Functional styles of the modern Ukrainian language

The analyzing of the peculiarities of the functional styles of the modern Ukrainian language and highlight new tendencies in each of them. Lexical peculiarities offunctional styles of the Ukrainian language. Mutual influence, interpenetration of styles.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Дата добавления 29.08.2018
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Molotkina Y. O.

Formulation of the problem. The Ukrainian language belongs to highly developed languages as it has a big system of styles that serve various needs of people's communication [22, p. 108].

Stylistic differentiation depends on the main speech functions - communication, announcement, act and influence. Each style has a certain degree of distribution in the language. In order to have an idea of a certain style of speech, you need to know what kind of human activity it serves and how it relates to other styles. It is important to differentiate speech forms - oral, written, spoken and book. All styles have both written and spoken form but for some of them spoken form is more common while for others written form is dominating [22, p. 108].

To date, according to the most typical communication situations, there are six functional styles in the contemporary Ukrainian language: style of scientific writing, official-business, journalistic (news writing), confessional, spoken language and belletristic styles. It is worth noting that the confessional style returned to the stylistic classification in the end of the 20th century [21, p. 11].

Communication spheres are not isolated so the styles cannot be closed. Interpenetration of styles and their elements leads to the change in the stylistic charge of some words and their revaluation: book words can become neutral, some neutral words can acquire a colloquial or even rude connotation and vice versa [18, p. 3-4]. Every functional style has features of another. These days, the stylistic system of the Ukrainian language is characterized experiences mutual influence and interpenetration of styles [21, p. 11-12].

Analysis of the recent researches and publications. There is a big amount of researches devoted to the peculiarities of functional styles in Ukrainian language. Many linguists studied special features of scientific style - H. M. Diadiura [11], N. V. Zelinska [13], A. P. Koval [15; 16] and others. The vocabulary of scientific style and its peculiarities are described in the collective works of Ukrainian linguists [28].

Official-business style is described in encyclopedias [28; 30; 31] as well as in researches of different authors [9; 16; 32].

M.I. Navalna [21], I. K. Bilodid [4: 5], O. A. Styshov [26, p. 7] and many others studied special features of journalistic style and new tendencies in it.

There are several researches devoted to the various functioning aspects of the Ukrainian confessional style of speech [3; 1; 6; 7; 17].

Spoken language has been studied by many Ukrainian linguists of the 70-80s of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st centuries [8; 23; 19; 2; 5; 14; 20; 29; 33].

Belletristic style of the Ukrainian language draws researches' attention as well [28, p. 153], [12, p. 813].

The purpose of the article. The aim of this article is to analyze peculiarities of the functional styles of the modern Ukrainian language and highlight new tendencies in each of them.

Main text. Scientific style occupies an important place in the system of styles of speech. It functions in written and oral forms. The main feature of scientific style is the high degree of standardization, and the main function is the message, which is to clarify, prove scientific theories, substantiate the hypotheses, report the results of the study and systematic presentation of knowledge, which determines its logical character [22, p. 120].

The written form is the most common for the scientific style [21, p. 17]. It has certain lexical, phraseological and grammatical stylistic features. The lexicon of scientific style is divided into two groups: word-terms from different branches of knowledge (linguistic, mathematical, chemical, biological, socio-political, etc.) and general scientific terms. The use of idioms is very limited and words are usually used in the literal sense. Nouns and adjectives are most often used in this style. Verbal nouns also appear quite often (виникнення, формування, опір etc). This makes the scientific speech static and non-dynamic. The language of the scientific style also has certain grammatical, mainly syntactic, features. Thus, the scientific style is characterized by the use of simple and compound sentences with several predicative parts. The use of constructions with a spoken tone that give emotional color to scientific presentation is rather limited [10, p. 76-77].

The scientific style of speech has some substyles. P. Dudyk distinguishes main genres of scientific style: Academic science literature (academic journals), technical science literature (mainly engineering literature), specialized science literature (literature on a certain thematic: chemical, physical, mathematical, zoological, botanical, philosophical, historical, etc.), educational literature (textbooks, manuals, teaching materials, etc.) and popular science literature (interpretation of science intended for a general audience) [10, p. 78-79].

Despite the fact that one of the stylistic demands of scientific text is to be clear and understandable [10, p. 80], scientific style is often criticized for being too difficult and accessible only for specialists in certain area [21, p. 16]. Moreover, some linguists assume that there is a crisis of the scientific style [24, p. 53].

N.Zelinska declares, «Scientific texts of the last 25-30 years has some issues. Firstly, they show low level of linguistic culture of scientific publications. Secondly, they prove the existence of the so- called verbal-terminological snobbery - a complication of science language style that is made on purpose in order to make it inaccessible to the ordinary people» [13, p. 13]. P. Selihei says, “In some scientific texts, especially scientific jargon, we notice a tendency to avoid as much as possible the simple words and use instead of «reasonable» vocabulary - that is, the terms construction for those concepts that can be expressed in simpler and more used words. Sometimes it can be even ridiculous: the authors are specifically looking for an excuse to succeed in a certain term, although it is clear from the content that there is no need for it. As a result, there appears a scientific textt with such unusual words like: багатовимірні маніфестації, інтерпарадигматичний характер...» [25, p. 48-49].

The official-business style is used in the legislation, administrative and business activities, and other branches related to the record keeping, reporting and documentation. It is necessary for state communication and public institutions both with each other and with the population, for registration of various regulations, facts and events recording. The main function of the official-business style is the message [22, p. 126-127].

This style is the most stable and conservative one [22, p. 127]. P. Dudyk distinguishes the following grammar and lexical peculiarities of the official-business style:

- very limited use of words in figurative meaning;

- frequent use of socio-political vocabulary and vocabulary related to the realities of public and professional activity of the personal life;

- almost complete absence of idioms (their use is possible only in the records, which fix participants' speech of a particular meeting);

- usage of fixed phrases and cliches in documents [10, p. 69-70].

M. Navalna notes that the official-business vocabulary is neutral and used in a literal sense. This style is characterized by the use of abstract nouns with suffixes -ість, -ання, -ення: незалежність, чинність, укладання, розслідування, рішення etc. The use of fixed phrases makes this style strict and unemotional [21, p. 19-20].

One of the most widely used styles is a journalistic style. This is a special genre of literary works, which highlight the top issues of social life. The journalistic style meets the various needs of society, related to politics, society and economy. Unlike the scientific and official-business, journalistic style is characterized by a propaganda character. The main task of the journalistic style is agitation and strong influence on the reader or the listener. This style combines the accuracy of the statement, the logic of evidence [22, p. 137].

The first one who defined the journalistic style as an independent functional style in the Ukrainian language was

I. Bilodid. He said that it was the language of mass political information «The formation of this style is due to the various cases of using the language of information through the channels of modern mass communication, which is the press, broadcasting, television, advertising, cinema, a diverse report - written and oral, and the development of specific linguistic means of this information» [4, p. 5].

P. Dudyk says that the journalistic style uses mostly written form and its oral form is not developed enough [10, p. 86]. However, these days, oral form of this style has become quite diverse. Journalists and authors of different TV and Internet programs use various specific means in order to attract the attention of the audience and make the news frame sound more emotional: «Правоохоронці продовжують кришувати ігровий бізнес в Україні» (, 15.09.2014). «Несподіванка: мажор, котрий влаштував ДТП, виявився робітником заводу» («Надзвичайні новини», 18.06.2013). «За словами одного з колишніх власників «Приватбанку» Дмитра Дубілета, політичні ігрища, в яких взяла участь очільниця партії «Батьківщина» Юлія Тимошенко, можуть мати для неї несподівані наслідки» («Repluyua. Новости Украины», 12.09.2017). In fact, journalists often try to reach some kind of pompousness, even pathos, exaltation, enthusiasm and excitement. Journalists try to avoid everyday, emotionally neutral words and phrases, using lexemes that express feelings and expressions. [10, p. 87].

M. Navalna notes that the main features of the news writing language are: linguistic economy, short presentation and, at the same time, informative load; selection of linguistic means and the use of clear words, expressions; use of socio-political terminology and language strains, reconsidering vocabulary of other functional styles [21, p. 22].

The journalistic style lexicon is rather diverse as “units of different functional styles and genres of language often appear in periodicals. The most common are lexical elements of spoken and scientific, much less - artistic and official-business styles” [26, p. 35].

Confessional style or confessional speech (Latin confessio - confession) serves the cultural and professional needs of clerics - deacons, priests, bishops and other clergy, as well as (to a lesser extent) parishioners [10, p. 91].

Confessional style was formed during the times of Kievan Rus. In the 16th - 17 th centuries, the Ukrainian confessional speech was developing quite actively. However, its use in Ukraine almost completely ceased due to the prohibition of teaching the old Ukrainian language at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (1753). From that time (except 1918-1928) and until the declaration of independence by Ukraine, the confessional style was practically not implemented in the Ukrainian language and, as a result, did not develop [10, p. 93]. To date, in connection with the democratization of Ukrainian society, the confessional style has resumed and is actively developing in the literary language [21, p. 23].

P. Dudyk notes that the vocabulary of the confessional style is thematically special, standard and clearly distinguished from the vocabulary of other styles. The researcher distinguishes two types of stylistic names: central and fundamental (Бог, Ісус, Матір Божа); names of clerics (патріарх, митрополит, єпископ); names of sacred rituals of Christianity (хрещення, сповідь, вінчання); religious notions (літургія, ікона, молитва, піст); fasting names (Петрівка, Спасівка); some names from nonOrthodox religions (індульгенція, кірха, костьол). There are also many old Slavic words in the Ukrainian confessional style: агнець, взивати, воздати, ректи та ін. The speech of this style is solemn, it has a special inversion, a great concentration of the marked units, a high and, at the same time, a peculiar rhythm, elements of farewell, etc. [10, p. 91-93].

Spoken language is the most massive, most frequent and used by all layers of the population. This style is predominantly implemented in the oral and written forms of expression and is characterized by a wide variation of the statement, which allows the speaker to express almost identical concepts in various ways [10, p. 61]. The main function of the Spoken language is the communication and the exchange of opinions between two or more speakers. This style is used in conversations on unofficial topics in the conditions of unprepared and easy communication [22, p. 114].

Spoken language is the oldest language style. Modern Ukrainian linguists L. Matsko, O. Sidorenko and others say that it «began with the emergence of language, and it developed in it at its initial stages. The first norms of literary language that arose on a dialectal basis, were formed in the spoken language» [10, p. 63].

Recently, the stylistic foundations of the literary language has experienced democratization and liberalization [21, p. 27].

O.Taranenko distinguishes them as: «1) within the limits of the style range of the literary language itself - activation of the elements functioning of the Spoken language style in the areas of not only artistic, but also journalistic and to a certain extent, even official- business and scientific styles, as well as the expansion of the presence of the general stylistic tone of oral speech in the spheres of journalistic style; 2) within the style range of the national language as a whole - Spoken language is more often used in different genres of artistic and journalistic styles of stylistically reduced, vulgar, slang vocabulary... One can often see these elements in the same text» [29, p. 34-35].

These days, linguists speak about the peculiarities of the Spoken language in the Internet. They assume that the Internet communication is a kind of «reflection» of the Spoken language style [33, p. 38]. S. Chemerkin concludes that «Internet communication is an important source of neologisms, and the Internet is a kind of testing ground for new word forms» [33, p. 42].

Belletristic style occupies a special place in the system of styles. Its main function is action and influence, but its means differ from the means of journalistic style, which has the same function [22, p. 150].

The belletristic style has mostly a written form of expression. It is presented in all genres of fiction. This style is also realized in oral form, because literary and belletristic texts are often heard on radio, television etc. [10, p. 81].

The belletristic style depicts the reality by creating images [21, p. 27]. “The art of the artistic word consists in revealing the potential possibilities of the national language, which, due to the completeness of the linguistic material, its unusual, originality, artistic expediency, achieve effective emotional aesthetic influence on the reader, develop its linguistic taste” [12, p. 813].

The belletrisric style combines elements of all styles of literary language. This is explained primarily by the content of the work of art and its ideological orientation. It allows the use of dialecticism and slang, if it is motivated by the needs of an artistic image of reality [21, p. 28; 22, p. 150].

In addition to stylistically neutral lexicon, spoken vocabulary is widely used as one of its important components, in particular in dialogues and descriptions of everyday situations, in general when «the author seeks how to give the language of his work the colloquial coloring» [28, p. 153]. Part of the Spoken language is used with additional stylistic purpose, which gives the belletristic style ironic, playful, familiar and other shades. The belletristic style is also characterized by book words, especially those that denote the phenomena of life and life of different nationalities. Professional, socio-political, scientific lexicon is used in this style only when its use is motivated by the content of the composition [21, p. 28].

Ukrainian language has a diverse stylistic differentiation. Functional styles meet different needs and are essential for the effective communication in all areas of human activities. Every style has its own peculiarities but they are not closed. Functional styles of the Ukrainian literary language are characterized by the interpenetration of their elements. In addition, styles develop simultaneously with the language. Such styles like journalistic and spoken language respond to social changes and these changes get the reflection in the stylistic field. Functional styles develop constantly so it is important to trace all these alterations in order to achieve deeper understanding of the modern Ukrainian language. Therefore, this problem needs further research.

lexical ukrainian language modern


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