Возможная форма изучения английских тематик

Возможная форма изучения английских тематик: "Наказание и преступление", "Образование", "Музыка", "Трудные дети". Упражнения, применяемые для лучшего усвоения языка: "Истина-ложь", "Вставка нужных слов", "завершение предложений", "перевод", "тесты".

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык русский
Дата добавления 27.06.2009
Размер файла 61,9 K

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.


Complete the following chart using the given definitions.





1. The crime of intentional killing a person.



to murder

2. Making an illegal copy of something in order to deceive.

3. Taking somebody away by force and demanding money in exchange for releasing them.

4. The crime of intentional starting a fire in order to damage or destroy smith. esp. a building.

5. An act of attacking smb. And stealing their money.

6. Taking money secretly that in your care or that belong to an organization or business you work for.

7. Telling lies in a law court , after promising to tell the truth.

8 . The action of obtaining money from people or forcing them to do smth. by threatening to make known a secret of theirs or to harm them.

9. The crime of forceful having sex with someone against their wish.

10. Taking money in exchange for doing smth. special.

II. Which crimes are being described in the following situations? Fill in the gaps with the words from the list.

rape kidnapping

perjury shoplifting

speeding house-breaking

bribery manslaughter

mugging arson

1. After Jane's husband had betrayed her, she couldn't pull herself together and got rid of him.

2. Peter forced Kate to have sex with him against her wish.

3. People entered our house and stole my mother's jewellery.

4. I didn't notice the sign of speed limitation and was driving faster than it was allowed.

5. She promised to tell the truth in a law court but lied about her husband's business.

6. They took my child by force and demanded money in exchange for releasing him.

7. The prosecutor took money from the defendant in exchange for his freedom.

8. In the street two boys attacked an old lady and stole her pension.

9. A young girl took an expensive dress from a shop and ran off without paying for it.

10. Mr. Simpson's neighbour intentionally started a fire in his house.

III. Complete the blanks with the suitable words from the list.

aim of killing


criminal plan

to be under the guise of

to put up resistance

to strangulate

to source

to pledge

to propose a plan

to disappear without a trace

mental evaluation

stage of decomposition

Linish came to Moscow in 1993 from Kemerovo. In Moscow, he used to stay at the Belgrade hotel. It was there that he met Andrei Drozdov. In late 1994, Drozdov (1) for privatizing the Yaraslavskaya hotel. Linish (2) to raise funds for the project. Drozdov promised Linish the position as chairman of the board of directors should they win the hotel privatization auction. Not long before the (3) was due, the relations between two partners (4).

Stepanov entered into a criminal collusion with Linish with the (5) Drozdov. Acting on their (6) Stepanov prepared a car, removing the head-rest from the front seat and the rear-view mirror, and also prepared a rope.

On May 1, (7) of paying a visit to their common friends, Linish and Stepanov took Drozdov in a Jeep Toyota High Lux vehicle driven by Linish into a wood around the 47 th kilometer of Kaluzhskoye Shosse. When Linish stopped the vehicle, Stepanov pulled the rope around drozdov's neck and began (8) him while Linish was holding Drozdov with his hands to prevent him from (9). They tied a knot around Drozdov's neck and strangled him to death.

Later on Drozdov's girlfriend was killed in the same manner. The criminals burned the victim's clothes and buried their bodies in the wood, where, following Stepanov's testimony, they were discovered 10 months later and, despite their advanced (10), identified.

Stepanov also described several other killings he had made together with Linish, murdering people who (11). Linish also testified, but then started talking gibberish, and was sent to the Serbsky Institute of Forensic Medicine for a (12).

IV. Match the legal procedures on the left with the corresponding definitions on the right.

1. to defend / prosecute smb. in court.

A. to swear in court that one is guilty or otherwise.

2. to accuse of a crime

B. to say smb. is guilty

3. to acquit of a charge

C. to have a case judged in court

4. to plead guilty/ not guilty

D. to bring to court

5. to be tried

E. to punish smb. by making them pay

6. to commit a crime/offence

F. to decide whether smb. is guilty or not

7. to charge smb. with (a crime)

G. to argue for / against someone in a trial

8. to sentence smb. to ( a punishment)

H. to do smth. illegal

9. to fine (smb.) a sum of money

I. what does the judge after the verdict is guilty

10. to release smb. from prison/jail

J. to arrest smb.

11. to send smb. to prison

K. to set smb. free after a prison sentence

V. Translate from Russian into English.

A. (on the basis of Essential vocabulary).

1.Они смотрелись симпатично в своей новой униформе.

2. В своем новом костюме мальчик выглядел нарядно.

3.Для того чтоб отметить годовщину нашей свадьбы, Крис приглашал меня в фешенебельный ресторан.

4. Пол всегда модно одет.

5. Моим самым разумным решением в жизни было бросить эту работу.

6. Она резко ударила его по рукам и попросила вести себя прилично.

7. После окончания университета она очень похорошела.

8. Почему вы постоянно опаздываете на работу Вам нужно измениться, чтоб сохранить работу.

9. Мой дядя подарил мне майку, по цвету мне не нравиться, могу ли я поменять ее на другую.

10.Они поругались, но похоже уже все в порядке.

11. В перестрелке было убито несколько человек.

12. Они чуть было не подрались, но оба успокоились.

13. Члены группы встречаются каждый месяц, так что у обмениваться мнениями.

14. Она чувствовала себя виноватой, и ее мучила, совесть за то что она натворила.

15. Должно быть она что-нибудь натворила, так как у нее виноватый вид.

16. В полиции все подозреваемые признали свою вину.

17. Виновность или невиновность человека в преступлении определяет составом присяжных.

18. Он признался в попытке убийства.

19. Их отношения строятся на доверии и понимании.

20. Почему я должен верить твоим словам.

21. Мы ошибались доверяя ей.

22. Я надеюсь, что собрания увенчались успехом.

23. На твоем месте я бы не рассказывал Рейчел ничего - она не заслуживает доверия.

24. Тебе не стоит быть такой доверчивой, люди нагло пользуются тобой.

25. Кажется, напиток подействовал - у меня слегка помутился рассудок.

26. Я приняла таблетки от головной боли, но они не помогли.

27. Утечка радиации разрушительно подействовала на окружающую среду.

28. Лекарства действуют более эффективно , если запивать их горячей водой.

29. Он резко повернулся к женщине, которая только что вошла в комнату.

30. Болезнь провоцирует неожиданные / резкие подергивания конечностей.

31. Резким движением она вырвала кустарник из земли.

32. Я выросла в захолустном городишке, где не было ничего кроме магазина.

33. Среди мужчин 16 го 17 го веков были широко распространены кожаные безрукавки.

34. Полицейский резко ударил заключенного по ногам и вывел его.

35. Если за следующие 2 года не будет повышения, я сменю работу.

36. Ее только что повысили, а это значит, что у нее будет рабочая машина и дополнительные 5 тысяч.

37. Была ли она вменяема во время инцидента

38. Он хорошо сохранился для своих лет.

39. Она крепко спала - гром не разбудил ее.

40. Он здоров как бык.

41. Он любил риск и каждый раз когда проигрывал, увеличивал ставки.

42. Он всегда уважал своего дядю.

43. Она навестила нас на обратном пути в Лондон.

44. Он просмотрел список, но не обнаружил там свое имя.

45. Ее красота и слава не проложили путь к Голливудской карьере.

B. (on the basis of Topical Vocabulary)

1. Она призналась в этом преступлении.

2. Его признали виновным в уголовном преступлении.

3. За последний год в городе было совершено 3 убийства.

4. Двух сестер осудили за предумышленное убийство.

5. Ее приговорили к 5 годам лишения свободы за непредумышленное / неосторожное убийство.

6. В городе резко увеличилось количество убийств.

7. Девушку вытащили из машины и изнасиловали.

8. Очень трудно понять, что именно заставляет мужчину насиловать.

9. Еще грабитель пытался изнасиловать жертву, но испугался, когда та позвала на помощь.

10. Прошлой ночью в северном районе Лондона сгорел кинотеатр. В полиции предполагают, что был совершен поджог.

11. Организованная банда призналась в ограблении 4 банков.

12. Его признали виновным в ограблении с применением оружия.

13. После того как он признался в похищении ребенка и вымогательстве, его приговорили к 15 годам лишения свободы.

14. В этом районе зарегистрирована серия похищений маленьких детей из школы.

15. Несмотря на то, что она была главным вкладчиком, ей удалось присвоить тысячи долларов из благотворительного фонда.

16. Для того, чтобы мой брат испарился после обеда мне пришлось подкупить его своей машиной.

17. Эти банкноты не настоящие.

18. В иммиграционной службе заметили подделку паспорта.

19. Огромное количество подделок было продано как авторские работы.

20. Он представился серьезным и известным музыкантом, но на самом деле он был мошенником.

21. Способность убеждать людей помогла ему стать профессиональным мошенником.

22. За лжесвидетельство под присягой ее наказали 2 годами тюремного заключения.

23. Ей позвонил шантажист и потребовал 50 тысяч долларов за возврат фотографий.

24. Я прекрасно знал, что полицейские остановили меня за превшение скорости.

25. За вторжение на его территорию фермер застрелил мужчин.

26. В суде он признался в двоеженстве.

27. торговцам наркотиками грозит смертная казнь, но раскрыть их очень сложно.

28. Многие туристы становятся уличных ограблений и личных краж.

29. После того, как Гай Фокс принял участие во взрыве здания парламента в 17 веке, его казнили за государственную измену.

30. Люди были просто шокированы, узнав о том, что в такой уважаемой семье бьют ребенка.

31. Кое-кто из присяжных даже заплакал, услышав, как жестоко был убит ребенок.

32. Законом запрещено афишировать имена жертв изнасилования по телевидению и в прессе.

VI. Complete the sentences using a suitable form of a phrase from the list

to pronounce a sentence on smb.

to plead guilty to

to be out on parole

to release on bail

to suspect smb.

to be arrested for

to be accused of

to be bailed

to deliver a verdict of

to commit a crime

to be innocent of the crime

to take smb. to court

to detain smb. without trial

to go to trial

1. He has admitted ________ several _________, including two murders.

2. The judge will_________ on the defendant this afternoon.

3. The judge directed the jury to _________ of unlawful killing.

4. He _________ to the charge of attempted murder.

5. The judge said although it would be unfortunate for a ________ to escape justice, it was far more important that an innocent person should not be wrongly punished.

6. Jane was_________ drinking and driving.

7. he firmly believes that she is __________.

8. The surgeon was _________ of negligence.

9. No one knows who killed her, but the police ___________ her husband.

10. I cannot remember whether the case ___________.

11In many countries, the police cannot ________ people _________.

12. She's threatening to _________ me________ for not paying the bill on time. 13. She was arrested for shop-lifting but was _________.

14. The head of the police traffic department _________ for three weeks on drink-driving offences.

15. The crime was committed while the prisoner was __________.

VII. Reading Comprehension.

I. Read the following article “Who killed Pearl ?”

II. Choose the most likely meaning (A, B, or C) for the words or expression s which follow:

1. to wield the knife:

A. to have a knife in ones hand

B. to use a knife under the influence of smb.

C. to hide a knife as an evidence.

2. interrogations:

A. asking a lot of questions in a police station.

B. asking questions in an informal situation.

C. using extreme physical pressure to obtain information.

3. to be detained:

A. to stay in a place for a short length of time.

B. to be arrested

C. to be noticed in a particular place.

4. crackdown:

A. persecution

B. using strength in order to arrest

C. talking strong action to stop smth. happening.

5. to carry out:

A. to take smth. away.

B. to complete a job.

C. to practice.

6. to grill:

A. to cook by direct heat.

B. to ask a lot of questions for a long time.

C. to burn smb's house.

III. Find words or phrases in the article which mean the same as:

1. to cut off the head of a person

2. taking a person away by using force.

3. to keep still

4. extremely unpleasant

5. a lot of pictures

6. to make forceful pushing movements at smth.

7. someone who beheads people

8. to be kept in prison while waiting to go to court for trial

IV. Say whether the following statements are true or false, and why.


1. Pakistani court has sentenced Ahmad Omar to 25 years of imprisonment for murder of Daniel Pearl.

2. The knife which helped to execute Pearl is still not found.

3. A suspect in Daniel Pearl's murder is believed to have been a former of the sept. 11. hijackings.

4. Mohammed committed this crime without anybody's backing.

5. The militant pointed at the Mohammed's photo only after using physical pressure.

6. The Pakistani police thinks that top al-Qaeda lieutenant is hiding in Kuwait.

V Answer the following questions.

1. Is it legal in Pakistani to sentence a person to death?

What do you think about such a penalty?

2. What kind of armament do terrorists usually use?

3. Do you think that all Arabs are criminals? Is it necessary to wage a war against them?


I. Match schools on the left with the corresponding definitions on the right.

1. Grammar schools

A. charge money from pupils' parents

2. Comprehensive schools

B. free schools provided by the government

3. Private schools

C. take students of all abilities

4.Boarding schools

D. students live in such schools

5. Public schools

E. take students selected for their ability

II. Complete the blanks with the suitable word from the list.

to pass examinations

ever longer

to get a grant

a graduate

a postgraduate

an undergraduate

to get a place at university

to finish the course

to go on to

to go to university

If you want (1), you must first (2) that most students take at the age of eighteen. Most students take three examinations in three different subjects and they must do well in order (3) because the places are limited. If you get a place at university, the tuition is free, and some students also (4) as well. Students at university are called (5) while they are studying for their first degree. Most university courses last three years, some courses last four years, and one or two courses, e.g. medicine, may be (6). When students (7) and pass their examinations, they receive a degree.

When you complete your first degree, you are a (8). Some students then (9) to a second course of degree. These students are then (10).

III. Complete the sentences using a suitable form of a phrase from the list.

infant school

secondary school

academic year

primary cycle

to get a grant

to fluff the exam

demand for

secondary education

a lecturer

to offer a place

compulsory schooling

1. In Britain _________ is__________ for twelve years, for all children aged five to sixteen.

2. Generally speaking, children enter _________, moving on to junior school at the age of eight, and then on to __________at the age of eleven.

3. Secondary school lasts either until the end of the compulsory attendance cycle, or includes the two final years of__________, generally known in Britain as the “sixth form”.

4. The _________ begins in late summer and is divided into three terms.

5. ___________ for public school education is now so great that many schools register babies' names at birth.

6. Children stay in the _________ until the age of twelve.

7. I completely __________ I made an absolute hash of it.

8. You could probably __________ to go to an ordinary university now.

9. At school, you have teachers and lessons, at university, you have ________ and lectures.

10. If you were _________ would you jump at the chance ?

IV. Translate from Russian into English.

A. ( On the basis of Essential Vocabulary.)

1. Утром на заседании Тим просто вывел меня из себя.

2. Больше всего нас раздражали еженочные укусы москитов.

3. Я так рассердился на него за опоздание, что полчаса не мог с ним говорить.

4. Она проболтала с подругами все утро.

5. Твоя сестра просто болтушка.

6. Прекратите эту бесполезную болтовню и займитесь делом.

7. При мысли о наступающих выходных он немного успокоился.

8. Он очень веселый человек.

9. Весело насвистывая, она шла по дороге

10. Она выиграла многие конкурсы красоты.

11. На президентское место выдвинуты всего два кандидата.

12.На сегодняшнюю викторину «Супер Мозг» прибыли участники со всей страны.

13. Она вышла из моря очень довольная.

14. Скандал не запятнал честь принца.

15. Если бы она не затормозила вовремя, ребенок обязательно/непременно бы погиб.

16. Эта дорога идет на Бирмингем.

17. В прошлом месяце начали ходить новые поезда.

18. Я смотрю, ты полон сил сегодня.

19. Я запрещаю тебе брать мою машину без спроса.

20. Пожалуйста, намекните нам, что нужно сделать в этом упражнении.

21. мама дала мне понять, что она оплатит мою поездку в Мексику если я сдам все экзамены.

22. В соусе очень маленькое количество бренди, так что вы не опьянеете.

23. из-за взрыва задребезжали чашки в шкафу.

24. Моя сестра часами болтает с друзьями по телефону.

25. Он взглянул на список стран, в которых он был.

26. Вопрос ее явно смутил.

27. Может ли ядерное оружие уменьшить риск войны?

28. Я сбросила вес благодаря диете.

29. Во время летней распродажи во многих магазинах значительные скидки.

30. оставленный ими беспорядок расстроил меня до слез.

B. (On the basis of Topical Vocabulary)

1. Мы получили заявления от абитуриентов.

2.Катя и Женя познакомились на первом курсе и вскоре после окончания колледжа поженились.

3. Она училась в художественном училище, но бросила его в прошло году.

4. Она 20 лет читала лекции в университете прежде чем стать профессором.

5.Для решения профессиональных и личностных проблем студентов в колледже появился советник.

6. Она стала деканом факультета медицины.

7. Сколько учащихся сдают географию в этом семестре?

8. Когда будут известны результаты экзамена?

9. Боюсь, что срок подачи заявлений окончен и вас могут не принять.

10. Она прочла мне целую лекцию о том, как важно быть аккуратным и организованным.

11. Когда я буду на пенсии, мне бы хотелось окончить курсы поваров.

12. Когда я был студентом, то посещал практически каждую лекцию и семинар.

13. Я сдал экзамен по истории но провалился на химии.

14. Я провалил первый тест, но написал второй.

15. Для повторения вокабуляра я частенько начинаю урок с опроса.

16. Они дали ей возможность обучаться за границей в течении года.

17. В Великобритании учебный год начинается в сентябре и заканчивается в июле.

18. Мои родители уверяют, что школьные годы - самые лучшие годы, но я не согласен.

19. Она принадлежит к тем немногим лекторам нашего факультета, у которых есть какая-либо степень.

20. Сдав экзамены, Анна набрала необходимое количество баллов-67.

V. Guess what school is described.

1. Secondary school

A. doing a university course for a second or third time.

2. Graduate school

B. an educational course that happens during the summer when other courses have finished.

3. Grade school

С. a school for children aged 11 to 16 (18) years.

4. Summer school

D. a school for children from the age of five to the age of 10 or 14 years.

VI Reading Comprehension.

I Read the following article”Is the problem in schools or in American culture?”

II.Choose the most likely meaning (A, B, or C) for the words or expressions which follow.

1. culprit

A. someone who has done smth. wrong.

B. criminal

C. a person who causes bad thing.

2. cure

A. treatment

B. correcting smth.

C. interest.

3. rampant.

A. something outrageous.

B. something bad getting worse quickly and in an uncontrolled way.

C. physically violent and frightening.

4. belief.

A. feeling which causes people to have doubts about.

B. the feeling of certainty that something exists or true.

C. something from what you know and understand the information.

5. average

A. the result obtained by adding two or more amounts together and dividing the total by the number of amounts.

B. a way of doing things that most people agree with.

C. a standard or level which is considered to be typical or usual.

6. to endorse

A. to make a public statement of your approval for smth.

B. to write smth. on the back of smth. in order to make it payable to someone else.

C. to record that the driver has been found guilty of driving in an illegal way.

III. Find words or phrases in the article which mean the same as:

1. a formal piece of writing that considers and examines a particular subject.

2. to change or be different, esp. from one occasion to another or from one item to another within a group.

3. lack of success in doing smth.

4. despite what has just been said or referred to

5. to come to an opinion about smth.

6. the act. Of killing yourself intentionally.

7. A person who is the same age. Or has the same social position as other people in a group.

8. to cause to feel worried or anxious.

1V. Say whether the following statements are true or false, and why.


1. Hornbeck is sure that schools can change the society.

2. Students would improve their knowledge when the community gave teachers better pay.

3. Teachers are astonished by parents indifference.

4. Being an adolescent in America means to begin interested in schooling.

5. In comparison with other countries American students get shockingly big homework.

6. American students are sure that working hard in school is unnecessary.

V. Answer the following questions.

1. Is it necessary for the community to pay attention to schooling.

2. What do you know about hinge schools of America?

3. Do you think , it is difficult to get higher education in America?


I. Match musical genres on the left with the corresponding definitions on the right.

1 Classical music

A. An example of formal pays in which all or most of the words are sung to music.

2 Opera

B. A play or film in which part of the story is sung to music.

3 Operetta

C. A type of popular music, developed by black musicians in N. America in the early 1900s, with tunes that are not on regular beats.

4 Musical

D. Modern popular music, usually with a strong beat, which is created with electrical or electronic equipment and is easy to listen to and remember.

5 Ballet

E. A type of modern music with a strong beat in which the players do not necessary follow written musical notes for all or part of the piece.

6 Blues

F. Music considered to be part of a long tradition and of lasting value.

7. Ragtime

G. An example of amusing plays in which many or all the words are sung to music and which might include some dancing.

8. Jazz

H. a type of popular music with a strong loud beat which is usually played with electric guitars and drums.

9. Pop

I. music and songs that are written in a style similar to that of traditional music.

10. Rock

J. a mixture of music in a traditional style and modern popular music.

11. Folk music

K. a type of slow sad music , originally from the southern US, in which the singer often sings about his or her difficult life and had luck in love.

12. Folk rock

L. a theatrical work with a type of dancing where carefully organized movements tell a story or express an idea.

II. What kind of musical instrument is described ? Fill in the gaps with the words from in the list.











1. A wooden musical instrument with four strings which is held against the neck and played by moving a bow across the strings.__________________

2. A musical instrument that produces the lowest musical sound of instruments of the same type.______________________

3. A musical instrument in the shape of a tube which is played while holding one end near the mouth and the other near the shoulder._________________

4. A musical instrument of the woodwind group, consisting of a long wooden pipe, mental keys and two reeds, which play low notes.____________________

5. A brass musical instrument consisting of a metal tube with one narrow end, into which the player blows, and one wide end. Three buttons are used to change notes._____________

6. Musical instrument that you play by hitting them with your hand or another object such as stick.__________________

7. A brass musical instrument consisting of a long bent metal tube, which the player blows into producing low notes._____________________

8. A large music instrument with a row of black and white keys which are pressed to play notes._____________________

9. A musical instrument made of metal which is curried at the bottom, and which is played by blowing through a reed and pressing the metal keys to produce notes.___________________________

10.A musical instrument with six strings and a long neck which is usually made of wood, and which is played by putting or hitting the string with the fingers._________________

III. Complete the following sentences with a suitable form of a phrase from the list.


school orchestra


wedding march

to tape-record

to perform




to compose

1. The music way specially _________ for the film.

2. The______________ is practicing in the hall at the moment.

3. The first dance that I learned at my ballroom dancing classes was the ________

4. I once saw her ____________ in concert at Comedie hall.

5. Mendelssohn's ________________ is a popular piece of music that is often played as newly married couples leave the church.

6. Henry had never been to a ____________ before.

7. She composes and ______________ her own music.

8. Did you ___________ a tape birthday.

9. Put another record on the _______________.

10. The group specializes in singing in close _________________.

IV. Choose the word (A or B ) which best completes each sentence.

A. 1 These days Britney is a woman of ______________

A. leisure B. work.

2. This summer after her world tour ended with an _______ show in Mexico City, she revealed that she would take the next several months off.

A. aborted B . abominable

3. “ I need Britney time” , she says, unaware of how impossibly _________ she sounds.

A. cute B . stupid

4. Britney is obviously a girl's girl - warm , goofy, __________ and yearning to be liked.

A practical B sentimental

5. Although the twenty-year-old hopes to land another movie role before the year is through , she'll spend most of her vacation _____________ with her girlfriends.

A . speaking B. catching up

B. 1. Shakira grew up in Colombia as a belly - dancing Depeche Mode fan. She has been a pop star in Latin America since _____________.

A admittance B adolescence

2. Her English- language debut has ____________ her reach to most of the rest of the word.

A. extended B. expanded

3. Her lyrics are not the usual______________ of simple romantic, mildly naughty attitudes.

A. intercalations B. interactions

4. They are emphatically self- expressive and ____________ surreal.

A. somewhat B. something

5. Her launching pad may be pop, but her._______________ is sexual and intellectual self- empowerment. In fact she may have already arrived there.

A. destination B. purpose

V. Translate from Russian into English.

A. ( on the basis of Essential Vocabulary).

1.Уже назначили день митинга?

2. Правительство прекратило общественные растраты.

3. Мода на короткие юбки появилась в 1960г. / Короткие юбки впервые стали модными в 1960г.

4. Корабль резко мел ко дну и капитан приказал немедленно покинуть его.

5. Из-за плохой погоды матч прервали на середине.

6. Бросив мужа и детей она ушла к другому мужчине.

7. Она грубо оскорбила мачеху.

8. Она возмущалась по любому вмешательству в свое дело.

9. Он очень обижен на родителей за свое несчастное детство.

10. Всегда держи аптечку при себе.

11. Они отвергли мое предложение не давая возможности объясниться.

12. “Поздравляю “,- сказала она и пожала мне руку.

13. Похоже , в полиции уверены что она лжет.

14. Она считает мне не следовало рассказывать что ее сын наркоман, но зато, у меня чиста совесть.

15. Она говорит неразборчиво и иногда ее трудно понять.

16. Вас проводить к столу ( лику), или вы сперва выпьете что-нибудь в баре?

17. Как нужно вести себя на званном ужине? Я ничего не знаю об этикете.

18. В отличие от дерева, металл является отличным проводником тока.

19. Опишите свое хобби.

20. Она наконец-то успокоилась и перестала плакать.

21. Это твое произведение?

22. Он рассказал мне историю, которая легла в основу произведения.

23. Боюсь, что его нет в офисе - зайдите после обеда.

24. Я не знаю, что одеть сегодня вечером- может, ты посоветуешь?

25. Когда Джордж ворвался в комнату, наш разговор неожиданно прекратился.

26. Директор школы грубо разговаривает с родителями учеников.

27. «Мне нечего больше сказать»-неожиданно ответил Джордж.

28. Возможно ли, чтобы правительство игнорировало потребности большинства / общества?

29. Я улыбнулся ей, но она сделала вид, что не знакома со мной.

30. Пациенты ничего не знают о своих заболеваниях.

B. (on the basis of Topical Vocabulary)

1. Оперетта обычно более веселая и менее серьезная, чем опера.

2. Танцоры балета просто обязаны быть выносливыми и гибкими.

3. Джаз зародился на юга США среди чернокожих музыкантов.

4. В концерте принимают участие известные народные певцы.

5. В пятой симфонии Бетховена четыре части.

6. Ее пение было таким завораживающим, что пианист даже перестал играть.

7. Джазовые трио обычно состоят из фортепиано, гитары и баса.

8. Отец научил ее танцевать польку.

9. «Нирвана»-известная рок-группа

10. Она играет на скрипке.

11. В группе она играет на кларнете.

12. Я играю на фортепиано, но не очень хорошо.

13. Бренча на гитаре, он сел на газон.

14. Саксофон является неотъемлемой частью джазовой музыки.

15. Прокофьев начал сочинять в возрасте 5 лет.

16. Дирижер повернулся лицом к оркестру.

17. Раньше он пел в группе, а сейчас строит свою собственную карьеру.

18. Лучший тенор мира покорил нас своей виртуозностью.

19. В данный момент школьный оркестр репетирует в холле.

20. Я не подготовил речь, и мне пришлось говорить спонтанно.

21. Она аккомпанировала мне на фортепиано.

22. Для того, чтобы наладить пианино, нам нужно вызвать настройщика.

23. Усилитель- это электрическое устройство, которое делает звук мощным.

24. Наша группа участвует в сегодняшнем концерте / Сегодня наша группа выступает на вечернем концерте.

25. На выходных мы собираемся на рок-фестиваль за город.

26. Сделай музыку тише - я не собираюсь кричать.

27. Какую музыку ты предпочитаешь?

28. Они слышали постоянный стук барабана.

29. В ее альбоме можно найти 2 супер-хита.

30. Эта группа занимается многоголосьем.

VI. Reading Comprehension.

I. Read the following article “Who's bad?”

II. Choose the most likely meaning (A, B, or C)for the words or expression which follow :

1. picker:

A. a person who selects companies in which others should invest.

B. a person that picks crops.

C. very greedy person.

2. to enlist:

A. to join something

B. to ask someone for help or support.

C. to help somebody.

3. to swoon:

A. to feel a lot of pleasure.

B. to love someone.

C. to lose consciousness.

4. to depose:

A. to leave something

B. to remove from a powerful position.

C. to depart unexpectedly and suddenly.

5. substantial:

A. large in size

B. relating to the main or most important things being considered.

C. important and serious.

6. executive

A. administrative and regulating.

B. very rude.

C. insolent.

III. Find words or phrases in the article which mean the same as:

1. to cause a group to become a part of or form a close relationship with a larger group or organization.______________

2. to make an official record of smth.__________________

3. spoken or written statements that smth. is true esp. those given in a court of law._______________

4. to take legal action against smb. by making a legal claim for money because of some harm that have caused you._____________________

5. money or things which can easily be changed into money.__________________

6. an act of breaking a law promise agreement or relationship._________________

IV. Say whether the following statements are true or false, and why.


1. Michael Jackson's lawyer claims for $12 million.

2. For the first time Kincey mit Jackson in 1993.

3. Musical “ Sisterella “ attracted famous investors.

4. The premiere of “Sisterella” was very successful.

5. All the dance in “Sisterella” were based on Jackson-esque moves.

6. The star has not enough money to pay his ex-producer.

V. Answer the following questions.

1. How many producers has Michael Jackson got?

2. On the basis of what was “Sisterella” established?

3. Who is right Jackson or his ex-producer?


I. Fill in the gaps with words from the list.





















1. Children need to feel ____________ to do well at school.

2. He's an___________ little bay.

3. Emma's a __________ , outgoing sort of person.

4. She deserves a bit of success -she's very__________.

5. Good teacher know that children need and enjoy firm __________.

6. I'm not feeling very__________ today- not enough sleep last night.

7. You've got to try to keep__________ as you grow older.

8. She was too__________ to point out my mistake.

9. Although she often disagreed with me, she was always______.

10. Modern educational theory stressed the importance of developing the ________ sowing capacity of children.

11. Students are expected to be quiet and 2 __________ in the classroom.

12. He was looking for a quite ________ girl who would obey his every wish.

13. He was __________ about his awful exam results.

14. She was distressed at how ___________ the children looked - their clothes were dirty and their hair unwashed.

15. Be careful what you say- he's rather________ today.

16. My parents were rather_________ I hadn't told them about the accident

17. At school he was very___________ to her teachers.

18. I had an __________ class of adolescents on Thursday that I used to dread teaching.

19. She can be very__________ of students who don't understand what she's talking about.

20. I don't know why she always seems so________ to wards me.

II. What kind of parent is described? Match the adjectives on the left with the corresponding definitions on the right.

1. kind-hearted A. a generous and helpful parent who cares about children's feelings.

2. impulsive B. an extremely unkind parent who pains his child.

3. kind C. a parent who could bear un pleasant or annoying things.

4. sensitive D. a parent who uses strong methods in bringing up children.

5. tolerant E. a parent who uses force in bringing up children.

6.aggressive F. an unfriendly parent who doesn't snow . affection kindness or feeling.

7. cruel G. a parent who understands what his children need. He is helpful and kind to them.

8. violent H. a fair parent who is morally correct.

9. just I. a parent who does things suddenly without any planning and without considering the possible effects of what is done.

10. cold J. a person who cares a lot about his children and always wants to help them.

III. Translate from Russian into English.

A. ( on the basis of Essential Vocabulary).

1. Если мы придвинем шкаф к стенке , у нас будет больше места для танцев.

2. С ним просто невозможно спорить : он постоянно меняет свое мнение.

3. Я бы не доверял человеку с такими хитрыми глазами.

4. Родители обрадовались узнав что их девочка жива и здорова.

5. Меня окрылил успех.

6. Пожалуйста, сделай музыку потише. Это мешает мне сосредоточиться.

7. На севере сосредоточено большее население страны.

8. Уличный шум мешал мне собрать.

9. Бег помогает мне собраться с мыслями.

10. Прекрати увиливать от ответа и скажи мне все как есть.

11. Полиции удалось убедить народ в том, что сбежавшие заключенные не удаляться далеко.

12. Когда пилот понял как близко он подлетел к пилону , было поздно что-либо делать.

13. Я устроился на работу по телефону. Но я не подписывал еще никаких документов.

14. Запах никотина подтвердил его опасение: они устроили вечеринку в его отсутствие.

15. Мы все еще ждем подтверждения этим слухам.

16. Пока я жила у Малич в Испании. Мне приходилось делать все по дому.

17. Он хранит деньги в банке.

18. На зиму белки запасаются орешками.

19. Дом практически не видно, потому что вокруг него растут деревья.

20. На этот раз мы тебя простим, но ты больше не балуйся.

21. Из окна ее спальни видно все озеро.

22. Наркотики быстро всасываются в кровь.

23. Я не могу оторваться от книги которую я читаю.

24. Отравляющие газы проникают в организм через поры.

25. По пути домой купи хлеб.

26. Он как-то злобно на меня смотрел.

27. Пару лет прожив вместе, мы поняли, что не подходим друг другу и решили разойтись.

28. Чем зебра похожа на лошадь?

29. Он себя плохо чувствует после операции.

30. Она тратит огромное количество денег на одежду.

B. (on the basis of Topical Vocabulary.)

1. Она была слишком скромная и не отметила моих ошибок.

2. Эмма- очень общительный человек.

3. Питер- самый прилежный ученик в моем классе.

4. Мой папа может справиться с любыми неприятностями.

5. Тебе необходимо поверить в себя.

6. Похоже ты не рад вечеринке- тебе не хочется идти туда?

7. В аудитории студенты должны быть спокойными и воспитанными.

8. Он мечтает , чтоб его ребенок был спокойным.

9. Она боится потерять родительскую опеку над детьми.

10. Из-за ужасных результатов экзамена он впал в депрессию.

11. Вчера был официально открыт новый центр для психически нездоровых подростков.

12. Для того чтоб удалить голод бездольные дети нюхали клей.

13. Меня в жизни так еще не унижали.

14. Не будь импульсивным- думай прежде что-либо делать.

15. Он один из тех самоуверенных людей, которые считают. Что они всегда правы.

16. Она не выносит студентов которые ее не понимают.

17. Недоверия разрушает дружбу.

18. Он не умеет себя вести и грубит всем.

19. Я не знаю почему она так воинственно настроена против меня.

20. Спасибо что уступили мне место, это очень любезно с вашей стороны.

21. Эту сложную ситуацию нужно разделить деликатно.

22. Такое поведение нецелесообразно ее должности.

23. Несмотря на то . что он был строгим попой, он балует своих внуков.

24. Он отличный учитель ,но слабые ученики раздражают его.

25. Детей воспитывал очень жестокий отец.

26. Маленькие дети очень часто ведут себя агрессивно.

27. Не будь таким жестоким с братом.

28. Некоторые дети этой школы- явные хулиганы.

29. Если бы ее родители одобряли курение , она была бы очень рада.

30. В фильме она играет ненавистную принцессу.


I Crime and Punishment.

1. murder, murderer. to murder.

2. forgery, forger, to forge

3. kidnapping, kidnapper, to kidnap.

4. arson, arsonist, to set fire.

5. muggings , mugger, to mug.

6. embezzlement, embezzler, to embezzle.

7. perjury, perjurer , to perjure.

8. blackmail, blackmailer, to blackmail.

9. rape, rapist , to rape.

10. bribery, briber, to bribe.

II. 1. manslaughter, 2. rape, 3. house - breaking, 4. speeding, 5. perjury, 6. kidnapping, 7. bribery, 8. mugging, 9. shoplifting, 10. arson.

III. 1. proposed a plan , 2 pledged 3. auction, 4. sourced, 5. aim of killing, 6. criminal plan , 7. under the guise, 8. strangulating, 9. putting up resistance, 10. stage of decomposition, 11. disappeared without a trance, 12. mental evolution.

IV. 1-g, 2-b, 3-f, 4-a, 5-c, 6-h, 7-d, 8-I, 9-e, 10-k, 11-j.

V. A.

1. They looked very attractive in their smart uniforms.

2. The boy looks very smart in his new suit.

3. Chris took me to a very smart restaurant to celebrate our wedding anniversary.

4. Paul's always very smartly dressed.

5. Quitting that job was the smartest move I ever made.

6. She gave him a smart smack on the knuckles and told him not to be so rude.

7. She's really smartened herself up since she left university.

8. Why are you always so late for work? You'll have to smarten up your act if you want to keep your job.

9. My uncle bought me this shirt as a present but, I don't like the color, so is it possible to exchange it for a different one?

10. They exchanged words but now they seem to be talking normally.

11. Several people were killed during the exchange of gunfire.

12. It looked as if there would be an exchange of blows but they both calmed down.

13. Every month the group meets so its members can exchange their opinions.

14. She was tormented by feeling of quilt and shame over what she had done.

15. She must have done something wrong, because she's looking so guilty.

16. All suspects admitted their quilt to the police.

17. The jury has to decide whether a person is guilty or innocent of a crime.

18. He pleaded guilty to the charge of attempted murder.

19. Their relationship is based on trust and understanding.

20. Why should I take what you're saying on trust.

21. We were wrong to put our trust in her.

22. The meeting went well, I trust.

23. I wouldn't tell anything to Rachel if were you- she's not very trustworthy.

24. You shouldn't be so trusting - people take unfair advantage of you.

25. That drink has had quite an effect on me- I feel light - headed.

26. I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn't have any effect.

27. The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on the environment.

28. The tablets work more effective if you take a hot drink after them.

29. He jerked his head towards the woman who had just entered the room.

30. The disease causes sudden jerky movements of the hands and legs.

31.She pulled the bush out of the group with a sharp jerk.

32. I grew up in a jerkwater town, which had nothing but one shop.

33. Leather jerkits were commonly worn by men in the 16 th and 17 th centuries.

34. The policeman jerked the prisoner to his feet and marched him off.

35. If I'm not promoted within the next two years I'm going to change job.

36. She's just promoted which means a company car and an extra 5. thousand.

37. Was she of sound mind at the time of the incident?

38.His body is very sound considering his age.

39. Her sleep was very sound- the thunder didn't wake her up.

40. He is as sound as a bell.

41. He loved gambling and each time he last he would double his stakes.

42. He'd always looked up to his uncle.

43. He'd always looked in on us on her way back to London.

44. He looked down the list but couldn't find his name.

45. Her fame and good looks did not lead to a Hollywood career.


1. She pleaded guilty to this felony.

2. He was convicted of felony.

3. There were three murders in the town last year

4. Two sisters have been charged with attempted murder.

5. She was sentenced to five years imprisonment for manslaughter.

6. The number of homicides in the city has risen sharply.

7. The girl was dragged from the car and raped.

8. It's difficult to understand what causes a man to rape.

9. The robber also attempted to sexually assault the woman but was scared off when she shouted for help.

10. A cinema has burnt out in north London last night. Police suspect arson.

11. The gang admitted they had committed four bank robberies.

12. He was found guilty of robbery with violence.

13. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison after admitting kidnap and fraud.

14. There has been a series of abductions of young children from schools in the area.

15. She embezzled thousands of dollars from the charity while appearing to be its best fundraiser.

16. I tried to bribe my brother into disappearing for the afternoon by offering him the use of my car.

17. There banknotes are forgeries.

18. Immigration control noticed the forget passport.

19. A number of forged works of art have been sold as genuine.

20. He told people that he was a serious and well-known musician, but he was a fraud really.

21. He was very successful as a financial swindler because he was able to persuade people to believe in him.

22. She was sentenced to two years in jail for committing perjury.

23. She had a call from a blackmailer who demanded $50.000 for the return of the photos.

24. I wasn't aware that I was speeding when I was stopped by the police.

25. The farmer shot the men because they were poaching on his land.

26. In court he admitted that he had committed bigamy.

27. Drug dealers are threatened with the death penalty, but the risk of discovery slight.

28. Many tourists are victims of mugging and petty theft.

29. In the seventeenth century a man called guy Fakes was executed for treason after he took part in a plot to blow up the British Parliament building.

30. People were shocked to hear about baby battering by such a respectable couple.

31. Several members of the jury wept as they heard how the child was killed.

32. The law prevents newspapers and television from naming victims of rape.

VI. 1. committing several crimes.

2. pronounce sentence on.

3. deliver a verdict of

4. pleaded guilty

5. guilty party

6. arrested for

7. innocent of the crime

8. accused of

9. suspect

10. went to trial

11. detain people without trial

12. take me to court

13. released on bail.

14. was bailed

15. was out on parole.

VII. Reading Comprehension.

II. 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-a, 5-b, 6-b.

III. 1. - to behead, 2.-abduction, 3.- to pin, 4- grisly, 5- stack of photography, 6- to stab one's finger at, 7- executioner, 8- to be in custody.

IV. 1- False, 2- True, 3- True, 4- False, 5- False , 6- False.

KEYS (Education)

I. 1-e, 2- c, 3- a, 4- d, 5- b.

II. 1.-to go to university,

2- pass examinations, 3- to get a place at university, 4- get a grant, 5- undergraduates, 6- ever longer, 7- finish the course, 8- graduate, 9- go on to, 10- postgraduates.


1. schooling is compulsory, 2- infant school; secondary school.

3. secondary education, 4- academic year, 5- Demand for, 6- primary cycle, 7- fluffed the exam, 8- get a grant, 9- lecturers, 10- offered a place.

IV. A.1. Tim really annoyed me in the meeting this morning.

2. One of the greatest annoyances was being bitten by mosquitoes every night.

3. I was so annoyed with him for turning up late that I couldn't speak to him for half an hour.

4. She spent the morning chattering away to her friends.

5. Your sister's a real chatterbox.

6. Stop this idle chatter you two, there's work to be done.

7. He cheered up at the thought that it was nearly the holidays.

8. He is a very cheerful person.

9. She walked down the road, whistling cheerfully.

10. She's won a lot of beauty contests.

11. Two candidates are emerging as contestants for the presidency.

12. In tonight's quiz our contestants have come from all over the country to fight for the title of “Superbrain.”

13. She emerged from the sea exhilarated.

14. The Price has emerged unscathed from the scandal.

15. If she hadn't made that emergency stop the child wouldn't been killed for sure.

16. This road goes to Birmingham.

17. The new trains went into service last night.

18. You're full of go this morning.

19. I do wish you'd stop going off with my car without asking me beforehand.

20. Could you give up a hint about how to do this exercise, please?

21. Mum's hinted that she might pay for my trip to Mexico if I pas all my exams.

22. There's only a hint of brandy in the sauce, so I don't think it'll make you drunk.

23. The explosion rattled the cups on the shelf.

24. My sister rattles on for hours on the phone to her friends.

25. He rattled through the list of countries he had visited.

26. She was obviously rattled by the question.

27. Do nuclear weapons really reduce the risk of war?

28. I reduced weight by going on a diet.

29. There are huge reductions in many shops during the summer sales.

30. I was reduced to tears seeing the mess that they had made.


1. We have received letters of application from several prospective candidates.

2. Kate and John met in their freshman year at college and married soon after they graduated.

3. She was at art college but she dropped out of it last year.

4. She was a lecturer at the university for 20 year before she became a professor.

5. The college now has a counselor to help students with both personal and work problems.

6. She is the new dean of the Faculty of Medicine.

7. How ,any pupils are talking the geography exam this term?

8. When do your exam results come out?

9. I'm afraid you're missed the deadline, so your application cannot be considered.

10. She gave me a lecture on the importance of being tidy and well-organized.

11.I'd like to do a cookery book when retire.

12. I attended practically every lecture and seminar when I was a student.

13. I passed in history but failed in chemistry.

14. I flunked the first test but fortunately passed the second.

15. I often start the class with a short quiz to revise some vocabulary items.

16. They gave her a grant to study abroad for one year.

17. In Britain the school year starts in September and ends in July.

18. My parents say your schooldays are the best days of life , but I'm not so sure.

19. She is one of the few lecturers in this department who have tenure.

20. Anna got an average score of 67 in her exams.

V. 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b.

VI. Reading Comprehension.

II. 1-a, 2-a, 3-b, 4-b, 5-c, 6-a.

III. 1- treatise,2- to vary, 3- failure, 4- nonetheless.

5. to perceive, 6- suicide, 7- to disturb.

IV. 1- True, 2--True, 3- False, 4- False, 5- False, 6- True.

KEYS (Music)

I. 1-f, 2- a, 3- g, 4-b, 5-L, 6-k, 7-c, 8-e, 9-d, 10-h, 11-I, 12-j.


1. violin, 2- bass, 3- flute, 4- bassoon, 5- trumpet, 6- percussion, 7- lube, 8-piano, 9- saxophone, 10- guitar.


1. composed, 2 - school orchestra, 3 - waltz, 4 - performing, 5 - Wedding March, 6- ballet, 7- performs, 8 - tape- record, 9 - turntable, 10- harmony.


A. 1-a, 2- a, 3-a, 4-b, 5-b.

B. 1-b, 2-a, 3-b, 4-a, 5-a.


A. 1. Has a date been set for the meeting yet?

2. The government has set new limits on public spending.

3. The fashion for short skirts was first set in 1960.

4. We were sinking fast , and the captain gave the order to abandon ship.

5. The match was abandoned at half-time because of the poor weather conditions.

6. She abandoned her husband and children and went off with another man.

7. She bitterly resented her father's wife.

8. She was resentful to anybody's attempts to interfere in her work.

9. He feels deep resentment against his parents for his miserable child hood.

10. Remember to keep a first-aid kit close at hand all the timey.

11. They dismissed my suggestions out of hand and wouldn't even let me explain them properly.

12.”Congratulations!” She said and shook me by the hand.

13. The police seem quite clear that she isn't telling the truth.

14. She thinks I shouldn't have told her that her son is taking drungs, but I have a clear conscience about it.

15. She doesn't speak very clearly and I often find it difficult to understand what she's saying.

16. May I conduct you to your table, or would you prefer to have a drink at the bar first?

17. How are you supposed to conduct yourself at this dinner? I know nothing about etiquette.

18. Metal is a good conductor of heat whereas wood is not.

19. Write a composition on your favorite hobby.

20. She finally stopped crying and composed herself.

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