Відтворення домінантних мовленнєвих актів в українських перекладах англомовної драми
Експресиви і директиви як основні рушії розвитку драматичної дії у творі драматичного жанру. Сутнісна специфіка перекладу драматичних творів у зіставленні з перекладом творів інших літературних видів. Визначення прагматичної функції драматичного діалогу.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 14.08.2015 |
Размер файла | 78,9 K |
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Исследование подтверждает, что при переводе директивов и экспрессивов происходит экспликация имплицитных слоев смысла высказывания.
Ключевые слова: перевод драматических произведений, прагматика, теория речевых актов, импликатура, транспонирование, директивы, экспрессивы.
Tetyana Shlikhar. Rendering dominant speech acts in Ukrainian translations of British and American drama. - Manuscript.
A thesis for the Scholarly Degree of Candidate of Philology, Speciality 10.02.16 - Translation Studies. - Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University. - Kyiv, 2009.
The thesis is a study of translation techniques in reproducing speech acts in drama within the framework of pragmatics.
The thesis proceeds from the notion about a comprehensive action going through the whole text of drama. Thus, a dramatic text is a chain of speech acts which, taken as a whole, helps reveal the author's intention and each character's individuality in the fullest possible degree. A dramatic utterance is not just a group of words - it is an active utterance which induces a character to act correspondingly. This concentrated, concise, logical and limited in time and length utterance should find its counterpart in translation - at this, the translator of drama should act in the same way as the original playwright choosing the most appropriate speech acts in the target language that would sound adequately and naturally in translation.
The thesis focuses on the pragmatic aspect of drama translation since pragmatics explains how to do things with words, while drama consists of words which move the action and conflict of the plot. The special attention is given to such speech acts as directives and expressives (according to J. Searle's classification), due to the ontological nature of drama. The choice is determined by the specific role of these particular speech acts in a drama work.
The challenges and originality of drama translation were elaborated by such national and foreign linguists as S. Aaltonen, S. Bassnett, N. Bidnenko, J. Levy, T. Nekriach, P. Pavis. The most common concepts suggested in this area of translation were performability, speakability, playability, productive acceptance, dual nature of drama, as well as main strategies of drama translation: acculturalization, adaptation, naturalization.
The topicality of the thesis lies in the necessity to develop English-Ukrainian drama translation within the framework of pragmalinguistics, which results in the translation text that enters translation culture smoothly and harmoniously.
The aim of the study is to identify and analyze contextual and subcontextual pragmatic meanings of speech acts in drama texts, particularly, illocutionary acts “directives” and “expressives” and to systematize the techniques of their translation.
The hypothesis of the study lies in the assumption that directives and expressives as speech acts require subtle translation transformations, as long as the nature of drama is realized through them. Adequate translation of pragmatic potential of directives and expressives reveals the psychological image of a drama character and helps the audience understand the minutest nuances of the author's intention.
The object of the thesis are translation techniques in translating illocutionary acts “directives” and “expressives” as immanent characteristics of drama in the view of translation pragmatics based on British and American plays of XX century and their Ukrainian translations.
The subject of the study is imperative and expressive constructions in drama works of 20th century. The material of the study involoves drama works by British and American authors (E. Albee, R. Bolt, T. Johnson, G. Kaufman and M. Hart, B. Shaw, T.Stoppard, O. Wilde, T. Williams) and their Ukrainian translations by R.Dotsenko, Y. Kochevenko, T. Nekriach, M. Ovruts'ka, Y. Rzhevuts'ka, Y.Stelmakh, M.Strikha, I. Talalayevs'ka, V. Vladko.
The novelty of the thesis is as follows: drama dialogue in English-Ukrainian translation of 20th century drama is elaborated for the first time in the prospective of pragmatics; the originality of drama translation is determined within the framework of pragmatics and subtext characteristics; illocutionary speech acts - directives and expressives - are studied as genre dominants of drama together with the ways of their translation; the necessity of explication or implication of the meaning of an utterance is identified; the connection between speech idiosyncrasy of a character, pragmatic meaning of an utterance and psychological image of the character is established, as well as the notion of performability.
Directives were chosen because of their imperative essence - in drama almost every utterance is the motive for action. Directives can be either explicit or implicit. Due to the high emotionality of drama and high concentration of feelings, as well as different ways of expressing emotions in different cultures, expressives were chosen as speech acts relevant for our study.
The comprehensive study of directives and expressives in Ukrainian translations, together with the results of experimental sketches, was conducive to the conclusion that in most cases directives and expressives have to become more explicit in translation, according to the requirements acculturalization. The biggest problem of drama translation lies in the necessity to combine in the target language the pragmatic meaning of the original with the corresponding wording in translation which would fit the concepts of performability for the text to be adequately accepted in the target culture, i.e. acculturalized.
Particular attention was paid to the translation of exclamations and discourse words, which being a separate cue, were regarded as quasi speech acts that require explication in translation, according to the context and expression they reveal. They were also treated as expressives, which broadens the contents of the term.
The thesis comprises introduction, three chapters, conclusion, literature and appendix. The total volume amounts to 236 pages with 187 of them comprising the main body of the dissertation. Bibliography includes 440 bibliographic positions, out of which 386 are academic and critical, 16 - reference literature and 38 - sources of illustrative material. The Appendix includes 10 sketches out of 50 used in the experimental study conducted with the actors.
Key words: drama translation, pragmatics, Speech Acts Theory, implicature, transposition, directives, expressives.
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