Грамматика английского языка

Преобразование слов с помощью добавления или удаления приставок и суффиксов. Смысловой подбор модальных глаголов. Составление предложений из разрозненных слов с использованием пассивного залога. Преобразование глаголов в причастия, перевод герундия.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид контрольная работа
Язык русский
Дата добавления 19.02.2015
Размер файла 21,3 K

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Специальность «Государственное и муниципальное управление»


По дисциплине: Английский язык


Ильясова Л.А.

Студент 6 курса

3 семестр

Тюмень 2015 г.

1. Заполните каждый из пропусков подходящим по смыслу словом, преобразовав слово, данное справа, с помощью добавления или удаления имеющихся приставок и суффиксов


Britain's most persistent young burglar walked free

for the 33rd time yesterday. Two hours later the

politicians promised to take action against

offenders who the law says are too young to get



Youngsters aged between twelve and fifteen who

often .............2........... crimes will be held in ten

new secure training centres for up to two years.


The 14-year-old, in court yesterday, was

.........3...... for a mini crimewave near his home

totalling 58,000 pounds sterling.


As he got ...........4..........his worried mother said, “I

really thought he would have been locked away.”


Her son had stolen clothes worth 28,000 pounds

and commited .........5.......... of his local chemist at

least six times.


Before one .......6............ a shop assistant was

even given his “phone card” marked with his initials

and advising: “Ring the police.”


The boy, whose behaviour is ….7…. admitted

seven charges of burglary.


The court heard he was too young to be remained

in ......8......


The boy's mother added after the

..............9..........: `I just find it astonishing that no

place can be found for him'.


I've tried but I can't ............10........... his crimes.


1. Britain's most persistent young burglar walked free for the 33rd time yesterday. Two hours later the politicians promised to take action against offenders who the law says are too young to get a custodial.

2. Youngsters aged between twelve and fifteen who often at raider crimes will be held in ten new secure training centers for up to two years.

3. The 14-year-old, in court yesterday, was free for a mini crime wave near his home totaling 58,000 pounds sterling.

4. As he becomes to try his worried mother said, “I really thought he would have been locked away.”

5. Her son had stolen clothes worth 28,000 pounds and committed burglary of his local chemist at least six times.

6. Before one legal a shop assistant was even given his “phone card” marked with his initials and advising: “Ring the police.”

7. The boy, whose behavior is irresponsible admitted seven charges of burglary.

8. The court heard he was too young to be remained in the prison.

9. The boy's mother added after the commission: `I just find it astonishing that no place can be found for him'.

10. I've tried but I can't prevent his crimes.

2. Подберите подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол. В некоторых предложениях возможны несколько вариантов

приставка суффикс глагол причастие герундий

1) Felon (пришлось) be liable for his violent crimes.

Felon had be liable for his violent crimes.

2) In civil societies people (должны) be law-abiding.

In civil societies people must be law-abiding.

3) Punishment (не следует) be based on revenge.

Punishment should not be based on revenge.

4) The judge (не мог) pass a sentence because of lack of facts.

The judge could not pass a sentence because of lack of facts.

5) According to the agrement they (обязаны) pay penalty in full.

According to the agrement they must pay penalty in full.

6) Not any complaint (следует) be sent to court.

Not any complaint should be sent to court.

7) In some European countries the prisoners (можно) spend their week-ends at home.

In some European countries the prisoners can spend their week-ends at home.

8) Make sure you (сможете) apply law.

Make sure you can apply law.

3. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу модальными глаголами, и Вы узнаете, о чем говорилось во вступительном слове студентам - юристам. Используйте глаголы:

are bound to , “ought to”, “needn't”, “should”, “ are allowed to ”mustn't, have to, are allowed to, can, may ,supposed to

1) Your_______ wear formal dress.

You can wear formal dress.

2) You ________ attend the lectures.

You should attend the lectures.

3) You ________ select optinal courses.

You ought to select optinal courses.

4) You ________-- work in the library.

You are bound to -- work in the library.

5) You ________ borrow law books and SD-s on week-ends.

You supposed to borrow law books and SD-s on week-ends.

6) You_________ submit your papers on time.

You needn't submit your papers on time.

7) You_________ leaves the room during the lecture.

You mustn't leaves the room during the lecture.

8) You ____ be a member of Trade Union.

You may be a member of Trade Union.

9) You _______ take a computer course.

You have to take a computer course.

10) You _______ to have a two-month holiday.

You are allowed to have a two-month holiday.

4. Восстановите и напишите предложения с пассивным залогом, которые являются газетными заголовками из хроники преступлений. Используйте слова, данные в скобках (слова и фразы, выделенные жирным шрифтом, должны стоять в начале предложения (в позиции подлежащего)

1) Due to crime prevention policy intended crimes (reduce).

Intended crimes are reduced due to crime prevention policy

2) Being at home the woman (assault, the man, in a mask).

The woman who is at home, was assaulted by a man in a mask.

3) Telephone booths (destroy, the vandals) every year.

Telephone booths are destroyed by vandals every year.

4) After the Children's Act children (give more rights, by their parents).

Children are given more rights by their parents after the Children's Act.

5) Three local schoolboys (charge, with arson, Westmidlands court).

Three Local school children are charged with arson of Westmidlands Court.

5. Восстановите предложения из разрозненных слов, используя пассивный залог

1) Policemen, young offenders, catch, just.

Young offenders are just being caught by policemen.

2) Final sentence, judge, pass, yesterday.

Final sentence was being passed by judge yesterday.

3) Valuable things (gold, diamonds), be, must, keep, in a safe deposit box.

Valuable things (gold, diamonds) must be kept in a safe deposit box.

4) The accused, subject, cross-examination, now.

Cross-examination is being accused by subject now.

5) The evidence, report, police, tomorrow.

The evidence will have been reported by police tomorrow.

6. Восстановите текст Physical/Corporal Punishment и заполните пропуски словами, предложенными в рамке


painful beatings, imprisonment, capital punishment, corporal, ,torture,

punish, compensation ,detention , judiciaries, repeat offenders

Though the words physical and corporal simply derive from the Latin and Greek words for body, CP is often used to refer only to various forms of punish on body parts. Legality of these varies from country to country.· Corporal punishment is the deliberate infliction of pain intended to detention. Historically speaking, most punishments, whether in judicial, domestic, or educational settings, were corporal in basis.

In the modern world, corporal punishment has been largely rejected in favor of other disciplinary methods. Modern judiciaries often favor fines or compensation. Although corporal punishment is still used in many domestic settings, it has been banned in seventeen countries.

There has been much dispute in recent years over where the line should be drawn between corporal punishment and imprisonment,

Capital punishment is the most extreme form of punishment as it ends all bodily functions for good.

Torture and other forms of forced painful beatings, is in fact also physical punishments. Behavioral Psychologists do not consider prison an effective punishment because most repeat offenders commit crimes again, thus their behavior has not changed.

7. Согласитесь (T) или опровергните (F) следующие утверждения



1) Deterrence is believed to prevent people from committing similarly punishable offences.


2) Deterrence and rehabilitation are not distinguished.


3) Incapacitation means life imprisonment.


4) A thief and murderer put to death are retribution.


5) In the case of death penalty the retribution went to the family of the dead victim.


8. Прочитайте и переведите причастия I и II, выделенные жирным шрифтом

1) The court considered the pleading dated to August 2007.

Dated - датированным

2) The agreement describing the conditions of damage compensation was settled.

Describing - описания

3) The information being found in newspaper is very useful.

Being found - будучи найденным

4) The facts presented at the trial were of great importance.

Presented - представленные

5) The rules having been established long ago were still useful.

Having been established - которые были созданы

6) Having been sentenced to death penalty, he lost interest to everything.

Having been sentenced - будучи приговорен

7) After having been reported the facts caused a sensation.

Having been reported - будучи сообщенным

8) The claim, having been raised on time, had a positive effect.

Having been raised - который был поднят

9. Преобразуйте в причастия глаголы, данные в круглых скобках. В соответствии с указаниями в квадратных скобках поставьте причастия в активный [A] или пассивный[Ps.] залог. Для обозначения одновременного действия с действием, выраженным глаголом-сказуемым, используйте [Pr.], предшествующего- [Perf.]

1) A positive or negative act (violate) [Pr.A] the law, refers to penal law.

A positive or negative act the violating the law, refers to penal law.

2) The people (catch) [Pr.Ps.] shoplifting are sent to prison.

The people caught shoplifting are sent to prison.

3) The Jurors (be present) [Perf.A.] at trials expressed their opinion.

The Jurors was presenting at trials expressed their opinion.

4) (Describe) [Perf.A.] the criminal in details they helped the police.

Described the criminal in details they helped the police.

5) What is the education of the judge (mention) [Pr. Ps.] in the press?

What is the education of the judge mentioned in the press?

6) (Take) [Perf.Ps.] to court the photographs were very useful.

Being taking to court the photographs were very useful.

10. Выберите правильный вариант перевода герундия на русский язык

1) He was accused of committing a crime.

a) в совершении

b) совершая

c) совершив

2) We remember having listened to the lectures on crime detection.

a) слушая

b) услышав

c) что слушали

3) He enjoyed being told detective stories.

a) когда ему рассказали

b) когда ему рассказывают

c) рассказав

4) Maintaining public order is one of the police functions.

a) поддержав


c) поддерживая

5) We are against punishing him.

a) против того, чтобы наказывали

b) против наказания

c) против наказаний

6) There is no hope of his being acquitted.

a) что его оправдали

b) что его оправдают

c) что он оправдывается

7) After having been identified the criminal was arrested.

a) установление

b) устанавливая

c) после того как установили

8) Patrolling streets is one of the police duties.

a) патрулирующий



9) Imprisonment is sending a person to prison.


b) после заключения

c) заключив

10) An arrest is taking a person into custody.

a) взятие

b) взяв

c) взятый

11. Завершите предложения, заполнив пропуски подходящей формой герундия

1) (Use) crime prevention policy will reduce criminality.

In using crime prevention policy will reduce criminality.

2) (Inspect) different areas of the city the police officers discovered many crimes.

Inspecting different areas of the city the police officers discovered many crimes.

3) (Employ) more policemen will make our streets safer.

In emploing more policemen will make our streets safer.

4) (Do) his job, the judge wrote a report.

Of doing his job, the judge wrote a report.

5) He was accused of (rob) a bank last month.

He was accused of robbing a bank last month.

6) After (get) 10 000 pounds of compensation the plaintiff (истец) was satisfied.

After getting 10 000 pounds of compensation the plaintiff (истец) was satisfied.

7) The offender admitted (be) guilty.

The offender admitted was being guilty.

8) After (cross-examine) the accused told many new details.

After crossing -examine the accused told many new details.

9) Parents denied (punish) their children.

Parents denied punishing their children.

10) (Be present) at the trial people became more legally informed.

To be presenting at the trial people became more legally informed.

11) The investigator insisted on the suspect (question).

The investigator insisted on the suspect questioning.

12) We were surprised at (hear) of the crime.

We were surprised at hearing of the crime.

12. Постройте условные предложения I типа (реальное условие) и II типа (нереальное условие) преобразовав глаголы, данные в скобках

1) If he (not, leave) the window open, the thief (not, get in). [ II ]

If he did not leave the window open, the thief would not get in.

2) If the police officers (use) better equipment, they (catch) the gang. [ I ]

If the police officers use better equipment, they will catch the gang.

3) If he (be) a good student, he (find) a good job. [ I ]

If he is a good student, he will find a good job.

4) If the police officers (use) better cars, they (catch) the gang. [ II ]

If the police officers used better cars, they would catch the gang.

5) If parents (no, pay) money, the kidnapper (not release) a child. [ I ]

If parents do not pay money, the kidnapper will not release a child.

6) If she (have) legal problems, she (see) a lawyer. [ I ]

If she has legal problems, she will see a lawyer.

13. Постройте условные предложения III типа (нереальное условие), преобразовав глаголы, данные в скобках

1) If we (no, help) him, he (convict).

If we had not helped him, he would have convicted.

2) If I (be) to prison, I (never, commit) a crime again.

If I had been to prison, I would never have committed a crime again.

3) If he (kidnap) the baby, he (sentence) to life imprisonment.

If he have kidnapped the baby, he would have sentenced to life imprisonment.

4) If he (nor, watch) that thriller film, he (become) law-abiding.

If he have not watched that thriller film, he would have become law-abiding.

5) If Peter (not, need) money, he (not, burgle) a house.

If Peter has not needed money, he would not have burgled a house.

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