Stylistic means of an anecdote as the expressive compressed text

Analysis and functioning of the stylistic means in the English expressive compressed texts. The main concepts of the expressive discourse, the compressed text, its types and the expressive means are the topical issues of the linguistic research

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Stylistic means of an anecdote as the expressive compressed text


Здійснено аналіз і розглянуто функціонування стилістичних засобів у англомовних експресивних стислих текстах. Поняття експресивного дискурсу, стислого тексту, його типів і експресивних засобів виступають актуальними питаннями багатьох лінгвістичних досліджень. Експресивність розглядається багатьма лінгвістами як спосіб надання мовленню своєрідності та виразності, тобто тісно пов'язана зі стилістикою. Стилістиці притаманне вираження різноманітних експресивних значень, яке досягається стилістично забарвленими одиницями різних рівнів мови. Функціонуючи разом, ці одиниці підкреслюють експресивні відтінки висловлень, надають їм певного стилістичного забарвлення, підсилюють або зменшують емоційний вплив. Джерелом вираження експресивності виступає в першу чергу художній текст, внаслідок того, що створення автором будь-якого повідомлення в художньому творі завжди супроводжується вибором певних мовних засобів з метою забезпечення естетичного впливу на читача. Експресивно- стилістичне забарвлення притаманне слову або висловленню та є такою самою невід'ємною його складовою як лексичне або граматичне значення. Створення образності в тексті відбувається не лише на лексичному рівні, а й на фонетичному та граматичному рівнях мови. Виразні засоби включають у себе різноманітні еліптичні звороти, інверсії, повтори, використання розмовної лексики тощо. В цілому у статті розглянуто типи стилістичного забарвлення, принципи відбору існуючих виразних засобів.

Ключові слова: стислий текст, експресивність, стилістичні засоби, стилістичне забарвлення, образність.

Осуществлен анализ и рассмотрено функционирование стилистических средств в англоязычных экспрессивных сжатых текстах. Понятия экспрессивного дискурса, сжатого текста, его типов и экспрессивных средств выступают актуальными вопросами многих лингвистических исследований. Экспрессивность рассматривается многими лингвистами как способ придания речи своеобразности и выразительности, таким образом она тесно связана со стилистикой. Стилистике присуще выражение различных экспрессивных значений, которое достигается стилистически окрашенными единицами разных уровней языка. Функционируя вместе, эти единицы подчеркивают экспрессивные оттенки высказываний, придают им определенную стилистическую окраску, усиливают или уменьшают эмоциональное воздействие. Источником выражения экспрессивности выступает в первую очередь художественный текст, в силу того, что создание автором любого сообщения в художественном произведении всегда сопровождается выбором определенных языковых средств с целью обеспечения эстетического воздействия на читателя. Экспрессивно-стилистическая окраска присуща слову или выражению и является такой же неотъемлемой его составляющей как лексическое или грамматическое значение. Создание образности в тексте происходит не только на лексическом уровне, а и на фонетическом и грамматическом уровнях языка. Выразительные средства включают в себя эллиптические обороты, инверсии, повторы, разговорную лексику и тому подобное. В целом в статье рассмотрены типы стилистической окраски, принципы отбора существующих выразительных средств.

Ключевые слова: сжатый текст, экспрессивность, стилистические средства, стилистическая окраска, образность.

The article deals with the analysis and functioning of the stylistic means in the English expressive compressed texts. The concepts of the expressive discourse, the compressed text, its types and the expressive means are the topical issues of the linguistic research. Expressiveness is considered by many linguists as a way of giving speech peculiarity and expressiveness, thus closely related to stylistics. Expression of various expressive meanings is inherent in stylistics, which is achieved by stylistically coloured units of different levels of a language. Working together these units emphasize the expressive shades of utterances, give them a certain stylistic colouring, enhance or reduce the emotional impact. The source of the expressiveness is, first and foremost, a literary text, in view of the fact that the creation of any message by the author in the literary work is always accompanied by a selection of certain linguistic means in order to ensure the aesthetic impact on the reader. Expressive-stylistic colouring is inherent in a word or utterance and is also an integral part of it as a lexical or grammatical meaning. Creation of imagery in the text occurs not only at the lexical level, but also at the phonetic and grammatical levels of the language. Expressive means include elliptical structures, inversions, repetitions, spoken vocabulary, etc. In general, the article considers types of stylistic colouring, the principles of selection of existing expressive means. stylistic mean expressive discourse

Keywords: compressed text, expressiveness, stylistic means, stylistic colouring, imagery.

The existing stylistic means, which are used in expressive compressed texts in order to achieve their expressiveness, are considered in this article. This question is relevant, because today more and more attention of linguists is given to the study of expressive compressed texts and various expressive means of their creation, and there is a need for further study of this problem.

Expressiveness as a way of giving speech peculiarity and expressiveness is one of the main topics of linguistic research and is considered by many researchers as a stylistic problem. For example, T G. Vinokur offers the study of the essence of expressiveness, using a scale of stylistic shades that express certain stylistic meanings [1, p. 43]. Yu. S. Stepanov proposes to study the problem of expressiveness from the point of view of so-called emotional-expressive synonyms, that is, words belonging to one functional style of the language and having one denotate, but different emotionalexpressive colouring [5, p. 35].

According to I. S. Ilyinskaya, it is necessary to distinguish between the linguistic and non-linguistic plan for the creation of the style. In combination with the style of the work, great significance is usually given to the artistic merit, imaginative presentation, which entirely serve as the phenomena of the language. Imagery of presentation is created with the help of various stylistic devices - tropes [2, p. 84]. For example, such a trope as metaphor necessarily relates to the sphere of the language, because namely the change of the meaning of the word is a linguistic phenomenon. A peculiar syntactic representation of the expressive figurative attribute is as well the linguistic feature, in which the syntactically meaningful word is the main in meaning.

The belles-lettres style affects the reader's imagination and feelings, conveys the author's thoughts and emotions, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the opportunities of different styles, is characterized by imagery, emotional speech. As for the varieties of expressive compressed texts in the belles-lettres style, then one can distinguish an anecdote, an aphorism, a riddle, a short verse.

An anecdote is one of the most striking varieties of the expressive compressed text. According to K. F. Sedov, the anecdote "is in a diffuse state between everyday communication and artistic speech" [4, p. 3], that is, it combines features of folklore and spoken language. Anecdote is a comic linguistic text, which is a specific genre of folklore with an unexpected climax and peculiar language means of achieving comicality. The main aim of an anecdote is to attract the reader's (listener's) attention and cause laughter.

Anecdote is a short, concise text (the one that meets the criteria of both grammatical and syntactic as well as semantic connectivity), produced by the speaker intentionally with the special purpose to make the listener laugh, understandable to the listener (however, anecdotal understanding sometimes requires some effort from the listener), presented in a certain situation, in which it is appropriate to tell an anecdote, and is connected by intertextuality with other anecdotes and stereotypes of anecdotal space.

V. O. Samokhina refers an anecdote to one of the most common types of contemporary English-language jokes, which is defined as a narrative joke in the English-speaking linguo-cultural environment [3]. According to the researcher, the important feature of the anecdote is dynamic, but at the same time complete plot, the features of the comic in the text of the joke are the simplicity of form, the clarity and effectiveness of the word.

Anecdotes can exist both in verbal and written forms. According to its linguistic features, anecdote belongs not to the narrative, but rather to the "visual" genre. For many anecdotes, the intonation of the narrator, his mimicry and gesture play a paramount constructive role. Therefore, various expressive graphic, lexical, grammatical, and stylistic means should be used in writing to convey the same feelings and emotions.

The aim of this article is to study the units of expression of stylistic meanings at different levels of the language based on example of one of the varieties of expressive compressed texts - anecdotes, as well as the features and purposes of the use of stylistic means in the text.

Stylistics deals with various expressive meanings, primarily, phonetic, morphological, word-building, and stylistic ones. In the text, elements of meanings of units at all the levels function together, which helps to emphasize one or another shade of the utterance, gives the utterance a certain stylistic colouring, increases or decreases emotional impact. Expressive or stylistic means of the language in the broad sense are deviations from the traditional turns of speech, deprived of emotional characteristics. Expressive means include various elliptical structures, inversions, repetitions, use of spoken vocabulary, and the like.

In general, there are two types of stylistic colouring: stylistic colouring associated with expressive emotional speech, and functional-stylistic colouring associated with functional language styles. That is, there are linguistic means with expressive-stylistic colouring and language means in relation to functional styles, where there is a division into bookish and colloquial varieties of speech. Functional-stylistic colouring is less distinguished in the language than the stylistic colouring associated with different kinds of expression. Expressive-stylistic colouring is inherent in a word or an utterance and is also an integral part of it as lexical or grammatical meaning.

Imagery creation in the text occurs not only at the lexical level, but also at the phonetic and grammatical levels of the language. The phonetic level, especially when creating expressive compressed texts, is represented by a certain sound organization of the text, which helps to increase the emotional impact.

A: Hey, man! Please call me a taxi.

B: Yes, sir. You are a taxi [6].

In this example, the emphasis is on the verb call, which has such meanings as "to name" or "to phone". One of the participants in this dialogue uses the phrase call me a taxi, and the other one understands the meaning of the verb call as "name", that is why he answers: You are a taxi. The verb call in the above mentioned examples is pronounced in the same way, therefore, some misunderstanding occurs, and hence there appears the comicality of the situation.

For instance,

Did you hear about the blind carpenter who picked up his hammer and saw ?

Did you hear about the deaf sheepherder who gathered his _ flock and heard ? [6].

In the above mentioned example, words with the same spelling are also used, since they not only differ in meanings, but are also different parts of speech. In the first sentence it is said that the blind carpenter took his hammer and saw, and in the second it is stated that the deaf shepherd gathered his flock and other cattle. The humor of this example lies in the use of the words saw and heard. Saw as a noun has the meaning "the tool of carpenter", but it is the same in spelling with the form of the Past Tense of the verb to see. Therefore, the same sentence can be understood as "a blind carpenter took his hammer and saw (he had vision)". As for the word heard, it is initially the same with the past form of the verb to hear, but it is as well in tune with the word herd, the “cattle”. In addition to the meaning "the deaf shepherd gathered his flock and other cattle", we also have the meaning "the deaf shepherd gathered his flock and heard (he had hearing)". The expressiveness of this compressed text is manifested not only at the phonetic level of the language, but, in particular, by means of a certain sound organization, when words with different meanings have the same pronunciation, and also at the grammatical level (morphological): here there is a play on meanings of words related to different parts of speech.

From the point of view of normative grammar, any deviation from the traditional turns of speech belongs to expressive (or stylistic) language means. At the grammatical level, namely, in syntax, stylistic expressiveness is achieved, for example, with the help of inversion, various elliptical constructions, repetitions, etc.

For instance,

A: I have the perfect son.

B: Does he smoke?

A: No, he doesn't.

B: Does he drink whiskey?

A: No, he doesn't.

B: Does he ever come home late?

A: No, he doesn't.

B: I guess you really do have the perfect son. How old is he?

A: He will be six months old next Wednesday [6].

A special feature of this text is the use of repetitions in answers to questions: No, he doesn't.

In general, the selection of linguistic means often depends on the attitude of the speaker to his utterance, for example, to emphasize the emotional impact. The use of ellipses, inversions, the absence of complex syntactic structures are typical for increasingly emotional speech, which is expressed through the speaker's attitude. Concerning lexical means of emphasizing emotionality, exclamations can be mentioned. On the basis of the cognitive-appraisive attitude of the speaker to the content of the utterance, to the addressee of the speech, as well as to the situation in general, various types of emotional-expressive speech are formed. The selection of linguistic means (mainly lexical and syntactic), especially intonational ones, takes place on the basis of appraisal of its emotional intensity as well as of communicative forms of speech, aspiration to expressiveness, etc.

In general, the selection of linguistic means takes place on the basis of the belonging of the utterance or the text to one or another language style, that is, a certain style uses a system of language means typical of it. But it is impossible to exclude the interaction of linguistic means of various styles among themselves, which is particularly evident in fiction and publicistic works.

The following example is characterized by a kind of syntactic representation of an expressive figurative attribute, in which the syntactically meaningful word is the main in meaning:

Mary: John says I'm pretty. Andy says I'm ugly. What do you think, Peter?

Peter: I think you're pretty ugly [6].

In this example, the syntactically meaningful word is the adjective ugly with the meaning “disgusting”. This word becomes syntactically meaningful due to the phrase pretty ugly, where it becomes the main one, and the word pretty with the meaning "sufficiently, to a large extent" while performing the function of the adverb and the intensifier of meaning of the adjective ugly. But initially pretty was also used as an adjective and had the meaning "beautiful": Mary says that John finds her pretty, Andy finds her ugly, and then asks Peter what he thinks about her. Peter replied using the pattern pretty (as an adverb) + adjective/adverb, that is, Peter believes that Mary is ugly enough.

For instance,

A person who speaks two languages is bilingual... A person who speaks three languages is trilingual... A person who speaks four or more languages is multilingual. What is a person who speaks one language? [6].

Syntactically meaningful and the main in lexical meaning word here is the adjective lingual - "linguistic", on the basis of which new concepts in determining a person speaking two, three and more languages are constructed in this text, respectively, bilingual, trilingual, multilingual.

But if the author uses such a stylistic device as comparison, this would be one of the characteristic features of the style of this author or his work, but not the peculiarity of his linguistic stylistic means. The use of epithets is also not a characteristic feature of the linguistic style, but is an element of the style of the work. Epithets, indicating some characteristic feature of the object, do not include anything specifically linguistic.

Equally, excessive or, vice versa, insufficient use of epithets characterizes the stylistic individual style of the author.

Thus, it can be concluded that expressive compressed texts use phonetic, morphological, and syntactic units of expression of stylistic meanings that usually function together. The stylistic or expressive means of achieving expressiveness that we encountered in our examples include a certain sound organization of the text, play on words, repetition, a special syntactic representation of words in the text, word formation. The selection of these means depends, first of all, on the attitude of the speaker to the utterance in order to give it a certain emotional colouring, as well as on the style of the language that one or another text belongs to. In the future it is possible to explore other stylistic means of creating expressiveness on the basis of examples of expressive compressed texts.


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