The reflection of national in proverbs and folk sayings of the Russian, English and German language

The study of the concept of national character, its sources and approaches to its research. Characteristic features of reflecting national character in proverbs and proverbs of Russian, English and German. The most common folkloric elements are described.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 07.12.2019
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Money and power which often go hand in hand are presented as some kind of test that often discloses people's either positive or negative character features the existence of which are not always previously realized

6) Security

Such value as security is contained in the following famous Russian proverb: «Береженого и бог бережет» - Someone who protects himself/herself is protected by god. This proverb denotes that it is a prior task for Russian people to care about themselves and to ensure their future. Caution is supposed to be an important phenomenon because of the fact that it is believed that people's life is always at risk that is why protection is so called a must have: «Жизнь человека всегда на волоске висит» - Human life always hangs by a thread.

Before indulging into some enterprise, it is strongly recommended to explore as many sides of a phenomenon as it is possible in order not to make a mistake: «Не мчись в воду, не пытавшись броду» - Do not rush into the water without testing a ford, «Не окинув лошади - в стойло не лезь» - Do not get into the stable without looking at a horse. Thus, is advisable even to overestimate the chances of an enemy or some natural objects in order to be prepared for every turn of events beforehand: «Хорошо море с берега» - A sea seems to be peaceful only from the shore, «Мелка река, да круты берега» - A river is small but shores are steep, «Не ставь неприятеля овцою, ставь его волком» - Do not imagine an enemy as a sheep but to imagine him/her as a wolf. What is more, it is reasonable to be alert even with close friend and relatives: «С ним дружись, а за саблю держись» - Be friends with a person but hold on to a saber.

One more aspect that should be examined is that the most carefully we frequently have to behave with authority representatives otherwise some hardships can occur on our life path: «С тем не бранись, кому будешь кланяться» - Do not quarrel with someone to whom you will bow.

Caution is connected to other qualities such as, for instance, wisdom and courage because of the fact that caution requires time, effort and background knowledge to calculate whether an undertaking brings fruit or not: «Осторожность - мать мудрости» - Caution is mother of wisdom, «Истинное мужество - осторожность» - Caution is a true courage.

Hence, Russian culture representative suppose that caution is an essential part of their life since even one small false step can cause a huge disaster: «От искры Москва загорелась» - A spark set fire to Moscow. Therefore, caution is able to do a bad service to people who do not adhere to its rules: «Неосторожность человеку везде вредит» - Carelessness harms a person everywhere (in every sphere of his/her life).

As for the image of tomorrow which is also acute for security value, tomorrow is ensured be a hard work that is performed today: «Не оставляй на завтра дела, а оставляй хлеба» - Do not postpone tasks for tomorrow but save bread. It means that it is better to have some goods in reserve because no one knows what happens tomorrow. It is also recommended to have a plane or a strategy at least for the nearest future as it will inevitably reach us and it is better to quickly react and properly behave according to new reality. Moreover, there is no use to concentrate too much of our attention on the past as we are not able to alter something: «Прошлого не возвратишь, а думай, как наперед жить» - It is impossible to return the part that is why it is better to think about the future, «Прошлого не догонишь, а от завтра не уйдёшь» - It is impossible to catch up the past and walk away from the future.


It is supposed that caution is an intrinsic part of our life because of the fact that it is almost always in jeopardy that is why we should protect it to the maximum extend possible

It is strongly recommended to explore a situation at different angles before tightly dealing with it to avoid unexpected difficulties which it may imply

Not only should we be careful with enemies but with our friends and relatives too as we cannot know what to expect from them

According to Russian national wisdom, it is advisable not to engage in a conflict with representative of authority since it entails negative consequences

It is also believed that caution goes hand in hand with such qualities as wisdom and courage

Finally, speaking about providing optimal conditions for future life, it is no use to ponder over some alternatives for the past - it is gone and we cannot change this fact; it is recommended to have something in stock for a rainy day or at least a plan or strategy for the immediate future

7) Conformity

Concerning conformity such value as conformity, people adjust their behavior to the principles dictated by society out of the following reasons: 1) They suppose that it is hardly possible to change social order that is why it is easier to take current state of affairs for granted; 2) They look for the sense of belonging and solidarity; they are scared of lonely existence.

Let us elaborate the first reason called above. Thus, it is believed that it is almost impossible to alter social pillars that were generated many centuries ago: «Общество не осиновый кол, его не скоро сломишь» - Society is not a wooden stake, it will no be broken soon, «Что миром положено, тому и быть так» - What is established by the world is right, «С миром не поспоришь» - It is useless to argue with the world, «Мирская правда крепко стоит» - World's truth is tight. Moreover, there is a high probability to make a mistake deviating from social norms: «От масс оторвёшься - споткнёшься» - A person disconnected from masses will make a mistake.

The second reason lies in the sense of solidarity within a group. Hence, it is believed that it is considerably easier to survive some misfortune being a part of a group: «Одному страшно, а всем миром не страшно» - It is scaring to be alone but it is not scaring to be with the world, «С миром беда не в убыток» - Misfortune is not at a loss shared with the world, «На миру и смерть прекрасна» - Death is beautiful when it is shared with the world. From the above presented folklore figures we can infer that even death seems not that scary if you are a member of a community. Moreover, there is a strong desire to share both negative and positive impulses too such as a good mood or some celebration: «Одному жить - сердцу холодно» - It is cold for heart to live alone, «Одному и топиться идти скучно» - It is even boring to go alone to drown yourself, «За общим столом еда вкуснее» - Food is tastier at a communal table.

Society is also compared to such an object of nature as wood while a separate individual - to a tree that suffers from different setbacks struggling alone: «Даже дуб в одиночестве засыхает, а в лесу живет века» - Even an oak dries out being alone but lives in the forest for centuries, «Трудно и дереву одному расти» - It is hard for a tree to grow alone too, «Одинокое дерево ветра боится, одинокий человек людей страшится» - A lonely tree is afraid of wind, a lonely person is scared of people. Not only trees need company to productively function but also other living organisms: «И воробей не живет без людей» - Even a sparrow does not live without people.

Additionally, being a member of a community people feel that they all are equal and can provide help, support etc and require the same from other people belonging to this community. This though is included into the following motto: «Один за всех, все за одного» - All for one and one for all. The same principle can be found in the following proverb: «В кулаке все пальцы равны» - All fingers are equal in a fist. A community is compared to a fist, therefore, we can understand that members of a community are equal as finger equal in a hand and only provided this condition a community and a hand are strong.


People strive to live within a community for two reasons: it is almost impossible to change an order set by a society, thus, they accept it; many people feel an urgent need to share what is going on that is why a sense of belonging to a group is their must have, there is also easy to slip up creating one's own path

Society is compared a such natural object as wood to highlight that it is more efficient for a tree (an individual) to function within an ecosystem (a community) than to build its own path which can be thorny

Coexistence can give people the sense of equality which many of them long for as it gives them confidence and strength

8) Tradition

To begin with, according to Russian national wisdom, it is believed that people are different on the basis of environment where they were nurtured: «И те же люди, да не те нравы» - People are the same but customs are different. It is supposed that customs and traditions are framework that glues people in the social institutions and these institutions to each other, respectively. Therefore, if we try to break these frames, it may lead to some kind of collapse: «Недолго той земле стоять, где начнут уставы ломать» - The land where customs begin to break down will not exist long.

That is why it is recommended to follow the rules and principle on contact with foreign culture in order to avoid unnecessary clashes: «В какой народ попадешь, такую шапку и наденешь» - You put on the hat of the community you get in, «В каком народе живёшь, такого обычая и держишься» - You stick to the law of people you live with, «В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходи» - Do not enter foreign institution with your own principles, «Между воронами и сорока по-вороньи каркает» - Even a magpie croaks as a crow being among crow. Furthermore, it is hard to coexist with other people if you do not follow set principles: «Безобычному человеку с людьми не жить» - It is hard to live with people if you do not follow their custom.

It is believed that custom is wise that is why it serves as a kind of benchmark that help people navigate their life, it is a code that contains many answers to people's questions: «Обычай бычий, а ум телячий» - Custom is of bull's whereas mind is of calf's. This folk saying shows that personal wisdom is not that deep as folk one.

One more aspect that deserves our attention is that is custom is opposed to law and it is deemed that custom is more reliable since it is older than law: «Обычай крепче закона» - Custom is stronger than law, «Обычай старше закона» - Custom is older than law. That is one more reason why custom is perceived as first instance.


Customs and traditions are guidelines which structure and navigate people's life; if people try to radically change these mechanisms of social regulation, irreparable consequences ensue

Nation wisdom in the form of customs and traditions is supposed to be more credible than personal one that is why it is advisable to rely on the former one

It is better for a newcomer to follow the rules of a community which he/she joins in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts

In the opposition of custom and law custom is perceived to be more reliable as it is older and stronger than law

9) Benevolence

Speaking about warm attitude toward other people, it should be said that Russian culture representatives are ready to give anything to people who are close to them: «Для милого дружка и серёжка из ушка» - An earring for a beloved friend (For a beloved friend nothing is too good even such a piece of one's own jewelry as an earring). However, as for work issues, it is believed to be more expedient to separate private and work business: «Дружба дружбой, а служба службой» - Friendship is friendship while business is business.

It is also vital to point out that it is important to handle people respectfully in properly as there is always a chance that we can return to them in the times of urgent need: «Не плюй в колодец - пригодится водицы напиться» - Do not spit in the well, it can be useful to drink water out of it, «Не руби сук, на котором сидишь» - Do not chop the limb you sit on.

As for understanding other people's feelings, it is considered to be quite a complicated process as it is believed that is hardly possible to penetrate into the hidden issue of other people's thoughts and beliefs: «Чужая душа - потёмки» - Someone else's soul is darkness, «В сердце не влезешь» - It is impossible to get into someone else's hear (It is impossible to fully understand someone else), «В сердце нет окна» - There is no window in someone else's heart (It is impossible to see through people's minds, «В чужую душу не влезешь» - It is impossible to get into someone else's soul, «Душа - не одежда, наизнанку не вывернешь» - Soul is not clothes, it is impossible to turn it inside out, «Людское сердце не лукошко - не прорежешь в нём окошко» - People's heart is not a basket, it is impossible to cut a window in it, «Нет таких нрав, чтобы узнать чужой нрав» - There are no such herbs to discover someone else's character. One more portion of proverbs that convey similar message: «Человек - не орех, сразу не раскусишь» - A person is not a nut, it is impossible to crack it right away, «Человек - что замок, к каждому надо ключик подобрать» - A person is like a lock, everybody requires their own key, «Чужая душа - дремучий бор» - Someone else's soul is like a dense wood, «Чужая душа - не гумно: не заглянешь» - Someone else's soul is not a barn, it is impossible to look into it. Thus, this portion of folklore elements gives us the right to state that people do not hurry to interfere into the life of other people with their advice or recommendation as they suppose that their own attitude to life is not the one that is intrinsically correct. That is the reason why recommendations are frequently criticized: «Умный любит учиться, а дурак - учить» - A clever person likes to learn, a foolish one - to teach, «Умный не тот, кто много говорит, а тот, кто много знает» - A clever person is not the one who speaks much but the one who knows much. Similarly people who are inclined to disseminate information both about themselves and about other people rarely can find approval in the society. Hence, it is highly recommended to concentrate on doing something useful than on giving advice or being engaged into purposeless chattering: «Скоро сказка сказывается, да не скоро дело делается» - Fairy tale is soon told but task is done not that fast, «Соловья баснями не кормят» - It is impossible to feed a nightingale with fables, «В пустой бочке и шуму много» - There is much noise in an empty barrel. It is also better to restrain yourself from comments or recommendation in order not to hurt an interlocutor and poison the relationships: «Слово не воробей, вылетит - не поймаешь» - Word is not a sparrow, it is impossible to catch it if it flies out, «Слово - серебро, молчание - золото» - Word is silver, silence is gold. There is one more point that merits our attention which comes in contact with giving comments. Sometimes it more preferable to get disapproval and constructive criticism as a feedback than praise which does not correspond to the reality: «Лучше горькая правда, чем сладкая ложь» - Bitter truth is better than sweet lie, «Лучше умная хула, чем дурацкая похвала» - A smart disapproval is better than a foolish approval. Praise and criticism are also dependent upon the credibility of the resource where they come from and whether this very feedback will have positive consequences: «От умного и брань на пользу, от дурака и ласковое слово ни к чему» - Disapproval which comes from a clever person is useful while a kind word stemmed from a foolish person is not needed.

As it was previously mentioned it can be quite an onerous task to understand someone else's motives of behavior; however, given the fact that people get through many situations together especially if they are of difficult character, it is possible that they know something about each other: «Человека узнаешь, когда с ним пуд соли ложкой похлебаешь» - You cannot learn a person until you eat a pood a salt using a spoon with him/her, «Человека узнаешь, когда c ним из семи печек щей похлебаешь» - You can learn a person when you eat cabbage soup out of seven stoves with him/her, «Пока не поешь каши из одной чаши, так и человека не узнаешь» - You cannot learn a person until you eat porridge out of one bowl with him/her.


In accordance with Russian national wisdom nothing us too good for a close person, meanwhile it is better to separate working and personal relationships

It is also highly recommended not to spoil relationships with people because we never know under what circumstances we get back to them

It is supposed that it can be considerably problematic to understand and comfort a person because of the fact that he/she possesses his/her own thoughts and beliefs which may seem alien to us

Finally, it is can be a painstaking process to build reliable relationships as it is needed to get through many positive and negative moments with a person whom you can subsequently call a life companion

10) Universalism

The conversation about such value as universalism we would like to start with attitude towards nature that is promoted in Russian tradition. Thus, careful treatment of natural resourced is supposed to be a rational decision as nature can give people such goods as water, food, materials for all possible industries and joy of life which is manifested in providing unique places for recreation and gaining energy and inspiration: «Много снега - много хлеба, много воды - много травы» - Much snow - much bread, much water - much grass, «Без времени лес рубить - не из чего будет избу срубить» - If you cut a forest purposelessly, you will have no material to build a house, «Рощи и леса - всему миру краса» - Groves and forests are beauty for the whole world, «Плела хоть и жалит, да мёд даёт» - Though a bee stings, it gives honey. From the above presented folklore elements we can judge that nature is an intrinsic part of people's life that is the reason why it should be carefully cultivated and properly treated: «Нет плохой земли, если плохие хозяева» - There is no bad land, there are bad landlords, «Не жди от природы милости, сам садочек сади, сам и вырасти» - Do not wait for favor from nature, plan a garden and grow it on your own, «Умей охотиться - умей и о дичи заботиться» - Do not only hunt but also care about game. What should also be revealed is that the idea of exhaustion of natural resources that happens because of people's reckless behavior is actively discussed in proverbs and folk saying of the Russian language: «Срубленное дерево вновь не вырастет» - Cut tree will not grow again, «Одна искра целый лес сжигает» - One spark burns down the whole forest, «Один человек оставляет в лесу след, сто человек - тропу, тысяча - пустыню» - A person leaves a footprint in the forest, a hundred of people - a path, a thousand - a desert, «Скажешь - не воротишь; напишешь - не сотрешь; отрубишь - не приставишь» - If you say, you do not return your words, write - not erase, cut off - not restore, «Не беречь поросли, не видать и деревца» - If you do not protect shoots, you will never see a tree. That is why consciously and responsibly approach the question what we can take from nature and what we should leave in order not to destruct specially organized order of ecosystem: «Не все стриги, что растет» - Do not cut everything that grows. In addition to what have already said we would like to add that nature and its inhabitants are frequently personified in order to intensify the effect of suffering that nature feels when people treat it improperly: «Так тебе и заплакал лес по топорищу» - Forest cries seeing an axe, «Бор свели, а соловушка по гнезду плачет» - Forest is cut down and a nightingale bewails its nest.

Such value as universalism incorporates not only attitude towards nature and natural resources but human relationships too, to be more precise, peaceful collaboration between and smooth interaction between diverse cultures and nationalities. This concept is eloquently encapsulated in the following motto: «Миру - мир» - World needs peace. Thus, it is believed that it is a natural state and desire of people to peacefully coexist: «Цветам нужно солнце, а людям - мир» - Flowers need sun whereas people - peace, «Растения тянутся к свету, а народы - к миру» - Plants reach for light while peoples - for peace. According to Russian proverbs, creating optimal conditions for healthy cooperation can be characterized as a noble cause: «Мир - дело великое» - Peace is a great cause, «Кто сеет мир, тот пожинает счастье» - Someone who sows peace reaps happiness, «Дело мира правдою сильно» - The cause of peace is strong by its righteousness. From our perspective, it is logical to conclude the discussion of universalism value with the next proverb which demonstrates that by all means people should try to find compromise and halt clashes which may end up with irreparable consequences: «Соломенный мир лучше железной драки» - A straw peace is better than an iron fight. This proverb has a prototype which was generated by Cicero, a Roman philosopher and it sounds like that: «Худой мир лучше доброй войны» - A bad peace is better than a good war.


In Russian tradition nature is presented as a spirit that can provide people with many goods for their living that is why it is important to handle it with all respect and responsibility because of the fact that its resources can get exhausted

Nature and natural objects are represented as living organisms that are able to feel ache when people treat them improperly

Peace which is one more constituent component of universalism value is better to be maintained; collisions that may bring dire implications should be prevented by means of compromise

2.2 The reflection of national character in proverbs and folk saying of the English language

1) Self-direction

Such value as self-direction is frequently expressed in the proverbs and folk saying of the English language through religion. Religious beliefs are encourage and approved, however, self-reliance should prevail over faith. The following proverbs eloquently demonstrate our statement: «Put your trust in God, but keep your powder dry», «God is God but don't be a clod» and «God helps those who help themselves». It means that a person can live with God in his/her heart or mind; meanwhile, it is necessary to start acting as soon as possible to resolve some issue. The importance of first step is also greatly promoted. Such proverbs as «A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step» and «The first blow is half the battle» illustrate the significance of the beginning in every enterprise.

Furthermore, self-reliance can be understood not only through the prism of religion. «If you want a thing well done, do it yourself» - proverb that highlights that is can be quite risky to delegate a task to someone else.

It is also noteworthy that, according to English mentality, personal interests sometimes prevail over the interest and needs of other people: «Self conies first».


Individualistic and independent approach is to observe regarding self-direction value of English speaking culture. People can live with hope and faith, yet active behavior has to ensue, passive hope, observation and waiting cannot help by overcoming adversities.

Needs and requirements of self are prioritized over other's demands.

The issue of the first step is deemed to be considerable in every process and sometimes even weights a half of the whole enterprise.

2) Stimulation

Speaking about stimulation, we cannot avoid mentioning the fist step also in this section. It can refer both to inner and outer stimulation. From such proverbs as «The proof of the pudding is in the eating», «It is the first step that costs» and «A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step» we can infer that there is no other way out to alter current state of affairs but to immerse into the situation. Nonetheless, it should be mentioned that despite all the courage that a person feels («Cheek brings luck», «He that is afraid of wounds must not come near a battle»), the plan of actions should be thoroughly thought through: «In every beginning think of the end».

As for time and place of some active actions, we can find many contradictory proverbs and folk sayings of English folklore. For instance, the proverb «There is no time like the present» can serve as a stimulator or motivator to take some measures. On the other hand, we can continue our discussion about the elaboration of the plan in a detail, including the choice of suitable time and place. The following proverbs can prove our hypothesis: «Everything good in its season» and «A place for everything and everything in its place». Hence, some measures always need undertaking, though it should be done very carefully. Besides, extrapolation of our time and strength onto many disciplines are frequently disapproved and criticized. For example, in the proverb «One thing at a time» multitasking is presented in quite a negative light. In other proverbs such as «Jack of all trades, master of none» and «To know everything is to know nothing» the involvement of a person in many various spheres of occupation is condemned since it is supposed that a person can be competent only in one particular subject.

Concerning inner stimulation, it should be stated that there is a considerable portion of proverbs and folk sayings in the English language regarding our will and desire such as the following: «Where there's a will, there is a way», «What we do willingly is easy» or «A wish is a father of thought». It means that our inner motivation is thought to be a powerful vehicle for development.

Regarding outer stimulation, it is considered as a motivational force too. It is assumed that when people are in trouble they sometimes find their second wind and suitable solution to their problems: «Necessity is the mother of invention», «Despair gives courage to a coward» and «Want is the mother of industry». Hence, we can see that even when it seems that there is no way out a clever thought comes to mind.


The importance of fist step is considerably high; meanwhile, it is thought to be irrational to boldly immerse into the abyss of unknown enterprise, plan of actions should be elaborated

Inner motivation is supposed to be a forceful leverage for positive changes; however, in some cases outer stimulation may serve as engine of progress

3) Hedonism

Judging from the portion of proverbs that contain negative attitude towards different kings of pleasures, we can conclude that hedonism is not that valued in the English speaking culture.

Hedonism can be perceived even as something that derives from devil. In some proverbs we can observe that some dark power is always waiting to corrupt and spoil people who lead idle way of life. The following proverbs prove our suggestion: «Idleness is the root of all evil», «An idle brain is the devil's workshop», «Satan finds some mischief still for the idle hands to do».

In order not to become corrupted by hostile power a person should set business over pleasure: «Business before pleasure». Business is perceived as a central phenomenon in people's life around which other activities revolve: «Business is the salt of life».

Yet, a place for satisfaction also has to be found: «Work done, have your fun». People who are fully engaged into the work process and cannot get distracted on some innocent activity to derive pleasure from are also not endorsed as it is supposed to be important to maintain balance between work and pleasure: «All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy», «It's a poor heart that never rejoices», «The day is lost on which you did not laugh».


Idle heart and mind are thought to be an enabling environment for devil's deeds.

Business comes first, pleasure comes second.

Despite of the fact that work is supposed to be an integral part of our life, pleasure should also be present.

4) Achievement

Speaking about achievement, will is thought to be core constituent component that helps people survive in many severe circumstances: «Where there's a will, there is a way». Nonetheless, will is not enough to achieve highs. Will is perceived as a moral and spiritual part of any enterprise; however, active actions and hard work should be undoubtedly added. We can prove our suggestion with the following proverb: «Ninety per cent of inspiration is perspiration». It would be logical to state that there is no use to wait and hope for success when no active actions are undertaken: «Nothing comes from nothing», «He who sleeps catches no fish», «The sleeping fox catches no poultry», «Success is a ladder that cannot be climbed with your hands in your pockets», «No sweet without some sweat». As we can observe there is a large amount of such motivational proverbs and folk sayings in the English language that advocate for labor and criticize idle and carefree way of life especially when people lead such kind of life and assume that everything will come without their direct engagement and participation.

It is also stated that the road to success may be quite bumpy, though all these hardships can be surmounted with the help of hard work again: «The best fish swim near the bottom». Returning to hopes and aspirations of people who want to attain everything without struggle it is pointed out that it is hardly possible to take and enjoy credit omitting the stage of hard and systematic work: «There is no royal road to learning». Moreover, there are some disciplines where only one's own achievements are valued not family ties or other factors of this kind.

Yet, before immerse into the active action, it is expedient to ponder over the issue how to make the endeavor more effective and to make it bring fruit: «Measure thrice and cut once». The same picture we could observe when we spoke about stimulation. Moreover, it is highly recommended to find patience and do everything gradually, step by step; most frequently it is hard to do without sacrificing calm existence for the sake of victory: «Slow and steady wins the race», «Learn to walk before you run», «He that would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens». It is also supposed to be crucial not to lose courage, hope and enthusiasm in case of defeat as even failure can make a substantial contribution and bring us closer to victory: «Failure is the stepping stone for success». Thus, we can infer that it is advisable to change the angle at which defeat is most often approached and try to perceive it as an indispensable part of victory that has its own merits.


With the help of such moral component as will people can move mountains

However, bare wish is not enough that is why active actions should be implemented

Passivity is roundly criticized and it is no use to hope for the best without struggle

It is advisable not to into active behavior straight forward but to patiently think through every single step

Ultimately, it is believed to be of considerable importance not no lose the presence of mind getting through all the failures on the bumpy road to success

5) Power

Though many people strive for money and power, in English proverbs and folk saying we can find that money and power are understood as curse rather that liability as they require much concern: «Much gold, much care», «A great fortune is a great slavery», «Too much water drowned the miller». Therefore, people choose a more moderate level of power and money in order not to get into the «golden cage»: «Better little fire to warm us than a great one to burn us». Moreover, for some people it is even better not to be rich to resist the temptation of money and power, they prefer other qualities that can make their life happier: «Better be born lucky than rich». Affluence is some kind of litmus test to identify to what extend a person is corrupted and whether a person abuses his/her social position for only his/her own profit or pleasure: «If you wish to know what a man is, place him in authority», «He is a good man whom fortune makes all better».

Affluent people do not possess such quality of fairness according to the following folk sayings: «One law for the rich, and another for the poor», «Law makers should not be a law breakers», «Might goes before right». Moreover, people in authority are perceived as someone who does not think about the needs and requirement of people who are inferior to them: «He that is warm thinks all so». They not only do not understand that people who do not belong to their social circle may have troubles and their living conditions are sometimes far from being satisfactory, they use ordinary people out of purposes that cannot be characterized as lofty: «War is the sport of kings». War that is the tragedy for all humanity is only a competition for people who occupy prestigious social positions and a means for gaining more power and resources.


Power and money are perceived as a test that identifies how people change under the influence of privileges that they acquire that is why people are more inclined to possess moral qualities than to be corrupted by money and power

Affluent people are considered to be blind for the needs and requirements of people who are inferior to them that is why they can manipulate these people pursuing their personal purposes

6) Security

English desire always to be safe and in the secure conditions is expressed in the following proverb which is very famous: «It is better safe than sorry». It implies creating optimal conditions beforehand in order to avoid negative implications in the future or not to impose risk and threat to life and health. From the perspective of English speaking culture representatives, it is expedient to do and prepare everything in advance not to regret and feel uncertain and ambiguous: «Make hey while sun shines», «Strike while the iron is hot».

A great portion of proverbs in the English are devoted to safety and security in many different forms: «Discretion is the better part of valor», «There is safety in numbers», «Caution is the parent of safety», «An ounce of discretion is worth a pound of learning». Hence, we can arrive at the conclusion that safety is an essential part of the English culture.

This preference for security and safety refer not only to inner circumstance but to the relationships with people from your social circle with whom it is better to be quite careful: «Love your neighbor, yet pull not down your fence». It presumably denotes that people do not always ready and want to divulge their personal attributes; thus, they suppose that it is more relevant to maintain the distance.

Such value as safety is closely connected to stimulation and achievement. As it was previously mentioned, it is highly recommended that people should take actions; nevertheless, the risk of the defeat is to be calculated with mathematically sound approaches.


According to national English wisdom, to ensure the immediate future it is recommended to prepare everything in advance especially if there is a profitable opportunity to do that

Caution is considered to be a positive quality, moreover, an indispensable part of life and is connected to other qualities such as courage

Though it is highly possible to experience warm feelings toward acquaintances, friends and family members, according to English folklore elements, it is advisable to maintain an indivisible distance in the form of discretion

7) Conformity

As it was discussed above safety and security are one of the most primary values and such value as conformity is in the close correlation with the former principles. Judging from the proverbs and folk saying of the English language, it is better to accept inevitable events that cannot be altered («What cannot be cured must be endured»). Frequently it is healthier to adjust to them and obey as our disobedience can cost us so much: «Better bend than break».

Speaking about human relationships, the same principle is applicable to this aspect. From the proverb «A better compromise is better than a good lawsuit» it is evident that it is more preferable to declare neutrality than to make a risky decision that can lead to an overt clash of interests. The next folk saying proves our point: «It is ill striving against the stream». Furthermore, standing out of the crowd is not that approved and it frequently bears fruit: «The voice of one man is the voice of none», «Woe to him who is alone». Hence, the opinion of single person is rarely taken into account that is why it is surely safer to follow the crowd even if the person does not share its viewpoints.

It is also vital to state that adopting and emulating behavioral patterns of people from different cultures in its broad sense. People need this smooth interaction and mild cooperation to help them avoid conflicts on the foreign hostile territory: «When in Rome, do as Romans do». Adoption of different culture behavioral strategies can be related to negative impulses too. Therefore, if a person is determined to be engage into the conflict, it is expedient to deploy his/her methods to maintain the position.

The discussion of such value as conformity in the English speaking culture can be concluded with the following proverb: «If you can't be good, be careful». The thought that is implied in this proverb is that safety is everyone's prior responsibility. If a person cannot be distinct in some activity or possess some endearing quality of character, he/she should at least carefully and cautiously treat their life and health.


It is believed that in many situations it is better to adapt social norms and adjust to them because of the fact that there is a high probability to be socially rejected which, in its turn, refers to the strongest social fears

According to national wisdom of English-speaking culture, it is suggested that even poor compromise on disadvantageous terms is better than a state of sever confrontation

Speaking about interaction with other cultures, it is better to obey to rules and principle dictated by foreign culture to avoid unsolicited conflicts in a foreign land

If a person cannot properly handle herself/himself or other people, he/she should be at least careful as it is deemed to be a core quality

8) Tradition

Speaking about tradition, it is also expedient to touch upon family ties since here we deal with relationships within a group and attitude towards this group. Thus, according to some proverbs and folk sayings that exist in the English speaking culture, it is quite hard for a person to conceal his/her background and roots, his/her behavioral patterns and even appearance frequently betrays where he/she stems from: «The leopard cannot change his spots». Leopard spots are not only on his fur cover but on skin cover too. It presumably can denote that our culture is so deeply embedded in us that it is unreasonable to imitate someone else's culture because of the fact that when inner attributes are pulled back the core is left. Moreover, it is believed that it is complicated to alter the standards of behavior that were instilled in this particular community: «Like father, like son», «You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear». The latter proverb entails that the context where we live in predetermines the events that happen to us in our future.

Rigid hierarchy and tight boundaries between that should not be violated be can also observed in the English folklore elements: «A sow is no match for a goose». This hierarchy prescribes place for every member of the society on the social ladder and it is better not to occupy someone else's place: «Every tub must stand on its own bottom. Modal verb «must» can be found in the above mentioned proverb which is the indicative of obligation that is why we infer that the extend of the stability of social hierarchy is considerably high.

Traditions are sometimes treated with skepticism and criticism: «Custom is the plague for wise men and the idol for fools». This proverb incorporates the idea that many people find it unnecessary and even foolish to follow the rules dictated be the community they belong to as they have they own independent opinion. They also assume that only people who cannot form their viewpoint obey formal principles and regulations established by the society: «One sheep follows another». This position is contradictory to conformity value, though tradition and conformity as it was previously pointed out are connected according to underlying motivation which is obedience for the sake of avoiding unsolicited consequences and losing face. Therefore, tradition may force people to take actions they are supposed to take in order to maintain the status of the active member of the community: «Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl».


As for ancestry which we also refer to tradition value, it is believed that it complicated to change the behavioral line that is instilled to a person by his/her relatives in the environment where he/she is nurtured

A stringent hierarchy can be observed in some folklore elements of the English language; it frequently leads to nothing if this social structure is violated

Despite of the fact that it is strongly recommended to careful, sometimes the decision to follow the crow is compare to the action undertaken by a mindless animal

Meanwhile, it is believed that a group can make people follow its regulations for people to hold the status of full-fledge member of this community

9) Benevolence

We would like to start the conversation about such value as benevolence with the reflection of communication patterns that English culture bearers deploy to establish and maintain mutually beneficial positive relationships: «A soft answer turns away wrath», «There is a great force in soft command», «Good words cost nothing and arc worth much». From these proverbs we can understand that verbal communication is perceived as an effective tool to smooth interaction and create a pleasant atmosphere. As for communication style, it is better to choose a gentle one. Utterances that may even indirectly insult an interlocutor should be omitted in order not to put relationships at risk: «Better lose a jest than a friend». Thus, not to ridicule someone is more preferable than to provoke a conflict. Mutual respect is deemed to be an integral part of relationships: «He that does not respect is not respected».

Help is one more aspect of benevolence that merits our attention. English culture representative suppose that help is to come timely: «Slow help is no help», «When a friend asks there is no tomorrow». What is more, sometimes it is not enough simply to comfort people who are in a complicated situation but to provide real and tangible help to alter the circumstances for the better: «A little help is worth a deal of pity». Therefore, words play a pivotal role in people's relationships; however, in some cases material help is much more applicable because of the fact that words cannot actually change current state of affairs. To continue the discussion about help we would like to mention that help is to be provided from the heart: «A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men». It points to the fact that it is better not to offer help unless there is a sincere desire. All in all, help and support are greatly valued, approved and promoted: «It is more blessed to give than to receive», «It's better to give than to take».

Meanwhile, the desire to help should be of moderate level. Individualism is also workable in this very case. First of all, people care about themselves and their immediate family members. It was discussed in the section of self-direction value that needs and requirements of self have to be primarily served: «Self conies first». Hence, it is supposed to be more relevant and reasonable to start with family members: «Charity begins at home».

Though it is quite easy to get tired of guests and friends it is recommended to suppress this feeling and try to be hospitable and generous despite all circumstances: «Do not wear out your welcome». Yet, this proverb can be interpreted the other way, thus, acquiring the opposite meaning. This proverb can be used with sarcastic subtext and it will point to a person who is so helpful and gregarious that he/she will be exhausted because of such behavior. That is why we can assume that this folklore element encompasses the thought that it is impossible to satisfy the needs of everyone; hence, one's own requirements come to the foreground.


Smooth interaction is more preferable as it is supposed to be more effective than a command that cannot contribute to a mild resolution of an issue

Help is greatly promoted, especially if it is tangible and is provided in right time

Paramount value is placed on support and help, yet it is advised to serve the needs of self, relatives and close friends and only then to reallocate all your material and immaterial resources to other people.

10) Universalism

Roughly speaking, such value as universalism encompasses two constituent components: attitude towards nature and relation towards other people. Attitude to nature includes deploying its resources carefully in order to prevent their exhaustion. Relation to other people, in its turn, incorporates such concepts as tolerance and equality.

It is expedient to start with attitude to nature and its resources. Thus, careful treatment of nature is promoted as it is believed to be of divine origin: «Nature is the art of god». This fact can provoke an awe-inspiring, tender and respectful attitude towards nature. The second reason to appreciate nature is its beauty that pleases our eyes and gives inspiration: «Forest and water - the beauty of nature», «Plant - land decoration». From the above listed folklore figures of the English language we can infer that it is strongly recommended not to devastate natural objects in order to have a chance to enjoy them in the future. Therefore, we should preserve natural resources in order not to experience dire consequences after our reckless actions: «We never know the value of water till the well is dry». The discussion about nature with the following proverb: «Nature is what wins in the end». The latter proverb can be interpreted in different ways; however, the essence of this folklore element lies in the fact that there is a hope that nature will survive because of the fact that is this strong and wise.

The other kernel component of universalism value is relation to other people. According to English national wisdom, it is advisable to follow the principle of non-interference in other people's life and not to decide for others how they should lead their life. This very idea is expressed in the following folklore figure: «Live and let live». What is more, if we prolong this though, we can understand that alongside with autonomy and independence which is provided to people they acquire the right to choose their own values and beliefs. It is considered to be optimal to accept the difference and expect that people may follow different behavioral line: «How many people so many customs», «How many people so many minds», «Tastes differ».


Nature is handled with respect and awe for the following reasons: 1) It is believed to be of divine origin; 2) Nature gives people a chance to enjoy its beauty to draw inspiration

It is highly recommended to use natural resources reasonably in order not to regret its future exhaustion

Tolerance in human relationships is promoted; it is advisable to accept and expect the fact that people have different mindsets

2.3 Reflection of national character in proverbs and folk sayings of the German language

1) Self-direction

Speaking about the reflection of such value as self-direction presented in folklore elements of the German language, it is believed that it is quite natural for people to strive for optimizing their living conditions: «Die Fische streben nach tieferem Grunde, der Mensch ist gern mit dem Glьck im Bunde» - Fish strive for deep waters while a person earns a happy life. Thus, people as other species are biologically predetermined to find more favorable living conditions for themselves. Furthermore, something that a person does for himself/herself does not seem cumbersome since it makes a contribution to his/her development or improvement of wellbeing: «Eigene Last ist nicht schwer» - One' own burden is not that heavy.

Moreover, it is also considered to be logically consistent to put one's own interests and requirements over the ones of other people and suppose that one's possessions or qualities are better than of other's: «Jedem Vogel gefдllt sein Nest» - Every bird likes its nest. That is the reason why people do not frequently notice flaws of their character while the ones of other's seem extremely grave: «Man sieht den Splitter im fremden Auge, in eignen den Balken» - We always see a sliver in someone else's eye but do not notice a log in one's own.

To approach this value from religious perspective, it is deemed that religion plays the role of additional power that facilitates progress; meanwhile, it is strongly recommended to rely on one's own abilities: «Hilf dir selbst, so hilf dir Gott» - If you help yourself, god will help you too. Therefore, from the above presented proverb it is clearly understandable that a person should take the initiative only then god will guide him/her.


According to national wisdom of German-speaking culture, it is considered to be logical and biologically justified to care about one's own and to seek more favorable conditions for living and flourishing

It is believed that doing something for one's own tends not to cause troubles to this person as it foster his/her development or improvement of his/her living conditions again

As for religious perspective, according to national German wisdom, it is important to be a self-starter and rely on one's own only in this case god will facilitate progress of this person's

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