The simple past tense form of the verb in english corresponding in Azerbaijan language
The main condition of this research presupposes to comparing the grammatical structures of languages of two different systems of English and Azerbaijani. The important goals of the investigation was to detect and find out the potential use of the verb.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 29.06.2020 |
Размер файла | 18,5 K |
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Karimova A., PhD Student Baku State University
This article deals with the simple past tense in linguistics. The author emphasizes the role of verb, referring to the works of scientist that have been researched in this field of linguistics she emphasizes that since its emergence the verb caught the attention of linguists and new researches appeared. It is noted that this gives us more power to understand the communication process clearly and use the language more competently.
This article deals with the matter of differentiation of the verbs in both languages. It might be a good idea to provide some comparisons in simple past verbs of both English and Azerbaijani since these comparisons imply different sentences which focus also their use. For this purpose, one issue that confronts us in this research is the analysis of the verb that a lot depends on their investigation. The main condition of this research presupposes to comparing the grammatical structures of languages of two different systems particularly those of English and Azerbaijani. One of the important goals of the investigation was to detect and find out the potential use of the verb.
Key words: approach, oral speech, context, verb, grammar, meaning
grammatical language english azerbaijani
Карімова А. Проста форма минулого часу дієслова в англійській, яка відповідає азербайджанській мові
У статті йдеться про дієслова у сфері лінгвістики. Автор намагається розкрити роль дієслова. Вона, посилаючись на роботи вчених досліджує цю галузь лінгвістики, а також підкреслює її важливість у текстовій лінгвістиці. Зазначається, що це дає можливість згадувати зміст текстів під час аналізу ще більш ясно, а також використовувати мову в ще більш різноманітному колориті. У статті розглядається питання про розрізнення дієслів в обох мовах. Можливо, було б непогано навести деякі порівняння в простих минулих дієсловах як англійської, так й азербайджанської мов, оскільки ці порівняння мають на увазі різні пропозиції, які також фокусуються на використання. Із цією метою одна проблема, з якою ми стикаємося в цьому дослідженні, - це аналіз дієслова, який багато в чому залежить від дослідження. Основна умова цього дослідження передбачає порівняння граматичних структур мов двох різних систем, зокрема англійської та азербайджанської. Однією з важливих цілей дослідження було виявити і з'ясувати потенційне використання дієслова.
Ключові слова: підхід, усне мовлення, контекст, дієслово, граматика, значення.
Каримова А. Простая форма прошедшего времени глагола в английском, соответствующая азербайджанскому языку
В статье речь идёт о глаголах в сфере лингвистики. Автор пытается раскрыть роль глагола. Она, ссылаясь на работы ученых, исследовавших эту область лингвистики, подчеркивает ее важность в текстовой лингвистике. Отмечается, что это дает возможность вспоминать смысл текстов во время анализа еще более ясно, а также использовать язык в еще более разнообразном колорите.
В этой статье рассматривается вопрос о различении глаголов в обоих языках. Возможно, было бы неплохо привести некоторые сравнения в простых прошлых глаголах как английского, так и азербайджанского языков, поскольку эти сравнения подразумевают разные предложения, которые также фокусируются на их использовании. С этой целью одна проблема, с которой мы сталкиваемся в этом исследовании, - это анализ глагола, который во многом зависит от их исследования. Основное условие этого исследования предполагает сравнение грамматических структур языков двух разных систем, в частности английской и азербайджанской. Одной из важных целей исследования было выявить и выяснить потенциальное использование глагола.
Ключевые слова: подход, устная речь, контекст, глагол, грамматика, значение.
Introduction. The language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols, which permit all people in a given culture, or other people who have learnt the system of that culture, communication or to interact. By speaking, we do not mean merely uttering words, it means conveying the message through the words. Learning to speak also demands a lot of practice and attention [2, p. 65].
At present, speaking a foreign language represents one of the essential requirements of today's society. Besides other skills and knowledge, it is considered as one of the most influencing factors while applying for a job or sustaining in a particular work position under the condition of advancing the language level. English conversation plays a crucial role in understanding each other and dealing with different kinds of problems. Being able to keep a fluent conversation with a native speaker is viewed as the main goal of students, which underlines the importance of speaking skills in a student's point of view [6, p. 54].
Discussion. Therefore, we should know all the linguistic rules and obey them in the speech continuum. So, this article deals with the matter of differentiation of the verbs in both languages. It might be a good idea to provide some comparisons in simple past verbs of both English and Azerbaijani since these comparisons imply different sentences which focus also their use. For this purpose, one issue that confronts us in this research is the analysis of the verb that a lot depends on their investigation. The main condition of this research presupposes to comparing the grammatical structures of languages of two different systems particularly those of English and Azerbaijani. One of the important goals of the investigation was to detect and find out the potential use of the verb. No doubt, simple past tense form has passed a long way in their development in both languages.
So, the important thing to remember is that every subject in a sentence must have a verb. Otherwise, you will have written a fragment, a major writing error. Many words in English have more than one function. Sometimes a word is a noun, sometimes a verb, sometimes a modifier. As a result, one must often analyze the job a word is doing in the sentence [1, p. 34].
Verbs are a necessary component of all sentences. Verbs have two important functions: Some verbs put stalled subjects into motion while other verbs help to clarify the subjects in meaningful ways. Look at the examples below: 1) My old friend smiled. My old friend = stalled subject; smiled = verb. 2) Theo's overworked computer exploded in a spray of sparks. Theo's overworked computer = stalled subject; exploded = verb. 3) Francisco's book collection is worth $20,000.00. Francisco's book collection = stalled subject; is = verb.
While speaking about the verbs, especially, past simple verbs corresponding in Azerbaijani we should take into consideration the translation of sentences.
We give examples taken from English literature and their translation corresponding in Azerbaijani:
they watched the plane in the sunlight.
colonel Lambourn turned and stared at the boy.
little John was satisfied /Balaca Conmgmnunoldu;
he turned the key in the only door” (C.Galsworthy).
The simple past is a verb tense that is used to talk about things that happened or existed before now. Imagine someone asks what your brother John did while he was in town last weekend.
Ex: John entered a contest / Con yariadaxiloldu.
Ex: He won the silver medal/ O gumu medal qazandi.
Ex: Angela didn't trust her friend/ Angela z dostuna inanmadi.
Ex: Robert Lake wanted Angela to return/Robert Lake Ange- lamnqayitmasmiistgdi.
The simple past tense shows that you are talking about something that has already happened. Unlike the past continuous tense which is used to talk about past events that happened over a period of time, the simple past tense emphasizes that the action is finished [3, 56].
Ex:J ohn admired the way the light glinted off his silver medal
One can also use the past simple to talk about a past state of being, such as the way someone felt about something. This is often expressed with the simple past tense of the verb to be and an adjectiv, noun, or prepositional phrase.
Ex: John was proud of his victory
Ex: The contest was the light of his week
For formulating the past simple we should note regular and irregular verbs.
For regular verbs one should add - ed to the root form of the verb (or just - d if the root form already ends in an e).
Ex: play-played; listen-listened.
For irregular verbs, things get more complicated. The simple past tense of some irregular verbs looks exactly like the root form. Ex: did-did; cut-cut.
While speaking other irregular verbs, including the verb “to be“ we can give such examples: see-saw; go-went and etc.
It is good that verbs in the simple past tense (except for the verb “to be” don't need to agree in number with their subjects. In order to form simple past verbs in negative we must use “did not”(except for the verb “to be”). You can also use contaction “didn't” instead of “did not”.
The formula for asking a question in the past simple is did + [subj] + [root of verb]. When asking a question with the verb “to be” you don't need the auxiliary did. The formula is was/ were + [subject].
So, Past Simple Tense expresses an action that occurred in the past. It expresses the following type past - actions:
- An action occurred just a little while ago.
Ex: I ate an apple/ Manalmayedim. I met a friend
- An action which occurred on regular basis in the past.
Ex: She worked in a factory
The simple past tense in English sometimes called preterit, is used to talk a completed action in a time before now [5, p. 567]. As it is shown from the examples the simple past in English is translated in for Azerbaijani with the past indefinite tense form and etc.
Conclusion: So, as different kinds of investigations are increasing in linguistics, new materials of this field of science appear in the light of new innovations and it gives the basis of approaching problems and by virtue of it more logical results are gained. It is clear that the most changeable part of the language is its word stock, words, which are closely linked with the objective world [4, p. 245].
1. Palmer, F. R., Mood and Modality, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001.
2. Klaiman, M. H., Grammatical Voice (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics), Cambridge Univ. Press, 1991.
3. Huddleston, Rodney (1984). Introduction to the Grammar of English. Cambridge University Press.
4. Buhler K. Theory of Language, Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2011, 241 p.
5. Bolinger D. Accent is predictable - if you're a mind - reader, Language, vol. 48, 1972, pp. 633-644.
6. Bloomfield J. Language, New York: George Allen, Unwin LTD, 1933,553 p.
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