Contrastive analysis of lexical semantic group denoting crime in English and Ukrainian

Contrastive analysis. The lexical meaning of the word and its semantic structure. Phraseological units and idioms denoting crime.The theoretical value of the investigation is to reveal characteristic features of English and Ukrainian phraseological units.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 25.04.2012
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of Applied Linguistics




Presented by

Shvets' Yuriy

Group AL-33

Lviv 2010

Table of contents


1. Theoretical part

a. Lexicology

b. Contrastive analysis

c. The lexical meaning of the word and its semantic structure

2. Practical part

a. Definition of word Crime

b. Types of crime

c. Phraseological units and idioms denoting CRIME

d. Phraseological units and idioms denoting Злочин




This course paper is a research in the field of contrastive analysis of phraseological units concerning the lexical semantic group “Crime”.

The object of my investigation is to do a contrastive analysis of phraseological units with denominations of crimes in English and Ukrainian.

The general aim is to study differences and similarities of the phraseological units in both languages and to analyse the distribution of English and Ukrainian phraseologisms with denominations of crimes. In order to make a contrastive analysis, the necessary data are to be collected and classified.

The objectives are to define the most numerous groups of phraseological units concerning the lexical semantic group “Crime” both in English and Ukrainian due to thematic classification; to make structural classification and to define equivalents of phraseological units.

The theoretical value of the investigation is to reveal characteristic features of English and Ukrainian phraseological units.

The practical value of the investigation: the defining the most numerous group of phraseological units concerning the lexical semantic group “Crime” will allow to promote their mastering and better comprehension.

Since translation is, above all, an activity that aims at conveying meaning or meanings of a given-linguistic discourse from one language to another, rather than the words or grammatical structures of the original, we should look briefly at the most significant and recent developments in the field of study of "meaning", or semantics. My interest here lies in the change of emphasis from referential or dictionary meaning to contextual and pragmatic meaning. Such a change represents a significant development, particularly relevant to translation, and to communicative register-based approach to translation.

Contrastive analysis is an inductive investigative approach based on the distinctive elements in a language.

The meaning of a given word or set of words is best understood as the contribution that word or phrase can make to the meaning or function of the whole sentence or linguistic utterance where that word or phrase occurs. The meaning of a given word is governed not only by the external object or idea that particular word is supposed to refer to, but also by the use of that particular word or phrase in a particular way, in a particular context, and to a particular effect. Special interest is in how words and their meanings combine to form meaningful texts. What makes this task so difficult is the problem of lexical ambiguity. All words are ambiguous to some extent. Even words that appear to have one fixed sense can reveal multiple meanings in different contexts.

english ukrainian phraseological unit

1. Theoretical part

a. Lexicology

Lexicology (from lexiko-, in the Late Greek lexikon) is the part of linguistics which studies words, their nature and meaning, words' elements, relations between words (semantical relations), words groups and the whole lexicon.

The term first appeared in the 1820s, though there were lexicologists in essence before the term was coined. Computational lexicology as a related field (in the same way that computational linguistics is related to linguistics) deals with the computational study of dictionaries and their contents. An allied science to lexicology is lexicography, which also studies words in relation with dictionaries - it is actually concerned with the inclusion of words in dictionaries and from that perspective with the whole lexicon. Therefore lexicography is the theory and practice of composing dictionaries. Sometimes lexicography is considered to be a part or a branch of lexicology, but the two disciplines should not be mistaken: lexicographers are the people who write dictionaries, they are at the same time lexicologists too, but not all lexicologists are lexicographers. It is said that lexicography is the practical lexicology; it is practically oriented though it has its own theory, while the pure lexicology is mainly theoretical.

Lexicology can study the development of the vocabulary, the origin of words and word-groups, their semantic relations and the development of their sound form and meaning. In this case it is called historical lexicology.

Another branch of lexicology is called descriptive and studies the vocabulary at a definite stage of its development.

Lexicology is a branch of linguistics - the science of language. The literal meaning of the term “lexicology” is “the science of the word”. Lexicology as a branch of linguistics has its own aims and methods of scientific research. Its basic task is to be a study and systematic description of vocabulary in respect to its origin, development and its current use. Lexicology is concerned with words, variable word-groups, phraseological units and morphemes, which make up words.

Lexicology presents a wide area of knowledge.

Historical lexicology deals with the historic change of words in the course of language development.

Comparative lexicology studies closely relative languages from the point of view of their identity and differentiation.

Contrastive lexicology studies both relative and irrelative languages, establishes differences and similarities between them.

Applied lexicology deals with translation, lexicography, pragmatics of speech.

Lexicology - 'science of the word' - is a branch of linguistics, which basic task is a study and systematic description of vocabulary in respect to its origin, development and current use.

Lexicology investigates various meaning relations existing in the language, how the lexicon words to provide and support meaningful communication.

Each word is a part of entire system language vocabulary. Every item of a language stands closely with 2 other items. On the syntagmatic level the semantic structure of a word is analyzed in its linear relationships with neighbouring words, on the paradigmatic level - the relationship with other words in the vocabulary system: synonyms, polysemantic words, antonyms.

b. Contrastive analysis

Contrastive analysis is the systematic study of a pair of languages with a view to identifying their structural differences and similarities. Contrastive analysis can be carried out at three linguistic levels:phonology, grammar (morphology and syntax) and lexis. Contrastive analysisis applied to reveal the features of sameness and difference in the lexicalmeaning and the semantic structure of correlated words in different languages. It is commonly assumed by non-linguists that all languages have vocabulary systems in which the words themselves differ in sound-form, butrefer to reality in the same way . From this assumption it follows that for every word in the mother tongue there is an exact equivalent in the foreign language. It is a belief which is reinforced by the small bilingual dictionary where single-word translation is often used. Language learning cannot be just a matter of substitution a new set of labels for the familiar ones of the mother tongue. It should be born in mind that though the objective reality exists outside human beings and irrespective of the language they speak, every language classifies reality in its own way by means of vocabulary units . e. g. In English , for example , the word “foot” is used to denote the extremity of the leg . In Ukrainian there is no exact equivalent for “foot”: “ступня” is a little bit smaller than foot , the word “нога” denotes the whole leg including the foot .

Differences in the lexical meaning of correlated words account for the differences of their collectability in different languages . e. g. Thus, the English adjective “new” and the Ukrainian adjective ”новий” when taken individually are felt as correlated words : a new dress, New Year. In collocation with other nouns however the Ukrainian adjective cannot be used in the same meaning in which the English word“new” is currently used: new potatoes , new bread , etc.

Contrastive analysis on the level of the grammatical meaning reveals that corelated words in different languages may differ in grammatical characteristics. e. g. Ukrainians are liable to say “news are good , the money are on the table, her hair are black” because the Ukrainian words “новини, гроші, волосся” have the grammatical meaning of plurality .

Contrastive analysis brings to light the essence of what is usually described as idiomatic English , idiomatic Ukrainian , i. e. the peculiar wayin which every language combines and structures in lexical units various concepts to denote extra-linguistic reality .e. g. A typical Ukrainian word-group used to describe the way somebody performs an action or to state how a person finds himself has the structure that may be represented by the formula “adjective + a finite form of a verb”(він міцно спить, швидко засвоює). In English we can also use structurally similar word-groups and say “he learns fast/slowly”. The structure of idiomatic word-group in English is different. The structure is “adjective + verbal noun”. It is really in English to say “he is a heavy smoker, poor learner early riser”.

Statistical linguistics is nowadays generally recognized as the one of the major branches of linguistics. Statistical inquiries have considerable importance because of their relevance to certain problems of communication engineering and information theory. Statistical approach proved essential in the selection of vocabulary items of a foreign language for teaching purposes. Very few people know more than 10% of the words in their mother tongue . It follows that if we do not wish to waste time on committing to memorize vocabulary items which are never likely to be useful to the learner we have to select only lexical units that are commonly used by a native speaker . Out of approximately 500 000 words listed in Oxford English dictionary the active vocabulary of an educated Englishman comprises no more than 30000 words and of these 4 000 - 5 000 are presumed to be amply sufficient for the daily needs of an average member of the English speech community. Thus it is evident that the problem of selection of teaching vocabulary is of vital importance. Statistical techniques have been successfully applied in the analysis of various linguistic phenomena . Different structural types of words, affixes, the vocabularies of great writers and poets and even in the study of some problems of Historical Lexicology. Statistical regularities can be observed only if the phenomena under analysis are sufficiently numerous. Thus, the first requirement of any statistic investigation is the size of the sample.

c. The lexical meaning of the word and its semantic structure

The definition of lexical meaning has been attempted more than once in accordance with the main principles of different linguistic schools. In our country the definitions of meaning given by various authors, though different in detail, agree in the basic principle: they all point out that lexical meaning is the realisation of concept or emotion by means of a definite language system.

Another definition is given by Ukrainian scientist A. O. Ivchenko: meaning of the word is a certain reflection of the object, phenomenon or relation in the mind of language users which creates the internal part of the word structure and in reference to this structure the sound form is the material shell of the word which is necessary not only for reflecting the meaning and sending the message to other members of the society, but for creating of the word itself, its formation, existence and development. The complexity of the word meaning is manifold. The four most important types of semantic complexity may be roughly described as follows:

Firstly, every word combines lexical and grammatical meanings. E.g.: Father is a personal noun.

Secondly, many words not only refer to some object but have an aura of associations expressing the attitude of the speaker. They have not only denotative but connotative meaning as well.

E. g.: Daddy is a colloquial term of endearment.

Thirdly, the denotational meaning is segmented into semantic components or semes.

E.g.: Father is a male parent.

Fourthly, a word may be polysemantic, that is it may have several meanings, all interconnected and forming its semantic structure.

E. g.: Father may mean: `male parent', `an ancestor', `a founder or leader', `a priest'.

Interesting examples of significative meaning may be found in aphorisms, proverbs and other sayings rendering general ideas. E. g.: A good laugh is sunshine in the house (Thackeray) or The reason why worry kills more people than work is that more people worry than work (Frost) contain words in their significative meanings. The emotional and evaluative meaning of the word may be part of the denotational meaning. For example hireling `a person who offers his services for payment and does not care about the type of work' has a strong derogatory and even scornful connotation, especially when the name is applied to hired soldiers.

There is a considerable degree of fuzziness about the boundaries between the denotational and connotative meanings. The grammatical meaning is defined as an expression in speech of relationships between words based on contrastive features of arrangements in which they occur. The grammatical meaning is more abstract and more generalised than the lexical meaning, it unites words into big groups such as parts of speech or lexico-grammatical classes. It is recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of different words. E. g. parents, books, intentions, whose common element is the grammatical meaning of plurality. The interrelation of lexics and grammar has already been touched upon in § 1.3. This being a book on lexicology and not on grammar, it is permissible not to go into more details though some words on lexico-grammatical meanings are necessary. The lexiсo-grammatical meaning is the common denominator of all the meanings of words belonging to a lexico-grammatical class of words, it is the feature according to which they are grouped together. Words in which abstraction and generalisation are so great that they can be lexical representatives of lexico-grammatical meanings and substitute any word of their class are called generic terms. For example the word matter is a generic term for material nouns, the word group -- for collective nouns, the word person -- for personal nouns. Words belonging to one lexico-grammatical class are characterised by a common system of forms in which the grammatical categories inherent in them are expressed. They are also substituted by the same prop-words and possess some characteristic formulas of semantic and morphological structure and a characteristic set of derivational affixes. The degree and character of abstraction and generalisation in lexico-grammatical meanings and the generic terms that represent them are intermediate between those characteristic of grammatical categories and those observed on the lexical level -- hence the term lexico-grammatical.

2. Practical part

The aim of this course paper is to compare and to contrast English and Ukrainian phraseological expressions referring to the word “crime”. The underlined expressions are Ukrainian equivalents to them.

a. Definition of word Crime


an action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law - злочин: shoplifting was a serious crime

[mass noun] illegal activities in general - заборонена дія: Women commit far less crime than men.

an action or activity considered to be evil, shameful, or wrong - злочин: they condemned apartheid as a crime against humanity | it's a crime to keep a creature like Willy in a tank


[with obj.] Brit. informal (especially in the army) charge with or find guilty of an offence - звинувачувати: they found the note and I got crimed for it.


1. Суспільно небезпечна дія (чи бездіяльність), що чинить, заподіює зло людям.

2. Неприпустимий, ганебний вчинок. || Неправильна, шкідлива поведінка.

b. Types of Crime

Abduction the action of forcibly taking someone away against their will. They organized the abduction of Mr Cordes on his way to the airport

Arson the crime of deliberately making something burn, especially a building.

The school was destroyed in an arson attack.

Assault the crime of physically attacking someone. He was jailed for assault.

Assault and battery the crime of threatening to attack someone physically and then attacking them. As part of the legal term "assault and battery," it suggests an attempt or threat to injure someone physically.

Attempted murder the crime of trying to kill someone. He was found guilty of attempted murder.

Blackmail to use blackmail against someone. He was jailed for four years for blackmailing gay businessmen.

Bloodshed the killing of people, usually in fighting or war. Diplomacy aimed at stopping further bloodshed.

Bribery the act of giving bribes.We tried everything - persuasion, bribery, threats.

Burglary the crime of getting into a building to steal things. Burglaries have risen by 5%.

Carjacking the crime of using a weapon to force the driver of a car to drive you somewhere or give you their car.

Contempt of court is the criminal offence of disobeying an instruction from a judge or a court of law. He faced imprisonment for contempt of court.

Contumacy stubborn refusal to obey or comply with authority, especially disobedience to a court order or summons.

Corruption dishonest, illegal, or immoral behaviour, especially from someone with power. The investigation uncovered widespread corruption within the police force.

Crime against humanity a crime of cruelty against large numbers of people especially in a war. Endangering their lives will be regarded as a crime against humanity.

Crime of passion a crime, especially, murder, caused by sexual jealousy. The murder had all the signs of a crime of passion.

Delinquency illegal or immoral behaviour or actions, especially by young people. The ever-rising statistics of delinquency and crime.

Domestic violence is violence that takes place in the home, especially between a husband and wife. Women are still the main victims of domestic violence.

Drunken driving the crime of driving a vehicle with an excess of alcohol in the blood.

Embezzlement is the crime of embezzling money. A form of theft in which an employee dishonestly appropriates money or property given to him or her on behalf of an employer.

Embracery the offence of attempting by corrupt means to influence a jury or juror, as by bribery or threats.

Espionage the activity of secretly finding out secret information and giving it to a country's enemies or a company's competitors.

Felony a serious crime such as murder.

First-degree murder the most serious type of murder under US law. She was charged with two counts of first degree murder.

Fraud the crime of deceiving people in order to gain something such as money or goods. He's been charged with tax fraud.

Hate crime a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence. Aides say his plans include a task force on hate crimes.

Highway robbery robbery (also known as daylight robbery) means that you feel something is much more expensive than it should be. You feel you are paying way too much. The soft drinks in the cinema are really expensive. I paid 10 dollars for a cola. It's highway robbery!

Hijacking an act of illegally seizing an aircraft, vehicle, or ship while in transit. The recent series of airplane hijackings.

Hit and run accident is one in which a car driver hits someone and does not stop to help.

Homicide the crime of murder. He was charged with homicide

Hooliganism is the behaviour and actions of hooligans. Police is investigating football hooliganism.

Jaywalking when someone walks across a road at a place where it is dangerous to cross.

Juvenile delinquency the habitual committing of criminal acts or offenses by a young person, esp. one below the age at which ordinary criminal prosecution is possible. Small wonder, then, that there is so much juvenile delinquency among our youth.

Kidnapping an act of abducting someone and holding them captive. The recent kidnapping of a Dutch industrialist.

Law-breaking is any kind of illegal activity. Civil disobedience, violent or non-violent, is intentional law breaking.

Libel a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation. She sued two newspapers for libel.

Manslaughter the crime of killing someone illegally but not deliberately.

She was cleared of murder but found guilty of manslaughter.

Misdemeanor a crime that is not very serious.

Mugging an attack on someone in which they are robbed in a public place. Crime is on the increase, especially mugging and burglary.

Murder the crime of deliberately killing someone.

Organized crime refers to criminal activities which involve large numbers of people and are organized and controlled by a small group. Alphonse Capone was notorious for his domination of organized crime in Chicago in the 1920s.

Perfect crime a crime so ingeniously contrived and carefully executed that it cannot be detected or solved.

Perjury the crime of telling a lie after promising to tell the truth in a court of law, or a lie told in this way. Hall was found guilty of perjury.

Rape the crime, typically committed by a man, of forcing another person to have sexual intercourse with the offender against their will. Police are investigating a series of violent rapes in the town.

Riot a situation in which a large crowd of people are behaving in a violent and uncontrolled way, especially when they are protesting about something.

Slander a false spoken statement about someone, intended to damage the good opinion that people have of that person.

Smuggling the crime of taking something illegally from one country to another. He was arrested in connection with drug smuggling.

Speeding the offence of driving faster than the legal limit. She got stopped for speeding.

Suborning a witness persuading witness to tell lies in a court of law or to do something else that is illegal, especially for money.

Terrorism the use of violence such as bombing, shooting, or kidnapping to obtain political demands such as making a government do something.

Trespassing entering someone's land or property without permission. There is no excuse for trespassing on railway property.

Vandalism the crime of deliberately damaging things, especially public property.

Violation an action that breaks a law, agreement, principle etc.

White-collar crime is committed by people who work in offices, and involves stealing money secretly from companies or the government, or getting money in an illegal way. Identity theft is the fastest growing white-collar crime in the country.

Wire fraud financial fraud involving the use of telecommunications or information technology.

Типи злочинів

Бракон'єрство полювання чи рибальство в недозволених місцях або в заборонений час чи на представників фауни, що занесені до Червоної книги.

Бунт стихійне повстання; заколот.

Вандалізм нещадне руйнування і нищення культурних і матеріальних цінностей, пам'яток мистецтва і культури.

Викрадення утримування людини проти її волі (особл. дитини) з метою отримання викупу.

Втеча таємний самовільний відхід.

Геноцид винищення окремих груп населення за расовими, національними, релігійними мотивами.

Заворушення масовий вияв невдоволення кимсь, чимсь, протесту проти кого-, чого-небудь.

Заколот збройний виступ ворожих сил проти державної влади, організований у результаті таємної змови.

Захоплення оволодіння насильно кимсь, чимось, брати силою кого-, що-небудь.

Зґвалтування примус до статевого акту.

Здирство наполегливе вимагання або домагання чого-небудь примусом, погрозами, насильством; оббирання, грабіж.

Злом проникнення у будівлю з метою викрадення майна.

Злочин століття добре продуманий злочин.

Змова таємна угода для досягнення якої-небудь мети (частіше політичної).

Зрада перехід на бік ворога; віроломство, зрадництво.

Контрабанда незаконне, таємне перевезення або перенесення через державний кордон товарів, коштовностей і т. ін., заборонених або обкладених митом.

Корупція використання посадовою особою свого службового становища з метою особистого збагачення. || Підкупність, продажність урядовців і громадських діячів.

Крадіжка таємне привласнення чужих речей, грошей і т. ін.; злодійство.

Кровопролиття масове знищення людей; масові вбивства, різня.

Лжеприсяга брехливе або фальшиве, неправдиве свідчення суду або слідству під присягою.

Лжесвідчення давання брехливих або фальшивиих, неправдивих свідчень.

Лихослів'я уживання лайливих, соромітних слів. || Грубі, недоброзичливі слова і вирази, вживані щодо кого-небудь.

Мародерство пограбування вбитих і поранених після бою або мирне населення під час війни.

Наклеп брехня, поширювана з метою знеславити, зганьбити, заплямувати кого-, що-небудь; поширення неправдивих відомостей.

Напад накидатися на кого-, що-небудь, щоб захопити, пограбувати, знищити і т. ін.

Насильство застосування сили для досягнення чого-небудь; примусовий вплив на когось, щось.

Обман неправдиві слова, вчинки, дії і т. ін.

Організована злочинність одна з найбільш небезпечних в кримінології форм злочинності.

Підкуп за допомогою хабарів, подарунків, грошей і т. ін.

Підпал навмисне підпалювання речей, будівель з метою знищення.

Підроблення виготовлення фальшивої подоби чого-небудь.

Побиття завдання ударів кому-небудь; вибити.

Пограбування розбійницький напад з метою відняти що-небудь у когось, викрасти щось.

Профанація зневажливе, нешанобливе ставлення до чого-небудь загальновизнаного, загальношанованого; неуцьке перекручування, опоганення чогось.

Рецидив (рецидивізм) повторне (чи неодноразове) вчинення злочину.

Розбещення привчання кого-небудь до поганих, аморальних звичок.

Розтрата злочинна витрата довірених грошей, цінностей або іншого майна.

Тероризм здійснювання, застосовування терору; діяльність і тактика терористів.

Убивство насильницьке позбавлення життя як карний злочин.

Фальсифікація умисне викривлення або неправильне тлумачення тих чи інших явищ, подій, фактів. Підроблення чого-небудь.

Хабарництво одержання хабарів службовою особою.

Хуліганство грубе порушення правил громадського порядку, загальноприйнятих норм поведінки.

Шантаж залякування погрозою викрити або розголосити з певною метою факти, відомості, які можуть скомпрометувати, зганьбити кого-небудь.

Шахрайство заволодіння індивідуальним майном громадян або набуття права на майно шляхом обману чи зловживання довірою.

Шпигунство злочинна діяльність, яка полягає в таємному збиранні відомостей або викраданні матеріалів, що становлять державну таємницю, з метою передачі їх іншій державі.

c. Phraseological units and idioms denoting CRIME

A life of crime when someone spends their life stealing and committing other crimes, in order to get money to live. Unemployed young people were likely to be tempted into a life of crime.

Be murder on something to harm or damage something else. These new shoes are murder on my feet.

Blackmail somebody into (doing) something force (someone) to do something by using threats or manipulating their feelings. He had blackmailed her into sailing with him.

Commit a hijacking to commit an act of illegally seizing an aircraft, vehicle, or ship while in transit. The truck was hijacked when it had moved onto a bridge.

Crime doesn't pay used to say that crime does not give you any advantage, because you will be caught and punished - used when warning people not to get involved in crime. He faced imprisonment for contempt of court.

Curiosity killed the cat. As cats are naturally curious animals, we use this expression to suggest to people that excessive curiosity is not necessarily a good thing, especially where it is not their business.

Dress to kill. When someone is dressed to kill, they are dressed very smartly.

Get away with murder to do anything you want, even things that are wrong, without being punished. She lets those kids get away with murder.

Kill the goose that lays the golden egg. If you kill the goose that lays the golden egg, you ruin something that is very profitable.

On the lam to be in flight from the law, to be hiding or running from the police or sometimes the Mafia.

Partner in crime is a person who helps you to make a secret plan to do something wrong or dishonest. They help you to do something bad or naughty. Tom made sure nobody was looking as I set off the fire-alarm in our school. He was my partner in crime.

Rob Peter to pay Paul take something away from one person to pay another, leaving the former at a disadvantage. In the usual Wall Street high finance style he was robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Robber baron a powerful person who uses their money and influence to get more money, business, land etc in a way that is slightly dishonest. ...the vast wealth accumulated by America's robber barons from industry and transport.

Steal a march. This expression indicates the stealthiness of a person over another to gain advantage of the situation. For instance, if two persons are offered some jobs which are vacant, they resolve to go together next day at an agreed time, but one of them, without telling the other, goes earlier than...

Steal someone's thunder. If someone steals your thunder, they take the credit and praise for something you did.

Taken into custody has been arrested and is being kept in prison until they can be tried in a court. Law denoting or relating to the duty of the police to inform a person taken into custody of their right to legal counsel and the right to remain silent under questioning.

Terrorist underworld terrorist clandestine activity. He was involved into terrorist underworld.

Throw/cast caution to the winds literary to stop worrying about danger and to take a big risk. Throwing caution to the winds, she swung around to face him.

To be on the case to be aware of a particular problem and are trying to resolve it. He brought me up to date on the case.

To be thick as thieves to have a very close relationship; to be probably best friends who are always together and never keep secrets from each other. Lee and Mike have been as thick as thieves since they met in junior school. They do everything together.

To break out of prison to escape from prison. Their attempt to break out of prison was foiled.

To kill two birds with one stone achieve two aims at once. Marrying him she kills two birds with one stone.

To make a killing on something have a great financial success. He hasn't exactly made a killing.

To plead guilty to admit responsibility; confess. He pleaded guilty to the drug charge.

To suborn a witness bribe or otherwise induce witness to give false evidence.

d. Phraseological units and idioms denoting Злочин

Вбимти в гомлову 1. Частим повторенням, нагадуванням чи биттям примушувати кого-небудь запам'ятати, засвоїти щось. Довго вона мучилася з нею, довго била, поки таки вбила їй у голову, як і що треба робити (Панас Мирний); -- Ви, Степане Васильовичу, хоч лінійкою, хоч стусанами, хоч мордачами вбийте цю рихметику (арифметику) в його дурну голову (М. Стельмах). 2. Настирливо доводити кому-небудь щось, переконувати когось у чому-небудь. Вона (мати) вбивала йому у голову, що він красивіший, розумніший і здібніший за інших (Д. Ткач); Книжчини (фашистські) були розраховані на німецьку молодь, яка виросла після війни й не мала про неї сталої думки. Цим юнакам і дівчатам вбивали в голову, що всі претензії Гітлера були цілком справедливими (Л. Дмитерко).

Вбимти (забимти) клин між. Роз'єднувати, сварити кого-небудь між собою. -- Спить і уві сні бачить, як нашу дружбу порушити, клин між нами вбити (В. Собко); -- Нікому не вдасться вбити клин і розколоти дружбу цих двох талановитих юнаків (З газети); -- Як забити вам клин, Все докопується, Бо від заздрощів він Ледь не лопається (Д. Білоус).

Вбимти осимковий кіломк (кіл) у могимлу. Покінчити з ким-, чим-небудь. Мабуть, це надто поспішно -- вбивати осиковий кіл у могилу останнього бюрократа (З газети).

Вбивати час. Людина вбиває час тоді, коли робить щось не через те, що хоче це робити, а через те, що має вільний час, пвд час очікування чогось. Ми пішли в кіно, щоб вбити час перед відправленням поїзда.

Ділити шкумру невбимтого ведмемдя. Планувати, заздалегідь розподіляючи те, чого ще немає; розпоряджатися чимсь ще не досягнутим. От уже невгамовна людська натура,-- навкруги колючий дріт.., кулемети.., а вони споряться між собою й ділять шкуру невбитого ведмедя (Ю. Яновський).

На злодієві шапка горить. Про того хто випадково, мимовільно виявив у собі те, що прагнув утаїти, приховати.

Точимти (справлямти) бремхні (побрехемньки). Вести пусті, беззмістовні розмови, марнуючи час. -- А чи не пора б нам кинути брехні точити та заходитись коло роботи? -- мовив Корж (С. Добровольський); (Хуторянин:) Позалазивши в холодок, грали в “хвильки”, в “гарби”, в “дурня” та точили різні побрехеньки (Григорій Тютюнник); -- Годі тобі брехні справлять. Вставай та в печі розтоплюй (І. Нечуй-Левицький).

Як брехням по селум. Легко, швидко і т. ін. Я дописував дев'яносто шосту гумореску про алкоголіків. Робота йшла, як брехня по селу (А. Крижанівський).

Як вімдьми вкрамли. Зовсім зник. Хочеться йому (Чіпці) забутися, заснути; перевернувся він з боку на бік... Сон -- як відьми вкрали!.. (Панас Мирний).


As it has been previously mentioned my investigation was based on contrastive analysis of the semantic field in English and Ukrainian languages. The investigation presented in this course paper showed that English and Ukrainian phraseological units and idioms referring to “Crime” and “Злочин” might be built by the various ways with the similar meaning and structure, with the similar meaning but different structure and the different meaning and structure.


Percentage, %

The same meaning and the same structure

The same meaning and different structure

Different meaning and different structure















All investigated phraseological units and idioms







This table shows the comparison of correlation between English and Ukrainian investigated phraseological units and idioms separately and investigated phraseological units and idioms referring to “Crime” and “Злочин” in general. If we look at all investigated phraseological units and idioms we can see that almost half of them are with the similar meaning and structure (53.1%) and the remainder is divided approximately by the two almost equal parts: with the similar meaning but different structure (20.3%) and the different meaning and structure (26.6%). I think that bigger diversity of names of crimes and phraseological units and idioms denoting crime can mean that juridical and lawmaking systems in Britain are more developed than in Ukraine. In my opinion, the reason of such poor development is that Ukraine is very young country.

It is very important to understand the peculiarities of using slang, idiomatic and spoken phrases of any language because “words once spoken you can never recall”. We perceive language as means of communication but often we cannot go deep into the words in the greatest power which can control war and peace in the world, can breed love, happiness, good and also hatred, dissensions, evil.


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