Changes in grammatical norm in modern spanish language

Changes in grammatical norms occurring in the Spanish language under the influence of internal and external factors. The need to reconsider the attitude to deviations from the norm and to grammatical error. Convergence of literary norm with colloquial.

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Changes in grammatical norm in modern spanish language

Liudmila Grynko, Mania Malysheva


The given article is dedicated to the study of the changes that the grammatical norm undergoes under the influence of different factors (linguistic infernos, and non-linguistic external). In recent times, due to the dissemination of new means of communication, the Internet in the first place, there are faster changes in the grammatical norm. The main task of linguists is to contemplate and fix these changes. And of the teachers and professors, who teach foreign languages, is to emphasize the attention on these changes of use. Nowadays, the attention of the didactics is given to the fact that language is one of the means of the realization of communication. The change is noted from the study of the literary norm to the study of oral, sound, living and affective language, but which abounds in non-normative.

Most scholars note and accept the liberalization of the norm, its democratization, the approach of the written norm to the oral norm. But it turns out that not all changes in the Spanish grammatical norm remain under the supervision of those who write theoretical and practical manuals. There are phenomena that have already found their proper analysis. Some changes in use are accepted, others are not. Among the latter are those that were traditionally crossed out as incorrect and continue like this: for now, the use of the Spanish gerund in its attributive function, the use of the indicative after what if and as if, is not accepted, even though Examples abound in use that testify to the contrary.

The Gramatica de la Real Academia Espanola (RAE) is very conservative. And the reason is understood: regionalist Spain is a whole set of dialects; and the dialects are contrary to the Castilian literary norm. Keeping the norm almost intact, the RAE thus supports the country's linguistic unity, prescribing the rules for the correct use of Spanish. But in recent times a certain change has been noted in grammatical studies that no longer prescribe what is correct and normative, but rather describe what is used, they are fixed not only on the literary norm, but also on the oral one, and represent an impressive step forward but for now we cannot consider it enough.

Keywords: grammatical norm, correlation between norm and use, deviations from norm, grammatical error, purity of the language.

Гринько Людмила, Малишева Марія. Зміни граматичної норми в сучасній іспанській мові. Стаття присвячена аналізу змін граматичної норми, що відбуваються в сучасній іспанській мові під впливом різноманітних факторів (внутрішніх і зовнішніх) та їх тлумаченню лінгвістами і новітніми граматичними виданнями. Вказано на необхідність перегляду ставлення до відхилення від норми та до граматичної помилки, особливо у випадках, коли мова йде про явища, відносно яких граматисти ще не дійшли спільної думки. У зв'язку з тестуванням знань (вступні тести до вузів, вступні тести до магістратури, тести з вузівських дисциплін), може виникати непорозуміння з приводу виправлених помилок. Виникає потреба визначити, які відхилення вважати помилковими, які вже нормованими, і особливості, що межують з нормою. Зосереджено увагу на проблемі співставлення ще ненормованих, але розповсюджених в узусі лінгвістичних явищ, із помилковими.

Спостережено, що останнім часом при викладанні іспанської мови як іноземної центр уваги зміщений із письмового мовлення на усне, більш афективне і експресивне, але де відхилень від норми ще більше. Одна з причин цього - поширення Інтернету.

Зазначено, що значна кількість вчених останнім часом відмічає зближення літературної норми з розмовною, зростання варіативності мовних засобів у межах норми, її більшу демократичність і лібералізацію, пом'якшення норми за рахунок пом'якшення її директивної функції, що в сучасних іспанських граматиках означено s^^'serecomiendaevitar” (рекомендовано не вживати).

Акцентовано увагу на тому, що ситуація з граматичною нормою в Іспанії ускладнена ще й тому, що ця країна сформована із регіонів, кожний із яких розмовляє на своїй мові або діалекгі, що не сприяє укріпленню єдиної норми в країні. На захисті єдності лінгвістичної норми стоїть дуже консервативна Граматика Іспанської Королівської Академії. Хоча в останніх її виданнях сконцентровано увагу на поліцентризми іспанської лінгвістичної норми.

Підтверджено відставання директивних граматичних видань від фіксації узуальних явищ як нормативних на прикладі вживання герундію в атрибутивній функції (іспанські граматисти називають його некоректним), у сучасній кодифікованій професійній університетській нормі, де він навіть субстантивувався (el/ladoctorando (-a) (докторант (-ка)) і є вживаним в документах та серед тематичних слів до розділу Вища освіта в підручнику для підготовки до складання екзамену з іспанської мови як іноземної (DELE), рівень С1.

Ключові слова: граматична норма, кореляція між нормою і узусом, відхилення від норми, граматична помилка, чистота мови.

Grynko Liudmyla, Malysheva Mariia. Changes in Grammatical Norm in Modern Spanish Language. The article touches upon the problems of changing grammatical norm occurring in contemporary Spanish under the influence of various factors (internal and external) and their interpretation by linguists and the newest grammar editions.

It has been pointed out the need to revise the attitude towards a deviation from the norm and to a grammatical mistake, especially in the case of the phenomena in respect of which scientists haven't reached agreement yet. In connection with the testing of knowledge (introductory tests for universities, introductory tests for the magistracy, university disciplines tests), there may be misunderstandings about the corrected errors. There is a need to determine which deviations are considered false, which are already normalized, and especially those that are bounded by the norm.

The attention is focused on the question of how to correlate that are not norm yet, but commonly used linguistic phenomena, with mistake.

It is noted that recently, in teaching Spanish as a foreign language, the emphasis has shifted from written speech to oral, more affective and expressive, but where deviations from the normare even more. One of the reasons is the usage of the Internet. The language is realized today, first of all, as one of the means of communication.

It is noted that a large number of scientists recently noted the convergence of literary norms with spoken language, the growth of the variability of linguistic means within the norm, its greater democratization and liberalization, mitigation of the norm by mitigating its prescriptive function, which in modern Spanish grammar is designated as “serecomiendaevitar” (recommended not to use).

Attention is drawn to the fact that the situation with the grammatical norm in Spain is further complicated by the fact that it is a country formed of regions, each of which speaks its own language or dialect, which does not contribute to consolidating a single norm in the country. On the defense of the unity of the linguistic norm there is a very conservative Grammar of the Spanish Royal Academy. Although in its last editions attention is focused on polycentrism of the Spanish linguistic norm.

The backlog of grammatical publications from the fixation of the usage phenomena as normative on the example of the use of Gerund in the attributive function (the Spanish grammarians call it incorrect), in the modern codified professional university norm, where it even substantiates: el / la doctorando (-a) (doctoral student), is used in the documents and thematic words to the Higher Education section in the textbook for preparing for the exam on the Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE) level C1.

Key words: grammatical norm, correlation between norm and usage, deviation from norm, grammar error, cleanliness of speech.

Formulation of the given scientific problem

Language, as an entity in the whole of culture, functions within certain rules, thus implementing normative behavior patterns of all members of the linguistic community, including the users of this unique tool of human communication and knowledge of the world. But the greatest concern for the state of language and its purity is that of linguists, and of the grammatical norm is that of grammarians.

The functioning of language in society has a double character: it manifests itself in the confrontation between the standardization and liquidation of all established barriers. And destroy them can any user of the language. The current attitude towards the norm has led to it being normative to violate the norm [2, s. 18].

In Spain with all its minority languages, so many dialects, the problem is presented as more serious, since the dialects are contrary to the literary norm. It is well known that the Castilian dialect as a result of the famous Reconquest became the patron of Spain and synonymous with Spanish. Mastering Spanish is mandatory, according to the Spanish Constitution. But the regionalist policy of the Spanish authorities leads people from the autonomous regions to prefer to speak in their Valencian, Galician, Andalusian, etc. It turns out that the task of preserving the rules of Spanish is to defend the unity of the country. The problem of the Spanish norm acquires a social and political character. If the norm is forcibly imposed, this can lead to an attempt to level the socially differentiating role of language, despite the fact that the concern for preserving the purity of the language is aimed at maintaining its social function.

Purposes and tasks of the article are multiple: determine the notion of the descriptive and prescriptive norm; determine how the linguistic norm is implemented in its prescriptive function, the correlation between norm and use, the social importance that linguistic norms acquire or deviations from them; establish groups of linguistic phenomena that correlate with norm and use; accentuate the attention to the need to correlate grammatical error with phenomena of frequent use, but not yet approved by the standard; to emphasize the need to equip those who study Spanish as a foreign language with adequate didactic material to keep abreast of changes who suffers from the norm and peculiarities of the use of Spanish.

Analysis of the investigations of the problem

There are so many scientific studies that deal with problems of the language system, its norm and use [1; 8].

In Spain, the rules for the use of Spanish are under the supervision of the RAE Grammar, which accepts with difficulty alterations in the use of Spanish. That is not to say that you do not generally accept them. Fix changes that refer to phenomena that are not very important, for example, removing lall and ch from the alphabet; or accept the neologisms manayer, pircin, smokin and their variants in quotation marks "pircing", "smoking", etc. It deals with the fixation of changes in the spelling and lexicological norm. Recently, the Spanish Grammar of the RAE appeared under the writing of Alarcos Llorac [9] and the RAE's Descriptive Grammar of Modern Spanish [12], the RAE's Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Doubts [12], in which we notice a fundamental change: the material describe it and do not prescribe as before.

Presentation of the main material and substantiation of the study results. The norm of the latm “rule”, establishes the range of permissible limits in a language. It plays an important role, both in culture in general, and in language. The standards provide clarity and understanding of language for a wide linguistic community and allow for language learning [4].

The person who masters the normative rules is characterized as a cultured, literate and competent person.

The problem of the definition of a linguistic norm is of the utmost importance, since its resolution provides an opportunity to understand the basic laws of language development and allows us to see the perspectives of the evolution of certain linguistic phenomena.

The system of the language or its structure according to Coseriu finds fulfillment in the norm and in use. The norm includes the traditional realizations most accepted by society and, to some extent, recognized as correct and mandatory. The norm is considered as a guarantor of the unity and stability of literary language [8].

Usage, as well as the standard, is also based on certain capabilities of the system. However, it may not match the norm. The usage always contains a certain number of unacceptable and even incorrect realizations, although some of them, however, can be quite stable. The usual phenomena in language are practically not controlled by anyone, and their correlation with the norm is different and it can be evaluated positively and negatively. There are usual phenomena that eventually lead to changes from the norm and are acceptable. Other phenomena are rejected. These are serious errors that violate the norm: eg the use of the indicative after conjunctions as if, as if: "He is looking at her as if he wants to talk to her."

But the greatest attention is deserved by the phenomena widely publicized in use, which are not errors, but which the RAE does not accept, such as the use of the gerund in attributive function, which was always crossed out as incorrect or for being Gallicism, or for being an adverb for its function, and not an adjective next to the noun. while one of the central squares of Granada is called De ninos luchando, and the ninot indultat in the museum of Las Fallas in Valencia is called La abuela sleeping al nino. This attributive use of the gerund was so fond of Ramon del Valle Inclan, an author of a culture of envy. The gerund in its attributive function covers the lack of the present active participle in Spanish, being a dynamic form expresses the ation and the quality at the same time, which justifies its subtantivation the / the doctoral student (-a). This word already appears in the documents, it is cited in the thematic vocabulary of Upper Schools in the preparation manuals for the exam of Spanish as a foreign language (DELE), level C1.

One can also speak of other groups of usual phenomena that are outside the norm. AsiN.B. Bogdanova underlines much negativity that appears in the perception of scientific reports and publications, made in the material of everyday speech, that is far from the literary samples. Internet sites (forums, blogs) are full of indignant lyrics from native speakers, tired of the pressure of aggressive use. It is about the resistance of the speakers themselves, who have an idea of ??the standard and culture of speech. "Is it aggression, or is it simply an evolution of language? Resist or accept and humiliate? " [2, s. 26], - the linguist asks those questions and concludes that at the given moment their duty of scientists is to contemplate and fix. grammatical norm grammatical literary

The attitude of Spanish society towards the norm of the language has changed, this tolerant to the violation of the norm at any level of the language. In modern linguistic society deviation from the norm is regarded as a new norm.

The opposition "prescriptivism against descriptivism" is expressed in the most paradoxical way: on the one hand, everything is allowed in language, on the other, in the field of vocabulary there are strict restrictions [3].

Of course, the language system offers many options for its realization and the speaker has the opportunity to choose the most appropriate form. Linguistic variability is considered one of the fundamental features of the language system and its possibility of appearance is based on the combination of internal and external factors of language development. Among internal factors they mention the law of analogy and the law of energy saving, also characteristic of language.

Among the causes of external nature are often called contacts with other languages, influences of dialects, of socially differentiated languages. Variation is actively used in language media to create age, career and social differences. The sources of changes in the normative rules can be different: oral language, local chats, professional and youth jargon, other languages. In this second case we can talk about the codified and non-codified norm [7]. The difficulty in determining the norm in Hispanic linguistics lies in the special fragmentation of the Spanish language into regional variants. It is stated that the Spanish language as a whole is a “complex of dialects” [10, s. 14].

In recent years, linguistics has given primary importance to living language, to the sound system. Linguists have increased their interest in problems of colloquial speech and the study of linguistic facts that are bordering on the literary norm. It is fluctuations in usage that cause changes in the norms of language. Nowadays, voices are often heard in favor of a reasonable tolerance, which is explained by a trend towards the democratization of culture, and this leads to changes in the sphere of verbal communication, simplification and penetration of the elements. of spoken language in other linguistic styles. According to N. M. Firsova, the use of language tools that have an informal communication tone becomes normative [8, s. 7].

After having carried out the analysis of the changes in the norm, we highlight three groups of phenomena: 1) at the limit between normative and non-normative: “two days per (plus corrector«) a week ”; 2) outside the norm, but which are accepted by use: “enter (correct)”; 3) speech errors and serious faults: “as if this (correct)”.

The phenomena that the linguistic-cultural community considers as a permissible deviation from the normV. G. Gak calls them "the threshold of acceptability" [4, s. 15] and V. A. Itskovich calls them “the gray area” [5, s. 105]. Many scientists claim that it is sometimes difficult to differentiate between normative and non-normative grammatical forms, acceptable from unacceptable, and hence the problem of grammatical error.

The RAE, in the interpretation of the norm, distinguishes: 1) description of grammatical phenomena without special notes; 2) description of those phenomena that maintain the existing norm and of those that establish this norm; 3) unstable use cases.

According to "New grammar of the Spanish language" [13], "there has always been in the academic treatise a certain tension between theory and norm, or between description and prescription" [13, s. 40]. The most focused on the setting of the norm is, in our view, "Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Doubts" from 2005 [12].

On the other hand, grammar is largely oriented towards the description of various phenomena of language that do not have a normative orientation: “In parallel to how the Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Doubts places greater emphasis on the norm, the New Grammar accentuates the various pertinent factors in the description [...] in Grammar have to address a large number of questions that lack a strictly normative aspect ”[13, s. 42].

The use reflects the functioning of the language in speech [6, s. 175]. It is also worth remembering what Bally has said about oral versus written language: oral is dynamic, seeks immediate communication, unconsciously adapts turns and words to the “feedback” offered to each speaker by the gestures and attitude of each speaker. his interlocutor, abuses the ellipsis, is possessed of affective resources: hyperbole, diminutives, interjections and equivalent phrases, etc. Hence, the oral language is usually incorrect: it leaves some sentences truncated, it does not respect the agreement much, it repeats, it distorts, it underlines with the intensity of the voice, the slowness, the pauses and also with the gestures and gestures [ 1, s. 110].

The classification of the norm can be done on different logical bases. On the one hand, two variants of the rule can be highlighted: the one that prescribes and the one that describes. Most of the Spanish grammar prescribes, e.d. the rules dictate, only in the last functional grammar of Alarcos Llorach the transcendental change towards the description is noted, it is based on use [9].

In the process of normalization of the Spanish language, the Academy undoubtedly plays the primary role, but this fact slows down the development of the language, rejecting all non-normative achievements. Any deviation from the norm prescribed by the Academy is considered "incorrect ”And“ uneducated ”.

The recognition of the polycentric character of the Spanish language by the Academy became the most important principle to determine the norm of the language: “It is not possible to present the Spanish of a country or community as a pan-Hispanic model of language” [13 , yes. 41].

In the text of the NGE we can distinguish the following notes: “it is always used”, “it is used almost always”, “today it tends to be considered”, “it is registered”, “they can be used”, “in most cases "," The construction is acceptable "," the language rejects "," it is recommended to avoid "," the correct forms are "[13]. These recommendations attest to the current attenuation of the directive function of the standard.

Conclusions and perspectives for future research. In our attempt to analyze the normative changes in modern Spanish we limit ourselves to highlighting a certain change in the direction of grammatical and didactic studies from the literary norm to the spoken norm, from the directive norm that it prescribes to the norm it describes. The study gives us the possibility of subdividing the changes in the grammatical norm into three groups: the phenomena that are within the traditional norm; those who are on the edge of the norm; those that are errors of speech.

The phenomena that are on the verge of the norm, but already very much in use, deserve special attention because the problem of grammatical error arises. Avoid these phenomena in the tests, correct them and lower the grade or accept their use as correct, today the teachers decide according to their own opinion, and it is not enough.

Out of our attention is the problem of social inferiority that can arise between those who do not master the norm and those who are fighting for the purity of the language. It would be of interest to determine the attitude of the linguistic community towards linguistic regulation and so-called aggressive use, to dedicate ourselves in more detail to the study of the codified and non-codified Spanish norm, to dedicate ourselves to the study of the polycentricity of the pan-Hispanic norm.


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  • Text and its grammatical characteristics. Analyzing the structure of the text. Internal and external functions, according to the principals of text linguistics. Grammatical analysis of the text (practical part based on the novel "One day" by D. Nicholls).

    курсовая работа [23,7 K], добавлен 06.03.2015

  • Mood as the grammatical category of the verb, problems as the number of moods, their classification. The analysis of the grammatical categories of the indicative mood system. The difference between the lexical and the grammatical expression of time.

    курсовая работа [31,9 K], добавлен 07.07.2009

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