Features of infotainment penetration into the news journalism of tv channels: "1+1", "STB", "ICTV"

Infotainment as a multifaceted means of filling the television air, a multifunctional aspect of mass and interpersonal communication is considered. The article describes the peculiarities of infotainment penetration into news journalism of TV channels.

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Lviv Polytechnic National University

Features of infotainment penetration into the news journalism of tv channels : «1+1», «STB», «ICTV»

Iryna Putsyata

assistant of the department of journalism and mass media

The article describes the peculiarities of infotainment penetration into news journalism of TV channels: «1+1», «STB», «ICTV» (on the example of programs: «TSN», «Vikna- nowyny», «Facty. Informaciynyi vypusk»). Infotainment as a multifaceted means of filling the television air, a multifunctional aspect of mass and interpersonal communication is considered. Efficiency is achieved by working on certain schemes, as shown in this paper.

The author draws attention to the fact that in Ukraine the active introduction of the infotainment method on television began after the collapse of the Soviet Union. During the economic crisis, the media faced financial difficulties and needed large advertisers, so to attract audiences, TV editors began to provide political and social information through the entertainment aspect, following the example of Western colleagues. The reasons and peculiarities of the infotainment genre in Ukrainian TV news are determined, the ways of presenting information on specific TV channels are analyzed, the role of a journalist and presenter in news broadcasting is revealed. television infotainment channel

In the process of analyzing issues of programs «TSN», «Vikna-nowyny», «Facty. Informaciynyi vypusk» it was found out that in their work correspondents from all creative «tools «of infotainment most often use structural and compositional techniques: visual design, elements of artistic montage, lives. Common techniques in news broadcasting are also: «journalist as an actor» and «topic as the core of content», meaningful components.

Correspondents and presenters often use language play, emotionality and irony in the stories, thanks to which it is easy to present information, a person understands well what the presenter is talking about. One way to achieve the availability and attractiveness of information is a language game. Its essence is the transformation of stable phrases, proverbs, aphorisms etc.

Currently, Ukrainian infotainment in news and information programs on domestic television is in its infancy. Its distribution in the TV content of all-Ukrainian channels promotes the development of the media themselves, because interesting news attracts advertisers, so, in our opinion, this genre is the future.

Keywords: Ukrainian infotainment, information programs, infotainment on television, mass media.

Ірина Пуцята


У статті охарактеризовано особливості проникнення інфотейнменту в новинну журналістику телеканалів: «1+1», «СТБ», «ICTV» (на прикладі програм: «ТСН», «Вікна-новини», «Факти. Інформаційний випуск»). Розглянуто інфотейнмент як багатогранний засіб заповнення телевізійного ефіру, багатофункціональний аспект масової та міжособистісної комунікації. Ефективність досягається за допомогою роботи за певними схемами, що і показано в цій роботі.

Автор звертає увагу на те, що в Україні активне впровадження методу інфотейнменту на телебаченні почалося після розпаду Радянського Союзу. У період економічної кризи засоби масової інформації зазнавали фінансових труднощів і потребували великих рекламодавців, тому для залучення аудиторії телередактори стали вдаватися до подачі політичної та соціальної інформації через розважальний аспект, беручи приклад із західних колег.

Визначено причини та особливості жанру інфотейнменту в українських теленовинах, проаналізовано способи подання інформації на конкретних телеканалах, виявлено роль журналіста та ведучого у новинному мовленні.

У процесі аналізу випусків програм «ТСН», «Вікна-новини», «Факти. Інформаційний випуск» з'ясовано, що у своїй роботі кореспонденти з усього творчого «інструментарію» інфотейнменту найчастіше використовують структурно-композиційні прийоми: візуальне оформлення, елементи художнього монтажу, лайфи. Поширеними прийомами в новинному мовленні є також: «журналіст як актор» і «тема як ядро змісту», тобто змістовні складові.

Нерідко в сюжетах кореспонденти та ведучі використовують мовну гру, емотивність та іронію, завдяки яким досягається легкість подачі інформації, людина добре розуміє, про що говорить ведучий. Одним із способів досягнення доступності та привабливості інформації є мовна гра. Її сутність полягає в трансформації стійких словосполучень, прислів'їв, афоризмів тощо.

Наразі український інфотейнмент у новинах та інформаційних програмах на вітчизняному телебаченні перебуває на стадії становлення. Його поширення у телеконтенті всеукраїнських каналів сприяє розвитку самих ЗМІ, адже цікаві новини приваблюють рекламодавців, тож, на нашу думку, саме за цим жанром майбутнє.

Ключові слова: український інфотейнмент, інформаційні програми, інфотейнмент на телебаченні, засоби масової інформації.

Formulation of the problem. Television plays a huge role in everyone's life. It has become the most accessible means of communication for a large part of humanity and has become part of the daily

social practices of millions of viewers. As a result, for modem man, watching television is one of the main forms of communication, so in the structure of consumed information, the amount of television information has increased significantly. Changes in communicative activities have caused a number of transformations in the transmission of experience, television as a social institution began to have some influence on the outcome of socialization of the individual.

It in its developed form increases the opportunities for people to participate in various events, makes the achievements of science and culture accessible to the masses, attracts viewers to discuss pressing social issues, communicating information about different, conflicting opinions, gives viewers a choice. Contacts and feedback with a multimillion audience contribute to the formation of public consciousness and life position of members of society. Until recently, television was not as active as it is now. However, this topic is far from exhausted and is becoming increasingly relevant.

Today, in order to maintain their existence and high ratings, the media rely more on the interests and requests of the audience, whose priority is entertainment information. Therefore, modern television broadcasting ischaracterized by the intensification of easy-to-perceive news. As a result, a new style of presenting information has emerged in the media space - infotainment. A group of information and entertainment programs has appeared in the mass media environment. They significantly reduce the percentage of analytical materials that require the viewer to think and think.

At the same time, information technologies were intensively developed. This fact led to a change in the previously existing media culture, and, consequently, the introduction of various means of editing, filming techniques, graphics, special effects, animation.

In this regard, a separate group of information and entertainment programs gradually stood out among the news. They passed information with elements of entertainment. This phenomenon is called «infotainment», formed by merging the two English words «INFOrmation» (information) and «enterTAINMENT» (entertainment).

Analysis of recent research. The issues of creating a visual image were studied by the following scientists: E. Yefimov, K. Rozlogov, M. Stuflyaeva, R. Kuznetsov, A. Yurovsky. The problem of television participation in the preservation and formation of cultural norms formed the basis of the works of A. Vartanov, V. Vilchek, S. Muratov, N. Froltsova. On the nature of the influence of audiovisual media on culture wrote: V. Egorov, B. Sapunov, E. Kozlov, V. Sappak, E. Sabashnikova. The processes of modern media transformation were studied by: N. Goryunova, D. Dondurey, A. Kachkaeva, T. Lebedeva. However, so far the expressive means of the screen have not been considered comprehensively from the standpoint of their participation in the formation of the cultural and educational sphere as translators and creators of meanings in the context of modern socio-cultural processes.

The first to conduct a detailed analysis of this phenomenon was the American researcher of mass media Neil Postman. In his book «Let's have fun until death. Public Discourse in the Era of Show Business» he defines infotainment not only as a way of representing the surrounding reality, but also as a reflection of a certain worldview through the media [7].

Infotainment originated in the second half of the twentieth century due to the «overload» of viewers with serious information. News program ratings began to fall sharply, far behind spectacular, entertaining programs. Then the workers of the television industry decided that a «fresh stream» was needed, a new form of presenting information that could bind the viewer to the screen. Thus appeared the «hybrid» of information and entertainment - infotainment. American journalist and media researcher James Upshaw notes that the most important feature of infotainment is the appeal to the emotions of the audience [5].

Theorist Andreas Wittven in his scientific work «Infotainment-television news between information and entertainment» in 1995 proposes the following formulation: [11, c. 155]. He attributed the concept of «infotainment» exclusively to radio and television.

One of the first domestic researchers to use the term «infotainment» in their work was L. M. Zemlyakova. The theorist notes that infotainment «expresses the desire of producers to present news in the form of entertainment programs or with a touch of entertainment» [4, p. 176].

Vartanova E. L. connects the process of infotainment distribution on domestic TV channels with media economic development, namely the formation of private and commercial media, and believes that infotainment in news programs represents politics, economics, etc. as a sphere of mass culture [2].

Sensationalism, dramatization of plots, emphasis on interesting details and details have largely become key factors in attracting the attention of viewers. Therefore, infotainment is one of the most promising and common ways of presenting information and interacting with the audience. This phenomenon has become an important part of modern television and needs to be studied and analyzed along with other phenomena of television. This determines the relevance of the topic of our work.

It is worth emphasizing that the theory of infotainment in media research is insufficiently developed. There is not even a clear tradition of writing the term. The vast majority use transcription, indicating that it was formed on the basis of English words. However, there is also the use of the English term [1].

The purpose of the work. Research of peculiarities of infotainment penetration into news journalism of TV channels: «1+1», «STB», «ICTV» (on the example of programs: «TSN», «Vikna- nowyny», «Facty. Informaciynyi vypusk issue»).


to determine the reasons and features of the infotainment genre in Ukrainian TV news;

to analyze the ways of presenting information on specific TV channels;

identify the role of the journalist and presenter as specific elements of the type of broadcasting in the news.

Presentation of the main research material. Note that initially the method of infotainment was perceived as a negative phenomenon that leads to a decline in audience education. For example, researchers such as I. Kulyas [6], Y. Ragulin [8] believe that due to the use of infotainment all spheres of life turn into show business and do not convey the true essence of the event or phenomenon. However, the quality of infotainment is an extremely vague and uncertain category due to the high degree of universality, adaptability and flexibility of the phenomenon, therefore, determining the degree of quality is possible in identifying the degree of commitment to one of the two main components of infotainment: information or entertainment [3].

The intensity of use of this method and the balance of entertainment and information of a TV program depends on several factors. One of them is the dependence of infotainment on the audience and ratings. Producers and editors regularly research the audience, conduct monitoring, focus groups and more. The creators of the TV show take into account the tastes and requests of viewers. They must clearly identify their target audience to create and maintain high program ratings. The choice of content, style, screensaver design, video content, news topics, etc. depends on the needs of the public.

The choice of the main socio-cultural functions of the program plays an important role in determining the priority between entertainment and information. Infotainment is a multifunctional phenomenon that combines various functions of journalism, advertising and PR: informational, entertaining, communicative, educational, upbringing, educational, etc.

Also, the «quality» of the program, which uses the method of infotainment, is influenced by the target setting (process description, pattern detection, analytics, ridicule, etc.), genre (interview, report, commentary, sketch, etc.) and method (assessment, causal analysis). The use of elements of entertainment only exacerbates and exposes some of the most important from the point of view of the journalist moments and details, emphasizes them [3]. In general, the structure, thematic content and even the design of the studio studied programs are quite similar. Also, they are all made with a focus on the concept of infotainment.

Among the innovative techniques inherent in the Ukrainian information and journalistic segment of broadcasting, we single out expressive and game-based means. The first type is realized in the form of linguistic figures, tropes, receptions promoting figurative, bright, exact, convincing delivery of thoughts, and also in the musical and noise accompaniments which especially influence emotions of the spectator and cause certain associations. The game element is present in experiments, which due to the incompleteness of the action contribute to the maximum involvement of the viewer; infographics: images, diagrams, charts represent the author's associations, ideas, assumptions; shooting and editing effects, which is a certain bunch of creative freedom of technical co-authors of the project [10].

Multimedia tools are used for announcements of the following plots, illustrations of eyeliners and notes of the presenter. Both photos or other images and videos are broadcast on the screens.

In their speech, journalists use various language techniques and tools that make it easy to present information, a person understands well what the host is talking about. One way to achieve the availability and attractiveness of information is a language game. Its essence is the transformation of stable phrases, proverbs, aphorisms, etc.

Often in the news you can see such an element of visual design as screenshots. For example, the news from 30.03.20, the signing of the Law «On strengthening the responsibility for the organization of financial pyramids» is illustrated by a screenshot from the official portal of legal information. The following is a video from the dossier, where close-ups of suitcases with huge sums are taken. This video is not informative, in our opinion, it is used in the plot due to the lack of other frames illustrating the problem (TSN. 1+1. 30.03.20).

In the story from 27.03.20 about the price of peace in Donbass the review of world mass media is used: screenshots from: «Gardian», «New-York Times», «Independent», excerpts from air of the CNN TV channel and the French TV5 channel are presented. This method of submission is used to simplify the perception of information (Facts. Informaciynyi vypusk. ICTV. 27.03.20).

We see the use of photographs as a means of clarity and «facilitation» of the message in the story from 28.03.20 about the restoration of destroyed monuments: the report inserted footage «as it was» and «as it became». Then the correspondent says: «In the usual place there is no Arc de Triomphe, familiar to all of us from history textbooks of 5th grade» - in parallel in the frame a photo of the textbook (Vikna- nowyny. STB. 28.05.20).

Infographics in the form of a geographical map is an integral part of news design. If the plot is about two countries or cities, the eyeliner of the host is always accompanied by the image of the map on the monitor, which highlights the «participants of the event.» This element is used so that the viewer can clearly imagine the distance between settlements. For example, the story from June 29 about the Ukrainian village: the language of the presenter is accompanied by a map of Ukraine (Vikna-nowyny. STB. 29.06.20).

Then the story of June 31 about the scandal between Russian and Turkish volleyball fans is accompanied by a map of the world, which marked Turkey and Russia. This plot uses another favorite on STB infotainment technique, an editing element-insert into the plot of a video from the Internet, shot by eyewitnesses. The video shows how Turkish fans insult Russian athletes (Vikna-Nowyny. STB. 06.31.20)

We see the use of fragments from the archive in the story of September 24 about the opening of the exhibition in the gallery. The report includes an excerpt from an interview, where the artist explains why he was given such a name: «I was born in the summer, and my mother decided that I was Helium - the sun, the sun.» This information has nothing to do with the exhibition, the correspondent included this fragment in the plot as an interesting detail (Facty. Informaciynyi vypusk. ICTV. 24.09.20).

TSN often broadcasts stories where the correspondent does not take part: the plot is based on an operational shooting from the scene, the shots change dramatically, lives, backlashes and behind-the- scenes text of the presenter are inserted. Such plots are a clear demonstration of the tendency of modern television to clip and fragmentary perception. For example, the news about the explosion at the mine: the plot is based solely on the video and behind-the-scenes text of the host (TSN. 1+1 26.09.20).

The intrigue inherent in the method of infotainment in the program «Facty. Informaciynyi vypusk» is created with the help of sharp and rhetorical questions asked by the journalist to the audience or the invited guest. Such lexical inflections serve as a newspaper headline. Also, the questions make the program dialogical, include in the process of understanding and analysis of the event. Thus, created with the help of sharp questions, the intrigue teaches the viewer to form their own judgments.

Conclusions. For news stories of TV channels «1+1», «STB», «ICTV» fragmentarity and clip art are equally characteristic. Channels to enhance the expressiveness of the video series include in the plots stand-ups, lives, backlash, synchrony.

In general, we note that infotainment, becoming a universal form of television, has greatly changed the look of modern television. In our opinion, elements of entertainment can, without distorting the information picture, make it more interesting and accessible to the viewer.

The effectiveness of Ukrainian television is largely determined by the popularity of infotainment penetration into television journalism. This is what today significantly affects the formation of the face of television. The style of modern television is dictated by the laws of the spectacle, the elements of which have enriched television information, creating, in fact, a new genre format.


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