Use of podcasting for teaching English on the example of CBC Edmonton resources

Introduce the theoretical aspects of using podcasting to improve students' listening, speaking, and reading skills using Edmonton's CBC resources in ESL classrooms. Combining theoretical and empirical research through the use of authentic podcasts.

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Use of podcasting for teaching English on the example of CBC Edmonton resources

Babenko Olena

Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


The paper is aimed at presenting theoretical and practical facets on the use of podcasting for boosting students' listening, speaking and reading skills on the example of CBC Edmonton resources in ESL classes. The novelty of the study is in combining theoretical and empirical research through the use of authentic podcasts for teaching English. This paper summarizes the experience of Canadian colleagues in designing a number of various tasks based on audio podcasts. These teaching guides have clear measurable goals and include the following activity resources such as lesson plans, slide shows, ad-free audio for download, episode transcripts, activity sheets, bonus mini-episodes. The only national teacher's concern is a problem of modification of these materials to make them more appropriate for a target group of ESL learners. Three components, in particular, linguistic, cognitive complexity and communicative peculiarities should be taken into consideration for further adaptation. The practical experience of university lecturers highlights that open educational resources differ from traditional teaching tools by their interactivity, novelty, optimality of their technical characteristics and socio-cultural context. We can emphasize that the implementation of podcasting as an aid into the educational process is necessary to improve the quality of the educational process in general.

Keywords: Web 2.0 technologies, podcasting,Canadian Broadcasting Corporation resources, methodology, advanced teaching experience.

Бабенко О.В. podcasting listening skills

Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну


Анотація. У статті описано теоретичні та практичні аспекти використання подкастингу як інноваційної технології для поліпшення навичок аудіювання, читання, говоріння студентів з опорою на ресурси Канадської радіомовної компанії. Основна мета сучасного викладача - вибрати оптимальні методи і форми організації навчальної діяльності, які б відповідали гармонійному розвитку особистості засобами іноземної мови. Використання автентичних матеріалів розглянуто як одне з базових вимог комунікативного підходу, специфічною особливістю якого є прагнення максимально наблизити процес навчання мови до процесу реальної комунікації, а також як необхідна умова формування соціокультурної складової комунікативної компетенції. Новизна дослідження полягає в поєднанні теоретичних та емпіричних досліджень під час використання автентичних подкастів у процесі навчання англійської мови як іноземної. Узагальнено досвід канадських колег по розробці інтерактивних матеріалів з метою апробації технології подкастів для вирішення різнорівневих комунікативно-когнітивних завдань. Розроблені матеріали характеризуються чіткими вимірюваними цілями, включаючи такі ресурси діяльності, як плани уроків, слайд-шоу, аудіо без реклами для завантаження, стенограми епізодів, роздатковий матеріал для занять, бонусні міні-епізоди. Питання модифікації цих матеріалів для цільових груп, що вивчають англійську мову як іноземну, розглянуто з точки зору адаптації трьох змістовних компонентів, зокрема, мовного, когнітивного та комунікативного. Практичний досвід викладачів вишів свідчить про те, що відкриті освітні ресурси відрізняються від традиційних засобів навчання інтерактивністю, новизною, оптимальністю технічних характеристик і соціокультурним контекстом. Подкасти, як інноваційні цифрові автентичні ресурси, дозволяють створювати умови для розвитку потенціалу особистості, активізують навчально-пізнавальну діяльність студентів, розвивають комунікативно-когнітивні здібності, підвищують внутрішню мотивацію та результативність навчання. Наголошено, що впровадження подкастингу значно впливає на якість всього навчально-виховного процесу.

Ключові слова: технології Web 2.0, подкасти, ресурси Канадської телерадіокомпанії, методологія, передовий досвід викладання.

Problem statement. Deepening Ukraine's international cooperation in key areas of scientific and technological development motivates every Ukrainian to solve practical tasks in various areas of social and economic life. This will ensure the high level of communicative and professional competence. Nowadays students all the time use gadgets with access to the Internet. This fact gives them an excellent opportunity for active learning of foreign language communication. However, we can emphasize that without teachers' guiding and checking activity the target outcomes are not easily achieved. Consequently, Web 2.0 technologies contribute immensely to the formation of the most problematic students' skills in listening and speaking. They include blogs, chats, forums, wiki technologies, podcasting, infographs and etc. The paper highlights some podcasting techniques based on authentic CBC Edmonton resources. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is our special concern as its content provides us with the authentic up- to-date audio, video and text files about the history, culture, arts and current events of the country which is well-known as a home for a great Ukrainian diaspora. Despite a large number of articles on this topic, the methodological component of the technology is not fully covered and the problem of using efficient and creative techniques to develop listening and speaking skills is still urgent and emphasizes the topicality of the research.

Recent research and publications. The advantages of using podcast in language learning are systematized in a number of national and overseas studies. Podcasting: as an effective tool is described in a wide range of facets, in particular, as a technique to improve listening skills and empower learners, as a means to raise awareness of language learning strategies, as an advanced technology in the formation of professional competence of future teachers and as an innovation in teaching foreign language for professional purposes and honing language skills [1; 2; 4; 6]. Furthermore, podcasts are also highlighted in terms of their so- ciolinguistic importance in ESL classes. The article by A. Naidionova, O. Ponomarenko deals with the experimental studies with Ukrainian EFL students and emphasizes that students' motivation and positive attitude towards language learning increased when podcasting technology was used to support them while training [6, p. 185].

The novelty of the study is in combining theoretical and empirical research through the use of CBC podcasting for teaching English.

The purpose of the research is to consider the implementation of podcasting methodology on the example of the CBC resources in ESL classes.

In the paper general-scientific methods are used to systematize information.

Presentation of the main material. The term podcasting (a portmanteau of the words iPod and broadcasting) is an audio file or "radio" type content [5]. Learners can listen to audio and video files whenever and wherever they want as they can be downloaded to the computer, phone or mp3 player.podcasts, educator podcasts. There are various types of podcasts: authentic podcasts, teacher podcasts, student. According to UNESCO, podcasting, a category of open educational resources, may serve for teaching, learning or research materials that are in the public domain or released with intellectual property licenses that facilitate the free use, adaptation and distribution of resources (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 2017). Learning English with CBC is a joint project between CBC Edmonton, the Government of Alberta and Daylight Consulting. Learning English with CBC. It can be found at: This site is a great tool for teaching English as a second language. Here we can find current news items heard on CBC Radio One weekly and monthly with a language lesson attached. The stories and interviews of this resource channel are a great way for ESL students to learn about the city, community and workplace. These resources have been developed to satisfy teachers' needs in authentic training materials and as an independent open online resource for ESL learners who may be doing self-study activities as well. The resources can also be accessed via the website:

One of our objectives is to describe the implementation of podcasting methodology. In fact, this pilot project from CBC Podcasts is called "Podcasts In Class". It was launched for Canadian students a few years ago. Several teachers in different school boards across Canada were involved into this project. They designed teaching guides around select episodes of the podcasts: "Tai Asks Why"and "The Secret Life of Canada". Thus, a sample teaching guide for the podcast "The Secret Life of Canada". includes the following activities [3]:

1. Lesson plan.

2. Slide show.

3. Ad-free audio for download.

4. Episode transcript.

5. Activity sheets.

6. Bonus mini-episode.

To outline briefly the procedures of this teaching guide with the purpose to share the best teaching experience is our point.

The advantage of the guide is in a typical lesson plan that has a clear measurable structure through the detailed instructions: For a example,

Learning Goals: By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to explore, examine, analyse, recognize.

The procedures for the use of resource are the following:

-- Secret Life of the North slides are arranged in the sequence of the episode.

-- A slide provides you with the link to the episode.

- Play and pause the episode as needed.

-- For extended activities or worksheets see the following.

There is a variety of options to implement the plan of the lesson.This approach can be connected with different learning styles (audio, visual, kinetic, mixed).

Arctic Circumpolar Map. Visual aids: a printed map, highlighter, coloured pencils.

I. The instructions:

1. Use the blank Arctic Circumpolar Map, label the objects.

2. Trace over Canada's boundary lines.

II. The instructions for critical thinking development. Share your answers with a partner or discuss as a class.

What do boundary lines signify? How do boundary lines relate to a country's sovereignty? What is sovereignty and who determines it? What are the social, political and economic implications of sovereignty? Create a population pyramid comparing Inuit population vs. Canada's population, use graphing paper for this exercise, Excel or Google Sheets. Answer the following questions about this population pyramid.

III. Project activities to develop communicative and cognitive skills.

Sample instructions: Using the Nutrition Fact Sheet complete the activity . Imagine you will be living in a remote Northern region for a week and will be relying solely on Country Foods to survive. Create a comprehensive meal plan that will ensure your dietary needs will be appropriately met.

IV. Critical Reading Task.

V. Role play.

VI. Thought-provoking, creative and critical thinking activities.

- Create a Political Cartoon.Your topic: Consider the fact that the Inuit were granted the right to vote in 1950, but there were no voting stations in many remote northern communities for residents to cast ballots until the early 1960s. With historical perspectives in mind, create a political cartoon which satirizes this unfortunate irony.

- Create an infographic to correct the assumptions and stereotypes from your Minds .

-- The only teacher's concern is a problem of modification of these materials to make them more appropriate for a target group of ESL learners. Three components, in particular, linguistic, cognitive complexity and communicative peculiarities should be taken into consideration for further adaptation. The term complexity in linguistics (Pallotti, 2015) has been used to refer to aspects of a language that make communication easier or simpler when speaking or describing features of linguistic production [7, p. 134]. In other words, some scholars claim that defining linguistic complexity is difficult due to the nature of the subject, and it entirely depends on the students' level. In its turn, cognitive complexity tells how difficult the code of information will be for reading and understanding. Communicative peculiarities imply some sample questions. What about time management? What is a preferable tempo of speech? How many interlocutors will be involved into the discussion? What about the length of the text? What kind of response is expected? What non verbal communication is appropriate?

Conclusions. Numerous studies and use of practical CBC ESL activities prove the indisputable benefits of Web 2.0 technologies aiming not only at development of listening and speaking skills but enhancing critical and creative thinking, empathy, imagination and mindset. Like any authentic material, podcast (audio/video) can be really motivating for students. We can emphasize that the implementation of podcasting as an aid into the educational process is necessary to improve the quality of the educational process in general. The practical experience of university lecturers highlights that open educational resources differ from traditional teaching tools by their interactivity, novelty, optimality of their technical characteristics and socio-cultural context. Podcasting technology can be successfully realized through techniques of both modes: "online" (simultaneous communication) and "offline" (asynchronous communication).


1. Babenko, O.V. (2016). Creative techniques for increasing listening comprehension skills. Scientific Herald of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Series: Philological Sciences. Kyiv: Milenium, vol. 257, pp. 182--188.

2. Babenko, O.V. (2019). Internalization of information flow using techniques of visualization in the process of future philologists' professional training. Humanitarian Studios: Pedagogics, Psychology, Philosophy. Kyiv: Milenium, vol. 10(3), pp. 6--11. DOI:

3. Close your textbooks. 'Podcasts In Class' switches up the lesson plan. Retrieved from: news/close-your-textbooks-podcasts-in-class-switches-up-the-lesson-plan-1.5264767 (accessed November, 15, 2020).

4. Hazell, A. (2010). The Power of Podcasts: A Tool to Improve Listening Skills and Empower Learners. Retrieved from:

5. Millin, S. (2016). Using podcasts to develop listening skills. Retrieved from: blogs/sandymillin/using-podcasts-develop-listening-skills

6. Naidionova, A., Ponomarenko, O. (2018). Use of podcasting technology to develop students' listening skills. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 63(1), pp. 177--185.

Pallotti, G. (2015). A simple view of linguistic complexity. Journal of second language research, vol. 31, pp. 117--134. DOI:

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