Translation special features of metaphoric expressions in modern English political discourse
Metaphor as one of the most effective ways of conveying expressiveness, appreciation, aggressiveness, polemicity and manipulativeness in a political language. Use translation transformations to adequately translate metaphorical expressions in politics.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 07.10.2018 |
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Translation special features of metaphoric expressions in modern English political discourse
O. O. Zhulavskaya, PhD in Philology, associate professor
Yu. V. Zakharchenko, student
metaphor translation political
Metaphor as one of the most effective means of conveying expressiveness, evaluativity, aggressiveness, polemics and manipulations in a political language was studied. Metaphor was proved to act as a sufficiently veiled means of persuasion, acceptance or, conversely, the rejection of certain political positions.
The question of translation of metaphorical expressions was proved to be not fully resolved in our time. The metaphorical unit in political communication was stated to be a problem for an interpreter itself through its versatility and the presence of not only a certain concept that lies in its basis but also a pragmatic component.
To achieve an adequate translation of metaphorical expressions in English political discourse, translation transformations (permutations, replacements, addition, deletions, etc.) were offered to be used. The following translation strategies, which are considered to be standardized were examined: literal (full) translation, omission / addition, replacement of the metaphorical unit of the source language with the equivalent of the target language and traditional equivalent.
Key words: discourse, metaphor, transformations, adequate translation.
Особливості перекладу метафоричних висловів у сучасному англомовному політичному дискурсі
О. О. Жулавська, канд. філол. наук, доцент;
Ю. В. Захарченко: студентка Сумський державний університет, вул. Римського-Корсакова, 2, м. Суми, 40007, Україна E-mail:;
Метафора була розглянута в статті як один з нaйбільш дієвих засобів передачі виразності, оцінності, агресивності, полемічності та маніпулятивності у політичній мові. Було зазначено, що у політичному дискурсі метафора виступає достатньо завуальованим засобом переконання, прийняття або ж, навпаки, неприйняття певних політичних позицій.
Було доведено, що питання перекладності метафоричних висловів є не до кінця вирішеним в наш час, а метафорична одиниця у політичній комунікації становить проблему для перекладача сама через її багатогранність та наявність не лише певного концепту, що лежить в її основі, але й прагматичної складової.
Для досягнення адекватного перекладу метафоричних висловів в англомовному політичному дискурсі було запропоновано використовувати перекладацькі трансформації (перестановки, заміни, додавання, вилучення і т.д.). Були запропоновані та проаналізовані наступні перекладацькі стратегії: дослівний (повний) переклад, прийом додавання/вилучення, заміна метафоричної одиниці мови оригіналу еквівалентною одиницею мови перекладу та традиційна відповідність.
Ключові слова: дискурс, метафора, трансформації, адекватний переклад.
Особенности перевода метафорических выражений в современном англоязычном политическом дискурсе
О. А. Жулавская, канд. филол. наук, доцент;
Ю. В. Захарченко, студентка Сумский государственный университет, ул. Римского-Корсакова, 2, г. Сумы, 40007, Украина E-mail:;
Метафора была рассмотрена в статье как один из самых действенных способов передачи выразительности, оценочности, агрессивности, полемичности и манипулятивности в политическом языке. Было отмечено, что в политическом дискурсе метафора выступает достаточно завуалированным средством убеждения, принятия или, наоборот, непринятия определенных политических позиций.
Было доказано, что вопрос переводимости метафорических выражений является не до конца решенным в наше время. Метафорическая единица в политической коммуникации является проблемой для переводчика именно из-за ее многогранности и наличия не только определенного концепта, лежащего в ее основе, но и прагматической составляющей.
Для достижения адекватного перевода метафорических выражений в англоязычном политическом дискурсе было предложено использовать переводческие трансформации (перестановки, замены, добавления, удаления и т.д.). Были предложены и проанализированы следующие переводческие стратегии: дословный (полный) перевод, прием добавления /удаления, замена метафорической единицы языка оригинала эквивалентной единицей языка перевода и традиционное соответствие.
Ключевые слова: дискурс, метафора, трансформации, адекватный перевод.
This article deals with the problem of translation of metaphorical expressions in modern English political discourse.
Strengthening of the expressiveness of the language is achieved by various means, first of all using the figures of speech or tropes, the so-called lexical means of creating imagery. Because of this, the understanding of the tropes is a complex process, which is accompanied by the revealing of connections between the three components - the vocabulary of the tropes, its contextual meaning and the meaning of other words of the text. One of the most common types of tropes is the metaphor - a hidden comparison, carried out by the use of a word denoting a certain class of objects, phenomena, etc. to describe or name an object that is included in another class, or the name of another class of objects, similar to that in a certain aspect. It should be noted that one of the features of political texts is the abundance of metaphorical expressions [3, p. 55].
The research of this topic was carried out by leading scientists and linguists such as: N. D., Arutyunova, A. N. Baranov, T. A. Van Dyke, A. P. Gavrilyuk, B. P. Ivanov, V. I. Karasyk , Yu. A. Karaulov, M. N. Klintsov, T. B. Novikova, I. V. Samarina, G. N. Sklyarevskaya, Yu. Timoshenko, A. P. Chudinov, G. Yavorska, V. A. Pavlutska, and others.
The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the metaphor is defined as a part of the mental and linguistic spheres of human being, and this explains the great cognitive interest in this phenomenon, as well as the importance of the translator's knowledge of the translation of metaphorical constructions as a necessary condition for the adequate translation of the political texts.
The object of the research is metaphorical expressions in the field of politics and political discourse.
The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the translation of metaphorical expressions in modern English political discourse.
The material of the research was the selection of English political texts from the journalistic publications and the global Internet.
The goal of the study is to analyze the functioning of metaphorical expressions in English political discourse and ways of translating of metaphorical expressions from English into Ukrainian.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be solved:
1. Study the features of modern English political discourse.
2. Study the main directions of studying the metaphor in the political aspect.
3. Reveal the ways of metaphorical expressions translation.
4. Analyze the peculiarities of the translation of the metaphor in the English political discourse.
The following methods were used during the study: continuous sampling method, contextual analysis method, and method of analysis of vocabulary definitions.
The theoretical significance of the work is that this research contributes to the deepening and expansion of scientific achievements in the field of political discourse studying. Also, the study of the political metaphor usage is relevant to the contemporary world of politics.
The practical value of the work is that it can be used by teachers and students while studying such disciplines as "Stylistics", "Practical course of English language" and "Practice of written and oral translation". Also, materials of work can be used in educational methodical work.
Metaphor is the most effective means of conveying expressiveness, evaluativity, aggressiveness, polemics and manipulations in a political language. In political discourse, the metaphor acts as a sufficiently veiled means of persuasion, acceptance or, conversely, the rejection of certain political positions. In the opinion of scientists, the presence of a metaphor in political speeches is rather imperceptible for the recipient, which, in turn, allows him to influence not only consciousness, but, first of all, his subconsciousness. Since the emotional potential of the lexical unit is mostly often disclosed only in a particular context that conveys an individual's mood or attitude, the translator needs to consider the means of expression in the context of the message [2, p. 30].
During the course of the work, the translator has to master the peculiarities of political discourse in both languages (Source and Target). The content of political discourse also involves all the components (factors) that are present in the mind of the addresser and the addressee of the text, which can influence the generation and perception of the language: case-law texts, statements or situations, author's political views, political situation, etc.
An adequate translation of the political text/discourse involves, first of all, the realization of both the semantic part and the pragmatic component of the source text. The main difficulties in implementing adequate translation arise when the metaphor does not match in the source language and the target language "qualitatively" or conceptually (reflecting different conceptual spheres or causing different associations). Indeed, the mental, cultural, historical and social aspects of different nations affect not only the creation but also the perception of the metaphorical models [6, p. 35].
For political discourse, these differences are so significant that mistakes and inaccuracies in the translation of metaphorical units can significantly distort the communicative and pragmatic approach of the author of the source text.
Considering the question of the metaphor's translation, it should be noted that it is not completely resolved in our time. The metaphorical unit in political communication causes a problem for an interpreter itself through its versatility and the presence of not only a certain concept that lies in its basis but also a pragmatic component. All of the before mentioned specific features of a political metaphor should be fully reproduced in the target language. Their loss will be a threat not only to the integrity of the text but also to its communicative guideline: communication in the target language will no longer be able to produce the necessary impression on the recipient, which in turn will result in the loss of its pragmatic component [4, c.68].
There are several classifications of translation ways of metaphor. The following translation strategies can be considered standardized:
1. A literal (full) translation is used for metaphorical units in that case if the rules of combining the lexical units and the traditions of expressing emotionally-evaluative information coincide in the source and target languages
2. Method of addition/omission is used in cases where the degree of implicit assimilation in the source and target languages varies. In such cases, there is a need for an explication of implicit information given in the source language (addition), or, conversely, an implication of the concept verbally expressed in the source language (omission)
3. Replacing the metaphorical unit of the source language with the equivalent of the target language is used in cases where there is no lexical or associative relation between the elements of the metaphor in the source and target languages, but they reflect the same concept
4. Traditional equivalent is most often used in relation to the metaphors of folk, biblical, and antiquity. Under these circumstances, the same way in the source language, and in the target language, are the same as expressions of metaphorical assimilation [4, p. 71].
As we can see, the metaphor is a rather complicated phenomenon not only for research, but also for translation. Nowadays, there are a number of problems that translators face; to solve them, it is necessary to have not only knowledge of the translation field, but also background knowledge, which will help to fully reproduce such a complex and multifaceted phenomenon as a metaphor in another language.
All types of transformations carried out in the translation process can be reduced to four elementary types, namely [5, p. 189]:
1. Permutations
2. Replacements
3. Addition
4. Removal.
1. Permutation as a kind of translation transformation is a change of the position of the linguistic elements in the translation text compared with the original text [5, c.189]. For example:
(1) "A decision on cooperation has been adopted by Ministers of Foreign Affairs yesterday." - Вчора міністрами закордонних справ Великобританії та США було прийнято рішення щодо співробітництва [8].
2. Replacement - the most widespread and multi-valued type of translation transformation. In addition, not only individual units but also entire structures (so-called complex lexico-grammatical substitutions) can be substitued, namely:
a) Replacement of word forms, numbers. For example:
(2) «This party, compelled for a time to stand practically alone in its struggles ...» - Наша партія, яка на протязі довгого часу вела боротьбу наодинці... [9].
b) Replacement of parts of speech.
This type of replacement is quite widespread. Quite a typical replacement for translating from English into Ukrainian is the replacement of the noun with the verb [5, p. 189]. As an example, we can take the following sentence:
(3) "It is our hope that the Human Rights Commission will be able to establish its presence in Guyana." - «Ми сподіваємося, що Комісія з прав людини зможе послати своїх представників в Гайану» [8].
c) Lexical substitutions. They are:
- Concretization.
Specification is the replacement of the word or phrase of the source language with a broader meaning, by the word or phrase of the target language with a narrower meaning.
- Generalization.
Generalization is called the phenomenon that is reverse to concretization - the replacement of the unit of the source language, which has narrower meaning, by the unit of the target language with a broader meaning. (and other) [5, p. 189].
3 . Addition.
There are different reasons for the need of lexical additions in the target text. One of them is what can be called "formal uncertainty" of the semantic components of the phrase in the source language [5; c. 189], for example:
(4) «The American Secretary of State has proposed a world conference on food supplies.» - Державний секретар США запропонував скликати світову конференцію з питань продовольчих ресурсів [9].
4. Removal - a phenomenon directly opposite to the addition. The most commonly used words during translation are semantically redundant, that is, words that express meaning, which can be excluded from the text [5, c.189], for example:
(5) «The treaty was pronounced null and void» - Договір був оголошений недійсним.
(6) «The proposal was rejected and repudiated» - Пропозиція була відторгнута [8].
An analysis of contemporary English political discourse gives grounds for arguing that in the speech of politicians prevail "dead" metaphors, which function as the primary nomination of the realities of political life, for example: "tax relief, oil addiction, racial lens, doors of democracy, a battle of ideas, root problem, economic climate, and spending freeze".
The eroded political metaphors can appear in new contexts, can be rethought and thus acquire new semantic shades [1, p. 17]. Even those metaphors that have turned into stamps have the ability to function actively in the current discourse. Thus, repetitions and oppositions of metaphors add to the text emotionality and expressiveness, for example:
(7) "The walls between the old allies on either side of the Atlantic can not stand. The walls between the countries with most and those with the least can not stand. The walls between races and tribes; natives and immigrants; Christian and Muslim can not stand. These are now the walls we must tear down. That is why America can not turn inward. That's why Europe can not turn inward. America has no better partner than Europe. Now is the time to build new bridges across the globe as strong as the one that has bound us across the Atlantic "[6].
American politicians skillfully manipulate metaphors with a memorable function, as in the following example:
(8) "And when we have not done it, as in North Korea, let me just take one more example - in North Korea, we cut off the talks. They're a member of the axis of evil. We can not deal with them [10]. As far as North Korea I concerned, our secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, went to North Korea. By the way, North Korea, the most repressive and brutal regime is probably on Earth. The average South Korean is three inches taller than the average North Korean, a huge gulag »[10].
The metaphors "axis of evil" and "gulag" cause persistent negative emotions in the minds of Americans and are associated with the communist regime, violence, but these emotions in this context are gaining new significance and are aimed at a new object - North Korea.
The verbal means that politicians use in their speeches are always aimed at the target audience. Thus, B. Obama's speech to the citizens of Berlin is rich in metaphors of the Cold War era, for example:
(9) "The Cold War, the Soviet shadow, Communism marching across Europe, the fall of the Berlin Wall, a battle of ideas against communists, the shadows of yesterday" [7] which focus recipients' emotions not on the differences in world politics that have arisen between the United States and Germany in recent years, but at that period of history, when between these countries there was not only cooperation but also a common enemy.
The political metaphor carries an evaluative load and is closely related to the type of political thinking and the adoption of political decisions [1, p. 37]. Consequently, metaphors can be divided into those expressing:
1) Positive assessment. For example:
(10) "This is the moment we must help answer the call for a new dawn in the Middle East"
[7] - the metaphor "dawn" symbolizes the beginning of a new life, hoping for a bright future;
2) Negative evaluation. For example:
(11) «This orgy of spending and enormous deficits you votedfor almost all of his budgets»
[10] In this example, the metaphor "orgy of spending" not only means uncontrolled costs, but also associated with rampage, and thus forms a negative attitude to certain phenomena of political life;
3) Neutral assessment. For example:
(12) "The worst thing we could do in this economic climate is to raise people's taxes"
The results of the conducted research according to the goal and tasks allow formulating the following conclusions:
1. Political discourse is a powerful instrument of influence on the mass consciousness, a set of discursive practices that form the sphere of political communication.
2. Political metaphor carries an effect in order to form positive or negative opinion about a particular political unit (politics, party, program, and event).
3. The metaphorical unit in political communication is a problem for an interpreter itself through its versatility and the presence of not only a certain concept that lies in its basis but also a pragmatic component.
4. In order to achieve an adequate translation of metaphorical expressions in English political discourse, translation transformations (permutations, replacements, addition, deletions, etc.) are most often used.
5. There are several classifications of the political metaphor's ways of translation. The following translation strategies can be considered standardized: literal (full) translation, omission/addition, replacement of the metaphorical unit of the source language with the equivalent of the target language and traditional equivalent.
Список використаних джерел
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