом твірного слова, належністю до структурно-семантичного типу есивів, що співвідносить їх з дієсловами стану з диференційними ознаками статичності, часової локалізованості, особливої фазовості, пасивної ролі суб'єкта, словотворчим засобом.

Ключові слова: твірна основа, словотвірна парадигма, словотвірне значення, словотворчий засіб, словотвірний потенціал, есивне дієслово на -и-ти із семантикою психічного стану суб'єкта, структурно- семантичний тип, морфологічна зона.

Defining the problem and argumentation of the topicality of the consideration

The problem of systematic study of derivational potential of different lexical-grammatical categories of words in general and lexical-semantic groups in particular is becoming increasingly important in Ukrainian derivatology. Its solution has become possible due to a recently formed stem-centered approach, oriented on the stem as a typology factor.

The shift of emphasis from the word-forming means to the stem led to the solution of a number of tasks that had not been given proper attention, which accordingly caused “one-sidedness and incompleteness of characteristics of the word-forming system” [5, 6].

The dependence of derivational potential of words on peculiarities of their part-of-speech status or lexical semantics, with additional characteristics modeled on the basis of the formant-centered approach, is a prerequisite for adequate reflection of the whole complexity of the word-formation system. However, not only the part-of-speech status of a stem word or its belonging to a certain lexical-semantic group can be important in determining the derivational potential of a word, but also the features characteristic of the base word that are determined by this part-of-speech status.

Defining the word-forming potential of verbs as one of the most complex morphological word classes with an extensive system of grammatical categories and their material indicators - grammatical forms - is one of the stages of comprehensive coverage of the whole motivational base of the Ukrainian language by the stem-centered aspect. Relevant factors determined by the peculiarity of verbs as a morphological class include, in addition to the above, their category status conditioned by the “nature of subject-object relations” [12, 133]. Taking into account a set of factors in determining the derivational capacity of verb stems is an important step in a consistent, systematic study of the derivational capacity of words, which contributes to the topicality of the proposed study.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Linguistic studies show that scholars are interested in the problems of adjectival verbs in general and essive verbs in particular. For a long time, researchers focused their attention on the formant-centered approach to the study of essive verbs: they raised issues related to determining lexical-semantic groups of both stem and derivative units and outlining the common and different features of semantic relations between them [19], elucidating the structure and features of word-formation meaning of the derivative itself [3; 15], identifying the productivity of the word-forming means and the corresponding word-forming type [16; 18; 21], etc. However, recently there have been works in Ukrainian linguistics in which the authors focus on essive verbs through the prism of a stem-centered approach [4; 10, 179-200; 11, 202-223], which provides for establishing typical word-forming paradigms that would prove the derivational capacity of essives. The analysis of this material requires a detailed study taking into account all relevant factors.

The object of the proposed study is adjectival essive verbs of the Ukrainian language with the semantics of mental state of the subject.

Setting the goals and tasks of the article. The purpose of the article is to determine the componen- tial structure of the typical word-formation paradigm of essive verbs of the Ukrainian language with the semantics of mental state of the subject, which were formed with the help of the suffix -y-. The realization of this goal involves a number of tasks, in particular: 1) to elucidate the principles of subsuming adjectival verbs under three structural and semantic types: inchoatives, essives, causatives; 2) to determine the set of word-formation means that can form essive verbs; 3) to state the number of morphological zones which combine derivatives, motivated by essive verbs in -y-ty with the semantics of mental state of the subject; 4) to establish a continuum of word-formation meanings within each morphological zone.

The outline of the main research material

The structural-semantic type of essives, i.e. verbs with the word-forming meaning “to display a feature called by the base adjective”, is one of the three types of adjectival verbs. In contrast to inchoatives, i.e. adjectival verbs with the word-forming meaning “to acquire a feature and quality called by the base adjective”, and causatives, i.e. verbs with a word-forming meaning “to endow an object with a feature and quality called by the base adjective”, the structural-semantic type of essives has been relatively quickly enriched with new words recently. The belonging of adjectival verbs to structural-semantic types of inchoatives, essives or causatives, on the one hand, compartmentalizes their lexico-semantic grouping, and on the other - determines the conditionality of their word-forming potential through additional factors.

For example, the distinction between inchoative, essive or causative adjectival verbs is to some extent connected with their correlation with the predicates of process, state and action, the valence and derivational capacity of which is different [11, 259].

In addition, base adjectival verbs of one structural-semantic type have features that are relevant to it and not relevant to others. In particular, the relevant signs for essives, which correlate with the predicates of state in the sentence, are their static character, temporal localization, phaseness (the sameness of all phases), passive role of the subject [13, 80-81]. This, in turn, affects the valence environment, which is indicative in determining the derivational capacity.

Verbs denoting mental states of the subject form a rather large lexico-semantic group of essive adjectival verbs. According to psychologists, more than 60 concepts nominate various mental states today. Such states comprise aggression, activity, apathy, cheerfulness, indifference, hopelessness, despair, confidence, fatigue, anger, depression, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, indecision, pessimism, depression, joy, frustration, anxiety, fear, etc. A significant proportion of adjectival verbs among the total number of verbs that name such states is conditioned by a large number of adjectives that express inner qualities of man (scientists estimate them at about 654 [4, 114]), as well as their usage frequency in speech. derivational linguistic language essive

Base essive verbs denoting mental state of the subject are formed from adjectival stems by means of suffix and combined (prefix-suffix, suffix-postfix, prefix-suffix-postfix) ways. In the Ukrainian language, derivatives formed by means of suffixes absolutely prevail.

One of the productive word-forming means for the formation of verbs with this semantics is the suffix -y-, cf.: brydyty, vorokhobyty, hordyty, zlostyvyty, lehkovazhyty, lukavyty, marnotratyty marudyty, nastyryty, nedbaylyvyty nedbalyty, nizhyty, osoruzhyty, paplyuzhyty, paskudyty, ponuryty, sknaryty, khytryty, etc., e.g.: Paraska skladaie tsinu svoii vrodi y cherez te ne zovsim lehkovazhyt Zhdanovym kokhanniam (Iu. Mushketyk); - ...mene u maibutnomu nichoho dobroho ne chekaie, tomu ya budu marnotratyty svoie teperishnie, poky vono ye (R. Kushnir).

Some of the newly formed words are still on the stage of occasional usage, cf.: zlovmysnyty, zlostyvyty, zlochestyvyty, nakhabyty, nezghrabyty, nikchemyty, prykryty, prymityvyty, khrabryty, shustryty, etc. e.g.: Adzhepopry vseya <...> nikoho ne obrazhav, ne hnityv, nichoho ne zazhyrav, ni z kym ne svaryvsia, ni proty koho ne zlostyvyv, tobto zhyv bez vydymoho hrikha... (Val. Shevchuk).

According to the degree of semantic content, verbs denoting mental state of the subject belong to absolu- tive, i.e. those that are “self-sufficient for expressing their content and do not open mandatory right-handed positions for filling them with words- specifiers” [7, 5]. Therefore, they are characterized by optional combin- ability, absence of mandatory disseminators, which significantly weakens their word-forming activity.

The word-formation paradigm is considered to be an indicator of the word-forming ability of the analyzed (base) word within the stem-centered approach. It is defined as a complex system-forming unit which is a set of derivatives of one formation degree with the identical stem [6, 71; 5, 10] and opposed by word-forming means [1, 29].

The word-formation paradigm of Ukrainian essives in -y-ty with the semantics of mental state of the subject comprises two morphological numerically insignificant zones - substantive and verbal.

The substantive zone is represented by derivatives with word-forming meanings “feeling as a result of the objectified state” and “subject of the state”. It is generally assumed that verbs can form nouns with the meaning “objectified action”, or “objectified process”, or “objectified state”. The main indicator of such transpositional word-forming meanings is the suffix -yn-(-ia) /-enn-(-ia)/ -inn-(-ia). In a given context, words with these meanings can often develop secondary word-formation semantics resulting from the performance of this action or the course of a process or state duration.

Regarding noun deverbatives in -nn-(-ia) /-enn-(-ia)/ -inn-(-ia), which arose from base essives in -y-ty with the semantics of mental state of the subject, only derivatives with a secondary word-forming meaning are likely to function in contexts, the primary being ousted to the periphery until it disappears. Most of these derivatives are used only in speech, cf.: hordinnya, lehkovazhennya, marudinnya, mudrinnya, nedbalennya, nikchemlennya, khytrinnya, shustrinnya, khrabrinnya, e.g.: Samiilo Velychko peredaie rozmovu mizh pryntsypovymy vorohamy: «Khan cherez svoho tlumacha vyrik do noho kilka sliv, haniachy yoho za bezrozsudnu i zbytkovu khorobrist ta lehkovazhennia yoho ordynskoiu syloiu...» (V. Karnatsevych); Tsei protses rozpochynaietsia vid lehkoho mystetstva 30-kh rokiv i perekhodyt cherez lehke politychne vorokhoblennia bez politychnoho idealu azh do 70-kh rokiv... (O. Hryniv); Izazdrinnia blyskavkoiu mainulo v yoho [Flehonta Petrovycha] dushi y nenache nozhem shpyhonulo yoho v sertse, i sertse zanylo (I. Nechui-Levytskyi).

Another word-forming means which can form noun derivatives, though also with a secondary word-forming meaning - the feeling of man, is the suffix -osch-i, cf: hordoshchi, zazdroshchi, mudroshchi, prykroshchi, khytroshchi, e.g.: Torhivlia zvychainymy rechamy, yakshcho vona vdala, vyklykaie zazdroshchi, tym bilshe prydbannia druha (Val. Shevchuk); Vona [dynamika] spriamovana v zmah zaposidanniapravdy, za tvorennia dobra, za nasolodu krasoiu zhyttia, za peremohu nad samym soboiu, za sformuvannia v sobi blyskuchoho y nepodatnoho kharakteru, za zbahachennia sebe spravzhnimy mudroshchamy... (V Melnyk); Hetmanove sertse spovnylosia hordoshchiv - zvychainykh, liudskykh, malenkykh, y same cherez te, shcho zvychainykh, liudskykh, malenkykh, - stalo yomu osoblyvo zatyshno (Iu. Mushketyk). In contrast to derivatives formed with the suffix -nn-(-ia) / -enn- (-ia) / -inn-(-ia), these derivatives are codified.

Even fewer derivatives appeared through zero suffixation. Such derivatives are represented by two models in the Ukrainian language:

l) VS (verb stem) + -0-;

2) VS + -0-(-a). In our study, substantives formed by the second model predominate, cf.: marnotrata, nuda, prynada, osoruha.

Traditionally, verbal nouns with a zero suffix have a word-forming meaning of a single action, which serves the basis for a mostly productive meaning [14, 213].

Therefore, the ability of zero suffix derivatives to explicate a secondary meaning - feeling - compared to nouns in -nn-(-ia) / -enn-(-ia) / -inn-(-ia) is greater, and given that deverbatives in nn-(-ia) / -enn-(-ia) / -inn-(-ia) from essive verbs with the semantics of mental state of the subject completely ousted the primary word-forming meaning “objectified state”, there is no doubt about zero-suffix deverbatives, e.g.: Nuda yoho [pana] muchyla, niiaka, robota ne yshla do ruk, niiaka dumka ne kleilasia v holovi (I. Franko); Adzhe popry vse ya zalyshavsia vilnyi vid zlochestyvoho zhyttia i na prynady svitovi ne spokushavsia. (Val. Shevchuk).

The noun prynada, in addition to the named semantics, can also develop other meanings, in particular:

1) a thing used for attracting fish, birds, animals, etc.;

2) someone or something used for attracting somewhere // a thing used for distracting attention from something; 3) something appealing; temptation // attractive appearance features; 4) the attractiveness of something (VTSSUM, 1124), e.g.: Pochepyt [did Arsen] cherez pleche staru shkirianu torbu zparenym zernom, shcho pakhne kuteiu (rybi na prynadu), ubhaie v kysheniu kruhlu bliashanu banochku z velykymy y malymy rybalskymy hachkmy, vudky v ruky i - haida do richky (Hr. Tiutiunnyk); Shche ne vyspily v sadakh hrushi, ne zahuskly pakhuchi medy, lito shche vkhodyt u povnu sylu, shche poperedu yoho prynady. (Iu. Mushketyk); Chornym kazhanom mainula dumka: hetman mozhe y ne pryity na vyruchku. Shcho yomu toi malenkyi, shche y chuzhyi - pravobichnyi - Ladyzhyn u yoho velykii viini. Kynuv yikh , yak prynadu (Iu. Mushketyk); ... a shchob khoch trokhy pomiakshyty yii, treba zbuduvaty svii dim i skhovatysia v nomu od usikh prynad i turbot tsoho svitu (Iu. Mushketyk)

Essive-forming processes can involve both word-formation means with sufficient productivity and low-productive suffixes, in particular -n-(-ia), -yn-(-and), cf.: vorokhibnya, vorokhibyny.

The specific feature of derivatives formed with the help of these formants is that they can develop a secondary, object meaning, as attested by lexicographic sources: vorokhibnya, vorokhibyny - miatiezh (SUM Hrinch., І, 256), bunt (VTSSUM, 203), e.g.: Ale pan Pototskyi ne dumav tam zalyshatysia; chekav tilky na dozvil korolia, shchob pustytysia v hlyb Ukrainy ta shchob zdavyty, zdushyty i kroviu pohasyty otoi narodnii zryv, yakyi vin use shche nazyvav vorokhibneiu y buntom (Iu. Radzykevych). A synonym for the words vorokhibnya and vorokhibyny may also be the noun vorokhoba formed by zero suffixation, which sometimes occurs in speech, e.g.: Poky kniaz poliuvav, chorni liudy halytski perebyly kniazhykh mytnykiv, shcho zdyraly podat povtornu i pidnialy vorokhobu (R. Fedoriv).

Derivatives with the meaning “subject of state” create mutational word-forming types of the substantive zone. In modern Ukrainian it is expressed by suffixes, which are traditionally classified into: 1) suffixes of contextual expressiveness, cf .: -nyk / -lnyk, -ik / -yk, -ar / -iar, -tel and 2) suffixes of non-borrowed expressiveness, cf .: -an, -ets / -iets, -un, -yk, -ak, -iy, -ay / -tiay, -an', -uk / -iuk, -k-, -ukh / -iukh / -liukh [14, 48].

Among isolated suffixes of contextual expressiveness, the -nyk formant is relevant for creating substantives from adjectival verbs denoting mental state of the subject. According to M. Skab, 80% of nouns in -nyk refer to the non-production, and the rest - to the production sphere [17, 64].

The material under study is a clear proof of this, because all the formed units denoting character traits, will, nature, state of mind, temperament, name persons of the non-production sphere, cf.: vorokhobnyk, zlovmysnyk, marnotratnyk, marudnyk, nakhabnyk, nikchemnyk, etc., e.g.: - I choho vin khodyt do mene, otoi vorokhobnyk? - promainula dumka v holovi Makara Ivanovycha. - Adzhe ya vzhe raz “ne piznav” yoho na vulytsi... (M. Kotsiubynskyi).

A large part of derivatives - names of bearers of internal (including mental and emotional) features - are lexemes formed by suffixes of non-borrowed expressiveness. They include: -0-(-a), -un, -ak / -yak, -iy, -k-(-a), -k-(-o), -ets.

Derivatives are formed by zero suffixation according to two models: 1) VS + -0; 2) VS + -0-(-a). In the material under study, derivatives formed according to the second model predominate. Expressing the grammatical meaning of the common genus, the so-called nomina communia are mostly colloquial, often with a touch of contempt, cf.: zazdra, maruda, nastyra, nakhaba, nikchema, nuda, ponura, sknara, e.g.: Os ty nazyvaiesh mene marudoiu, a ya khotiv by podyvytys , shcho b same ty zrobyla na moiemu mistsi , koly taka vzhe ty sprytna (P. Tychyna), Ya vpyvavsia nihtiamy v ramu... i kriz zuby tsidyv: - Ty vulharnyi nikchema... Ty zhaliuhidnyipaskudnyk... Ty naiostannisha na zemli khudobyna... (Iu. Koval).

Given the peculiar expressive connotation, researchers call them bearers of evaluative characteristics and define as a person “having a property related to an action, propensity for an action” [20, 122]. In addition, the dynamic aspect contributes to the establishment of this characteristic as a person's permanent trait - regardless of whether or not at some point the person performs an action that characterizes him/her [20, 122].

The word-forming type of derivatives created by the unproductive suffix -un is by far more rarely used. Derivatives with this formant are mostly combined into two thematic groups, in particular: 1) nouns indicating the subject's behavior, actions, deeds and 2) nouns determining traits of character and temperament [14, 55]. Isolated cases of derivatives motivated by essive verbs in -y-ty with the semantics of mental state of the subject belong to the first group, cf.: khytrun, e.g.: Upoizdi odyn khytrun pidiishov do stop-krana i dovho motsuvavsia, vdaiuchy, shcho ne mozhe povernuty vazhelia (R. Ivanychuk).

Derivatives formed with the suffix -ak-/-iak- are of the same expressively colloquial nature. The ability of this formant to explicate a certain expressiveness depends on the semantics of the stem.

The range of negative evaluation extends from slight irony to sharp disapproval, cf.: khytriak, shustriak - irony; brydak, mudrak - disapproval [9, 28], e.g.: Cherez pivhodyny yoho predstavyly Shmalenomu. - Tak otse toi shustriak, shcho vid nas khotiv zmytysia? - zustriv yoho hluzlyvo harno vdiahnenyi, nemolodyi vzhe panok (Iu. Dmytrenko-Dumych); Zadlia tykh mudrakiv, shcho otake pyshut abo pro se bazikaiut, ye u mene, shchob vy znaly dobra skhovanka... Otaka! - dodav vin [stanovyi] (Panas Myrnyi).

Only some isolated derivatives are formed according to a word-forming type with -al (brydal), -as (brydas), -ets (zlostyvets, lukavets, khrabrets, falshyvets), e.g. - Ty bachysh, yakyi lukavets! - oburiuvavsia Pushkar, azh pochervonilyi vid khvyliuvannia (O. Lupii); Yomu [Syrovattsi] dobriache prysmerklo na dushi, vidchuv, yak vraz oslably nohy, sprobuvav zadobryty zlostyvtsiv zhartom (Iu. Mushketyk); Ye takyi krutiilo, falshyvets, slovoblud, zustrinetsia des tobi pyka taka merzenna, povzucha, shcho vik by yii ne bachyv, ne liudyna - hydotna (O. Honchar).

The word-forming capacity of adjectival essive verbs in -y-ty with the semantics of mental state of the subject is not high and sporadic in the realization of derivational meanings of the verbal zone. From some base verbs, in particular those fixed in dictionaries, it is possible to form verbs with word-forming meanings “short manifestation of state” (delimitative verbs) and “final stage of manifestation of state” as a manifestation of temporal modifications.

The word-forming meaning “short-term manifestation of the state” is traditionally expressed by the prefix po-. The manifestation of duration can be actualized (in this case lexical elements are obligatory, in particular temporal nouns, adverbs, prepositional-noun constructions denoting time, which specify the course of duration), or non-actualized (in this case there are no corresponding lexical elements).

The only codified deverbative with the so-called delimitative meaning is only polehkovazhyty in the word-formation paradigm of the base verb lehkovazhyty, e.g.: Chy zakhoche Tonia iz nym druzhyty? Chy tilky takpomanyt, polehkovazhyt ta y maine dali? (O. Honchar). In this example, the duration of the state is not actualized.

Despite the fact that derivatives with this word-forming meaning from other analyzed verbs are not found in the explanatory dictionaries, they are potentially possible, as evidenced in the works by different writers, cf.: polukavyty, pomarudyty, pozlostyvyty pozlochestyvyty, ponakhabyty, ponikche- myty, ponastryty, posknaryty, etc.: Tak todi v dekana tsei pan pozlostyvyv proty mene: “Ia zh vam kazav, Savo, ne strybaite vysoko, bo nyzko vpadete”(V. Ruban); Des my mozhemo zhartuvaty, osoblyvo na Poltavshchyni, des my mozhemo polukavyty, beznevynno skhytruvaty, ale ye dominanty, z yakymy ne zhartuiut (B. Oliinyk).

The meaning of limited duration of the state may also be indicated by a continuous-restrictive aspect of the verb action, or the so-called perdurative verbs. They are formed with the prefix pro- with an obligatory time specifier. The essive adjectival verb marudyty can form a derivative with such a meaning, cf.: promarudyty, e.g.: Tak promarudyv do obidu, - chohos liachno tknutysia nadvir (V. Danylenko). Without time specifiers, a verb with the prefix pro- mostly, including promarudyty, expresses a finite word-forming meaning, as evidenced by modern dictionaries (VTSSUM, 1158).

Other means of expressing the finite meaning in word-formation paradigms of essive verbs in the analyzed group are prefixes z-/-s-, pro-, о-, cf.: zvorokhobyty, zlehkovazhyty, zlukavyty,promarudyty, oskvernyty, etc., e.g.: Shkoda, shcho zlehkovazhyv pohrozoiu nytsoho tsyhana (Iu. Mushketyk); Teper znovu buv svavilnym rozbiinym otamantsem z Miiusu, yakyi kolys prycharuvav vidchaidushnym molodetstvom Stenku y zvorokhobyv na tsarevytstvo Symeona (Iu. Mushketyk); Iieromonakh, shcho vzhe y tak buv zlodukhyi na sichovykiv, zamakhav khrestom, nakazav starosti zamknuty tserkvu. “Oskvernyly, oskvernyly. Na sviatyi porih krov prolyly” (Iu. Mushketyk). In a definite context, the finite meaning can be expressed by the prefix po-, cf.: pozazdryty, e.g.: Hovoryla [Mariika] malo, ale hovoryla tak malovnycho, shcho vin, poet, pozazdryv yii (Iu. Vynnychuk).

In addition to deverbatives with temporal meanings, we can sometimes come across other derivational verbs motivated by adjectival essives in -y-ty with the semantics of mental state of the subject. However, the formation of such words is not of a systemic nature.

Conclusions and directions for further research in this area

The componential structure of the typical word-formation paradigm of essive verbs of the Ukrainian language in -y-ty with the semantics of mental state of the subject is relatively limited, which is conditioned by the fact that base verbs belong to the structural-semantic type of adjectival verbs that correlate with state verbs, as well as the word-formation means by which they are created.

Differential features of such state verbs, in particular their static character, temporal localization, special phaseness, passivity of the role of the subject, affect their valence environment which is indicative in determining the derivation capacity.

The substantive zone is represented by derivatives with a transpositional-mutational (with a tendency to mutational) word-forming meaning “result (consequence) of the objectified state” and mutational - “subject of the state”; verbal zone - by derivatives with modifying temporal word-forming meanings “non-con- tinuous manifestation of the state” and “final stage of the state manifestation”.

The ability to explicate this or that semantics determines the set of word-forming means that create derivatives of two morphological zones: components of the substantive zone are formed by means of suffixes, verbal derivatives - by prefixes.

The directions for further research are analysis of the word-forming potential of essive verbs formed by other word-forming means or belonging to other lexico-se- mantic groups.


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  • The general outline of word formation in English: information about word formation as a means of the language development - appearance of a great number of new words, the growth of the vocabulary. The blending as a type of modern English word formation.

    курсовая работа [54,6 K], добавлен 18.04.2014

  • The structure of words and word-building. The semantic structure of words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms. Word combinations and phraseology in modern English and Ukrainian languages. The Native Element, Borrowed Words, characteristics of the vocabulary.

    курс лекций [95,2 K], добавлен 05.12.2010

  • The morphological structure of a word. Morphemes. Types of morphemes. Allomorphs. Structural types of words. Principles of morphemic analysis. Derivational level of analysis. Stems. Types of stems. Derivational types of words.

    реферат [11,3 K], добавлен 11.01.2004

  • Word-building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary and the affixation is one of the most productive ways. Studying of affixation, which play important role in word-formation, classifying of affixes according to its structure and semantics.

    дипломная работа [62,2 K], добавлен 21.07.2009

  • Essence of the lexicology and its units. Semantic changes and structure of a word. Essence of the homonyms and its criteria at the synchronic analysis. Synonymy and antonymy. Phraseological units: definition and classification. Ways of forming words.

    курс лекций [24,3 K], добавлен 09.11.2008

  • How important is vocabulary. How are words selected. Conveying the meaning. Presenting vocabulary. How to illustrate meaning. Decision - making tasks. Teaching word formation and word combination. Teaching lexical chunks. Teaching phrasal verbs.

    дипломная работа [2,4 M], добавлен 05.06.2010

  • General guidelines on word stress: one word has only one stress; stress vowels, not consonants. Origins of the word stress and the notion of accent. English accentuation tendencies. Typical patterns of stress of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

    курсовая работа [275,8 K], добавлен 12.04.2014

  • A word-group as the largest two-facet lexical unit. The aptness of a word, its lexical and grammatical valency. The lexical valency of correlated words in different languages. Morphological motivation as a relationship between morphemic structure.

    контрольная работа [17,4 K], добавлен 09.11.2010

  • A critical knowledge of the English language is a subject worthy of the attention of all who have the genius and the opportunity to attain it. A settled orthography is of great importance, as a means of preserving the etymology and identity of words.

    курсовая работа [28,1 K], добавлен 14.02.2010

  • Grammar in the Systemic Conception of Language. Morphemic Structure of the Word. Communicative Types of Sentences. Categorial Structure of the Word. Composite Sentence as a Polypredicative Construction. Grammatical Classes of Words. Sentence in the Text.

    учебное пособие [546,3 K], добавлен 03.10.2012

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