From traditional to contemporary in English language teaching: the methods of communication

Basic methods of communication in teaching a foreign language from a traditional to a modern perspective. The analysis of traditional (audio lingualism, direct method) and non-traditional (lino library, sketch, role-playing, round table) teaching methods.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 20.07.2018
Размер файла 21,2 K

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УДК 35.088.6:[316.77:81'243]

From traditional to contemporary in English language teaching: the methods of communication

Natalia Kolisnichenko

PhD in Public Administration, Docent, Head of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Department, ORIPA NAPA under the President of Ukraine

Yevgeniya Yatsun

Senior Lecturer of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Department, ORIPA NAPA under the President of Ukraine


teaching language traditional sketch

The article discusses methods of communication in teaching a foreign language from traditional to contemporary perspectives. Traditional (grammar translation method; direct method; audio-lingualism) and non-traditional (the methodology of Alexander Dragunkin, social media, smartboards, online library, «sketch», role play, round table, discussion, suggestopedia, «the silent way» method; immersion, task-based language learning and others) teaching methods are analysed.

Key words: methods of communication, teaching methods, traditional methods, non- traditional methods, grammar translation method, direct method, audio-lingualism.


Колісніченко Наталя

завідувач кафедри української та іноземних мов ОРІДУНАДУ при Президентові України, к.держ.упр., доцент

Яцун Євгенія

старший викладач кафедри української та іноземних мов ОРІДУ НАДУ при Президентові України

Від традиційного до сучасного у викладанні англійської мови: методи комунікації

У статті розглядаються методи комунікації у викладанні іноземної мови від традиційної до сучасної перспективи. Аналізуються традиційні (метод граматичного перекладу, прямий метод, аудіолінгвалізм) та нетрадиційні (методологія Олександра Драгункіна, соціальні медіа, смарт (інтерактивні) дошки, онлайнова бібліотека, "скетч", рольова гра, круглий стіл, дискусія, сугестопедія (навіювання), "тихий" метод, метод, занурення, метод вивчення мови на основі завдань тощо) методи викладання.

Ключові слова: методи комунікації, методи викладання, традиційні методи, нетрадиційні методи, граматико-перекладний метод, прямий метод, аудіолінгвальний метод.


Колисниченко Наталья

заведующий кафедрой украинского и иностранных языков ОРИГУНАГУ при Президенте Украины, к.гос.упр. доцент

Яцун Евгения

старший преподаватель кафедры украинского и иностранных языков ОРИГУ НАГУ при Президенте Украины

От традиционного к современному в преподавании английского языка: методы коммуникации

В статье рассматриваются методы коммуникации в преподавании иностранного языка от традиционной к современной перспективе. Анализируются традиционные (метод грамматического перевода, прямой метод, аудиолингвализм) и нетрадиционные (методология Александра Драгункина, социальные медиа, смарт (интерактивные) доски, онлайновая библиотека, «скетч», ролевая игра, круглый стол, дискуссия, суггестопедия (внушение), «тихий» метод, метод, погружения, метод изучения языка на основе задач и т.д.) методы преподавания.

Ключевые слова: методы коммуникации, методы преподавания, традиционные методы, нетрадиционные методы, грамматико-переводной метод, прямой метод, аудиолингвальный метод.

Постановка проблеми. Nowadays, the market of educational technologies is full of offers from the most diverse methods of teaching a foreign language: «English for two weeks», «We do not force to teach», «English on Skype», «English on levels of sub-consciousness». The development of foreign languages' teaching is oriented towards new trends in the selection of methods focused on the key purpose of education - the formation of the students' main features of the linguistic personality. The issue here is: whether to trust modern technology or to prefer methods that have proven themselves (direct, classical, grammar-translated method of teaching a foreign language, etc.). Today there is no universal method, since the effectiveness of one method or another depends on many factors. At the present stage, the integration of methods is occurring. One can say that the formation of a complex method, which absorbs the best elements of different methods, takes place.

Мета статті. The purpose of the article is to discuss methods of communication in teaching a foreign language from traditional to contemporary perspectives.

Аналіз останніх досліджень і публікацій. The various aspects of traditional methods were explored by Nunan D., Richards J. and Rogers T. (the grammar translation method); Krause C., Littlewood W. (the direct method); Fries C., Richards J., Rodgers T. (audio-lingualism); Bax S., Brandl K., Brumfit C., Hiep P. (communicative language teaching method); Genesee F., Johnson R., Swain M. (immersion) etc. Among the Ukrainian scholars the methods of teaching a foreign language studied Gaponova S., ^zachiner O., ^avchuk L., Legan V., Soshenko S. and ^lomiyets B. and others.

Невирішені частини загальної проблеми. Though numerous publications provide a description of various methods for teaching a foreign language - traditional and non-traditional, not much attention is paid to such aspect of their application as communicative communication. There is a gap in studies on contemporary non-traditional methods, especially in training of managers and civil servants.

Виклад основного матеріалу. There is a great number of methods, but none of them is the best in all contexts, and none of them, on the essence, does not excel other. In addition, it is impossible to apply the same method for all students, which have different goals, terms and requirements in teaching. It is needed to apply the most suitable method for implementation of concrete tasks of studying. Every method of teaching is based on certain vision of understanding the language or teaching process, often with the use of special methods and materials which are used in the set sequence.

In the scientific literature, the methods of studying a foreign language are divided depending on: which aspect of the language prevails in the study (grammatical or lexical); the role played by the native language and the translation in the teaching of foreign languages (translated and non- translated or direct); the purpose (oral method and method of reading), the technique of working with the language (audiovisual and visual), the principle of organization (traditional and method of programmed learning), etc. Each method - traditional and non-traditional - has its priorities. Among traditional (classical) methods we consider: grammar translation method - classic method of studying English; direct method - discovering the importance of speaking; audio-lingualism - one of the first modern methods:

1. Grammar translation as classical technique for learning English. At the heart of this method is the study of grammar. The main means of teaching the language was a literal translation. According to this method, language proficiency is the storage of a certain number of words and knowledge of grammar. This method of teaching foreign languages is somewhat outdated, it is considered to be boring, difficult, and the result is achieved too long (a lot of boring and difficult grammatical rules, a bunch of words that need to be crammed, dreary texts that are required to read and translate, and sometimes retell). Besides, the main drawback of the traditional method is that it creates ideal conditions for the emergence of a language barrier, because a person does not speak, but simply combines words with grammatical rules. The classes are conducted according to the scheme: read - translate, read - translate. It is evident that this technique greatly reduces the motivation and interest in pursuits. Since this method was not suitable for teaching an oral foreign language, it was used as a method of teaching reading and translating classical texts [2].

2. The direct method (DM) of teaching in contrast to the Grammar-Translation Method employs objects and actions to link with words in the Target Language [9, p. 93]. It is called «direct» as it means to be conveyed directly in the target language through demonstration and action. According to Webster's New International Dictionary [10], direct method is a method of teaching a foreign language, especially a modern language through conversation, discussion, and reading in the language itself, without the use of people's language, without translation and without the study of formal grammar. So, the focus in it is on good pronunciation, with spontaneous use of the language, no translation, and little grammar analysis.

3. The audio-lingual approach of language teaching has a lot of similarities with the Direct method. Both were considered as a reaction against the shortcomings of the Grammar translation method, both reject the use of the mother tongue and both stress that speaking and listening competences preceded reading and writing competences. But there are also some differences. The direct method highlighted the teaching of vocabulary while the audio-lingual approach focus on grammar drills. The objective of the audio-lingual method is accurate pronunciation and grammar, the ability to respond quickly and accurately in speech situations and knowledge of sufficient vocabulary to use with grammar patterns. Some characteristics of this method are: drills are used to teach structural patterns; set phrases are memorized with a focus on intonation; grammatical explanations are kept to a minimum; vocabulary is taught in context; focus is on pronunciation; correct responses are positively reinforced immediately [5].

There is a great variety of non-traditional methods of studying English. It does not mean, that they are completely new. It should be emphasized that non-traditional methods stimulate those who learn to manifest speech activity and this is their attractiveness and priority value [4].

The authors of new methods of studying foreign languages, without agreeing with classical tricks, suggest other ways of mastering a language. Analyzing non-traditional learning technologies of English, one should mention the methods of some famous modern teachers with enormous luggage of knowledge, who use a rather unusual form of learning a language.

1. The methodology of Alexander Dragunkin. It is not necessary to say that Alexander Dragunkin's technique is «better or worse» than other existing methods - it is fundamentally different. This is not just a new form of presentation of material when the teaching material itself is very different, sharply different from the traditional one. The author refused to obsolete, often just artificial, «rules», and in an easily accessible form reveals directly the structure of the English language [1]. For all the simplicity of the presentation, the author devises such kind of schemes, which allow him to understand «to lay out» the positions that previously seemed impossible for the student to understand and assimilate. Alexander Dragunkin found his way, which explains the use of English verb tenses and does it so quickly that the fact of studying the verb tenses for many years begins to cause confusion.

In addition to Dragunkin's method, there are many ways of learning English that require a different approach to the distribution of effort, time for learning and the forms of work.

2. Using Social Media. Social media can be a great tool for creating classroom community and avenues of communication. Adding in popular social media and texting acronyms like «GTG» (Internet shorthand for «Got to go»: it can mean «good to go», depending on the context.) and «BTW» (by the way) is an amusing way to create a relaxed atmosphere and solicit input from students on what they've been noticing (or puzzled by) in interactions with English-speaking friends and family [6].

If you like to address technology fluency with language fluency in your lesson plans, setting up a simple blogging interface can help with typing and web skills, all while crafting basic phrases or longer paragraphs related to writing prompts. In addition, drafting emails and instant messages blends verbal with written language, providing real-world writing application.

3. Smartboards are a smart choice. In a setting where ESL students (ESL stands for English as a Second Language) may feel inhibited about speaking up or being called on--sometimes lacking the «right» words -- interactive blackboards allow for pointing, drawing, and much more. They are a great solution to inject vitality and teamwork into games and exercises that involve matching, such as grouping verb tenses or parts of speech. Smartboards are good both for groupwork (using teams, for example) and because they prove more stimulating than rote memorization and repetition. Unlike a traditional whiteboard, smartboards allow the teacher to track responses and learning. Syncing the lessons with images, sound clips, and video clips is a great way to model pronunciation, inflection, and real life language scenarios. The boards are also multisensory, incorporating touch, sound, and visual elements -- a magic combination that has been shown to increase retention by up to 38%.

4. Online library and reading tools. The internet can be one giant text, if you let it, and lots of savvy sites exist to provide quality interactive content for English language learners. This is a perfect opportunity to target autonomous classroom work as well. Young learners can read free, animated stories. Intermediate and advanced readers can listen and read along for free to a range of stories and short reports, while another site, Voxy (the world's first personalized language learning app), prides itself on delivering relevant reading choices (i.e. not «The banana is on the table») tailored to each learner. Using the internet as a vocabulary building tool is also an effective strategy. An online picture dictionary delivers the perfect place to explore, while sparing use of Google Translate can be a good spot for the students to check their own work or satisfy their curiosity. Of course, as with any translation tool, Translate cannot possibly express the many nuances of human speech [7].

5. «Sketch». Sketch is a short scene that is played in accordance with the proposed problem situation, where the action is indicated persons, their social status, role behavior. Sketch, in contrast to the role-playing game, is characterized by less complexity and freedom of speech behavior of characters. Sketches can be played by small scenes of social-household sphere.

6. «Role play». The role-playing game simulates the real situation communication and differs, first and foremost, with freedom and the spontaneity of speech and infant behavior characters A role-playing game implies the presence of a certain the number of participants, as well as the game's problem situation, they operate in. The result of the game should become a conflict resolution.

7. «Round table». A round table is an exchange of thoughts from any questions, problems of interest to participants of communication. Those, who participate in the round table, learn to speak on their behalf. The most diverse problems can be discussed for «roundtable»: social, country studies, moral and ethical, etc. Participation in the round table requires high level students to speak the language and the availability of certain knowledge about the problem or a certain field of knowledge. Therefore, as a reception, the «round table» can not be conducted at the initial stage of training, and upon completion of work on topic or several subject themes.

8. «Discussion». The discussion is one of the forms of dispute organization, so-called verbal competition. It is an exchange of views as to any subject in order to achieve general consensus on it. Participants must have knowledge of their successful conduct about the subject of discussion, to have their own opinion on it, for example, to have methods of influence on partners and the art of conducting a conversation.

9. Suggestopedia. The theory underlying this method is that a language can be acquired only when the learner is receptive and has no mental blocks. By various methods it is suggested to the student that the language is easy - and in this way the mental blocks to learning are removed [5].

10. Communicative language teaching (CLT). The focus of this method is to enable the learner to communicate effectively and appropriately in the various situations he/she would be likely to find himself/herself in. The content of CLT reveals the functions such as inviting, suggesting, complaining or notions such as the expression of time, quantity, location.

11. The Natural Approach. The Natural approach, propounded by Professor S. Krashen, stresses the similarities between learning the first and second languages. There is no correction of mistakes. Learning takes place by the students being exposed to language that is comprehensible or made comprehensible to them.

12. «The Silent Way» method. This is so called because the aim of the teacher is to say as little as possible in order that the learner can be in control of what he wants to say. No use is made of the mother tongue [4].

13. Community Language Learning. In this method attempts are made to build strong personal links between the teacher and student so that there are no blocks to learning. There is much talk in the mother tongue which is translated by the teacher for repetition by the student.

14. Immersion. Language immersion, or simply immersion, is a technique used in bilingual language education in which two languages are used for instruction in a variety of topics, including math, science, or social studies. Immigrant students who attend local schools find themselves in an immersion situation; for example refugee children from Bosnia attending German schools, or Puerto Ricans in American schools [4].

15. Task-based language learning. The focus of the teaching is on the completion of a task which in itself is interesting to the learners. Learners use the language they already have to complete the task and there is little correction of errors. For example, this is the predominant method in middle school ESL teaching at Frankfurt International School. The tasks are subsumed in a major topic that is studied for a number of weeks. In the topic of ecology, for example, students are engaged in a number of tasks culminating in a poster presentation to the rest of the class. The tasks include reading, searching the internet, listening to taped material, selecting important vocabulary to teach other students etc.

16. The Lexical Syllabus. This approach is based on a computer analysis of language which identifies the most common (and hence most useful) words in the language and their various uses. The syllabus teaches these words in broadly the order of their frequency, and great emphasis is placed on the use of authentic materials [5].

This research has studied only some examples of the non-traditional methods of communicative communication in English.

The theme of the diversity of teaching methods is extremely deep and interesting. The development of sciences, and especially psychology, the introduction of new technology have led to the emergence of non-traditional methods. Of course, each method has its own positive aspects and disadvantages. We can say that non-traditional methods have become a valuable asset for the teaching of foreign languages.

Висновки та перспективи подальших наукових розробок

Today, teachers need to prepare students to work in changed conditions, to approach non-traditional approaches to solving various situations, to organize their activities on a creative basis. All the methods described so far are symbolic of the progress foreign language teaching ideology underwent in the last century. Communicative approach is the most recommended approach to foreign/second language teaching. The non-traditional methods of communicative communication in English classes are used in groups of future managers. Their implementation will completely depend on desire, competence and erudition of the teacher. Ability to involve those who are learning in the process of active mastering the English language, and still, at the same time, to develop their own communicative, leadership abilities - it's pretty hard and a lot of things which are determined by the aspiration of students to acquire and improve not only their linguistic abilities and skills in mastering a foreign language, but also the upbringing of traits of character, of various abilities, including the communicative activity.


1. Драгункин А. Малый прыжок в английский язык за 115 минут. - СПб.: «Умная планета», 2006. - 160 с.

2. Казачінер О. С. Авторські методики викладання іноземної мови. -- Х.: Вид. група «Основа», 2014. -- 93 [3] c.

3. Brown, H. D. Principles of language learning and teaching (4th ed.). - New York: Longman, 2000. - 354 p.

4. Genesee F. Second language learning through immersion: A review of U.S. programs // Review of Educational Research. - № 55 (4). - 1985. - Р. 541-561.

5. Kirsten R. Five creative new ways to teach English as a second language. - February 11, 2015. - Mode of access: language/

6. Phillips J. K. Foreign language education: whose definition? // The Modern Language Journal. - № 91 (2). - 2007. - Р. 266-268.

7. Richards J. C., Rodgers T. S. Approaches and methods in language teaching. - UK: Cambridge Language Teaching Library, 2014. - 329 p.

8. Swain M., Johnson R. Immersion education: A category within bilingual education / In R. K. Johnson, M. Swain (Eds.), Immersion education: International perspectives. - NY: Cambridge University Press, 1997. - Р. 1-16.

9. The Direct Method. - 2011. - Mode of access:

10. Webster's New International Dictionary, 2nd edition. - G. & C. Merriam Company, Publishers, USA, 1934.

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