Английский язык
Совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции в единстве всех составляющих: языковой, речевой и пр. Совершенствование сформированных ранее навыков устной речи. Расширение словарного запаса студентов, отработка лексических навыков устной речи и чтения.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | учебное пособие |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 06.10.2017 |
Размер файла | 1,1 M |
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Министерство образования Республики Беларусь
Учреждение образования "Витебский государственный
университет им. П.М. Машерова"
Кафедра иностранных языков
Учебно-методическое пособие
для студентов неязыковых специальностей
Издательство УО "ВГУ им. П.М. Машерова"
УДК 811.111 (075)
ББК 81.432.1-923
Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета учреждения образования "Витебский государственный университет им. П.М. Машерова"
Авторы: преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков УО «ВГУ им. П.М. Машерова» Л.В. Кажекина; старшие преподаватели кафедры иностранных языков УО «ВГУ им. П.М. Машерова» И.А. Юрченко, Е.В. Соротокина, Ж.Е. Прохорова; преподаватели кафедры иностранных языков УО «ВГУ им. П.М. Машерова» Ю.А. Балло, И.А. Григорик, О.П. Кулик, Д.М. Палевич, Ю.Н. Пасютина, Е.Ф. Филиппенко, Н.М. Шкатуло.
Рецензент: кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков УО «ВГУ им. П.М.Машерова» О.Н. Кулиева.
Кажекина Л.В.
Английский язык: практикум для студентов неязыковых специальностей / Л.В. Кажекина, О.Н. Кулиева, И.А. Юрченко, Е.В. Соротокина, Ю.А. Балло, И.А. Григорик, О.П. Кулик, Д.М. Палевич, Ю.Н. Пасютина, Е.Ф. Филиппенко, Н.М. Шкатуло. - Витебск: Издательство УО "ВГУ им. П.М. Машерова", 2009. - с.
Данный практикум рекомендуется для студентов дневного отделения неязыковых специальностей университета.
Практикум предназначен для развития устной речи у студентов неязыковых специальностей. Он включает методические разработки, 9 тем и 2 части современных аутентичных публицистических текство, предназначенных для реферирвоания и аннотирования.
УДК 811.111 (075)
ББК 81.432.1-923
ISBN©. Кажекина Л.В [и др.] , 2009
© УО "ВГУ им. П.М. Машерова", 2009
Настоящий практикум предназначен для студентов дневной формы обучения неязыковых специальностей всех факультетов высших учебных заведений. Цель практикума - совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию в единстве всех составляющих: языковой, речевой, социокультурной, компенсаторной, учебно-познавательной; дать более глубокие знания многофункциональной направленности; содействовать совершенствованию сформированных ранее навыков устной речи; развить умение излагать информационный материал, а также сформировать новые умения в устном общении.
Настоящий практикум состоит из 9 модулей, приложения в двух частях, включающего тексты социокультурного, социально-политического, учебно-профессионального и производственного общения для реферирования и аннотирования, и списка литературы.
Практикум строится на основе методических принципов, способствующих совершенствованию коммуникативных навыков будущих специалистов в свете социального заказа на современном этапе. Тематическое содержание пособия соответствует требованиям современной типовой программы. Лингвострановедческая ориентация текстов, включающих как функциональную страноведческую информацию, так и фоновую, содержащую сведения о культуре, нормах и традициях общения на английском языке, обеспечивает устойчивость коммуникации. Тексты, используемые в пособии, способствуют реализации не только практических, но и воспитательно-образовательных целей обучения. Они являются оригинальными и снабжены словарем и пояснениями. Учебная цель текстов - совершенствовать умения разных видов чтения, служить познавательным источником, расширяющим и углубляющим эрудицию студентов и дающим возможность вести беседу по соответствующей теме.
Задачи практикума (развитие у студентов навыков чтения и понимания текстов страноведческой, социокультурной и социально-политической направленности; умение выделять основную информацию и передавать содержание прочитанного; умение начать, поддержать беседу и высказывать свое мнение, вести дискуссию на английском языке) определяют характер упражнений. Цель заданий, предшествующих тексту, - расширение словарного запаса студентов, отработка лексических навыков устной речи и чтения, введение и закрепление коммуникативных структур. Послетекстовые задания предназначены для отработки навыков более глубокого осмысления содержания текста и для реализации заданной коммуникативной ситуации. Такие упражнения ориентируют студентов на самостоятельное извлечение информации из текстов и носят творческий характер.
Представленные в пособии задания не ограничивают творческую инициативу преподавателя в поиске новых дидактических материалов, методов и приемов их изучения.
Section I
Appearance and Character
I. Look through the vocabulary below that may be useful when speaking about appearance and character.
beautiful |
['bju:tiful] |
красивый (о женщинах) |
blond/fair, dark hair |
['fFq] |
светлые/русые, черные волосы |
blue (grey, green, hazel) eyes |
голубые (серые, зеленые, карие) глаза |
blue (grey, green, hazel, dark)-eyed |
голубо (серо, зелено, каре, черно)-глазый |
built |
[bilt] |
Конституция |
curly(straight) hair |
[kq:lI] [streit] |
кудрявые (прямые) волосы |
figure |
['fig?] |
фигура |
handsome |
['hжns?m] |
красивый (о мужчинах) |
height |
[hait] |
рост |
look like (smb.) |
быть похожим на (кого-либо) |
of medium height |
['mi:dj?m] |
среднего роста |
of powerful built |
['pavqful] |
крепкого телосложения |
plain |
[plein] |
некрасивый |
plump |
[plAmp] |
полноватый |
pretty |
['priti] |
симпатичный |
short |
низкий |
slender |
['slendq] |
стройный |
slim |
худой |
straight (snubbed) nose |
[streit] |
прямой (курносый) нос |
take after (mother, father) |
быть похожим на (мать, отца) |
tall |
высокий |
look like |
выглядеть |
Features of Character |
be in good (bad) mood |
быть в хорошем (плохом) настроении |
generous |
['Genqrqs] |
великодушный, щедрый |
brave |
смелый |
cheerful |
['tSiqful] |
веселый, жизнерадостный |
witty |
остроумный |
strong-willed |
волевой |
well-bred |
благовоспитанный |
to be a man of character |
['kxrIktq] |
быть человеком сильного характера |
to be a man of no character |
быть человеком слабого характера |
fair |
честный, справедливый |
devoted |
преданный |
faithful |
дружеский, дружественный |
friendly |
['frendli] |
доброжелательный |
gentle |
нежный |
gloomy |
['glu:mi] |
мрачный |
hard-working |
трудолюбивый |
helpful |
помогающий |
honest |
['onist] |
честный |
kind-hearted |
['kaind'ha:tid] |
добрый, добросердечный |
lazy |
[leizi] |
ленивый |
lively |
['laivli] |
живой, веселый |
mood |
[mu:d] |
настроение |
open-minded |
открытый, искренний |
polite |
[pq'laIt] |
вежливый |
reserved |
[rI'zq:vd] |
сдержанный |
rude |
грубый |
shy |
['SaI] |
робкий |
sociable |
['sOVSqbl] |
общительный |
stubborn |
['stAbqn] |
упрямый |
mean |
[mi:n] |
хитрый, коварный |
II. Choose the opposites
a) optimistic, shy, stupid, kind, polite, boring, generous, mean, hard-working, strong-willed
b) weak-willed, clever, cruel, cheerful, lazy, sociable, rude, pessimistic, greedy, fair
III. Here are some adjectives to describe a person's character. Match them with the definitions below:
lazy, clever, stupid, greedy, polite, hark-working, sociable, selfish (эгоистичный), happy, generous
1) He is always interested only in himself. He is …
2) She is fond of going to the parties and meeting her friends. She has a lot of them. She is very …
3) He dislikes spending money and never buys any ice-cream, sweets or juice. He is …
4) She is fond of learning and always passes her exams well. She is … and …
5) He prefers to spend the whole day in bed watching TV. He is …
6) Mary will never forget to say “Thank you” and “Please”. She is a very .. girl.
7) She is always smiling and says she is fond of life. She is really …
8) He doesn't want to study. He can't even write the word “newspaper” correctly. He is …
9) She is always helping people. She is …
IV. Read the following dialogues and make up your own using the examples
- I hear Mary has lost her weight and looks awfully pretty.
- Oh, yes, you are right. But she is too thin now, I think, She should put on weight now.
- What are you talking about? All friends say she has never been so beautiful before.
- Tom, who is this good-looking, chestnut-haired young lady?
- Oh, it's my sister.
- And who is this pretty girl with rosy plump cheeks and a turned-up nose?
- It's her elder daughter, my niece.
- Well, you have such pleasant - looking relatives.
- Thank you.
- I say, Mike, what do you think of Mr. Black?
- As for me I don't like him. He is envious, obstinate, selfish and rude.
- Really? Are you sure?
- Certainly. We work in one and the same office.
- Oh, John, there you are at last. I'd like to speak to you about our new manager. Is he always generous, kind and sociable?
- Be careful, Max. If you are for him, he is a very good man, but he can be aggressive, cruel and even cunning.
- What makes you think so?
- He is my distant relative.
V. Translate the following dialogues into English and act them out.
- Я бы хотел увидеть Тома Брауна. Он здесь?
- Да, он здесь. Вот он стоит у окна.
- Но я вижу большую группу ребят у окна. Как он выглядит?
- Это темноволосый парень с голубыми глазами. Вы не ошибетесь.
- Ты знаешь, Том и Джейн собираются пожениться.
- Да? Но ведь они такие разные люди. Том - неуклюжий и застенчивый, а Джейн такая веселая и общительная.
- Ты очень плохо знаешь Тома. Он очень одаренный великодушный и хорошо воспитанный. И у него есть чувство юмора.
Section II
I. Look through the vocabulary below that may be useful when speaking about your family.
aunt |
тетя |
average(small, large) family |
['xvqrIG] |
средняя (маленькая, большая) семья |
brother |
брат |
by modern standards |
['stxndqd] |
по современным меркам |
consist of |
['kqn'sIst] |
состоять из |
cousin |
['kAzn] |
двоюродный брат (сестра) |
father |
отец |
grandfather |
дедушка |
grandmather |
бабушка |
grandparent |
дедушка и бабушка |
grandson(daughter) |
внук (внучка) |
mother |
мать |
nephew |
['nevju:] |
племянник |
niece |
[ni:s] |
племянница |
parents |
родители |
relatives(relations) |
['relativz] |
родственники |
sister |
сестра |
stepdaughter |
падчерица |
to bring up |
воспитывать |
the baby of the family |
любимчик, младший в семье |
stepfather |
отчим |
stepmother |
мачеха |
stepson |
пасынок |
twins |
близнецы |
uncle |
['ANkl] |
дядя |
Relations in the Family |
admire smb |
[qd'mqIq] |
любить, обожать кого-л. |
awful |
ужасные |
be attached to smb. |
[q'txtSt] |
быть привязанным к кому-либо |
be devoted to smb. |
[dI'vOVtId] |
быть преданным кому-либо |
blame smb |
винить, обвинять кого-либо |
caring |
заботливые |
close |
близкие |
cordial |
['kO:dZql] |
сердечные, радужные |
difficulty |
трудность |
distant |
['dIstqnt] |
далекие |
find support and understanding |
[sq'pO:t] |
находить поддержку и понимание |
frank |
откровенные, искренние |
friendly |
дружеские |
help (be helpful) |
помогать |
hostile |
враждебные |
impartial |
безразличные |
intolerant |
нетерпимые |
loving |
любящие |
problem |
проблема |
provide for the family |
обеспечивать семью |
reliable |
[rI'laIqbl] |
надежные |
rely on smb |
[ri'lai] |
полагаться на кого-либо |
remote |
отдаленные, далекие |
respect smb |
[ris'pekt] |
уважать кого-либо |
respectful |
[ris'pektful] |
уважительные |
take care of smb |
[kFq] |
заботиться о ком-либо |
tolerant |
['tOlqrqnt] |
терпимые |
trust smb |
[trAst] |
доверять кому-либо |
united |
[ju:'naItId] |
сплоченные |
warm |
[wL:m] |
теплые |
worry about smb |
['wArI] |
беспокоится о ком-либо |
II. Put the following words in its correct place
widow, stepchildren, fiancй, brother, widower, mane, younger, close, spinster, get married, cousins, bachelor, stepmother, distant
My … is Tom Smiles. I'm the eldest of all the children. My second … is Jack. The youngest is Michael. My … sister is two years younger than me. Some time ago she got engaged. Her … is Mr. Brown. They are going to … next month.
I have many relatives. My grandparents are dead. But I have a number of … and … relatives: two uncles, four aunts and about a dozen cousins. One of my … has lost her husband. She is a … . An uncle of mine has been a … for many years but he married recently. His wife is very kind to her … and treats them as a real mother. One of my aunts remained unmarried and therefore she is what the English call a … or a single lady. An uncle of mine has also remained single. He is an old … .
III. Read the following dialogues and make up your own using the examples.
- Where were you born?
- In London. But my parents come from Manchester.
- How interesting! I come from Manchester too.
- Oh, it's a small world, isn't it?
- Look Jake, have you got a family of your own?
- Oh, no, I'm not married yet. I live with my parents.
- Is your family large?
- I don't think so. My parents have got only two daughters.
- And which of you is the eldest?
- It's me. I'm twenty.
- How old is your younger sister? I wonder what her name is?
- Susan. She's a lovely girl. She is ten.
- It's a pleasure to have such a young sister, isn't it?
- Certainly. She's the apple of my eye.
IV. Read the following text. Use the information given in it while speaking about your family.
scruffy |
['skrAfI] |
неряшливый, нечесаный |
to tower |
['tauq] |
выситься |
morose |
[mq'rous] |
угрюмый |
sullen |
['sAlqn] |
сердитый |
to mutter |
['mAtq] |
бормотать |
hem |
рубец на платье |
tights |
['taIts] |
колготки |
bluish |
['blu:IS] |
голубоватый, синеватый |
to splash |
['splxS] |
брызгать(ся), шлепать(по грязи) |
My brother is 22 years old. He is of a medium height and build, a bit stocky, but strong with it. He has long, curly fair hair. It is fashionable at the moment for men to grow their hair. His hair nearly reaches his shoulders. My mother is always telling him to get it cut. He doesn't take much care over his appearance so he often looks quite scruffy. He hates having to wear a tie for work. When he's at home he wears comfortable clothes such as T-shirts and jeans. He doesn't care very much what he looks like.
My other brother is much taller - he towers above me, even though he is only 15. He does quite a lot of sport so he's quite strong and has well developed muscles. He has straight brown hair which refuses to lie flat and is always stroking up. He has bluish grey eyes and a little nose.
He is clever and quiet and spends a lot of time at his computer. People sometimes think that he is morose and sullen but I don't think that's the case - he just prefers to think rather than to talk. When he does talk he has a deep voice. He doesn't pronounce his words very clearly, but just mutters them - he can't be bothered to speak clearly. This is typical of 'boys of his age I think.
My mother turned 50 this year, although she doesn't look it. She has aged quite well I think. Only now she is beginning to show signs of old age ~ her hair has started to go grey and her skin is drier. She is also thinner - she used to have a tendency to put on weight. She is quite tall - it's a characteristic of her side of 'the family. She is usually well dressed. She is the sort of person who always looks quite smart - I'm the exact opposite - it doesn't matter how much time, money and energy I devote to my appearance, I usually look scruffy. Even if I leave home looking good by the time I reach my destination I look a mess - my tights are splashed, my hem has come down and I generally look untidy as if I'd never bothered.
My father is quite short and a bit plump. I take after my father's side of the family. My father is nearly bald and the hair that remains is grey. He wears sensible, practical clothes most of the time, but for work he has to look smarter so he wears a suit and a tie. He has a grey and a blue suits which I think look good on him. When he puts his glasses on and he wears these suits, he looks every inch a teacher. My father is not a pleasant man. He gets angry and loses his temper quite often.
V. Read the following passage. Speak about the relations in your family using the active vocabulary.
About my family
I enjoy the honest and open relations in my family - but I think discipline must be used when necessary. There's never been a division between us, the children, and them, parents. Freedom has made us close.
I knew a girl whose parents were very strict and it made her a liar. I wouldn't like to do anything to upset my parents.
(from “Incentive English” by w.s. Fowler, J. Pidceck)
Section III
Pastime and Leisure
ambition |
стремление |
be fond of smth |
любить что-либо |
be interested in smth |
интересоваться чем-либо |
be keen on smth |
увлекаться чем-либо |
choose a profession |
выбирать профессию |
desire |
желание, желать |
dislike smth (to do smth) |
не нравится что-либо (делать что-либо) |
do sports |
заниматься спортом |
dream |
мечта |
dream of smth |
мечтать о чем-либо |
competitin / contest |
соревнование |
team |
compete |
соревноваться |
to lose / win |
проигрывать / выигрывать |
go on for |
заниматься (спортом) |
to be in good / bad sport shape |
быть в хорошей / плохой спортивной форме |
root for / support |
болеть за |
be a … fan |
быть … болельщиком |
ground |
спортивная площадка |
gym (gymnasium) |
спортивный зал |
track suit |
спортивный костюм |
theatre |
театр |
What's on at the theatre tonight? |
Что идет сегодня в театре? |
drama theatre |
драматический театр |
audience |
зрители, публика |
spectator |
зритель |
theatre-goer |
театрал |
to be popular / a success with the public |
пользоваться популярностью / успехом публики |
film / movie |
фильм |
screen version |
экранизация |
feature film |
художественный фильм |
cinema-goer |
любитель кино |
plot |
сюжет |
see a film on TV |
смотреть фильм на ТВ |
II. Read the following text. Answer the questions after it. Use the information given in it while speaking about hobbies or pastime.
Nowadays everybody knows that people are very busy and don't have much time to spare. Sometimes it's only the weekend. So let's treasure every hour we can devote to ourselves and think of the ways of having a good time in the best way possible for us.
There are people who want to broaden and enrich their knowledge during their free time. If you are among them, go to the library or reading-hall where you can find a lot of books of your favorite writers and poets, or to the museums and picture galleries where you see the works of well-known painters and sculptors of all times. You shouldn't forget the computer -- your greatest helper in searching for knowledge.
If you want to be strong and healthy, go in for sports. There are many sports clubs, swimming-pools, gymnasiums and sports grounds for everybody who loves sports. Sport will make you not only healthier and stronger, but kinder, more sociable, cheerful and even wiser. Sport will give you its strength and energy and you'll become a greater admirer of life with all its problems and wonders.
And don't forget about hobbies. You should have at least one, it'll help you to relax, dream and enjoy life better. There are so many hobbies to choose. So, look around more carefully and you'll find your own and the only one (or even more). And then you'll enjoy sweet melodies at the Concert Hall of chamber music, a ballet at the Opera House, a play at the Drama Theatre, a beautiful place beside a river or somewhere else.
And then isn't it a pleasure to see lots of things made with your own hands, to look through a large collection of old and rare coins, books or stamps, to present your friends with the pictures and drawings created by yourself, to amuse everyone with your green winter garden at home?
Tastes differ and if you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky. If not, don't waste your time and your life will become more interesting.
Travelling is also a good way to spend your spare time. Visiting new places, seeing sights and meeting new people is a very exciting and useful relaxation. Those who prefer a quiet holiday can go hiking. Your family or your friends are the very people to go with to the river bank, to the forest or to the seashore. It's really wonderful to put up a tent, make a fire and spend time in the picturesque place.
People are always dreamers, our dreams are different but everyone can find his own way of enjoying his pastime.
III. Answer the following questions.
1) Do people, nowadays have much time to spare? Why yes or why not?
2) What are the ways to broaden and enrich people's knowledge during free time?
3) What role does sport play in people's lives?
4) Hobbies can help to relax, dream and enjoy life better, can't they?
5) Tastes differ, don't they?
Comment on this proverb, please.
IV. Read the following dialogues and make up your own using the example.
- Well, what about sport? You look quite athletic …
- I used to be am obsessive№ tennis player, but I gave it up when I broke my ankle last year.
- Oh, I really love tennis… Tom says I'm a natural. Shall we have a game sometimes?
- Well, I'm really rusty. I'll have to get a bit of practice first.
- Don't be silly. I'm only a novice. We'll just have a friendly game.
- O.K. See you on Monday.
- O.K. Don't forget to bring your racket. We'll have a game after work.
№ obsessive - чрезмерный
- Where's Helen now I wonder? I've been calling her for an hour but she isn't at home.
- If she isn't in, she is at the theatre then.
- Well, is she at theatre - goer like that?
- Yes, she's crazy about theatre, you know. She never misses a new performance at our Yakub Kolas Drama Academic Theatre.
- And what's on there tonight? Oh, yes, “Sleeping Beauty”, the first night.
- What on BBC-2 at 8 o'clock?
- As for as I can remember there's a quiz programme.
- Would you mind if I watch it? I mustn't miss that.
- No, I've been looking forward to it all evening myself. But then I want to see part two of the serial.
- O.K. we'll switch over.
Section IV
The Students' Life and Studies
I. Words and word combinations to be remembered:
1. to acquire |
[kwai] |
получать, приобретать |
2. approximately |
[proksimitli] |
приблизительно |
3. assignment |
[sainmnt] |
задание |
4. to attend |
посещать (лекции и т.п.) |
5. background |
[`bжkgraund] |
подготовка, образование; задний план |
6. competition |
[kmpitin] |
конкурс, конкуренция |
7. competitive |
[kmpetitiv] |
конкурсный |
completion |
[kmpli:n] |
завершение, окончание |
8. construction site |
строительная площадка |
9. credit test |
зачет |
10. to make a decision |
принимать решение |
11. decision |
решение |
12. to earn |
[:n] |
зарабатывать |
13. to engage |
[ingeiG] |
заниматься чем-либо |
to engage in practical training |
проходить практику |
14. to enjoy |
[injoi] |
пользоваться, наслаждаться |
to enjoy rights |
пользоваться правами |
15. equal |
[`i:kwl] |
равный, одинаковый |
to evaluate |
[ivжljueit] |
оценивать |
to express |
[ikspres] |
выражать |
extent |
степень |
free of charge |
бесплатный |
to fulfill |
выполнять |
grants |
стипендия |
habit |
привычка |
to manage |
справляться, мочь |
to master |
овладевать |
to meet the require- ments |
[rikwaiments] |
удовлетворять требования |
to obtain |
[btein] |
получать, приобретать |
to participate in |
[pa:tisipeit] |
принимать участие |
to pass examinations |
сдать экзамены |
to prove |
[pru:v] |
доказывать, защищать |
recreation |
[rekri`ein] |
отдых, развлечение |
to relate |
со/относить/ся, связывать |
student identification card |
[ai,dentifi`kein] |
студенческий билет |
student's record book |
зачетная книжка |
to submit |
[sbmit] |
представлять |
to take classes |
учиться, изучать |
term paper |
курсовая работа |
thoroughly |
[`rli] |
основательно, глубоко |
tuition |
[tju:in] |
обучение |
variety |
[vraiti] |
разнообразие, эстрада |
various |
[vеris] |
различный, разносторонний |
works |
предприятие, мастерские |
II. Practise the pronunciation of the international words and translate them.
Privilege [privilid ], basis [`beisis], course [k:s], semester, system, physics[fiziks], mathematics, chemistry [kemistri], element, diploma [diplum], theory [`iri], concert, discotheque [diskutek], orchestra [okistr], ensemble [a:nsa:mbl], athletics [ж`letiks], construction [kenstrkn], idea [aidi], budget [bd it], general, basic [`beisik], final [`fainl], choreographic [krigrжfik], vocal [`vukl], experimental, analitically [жnlitikli], regularly [regjulli], actively [жktivli].
III. Read and translate the following word groups:
Enter - entrance, require - requirement, participate - participation - participant, complete - completely - completion, relate - relation - relative - relatively - interrelate - interrelation, depend - dependence - independent, express - expression - expressive, success - successful - successfully, vary - various - variety, add - addition - additional, decide - decision - decisive.
IV. Give possible combinations of the following verbs with adverbs.
1. work a. analytically
2. pass (exams) b. actively
3. participate c. independently
4. think d. regularly
5. master e. equally
6. study f. successfully
7. attend g. hard
8. divide h. thoroughly
V. Complete the sentences using the word combinations of ex. 4.
I'd like … my exams … .
Do you … in seminars … ?
If your aim is to become a skilled specialist, you have to … … at the University.
I prefer to … … without anybody's help.
He academic year is … almost … into two semesters.
If you don't … lectures and classes … you may fail at your exams.
I am not good at English but I'd like to … it … .
VI. Choose the appropriate word from the right-hand column to complete each of the sentences.
1. Here is my … … . |
a. grants |
2. He has good … in all the subjects. |
b. earn |
3. If you are enrolled as a … …, the training course for you will last 5 years. |
c. relaxation |
4. When do we receive our … ? |
d. fulfill |
5. I'm afraid I can't … this task, it's too difficult for me. |
e. approximately |
6. You can … some money during your vocation. |
f. record book |
7. The semester ends with an examination period lasting … 3 weeks. |
g. background |
Before afternoon classes, if we have any, we have a 45 minutes period of … . |
h. manage |
Only a person with the … in philosophy can appointed Chair of this Department. |
i. full-time students |
Sorry, but I don't think I'll … to meet their requirements. |
j. marks |
VII. Use the right English words instead of the corresponding Russian ones (in brackets) and translate the sentences into Russian.
Will you kindly show me your (ст. билет)?
When are we to (представить) our term papers?
Which of them (участвует) in the choreographic ensemble?
I am afraid I can't easily (выразить) my ideas on this subject.
I'll make my further decision upon (завершения) of this part of work.
By what arguments will you manage to (доказать) your point of view?
He entrance examinations are usually held on a (конкурсной) basis.
This (задание) may be done either orally or in writing.
Is your (обучение) free of charge or do you have to pay for it?
We can't (отнести) his progress to his abilities only, much more depends on his hard work.
VIII. Before reading the text (below) try to answer the following questions.
What entrance examinations did you have to pass to enter the University?
When did you take them?
What marks did you have to get to win the competition?
What were your marks?
What papers identify your student status?
Do you pay for your tuition?
What year student are you now?
What subjects have you been studying this year?
Do you attend all lectures and classes?
In what year do you students begin to take their special subjects?
How many credit tests and exams did you take during the last examination period?
Did you do well in your exams?
Do you often go to concerts, parties or discos held at the University?
Do you take part in their arrangement?
IX. Read the text carefully.
1. To have the privilege to study at the University you are to pass entrance examinations. The examinations are held on a competitive basis and those who have passed them successfully are enrolled and become students. The tuition for them is free of charge. But there also exists a paid form of education for those who haven't managed to meet the competition requirements. After the enrolment you get your identification card and record book and may fully enjoy all the rights of a student.
2. The University training course for full-time students lasts 5 years. The semester system divides the academic year into two almost equal terms of approximately 18 weeks each. During a semester students must attend lectures and practical classes and prepare for them regularly, participate actively in seminars, fulfill written assignments, do laboratory work. At the end of each semester students take examinations. The examination period lasts approximately 3 weeks.
3. The first two years of University studies are to give students a sound background for obtaining their professional knowledge. So first and second-year students take classes in a number of general and basic subjects: physics, higher mathematics, chemistry, technical drawing, computer engineering etc. They also study social sciences and foreign languages.
4. Later, usually beginning with the third year, students take classes in their special subjects and engage in practical training in the field of their specialization. Professional skills are acquired at the laboratories and the experimental works of the University and at schools and other educational establishments of our republic.
5. Students' progress is evaluated through oral or written tests, through participation in class discussions, through term papers, credit tests and a final examination in each course. If students do well and receive good and excellent marks they are given state grants.
6. Upon completion of the academic program and practical training students are to submit their graduation papers (diploma) and prove them in the State Examining Board. They are to show that they have not only mastered thoroughly a lot of useful theories and data, but also learnt to think analytically and independently, to interrelate various facts and phenomena, to make decisions and to express their ideas clearly.
7. If students work hard from the beginning and develop good study habits, they will certainly be successful in their studies - and still have time for relaxation, for social and other activities. As to cultural and recreational activities at the University, they are quite various, and to a great extent arranged by students themselves. They participate in concerts, parties, discos, in the variety of folk orchestras, in the choreographic ensembles, in the vocal music group, etc.
8. A good many students do sports volley-ball, basket-ball, skiing, skating and others.
9. During summer vocations students can work on collective farms and at construction sites and thus they can earn some money in addition to a rather modest student's budget.
X. Form other parts of speech from the following words:
To participate; to compete; to complete; to evaluate; to require; to relate; to depend; to succeed; to vary; to graduate; to enter;
XI. Say it in English:
Зачетка, студенческий билет, вступительные экзамены, сдавать/ сдать зачет, бесплатное/ платное обучение, общеобразовательные/ специальные предметы, участвовать в практических занятиях, посещать лекции, ходить на занятия, выполнять разные задания, первокурсник, получать стипендию, удовлетворительные оценки, зачислить многих студентов, учебный курс длится 5 лет, каждый семестр делится на 17-18 недель, сессия длится 3 недели, приобретать профессиональные навыки, овладеть теоретическим и практическим материалом, научиться думать аналитически, научиться делать выводы, досуг студента, выразить свою мысль ясно.
XII. Say, which of these statements are students' rights or duties:
- to have breaks
- to miss classes
- to be enrolled after entrance exams
- to take exams and credit tests
- to be provided with a hostel
- to get a grant if you education is free of charge
- to fulfill all assignments
- to attend classes
- to get a diploma after graduation
- to have not more than 4 classes
- to participate in seminars
- to enter without examinations
- to be the member of university's groups
- to choose subjects
- to be late for classes
- to be engaged in practical training
- to be asked at classes
- to be taught thoroughly
XIII. Continue the sentences:
1. We are enrolled and become students when … .
2. …. identify a student's status.
3. The university course … 5 years and is divided into … .
4. As a student I have … and … .
5. My rights are … .
6. My duties are … .
7. Students' progress is evaluated through … .
8. Those who … receive state grants.
9. Upon completion the academic program students have … which show how they … .
10. There isn't a lot of time for … if a student works hard but he can …
XIV. Think and answer:
Should students work hard? What for?
Is it exciting to be a student?
I. Practice the pronunciation of the following international words.
University, education, institution, tradition, republic, professional, date, type, territory, modern, center, international, regional, conference, agricultural, practice, museum, faculty, decorative, literature, student.
II. Remember the following words.
Establishment, to exist, to resume, full-time department, part-time department, to enter the university, to graduate from the university, a graduate, to aim one's efforts at, to do one's best, hostel, to contribute.
III. Remember the faculties of VSU.
The Law Faculty, the Physics Faculty, the Philology Faculty, the Mathematical Faculty, the Faculty of Belarussian Philology and Culture, the Faculty of History, the Faculty of Social Studies, the Physical Training and Sport Faculty, the Arts Faculty, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Further and Advanced Training.
IV. Read the ending -s correctly.
Universities, institutions, traditions, professionals, dates, establishments, types, territories, centers, conferences, departments, faculties, studies, buildings, hostels, botanical gardens, biological stations, fields, stadiums, gym halls, camps, houses, museums, arts, numbers, students.
V. Say it in English.
Четыре университета, пять студентов, учебные учреждения, много традиций, три типа, два отделения, одиннадцать факультетов, четыре корпуса, шесть общежитий, пять музеев, семь спортзалов.
VI. Say whether the word is countable or uncountable.
Education, name, republic, foundation, establishment, faculty, biology, practice, museum, television, history, hostel, building, literature, camp, aim, effort, existence.
VII. Ask all the possible questions.
1. There are two departments at our University. 2. There is an agricultural biological station at our University. 3. There were 10 faculties at the University, and now there are 11 ones. 4. There is no Philosophical Faculty at our University. 5. There will be more classes next week. 6. There are 5 museums at the University. 7. There is the Faculty of History here. 8. There will be a new hostel soon.
VIII. Translate into English.
1. В Витебске 4 высших учебных заведения. 2. У нас в университете 11 факультетов. 3. Университет имеет хорошую базу для подготовки специалистов. 4. Завтра у нас будет три пары. 5. У них было время помочь нам . 6. Библиотека университета имеет много литературы. 7. Исторический факультет имеет много хороших традиций. 8. Университет имеет два отделения - дневное и заочное. 9. Я очень хотел поступить на этот факультет. 10. Я направил все свои усилия на осуществление моих планов. 11.В университете существует и ряд других факультетов.
Vitebsk State university named after P.M. Masherov is the oldest higher educational institution in the republic of Belarus. It's famous for its main traditions in training professionals. The history of our higher educational institution dates back to the year of 1910, when the Ministry of Peoples Education of Russia decided to set up a Teacher-training Institute in Vitebsk. It was the first educational establishment of such a type on the territory of modern Belarus. A new page in the history of the Institute was opened after the October revolution. In May, 1918 an all-Russia Congress of Representatives of Teacher-training Institutes was held. It made a decision to reform Teacher-training Institutes into higher educational establishments. So in October 1, 1918 Vitebsk Teacher-training Institute was renamed into Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute. It became the first higher educational establishment of Belarus after the October revolution of 1917 and the first higher teacher-training establishment of Belarus. The temporary occupation of the territory of Belarus by fascist invaders stopped the activity of the Institute. After the liberation of Vitebsk from German invaders the Institute resumed its work on October,2,1944. The same faculties that had existed before the war resumed their work. Vitebsk The State Pedagogical Institute became the main centre for training teachers for national schools. 33 590 day-time and part-time students graduated from its departments. In September, 1, 1995 Vitebsk Pedagogical Institute named after S. M. Kirov was granted the status of Vitebsk State University. The new name meant also new directions of activities. Research work has become one of the main directions. Today the university is the centre of international, republican and regional conferences. The University has 4 buildings, 6 hostels, a botanical garden, an agricultural biological station, a stadium, 7 gym halls, a publishing house, a calculating and television centres, 5 museums (the museum of the history of the University, Masherov memorial museum, the museum of biology, the museum of literature and the museum of decorative and applied arts). In February 1998 the university was renamed after the statesman of the Republic of Belarus, a graduate of Vitebsk Teachers-training Institute Peter Mironovich Masherov. Today the efforts of the staff are aimed at turning the University into a leading educational scientific and cultural centre of the Vitebsk Region. There are 11 faculties at the University: The Law Faculty, the Physics Faculty, the Philology Faculty, the Mathematical Faculty, the Faculty of Belarussian Philology and Culture, the Faculty of History, the Faculty of Social Studies, the Physical Training and Sport Faculty, the Arts Faculty, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Further and Advanced Training. The scholars of our university, our graduates and students do their best for the stabilization of the economy of the republic and its further development.
IX. In what context are these figures mentioned in the text.
2, 11, 1910, 6, 4, 5.
X. Match the date and the event in the history of VSU.
1. 1910
2. 1918
3. 1944
4. 1995
5. 1998
а) Vitebsk Pedagogical Institute was granted the status of Vitebsk State University;
b) Vitebsk State University was renamed after P.M. Masherov;
c) A Teacher-Training Institution was set up in Vitebsk;
d) The Institute resumed its work after the liberation of Vitebsk from German invaders;
e) Vitebsk Teacher-Training was renamed into Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute;
XI. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the full name of our university?
2. What is the date of its foundation?
3. What are the turning points in the history of the University?
4. How many faculties are there at the University?
5. How many departments does the University have?
6. What is there at the University for successful studies?
7. What museums are there at the University?
8. Who contributed to the development of VSU as one of the leading educational institutions of our republic?
XII. Continue the following sentences:
1. The full name of our University is … .
2. The date of foundation is … .
3. The crucial points in the history of our University are … .
4. The university is famous for … .
5. There are 2 … at the University - … .
6. The University has 11 … . They are … .
7. … are at our disposal for successful studies.
8. There are 5 … at the University. They are … .
9. I am a … year student of the …department of the … faculty.
10. I decided to get the higher education because … .
11. At school I aimed my efforts at ….to enter the University.
12. I'll do my best to … .
XIII. Tell your group-mates about the University you study at.
XIV. Read and reproduce the following situational dialogues.
Hallo, …! How are you getting on?
Hallo, …! Fine, thanks. You can congratulate me. I've passed my entrance exams successfully and now I am a student.
Good for you! It's been a real turning point in your life, hasn't it?
I suppose so.
I guess, you've chosen the University.
And what faculty?
Saw faculty. I've done it on my parents' advice and I'm not a bit sorry about i.
Why should you be sorry? The profession of a lawyer is very popular now. I wish you every success in your studies!
Thank you. I'll do my best.
How are you doing?
Fine, thank you.
You are graduating this year, aren't you?
Yes, in a month. I've already finished the required courses and passed my exams. I am only to defend my graduation paper.
How many exams did you have to take?
Three. It was not an easy task, I'd say.
I suppose, everything has turned out all right.
Yes, it has. All the three marks were excellent.
It's a kind of reward for your hard work, isn't it?
Perhaps. I'm looking forward to starting my work soon, though on the other hand, I'm really sorry that my student's years have nearly passed.
Hi, …! Glad to see you!
Hi, …! I haven't seen you for ages. You were going to enter the University, weren't you? Has your dream come true?
Yes, it has. I'm a first-year student.
My congratulations! So in five years you'll have a profession. How lucky you are! By the way, what will your future speciality be?
A teacher of drawing.
Is it difficult to study at your faculty?
Rather! We are taking a lot of subjects having three or four and even more lectures and classes a day. But still it's interesting for me to study here. In short I like it.
And they say, it'll be more interesting when you begin taking your special subjects.
I hope so.
The following situational dialogues will improve your communication skills.
Countries and Nationalities
I. Read the following proper names correctly:
A. Europe, Asia, South America, North America, Africa, Australia
B. Argentina , Albania, Australia, Austria, Bahrain [bR'reIn], Barbados ['bRbeIdLz], Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia ['bPznIq]-Herzegovina [hFqtsq'gPvInq], Brazil [brq'zIl], Bulgaria, Burma, Canada, Chile ['CIlI] , China, Croatia [krqu'eISIq], Cuba, Cyprus ['sQIprqs], the Czech [Cek] Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guinea ['gInI], Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Israel ['IzreIl], Italy, Japan [Gq'pxn], Korea, Kuwait [kHweIt], Lebanon ['lebqnqn], Liechtenstein ['lIktnstaIn] Luxembourg ['lAksmbWg], Macedonia ["mxsI'dqunIq], Malta ['mLltq], Nepal [nJ'pLl], the Netherlands, New Zealand ['neTqlqndz], Norway, the Philippines ['fIlIpJnz], Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Montenegro ["mPntI'nJgrqu], Spain, Sweden ['swJdn], Switzerland, Thailand ['taIlxnd], Turkey ['tWkI], Ukraine, the UAE ( the United Arab ['xrqb] Emirates ['emIrqts], the USA (the United States of America)
II. Match the country and its capital:
ChinaStockholm ['stPkhqum]
AustriaVienna [vI'enq]
Norway Oslo ['Pzlqu]
Poland Warsaw ['wLsL]
MaltaAthens ['xTnz]
Greece Copenhagen ["kqupn'heIgn]
Denmark Paris 'pxrIs]
III. Endings -ese, - an, - ish, -i are used to form the word denoting `nationality'
Form each nationality according to the modal:
- an
America - American: Austria, Belarus, Egypt, Canada, Norway, Italy.
He is from the USA. He is an American. He speaks English. (the English language). The Americans are easy-going. (The Americans are an easy-going people.)
- ese
Portugal - Portuguese: Burma, China, Japan, Lebanon, Malta, Nepal.
He is from Portugal. He is a Portuguese. He speaks Portuguese (the Portuguese language). The Portuguese are friendly. (The Portuguese are a friendly people.)
- i
Iraq - Iraqi: Israel, Pakistan, Kuwait.
He is from Iraq. He is an Iraqi. He speaks Arabic (the Arabic language). The Iraqis are independent and warlike. (The Iraqis are an independent and warlike people.)
Irregular cases:
Cyprus - a Cypriot, the Cypriots; Spain - a Spaniard, Spanish, the Spanish; Great Britain - an Englishman/woman, English, the English; Denmark - a Dane; the Danes, Danish; France - a Frenchman/woman, the French, French; Turkey - a Turk, the Turks, Turkish; Poland - a Pole, the Poles, Polish; The Netherlands - a Dutchman/woman; the Dutch, Dutch.
III. Listen to the tape and do the exercises below.
Do you know how the names of these countries are pronounced in English?
PortugalSaudi ArabiaBelgiumIraq
Listen and check if you can guess correctly. Practise the reading of the names with the tape.
Listen to 8 short dialogues. Pick out the nationality adjectives for each country and put them down into the right column (according to the suffix).
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
-ian |
-ish |
-ese |
-i |
other |
Look at the list of countries in the pre-listening exercise. Complete the columns with the nationality adjectives of the countries not mentioned in the dialogues. Consult a dictionary to spell the words correctly.
2.4. Listen again. What adjectives are used to describe people's characters? Put them down into your notebooks.
e.g. Czech - sociable
IV. Learn the structure What is/are … like?
A. Your friend is living in Australia for one year. Ask lots of questions about the country:
The weather, the people, the towns, Sydney, the beaches, the TV programmes.
B. Robert had a terrible holiday. Complete the questions about it in the following dialogues.
1. A. ………………..
B. Awful. My room was tiny, and the service was bad.
2. A. ……………
B. It was terrible. The plane was delayed six hours!
3. A. ……………
B. Awful! It rained almost every day.
4. A. ……………..
B. They were crowded and dirty. There was no sand on them, just stones!
5. A. …………………
B. Disgusting! Chips with everything and it was often undercooked.
V. Make up a dialogue of your own by analogy:
- What country is Lian from?
- He is from China. He speaks both Chinese and English.
- What are the Chinese like?
- Oh, the Chinese are an inventive and creative people. (They are inventive and creative.)
VI. What country would you like to visit? Why?
Buying Tickets
VII. a) Read and translate the dialogue.
- I'd like to book a flight to Berlin for Monday the tenth.
- I'll find out for you now.
- I want to go Business Class, and I'd prefer the morning, please.
- Lufthansa LH203 takes off from Minsk Airport at 8.20 and flies direct.
- When am I supposed to check in?
- You'll have to be at West Terminal by 7.10 at the latest (не позже).
b) Replace the words in bold type by your own ideas and act out the new dialogue.
Accommodation at a Hotel
VIII. a) Read the following dialogues. Learn the phrases in bald type.
-- Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?
-- We are tourists. Reservations have been made to accommodate 11 people from Minsk.
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