The role of regional texts in language learning

Essence of the regional geographic text. The question of the role of the text in the formation of communicative competence, considering the structure and mechanism of the flow of speech activity in students for whom the Russian language is not native.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 04.01.2021
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Niyazova Маsiba Jurabekovna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

acting Assistant Professor



regional geographic text language

this article discusses the role of regional geographic texts in the study of the Russian language. Lighting from a psychological point of view the question of the role of the text in the formation of communicative competence, considering the structure and mechanism of the flow of speech activity in students for whom the Russian language is not native. The relevance of the chosen topic is connected with the need to comprehend the content of communication and the process of its flow under natural conditions are not universal, since the two national cultures never completely coincide, their people perceive the reality surrounding them differently. The regional geographic text in this work is not understood traditionally, that is, not only as a text about the country of the language being studied, but also as a text about the country of children studying a non-native language, in this case about Uzbekistan.

Keywords: text, modern methods, communication, student, teacher, actuality, regional studies.



Ниязова Насиба Журабековна - кандидат педагогических наук, и.о. доцента, кафедра языковой подготовки,

Ташкентский государственный юридический университет, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

в данной статье рассматривается роль страноведческих текстов в изучении русского языка, освещая с психологической точки зрения вопрос о роли текста в формировании коммуникативной компетенции, рассматривая структуру и механизм протекания речевой деятельности у обучающихся, для которых русский язык не является родным. Актуальность избранной темы связана с необходимостью осмысления содержания коммуникации и процесса ее протекания в естественных условиях не являющихся универсальными, так как две национальные культуры никогда не совпадают полностью, принадлежащие к ним люди по-разному воспринимают окружающую их действительность. Страноведческий текст в данной работе понимается не традиционно, то есть не только как текст о стране изучаемого языка, но и как текст о стране ребят, изучающих неродной язык, в данном случае об Узбекистане.

Ключевые слова: текст, современная методика, коммуникация, студент, преподаватель, актуальность, страноведение.

The main text

When illuminating from a psychological point of view the question of the role of text in the formation of the communicative competence of students, considering the structure and mechanism of the course of speech activity, methodological scientists relate to two sides of communication - process and content.

The content of communication and the process of its flow under natural conditions are not universal, since the two national cultures never completely coincide; their people perceive the reality surrounding them differently.

This discrepancy finds its manifestation in the language, since each language reflects the culture of the people who speak it.

The development paths traveled by various nations, the material and spiritual values accumulated by them are quite diverse and significantly differ from each other. Therefore, students of a non-native language must simultaneously master a foreign culture; receive "concepts of new objects and phenomena that do not find analogies either in their native culture or in their native language".

In the works of scientists dealing with the problems of teaching a non-native language (V.G. Kostomarov, E.M. Vereshchagin), it was repeatedly emphasized that teaching should simultaneously pursue two goals:

1. communicative, aimed at mastering basic skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing;

2. general education, allowing students to master knowledge based on the material of their native culture.

An introduction to the process of teaching a language of non-linguistic information - a regional geographic component of both the studied and native languages - is necessary for the implementation of the functional-communicative principle of teaching.

The requirement to introduce country-specific information into the process of teaching the Russian language to a national audience is also important from the point of view of didactics. On the one hand, without country-specific knowledge, communication in Russian will be difficult and even impossible. On the other hand, the goals of training are much wider than just the formation of communicative competence. Learning to communicate cannot be the only goal, since learning does not happen without knowledge, upbringing and development.

Consequently, the regional study material offered to students must necessarily contribute to the improvement of their educational level and have educational value. This material is the information about the culture offered to students, because of which their language design in another language comprehended.

In addition, in the learning process, the task arises of finding a specific, formative need for mastering the Russian language as a subject of educational activity. This subject can be the history, culture, traditions of the people speaking the language studied by students. Their use will help to satisfy the cognitive needs of students, which is one of the most important conditions for its assimilation.

It is with these reasons that the idea that it is necessary to introduce regional geographic information into the language educational process established in the methodology of teaching the Russian language. However, we believe that in modern conditions it is necessary to master the Russian language because of the values of the native culture.

Turning to the definition of “geography”, we note that it covers a wide range of phenomena, acts as a body of knowledge not only about the country of the language studied: its history, geography, political structure, economy, way of life, customs, but also equally native culture in comparison with Russian.

Obtaining such knowledge can occur through various channels. One of them is special classes in which students talk about the country they meet in their native language.

Another way is possible, which defined as “linguistic and regional studies,” in which the process of mastering the language becomes the key to knowing the culture of a particular nation.

In our opinion, a third way is possible, in which a comparative analysis of the languages studied accompanied by a comparison of cultures - the studied and native language of students. Linguistic units with a national-cultural component (nonequivalent and background words) are specific material that serves as an object of linguistic and regional work, since when familiarizing themselves with these words, not only the plan of expression is mastered, but also the plan of content, an idea of new objects and phenomena is created. The two levels revealed in the structure of linguistic units the lexical concept and the background - turn out to be very important from the point of view of assimilation of national semantics.

Of particular importance is the background, on the one hand, fixing the historical strata of regional geographic information, and on the other, reflecting the ethno cultural context of the modern era and changes in it.

Thanks to this, in the process of familiarizing ourselves with the vocabulary, information about the country is being accumulate; the processes of foreign language reality, the characteristics of public consciousness and the culture of native speakers comprehended. As well as their comparison with the life and realities of the native culture, on the material of which the Russian language more easily and reliably absorbed.

Literary texts also act as educational material, not only carrying certain information, but also affecting the feelings, taste of readers, their emotions and figurative memory.

As an object of linguistic and regional work, we used in a comparative plan the poems by A. Maykov “Spring” and A. Navoi “Seventeenth conversation about the seasons” about spring. Thus, literary texts have a double role:

1. The object of study, as a fact of national culture;

2. A source of information about the national culture, covering its diverse manifestations (features of public life, life, customs of the people, etc.).

“Spring” by A. Maikov and A. Navoi “Seventeenth conversation about the seasons”, in which spring is beautifully described.

Весна (^Spring)

Золотое солнце светит На зеленую траву.

В белых новеньких рубашках Все ромашки на лугу.

И на грушах, и на сливах Новый, праздничный наряд.

(The golden sun is shining On the green grass.

In brand new white shirts All daisies in the meadow.

Both on pears and on plums New, festive outfit)

Видишь: аист белокрылый Прилетел из дальних стран.

И под крышей воробьиной Не смолкает писк и гам.

Все проснулось: лес и поле Зеленеет и цветет.

И на яблонях, и вишнях Соловей в лесу на воле Пчелы желтые гудят.

Песню звонкую поет.

(You see: white-winged stork Arrived from distant lands.

And under the roof of a sparrow Squeak and din do not cease.

Everything woke up: forest and field It turns green and blooms.

And on apple trees and cherries Nightingale in the forest on the outside The yellow bees are buzzing.

Sings a voiced song).

/А. Майков. //A. Maykov. /

Tasks to the text:

1. Read the poem.

2. Compose the text questions.

3. Make a short story on the topic "spring in Uzbekistan".

Grammar assignments:

1. using a dictionary, translate obscure words into Uzbek.

2. Write out the phrases "adjective + noun" and indicate the gender, number, case, adjectives.

Семнадцатая беседа о временах года.

Когда апрель прекрасный наступил И миру всю любовь свою явил,

Нам ветерок с нагорий и лугов Принес благоухание цветов.

Он ветки гибкие плакучих ив Шуметь заставил, до земли склонив...

Гром отгремел, весенний дождь прошел,

Райхон благоухающий расцвел...

Раскрылись розы в свежести ночной,

Роса их льется розовой водой.

Тюльпан в степи так весело плясал,

Что ветер шапку у него сорвал...

Как звезды на высоких небесах Цветы красуются на деревах.

И все живущие изумлены Величием цветения весны.

/А. Навои/

Tasks to the text:

1. Tell me how A. Navoi relates to spring, and in what other works he talks about spring.

2. Compare two poems: how A. Maikov represents spring, and how A. Navoi's description of the onset of spring differs.

3. Using the phrase "adjective + noun" from the poem, make a short story "spring has come."

Grammar assignments:

1. Find in the text of the phrase "adjective + noun"

2. Ask a question from a noun to an adjective. Highlight the case endings of the adjectives.

3. Determine which members of the sentence are adjectives.

These texts are able to satisfy the communicative, cognitive, aesthetic needs of students, provide interest in learning the Russian language, support motives - incentives for improving speech activity. This creates the prerequisites for the formation of communicative skills of students of national groups in various fields of communication in a foreign language. Thus, for successful learning, texts written both about the native culture and about the culture of the language studied, both specially created for reading and teaching the language studied. First, which distinguished by fascinating and interesting subjects, liveliness and amusement, a clearly expressed moral problem. The texts are simple and accessible in content, so non-Russian students without any difficulty will understand what they read.

Students can learn certain types of speech utterances (description, narration, and reasoning) from literary texts.

The formation of the ability to understand what is read in a foreign language, perceiving by hearing or reading on one's own, requires long work, because such an understanding depends on the level of language proficiency, and on the extra linguistic difficulties contained in the text, and on the students' life experience.

The use of texts as a means of developing speech implies a somewhat greater attention to their content side. Examples of this approach are quite diverse. In some cases, the texts play the role of information material, the purpose of their inclusion in the educational process is to arouse the students' need to think and speak a foreign language, to give an installation for creating a speech situation. The tasks offered to students varied: retell the text, draw up a dialogue based on the message received, and tell about events from your life similar to that described, but direct work with the text excluded. In other cases, students turn to the material of texts, the development of speech occurs by answering questions posed to the texts.

In the process of teaching the description on the material of regional geographic texts, as our study has shown, better results achieved. We attribute this to the fact that the work carried out at involuntary attention. Students talk about their people, master in comparative terms the totality of social, national and cultural rules, assessments and values of the Russian and Uzbek peoples, without knowledge of which it is impossible to fully master the types of speech and, in ultimately, verbal communication in the language being studied. At the same time, the original country-study texts have an advantage over specially written textbooks, since they show a stronger emotional impact on students, affect the formation of their personality, that is, they allow the didactic requirement of the unity of education and upbringing to be realized.

Used “texts and exercises for them give students the opportunity to better understand the text, create the basis for a higher level of understanding. The proposed task aimed at developing students' thinking and improving their speech activity. Performing such tasks, students cannot limit themselves to simply reproducing what they have read, they are required to be able to summarize the information received, identify the main idea in the text, formulate and express their opinion about the text.

Especially noteworthy, in our opinion, are the last of the given tasks, in which an attempt was made to focus students on the peculiarities of using words in the text, to instill in them the skills of analyzing the language form of the work. In the course of answers to such questions, students' speech improved, their vocabulary enriched with new words and expressions. At the same time, students learn to analyze the text, draw the necessary conclusions and generalizations. The described tasks fulfill two functions: they contribute to the development of students' speech and the acquisition by them of the basics of literary criticism.

The introduction of assignments of such a plan makes a certain contribution to its formation, while contributing to the realization of the main goal - to include students in the process of communication in Russian. Moreover, the tasks are important precisely because the development of speech in their implementation occurs in a natural way: students placed in conditions that cause the need for language tools, and therefore the development and consolidation of new words is more active than with simple memorization or literal reproduction of the material read.

The regional geographic text in this work is not understood traditionally, that is, not only as a text about the country of the language being studied, but also as a text about the country of children studying a non-native language, in this case, about Uzbekistan.

References / Список литературы

1. Akhmedova M.M. Problems of teaching the grammatical aspect of the Russian language // Problems and prospects of the development of philological science at the present stage: Int. conf. (Navoi, 2018). Navoi, 2018. Р. 45-48.

2. Kamilova S.E. The role of bilingualism in solving some problems of literary translation // Bulletin of Moscow State Linguistic University. Series: Humanities, 2013. № 9. Р. 117-122.

3. Selevko G.K. Encyclopedia of educational technology. M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2006.

4. Sklyarevskaya G.N. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. M.: Eksmo, 2004.

5. Fattakhova A.R. language in the professional activities of a lawyer // Рroblems of teaching philological disciplines to foreign students: int. conf. (Voronezh, January 25-27, 2018). Voronezh: Publishing House of Scientific Book, 2018. Р. 258-262.

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