Media literacy as a necessary component of modern human Медіаграмотність як необхідна складова сучасної людини

Implementation of international and all-Ukrainian media literacy projects in Ukraine. Critical understanding of information messages, protection of the population from manipulative influences. Development of digital and media competence of Ukrainians.

Рубрика Журналистика, издательское дело и СМИ
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Дата добавления 11.12.2023
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Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University

Media literacy as a necessary component of modern human

Sharov Sergii Volodymyrovych

PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor,

Associate professor of the Department of Computer Science,

Zinovieva Olha Hennadiivna,

Senior lecturer of the Department of Computer Science


The article considers the importance of media literacy for modern man in the information society. The advantages and disadvantages of the information society are highlighted. It is noted that today a person encounters large amounts of information that shape his worldview. It reaches the end user through the media, the Internet, and so on. The main threats that may arise in the process of cybersocialization of the individual are identified. At the same time, the information offered to a person may have different levels of truthfulness and completeness. False information can be used to manipulate personal and public opinion, be the cause of information wars.

Different information negative influences can lead to deformation of values and moral criteria, individual character traits, etc. It was found that the areas of protection against information manipulation are the work of cyberpolice, the work of specialized sites to expose shakes, and so on. It is noted that media literacy is an important security factor in the information space. It was found that a person with a high degree of media literacy critically evaluates the widespread media information, is aware of the consequences of information impact on the individual and public opinion, is able to use information and communication technologies to create media products. This competence should be developed in residents of various social functions, including teachers, parents, educators. It was found that the development of media literacy, the formation of a culture of consumption of media texts of various forms and genres, the development of critical thinking in the acquisition of information messages occurs in the process of media education.

Keywords: media literacy, social competence, information and communication technologies, critical thinking.


Медіаграмотність як необхідна складова сучасної людини

Шаров Сергій Володимирович кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри комп'ютерних наук, Таврійський державний агротехнологічний університет імені Дмитра Моторного

Зінов'єва Ольга Геннадіївна старший викладач кафедри комп'ютерних наук, Таврійський державний агротехнологічний університет імені Дмитра Моторного

У статті розглядається значення медіаграмотності для сучасної людини, що перебуває в умовах інформаційного суспільства. Висвітлюється переваги та недоліки інформаційного суспільства. Зазначається, що сьогодні людина зустрічається з великими обсягами інформації, які формують її світогляд. До кінцевого користувача вона доходить через засоби масової інформації, мережу Інтернет тощо. Виявлено основні загрози, які можуть виникнути у процесі кіберсоціалізації особистості. Водночас інформація, яка пропонується людині, може мати різний рівень правдивості та повноти. Неправдива інформація може бути використана для маніпулятивних впливів на особистість та громадську думку, бути причиною інформаційних війн. Різного розу негативні інформаційні впливи можуть призвести до деформації ціннісних установок та моральних критеріїв, індивідуальних властивостей характеру та ін.

З'ясовано, що напрямками захисту від інформаційний маніпулятивних впливів є робота кіберполіції, робота спеціалізованих сайтів з викриття шейків тощо. Зазначається, що медіаграмотність важливим фактором безпеки в інформаційному просторі. Виявлено, що людина з високим ступенем медіаграмотності критично оцінює поширену мас-медіа інформацію, усвідомлює наслідки інформаційного впливу на особистість та громадську думку, вміє використовувати інформаційно-комунікаційні технології для створення медіа продуктів. Важливою складовою медіаграмотності є критичне мислення, що передбачає здатність до самостійних суджень під час оцінки медіаповідомлень. Зазначену компетентність потрібно розвивати у мешканців різної соціальної функції, зокрема учителів, батьків, добувачів освіти. З'ясовано, що розвиток медіаграмотності, формування культури споживання медіатекстів різних форм та жанрів, розвитку критичного мислення при опануванні інформаційних повідомлень відбувається у процесі медіаосвіти. Медіаосвіта реалізується через освітній процес, сертифікатні програми, міжнародні та всеукраїнські проєкти з медіаграмотнсті тощо.

Ключові слова: медіаграмотність, соціальна компетентність, інформаційно-комунікаційні технології, критичне мислення.


Statement of the problem. The significant impact of information and communication technologies on the development of society has led to the need to process and transmit large amounts of information. Today, information is an effective means of influencing public and individual opinion, which is spreaded by the mass media and is often used for information wars at various levels. Therefore, it is an urgent task to form appropriate personal competencies for a critical understanding of information, and protection against various types of information manipulation. Gradually, a person will form an appropriate information culture, will be able to resist information influences, take information from verified sources of information, meet the requirements of the modern information society.

An analysis of the latest research and publications. A significant number of scientific works are devoted to the issues of information security, the formation of critical thinking skills, and media literacy. Researchers I. Naumuk, Ye. Arkhypova, N. Gromova, and others pay attention to the importance of media education for modern society. Media literacy skills are needed by pupils (N. Babych, O. Plohotnychenko, N. Yaremenko), students of higher education (I. Strazhnikova, N. Kostrytsia, S. Gergul), teachers (A. Yermolenko, V. Ivanov, T. Ivanova). I. Soldatenko, A. Ziniuk consider media literacy in the context of information security. At the same time, there is an urgent need to highlight the importance of media literacy for an individual in the context of the development of the information society.

The aim of the article is highlighting the importance of media literacy and the skills of information critical perception for a modern person who carries out his/her life in the information society conditions.

Presentation of the background material

Today, global technological development significantly affects all human activity spheres and forms new forms of communication, business, educational activities, etc. Now we can talk about a formed information society, where information acts as one of the main resources. As a result, in the information society, technologies for producing, storing, and transmitting information are constantly developing, professions associated with these technologies are emerging, and information and communication technologies significantly affect the nature of communications [1], etc. To the negative signs of the information society, researchers attribute the difficulty in finding and selecting useful and truthful information, interference in the personal life of citizens, and a gap between generations that differ in the degree of understanding and digital technologies use [2]. At the same time, the infosphere is characterized by the existence of various forms of information presentation, reproduction of existing reality with varying degrees of detail, completeness, and truthfulness.

In this sense, we agree with S. Boyko, who draws attention to the simultaneous existence of information that adequately reflects the existing world, as well as deformed and twisted information [3], which negatively affects personal and public opinion. In addition, users face certain difficulties: gradual aging of information, language, and terminological barriers; physical and mental stress on the individual. In the conditions of the information society, the spreading of information occurs with the help of printed and electronic mass media, which significantly increases the amount of information available to the end consumer. Currently, a large part of information related to any events can be obtained on the Internet. Moreover, communication in social networks, online games, and staying in a digital virtual space for several hours a day are part of the everyday life of an average citizen, especially the younger generation. According to the study [4], almost 40% of young people are constantly in virtual space, communicate in social networks, search for information on the Internet, etc. As a result, they developed a certain attitude towards digital technologies, virtual friends, information resources, and developed certain abilities to communicate and use information. At the same time, modern youth cannot always recognize true information and rarely check information sources where it was located [5].

According to O. Kudashkina, cyber socialization of the individual is characterized by certain contradictions. On the one hand, cyberspace considerably expands the living space of an individual, enables communication at a distance, etc. On the other hand, cyberspace carries potential threats that can negatively affect the individual and his/her culture [6], values, etc. For example, researchers include harmful content, fake news, cyberbullying, creating conditions for trust abuse [7], addiction to gambling, computer and online games, prioritizing communication in the virtual space compared to live communication [1], problems with physical and psychological health.

Along with the constant increase in the information amount that a person can use for his/her purposes and form adequate decisions based on it, he/she is no longer able to process it independently. Therefore, to make conscious decisions and form a worldview, it uses powerful mediators, which in a general sense can be interpreted as mass media [8]. They are the ones who construct reality based on the events taking place in the city, region, state, world, etc. These include radio, television, the Internet, newspapers, etc.

Unfortunately, not all mass media objectively cover the events of the real world. Some of them do it deliberately with a specific purpose. And the mass nature of mass media leads to more effective manipulation of public opinion [Boyko, p. 19]. Today, mass media are considered one of the leading means of conducting information wars. Often, negative informational influences implemented by mass media become the cause of conflict situations aggravation [2]. Fake news and unsubstantiated statements by the aggressor country's representatives can serve as a vivid example. In this context, the opinion of T. Hryshyna and I. Rybakova, who believe that the function of influencing the personality is performed not by information, but by communication processes [1], during which the transferring information process from the source to the consumer takes place. Social opinion and behavioral response to this information depends on what information will be offered to users, and how it will be presented. As a result, information has become a powerful weapon capable to influence both the individual and the target audience, even on a large scale. Definitely, in order to reveal and prevent manipulative informational influences in Ukrainian society, appropriate state services, in particular cyber police, have been created. Various organizations are also working effectively, whose mission is to expose fake statements and monitor compliance with journalistic standards. In particular, this is the independent analytical platform VoxCheck, the StopFake project, a powerful resource from the Academy of the Ukrainian Press, and others.

Along with the existence of external means and resources that help reduce or expose destructive informational influence, the individual must develop the appropriate skills. And this is an objective need because the flow of information along with manipulative influences is constantly growing. In turn, various kinds of negative informational influences can lead to the deformation of value attitudes and moral criteria, individual properties of character and psyche, and the destruction of an individual's comfortable internal state [9]. Generally, the set of skills and knowledge that make it possible to consciously choose, critically evaluate, and adequately interpret information, have a balanced motivation for media consumption and be resistant to manipulative influences is called media competence [3] or media literacy. The development of media literacy is based on an integral component of the human individual - the ability to mental activity.

O. Chernysh considers media literacy formation among young people one of the effective means of resistance in the information war and countering informational aggression [2]. According to the author, a modern person should adequately interact with information flows, critically evaluate disseminated mass media information, be aware of the consequences of informational influence on personality and public opinion, and be able to use information and communication technologies for communication. G. Nersesyan considers media literacy of the population, especially the youth, to be an effective measure that will allow to resist information-manipulative threats from outside and inside and to form general public resistance to information manipulation [5]. A similar opinion is held by O. Strutynska, who considers media literacy to be an important safety factor in the information space. In addition, the specified competence needs to be developed in residents of various social functions, in particular teachers, parents, and education applicants [7]. An important component of media literacy is the individual's ability to think critically, which can be interpreted as the ability to make independent judgments when evaluating media messages. A personality with a high level of critical thinking is characterized by such qualities as inquisitiveness, prudence, impartiality, persistence, and the desire to find true information [9]. I. Soldatenko considers critical thinking to be an attribute of everyday life, which is caused, first of all, by the ambiguity of information presented by various mass media and the subjectivity of its perception by various consumers of information [8]. In this case, one of the main rules is to check information from different sources, preferably primary sources, and analyze the proposed news from different points of view.

Currently, education remains the main means of obtaining new knowledge and forming the necessary competencies. At the same time, in the conditions of the information society, anyone can take advantage of a wide range of educational activity forms, including full-time, extramural, distance, and mixed forms, as well as informal education. In the context of full-time education, the work [10] presents the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of media literacy of higher education students: diagnosis of the level of media literacy of an individual; formation of relevant subject-subject relationships in the educational process; carrying out activities on media literacy and development of critical thinking skills; systematicity and structure in the process of studying media literacy; development of motivation to master media literacy skills; prevention of psychological health of higher education students. It is important for media education to have a teacher who forms the appropriate skills in students, teaches them to distinguish information in the process of studying individual disciplines. In some cases, special media literacy courses are created for students. This especially applies to future teachers, who must pass on their experience to the younger generation and strengthen their protection against hostile information manipulations [11]. If we consider non-formal education, massive open online courses, which have high-quality content in Ukrainian and other languages, are now quite popular means of developing the necessary competencies. For example, the Prometheus online platform offers several online courses. The course “Media Literacy for Educators” is intended for teachers and lecturers, explains the importance of media education competencies, highlights the meaning of the concept of «media literate person», contains practical advice on protecting children from negative informational influences. The online course “Media literacy: practical skills” is useful for a general understanding of the concept of media literacy, contains practical tips for recognizing false information, correct presentation of information, etc. The purpose of the course “Access to public information: from A to Z” lies in its title. It concerns public information and providing access to it in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information”. All these online courses are free and available to any user who wants to improve their own media literacy [12]. In order to increase the level of the population's media literacy, to form a consumption culture of media texts of various forms and genres, to develop critical thinking when mastering informational messages, to teach various means of creating media texts, the process of media education is actively taking place in the country. ukrainian information message competence

The result of media education in the general sense is the development of information culture, which is part of an individual's general culture. We agree with researchers who consider information culture to be an important factor in professional activity, information security, as well as in the life of an individual [9] in rapid ICT development conditions. Media education opens up wide opportunities for the development of the creative and intellectual potential of young people. Since the younger generation is significantly more influenced by the information society, parents and teachers should help them to perceive the information space more adequately, to form a certain media culture and appropriate value orientations in it. On the other hand, media education provides an opportunity for teachers and lecturers to diversify the educational process [13] under the condition of possessing informational competencies and skills in using and creating media products, etc. [14]. Today, there are various directions for the implementation of media education. For example, the all-Ukrainian project «Study and Distinguish: Info-Media Literacy» has proven itself very well, which involved raising the level of media literacy among a significant number of citizens, including the younger generation. Certification programs are available for anyone who wishes to improve their own competence in a relatively short period of time. In educational institutions, media literacy skills are formed in the process of integrating relevant methods into existing educational subjects. In higher schools, independent courses are introduced into the educational process, for example, «Media Education and Media Literacy» [15] and “Infomedia literacy”.


Therefore, media literacy is an important competence of a modern person who is constantly faced with a large amount of information. Thanks to critical thinking and other media literacy abilities, a person will be able to recognize fake news, resist manipulative information influences, etc. The development of media literacy takes place in the media education process, as a purposeful process of mastering the necessary knowledge and skills. Media education is implemented through the educational process, independent formation of one's own information culture with the help of certificate programs, massive open online course, international and all-Ukrainian media literacy projects, etc.


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