Multimedia education technologies usage as the condition for quality training of the managers of socio-cultural activity

The problem of the efficiency of the use of multimedia educational technologies in order to form the professional skills of the student audience. Analysis of the component and content of the developed didactic model. The study of the educational process.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Дата добавления 09.10.2018
Размер файла 668,3 K

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УДК 378.14.015.62

Kamyanets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University


Nataliia V. Bakhmat

Formulation of the problem. In terms of global informatization, the pedagogical community realized the need for a practical modeling of innovative educational technologies focused on the development of the intellectual potential of the subject of cognition. In this connection, the issue of development of effective methods of computerized study, aimed at the implementation of the main applied problems of education has been actualized.

Under modern conditions, information and technological modernization of the educational process is an objective necessity to reform the education institutions of all levels of accreditation, which is legally supported by a number of legal and regulatory provisions, set out in the Law of Ukraine “On Education” and “On Higher Education”; the National Development Strategy of Education of Ukraine in 2012-2021 and other approved documents. However, currently, the issue of slow introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process of training the specialists of socio-cultural activity remains problematic. The experience of highly developed countries shows that effective training of a competent specialist at higher school is possible due to the use of didactic capacities of multimedia educational technologies in the educational process.

The 21-st century information society exerts a strong pressure on young people. Having to live and work in terms of the polluted urban environment, they seek to refresh their psychological and physical forces. Thus, highly organized leisure actually becomes their basic need.

Systematic use of quality leisure and entertainment services is a guarantee of the restoration of vital forces if such services are provided by a qualified manager of sociocultural activities. The effectiveness of such a specialist's activity is determined by the ability to quickly analyze the demand of the market and to offer the most affordable service option to meet the current needs of the customer. A prerequisite of operational and productive cooperation with the customer is the manager's professional skills based on information and communication competence.

Analysis of recent research and publications. In the context of the implementation of the signed Agreement on the Association of Ukraine with EU (Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, as one party, and Ukraine, as the other party), the task of training highly qualified Ukrainian experts, competitive in the world labor market, has been updated. Taking into account the latest socio-cultural tendencies, the Ukrainian society cannot afford to ignore the current statutory and regulatory enactment “Europe 2020: A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth”, which notes that the number of competitive specialists with higher education at the modern European labour market should make at least 40% of the total number of graduates, who have to be fluent in modern information technologies. In order to ensure the proper innovative development of the common-European landscape, the European Union budget foresees the investment of researches and implementation of multimedia educational technologies in the equivalent volume of 3% from total GDP of the united countries.

The problem of multilevel professional training of specialists for the non-productive sphere has never lost its relevance. It was studied by representatives of the national science under different research angles: philosophy of education (V. Andrushchenko, I. Herder, Ye.Zhyliaiev, and others) [1]; pedagogical creativity (S. Sysoiev, N. Demianenko,

O.Sukhomlynska, and others) [2]; management, as a component of the humanitarian educational direction (A. Chernysh, V. Kryzhko, M. Martynenko, and others) [3]; information culture of a specialist (V. Bykov, O. Humennyi, O. Spirin, and others) [4]; multimedia training of specialists in the general structure of educational training (O. Konevshchynska, O.Matviienko, O. Ovcharuk, O. Pinchuk, and others) [5]. Western scholars actively mastered the scientific spaces of certain aspects of the problems under study, among them - S. Formica, J. Lambert, P. Cuper and others [8; 10]. The problem of the dominant influence of multimedia educational technologies on the formation of the professional skills of modern managers was jointly discussed by the professors of Cambridge University and the Corsham Institute and was included in the Findings from the 2017 Thought Leadership Program [6]. The issue of the expediency of applying an effective experience of using multimedia educational technologies in training the future managers of socio-cultural activities in the national educational environment remains unexplored so far.

The aim of the article is to present the results of approbation of the model of forming the professional skills of future socio-cultural activity managers using multimedia educational technologies, the implementation mechanism of which is gradually being integrated into the basis of innovative reorganization of the content, forms and pedagogical technologies of the professional training of students of higher education institutions.


During the implementation of the research the following methods were used: theoretical (induction and deduction, analysis, generalization and systematization of the source base, comparative), empirical (observation, questioning, testing, conversations - to test experimentally the effectiveness of the didactic model of forming the professional skills of future managers of socio-cultural activities in the educational process of higher education institutions), statistical (statistical processing of empirical data for the formulation of conclusions).


The study of the problem of modelling the professional training of specialists in the conditions of higher school was carried out by many scientists. In the process of analysis three key areas of research were clearly outlined, presented in the context of the following components: content-related (what to teach); structural (in what order); and technological (in what way).

Without delving into the detailed elaboration of the author's interpretations on the details of educational technologies, using appropriate methods of generalization and systematization, two main groups of scientific approaches were distinguished, which interpret the category as:

- the complex of modern technical teaching aids [7];

- the process of communication [8].

Among the variety of researches, in order to substantiate the pedagogical significance of modelling innovative technologies, it is appropriate to recall the approach of the researcher M. Klaryn, who emphasized that educational technology is not an ordinary research in the field of the use of technical teaching aids or computer aids, this is the research for the purpose of finding principles, effective methods and materials, through the evaluation of the used methods [9, p.61]. Everything above-mentioned is the reason for a search of the effective teaching methods in the context of professional training of competitive specialists in general and multimedia educational technology for the formation of professional skill of students of the specialty “Management of socio-cultural activity” in particular.

Figure 1. Professional skill (X) is the pre-condition of forming professional culture (V)

Z - kn o wledge and skills;

- value orientations;

K - professional competence;

Х - professional skill;

- professional culture;

ІСТС - the information and communication technology (ІСТ) competence

From the theoretical point of view, the category “professional skill” is quite multifaceted (see Fig. 1). The long way of comprehension of a professional skill by a personality crosses the boundaries of the available: knowledge and skills (Z); value orientations (Y) and professional competence (K) (Fig. 1). In addition, successful mastery of all of the above-mentioned structural components opens the door into the world of perfect professional culture, which is the challenge for every purposeful profession.

The concept “professional skill” is defined as the integration unity of personal qualities that are in the state of systematic dynamic development, through professional competence and the information and communication technology competence.

The obtaining of the abovementioned competence is provided by the use of modern multimedia educational technologies, which are considered through the prism of such definitive criteria in the 21st century:

1) the aggregate of various communicative means, united by several media [10, p.264276];

2) computer technology that provides the management of many streams of information (text, music, video content, graphics) [11, p.877-882] (see Fig. 2).

Activation of motivational sphere in the study of educational subjects

Individualization of educational process

Possibility of reproduction of the most important fragments of educational process

Dualistic unity in the use of various types of tasks with forms of presentation of information

Maintaining a dialogue mode in the super-fast feedback system “lecturer-student”

Multimedia educational technologies are an innovative learning tool of the 21st century

The data in Fig. 2 show that multimedia educational technologies make it possible to improve the teaching and educational process to achieve the maximum effectiveness of classes, in the process of using various tasks and forms of the presentation of information. Systematic use of these educational resources in training the managers of socio-cultural activities allows simultaneous learning of the theoretical (general thematic) and practical (development of their own socio-cultural project) sections of the curriculum. A bright example of the project is the development of a virtual tour, an online museum, etc. Undoubtedly, the use of such an effective means of training will ensure the formation of the professional skills of future managers of socio-cultural activity.

To determine the level of awareness about the category among the students of the “Management of socio-cultural activity”, a survey was conducted, which consisted of five main questions:

1. What do you understand by the concept “professional skill” of a manager of sociocultural activity?” The following results were obtained from the general list of questionnaires: 91.7% correctly understand its meaningful content, and 8.3% - colour it by emotional and sensual considerations.

2. “How do you evaluate your possibilities in the use of multimedia educational technologies for the formation of professional skill?” The survey shows, that 41.3% highly evaluate personal skills, 29.4% do not understand the interconnection of the use of these technologies with the formation of professional skills, 17% pointed out the need for the use of technologies, 11.9% - withheld comments.

3. “Are there any persons among your acquaintances who failed to achieve the appropriate level of professional skill in part because of the lack of skills in the use of multimedia technologies?” The analysis of the answers to the posed question showed that 60.3% confirmed the presence of the mentioned circumstances, and 39, 7% - objected to their influence on the achievement of the appropriate level.

4. “Do you use all possible ways to master professional skill, including using multimedia technologies?” Accordingly, the respondents answered in the following way: 41.3% - yes, 39.4% - partially, 19.3% - no.

5. “What difficulties do you have when using multimedia educational technologies to achieve a high level of professional skill?” The majority, 72.6% of students answered “any”, and 27.4% noted the absence of systematic didactic material, necessary for the implementation of the goal stated in the question.

So, the survey of students of the specialty “Management of socio-cultural activity” showed that 91.7% of respondents correctly understand the meaningful content of the concept “professional skill”, but 58.9% are not sure about the effectiveness of multimedia educational technologies for the achievement of a high level of the category under study.

The obtained results allowed formulating a number of tasks, necessary for the strengthening of the importance of professional skill through the prism of three main components - value-motivational, cognitive and technological.

The purpose of the ascertaining stage was to determine the initial level of professional skill of students of the specialty “Management of socio-cultural activity” (in particular, the variable part of “Media-management”, “Tourism”, “Cultural and leisure activity”) and the substantiation of pedagogical conditions for its formation by means of multimedia educational technologies.

The task of the ascertaining stage: monitoring and diagnostics of the level of the formation of professional skill of students of the specialty “Management of socio-cultural activity”; the development of the project of multimedia educational technology for the formation of professional skill of future managers of socio-cultural activity and finding pedagogical conditions for its implementation.

The achievement of the goal of the ascertaining stage is reflected in such structural


a) the first - the realization of the value-motivational component to master professional skill through multimedia technologies;

b) the second - the formation of the cognitive component in such special pedagogical conditions that would promote: personal reorientation toward the content of professional skill, strengthened by value orientations and norms of professional behaviour; mastering professionally significant qualities and skills to apply multimedia educational technologies in the practical activity;

c) the third - the orientation of the technological component to the active practical mastery of information technologies in order to activate comprehensive personality development.

In order to rationalize the methodology for monitoring the existing level of professional skill, attention is focused on three of its structural components - value-motivational (personal orientation to master professional skill); cognitive (the necessary amount of basic knowledge) and technological (the presence of a set of skills that are necessary for the comprehension of professional skill).

The value-motivational component combined two dominant elements:

1) personal - value orientations of professional growth, responsibility and selfconfidence, life experience and wisdom, an active life position;

2) professional - awareness of the social significance of the chosen profession, creative approach, confidence in choosing one's own profession, dialogical character of communication with the outside world.

The high level of formation of the abovementioned component is evidenced by the synthesis of intellectual, moral and psychological determinants, intensified by certain professional requirements.

The cognitive component foresaw the need to obtain special knowledge about the value of professional skill, as the basis for the organization of rational productive activity.

The technological component showed the degree of practical application of theoretical and operational knowledge, as well as the productivity of the use of multimedia technologies. The list of basic skills of technological origin included: professional, projective, research, technological, managerial and communicative.

The reason for the lack of the students' confidence in the effectiveness of the impact of multimedia educational technologies on the formation of professional skills is the insufficient development of the value-motivational sphere in relation to the information culture as a whole. The general results of diagnostics of the level of formation of value-motivational component of professional skill are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 The conclusive results of the ascertaining stage of the experiment


Number of students of the specialty “Management of socio-cultural activity”, involved in monitoring (%)

Initial indices of the available:

S value-motivational component


Personal orientation

Need for the formation of professional skill

Awareness of the importance of MET* in the realization of the desired goal













EG (%)













CG (%)













S cognitive component - mastery of knowledge:


by MET*

about professional skill













EG (%)













CG (%)













S technological component - mastery of skills:
















EG (%)













CG (%)













The research revealed that the majority of students, who participated in the ascertaining experiment, showed some positive trends in the formation of professional skill through multimedia educational technologies.

The data in Table 1 show that the prevalence of high and optimal levels of the formation of personal orientation towards a defined component of professional skill of managers of socio-cultural activity was revealed in 5.1% and 17.3% of the empirical group; and 4.7% and 15.4% in the control group. The materials of the table showed that the majority of respondents analysing the need for the formation of professional skill were included in the basic and initial levels: 41.5% and 37.1% of the empirical group; and 45.1% and 29.2% of the control group.

The visual data of the presented table showed that most respondents did not fully realize the true value of multimedia educational technologies, having mainly reached fundamental and initial levels: 42.3% and 34.2% of the empirical group; and 41.2% and 28.8% of the control group. Table 1 shows that the high level of formation of the cognitive component of the professional skills of the future socio-cultural activity managers has been identified in a small number of representatives of the experimental (0.5%) and control (1.2%) groups. Table 1 illustrates that the majority of questioned respondents had basic and initial levels of mastering multimedia educational technologies: 54.3% and 25.9% of the empirical group, and 56.9% and 22.0% of the control group.

An analysis of the results led to the conclusion that the majority of students, representatives of the basic level, possess fundamental, informational and professional knowledge. Such data once again confirm that the lack of sufficient level of mastering of fundamental knowledge in the future will hinder the way of obtaining the information and practical knowledge necessary for the formation of professional skills. In connection with this, there is an illogical line of students' thoughts and their own judgments, limited by a narrow vocabulary of professional terminology. In our opinion, the systematic use of multimedia educational technologies in the educational process is capable to fill in all the stated gaps that are focused on the realization of the practical and social significance of the chosen profession of a manager of socio-cultural activity. The method of comparative analysis allowed establishing that in the data of Table 1, the majority of questioned students of the specialty “Management of socio-cultural activity” were included in the basic level. multimedia educational didactic professional

On the basis of the aggregate list of analytical data, presented in Table 1, the absence of a technological component of professional skill of future managers of socio-cultural activity was fixed. According to the results of the previous tabular materials, the basic level remained popular among the majority of respondents of both groups (from 48.2% to 56.2%).

In the general structure of four stated levels, the initial level took the second position in both groups (from 25.7% to 31.3%). Such a destructive pattern is the result of the lack of sufficient knowledge, which cannot be compensated in practice by professional experience.

The following tasks were solved in order to correct the abovementioned difficulties at the forming stage of the experiment: development and verification of the effectiveness of the didactic model of the obtainment of professional skill by students of the specialty “Management of socio-cultural activity”; development of a whole range of multimedia- oriented classes and independent tasks; monitoring and calculation of research results. In order to implement the empirical work, authorial tasks were developed for each of the selected initial indices. For the survey, it was possible to involve fifteen full-time and parttime students of the specialty “Management of socio-cultural activity”.

For the purpose of regulating the existing educational situation, the author developed the didactic model of the obtainment of professional skill by future managers of socio-cultural activity (see Fig.3). The presented development combined the sequence of the passage of three main stages: propaedeutic (value-motivational), activity (cognitive) and productive (technological). The goal of the first stage was to create the most optimal conditions for the digestion of necessary diversified knowledge, through multimedia educational technologies (Fig. 3). The second is activity (cognitive) stage that aimed at developing appropriate skills in the use of these technologies to solve current educational problems. The third stage was to create favorable conditions for the formation, consolidation and free possession of the skills and abilities to work with these technologies in the context of professional skills' formation.

The structure of presentation of learning material and the previously developed tasks was complicated with the change in the stages of the experiment and provided for the use of multimedia educational technologies represented by synchronous and asynchronous interaction, online mode (that is multimedia lectures, e-learning materials, virtual disputes, Skype conferences, online games, web portfolio, webinars, virtual business plans, online study of the tour development, e-publication and video conferencing).

At each stage of the experiment, the respondents' attention was focused on the maintenance of balance of value orientations with personally significant ones (Fig. 3).

Figure 2. Didactic model for the formation of professional skill of students of the specialty

Comparative data by three criteria under study in the context of the ascertaining and forming stages of the experiment are presented in Table 2. The presented data demonstrate the positive dynamics that took place in the empirical group during the practical implementation of the author's didactic model, indicating the suitability of its implementation.

Thus, we assume that the effectiveness of mastering professional skill by students of the specialty “Management of socio-cultural activity” increases with the implementation of the proposed didactic model, based on the experimental confirmation of its practical significance.

Table 2

Stage of experiment / group

Number of students of the specialty “Management of socio-cultural activity”, involved in monitoring (%)

Initial indices of the available:

S value-motivational component

Personal orientation (1)

Need for the formation of professional skill (2)

Awareness of the importance of MET* in the realization of the desired goal (3)















AE EG (%)













AE CG (%)














FE EG (%)













FE CG (%)













The final analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the control experiment allowed us to sum up the effectiveness of the developed didactic model. The professional skills of future managers of socio-cultural activities in the experimental group, where the model was implemented at high and optimal levels, were registered in 39.8% of all the respondents. 41.6% of the representatives of the surveyed category showed the fundamental level and only 18.6% - the initial one. At the same time, these indicators did not change significantly in the control group (high and optimal levels were found in 21.7%, fundamental in 54.1% and initial in 24.2% of the respondents). The obtained results are fully justified, as future managers of the socio-cultural activities of the experimental group received more indepth theoretical and practical training, through the use of multimedia educational technologies in order to develop professional skills.


The results of the ascertaining experiment showed that students of the specialty “Management of socio-cultural activity” under study had typical problems related to the use of multimedia educational technologies in the future practical activity. It should be noted that these difficulties are the result of ineffective theoretical and practical training of future specialists. Part of respondents do not have a clear idea about the chosen profession because of the wrong combination of control and management methods.

In our opinion, the reason for the appearance of such destabilizing processes, that actualized the need to develop the submitted didactic model, is hidden in the inability to choose correctly means and methods to meet these challenges. Specificity of the chosen profession of a manager requires the availability of theoretical and practical training, supported by a professional approach to the case. Based on the results of the research undertaken by us, we can state that the solution of the current problem is possible through the intensive systematic use of multimedia educational technologies in the teaching and educational process of higher school.

The tabular materials, collected during the empirical research, allowed us to establish that most of the respondents are not certain about their future profession; they are not clearly oriented in the practical significance of multimedia educational technologies; do not pay special attention to the axiological essence of the content and structure of professional skill. In our view, such a situation is conditioned by a narrow verification of the level of assimilation of mostly theoretical knowledge at practical classes and seminars, moreover, the practical aspect of the professional significance of multimedia educational technologies often remains unaddressed by teachers and students.

In view of the foregoing, there is an urgent need to transform the traditional system of “reproductive type” into an innovative multimedia system that will lay a solid foundation for the formation of professional skills, will become an assistant in the further solution of professional tasks and in the formation of value-motivational attitude to the future profession and society as a whole.

Prospects for further research. Research results, received by the experiment, do not exhaust all prospects for further research, among which the following can be a priority: search, definition and introduction of new methods for the formation of professional skills of the students of the “Management of socio-cultural activity” in the educational process with the possibility of using online study modes; the development of variable syllabi oriented towards individual self-development with the compulsory use of multimedia educational technologies.


1. V. Andrushchenko, I. Peredborska, Philosophy of education: textbook. Kyiv, Ukraine: Publishing office of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 2009. (in Ukrainian).

2. S. Sysoieva, Fundamentals of pedagogical creativity: textbook. Kyiv, Ukraine: Milenium, 2006. (in Ukrainian).

3. А. Chernysh Education management: textbook. Kyiv, Ukraine: University, 2008. (in Ukrainian).

4. В. Bykov, Yu. Zhuk, Theoretical and methodological bases of modelling teaching environment of modern pedagogical systems. Information technologies and teaching aids: Collection of research papers. Kyiv, Ukraine: Atika, p. 5-15, 2005. (in Ukrainian).

5. О. Konevshchynska, Multimedia technologies in the process of education. Materials of research and training conference: Multimedia technologies in education and other spheres of activity. Kyiv, Ukraine: NAU, p. 41-43, 2012. (in Ukrainian).

6. S. Formica, "European hospitality and tourism education: differences with the American model and future trend",. International Journal of Hospitality Management, Virginia, USA: Polytechnic Institute and State University, vol.15, no.4, pp.317-323, 2016. (in English).

7. М. V. Klaryn, Pedagogical technologies in the educational process: textbook. Moskva, Rossyiskaia Federatsyia: Vy'shcha shkola,1989. (in Russian).


In this article, the issue of the effectiveness of multimedia educational technologies in forming professional skills of future managers of socio-cultural activity is considered. The special attention is given to the analysis of the component and informative completeness of the developed didactic model, which reflects its axiological and developing character. Mastering of professional skills is emphasized to promote self-realization of a personality by involving an active interaction with the external environment. Systematic use of multimedia educational technologies allows increasing the efficiency of professional training of specialists in accordance with modern requirements of the society.

Keywords: professional skill; multimedia educational technologies; management of socio-cultural activity; didactic model.

В названной статье рассмотрена проблема эффективности использования мультимедийных образовательных технологий с целью формирования профессионального мастерства исследуемой студенческой аудитории. Особое внимание уделяется анализу компонентной и содержательной наполненности разработанной дидактической модели, которая отражает ее аксиологический и развивающий характер. Сделан акцент на значимости развития исследуемой категории в контексте самореализации личности, путем привлечения ее к активному взаимодействию с внешней средой. Обосновано мнение, что педагогическая эффективность учебно-воспитательного процесса высшей школы достигается посредством внесения в систематический образовательный оборот мультимедийных образовательных технологий.

Ключевые слова: профессиональное мастерство; мультимедийные образовательные технологии; менеджмент социокультурной деятельности; дидактическая модель.

У названій статті розглянуто проблему ефективності використання мультимедійних освітніх технологій у контексті підготовки майбутніх менеджерів соціокультурної діяльності. Особливу увагу приділено аналізу змістової наповненості розробленої дидактичної моделі. Зроблено акцент на значущості розвитку досліджуваної категорії в контексті самореалізації особистості, шляхом залучення її до активної взаємодії із зовнішнім інформаційним потоком. Обґрунтовано думку, що підвищення ефективності навчально-виховного процесу вищої школи досягається в процесі систематичного використання в навчально-виховному обігу мультимедійних освітніх технологій.

Ключові слова: професійна майстерність; мультимедійні освітні технології; менеджмент; менеджери; дидактична модель.

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