Telegram news channels: overview, audience preferences, specifics of functioning

The study of popular global news telegram-channels (New York Times, BBC News, The Guardian), their impact on society. The advantages and disadvantages of this media format. The risks of providing biased and fake information by some Telegram news channels.

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Telegram news channels: overview, audience preferences, specifics of functioning

Mariana Kitsa, Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article is devoted to the study of popular global news telegram-channels, their impact on society, and the identification of advantages and disadvantages of this media format. The article examines prominent news channels such as The New York Times, BBC News, The Guardian, CNN and Reuters. Their features and differences are analyzed, the positive and negative aspects of using Telegram channels to receive news and information are described. For the research, the audience was also surveyed about their experience of using news telegram channels and their opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of this media format. The article also provides advice on choosing reliable and objective news telegram channels and warns about the possibility of spreading propaganda and biased information in some channels. The results of the study showed that Telegram news channels are mostly popular among young people who are looking for quick and convenient access to information. Surveys of the audience showed that the majority of respondents consider such channels convenient and accessible for receiving news. However, the study also revealed the risks of providing biased and fake information by some Telegram news channels.

Therefore, it is important for users to pay attention on the content of Telegram channels and check information from other sources. The study of popular global news Telegram channels was conducted using the methods of activity and content analysis, which made it possible to identify the prevailing topics, types of materials and the level of audience activity. In addition, the study found that content quality and journalistic standards differ from channel to channel. Telegram channels The New York Times, BBC News, The Guardian and Reuters have received high marks from audiences and experts for the quality and independence of their information. The CNN Telegram channel also has high journalistic standards. So, the article contains valuable information for those who are interested in news and use Telegram channels as a source of information. It will help to choose the most high-quality and reliable channels, as well as to use them with maximum benefit and caution.

Key words: telegram-channels, news, audience, manipulation, content, fake.

Новині телеграм-канали: огляд, вподобання аудиторії, специфіка функціонування

Мар'яна Кіца

Досліджено популярні світові новині телеграм-канали, їх вплив на суспільство та визначено переваги та недоліки такого формату медіа. Розглянено відомі новині канали, такі як The New York Times, BBC News, The Guardian, CNN та Reuters, проаналізовано їхні особливості та відмінності, описано позитивні та негативні аспекти використання телеграм-каналів для отримання новин та інформації. Для дослідження також проведено опитування аудиторії щодо їхнього досвіду використання новинах телеграм каналів та їхньої думки про переваги та недоліки такого формату медіа. Подано поради щодо вибору надійних та об'єктивних новинах телеграм-каналів та попередження про можливість поширення пропагандистської та необ'єктивної інформації в деяких каналах. Результати дослідження показали, що новині телеграм канали здебільшого користуються популярністю серед молоді, яка шукає швидкого та зручного доступу до інформації. Опитування аудиторії показали, що більшість респондентів вважають такі канали зручними та доступними для отримання новин.

Однак, дослідження також виявило ризики надання необ'єктивної та фейкової інформації деякими новинами телеграм каналами. Тому користувачам важливо звертати увагу на джерела та перевіряти інформацію з інших джерел. Дослідження популярних світових новинах телеграм каналів, проведене за допомогою методів аналізу активності та контенту, дозволило виявити переважаючі тематики, типи матеріалів та рівень активності аудиторії. Крім того, дослідження показало, що якість контенту та журналістські стандарти відрізняються від каналу до каналу. Телеграм канали The New York Times, BBC News, The Guardian та Reuters отримали високі оцінки від аудиторії та експертів щодо якості та незалежності своєї інформації. Телеграм канал CNN також має високі журналістські стандарти. Отже, стаття містить цінну інформацію для тих, хто цікавиться новинами та користується телеграм-каналами як джерелом інформації. Вона допоможе вибрати найбільш якісні та достовірні канали, а також використовувати їх із максимальною користю та обережністю.

Ключові слова: телеграм-канали, новини, аудиторія, маніпуляція, контент, фейк.


Telegram-channels are a platform for exchanging information and communicating with the audience through the Telegram messenger. This is now one of the most popular ways to spread information quickly on the Internet. In this article, we will look at how Telegram channels work, what are the advantages and disadvantages of this platform, and how it is used by different groups of users.

Telegram-channels are public pages in Telegram where you can post messages to all users who have subscribed to that channel. Channels can have an unlimited number of subscribers and usually focus on a specific topic, such as news, science, art, entertainment, and more.

Users can find channels by tag or channel name and subscribe to receive updates. All messages on a channel are usually posted on behalf of the channel administrator, although visitors can also leave comments.

Telegram-channels have several advantages that have made them popular on the Internet. First, they allow you to quickly and easily distribute information among a large audience that has common interests [14, p. 140].

Secondly, channels ensure openness and availability of information. Many channels provide free access to news, research, entertainment and other content,

Now many people use Telegram channels to receive news and updates about events from around the world [15, p. 12]. Compared to other social networks or messengers, it is Telegram that provides the opportunity to receive prompt, short information from official mass media or Telegram news channels, and not from friends through viewing the news feed [9]. At the same time, journalists from various fields note that Telegram channels can be niche and thematic [3, 5]. This is a convenient and fast way to find out about the latest news directly on your smartphone. In this article, we will look at the best Telegram news channels, their advantages and disadvantages, and how you can use them to get the latest news.

Formulation of the problem

Telegram is one of the most popular messaging platforms in the world. Telegram is commonly used by political groups and social movements to disseminate information [7, p. 2].

The problem of researching news telegram-channels is that with the spread of this platform, more and more people use it as a source of news [10, 12]. However, the increase in the number of news channels in Telegram can lead to a decrease in the quality of information and the provision of biased and propagandistic information [8]. There is also a problem of the audience's dependence on one source of information and a decrease in the variety of sources, which can affect the audience's ability to independently analyze news [1, p. 3395]. Therefore, it is important to investigate Telegram news channels, their quality, objectivity and relationship with the audience to ensure the provision of quality and objective information.

Research methods

The research methodology involved the use of several methods of data collection and analysis. At the first stage, the audience was surveyed about their experience of using news telegram-channels and their opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of this media format. The survey was conducted online using a questionnaire that included questions about the use of Telegram channels for news and information, their quality and objectivity, as well as the opinion about the possibility of spreading propaganda and biased information in some channels.

Next, an analysis of well-known global news Telegram-channels such as The New York Times, BBC News, The Guardian, CNN and Reuters. To do this, their Telegram pages were analyzed, including the number of followers, the number of publications, the quality and objectivity of the information they provide.

Thirdly, methods of statistical analysis and data visualization were used to analyze the results of the survey and compare the data with the analysis of the news Telegram channels.

Therefore, the research methodology included the analysis of well-known news telegrams of the channels, conducting audience surveys and using methods of statistical analysis and data visualization. These methods made it possible to analyze in detail the popularity and quality of the news Telegram channels, to determine the advantages and shortcomings of their use, as well as give recommendations for improving the quality of providing news information.

The method of audience survey and analysis of activity and content of popular news Telegram channels was used to collect data. The survey was conducted online among users of social networks. The questionnaire created in Google Forms in Ukrainian and English was posted on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn social networks. The survey was anonymous and did not include personal data or information about age, gender, education, etc. The survey results were processed and analyzed using statistical methods. Content analysis of Telegram channels was carried out manually. The types of news published on the channels, their objectivity and reliability were investigated. The frequency of publications, the number of comments and reactions to news were also analyzed.

The obtained results were analyzed and evaluated using qualitative and quantitative methods. They were summarized and used to formulate conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of news Telegram channels.

This research methodology made it possible to conduct an objective analysis of the popular news Telegram channels and provide recommendations for their improvement.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The research of Telegram news channels has become relevant recently, as their popularity and influence on information consumers is growing. Research is conducted to analyze the quality and objectivity of information provided by Telegram channels and their impact on public opinion and behavior [6, p. 251].

One such study was conducted by a team of scientists from the University of Cambridge. They analyzed about 500 Telegram-channels belonging to various political forces and used to disseminate political information [11]. The results of the study showed that propagandistic and biased information was found on some Telegram-channels, as well as manipulative techniques of influencing the audience [4].

Also, one of the recent studies conducted in 2021 was devoted to the analysis of news Telegramchannels of the Ukrainian media space. The study showed that the most popular news channels in Ukraine are “Ukrainian Pravda”, “TSN”, “BBC Ukraine” and “NV”. The study also revealed that Telegram news channels are very actively used to disseminate news, but often lag behind other media in development and use of interactive formats [13, p. 89].

Another researcher conducted an analysis of Telegram-channels that publish news from Ukraine. His research showed that many Telegram-channels provide information that is biased and colored by a certain ideology. But among them there are also channels that are distinguished by high journalistic standards and independence. Also, researchers from all over the world pay attention to the fact that Telegram news channels can be an important information resource for people who are in countries with limited access to free media [2, p. 730]. At the same time, you should be careful not to fall into the trap of unscrupulous channels. Because Telegram-channels can first publish truthful, non-engaged content in order to win the trust of the audience, and then imperceptibly promote news that is beneficial to someone.


234 respondents took part in the survey, which was posted on social networks for free access. Based on a survey of the audience of news Telegram-channels, it was found that more than 70 % (164 people) consider Telegram to be one of the best sources of news and information. Most users prefer to subscribe to several news channels from different sources in order to receive more complete and objective information. As for the advantages of news Telegram-channels, almost 86 % of respondents indicated three points - efficiency, brevity, convenience. As for the shortcomings, more than 96 % of the respondents (225 people) attributed disinformation and fakes, which are often posted in Telegram-channels.

A study of the activity and content of popular news Telegram-channels showed that channels such as The New York Times, BBC News, The Guardian, CNN and Reuters are among the most popular and trusted news sources in Telegram. They provide objective and reliable information based on high journalistic standards.

The best Telegram news channels. There are many Telegram news channels that provide updates on political, economic, social and cultural events. Some of the most popular news channels include The New York Times, BBC News, The Guardian, CNN and Reuters . In addition, there are many specialized channels that focus on specific topics such as science, technology, art and sports. Today, Telegram news channels are an important source of information for thousands of users around the world. The most popular channels offer a wide range of news from all areas of life, including politics, business, science, culture and more.

One of the world's most popular Telegram channels is “CNN Breaking News”. This channel provides users with current news from around the world, including politics and economics. “CNN Breaking News” is a news source from a trusted international media company with a long history of professional journalism.

“The New York Times” is one of the most popular and influential Telegram news channels. Like the newspaper itself, “The New York Times” offers its readers high-quality and reliable news from various areas of life, including politics, economics, culture, sports and more.

The channel is regularly updated with new materials, which allows users to stay abreast of the latest events in the United States and the world. In particular, “The New York Times” is known for its detailed and investigative articles, which are mostly published in English, but are available to all Telegram users to read.

In addition, the channel provides an interactive experience for its readers, in particular, invites discussion of topics in the comments, as well as conducts various polls and votes.

Given its popularity and influence, “The New York Times” has become an important source of news for many Telegram users. The channel provides an opportunity to learn about important events in the world, and also helps to understand their essence from different points of view.

BBC News is another one of the world's most popular and influential Telegram news channels. It belongs to the British media group BBC and offers its readers quality and reliable news from around the world.

The channel is updated several times a day, providing its readers with the latest news on events in the United Kingdom and around the world. Thanks to its global network of correspondents, the BBC News can quickly and in detail tell about the news in any country in the world.

Special attention is paid to politics, economy, science, technology, culture and sports. The channel also provides an opportunity to view short video reviews of news, which allows you to get a quick overview of the topic. BBC News is known for its independence and objectivity in the reporting it provides to its readers. In addition, the channel actively interacts with its readers, inviting them to discuss topics in the comments and interact through social networks. Given its popularity and influence, the BBC News has become an important source of news for many Telegram users. The channel provides an opportunity to learn about important events in the world and get access to quality and reliable information.

“The Guardian” is one of the most influential Telegram news channels, which belongs to the British publication “The Guardian”. The channel provides its readers with relevant and high-quality information from around the world, updated several times a day. “The Guardian” offers its readers news on politics, economics, science, technology, sports, culture and other areas of life. Special attention is paid to events in Great Britain and Europe, as well as at the global level. The channel is known for its independence and objectivity, which allows him to trust his readers. He offers both original materials and translations of foreign publications, providing his readers with a deep understanding of the events. “The Guardian” is also known for its interactive projects that allow viewers to explore news topics in more detail. The channel provides its readers with quality reports, exclusive interviews and video materials that allow understanding of complex topics. Like the other Telegram-channels we mentioned above, “The The Guardian” also actively interacts with its readers through social media and comments on its website. This allows for open discussion and discussion of news topics.

CNN has been operating for more than 40 years and is one of the most famous news channels in the world. Its Telegram-channel is an extension of its media products, which include television programs, radio and a website. CNN channel on Telegram offers its readers a wide range of news materials that reflect events at both the local and global levels. CNN goes to great lengths to provide its readers with the most up-to-date and reliable information.

In addition to traditional news materials, CNN offers its readers interactive projects and video materials that allow a better understanding of complex topics. You can also find exclusive interviews and reports on the channel, which make the CNN channel an indispensable source of news for many Telegram users.

CNN channel is also known for its international focus. It provides news from all corners of the world, including regions that may not be available to other news channels. This allows the readers of the channel to be aware of events not only in the USA, but also around the world. As you know, CNN has well-known journalistic standards that allow it to maintain its independence and credibility. The channel is known for its adherence to ethical standards in journalism and respect for the accuracy and truthfulness of information.

CNN strives to avoid propaganda and uphold its journalistic principles, which are important to ensure independence and objectivity in the news. The channel prefers information based on facts and uses various sources to confirm its content. CNN also has its own code of conduct for journalists, which includes standards of ethics and compliance with the rules of journalism. This code is an important component of the channel's operation and helps to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the information provided by the channel.

Reuters Telegram channel is one of the leading channels of the news agency, which provides its readers with up-to-date and reliable information from all over the world. Reuters has many years of experience in journalism and is known for its reliability and objectivity.

One of the main strengths of the Reuters channel is its wide range of topics covered. The channel provides news from various fields such as politics, business, finance, technology, culture and sports. This allows readers to receive a wide range of information from various sources and on various topics.

In addition, Reuters provides its users with high quality news based on facts and objectivity in the presentation of information. The channel strives to avoid any form of propaganda and provides its readers with unbiased and reliable information.

Reuters also uses different formats such as text, photos and video to help its readers get a complete picture of the events it reports on. The channel uses its experience and a qualified team of journalists to ensure the high quality and relevance of the information it provides.

So, based on the received data, we can single out the advantages and disadvantages of news Telegram-channels. One of the main advantages of news Telegram-channels is that they provide quick and easy access to the latest news and events. Users can get real-time updates without having to search and browse news websites. In addition, Telegram-channels allow users to subscribe only to the news they are interested in, which makes the process of receiving news more efficient and personalized.

Instead, one of the biggest drawbacks of news Telegram channels is that they can be biased and propagandistic. Since most Telegram-channels do not have the editorial standards, journalistic ethics and editorial procedures of traditional news media, the information provided by the channels can be biased and distorted.

However, the study also found that some Telegram news channels may contain biased or propagandistic information. Such channels do not always provide true and reliable information, which can lead to distortion of reality and loss of trust of the audience.

telegram new channel fake


Overall, the study found that Telegram news channels can be an important source of news and information, but users need to be careful and verify information from multiple sources before making a decision or sharing it further.

In addition, many Telegram news channels are based on ideology and political beliefs, which can lead to users receiving only a one-sided view of certain events. Another disadvantage is that Telegramchannels can spread fake news and unverified information, which can mislead users and cause negative consequences.

It is also important to note that many Telegram news channels may be influenced by various outside interests, which may affect the content and direction of the information they provide.

Despite the shortcomings, Telegram news channels are a popular and convenient source of receiving news and updates about events from around the world. Their main advantage is quick and easy access to the latest news and events without having to search and browse news websites. However, it is important to remember the possibility of biased and propagandistic information that some Telegram news channels can provide, so users should be critical and check the information received from other sources. In addition, it is important to choose credible and reliable sources of news in Telegram, which have a certain level of editorial ethics and reliable information.

Also, users can turn to traditional media sources that have a reputation and reliable information to get a more objective and accurate representation of events. It is important to remember that even traditional media can have problems with the objectivity and correctness of the information provided, so you need to be critical of any information you receive.

In general, Telegram news channels can be a useful source of information, but it is important to keep in mind their potential disadvantage in the form of possible bias and propaganda. Users should be critical and check information from different sources to get a more complete and reliable picture of events.


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