Проблеми лінгвоукраїністики в науковій спадщині В. Ягича

Аналіз лінгвоукраїністичних розвідок В. Ягича. Характеристика багатогранних зв’язків з українськими вченими-мовознавцями. Історія розвитку державної лінгвістики в роботі "Архів слов’янської філології". Діалектологія та граматика в рецензіях автора.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 02.08.2014
Размер файла 118,5 K

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Ключевые слова: журнал, отличительная черта, наречие, грамматическая форма, лингвоукраинистика, эпистолярий.

Man'kovska T.O. Problems of Ukrainian Linguistics in V. Yahych's scientific heritage. - Manuscript.

Dissertation for the scientific degree of the Candidate of Philological Science. Speciality 10.02.01 - Ukrainian Language. - The Institute of Ukrainian Language of NAS of Ukraine. - Kyiv, 2005.

The problems of the Ukrainian Linguistics in V. Yahych's scientific heritage have been investigated in the dissertation. German articles and reviews from “Journal of Slavonic Philology”, V. Yahych's works, his correspondence have been used as resources. V. Yahych's research trends of the Ukrainian linguistic interests have been characterized in the investigation. Predominantly they concern his own Ukrainian linguistic researches, his broad and versatile contacts with the Ukrainian linguists, who had been directly influenced by him, numerous Ukrainian linguistic articles of Ukrainian and foreign scientists in the chronicle “Journal of Slavonic Philology”, having been founded and edited by V. Yahych for 38 years (1876-1914). It has been defined that V. Yahych's position in the “Ukrainian question” was ambiguous. On the one hand it was liberal, on the other hand - categorically radical. V. Yahuch's Ukrainian linguistic articles where he considered the Ukrainian language to be the independent and self-suffient component of all the Eastern Slavonic languages have been analyzed.

The dissertation demonstrates that Yahych was mostly interested in two branches of the Ukrainian Linguistics: the history of the development of the Ukrainian language and the historical grammar (based on the investigation of Old Rus' manuscripts).

According to the results of the investigation it has been ascertained that about 60 Ukrainian linguistic articles and reviews were published in 42 annuals of V. Yahych's “Journal of Slavonic Philology” from 1876 till 1929 and half of them was dedicated to the questions of the Ukrainian Linguistics - phonology, grammar, lexicology and dialectology.

In the well-known “Four Critically Palaeographic Articles” (1884) and “Critical Essays in the Russian Language” (1889) V. Yahych persuasively rose in opposition against restored by O. Sobolevsky theory of M. Pohodin about the Great Rus' nationality of ancient polyany who as these scientists considered migrated from the Tatar's invasion to the north, and Kyivan lands were inhabited by immigrants from Halychyna and the Carpathians after the 16th century.

Later the scientist published his own investigations about “Some disputable questions” of the Slavonic Linguistics in “Journal of Slavonic Philology”. One of these debatable questions is relations of the Ukrainian and Russian languages in the historical context. The author has concluded that Rus' dialects gradually developed from one into another according to their geographical position. That means that migration process of later centuries hasn't highly affected the primitive grouping of Old Rus' tribes according to their dialectal features.

V. Yahych's linguistic interests in the Ukrainian language were demonstrated in some of his investigations and concerned three branches: 1) the history of the Ukrainian language development in the connection of the Ukrainian history (two articles and an epistolary); 2) historical grammars of the Ukrainian language connected with investigations of Old Rus' written language (three articles); 3) the history of the Ukrainian linguistic science (“History of Slavonic Philology”).

The last “Ukrainian”page in V. Yahych's scientific and publishing heritage is the articles about the Ukrainian language linguistic problems published in his “Journal of Slavonic Philology”. Generally about 60 articles and reviews of the Ukrainian linguistic trend were published in forty-two volumes of this annual. Half of them was dedicated to linguistic questions.

The branch of dialectal investigations was thoroughly represented in “Journal of Slavonic Philology”. To be exact, phonetic and grammatical features of western Ukrainian dialects were discussed there in three articles and reviews; lexical and etymological peculiarities were investigated in five articles and two reviews.

Other branches of the Ukrainian Linguistics were represented quite sporadically there: two articles in the History of Grammar and two articles in the History of the Ukrainian Literary Language. There were no investigations on syntax, stylistics or orthography of the Ukrainian language in “Journal of Slavonic Philology”.

Analysis of three trends of V. Yahych's linguistic interests in the Ukrainian language demonstrates a strong hold of V.Yahych (a prominent Croatian specialist of Slav languages and literature) over the Ukrainian linguistic scientific development in the last quarter of the 19-th and in the beginning of the 20-th centuries.

Key words: a journal, a characteristic feature, a dialect, a grammatical form, Ukrainian Linguistics, epistolary.

Підписано до друку 22.02.2005 року.

Папір друкарський. Формат 60Ч 90/16

Друк Rizo. Гарнітура Times New Roman.

Ум. друк. ар. 0,9.

Наклад 100 прим. Зам. №179

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Тернопільського національного педагогічного

університету імені Володимира Гнатюка

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