Comparative analysis of Ukrainian crisis in Chinese and Singapore media

The fifth element is resolution, we will analyze it on the example of political crises. Taiwanese journalists write about lectures of Ukrainian writer A. Kurkov. The major newspapers of Hong Kong. Comparison of Chinese and Singapore narratives.

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Some articles were found about Chernobyl. Journalists write that nowadays such region is very problematic; the level of radiation is still very high. Guimo bu da renqi po gao [Very small, very popular].09.11.2018. Jingji Wang. (accessed March, 11st).

In Hainan media the process of joining Crimea to Russia is described neutrally. Journalists just mention that Crimea used to be the part of Russia. Journalists use verbs ? or (to join). Kelimiya Jinru Eluosi [Crimea joined Russia]. 18.03.2014. Hainan Daily. (accessed March, 28th). They just inform readers about the Crimean issue. The situation is the same in other provinces of the region.

Also in some articles journalists write: 2014N???z (Since 2014 Crimea belongs to Russia). The verb ? is translated as to belong to, to fall to, to come to the jurisdiction of something. Kelimiya Minjian Wuzhuang Xuanbu Chengli Xinguo Xiao Eluosi. [Crimean people declared joining to Russia]. 26. 03. 2018. Fujian Daily. (accessed May, 7th ). These verb does not have negative connotation. And, from our point of view, it is very neutral.

It is important to mention that in Mainland Chinese media one of the most popular topics about Crimea is connected with the relations between Russia and the USA, or Russia and European countries. Eluosi tong Meiguo de guanxi hai mei gaishang le [Russian and the USA has not improved relations yet]. 15.09.2017. Jilin ribao. (Accessed March, 18th). However, in these articles' journalists do not stand their position about these issues. They just say that the relations between Russia have worsen after the Crimea crisis.

Writing about the Ukrainian crisis, journalists often mention meetings organized by the Russian President with leaders of foreign countries. According to such articles, the aim of such meetings is to prevent the World crisis. Mei E zai Wukelan Zai Jiaofeng. [U.S. and Russia face each other in Ukraine]. 26.12.2017. Fujian Daily. (accessed May, 28th).

There were found articles concentrated on sanctions. Journalists write about sanctions that Western countries take against Russia and sanctions that Russia take in response. Eluosi Xian Mafan, Oumeng Xuanbu Jiang dui E Zhicai Yanchang Bannian. [Russia fall in trouble, EU announced extending sanctions on Russia for six months]. 15.09.2017. Hainan Daily. (accessed March, 17th ).

From our point of view, it should be emphasized that in South Central Chinese media there are many articles which are not related to politics. One of the most popular topics connected to Ukraine is education. For example, journalists write about Ukrainian students, their conditions of entering the University. Kelimiya Jin Xiaoxuesheng Xuezao lei Paiwei wei Peiyang Riwu. [Crimean Students Have Special Conditions in Entering the University]. 23.01.2018. Dahe Wang. (accessed March, 17st). There are news about the education of Hungarian minorities in Ukraine and their new education laws.

Some articles in which Crimea is mentioned are about the weather. It is well-known, that Crimea is situated on the Southern part of the country, so Chinese journalists write about high temperatures of these regions in summer. Kelimiya Gao Wen du You Nuanhuo Wen du [There are high temperatures in Crimea, which has a warm climate] 07.08.2017. Jilin ribao. (Accessed May, 17th).

There are few articles about financial issues of Crimea. For example, in Yunnan Daily there is article about the establishment of the Russian ruble as the official currency of Crimea. There are no negative connotations about the Russian involvement in Crimea

To sum up, it can be said that journalists of the Northeast China neutrally estimated the joining Crimea to the Russian Federation. It should be emphasized, that the topic of including Crimea to Russia is not the most crucial in this region's media. Other topics related to the Crimean area are important as well.

In this part we will provide the narrative analysis of the texts. We would start from abstracts:



OBOR concept

Ukraine is part of OBOR


After the catastrophe the level of radiation is still high

Ukrainian crisis

International collaboration


Crimean crisis

Relations between Russia and the West

Economic development of the region


Russia and Western countries took mutual sanctions against each other.


Description of the area


Students exchange, new education laws

Orientation is presented here:



OBOR concept

Time: since 2013 till now

Location: China

Participants: China and OBOR countries


Time: since 1986 till now

Location: Ukraine

Participants: Ukraine

Ukrainian crisis

Time: since 2014

Location: Ukraine

Participants: Ukraine, Russia

Crimean crisis

Time: since 2014

Location: Crimea

Participants: Ukraine, Russia, EU, the USA


Time: since 2014

Location: Russia

Participants: Russia, EU, the USA


Time: since 2014

Location: Crimea

Participants: Russia


Time: since 2000

Location: Ukraine

Participants: Ukraine, Hungarian minorities

In the third element we will only concentrate on the Ukrainian crisis, Crimean crisis and Sanctions.


Set of actions

Ukrainian crisis

Protests => collapse of Yanukovych regime=>Crimean, Donetsk and Luhansk issues => need for collaboration

Crimean crisis

Political crisis => referendum => joining the territory of Russia


Crimean crisis => West took sanctions against Russia => Russia took sanctions in response

The next element is evaluation:


Evaluation of the narrator

OBOR concept




Ukrainian crisis


Crimean crisis








As it is shown, all the media articles have neutral evaluation of the narrator.

The fifth element is resolution, we will analyze it on the example of political crises



Ukrainian crisis

Ukraine cannot deal with crisis alone, so international cooperation is needed

Crimean crisis

Crimea joined Russia, and now Russia develops this region


Russia and West took sanctions against each other, this problem is needed to be solved

In our study we analyzed 118 articles from 15 online newspapers. After collecting the information, we created the word cloud showing the most important topics and words in Mainland Chinese media related to the Ukraine:

To sum up, we can say that except for frames about the political crisis in Ukraine, there are other topics based on the cultural life in Ukraine, the connection between China and Ukraine in education, tourism, etc. As it is seen in the word cloud, media articles are mostly concentrated on Russian participation in the Ukrainian crisis than on the Ukrainian internal problems.

North Chinese media

North China is a region that includes Hebei, Shanxi provinces. Moreover, it includes the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Beijing and Tianjin municipalities. We can say that this region is one of the most important Chinese areas, because the capital of China, Beijing is located there.

The major newspapers are presented in following chart:




Shaanxi Daily



Baoji Daily



Hebei Daily



Yanzhao Metropolis Daily



Hohhot Evening Post

the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region


Northern News Daily

the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region


Beijing Daily

Beijing Municipality


Beijing Times

Beijing Municipality


Beijing Evening News

Beijing Municipality


Jin Wanbao

Tianjin Municipality


Tianjin Ribao

Tianjin Municipality


As it is showed, in our research we analyzed eleven newspapers, all of them are written in Chinese language.

Beijing journalists neutrally estimate the joining the Crimea region to the Russian territory. They write: 2014N3C?iCrimeajE?. Kelimiya Jingru Eluosi [Crimea joined Russia]. 19.03. 2014. Beijing Daily. accessed May, 16th)It can be translated that in March 2014 Crimea officially separated from Ukraine and joined Russia. 2The verb is translated as enter, come into, join. We can emphasize that these verb does not negative connotation.

In media sources of Inner Mongolia, the situation is the same. They also write that ???z. It is also translated as Crimea joined to the Russian territory. Kelimiya Lishi Xin Qidai [New Period of Crimean History]. 03.08.2016. Hulunbeir Daily. (accessed April, 6th).

We can say that the verb ? is the most common used in the North China media sources about the Crimea region. Therefore, it means that journalists did not negatively estimate the Crimean issue 2014.

The Inner Mongolian media also write: ?F?y[?. It is translated as Since the beginning of territorial dispute which caused the Crimean crises. Kelimiya Weiji de Fazhan [Development of Crimean crisis]. 28.05.2018. Hulunbeir Daily. (accessed June, 8th).

In this case, journalist admit that there was crisis in Ukraine; however, from our point of view, it does not have any negative connotation.

It is also important that in North Chinese media there are some articles about Crimea, however, there are not about politics. For example, in Beijing media there is article about the car accidents in Crimea. It is interesting, that in the article journalists did not mention about whether Crimean belongs to Russia or not.

In Hebei media there are articles in which Crimes is mentioned as a great place for a holiday resort. Kelimiya zhengshi chengwei e xing zheng qu (Crimea officially became the Russian administrative region). Hebei Daily. 25.03.2018. (accessed April,18th).

We found articles, where journalists, from our point of view, negatively estimated the Russian involvement into Crimean crisis. It is written: ?z??y?I (Russia occupied Crimea and held the referendum in Crimea). As you can see, journalists use the verb ?, which is translated as to occupy, to capture. Wukelan You Meiguo Zhichi [Ukraine is under the US Influence]. 12.08.2016. Hebei Daily. (accessed June, 6th).

From our point of view, it seems interesting that in 2014 in the media of this region there was an article about the Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya. Journalists claim that Poklonskaya was accused of violent actions, which overthrow the Constitution and seize power. Moreover, journalists say that Poklonskaya call the Ukrainian authorities evils. From our point of view, in this article there is no negative estimation of the Russian side in the Crimean issue. However, journalists provide some offensive words about the Ukrainian authorities.

In the Sanqin Daily, there is an article about the relations between Russia and the USA. It is interesting, that in this article Chinese journalists refer to the Russian web portal Sputnik, and they do not refer to American news agencies. This article was published in 2017. It was written: ??lzhǍO\C??N҉?z\?~???? ?? ?. (The U.S. White House Spokesman Sean Spicer emphasizes that the American President Donald Trump expects that Russia could relegate the Ukrainian crisis and return the Crimea). The verb ?? is translated as return, give back. This verb is usually used with private property. In this article we can see that the American authorities blame Russia for the Ukrainian events, and they hope that the returning Crimea could solve this problem. It is interesting that nearly the same articles we found also in Hebei Daily, and journalists used the same verb. From our point of view, journalists did not negatively estimate the Russian involvement in the Ukrainian crisis. Kelimiya Jinru Eluosi. [Crimea joined Russia]. 20.03.2014. Sanqin Daily. (accessed April, 16st).

Overall, in the whole, we can say that the media of North China do not negatively react on the Crimean issue. Therefore, the reaction of North Chinese journalist is neutral they use neutral words, and articles have just informative character. Of course, there are some negative reactions, but the majority of news and articles about the Crimean crisis are neutral.

In this part of our work we will analyze these news and articles. According to the William Labov, the first element of the analysis is abstract:



Crimean crisis

Russia joined the territory of Crimea

Crimea (non-political articles)

Crimea is a perfect resort

Image of Natalia Poklonskaya

Poklonskaya was accused of violent actions, which overthrow the Constitution and seize power

Relations between Russia and the USA

The American authorities blame Russia for the Ukrainian events

The second element of the narrative is orientation:



Crimean crisis

Time: 2014

Location: Crimea

Participants: Ukraine, Russia

Crimea (non-political articles)

Time: since 2012 till now

Location: Crimea

Participants: Ukraine, Russia

Image of Natalia Poklonskaya

Time: 2014

Location: Crimea

Participants: Russia

Relations between Russia and the USA

Time: since 2014

Location: Ukraine

Participants: the USA, Russia

The third element is set of actions. We will omit Pokloskaya and non-political cases.


Set of actions

Crimean crisis

Political crisis in Ukraine => referendum in Crimea => Russia joined the Crimea

Relations between Russia and the USA

Russia joined the Crimea => crisis in relations between Russia and the West

The fourth element is evaluation. Our analysis is presented in following table:


Evaluation of narrator

Crimean crisis

Neutral, in some articles - negative estimation

Crimea (non-political articles)


Image of Natalia Poklonskaya


Relations between Russia and the USA


The fifth element is resolution:



Crimean crisis

Crimea is part of Russia

Crimea (non-political articles)

Crimea is place for tourism

Image of Natalia Poklonskaya

Natalia Poklonskaya as a Crimean prosecutor seizes power

Relations between Russia and the USA

The USA hopes that Russia could return Crimea to Ukraine

We analyzed 76 media articles from 11 newspapers and created the word cloud:

To conclude it could be said that North Chinese media content is very similar to the Mainland Chinese ( North China, of course, is the Mainland China,, but according to the results of our previous research narratives' evaluations on the Crimean crisis were partly different, that is why we superlatively study the North Chinese media), but the evaluation on these events such as the joining Crimea to the territory of Russia are different.

Talking about the description of authorities, it is very interesting that in Northern Chinese media there is a narrative connected to the image of Natalia Poklonskaya, as one of the Russian authorities.

Tibet media

The Tibet Autonomous Region is located in the Southwest of China, but in our research we consider Tibet as a single region, because in our previous study media reactions were different. This region is problematic to China because its desire to be separated.

The major Tibet media are shown in the following chart:



Lasa Evening News


Tibet Broadcast


Tibet Daily


The main difficulty connected with this region is that a lot of news are written in Tibetan language, which is quite different from Chinese.

Firstly, we should mention that in the media of this region there are not so many articles and news about Ukraine. Journalists concentrate on the regional news, not on the international.

Many Tibet articles describe the Chinese concept of New Silk Road Economic Belt, where Ukraine will have the part of the road. Especially the collaboration is needed in energy sector and in agriculture, security and infrastructure. It is interesting that such articles are connected with the OBOR project, it means that journalists connect the development of relations between countries with the realization of OBOR. We can say that since 2018 the OBOR is one of the most important topics in Tibet media, in which Ukraine is mentioned.China, Ukraine seek deeper cooperation on agriculture, infrastructure and energy. 09.11.2018,Vtibet. (accessed April, 7th).

There are articles about the cultural collaboration between countries. For example, journalists write about the Chinese language contest in Ukraine. It is interesting, that there are no articles about this event in other countries, however, it is known that this contest annually takes place in many countries. China Focus: Big data propels China's inland province into Belt and Road. 14.04.2019. Vtibet. (accessed April, 28th).

In Tibet media there are articles based on the educational collaboration between countries (such as lectures of Chinese professors in Ukraine, Chinese delegation in Kiev, the supply of Chinese computers to Ukrainian schools). Kelimiya Wenti [Crimean Question]. 05.04.2014. The Tibet Post. (accessed May, 6th).

Also, journalists write about the development of collaboration between China and Ukraine. Some articles are about the cultural collaboration. For example, journalists write about the photography exhibition of Dalai Lama in the capital of Ukraine, Kiev.

It is interesting that in Tibet media the reactions on Crimea issue are negative. In every article about this issue journalist claim that Russia annexed the Crimea.

According to the William Labov's approach the first element is abstract. There is a table that shows the main media topics in Tibet connected to Ukraine.



OBOR concept

Ukraine is part of the New Silk Road Economic Belt

Cultural and educational collaboration

Ukraine and China have strong relations in cultural sphere.

Crimean crisis

Russia annexed Crimea.

Orientation is presented in the following chart:



OBOR concept

Time: since 2013 till now

Location: China

Participants: China and OBOR countries (such as Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc)

Cultural and educational collaboration

Time: since 2013 till now

Location: China, Ukraine

Participants: China, Ukraine

Crimean crisis

Time: 2014

Location: Crimea

Participants: Russia, Ukraine

The next element is set of actions:


Set of actions

OBOR concept

Implementation of concept => meetings with different countries' representative => the realization of the concept

Cultural and educational collaboration

Countries organize international events and promote cultural exchanges

Crimean crisis

Political crisis in Ukraine => Crimean annexation

Evaluation is presented in the following table:



OBOR concept


Cultural and educational collaboration


Crimean crisis


The fifth element is resolution:



OBOR concept

Ukraine is one of the most important parts of OBOR, located near Western Europe, the final destination of the road

Cultural and educational collaboration

Countries develop relations as soft power strategies.

Crimean crisis

Russia violated the international law and annexed Crimea

We analyzed 49 news and articles from three the most important newspapers we created the following word search:

Tibet is called the Tibet Autonomous Region. That region is doing some measures to be separated from China. That is why, we can say that although the content of studies is similar the evaluation of Russian actions in Crimea and Russian authorities is negative, not neutral as in the Mainland China. However, it should be mentioned that the news content is not so politicized that the content of North Chinese media.

Media of Hong Kong

Hong Kong is considered to be a special administrative region. The population of Hong Kong consists of 7,4 million. According to the Democracy Index, created by the British company called the Economic Intelligence Unit Hong Kong is a flawed democracy. Other flawed democratic states are Singapore, Serbia, Hungary, Poland, etc. So, we expect that reaction of Hong Kong's media on the Ukrainian crisis would be similar with the media of Singapore.

The difficulty of studying Hong Kong's newspapers is the same with Taiwanese: articles are written in traditional characters, not in simplified.

The major newspapers of Hong Kong are presented in the following chart:



Initium Media


Hong Kong In-media


Local Press


VJ media



Post 852


Lifestyle Asia


Hong Kong Free Press




Sassy Hong Kong


The News Lens


As it is showed we analyzed six newspapers written in Chinese, five newspapers in English and one written in both languages.

There are a lot of news and articles concentrating on the description of protests and movements in Ukraine. Some articles inform readers about the Ukrainian fascist party Svoboda. Journalists write that during the Maidan events the fascist party members were the majority of people appeared in the protest movement, and they have been accepted by the masses of the movement. Journalists believe that Ukrainian protest movements reflect the division of the Ukrainian ruling class. Ukrainian oligarchy: a small number of very wealthy and powerful people who control most of the economy and many politicians. Wukelan: Kangyi yundong yu faxisi. [Ukraine: protest movements and fascism].25.02.2014. Inmedia. (accessed May, 6th).

Some news and articles were found describing the crash of the Malaysian airplane in Ukraine. However, Ukraine is not blamed in this crash, Russia was blamed, because Ukraine had to protect itself, and the Malaysian plane was crashed by mistake. Mahang MH17 kongnan: Ouran Zhong de biran jieguo [Malaysia Airlines MH17 air crash: the inevitable result of chance].19.07.2014. Inmedia. (accessed March, 18th).

Hong Kong's journalists also write about energy supply from Russia to Ukraine. Many articles were found describing relations between these two countries in energy sector. For example, some articles are concentrated on gas prices and their changes due to relations between countries. The gas price negotiations broke, Russia stopped exporting to Ukraine, EU considered reverse gas supply. 17.06.2014. The News Lens. (accessed March, 18th).

Last year in our course paper we analyzed Hong Kong's media on the Crimean issue. We found that media reactions were negative in this region, and in this work we would like to analyze other aspects of the Ukrainian crisis.

It is interesting that in Hong Kong's media the Crimean issue is described in articles about the international security. Journalists compare Crimea with Taiwan. In Hong Kong's media there are headlines such as 21?IF?S?H (Is it possible for Europe to be secured in the 21st century?). Journalists claim that nowadays Europe faces with a long-term crisis. The Ukrainian issue, the war in Syria just exacerbate this crisis. This article was published in 2015, a year after Crimea became the territory of the Russian Federation, so that time consequences of that event could be estimated. Er Shi Yi Shiji de Ouzhou Hai Hui Anquan ma? [Is it possible for Europe to be secured in the 21st century?] 16.11.2015. The Initium. (accessed April,20th).That is why, it can be said that Hong Kong's media negatively estimated the fact that Crimea joined the territory of Russia. In one of the major Hong Kong's media, which is called Apple Daily journalists negatively, estimated the fact that Crimea became the Russian territory.

They write: ?z 2014 N?????. It can be translated as in 2014 Russia annexed the Ukrainian Crimea peninsula. Putin flies into Crimea for annexation party, launches power stations. 18.03.2019. Today Online. (accessed April, 8th). In Chinese language, the verb ? has a negative meaning and it can be translated as to gobble, annex and swallow up. Journalist believe that in Ukrainian crisis 2014 Russian actions were illegal and joining Crimea to the Russian territory was illegal as well. It is also should be emphasized that Apple Daily is popular not only in Hong Kong, but in Taiwan as well. The same verb use journalists from the Initium Media. They also write that ?z 2014 N?????y? (In 2014 Russia annexed the territory of Crimea, which is the Eastern part of Ukraine). Weixian Youxi: Eluosi Zhikong Wukelan Zai Kelimiya Cehua Kongxi. [ Dangerous Game: Russia Accused Ukraine of Planning an Attack on Crimea]. 11.08.2016. The Initium. (accessed May, 8th).In some articles except for annexation, journalists also mention sanctions: ?z?󍎗? ??zo??ٓIs?. (Russia annexed Crimea and economic sanctions were taken against Russia). ?ꐧٍő 2014 N??z? ????iCrimeaj?n?{ (The first sanctions against Russia were taken in 2014 in response to Russia's annexation of Crimea in eastern Ukraine). Meiguo Houren Guowuqing Shiyou Daheng Dileisen zai Canyiyuan Shou Chang Tingzhenghui Shuole Xie Shenme? [ What did the U.S. Secretary of State-designate and oil tycoon Tillerson say in the first hearing of the Senate?]. 12.01.2017. The Initium. (accessed May, 14th).

Hong Kong ' s journalists also write: ?z?? . Russia annexed Crimea. 20.03.2014. South China Morning Post. (accessed March, 10th).It is translated as Russia occupied Crimea. There is no doubt that journalists negatively estimated the Crimean situation.

It is interesting that Hong Kong's media refers to Ukrainian sources, not to Russian. Hong Kong's journalists write: ????g?\?\C?? ???I?s? . (The Ukrainian President Petr Poroshenko issued a statement condemning Putin's visit to Crimea as a dangerous provocative act). Therefore, as you can see, in this article journalists do not express their own opinion, but they refer to Ukrainian sources, where Russia is seen from the negative side.

Another important issue is that Hong Kong's media express the American authorities' opinion about the Crimea. For example, they provide the John's Kirby's point of view. He said that he still insisted of the fact that Crimea is not the Russian territory, it is Ukrainian. And we can say, that Hong Kong's journalists support the spokesman.

Hong Kong's journalists compare Russian actions in Ukraine with Chinese actions in Taiwanese question. They write: We know that China wants to annex Taiwan. We can say that the current Chinese attack in Taiwan is very similar to the Russian attack faced by Ukraine. There is no doubt that such news and articles describe Russia as an aggressor.

It should be emphasized that the Crimea region is mentioned in Hong Kong's media not only in political articles. There are others news which are related to Crimea. For example, about one of the biggest Safari park in Europe, where rare Siberian tigers were born.Also. some articles were found about the Ukrainian dancer Natalia, who opened a dancing studio in Hong Kong.

To sum up, it can be said that Russia has a negative image in the Hong Kong's media because of the Crimea issue. Journalists negatively estimated the Russian involvement into Ukraine and Crimea region. Moreover, in describing Crimea joining to Russia, they used the verb ? (to gobble, annex), which has a negative connotation.

In this part we will systematize all the acquired materials about Hong Kong's media in the Ukrainian crisis aspect.

The first element - abstract is presented in the following table:


Brief description

Ukrainian crisis

Protests and movements

Crash of Malaysian plane in Ukraine

Catastrophe on the territory of Ukraine

Crimean crisis

The joining the territory of Crimea to the Russian Federation

Opinions of foreign authorities

Comparison of Russian&Taiwanese cases

Energy relations

Collaboration of Russia and Ukraine in energy sector

Non-political news

News on other topics

Orientation analysis is shown in the following table:



Ukrainian crisis

Time: from 2014 till now

Location: Ukraine

Participants: Ukraine

Crash of Malaysian plane in Ukraine

Time: 2014

Location: Ukraine

Participants: Ukraine, Malaysia, Russia

Crimean crisis

Time: from 2014 till now

Location: Ukraine

Participants: Ukraine, Russia, the USA and EU countries

Energy relations

Time: from 2014 till now

Location: Russia

Participants: Ukraine, Russia

Non-political news

Time: from 2012 till now

Location: different

Participants: Ukraine and other countries

It seems obvious that Hong Kong's journalists mostly write about Ukraine, and less write about its international relations.

Set of actions, as the third element of analysis is presented here:


Set of actions

Ukrainian crisis

Fascist party=> protests and movements in Ukraine =>crisis

Crash of Malaysian plane in Ukraine

Plane crash => investigation

Crimean crisis

Ukrainian crisis => Crimean crisis => referendum in Crimea => annexation => sanctions

Energy relations

Ukrainians tried to lower prices => are looking for another partner in energy sector.

We missed the description of actions of news about culture, society because they are not very important in our research.

The evaluation of journalists is also presented:



Ukrainian crisis

Neutral, in some articles - negative

Crash of Malaysian plane in Ukraine


Crimean crisis

Negative, in some articles - neutral

Energy relations


Non-political news


It is seen, that positive reactions were not found.

The resolution of news is described in this table:



Ukrainian crisis

The political crisis leads to social, economic and cultural spheres' changes.

Crash of Malaysian plane in Ukraine

Ukraine is not blamed.

Crimean crisis

The territory of Crimea is occupied.

Energy relations

Crisis in Russian-Ukrainian energy relations.

We analyzed 109 news and articles from 11 newspapers and journals. Our results could be presented in the following word cloud:

To sum up, we can say that journalists from Hong Kong are very politicized and they negatively estimate Russian actions in Ukrainian crisis.

Taiwanese media

According to the Chinese constitution Taiwan is a part of the People's Republic of China. It is claimed that Taiwan formally is one of Chinese provinces. However, Taiwan considers itself as an independent state. Taiwanese Polity IV index is 10, the same index has Norway, Canada, the USA, Germany, etc. According to this index, Taiwan is a democratic state.

The main difficulty of analyzing Taiwanese media is connected with the fact that news articles are written in traditional characters, which makes complicated to analyze news.

The major Taiwanese newspapers are presented in the following chart:



Ziyou Shibao (Liberty Times)


Pingguo Ribao (Apple Daily)


Zhongguo Ribao (China Times)


Jingji Ribao (Economic Daily News)


Taiwan Shibao (Taiwan Times)


Lianhe Bao (United Daily News)


Guoyu Ribao (Mandarin Daily News)


Taiwan Today


The China Post


Taipei Times


Focus Taiwan


Taiwan News


The News Lens International Edition


As it is showed in our research, we analyzed thirteen newspapers of Taiwan, seven of them are Chinese, four newspapers are written in English and two newspapers have articles in Chinese and English.

It should be emphasized, that Ukraine is mentioned mostly in news which are not concentrated on politics. For example, there are news about the international piano content, where Ukrainian musicians participated in. Taiwan wins top prizes at international piano contest in New York. 04.12.2018. Focus Taiwan. (accessed April, 28th). There are articles about the Ukrainian invention exhibition, where Taiwan got nineteen gold medals and articles about the Ukrainian ballet's performance in Taiwan. Kiev Ballet to perform in Taipei.04.06. 2018. Focus Taiwan. (accessed April, 28th).Furthermore, there are sport news, where Taiwanese and Ukrainian sportsmen participated in.

Taiwanese journalists write about lectures of Ukrainian writer Andrey Kurkov in Taiwan. It was written that it was very difficult to get visa, because there is no Taiwan consular office on the territory of Ukraine, that is why he had to go to Moscow, however, because of the conflict between two countries. Ukrainian novelist to speak in Taiwan about politics, literature. 17.04.2018. Focus Taiwan. (accessed April, 21st).

In Jingji Ribao (Economic Daily News) Ukraine is mentioned in news about the concept of the New Silk Road Economic Belt. There are a lot of news and articles where Ukraine is mentioned in context of OBOR country. Cong yuyan rushou yong xinling goutong. [Start with language, communicate with heart].11.09.2018. Jingji Wang. (accessed March. 27th).Journalists write about countries, on the territory of which the New Silk Road will place.

It is interesting that Taiwanese journalists refer to the director of the Strategic Development and International Cooperation Department of the Ukrainian National Finance Agency Anatoly Alexandrov. In Taiwanese newspapers there are articles in which journalists provide Anatoly Alexandrov's point of view on the China's tax administration reform. For us, it is very surprising that journalists refer to the Ukrainian expert.

Some articles were found describing the Economic Forum between China and Ukraine. During the event both sides signed an agreement to establish a Silk Road Golden Bridge in Kiev as the symbol of China-Ukraine friendship. Dajian hezuo qiaoliang shixian huli gongying [Building a bridge of cooperation to achieve mutual benefit]. 21.04.2019. Jingji Wang. (accessed May, 15th). Nowadays China is realizing the project of New Silk Road, and that is why China uses soft power tools to improve relations with other countries.

Writing about soft power elements it should be mentioned that Ukraine is also mentioned as country, where China launched Confucius Institute. From our point of view, Confucius Institute is a typical element of soft power. It is very interesting to notice, that Taiwanese journalists mostly write about connections of the Mainland China with Ukraine, not the Taiwan.

Ukraine is mentioned in articles about Shanghai Cooperation Organization, where countries discussed the Ukrainian crisis. Journalists wrote that The member states reiterated that the Ukrainian crisis should be resolved politically on the basis of the full implementation of the Minsk agreement on February 12, 2015. Countries emphasized the importance of solving the Ukrainian issue. Shanghai hezuo zuzhi chengyuan guo yuanshou lishi hui Qingdao xuanyan [Qingdao Declaration of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization].11.06.2018. Jingji Wang. (accessed March, 28th).

Taiwanese journalists also mention the increase of the Ukrainian GDP. Journalists refer to Ukrainian experts who believe that the Ukrainian government will continue to eliminate various factors that hinder the more liberal development of the economy, set up an innovation committee, and strive to develop the economy through innovation. Also it was written that Ukraine needs FDI and welcomes foreign investors.

The topic of Crimean crisis is very crucial in Taiwanese media. Newspapers indicate that Crimea region is very important for Russia. Its geostrategic potential is really high, in the Black Sea there is the fleet naval base, which helps Russia to hold power in the Black Sea and in the Mediterranean region.

Talking about the Referendum in Crimea it should be said that Taiwan was concerned about Referendum in Crimea. Journalists claimed that this Referendum is not legal, that is why, Taiwan should not admit that Crimea is a part of Russia. Wukelan Jueding Chongxin Bushi cong Kelimiya Chechu de Budui. [Crimea is independent from Ukraine]. 25.03.2014. Yunnan Daily. (accessed January,31st )

Another point of view, which Taiwanese media wrote about Crimean crisis in 2014 is that Crimean annexation, will be guaranty of the fact that Russia will leave Ukraine alone. We can say that Taiwanese journalists believe that Russia intervene into Ukraine because of Crime, and after Crimean annexation the situation would be stabilize. It is interesting that in some Taiwanese newspapers there are not news and articles about the Ukrainian crisis. For example, in the WIRED magazine there is no information about the Crimean issue. From my point of view, it could be connected with the fact that the issue of annexation could be painful for Taiwanese people, that is why journalists try not to mention these events.

In Taipei Times, there is an article, which is called Ę펋ׁu ӎvn. It can be translated as in the process of joining the Crimean territory the Russian Federation used the same methods as Hitler. Kelimiya Bei Shiwei [Xitelie Shi] Luedi. [Crimea Seen as 'Hitler-style' Land Grab].17.03.2014. Taipei Times h2 (accessed March, 20th).From our point of view, it is important to mention that in this article journalists used the verb n which is translated as seize and plunder land. And this article is not an exception.

In Taiwanese media it is not difficult to find articles which criticize Putin's actions. In some articles Putin's policy in compared with the policy of Stalin, one of the most ruthless figures in the Russian history. Pujing Gen Sidalin Yi Yang. [Putin is the New Stalin]. 26.03.2014. China times. (accessed April, 25th ).I n the article it is said: Russian President Vladimir Putin is behaving like a mafia boss. In invading, occupying and finally annexing Crimea, he pointed Russia's guns at Ukraine and said: Your territorial sovereignty or your life. That is why, there is no doubt that Taiwanese journalists negatively estimate results of the Crimean crisis 2014.

There are articles about sanctions of the European countries against Russia. It was written that the aim of such sanctions were Russian actions in Ukraine. The President of the Czech Republic Milos Zeman called Russian participation in the Ukrainian crisis as irreversible. From our point of view, it should be mentioned that there are no articles and news explaining why Russia participate in Ukrainian crisis and joined the territory of Crimea. That is why, it can be claimed that Taiwanese media do not support Russia.

According to Taiwanese online newspapers Crimean Tatars were against the process of joining to the territory of the Russian Federation. In Taiwanese news, journalists call the Ukrainian crisis 2014 as a Crimean annexation. There is no doubt that this word has a negative meaning. So, it can be said that journalists have negative opinion of the Crimean issue.

Taiwanese journalists define the Crimean crisis 2014 as the Russian seizure of the territory of Crimea. It seems obvious that this definition has a negative estimation. Among the last news Taiwanese media write about the relations between Russia and the European Union. Journalists write that relations have worsen after the Crimean crisis. And journalists claim

It is interesting that according to Taiwanese media the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has started after Moscow annexed the Crimean Peninsula. However, we should say that there are other events which happened before the Crimean crisis and which led to the conflict between two countries.

To sum it up, we will provide the narrative analysis of Taiwanese media reactions. According to William Labov, the first element of the narrative analysis is abstract. In the following chart we will identify the main media topics connected with Ukraine:


Brief description

International collaboration of Ukraine and Taiwan (not political)

music festivals

sport and music competitions

educational exchange

Confucius institute in Ukraine

Expo forums

Crimean crisis

Referendum in Crimea

joining the territory of Crimea to the Russian Federation


Western countries took sanctions against Russia because of Crimean crisis

One Belt, One Road concept

Ukraine is part of OBOR

The Ukrainian crisis

the discussion of this crisis in international organizations

the Ukrainian economy

Image of Russia after the Crimean crisis

Putin's policy is compared with Stalin's

As it is shown, we identified six topics, connected with Ukraine in Taiwanese media.

The second element of the narrative analysis is called orientation. This element identifies time of the action, the location and the main participants. We will analyze the second element of those five groups of news and articles that were mentioned before.



International collaboration of Ukraine and Taiwan (not political)

Time: since 2014 till now)

Location: Taiwan, Ukraine (Kiev), the Mainland China, the Russian Federation (Moscow)

Participants: Taiwan, Ukraine, in some news and articles other countries all over the world

Crimean crisis

Time: 2014

Location: Crimean Peninsula

Participants: Russia, Ukraine, in some articles also the USA and EU countries


Time: since 2014 till now

Location: Russia, Ukraine EU countries, the USA

Participants: Russia and Western countries (mostly the USA)

One Belt, One Road concept

Time: since 2013 till now

Location: People's Republic of China

Participants: China and other OBOR countries (e.g. Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, etc)

The Ukrainian crisis

Time: since 2014 till now

Location: Ukraine

Participants: Ukraine, Russia

Image of Russia after the Crimean crisis

Time: since 2014 till now

Location: Russia and Ukraine

Participants: Russia and other countries

As it is seen most of the topics are connected with the Ukrainian countries, so topics are really connected with each other.

The third element is called set of actions. From our point of view, for some topics there is no need to provide the description of actions, because they are not connected with the main purpose of our research. For example, for international collaboration and OBOR development, because there is no need to do that. The other topic's set of actions are also very similar.


Set of actions

Crimean crisis

Ukrainian crisis => removal of Yanukovych => Russia sent soldiers to Crimea => Referendum in Crimea => annexation


Russian annexation of Crimea => War in Donbass => Kerch issues => sanctions

The Ukrainian crisis

Removal of Yanukovych Presidency => Crimea annexation => War in Donbass => Sanctions against Russia => aftermath of Crisis => the recovery of Ukrainian economy

Image of Russia after the Crimean crisis

The change of the image of Vladimir Putin and the whole Russia after the Crisis.

The next element of the narrative analysis is evaluation. It shows the attitude of the narrator to the event. The fourth element of our analysis is presented in the following table:



International collaboration of Ukraine and Taiwan (not political)

Neutral, in some articles - positive

Crimean crisis




One Belt, One Road concept


The Ukrainian crisis


Image of Russia after the Crimean crisis


As it is shown, negative reactions are mostly connected with Crimean issue. We believe that it is connected with the fact that Taiwanese and Crimean questions are similar, that is why Taiwanese journalists provide parallels with these cases.

The next element of the narrative analysis is resolution, which is needed to be a conclusion of the text. Analyzing this element, we will miss OBOR and cultural collaboration cases, because there is no need to study them.



Crimean crisis

Crimean question is still very crucial, this problem lead to other issues.


Western countries are still taking sanctions against Russia.

The Ukrainian crisis

Nowadays Ukraine recovers its economy.

Image of Russia after the Crimean crisis

Nowadays Russia remains Germany during Hitler's rule.

The last element of the narrative analysis is coda. In our research we will not concentrate on analyzing codas, because they are very similar to the resolution.

In our research we analyzed 119 news and articles from 13 newspapers. We can present our results in the following word cloud:

To sum up, it can be said that Taiwanese case is really similar to Crimean, that is why narratives of this region have the negative evaluation over the Russian participation in Crimea.

Comparative analysis of Chinese regional media narratives

In this part of our research we will compare regional media narratives. In our research we will make a table showing the main frames. We will highlight the same frames the same color. According to our analysis the main frames are:

Mainland China

North China


Hong Kong


OBOR concept

Crimean crisis

OBOR concept

Ukrainian crisis

Collaboration of Taiwan and Ukraine (mostly cultural)

Situation in Chernobyl

Crimea (tourism and accidents)

China-Ukrainian cultural and educational collaboration

Crash of Malaysian plane

Crimean crisis

Ukrainian crisis

Image of Natalia Poklonskaya

Crimean crisis

Energy relations of Russia and Ukraine

Sanctions the Western countries against Russia

Crimean crisis

Russia-U.S .relations

Crimean crisis

OBOR concept

Mutual sanctions of Russia and the West

Ukrainian crisis

Tourism in Crimea

Image of Russia after Crimean issue

Education in Ukraine

According to our study Crimean crisis is reflected in media of every region. We should emphasize, that Chinese journalists did not positively estimate the joining Crimea to Russia. Some regions only negatively evaluated these events, for example, Taiwan, Tibet and Hong Kong. We expected that Xinjiang journalists would negatively react on the Crimean issue. However, their reaction was neutral. It was really surprising due to the intention of Xinjiang to be separated.

All in all, it can be said that the Mainland Chinese media, in the whole, neutrally describe the process of joining Crimea to Russia, whereas regions which want to be separated from China, except for Xinjiang, provided negative reactions.

Also, the OBOR concept place significant role in narratives connected with Ukraine. It could be explained that nowadays China is actively developing OBOR and uses soft power instruments to build relations with other countries. Ukraine is part of the New Silk Road Economic Belt, that is why there are many events connected with China-Singapore collaboration.

Taiwanese journalists write about the collaboration of Taiwan and Ukraine, they do not provide information about the connection of the Mainland China with Ukraine. From our point of view, it shows that Taiwan considers itself as an independent state without the influence of Beijing.

Taiwanese journalists negatively estimated the Russian actions in Crimea, that is why they negatively evaluated the image of Russia after the Crimean crisis. From our point of view, it is not surprising for us, because

Furthermore the narrative describing the system of education is very crucial, because, from our points of view, Chinese soft power instruments include collaboration in culture, education, etc.

From our point of view, Chinese media as being the media of authoritarian state reflect the CPC's view. It proves the Media Freedom Index, according to which China is one 176th place.

Ukrainian crisis in Singapore media

Singapore is a state which is situated in the Southeast Asia. The population of the country is 5 638 700. And 73% of total population are Chinese, 13% are Malay, 9% are Indians and other nations. It should be mentioned that Singapore is a small state, it is the 176th largest country. That is why, it will be difficult to divide the territory of Singapore into regions. So, in our research we will not study particular regions of Singapore.

We propose the division of media on the language principle, because such approach firstly lets us to compare language tools used in media articles and secondly helps us to identify the main trends in different media. So, we decided to analyze Chinese and English language media separately because we expect to have different media reactions.

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