Statement as the unit of communicative syntax

The statement as an unit of the communication process with reference to the relationships while creating artistic text and increasing the transmitted information. The semantic branching of the text depending on the statement actualization by receiver.

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Statement as the unit of communicative syntax

Babayeva S.


UDC 81'367.5

Statement as the unit of communicative syntax

Babayeva S., Senior Instructor at Department of English Teaching Methodology Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University.

The article shows that there is no unanimous opinion among researchers about the concept of statement widely used in the fields of actual division of sentence and text linguistics of the contemporary linguistics, and that the conception of statement is not clearly defined. It's offered to use statement as a minimal unit of the communication process with reference to the current relationships while creating artistic text and increasing the transmitted information. It's ensured by consistent inclusion of statements to the communication process. According to analysis, the statement which considered by the text writer or transmitter and the statement perceived by the receiver can differ. Since receiver can come to different conclusion depending on the actualization of the statement, there will occur semantic branching of the text.

Key words: communication, communicative act, sentence, statement, meaning, development of meaning.


Висловлювання як явище комунікативного синтаксису

Бабаева С.

У статті показано, що серед дослідників немає одностайної думки щодо концепції висловлювання, яка широко використовується в областях актуального членування пропозиції і текстової лінгвістики сучасного мовознавства. Пропонується використовувати висловлювання як мінімальну одиницю процесу комунікації з посиланням на нинішній стан відношень між цими одиницями та іншими текстовими явищами. Створюючи художній текст і збільшуючи передану інформацію, висловлювання забезпечується шляхом послідовного включення заяв до процесу комунікації. Згідно з аналізом, висловлювання, яке розглядається автором тексту або адресантом, і заява, яка сприймається одержувачем, можуть відрізнятися. Оскільки адресат може зробити різні висновки залежно від актуалізації висловлювання, відбудеться семантичне розгалуження тексту.

Ключові слова: комунікація, комунікативний акт, пропозиція, висловлювання, зміст, почуття розвитку.


Высказывание как явление коммуникативного синтаксиса

Бабаева С.

В статье показано, что среди исследователей нет единодушного мнения относительно концепции высказывания, широко используемой в областях актуального членения предложения и текстовой лингвистики современного языкознания. Предлагается использовать высказывание как минимальную единицу процесса коммуникации со ссылкой на текущие отношения между этими единицами и другими текстовыми явлениями. Создавая художественный текст и увеличивая переданную информацию, высказывание обеспечивается путем последовательного включения заявлений в процесс коммуникации. Согласно анализу, высказывание, которое рассматривается автором текста или адресантом, и заявление, воспринимаемое получателем, могут различаться. Поскольку адресат может прийти к разным выводам в зависимости от актуализации высказывания, произойдет семантическое разветвление текста.

Ключевые слова: коммуникация, коммуникативный акт, предложение, высказывание, смысл, чувство развития.


Nowadays comprehensive study of the communication process in linguistics is paid high attention. Such linguistics topics as study of the mechanism of communication, which is considered one of the important function of language; comparative research of language and speech units; determining communication properties of text and discourse; explaining features of components developing semantic relationships between units of syntax; thematic development of the text; as well as the development and recognition of meaning are selected as object of research more frequently and studied on the basis of materials of different languages.

It is possible to divide the communication process into several parts. In modern linguistics, communication units are called "communicative act". This term is most commonly used as communication act, rather than "communicative act" in Azerbaijani linguistics. The communication process itself is continuous. This process develops as continuous interaction of its participants. This continuous process involves discrete units and interaction between them is a key factor for the communication.

The act of interaction between language carriers is called a communicative act, which involves the exchange of information. Although every single linguistic unit carries semantic meaning and information, the clear idea is transmitted through sentences. However, the communication process is not determined by providing information with one sentence. Each communication has a beginning and an end. The period between the start and end of communication is the duration of communication. During this period, information is transmitted through communicative acts from one party to another.

The parties of the communication process, which identified as transmitter and receiver change their roles in the process. The party that transmits the information is addresser and the party that receives is addressee. A consecutive full set of communicative acts of the parties is called a text. Thus, the product of each communication process is a text. If communication between parties is not recorded, there is no communication product available. Participants of communication process are able to use the information they receive as they need. Artistic works also are texts, regardless of their genres, and their creation is also serving communicative purpose. For example, the writer writes the work for the reader. The reader became a participant of a specific communication act.

He receives information from this works and tries to understand it. When he reads this artwork, sentences are of communicative importance. The sentence that fulfil communicative purpose is called a statement, and therefore the initial unit of communication is a statement.

This term is referred as "statement" in the linguistic encyclopaedias and defining dictionaries of Azerbaijani language. "Statement is a communicative unit which express a certain idea, or meaning. Statement might be analogous to the sentence as realization of sentence in speech, but it also can go beyond the sentence scheme. Particularly in spoken language, it loom a broader scale than sentence". [1, p. 258].

Generally speaking, the definition of statement has a great deal of indefiniteness. It is widely accepted to consider the statement in communicative level and refer to is as a linguistic element activated in the communication process. This aspect is noticeable in most researches. The concept of statement is widely used in researches devoted to actual division of the sentence, called also the "functional sentence perspective". A. Abdullayev writes: "Experts talking about idea of actual division of the sentence signify that it is an important indicator, signpost of the statement function of the sentence".

Statement is one of the main terms used in studies about actual division of the sentence. This term is used as "statement" in English, "vpoveyd" in Czech, "высказывание" in Russian, "soybm", "deyim" in Azerbaijani. It should be noted that according to A. Abdullayev, the statement is an independent level of language system, it is much more complete and senior unit of syntax than sentence and is created from the grouping of the sentence components [2, p. 30].

In our opinion, the statement is a conception related to text linguistics, particularly suprasyntax or communicative syntax. Statement is a unit of syntax that involves actualized information, has meaning related to the previously given information and identifies the development line of the meaning as per the actual element. There is a distinction between the statement which created by the text writer or transmitter and the statement perceived by the receiver, and this difference is dependent on actual division of the sentence, actualization, and attitude towards the presupposition.

Statements have contextual features. Presupposition is one of the factors that play an important role in the creation of the text. This concept is most relevant to the content of the text. As a linguistic term, the presupposition is an implicit assumption about the world or background belief relating to an utterance whose truth is taken for granted in discourse. Its meaning is determined by the context and the situation. Its meaning is expressed in a logical-philosophical aspect. Meaning is really have great importance in this context.

Presupposition makes it possible to suppose that the statement involves opinion that wasn't explicitly expressed, and it is necessary to open and perceive it. Thus, the presupposition acts as a linguistic analysis function of statements in natural language. It serves to disclose the meaning of the text fully. Statement shall be studied as a part of the text. The text consists of several parts, including statement, syntactic whole, period, super-phrasal unity, complex syntactic whole (macrotexts) and discourse, paragraph, prosaic strophes (microtexts). Sometimes these concepts are identified and interpreted as synonyms.

It is well known that the communication act is the process of transmitting and receiving information. "Information is not any ordinary knowledge, it's new part of any knowledge. This is its strict terminological meaning" [3, p. 161].

Building and organizing the text involves expanding its database. Although building the text seems to be a linear and consistent process, additional semantic relations may arise between the previous parts of the text and the post-statement parts. Receiver who perceive information transmitted via text may establish different lines of the meaning of the previous information.

Azerbaijani writer Elchin's story, "Qatar, Pikasso, Latur. 1968" (Train, Picasso, La Tour. 1968) begins with these words: "Then, Maleyka khanum's husband once more looked at me as if he both threatened and begged me; he also was very ridiculous.

The guide said that non-passengers should leave the train, the train will move. statement communication semantic text

Maleyka khanum's husband kissed her cheek and then said she should call him immediately after arriving in Moscow; and accented that she should also tell him how the road had ended. He said this specifically for me to hear)" [4, p. 235].

The first paragraph starts with the word "after" (then), and it transmits us information that there is a beginning of the event and there was something happened earlier. Reader involved to the communication process does not have any information about what has happened before. The expression "once more" used in the first statement clarifies that this activity took place before. "Maleyka khanum's husband" had also looked before the beginning of story. A person can look to another one in different ways. The author draws attention to the fact that "he looked at me as if <...>". The word attracting the attention of receiver play the role of actualizing tool, and the reader has to think over the reason for it. The first line of developing branching meaning from the receiver's standpoint is positioned in this part of the first statement.

In the following part of the statement, there's semantic branching from the receiver's point of view: "looked at me as if he both threatened and begged me; he also was very ridiculous). Receiver look for answers of following questions: "Why does Maleyka khanum's husband look as if he begged?", "Why does Maleyka khanum's husband look as if he threatened?", "Why does he look ridiculous?" Reader expects the text to develop in such a way as to answer these questions. The theme of the first paragraph is the concerns of Maleyka khanum's husband. The new information transmitted about this concern is implicit. Order of the rhymes (such as looked, threatened, begged) strengthens information on increasing concern of addressee.

Then the micro theme of the first paragraph is closed. In the second paragraph, the author opens and closes second micro theme: "The guide said that non-passengers should leave the train, the train will move". This micro theme involves some additional information. Passengers are in the coach. There are people who came to accompany them. The passengers go somewhere and they will soon leave.

The third paragraph covers the third micro theme. In this scene, accompanying persons say good-bye to passengers. We learn that, Maleyka khanum is a passenger and her husband came to part with her; the person who travels with Maleyka is transmitter or author. At the end of this micro theme, Maleyka khanum's husband is concerned that his wife will travel with another man. In the previous sections of the text, there is no information whether the person in the wagon is male or female. The Azerbaijani reader has some knowledge about author of the story. The proposition and the author's speeches make the reader think that person who will travel with Maleyka khanum is Elchin. Therefore, reader understand concerns of Maleyka khanum's husband.

Analysis of three paragraphs confirms that statement is the parts of sentences used in the speech which could be considered a semantic whole. When defining statement supposed by the author, the reader refers to sentences that are a unit of traditional syntax. The semanticization process is affected by actual division of the sentence and actuators. Also, receiver creates new statements while understanding and perceiving new information within communication process, however these are not contained in the text.

The act of speech consists of statement directed from transmitter to receiver in a certain environment and for specific purpose. Thus, as a result of the speech acts, transmitter exercise certain influence to change mind, mental or psychological state of the listener.

The functions of speech are related not entirely to the speech act, but to individual speech facts. "The speech has following functions: emotional function, poetic (aesthetic) function, magic function, phatic (contact) function, nominative function, diacritic function" (Akhundov A. General Linguistics, Baku, 1979, p. 13).

The communicative function serves to focus attention on information. There are various constructions that perform the referential function used in speech. Every language has such constructions. The referential function is used to focus the attention of the receiver to help him understand the information correctly, according to the intent and purpose of the transmitter. The words that carry out the referential function only focus attention on a specific aspect.

According to N. Novruzova, statement in the speech is aroused by the situation. The combination of the situation and the statement is called "situation awareness". This term has general and distinctive features with the term "text". Thus, the text shows the unity of linguistic elements, but the situation awareness shows the unity of linguistic and extralinguistic elements. The situation awareness together with text broadens the meaning of the statement (Novruzova, p. 39). A. Abdullayev refers to I.P. Raspopov for comparing sentence and statement theories and notes that the various syntactic units and communicative content reflect not only grammatical plan, but also actual division of the sentence plan. The author concludes that "the variation of the actual division of the sentence in the context of a changing communicative task, and regularity of grammatical division of the sentence in changing conditions confirm that both of them play the same important role" [2, 79].

Speech is communication act used to interact with other members of a particular group. The main purpose of the speech is to transmit and receive information through the exchange of information. However, it also serves to record and maintain information. Since the artistic works are in written form, they can also be regarded as a form of storage of speech. Thus, the reading of the artistic text can be considered reader-to-text communication.

In general, while comparing oral and written speech, we can clarify some of their specific features. Oral speech was formed due to necessity of transmitting initial voice information among people, and consequently influenced formation, stabilization of the language, and regulated it. Written speech differentiates with its conservativeness compared to oral speech. It maintains existing rules in the language, ensures transmission of information regardless of distance and time, protects norms and rules formed on the basis of verbal tradition, has fixed speech norms, and stabilizes these norms.

The communication process is a complex and multifaceted process. The main purpose of this process is to transmit and receive information. The speaker also has to transmit speech that belongs to him or received from other sources, that wasn't initially recorded, spoken, or written. Therefore, we should consider the notion of "direct speech" related to the belonging of the speech. In this case, transmitting party of the communication transmits information belonging to another person. Thus, this person is not the author of the speech. Incorporating direct speech to the text has specific features, and in most cases the actualization of the statement is directed to the author of the initial speech and his sayings.

According to researchers, the minimal communicative unit is a one-word sentence. "One-word sentences by its content indicate acceptation, denial, consent, or dissatisfaction, or the general assessment of the formerly expressed idea. In Azerbaijani language these sentences with their lexical composition are consisted of particles, modal words or interjections, such as "yes", "no", "certainly", "doubtless", "okay", "maybe", "naturally", "never", "absolutely", "nothing" indicating acceptation or denial. They are more commonly used in dialogues, answer and questions, as well as monologue speeches, and are told with exclamation intonation" [5, p. 284].

The parties involved in the dialogue can agree and disagree with each-other's opinion. Both situations are realized by different ways and means. Within speech act to express disagreement there should be used certain grammatical and lexical means. Grammatical means expressing disagreement are combined in the form of model and special structures. Transmitter can express his dissatisfaction of something using them. Such models and structures are in the form of ready cliches. Their grammatical form is in the ready form. These ready forms are considered to be minimal units of communication, and they are also statement.

There are different types of communication types depending of the content of communications. We can distinguish the following types of communication: 1) intrapersonal; 2) interpersonal; 3) group; 4) massive.

In different studies on this area, different ideas are put forward about functions of communication. For example, R. Jacobson differentiates six main functions of communication. Each of these functions, namely, referential, emotive, conative, poetic, metalingual and phatic are of a certain significance. M. Hallidey specifically highlights conceptual, communicative assessment and textual functions [6, p. 32; 7, p. 27].

Pragmatic study of specific communicative units requires addressing a number of specific issues. These issues include: (1) to reveal explicit and secret purposes of the sentence, as well as the communicative intention of the speaker; 2) to describe the pragmatic presupposition of the emergence of a special communicative unit; 3) to explain pragmatic concord characteristics of remarks; 4) to investigate the impact of the sentence to the receiver.

In the wider classification of communicatives, they should classified by the expression of predicativity category. We can differentiate the following categories: explicit predicativity (paradigmatic), implicit predicativity (syntagmatic), both explicit and implicit predicativity (fusive), neither explicit, not implicit predicativity. From the semantic standpoint, sentensoids divided into absolute and relative.

There are substantial differences between the communicative and incomplete sentence. Communicative ones are non-predicative sentences that are not divided to components and transmit the various modular meanings related to subjective sphere of the receiver. Incomplete sentences have syntactically fragmented structures. If syntagmatic ties between parts of sentence manifests itself from constructive standpoint, the semantic plan reveals the existence of non-verbal meaning, modus or linear congestion. From a prosodic point of view, incomplete sentences are distinguished by a specific intonation.

The uniqueness of the communicative and speech intention allows the use of synonym communicative in a similar situation, their transformation to response remark as synonym line of communicative. Sometimes it is impossible to change the sequence of elements in the synonym line.

Since communication is a complex and multilateral process, it occurs by using different units. If reading of the artistic works will be considered reader-to-text communication, the statement becomes a unit of communicative syntax. Artistic text is formed by consistent inclusion of statements.


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