The reflection of national in proverbs and folk sayings of the Russian, English and German language
The study of the concept of national character, its sources and approaches to its research. Characteristic features of reflecting national character in proverbs and proverbs of Russian, English and German. The most common folkloric elements are described.
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Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ | 07.12.2019 |
Ðàçìåð ôàéëà | 73,7 K |
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2) Stimulation
Concerning such value as stimulation, we should state that German culture bearers are convinced that a desire to try something new or enhance mastery are not key factors that stimulate people to step outside their comfort zone. The first potent factor that makes people actively think and act is poverty: «Armut lehrt Künste» - Poverty teaches art, «Armut findet alle Wege und Stege» - Poverty finds all the ways and roads. From the former proverb we can infer that mastery is perceived as a result of stimulation while according to value theory designed by Schwartz (Schwartz, 1992) a desire to hone one's skills gives an impulse to behave in the direction of gaining this purpose. The second factor is need which can be both material and immaterial. The following folk saying points to material need: «In der Not backt man aus Steinen Brot» - When in need people bake bread out of stones. It means that a person can eat inedible objects in order to feel full at least to a minor extent. Such proverb as «Not macht erfinderisch» - Need makes creative can be referred to both material and immaterial sense. Hence, material need teaches us to reuse our resources and more rationally distribute our expenditures. Moreover, an urgent need to implement a task sometimes entails creative measures. One more factor that can foster the improvement of some people's qualities is jeopardy: «Die Hechte im Teich lassen, die Fishe nicht faul werden» - If you let a pike in the lake, wish will not be lazy. The former proverb in the form of recommendation illustrates how strong such stimulus as fast-approaching danger is and how much harder people work under the influence of this factor.
In contrast to such a mechanism of stimulation as need that can bear fruit, according to the opinion of German culture representatives, wealth implies satisfaction only of a material side of people's life: «Mit Gold kauft man weder Tugend noch Verstand» - You cannot buy either benevolence or cognitive abilities with gold. Therefore, from the above cited proverb it is clear that money does not guarantee outstanding cognitive abilities while need in all its senses is an intense trigger of brain activity.
To conclude the discussion about such value as stimulation it is relevant to return to such phenomenon as need and point out that it believed that only having got through hardships it is possible to gain health alongside with happiness: «Ohne sich voeher zu plagen, kommt man nicht zur Glückes Tagen» - Without suffering you will not reach happy days, «Halt aus und du wirst Wunder sehen» - Hang on and you will see wonder. Hence, such qualities as resilience and ingenuity are prerequisites to gain mental and financial capital.
Poverty and need (both material and immaterial) are considered to be potent stimulators to make people leave their comfort zone and come up with creative and innovative decisions
Alongside with poverty and need, fast-approaching danger is represented as a strong stimulus which spurs active and productive work
Wealth in contrast to need cannot provide conditions for brain activity: a person is satisfied with what he/she has what is the reason why he/she does not have to thing of new alternatives to optimize his/her life conditions
Resilience and ingenuity are perceived as mandatory conditions of gaining material and immaterial good since they can serve a great help by withstanding adverse circumstances
3) Hedonism
As it was already mentioned in achievement value section rest is included into the schedule, though it is better to spend leisure time actively: «Sich regen bringt Segen» - Movement brings pleasure. Our mental and physical health is the reflection of our life style. Hence, idle way of life and abuse of pleasure can lead to irreparable consequences: «Nach Faulheit folgt Krankheit» - Lasiness is followed by illness, «Viel Essen, viel Krankheit» - Gastronomic excesses cause illness, «Müssiggang verzehrt den Leib, wie Rost das Eisen» - Idleness devours body as rust - iron, «Leidenschaft oft viel Leiden schafft» - Passion frequently causes much suffering. That is why it is considerably advisable to live quite moderately, modestly and end enjoy small mercies: «Lebe, wie du Ernre hast» -Live according to the amount of harvest that you possess, «Willst du lang leben und bleiben gesund, iss wie Katze und trink wie der Hund» - If you want to live long and stay healthy, you should eat no more than a cat and drink no more than a dog, «Wer länger schläft als sieben Stund, verschläft sein Leben wie ein Hund» - Someone who sleeps more than seven hours sleeps through the life as a dog. What is more, it is suggested that it is easy to lose interest to some activity if a person turns to it on especially frequent basis: «Überfluss bringt Überdruss» - Abundance brings tedium.
Returning to the fact that German culture representatives tend to enjoy small mercies, it is important to mention that they greatly value things that they already have. It is supposed that it is expedient to look back on results that are already reached and appreciate them before dreaming about something else: «Besser eigenes Brot als fremder Braten» - One's own bread is better than someone else's roast, «Besser ein kleiner Fisch als gar nichts auf dem Tisch» - Small fish is better than absolutely nothing on the table, «Besser ein Spatz in der Hand, als eine Taube auf dem Dach» - Sparrow in hand is better than dove on the roof, «Besser ein Vogel in der Hand als zehn über Land» - Bird in hand is better than ten on the land, «Besser heute ein Ei als morgen ein Küchlein» - It is better to have an egg today than a pie tomorrow.
Furthermore, juxtaposition of two contradictory phenomena - «Faulheit» (laziness) und «Fleiß» (diligence) is vital for German culture that is why we can find many manifestations of these phenomena in proverbs and folk saying of the German language. Laziness und idleness are harshly criticized: «Arbeit bringt Brot, Faulenzen Hungersnot» - Labor brings bread, laziness - hunger and need, «Faul kriegt wenig ins Maul» - Idler gets little in the mouth, «Faulem Arbeiter ist jeder Hammer zu schwer» - For an idle worker each hammer is too heavy, «Fleissige Hand erwirbt, faule Hand verdirbt» - Diligent hand gains while lazy hand ruins, «Wer faul ist, will, dass die Woche sieben Freiertage hat» - Someone who is lazy wants seven rest days a week. Therefore, it is understandable from the above listed folklore elements that diligence is a way to honest living which is ensured by hard labor while idleness can culminate in moral and physical decadence.
Though rest is an important part of German moderate life, it is supposed to be active as it is good for health
It is highly recommended to enjoy small mercies and not to abuse pleasures as it is a direct way to physical and moral degradation
4) Achievement
According to German proverbs and folk sayings, to achieve a result in some undertaking it should be started as soon as possible in order not to generate a delay even though the first try can be of poor quality: «Aller Anfanf ist schwer» - Every beginning is hard, «Anfang ist kein Meisterstück» - Beginning is no masterpiece. In the cases when the beginning is successful it is deemed that a satisfactory outcome is guaranteed: «Guter Anfand ist die halbe Arbeit» - A good beginning is half a task. Thus, it is supposed that the sooner we start the sooner we finish our task that is why there is no use to postpone and waste such valuable commodity as time: «Anfang und Ende reichen einander die Hände» - Start and finish extend hands towards each other. What is to be added is that sometimes people do not have motivation to start something; meanwhile, it is supposed to be wise to begin despite of the lack of interest; he/she may rapidly get into the swing of it and gain motivation directly in the process: «Der Appetit kommt beim Essen» - Appetite comes while eating. Yet, inner motivation and desire greatly fosters the process of task accomplishing: «Lust und Liebe macht alle Arbeit gerig» - Desire and love make work not that cumbersome.
To continue the discussion about time limits in terms of achievement it should be pointed out that it is believed in German culture that time is to be used consciously, reasonably and responsibly: «Was du heute kannst besorgen, das verschiebe nicht auf morgen» - If you can do it today, do not postpone it for tomorrow, «Heute ist besser als zehn morgen» - Today is better than ten tomorrow. The ability to properly organize one's own time and follow the schedule is also highly appreciated: «Der Fleissige macht aus einem Tage zwei» - Diligent people make two days out of one, «Warte nie bis zu Zeit hast» - Do not wait for a situation when you have time, «Wer keine Arbeit hat, der macht sich welche» - Someone who have no work to do finds a task on his/her own. Hence, from the proverbs presented above we can understand that there is no need to wait for task given by someone else it is more expedient take the initiative and arrange one's own leisure time not only with pleasure and rest but with profit too. It is assumed that hopes and aspirations which are not added with active actions may halt people's development: «Hoffen und Harren macht manchen zum Narren» - Hope and waiting turn some people into jesters. It is also noteworthy that people who frequently procrastinate and postpone important tasks are disapproved: «Des Faulen Werktag ist immer morgen, sein Ruhetag ist heute» - For lazy people a working is always tomorrow while a day off is today.
However, there exists a jeopardy that a period full of important tasks will end up with rush and fuss that can only poison business: «Hilz im Rat, Eil in der Tat bringt nichts als Schad» - Rush in business and advice bring nothing but harm. That is why a special value is put on self-discipline, order of task and moderation: «Mass ist zum allen Dingen gut» - Moderarion is gut in all disciplines, «Mässigkeit ist die beste Arznei» - Moderation is the best medicine, «Wer Mass hält in allen Dingen, der wird's auch zu etwas bringen» - Someone who maintain balance will achieve results. «Ordnung, Ordnung, liebe sie, sie erspart die Zeit und Müh» - Order, order, stick to it and it saves time and effort, «Ordnung ist das halbe Leben» - Order is a half life. Established turn and order of things should not be violated otherwise positive outcome will not be reached: «Wer alles tun will, tut nichts recht» - Someone who wants to do everything, do everything wrong, «Wer viel anfängt, beendet wenig» - Someone who starts much finishes little. It is obvious from the latter proverbs that order is a vital phenomenon for German culture bearers as they think that order of task helps them economize their time and effort. They can hardly imagine they life without order as it structures and navigates their life.
Even inspiration and lateral thinking are also framed: «Muse bracht Musse» - Muse needs leisure time. Rest is also incorporated into the regime that is stringently followed: «Nach getaner Arbeit ist gut ruhen» - It is pleasant to have a rest after the work is done. As it was previously mentioned moderation plays a salient role in the life of German culture representatives that is why hard labor is approved; however, it should not lead to exhaustion which is not correspond to the moderate level of effort. Moreover, if people are extremely tired they cannot return to their habitual mode of life which is highly approved in the society.
First of all, the importance of first step is discussed in many folklore elements of the German language; though beginning is rarely a masterpiece, it is highly likely to gain motivation and improve the quality of work in the process
It is also advisable not to postpone important tasks for tomorrow if it is impossible to perform it today because of the fact that time is a valuable commodity that should be used properly and respectfully.
Despite of the fact that hard work is greatly promoted moderation level should not be violated as it is one of the pillars of many values of German-speaking culture; moreover, even lateral thinking should be put into a definite framework too.
5) Power
As for such value as power, folklore elements frequently present people who possess such resources as money and power are presented in a rather negative way. Thus, it is believed that such people are quite arrogant and can treat even their family members with contempt: «Ein reicher Bauer kennt seine Verwandten nicht» - A rich peasant does not know his relatives. According to the above listed proverb, a person who gains wealth and social position begins to neglect his/her relatives as he/she suggests that they do not diverse his/her attention and favor.
Moreover, as it was previously discussed relationship between the rich and the poor may be of exploitative character that also discredits the affluent: «Der eine hat die Mühe, der andere hat die Brühe» - Some people make efforts while others make profit, «Dem Armen wird immer das Ärgste zuteil» - The poor gets the most unenviable fate. Therefore, from the above presented proverbs we can infer that while the poor give their time and strength to a hard work the rich enjoy the goods provided by labor of the poor.
Meanwhile, it should be mentioned that affluence does not always guarantee careless life. Thus, it is believed that wealth sometimes provides not only pleasure but also concern: «Je mehr Geld, desto mehr Sorgen» - The more money the more cares. Moreover, it is supposed that it is impossible to buy moral qualities or great cognitive skills: «Mit Gold kauft man weder Tugend noch Verstand» - It is impossible to buy cognitive abilities and benevolence, «Goldner Zaum macht das Pferd nicht besser» - Golden bridle does not make a horse better.
As we have mentioned above folk wisdom is far from being homogeneous and does not give a unified answer to some problem. Therefore, we have two contradictory proverbs: «Schlechten Leuten geht's immer gut» - Bad people are alwayd doing well and «Das Wetter schlägt gern in die hohe Türme» - Storm always hits tall towers. Thus, from the former proverb when approaching it metaphorically we can infer that the higher social position of a person is the more vulnerable he/she becomes. The former proverb, however, states that if a person succeeds in some business, he/she may be not that fair and can use people for their personal gain.
Having analyzed some elements of German national wisdom, we come to the conclusion that alongside with wealth people often gain such quality as arrogance and began to consider people who are close to them as someone who do not deserve their attention
The gap between the rich and the poor is presented the following way: the relationships between the poor and the rich have an exploitative character as the former produce some goods as a result of an exhausting work while the rich consume these goods and enjoy their life
It is also supposed that wealth can provide people with money and status; nevertheless, high morality and great cognitive abilities are not guaranteed
To prove that national wisdom can be sometimes of contradictory character, we can provide an example of two proverbs (interpreted from our perspective): one of them broadcasts the message that affluent people are always at risk while the other contains the idea that affluent people are doing well
6) Security
Regarding security value, it is expedient to start with the fact it is highly advisable to prepare and arrange everything beforehand in order to be disappointed and fight with dire consequences in the future: «Vorsich ist besser als Nachsicht» - Caution is better than regret. From the above presented folklore figure we can infer that it is better to be proactive that reactive. What is more, German national wisdom prescribes not to generate situation with which it will be mot possible to cope in the future: «Wer Wind sät, wird Sturm ernten» - Who makes wind will suffer from storm.
Moreover, national German wisdom in the form of the following proverb teaches people not to give empty promises and try to predict and calculate the chances whether it is possible to help someone or not in order not to deliver this news to a person when it is too late: «Ein Mann, ein Wort» - One man, one word. Therefore, we can infer that German culture representatives are concerned not only with their own security but of others' too.
To conclude the discussion about such value as conformity, we would like to cite the following proverb that proves that needs and requirement of one's own are prioritized and it is sometimes better to keep silence in order to avoid unsolicited troubles: «Meine Name is Hase (- ich weiß von nichts)» - My name is a hare (I know nothing about it).
First of all, it should be stated that such value as security is expressed in German-speaking culture as an inclination to be prepared for everything in advance in order to avoid dire consequences in the future; moreover, it is better to thoroughly calculate possible implications of every single step not to create the unprepared by a careless action
It is highly advisable not to give promises if it is impossible to provide some help in order not to get a person into troubles in the future, thus, German culture bearers tend to think not only about their security but about the one of other's
It is recommended to keep silence in some risky situations in order not to impose threat to one's own physical and mental health
7) Conformity
The desire of people to correspond to all the rules and the society sets and to be accepted by this society is not that acute in German culture as it is believed that it is hardly possible to be in a good contact with everyone: «Allen Leuten recht getan ist eine Kunst, die niemand kann» - No one can do good for everyone, «Jedermanns Freund ist niemands Freund» - Everybody's friend is no one's friend. Besides, people who passionately strive to satisfy the requirement of others are perceived and presented in quite a negative light, as jesters: «Das ist der grösste Narr von allen, der allen will gefallen» - It is the biggest jest of all that would like to be accepted by everyone, «Wer aller Welt gefallen will, wird aller Welt zum Narrenspiel» - Who would like to be accepted to the whole world it will end up with clowning.
Nevertheless, it should be pointed out that group harmony and consensus are hightly valued: «Eintracht bringt Macht» - Consensus brings power, «Eintracht ernähr, Zweitracht verzehrt», «Zusammen ist man stark» - Together people are strong. We can infer from the above listed proverbs that cooperation and healthy relationships within a group may bare fruit while nothing positive derives from negative feelings towards other people: «Hass und Neid bringen viel Leid» - Hatred and envy bring much suffering.
The desire to be accepted and appreciated by others is disapproved and even ridiculed
Smooth interaction within a group and collaboration are promoted since it is believed that together people can attain benefits not available under the condition of working individually
8) Tradition
We find it expedient to start the conversation about such value as tradition with ancestry as we have done discussing the reflection of tradition value in English-speaking culture. Thus, in compliance with national German wisdom children resemble their parents in terms of behavioral patterns, abilities and background: «Wie der Vater, so der Sohn», «Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm», «Von böser Kuh kommt kein gutes Kalb». The latter folklore figures demonstrate that children's future is predetermined from the environment where they grow.
Speaking about traditions and customs, it is believed that there is no use to try to change social order or to resist social norms since they so deeply embedded that it is more rational to obey: «Es kann keener mit dem Kopf durch die Wand» - It is impossible to break the wall with a head. Meanwhile, German national wisdom alongside with English and Russian is far from being homogeneous and recommendations that they provide regarding the same situation can be extremely different. Hence, German culture representative suppose that in times of changes it is reasonable to adjust to rapidly altering situation: «Die Zeiten ändern sich, und wir ändern uns mit ihnen» - Times change and we change with them. From the above presented folklore element of German culture we can infer that times often dictates its new rules and principles and make us accept them. Therefore, on the one hand, roots of some societal principles lie so deep that there is only one possible way out for us - to take them for granted. On the other - time alters and we have to accept its new conditions.
As it was previously mentioned such values as tradition and conformity are closely connected on the basis of obedience to social norms and expectations. If a person fits the requirements a group sets and follows its traditions, he/she gains such feeling as solidarity from the side of other members of a group. Thus, he/she gains confidence that no one will cause him/her threat: «Eine Krähe hackt der anderen kein Auge aus». What is more, it is suggested that only with the help of a community which they belong to people can gain high results: «Ein Mann macht keinen Tanz, eine Blume keinen Kranz». It is understandable that individual approach is not that valued since it is considered to be ineffective compared to mutual efforts.
Speaking about ancestry which is an important constituent part of such value as tradition, according to German national wisdom, environment where a child is nurtured is most often predetermines his/her future life
It is also believed that it is better to fit social expectations and accept social norms since they are deeply embedded and hardly changeable; what is more in the periods of social changes it is recommended to adjust to a new reality
If a person follows tradition establish by a community he/she belong to, it is a chance to find solidarity and take part in a mutually beneficial cooperation
9) Benevolence
We would like to start the discussion about benevolence with such phenomenon as empathy. It is considered to be quite complicated to understand someone else's feelings and try to imagine themselves in the position of other people: «Fremder Schmerz geht nicht ans Herz» - It is hard to feel someone else's pain with all the heart. Speaking of providing support to people who is in trouble, it is possible; meanwhile, it is believed that it is more helpful when people find strength in their own soul as only they can really cope with their problems and comfort themselves in the most suitable way: «Jeder ist sich sebst die Nächste». However, it does not give people right to communicate in a rude or improper manner. It is thought that a good word is always returned; thus, if you handle people properly, you can expect the same attitude from them: «Gutes Wort findet guten Ort». The reverse strategy is also workable: «Ein finster Blick kommt finster zurück», «Wer andere schimpft, den schimpften auch andere».
However, there are situations where words are inapplicable, especially when we speak about providing help to people who need it. If no active actions follow, it is recommended not to make promises and say words that mean nothing: «Raten ist leichter als helfen», «Verspricht nicht, was du nicht halten kannst», «Von den Worten zu den Taten ist ein weiter Weg», «Zwischen Wort und Werk liegt ein großer Berg». That is why it is highly advisable to remain from empty promise if it is impossible to offer anything substantial: «Scweigen ist eine Kunst, viel Klaffen bringt Ungunst», «Sweigen und denken kann niemand kränken».
Conclusions to practical part
1) Self-direction
To start with similarities regarding such value as self-direction Russian, German and English culture representatives suggest that it is quite natural to be concerned about one's own wellbeing and the one of the immediate family members and to prioritize one's own needs and requirement.
What is distinctive is that Russian culture bearers cares about self-image that is why according to Russian national wisdom it is not recommended to publically reveal one's own positive sides rather than negative.
2) Stimulation
Need, jeopardy and poverty are considered to be potent forces that stimulate people's physical and mental activity and make people enhance their living conditions
It is vital to mention that such concept as inner motivation that can spur people to do what is believed to be impossible is cute only for English-speaking culture from three compared.
3) Hedonism
As for such value as hedonism, in all three cultures it is presented in a rather negative light as it leads to moral and physical degradation.
In Russian culture hedonism value is frequently hyperbolized in order to criticize people who lead idle way of life.
It is important to mention that in English-speaking culture hedonism is supposed to be something that comes from devil that is why it is strongly recommended not to succumb to temptation and be corrupted by hostile power.
4) Achievement
The concept that the very first step is vital for every undertaking is promoted in three explored cultures. Russian, English and German representative believe that it is possible to achieve much gradually and consciously.
From our angle of perception, such components of achievement value as structure and moderate level of work are most eloquently incorporated in German national character.
However, the importance of moral component is most clearly expressed in English national character.
5) Power
As for similarities that we have found analyzing such value as power from the perspective of three cultures, we can infer that in compliance with national wisdom there is a big gap between the rich and the poor because of the fact that the rich do not understand needs and requirements of the poor. One more similar aspect is that affluence is described as a kind of personality test which reveals the extent to which the person is corrupted.
Yet, only in folklore figures of the Russian language we can find some kind of justification to leader's mistakes as the burden of responsibility on his/her shoulders is believed to be huge.
6) Security
Such value as security is promoted in folklore elements of the Russian, English and German languages. It is recommended not to postpone important task for tomorrow and prepare everything in advance in order not to get into dire circumstances.
Security value from the perspective of Russian and English cultures is inextricably bound up to such quality as courage.
According to Russian national wisdom it is not recommended to come into conflict with authority representatives to avoid troubles that they may cause while English national wisdom advise to be caution not only with people of higher social position but even with a neighbor whom English-speaking culture bearer can love at the same time.
7) Conformity
Regarding the perception of life within a community, Russian, English and German culture bearers find it expedient to accept social norms and adjust to social order to avoid unnecessary clashes and to use an opportunity for healthy cooperation.
Nevertheless, only in German folklore figures we can find mockery of people who strive to make friends and to make a favorable impression on each person in his/her life.
8) Tradition
Tradition value is perceived as a guideline which structures and navigates our life and makes it possible to belong to a certain community from the side of Russian, English and German cultures.
Nevertheless, English culture bearers suppose that only a foolish person may follow all prescribed rules and does not formulate his/her own opinion.
9) Benevolence
Speaking about view that three culture share, benevolence is deemed to be a crucial concept as it makes a significant contribution to mutually beneficial relationships.
However, according to Russian national wisdom, it is hard to properly handle people because of the fact that it is almost impossible to penetrate into the hidden tissue of their soul. What is more, it requires a lot of time spent together especially in difficult conditions to learn a person.
10) Universalism
Ultimately, as for universalism value we cannot say that we found a great discrepancy between perception of this value in Russia, English and German cultures. Natural resources should be treated reasonably and respectfully alongside with people who inhabit this world.
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êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [27,7 K], äîáàâëåí 27.06.2011Loan-words of English origin in Russian Language. Original Russian vocabulary. Borrowings in Russian language, assimilation of new words, stresses in loan-words. Loan words in English language. Periods of Russian words penetration into English language.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [55,4 K], äîáàâëåí 16.04.2011Lexico-semantic features of antonyms in modern English. The concept of polarity of meaning. Morphological and semantic classifications of antonyms. Differences of meaning of antonyms. Using antonyms pair in proverbs and sayings. Lexical meaning of words.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [43,0 K], äîáàâëåí 05.10.2011A proverb as a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity. Confucius as the most famous creator of proverbs. Grammatical structures of proverbs.
ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [895,6 K], äîáàâëåí 05.04.2013The history of football. Specific features of English football lexis and its influence on Russian: the peculiarities of Russian loan-words. The origin of the Russian football positions’ names. The formation of the English football clubs’ nicknames.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [31,8 K], äîáàâëåí 18.12.2011The Concept of Polarity of Meaning. Textual Presentation of Antonyms in Modern English. Synonym in English language. Changeability and substitution of meanings. Synonymy and collocative meaning. Interchangeable character of words and their synonymy.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [59,5 K], äîáàâëåí 08.12.2013