Задания для проверки знаний по английскому языку

Фразы и предложения для перевода на русский язык. Вопросы по истории, культуре и политическому строю Великобритании. Составление словосочетаний с указанными словами, подбор синонимичных значений. Определение видо-временных форм глаголов в предложениях.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид контрольная работа
Язык английский
Дата добавления 14.03.2009
Размер файла 10,3 K

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Задание № 1

Who is the head of state in the United Kingdom?

Queen Elizabeth II , who succeeded to the monarchy in 1952 is an integral part of legislature and the head of judiciary and the commander in chief of the armed forces of te Crown and the temporal head of the church of England.

Who presides over the House of Lords?

The house of lords is presided over by the Lord Chancellor, who is ex officio chairman of the house.

Why is the system of check and balances so important?

The system of check and balances is important in order to supervise the ministries and departments of states.

What is the role of courts in the system of checks and balances?

The courts determine and control and integrate the policies of the government for submission to parliament.

Which laws regulate life in modern society?

In civilized societies the law plays an important role in creation and maintenance of social legal order by dealing with disorder and various conflicts through different civil and criminal institutions and procedures.

Why is the monarch considered to be the head of legal system in UK?

The monarchy in the United Kingdom has evolved over the centuries from absolute personal authority to present constitutional form by which the queen reigns but does not rule.

What are the main distinctive features of the English legal system?

The three most important characteristics of the English legal system are common law inheritance, The European partnership and the international dependency.

Задание № 2

Unanimity - The unanimity of the Cabinet

Deliberation - Deliberation of the nation

Agreement - Agreement to stop a war

Government - The government of Ukraine

Arbiter - An impartial arbiter

Codify - To codify the rules against terrorism

Responsibility - The responsibility to make decisions

Authority - Authority to order

Powerful - Powerful government

Obvious - Obviously correct

Solemnity - Solemnity in Ukraine

Unify - To unify the nation

Categorize - To categorize the tasks

Exercisable - Not exercisable law

Unification - The unification of two powers

Deficiency - The deficiency of a work

Equity - Equity of responsibilities

Duality - Duality of laws

Задание № 3

The house of commons is and elected and representative body.

The crown has power and duty to ensure the maintenance of law and order.

The prime minister is the head of state.

The queen summons prorogues and dissolves.

This system protects against extremes.

It means, for example, that new presidents cannot radically change governmental policies just as they wish.

The system of checks and balance makes compromise and consensus necessary.

The early common law wasn't an entirely new set of legal rules developed by judges on behalf of the king.

Historically, the sovereign is the fountain of justice in England.

The different routes of appeal.

The judicial decisions are often reduced to writing in the form of law of reports.

The president may veto any act of congress.

The promoting social justice while maximizing individual freedom is certainly among the primary functions.

There are laws which provide for the remedying of defined grievances.


The monarch makes appointments to all important offices of state.

The queen is an integral part of the legislation.

Any bill passed by the parliament should receive the Royal Assent to become a enactment.

The house of commons is an elected and representative body.

The president can also have the power to name all federal judges.

In civilized societies lawyer plays an important role in the creation and maintenance of order.

There are various ways of categorizing law.

The evolution system that exists today in England and Wales is a product of history over many centuries.

Historically the sovereign is the fountain of justice in England.

The distinction between common law and equality caused significant.


Power- The power to rule.

Law- The law of economics.

Rule- The rules and regulations.

Hereditary- The hereditary government.

Legislature- Legislature head.

Judiciary- Judiciary system

Authority- Authority to rule

To rule - To rule over a country

Executive- Executive order of a prime minister

A legal enactment The legal enactment after the approval of monarch.

Chamber The chamber of commerce and industry.

An elected body An elected body can act as a lord in the house of lords.

Branch of state power The branch of state power can be a

To supervise To supervise a system of social laws

Deliberations Deliberations to be done after a decision.

Powers Powers to be shared after the election.

To make laws To make some social and economic laws.

To strike down acts of congress The lords are striking down against the acts of congress.

Extremes The extremes of social behaviors.

The majority party The majority party which gained the most votes.

Strictly enforced social rules The strictly enforced social rules are practiced in Afghanistan

To obey the law To obey the law is the duty of every citizen.

Social justice Social justice must be practiced in every country.

Law reports Law reports are practiced in The United Kingdom

Public law Public law is made to offer justice for every citizen.

The legal profession The legal profession is practiced in the House of Commons.

To incorporate The incorporation of a bank can only be made by the Queen.

To amend or repeal To amend and repeal, it is only done by the president.

Administration of justice The administration of justice is an important act in UK.


The Social norms,To practice the law and order, To have a responsible judicial power, The constitutional principles, The constitutional laws, The right to statute, To minimize the punishment, To administrate or to dissolve the parliament, to practice the breaks and working times of the parliament, to do the law projects, the governmental powers, to choose, to nominate the united elections, the official enforcement of law, the right system, the judicial system, the right of modesty, the general rights, to govern, the supreme courts, the members of the supreme court bunch, to complete the right of a judge, judges, the judges for peace, from, the source of right, the rights and principles, the positions of laws.


To allow - To permit

official - The registered

party - The group

to pass - To decide

statute - a free person

to rule - to govern

authority - The government

punishment - to condemn

to violate - to obey

civil - armed forces

inferior - superior

injustice - justice

biased - understood

legal - illegal

to summon - to cancel

constitutional - unconstitutional


1. Many factors have contributed to the development of the modern English legal system. (Present Perfect)

Много факторов внесли свой вклад в развитие современной английской юридической системы.

2. The powers given to each branch of power are carefully balanced by the other two. (Present Perfect)

Полномочия, данные каждой ветви власти тщательно уравновешены другими двумя.

3. The system of checks and balances makes compromise and consensus necessary.(Present Indefinite)

Система чеков и балансов пошла на компромисс и необходимое согласие.

4. He cannot declare war, either, without the approval of congress.(Present Indefinite)

Он не может объявить войну, также, без одобрения конгресса.

5. The Congress has the power to make laws, but the President may veto any act of congress. (Present Indefinite)

Конгресс имеет власть сделать законы, но президент может наложить вето на любое постановление конгресса.

6. The senior judiciary is appointed by the crown. (Present Perfect)

Старшая судебная власть назначена короной.

7. The early common law was body of rules resulting from a unification of the law and custom of England into one system of law.(Past Indefinite)

Раннее общее право было телом правил, следующих из объединения закона и традиции Англии в одну систему закона.

8. The constitutional principles have never been codified. (Present Perfect)

Конституционные принципы никогда не шифровались.

9. Law also can be divided into private law and public law.(Present Perfect)

Закон также может быть разделен на частный закон и публичное право.

10. The modern legal system is in many respects very different from that from which it has evolved. (Present Indefinite)

Современная юридическая система во многих отношениях очень отличается от этого, от которого это развилось.

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