Развитие техники чтения английских текстов

Методические разработки для чтения английских текстов экономической тематики, рекомендуемые для самостоятельного перевода и развития навыков чтения. Задания к ним, направленные на закрепление правил перевода, усвоение опорных слов и иностранной лексики.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид методичка
Язык русский
Дата добавления 14.06.2009
Размер файла 20,4 K

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Государственное образовательное учреждение

Российский государственный аграрный заочный университет







Москва 2002

Составитель: доцент Пархомова А.А.

УДК 802.0:33(075.5)

Английский язык: Методические указания для чтения текстов/Рос.гос.аграр.заоч.ун-т; Сост. А.А.Пархомова. М., 2002, 14 с.

Предназначены для студентов 1 курса.

Утверждена методической комиссией экономического факультета, протокол от 18 марта 2002г.

Рецензенты: ст. преподаватели Н.И. Пипко, Н.В. Минаева (Ставропольский СХИ); ст. преподаватель О.Л. Ганина (Ивановский СХИ)

Методические разработки для чтения текстов по специальности предназначены для самостоятельной работы в межсессионный период студентов-заочников 1 курса экономических специальностей.

Цель данных разработок - развить навык чтения текстов по специальности в соответствии с требованиями программы. Методические разработки включают четыре текста с заданиями и упражнениями. Послетекстовые задания включают в себя усвоение опорных слов и интернациональной лексики, развитие техники чтения, закрепление правил перевода определенных грамматических тем с последующим анализом. Понимание текстов, правильность выполнения заданий и упражнений проверяется преподавателем при явке студентов во время лабораторно-экзаменационной сессии.

Text 1. The Pattern of Farming

A farmer is a man who makes his living from the land. Each chooses the kind of farming which is best suited to his own land. He is also influenced very greatly by the price that he is likely to receive for his produce. Many farmers with rich, flat land have arable farms which grow crops. Farmers whose land is suitable often keep milking cows on their dairy farms. Some farmers, with hilly land, keep sheep, and others specialize in pigs or poultry. And some farmers grow crops and keep animals as well; their farms are called mixed farms.

The kind of farming depends on many things: on climate, slope, soil and altitude. If we make a journey across Britain, we shall notice that as the scenery gradually changes, the kind of farming changes, too.

There are no large towns and few villages on Dartmoor. The only sign of life is a lonely farm-house, built of stone, and sheltered in a valley.

Continuing our journey, we come to the New Forest, uncultivated except in a few clearings. Herds of wild ponies live here.

There are many pigs, poultry, and dairy cows on the farms below the Downs. This region has many mixed farms, with some arable land for growing crops, and some grassland for grazing cattle.

At Worthing, we see small farms which consist almost entirely of glasshouses, in which there are cucumbers and tomatoes.

Задания к тексту 1

1. Запишите в рабочую тетрадь интернациональные слова из текста, дайте их перевод, не пользуясь словарем.

2. Обратите внимание на правила чтения буквы «с» в словах price, produce, receive, notice, scenery, except.

3. Переведите текст со словарем и запишите перевод в тетрадь.

4. Выделите из текста глаголы to be и to have, определите их временные формы.

5. Переведите на английский язык: фермер, земля, сельское хозяйство (земледелие), зерновое хозяйство (полеводство), молочное хозяйство, смешанное хозяйство, содержать (животных), теплица, крупный рогатый скот, свинья, домашняя птица, огурец, сельскохозяйственная культура.

6. Заполните пропуски соответствующими словами, данными ниже:

1) Every ... is divided into separate sections, each of which may have an area of two thousand ... .

2) On mixed farm, . . . and . . . are both important.

3) Some farmers ... in pigs and poultry.

4) ... are kept on dairy farms.


Milking cows, crops, livestock, specialize in, farm, acres.

Text 2. Cereal Crops

Cereals remain the cornerstone1 of the British agricultural economy. Most cereals grown in this country are used for animal feed rather than for human consumption. Therefore, the conditions surrounding arable farming in the South and East have a direct impact upon the fortune2 of livestock production in the North and West. The two major crops are wheat and barley. Oats remain important in the wetter and colder areas of the North (and especially in Scotland) but elsewhere the acreage has declined drastically3 with the disappearance of horses, in some areas maize has recently been introduced, although it is mainly grown for cattle feed. Over the last thirty years, the area under wheat has remained reasonably stable, but the barley acreage has trebled.

Cereal crops require little attention during their growing period and the key to profitability is the possession of suitable flat, well-drained land. To maximize the yield and minimize the cost of production are the main farmer's actions necessary in sowing and harvesting.

Much will depend on farmer's ability to utilize the large amounts of capital employed4--especially in machinery--and on his shrewdness 5 in marketing his crop.

1 cornerstone -- краеугольный камень

2 impact upon the fortune -- влиять на судьбу

3 drastically -- (зд.) резко

4 capital employed -- занятый капитал

5 shrewdness -- (зд.) предприимчивость

Задания к тексту 2

1. Обратите внимание на правила чтения буквосочетания «аr» в словах barley, harvesting, farmer, marketing.

2. Переведите текст со словарем.

3. Найдите в тексте сказуемые, выраженные Perfect Active и Passive.

4. Переведите на английский язык: зерновые культуры, площадь в акрах, вегетативный период, урожай (доход), техника (машины).

5. Заполните пропуски соответствующими словами, данными ниже:

1. A quarter of the total land ... of the United Kingdom is unsuitable for ... .

2. ... are grown mainly for cattle ....

3. Oats are better suited than ... or ... to the cool climate.

4. In Scotland the ... under oats has declined.

Слова: Oats, acreage, wheat, barley, area, cultivation, feed.

Text 3. Research for Cooperatives

Research on the practical problems of agricultural cooperatives, with educational and technical assistance, has been a formal activity in the Department of Agriculture of the USA since 1913. Over the years, the Department has helped farmers and their rural people to solve the organizational and operating problems of cooperatives. In 1953, the Former Cooperative Service as a separate Department agency was established.

The Service works with three types of cooperatives: marketing associations, which handle the sale of the farmers' crops and livestock; farm supply cooperatives, which provide production supplies to farmers; and service organizations. There are approximately 7,900 marketing and purchasing cooperatives in the United States and a large number of cooperatives providing such services as credit, electricity, irrigation, and insurance. In addition, certain cooperatives market handicraft items, provide recreation facilities, coordinate grazing activities, and sell forest products.

Much of the Department's cooperatives research deals with problems specified by the cooperatives themselves. A typical study investigates the advantages and disadvantages of consolidating a number of Midwestern dairy cooperatives.

The major objective of a cooperative is to allow farmers to reach backwards towards their suppliers and forwards towards their markets, and so provide protection against the rise of specialist organizations and agribusiness.

Задания к тексту 3

1. Обратите внимание на правила чтения буквосочетания «ng» в словах operating, marketing, purchasing, providing, consolidating.

2. Переведите текст со словарем.

3. Переведите на английский язык: научные исследования, помогать, решать, продажа, запасы, управлять (регулировать), покупка, страхование, исследовать, польза (выгода), иметь дело, достигать.

4. Выберите из текста английские эквиваленты к словам, заключенным в скобках:

1. Economics is a social science because it (имеет дело) people in their daily activities.

2. Certain cooperatives (продают) handicraft items.

3. Cooperatives are voluntary (организации) financed and controlled by farmer shareholders 1.

4. A cooperative provides (защиту) against the rise of specialist organizations and agribusiness.

Text 4. The Economy to Ecology, Ecology to the Economy

A radical restructuring of economic management is under way in Russia. The very important thing is environmental protection, the rational utilization of nature. We don't have the main thing - a programme to harmonize the relations between nature and society in order to1 preserve the basis of social production and the life of society in general.

Now we cultivate 228 million hectares of arable land. What for? That also includes land located in extremely harsh2 conditions. This land yields practically no harvest, yet we send to it huge numbers of machines, mineral fertilizer and people, we burn fuel and destroy the soil. This is an example of the expenditure3 approach. We should reduce the arable land to 160 million hectares as a minimum. Eroded land should be left fallow.

We should get out4 of the areas of high-risk farming. Crop yields can be increased on these 160 million hectares. This can be done by reproducing the fertility of the soil, which now is being destroyed. The programme should take into consideration5 the ecological situation in every region.

1 shareholder--акционер; пайщик 1 in order to -- для того, чтобы

2 harsh -- суровый

3 expenditure -- (зд.) затратный

4 get out -- уйти

5 take into consideration -- принять во внимание

Задания к тексту 4

1. Обратите внимание на правила чтения буквы «g» в словах management, general, huge, ecological, region.

2. Переведите текст со словарем.

3. Повторите правила чтения числительных. Прочтите числительные: 1991, 381, 3.5, 0.7, 228.000.000, 16.000.

4. Найдите в тексте модальные глаголы

5. Переведите на английский язык: перестройка (реорганизация), управление, окружающая среда, рациональный, сохранять, общество, удобрение, топливо, эрозийная почва, земля под паром, плодородие, разрушать.

6. Заполните пропуски соответствующими словами, данными ниже:

1) The scale of the production and use of ... ... and chemical

means of ... ... is increasing all the time.

2) All toxic substances are capable of circulating in the ... for a long time.

3) There are cases when a collective farm increases not only ... ... every year, but also the ... of the soil.

4) The fertility of the ... ... was completely restored at the farm

in the Chuvash Republic.

Eroded land, crop yields, fertility, environment, plant protection, mineral fertilizers.

Text 5. Agricultural Economics

Economics is a social science because it deals with people in their daily activities where choices are required. The science of economics has developed over a long period of time in response to the need for appropriate criteria by which choices can properly be made. Economics is a reasoning method that compares the benefits resulting from an action with the costs of that action.

In the overall, economics is concerned with overcoming the effects of scarcity by improving the efficiency with which scarce resources are allocated among their many competing uses to best satisfy human wants. Economics is thus concerned with the future rather than the past; by attemping to predict what will happen if some action is taken.

Agricultural Economics may be defined as an applied social science dealing with how humankind chooses to use technical knowledge and scarce productive resources such as land, labor, capital, and management to produce food and fiber and to distribute it for consumption to various members of society over .time. Getting food and fiber to all people in the world in the right form at the right time is an extremely complex process. About 60 percent of the world's population is involved in the basic industry of providing food.

Задания к тексту 5

1. Запишите b рабочую тетрадь интернациональные слова из текста, дайте .их перевод, не пользуясь словарем.

2. Прочтите теист. Обратите внимание на правила чтения буквы «с» в словах:

economics, social, science, because, choice, criteria, action, costs, can, compare, concerned, allocated, scarce, capital, to produce, resources, consumption, process, percent, production, increase, crop, to receive.

3. Переведите текст со словарем.

4. Найдите в тексте сказуемые, выраженные глаголом в Passive.

5. Заполните пропуски соответствующими словами, данными ниже:

1) ...... is an applied social science dealing with how

Humankind chooses to use technical knowledge and ... ...

2) Getting . . . and ... to all people in the world is a very complex process.

3) About 60 percent of ... is involved in the basic.. .

of providing food.

Слова: Scarce productive resources. Agricultural Economics, food, fiber, the world's population, industry.

Text 6. Modern Agriculture

Modern agriculture is composed of four major components. Farming is the one we normally think of, but the farming operation is supplemented by the farm-marketing sector, the input supply sector, and the public agricultural service sector. The farm marketing system involves: processing, packaging, storing, and transporting the farm output from over 3 million farms. The firms in the marketing system gather raw, unprocessed food, much of it during a rather brief period of the year and make it available to over 200 million consumers throughout the year. The system also includes the facilities and knowledge that make the United States a major exporter of food to the rest of the world.

The input supply system is a vital link between farms and non-farm units producing machinery, fertilizer, power, pesticides, and other inputs. Many of these firms are cooperatively owned by farmers, and many provide inputs or services to parts of the economy in addition to the farm sector.

Modern farming is heavily dependent on the inputs that these firms supply, so much so that most farms would come to a rapid halt without such inputs.

Задания к тексту 6

1. Прочтите текст. Обратите внимание на правила чтения буквосочетаний «er», «ar», «ir», «or» в словах major, farming, normally, service, storing, firm; запишите транскрипцию этих слов, используя словарь.

2. Переведите текст со словарем.

3. Найдите в тексте предложения с причастием I и определите функцию причастия I.

4. Повторите грамматические темы «Сложные формы Participle I», «Независимый (самостоятельный) причастный оборот». Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:

1) Having a computer has greatly simplified our bookkeeping and planning.

2) Having worked all summer and into the fall growing our corn, we found ourselves faced with the prospect of marketing our crop.

3) The largest number of farms is organized as partnerships, comprising roughly 10 percent of all farms and 15.9 percent of total acreage.

5. Выберите из текста английские эквиваленты к словам, заключенным в скобки.

1) The farm marketing system involves (переработка продуктов), packaging, (хранение), and transporting the farm продукция).

2) The input supply system is а (звено) between farms and nonfarm units.

3) The United States is a major exporter of ' (продовольствие) to the rest of the world.

Text 7. Переведите текст со словарем

Transition from one system of economic management to another requires a relatively long period. This is especially true of agriculture. Such a period includes, first, the preparatory period and, second, transformations proper. During the preparatory period the legal, economic and organizational foundations are laid for future reforms. During the second period the forms of property and ownership are gradually changed, economic and management activities are gradually transformed, the market economy institutions are developed and consolidated, and a new system of social relations comes into being.

Today's agrarian "transformations" were started spontaneously, without any legal, organizational and economic preparation, with ignoration of the need for a gradual and step-by-step changeover to a market economy. The absence of a clear-cut conception of development of reforms, their excessive politization and the struggle of diverse political groups and branches of state authority over the projected transformations have caused contradictions in the legal base of reform and, consequently, a number of fundamental legislative acts, the laws on have not been enacted.

Слова к тесту 7:

changeover - изменение,

contradiction - противоречие,

legislatire - законодательный,

enact - устанавливать в законном порядке

Text 8. Переведите текст со словарем

The period of transition in the agrarian sector of the economy requires an optimal combination of state regulation and market levers. State regulation within the AIC* presupposes mainly the use of economic methods. The regulatory role of the state is especially important in the present stage of transition to a market economy when an effective mechanism for economic regulation has not yet been formed. The specifics of the agrarian sector should be taken into consideration: the seasonal character of production, slow capital turnover, increased production risks connected with a high incidence of natural calamities and outbreaks of elemental forces considering that а significant part of agricultural land in Russia lies in the zone of risk farming.

The state can make a strong impact on AIC development by economic methods, through credit and tax regulation, budgetary financing, regulation of the conditions and levels of labour remuneration, social development, through state programmes, state orders, an effective customs policy. The limited character of resources during a crisis afflicting the sale of agricultural produce presupposes strict subordination of the protectionist policy in the agrarian sphere to the objective of enhancing production efficiency. In this connection, the economic mechanism and the set of measures in support of agricultural commodity producers should be geared for employment of the system of economic levers (prices, credit, taxes and budgetary subsidies) above all with the object of stimulating the more profit-making groups of enterprises and more effective investments in the regions.

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