Formation of reading culture at Zaporozhye TV channels "TV-5" and "Alex"

Formation of reading culture on TV on Zaporizhzhya TV channels "TV-5" and "Alex". The need to pay attention to children's reading and achievements of Ukrainian writers and poets abroad because of the negligent attitude of Ukrainians towards this.

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Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ 23.08.2018
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Formation of reading culture at Zaporozhye TV channels «TV-5» and «Alex»

À. Bessarab


channel children poet achievement

Features of formation of reading culture on television channels in Zaporozhye «TV-5» and «Alex» are described in the article.

The Zaporizhzhia channel «TV-5» has a number of material that is directly or indirectly focused on creating a culture of reading books. The TV channel possesses projects that have the potential in creating a culture of reading, such as: «Morning with TV-5», «The line of success», «Conversation», « Talking to You» («Idu na Ty»). A book subject is very little presented on the TV channel. The total number for our reasearch - is 14. The Ukrainian authors, Zaporizhzhya publishers and bookstores have to manage cooperation with the TV channel, as do the representatives of other sectors. The programs editors should seriously think about which of the writers, poets, librarians, bookstores they can invite as studio guests, and do it more often.

«Alex» is another Zaporizhzhia channel and is the largest producer of the author programs. Within the framework of our study the following programs are of greatest interest: news program, «Alex- Inform», «Culprosvit» («Cultural enlightenment») and Nova Litera («New Letter»).»Culprosvit» («Cultural enlightenment») - is a series of documentary programs on culture, exclusive interviews with famous people and tremendous stories of the creative achievements. Nova Litera («New Letter») program presents reviews on the brightest new books; interviews with famous poets and writers; opinions about books of the known Zaporizhia readers; news of literary life; expressions of young readers on children's books; reports of high-profile literary events of Ukrainian scale.

Among the material on the news «Alex-Inform» and «Zaporizhzhia News» which is directly or indirectly focused on creating a culture of reading books, most devoted to the publication of the new edition - 34 out of 38, usually it is s book of a Zaporizhzhya author (eg M. Bratsylo, V. Suprunenko, F. Turchenko) or about the residents of the city (eg. «The Book about talented children», «Honorary Citizens of Zaporozhye city. Bibliographic Essays»). We should also note the coverage of libraries activities. On TV «Alex», as well as at the national TV channels, special attention is given to books about current relations between Ukraine and Russia (N. Savchenko «Strong name Nadiia (Hope)» T. Berezovets «Annexation: Island of Crimea»).

In our opinion the mentioned Zaporizhzhia channels should pay more attention to children's reading and achievements of Ukrainian writers and poets abroad, because they can be proud of them. But most of the Ukrainians know nothing about it.

In the future, it would be interesting to see the status of other channels in terms of their formation of culture of reading Ukrainian books.

Key words: book, culture, reading, writer, poet, TV channel, «TV-5», «Alex».


Áåññàðàá À. Î. Ôîðìóâàííÿ êóëüòóðè ÷èòàííÿ íà çàïîð³çüêèõ òåëåêàíàëà «TV-5» òà «Àëåêñ»

Ó ñòàòò³ ðîçêðèòî îñîáëèâîñò³ ôîðìóâàííÿ êóëüòóðè ÷èòàííÿ íà òåëåáà÷åíí³ íà çàïîð³çüêèõ òåëåêàíàëàõ «TV-5» òà «Àëåêñ». ³äçíà÷åíî, ùî ¿ì âàðòî ïðèä³ëÿòè á³ëüøå óâàãè äèòÿ÷îìó ÷èòàííþ òà çäîáóòêàì óêðà¿íñüêèõ ïèñüìåííèê³â ³ ïîåò³â çà êîðäîíîì, àäæå ¿ì º ÷èì ïèøàòèñÿ, ïðîòå á³ëüø³ñòü óêðà¿íö³â ïðî öå ìàéæå í³÷îãî íå çíàº.

Êëþ÷îâ³ ñëîâà: êíèãà, êóëüòóðà ÷èòàííÿ, ïèñüìåííèê, ïîåò, òåëåêàíàë, «TV-5», «Àëåêñ».


Áåññàðàá À. À. Ôîðìèðîâàíèå êóëüòóðû ÷òåíèÿ íà çàïîðîæñêèõ òåëåêàíàëà «TV-5» è «Àëåêñ»

 ñòàòüå ðàñêðûòû îñîáåííîñòè ôîðìèðîâàíèÿ êóëüòóðû ÷òåíèÿ íà òåëåâèäåíèè íà çàïîðîæñêèõ òåëåêàíàëàõ «TV-5» è «Àëåêñ». Îòìå÷åíî, ÷òî èì ñòîèò óäåëÿòü áîëüøå âíèìàíèÿ äåòñêîìó ÷òåíèþ è äîñòèæåíèÿì óêðàèíñêèõ ïèñàòåëåé è ïîýòîâ çà ãðàíèöåé, âåäü èì åñòü ÷åì ãîðäèòüñÿ, îäíàêî áîëüøèíñòâî óêðàèíöåâ îá ýòîì ïî÷òè íè÷åãî íå çíàåò.

Êëþ÷åâûå ñëîâà: êíèãà, êóëüòóðà ÷òåíèÿ, ïèñàòåëü, ïîýò, òåëåêàíàë, «TV-5», «Àëåêñ».

The decline in interest in reading in recent years encourages take measures to improve the situation at various levels (public and private organizations, universities, libraries, publishers, bookstores, the mass media, public figures, some authors, etc.). Nowadays publishers use both new and proven and tested by time means of promotion the book to the reader, but adjusted to modern realities. However, all these measures are useless in a society in which there is no interest in reading, reading culture has not been formed.

M. Rubakin was the first scholar who addressed the questions of the reader and the book on the scientific basis. Peculiarities of reading in different historical periods revealed in their publications J. Ames, D. Julia, P. Zenger, U. Eco, G. Cavallo, Yu. Melentyeva, A. Manhuel, M. Parks, R. Chartier and others. An important contribution to the methodological problems of information culture and the culture of reading had been done by K. Voyhanovska, M. Vohrysheva, N. Hendina, O. Hrechyhin, N. Dobrynin, N. Zbarovska, Yu. Markova, B. Smyrnova, M. Smorodynska, E. Shapiro and others. Issues of promotion of reading covered the following scientists: N. Belyaeva, A. Voronycheva, A. Dorofeeva, N. Zbarovska, O. Kolosova, N. Mitko and others.

Marketing communications of a publishing house in order to increase demand for the book found its coverage in the research of E. Beyverstok, H. Boehm, J. Blyde, T. Bulakh, J. Vladarchyk, S. Vodo- lazka, J. Verner, G. Graham, T. Hrynivs'kyy, N. Eriashvili, N. Zelinska, G. Klyuchkovska, I. Ko- pystynska, T. Mykytyn, D. Olefir, L. Prokopenko, N. Ryabinina, O. Skochynets, H. Skhyut, V. Teremko, M. Tymoshyk, J. Fialko, D. Fialko, G. Haard, H. Schultz and others.

General problems of television as means of mass communication are being thoroughly studied by E. Bagirov, R. Boretskyi, B. Wilczek, Z. Dmytrovskyi, V. Iegorov, A. Knyazev, G. Kuznetsov, I. Mashchenko, S. Muratov, A. Rokhlin, V. Sappak, V. Zwick, Yu. Shapoval, A. Yurovsky, etc.; genre, structural and typological features of TV and radio information are being studied by N. Vakurova, T. Gyrina, V. Hoyan, O. Hoyan, V. Lyzanchuk, I. Penchuk, J. Feng, A. Yakovets and others. In our previous publications we had already discussed the formation of reading culture and promoting books on the TV channel «Inter».

II. The Objective

The objective of the article is to reveal features of reading culture formation in Zaporihzhia channels «TV-5» and «Alex».

III. The Results

«TV-5». Television company was established 09.10.1992, and 02.01.1994 the first broadcasting of ZNTRC «TV-5» was on air. Since that time it keeps leading positions in the television market of Zaporizhzhia region. The cumulative audience of the TV channel is more than 2.5 million people. In 2012 TV company acquired the status of of regional broadcasting. In 2014-2015 technical upgrading and transition to full digital system of modern TV production was carried out. In 2015 rebranding of the TV company was conducted. The structure of ZNTRC «TV-5» includes channel «TV-5» and «TV-5 Sports». Maxim Onopriyenko is the Director General of ZNTRC «TV-5» [7].

The content of the channel «TV-5» for 2012 - 20.08.2016 for analysis was selected by searching the keywords: «book», «book reading», «poet,» «writer», identical results for different keywords were not included. Obtained results provide an opportunity to draw some conclusions about the peculiarities of the culture of reading books in general, and Ukrainian books in particular. There are no TV programs dedicated to books on channel «TV-5». However, there is a number of materials (14 actions) that are directly or indirectly aimed at creating a culture of reading books. According to their content they can be divided as following:

1) activities promote reading (total - 1): «The new Project «Open Library» was launched in Zaporozhye» (06.14.2016);

2) advice on what to read (total - 3): «Zaporozhye dwellers will be told about the best books in the last decade» (15.06.2016); «Zaporozhye dwellers invited to talk about one of the best books of the twentieth century» (15.06.2016); «What to read to a child during summer vacation» (13.07.2016);

3) the literary and publishing awards (total - 1): «A woman from Zaporozhye won the prestigious all-Ukrainian Writers Competition» (23.06.2016);

4) meeting with the author (total - 2): «A scandalous performer is coming to Zaporozhye»

(19.05.2015) ; «Festival «From the country to Ukraine» the Resort Berdyansk came to Zaporozhye»

(28.07.2016) ;

5) preparation and publication of the new book (total - 4): «A book about the last ramantic affair of Vysotskii was published in Zaporozhye» (05.08.2014); «A famous journalist presented in Zaporozhye a book about Maidan» (20.03.2015); «The results of April 30 in Zaporozhye: a new book of Zabuzhko, the visit of the Minister of Sports, and the end of the three-day torment of the residents of Baburka»

(30.04.2015) ;

6) the writers' life and their anniversaries in particular (total - 3): «In the footsteps of Taras Shevchenko» (10.03.2015); «The historian who wrote the best textbook on the history of Ukraine died» (26.07.2016); «In the Zaporozhye Scientific Library an evening dedicated to the playwright George Bernard Shaw was held» (27.07.2016);

7) the fate of compositions and literary characters and heroes (total - 1): «Today, the Ukrainian national Anthem celebrates its 150th anniversary» (10.03.2015).

The TV channel broadcasts programs that have the potential creating a culture of reading, they are the followng: «Morning with TV-5», «Line of success», «Conversation», «Talking to You» («Idu na Ty»).

«Morning with TV-5» is the first morning show in the Region and one of the most popular TV projects of the channel. According to the ranking, the program confidently competes with similar television show of national TV channels. «Morning with TV-5» has many important sections. In 2015 the project had set a national record in Ukraine for the longest morning show - 26 hours on the air. However, the book subject was observed on the air on 10.13.2014, when Zaporozhzhia writer and musician Valen- tyn Terletskyi was the studio guest. The Anchor started getting acquainted with good books.

«Conversation» is an information and entertainment program. Asking questions studio guests and express their opinion people can social networks. Again, the guest of the studio was a musician Valen- tyn Terletskyi. He talked about literature and a new novel, but the date was 03.03.2016.

«Talking to You» («Idu na Ty») is a frank conversation of Neonila Antonova with famous persons of Ukraine and the world. Some of these people were also the authors of the books.

The studio guest of the program from 23.09.2015 was a prominent political journalist, chief editor of the online edition LB. ua Sonia Koshkina. She commented on how her book about Maidan appeared; she also noted that there was a lot of exclusive material that needed to be disclosed in the book. According to Sonia Koshkina opinion, she was still young, but later she may come to literature: the idea for her future book is the impact of government on people.

The studio guest of the program of 13.04.2016 was Soviet and Russian poet, composer, playwright, screenwriter, singer, member of the dissident movement in the USSR, laureate of literary and music awards Yulii Kim. He expressed his views on freedom of thought in modern Russia, recalls the work of Honore de Balzac, who contributed to the development of democracy in the country, commented Vladimir Uborevych book «14 letters to Olena Serhiivna Bulgakova».

So, as you can see, a book subject was presented on the TV channel. However, in our opinion, the Ukrainian authors, Zaporizhzhya publishers and bookstores have to manage cooperation with the TV channel, as do the representatives of other sectors. The programs editors should seriously think about which of the writers, poets, librarians, bookstores they can invite as studio guests, and do it more often.

«Alex». TV channel «Alex» official web-site states that it's been on the air since 1995 in Zaporizhzhia Region, and its audience can be residents of Marganets, Nikopol and Tomakivka of Dni- propetrovsk Region, and towns which are close to Dnipropetrovsk and Donetsk Regions as well. The audience is 1.5 million people. It has a clear social orientation, produces daily news on the air, using a mini-portable TV station for direct broadcasting from the city, constantly uses interactive polls for public opinion research on the air.

The TV channel is provided with professional staff and modern equipment that ensures quality of the information and promotion production, and which is very important - has high ranking [1].

The TV channel is the largest producer of the author programs. Within the framework of our study the following programs are of greatest interest: news program, «Alex-Inform», «Culprosvit» («Cultural enlightenment») and Nova Litera («New Letter»).

TV project «Culprosvit» («Cultural enlightenment») on channel «Alex» is a series of documentaries on culture, exclusive interviews with celebrities and simply amazing history of artistic achievement. The new programs are broadcasted on - Saturdays, and are rebroadcasted on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays.

The program Nova Litera («New Letter») is a review of the brightest new books; interviews with world-renowned masters of the pen; thoughts of Zaporizhzhia known residents on outstanding books; latest news on literary life; direct expressions of young readers about children's books; reports from the resonant literary events of nationwide scale. The program is broadcasred on Saturday, and rebroadcasted every Wednesday.

The content of the channel «Alex» in 2012 - 20.08.2016 for analysis was selected by searching the keywords: «book», «book reading», «poet,» «writer», identical results for different keywords were not included. A number of materials in the news «Alex-Inform» and «News of Zaporizhzhia» directly or indirectly aimed at creating a culture of reading books, and according to the content they could be devided as following:

1) the situation with the publication of books and reading in Ukraine (total - 5): «Ukrainian Book» came to Kramatorsk» (07.08.2015); «The government allocated 40 million to «Ukrainian book» (the government had allocated to the program «Ukrainian book» more than 40 million UAH) (30.10.2015); «Expert Council drew up a list of books for publication for the budget funds» (19.02.2016); «Ukrainian book «has released six books using Braille letters (script)» (16.01.2016); «The first Ukrainian bookstore is going to appear Kramatorsk» (24.07.2016);

2) activities promoting reading, especially in libraries (total - 5): «The book is a rarity»

(09.01.2014) ; «Zaporizhia vector» (the gifts from the NGO «Zaporozhye Vector» Zaporizhzhya National University Library for the World Day of Science) (16.05.2014); «From heat to the library»

(10.06.2015) ; «Zaporizhzhia librarians showed students unique books» (17.02.2015); «A positive library is going to appear in Zaporozhye» (25.11.2015);

3) books fairs and exhibitions (total - 9): «An exhibition of new German editions of children's literature received from the Goethe Institute was opened in the Regional library of Gorky» (01.12.2014); «Zaporozhye librarians showed the students unique books» (07.02.2015); «At the book fair in Zaporozhye, Orthodox gathered more than 5000 UAH to help sick children» (03.03.2015); «The British neurosurgeon at the Forum for publishers: I am madly in love with Ukraine» (10.09.2015); «In Lviv Forum of Publishers awards for the best book were presented» (11.09.2015); «Within the framework of the book toloka in Zaporozhye the presentation of the collection of poems by Zaporozhye poet

Alexander Medko «Chora» took place (20.10.2015); «Zaporozhye residenst were reminded at what price independence was gained» (about the booklet «Punished for loving Ukraine») (18.11.2015); «A book written by Savchenko is going to become an event at the international exhibition in Kyiv»

(27.11.2015) ; «Literary events of April in Kiev: MEDVIN» Book Arsenal «Alexiyevich, Zhadan, Andru- hovych» (02.04.2016);

4) literature and publishing awards (total - 6): «Taras Shevchenko - is a prominent georgrapher»: a multimedia projects competition was held for Zaporozhye schoolstudents» (13.03.2015); «Nobel Prize for Literature has received a writer of Ukrainian origin from Belarus» (08.10.2015); «BBC Ukraine announced contenders for the Book of the Year 2015 «(07/12/2015); «The BBC Ukraine named nominees for Book of the Year 2015. Short list «(07.12.2015); «The winners of the nationwide competition» Best Book of Ukraine» (11.12.2015) «Ukrainian literary 2015: writing, reading, and awards given» (13.01.2016);

5) meeting the author (total - 1): «Sergey Zhadan is coming to Zaporohye» (01.04.2015);

6) way and method of reading, using a books and its maintaining, the culture of reading (total - 2): «The book is the best gift: governmental officials welcomed with Putin's Quote Pad» (Russian officials recieved collection of President Vladimir Putin Quote Pad from the administration of the Kremlin for the New Year»: «Words that change the world. Key Putin's quotes» (28.12.2015); «Quote Pad Pu»

(29.12.2015) ;

7) preparation and publication of the a new book (total - 34): «The book of Mitkov» (19.09.2012); «Tax textbook» (the Ministry of Revenue and Fees presented a new textbook for the ninth grade of high schools) (21.09.2013); «A book about Vasilievka» (25.03.2014); «Marina Bracilo's book» ((about the seventh collection of the poet before the anniversary of her death) (18.06.2014); «A book about talented children» (03.07.2014); «Fairy tales about chemistry - Zaporozhye version» (presentation of the book, which in the game form acquaints the young readers with chemistry) (26.11.2014); «Su- prunenko's book» (03.12.2014); «30.01.2015. Turchenko's book» (02.02.2015); «Professor Turchenko's book about Novorossia was discussed in Zaporizhzhia» (20.02.2015); «In Zaporozhye - «Once there was love» (02.07.2015); «Savchenko's lawyer (attorney) told about the process of how her book had been written» (07.08.2015); «My father - Leonid Zahbotinskii» (04.09.2015); «Nadiia Savchenko's book is going to be on sale in a week - the lawyer (attorney)» (04.09.2015); «Annexation: Island of Crimea» - a book of evidence of Russian aggression in Ukraine» (04.09.2015); «Presentation of a book about honored residents of the city was held in Zaporozhye» (23.09.2015); «The Honoured citizens of Zaporozhye. Bibliographic Essays» (24.09.2015); «The first coloring book for adults will soon appear in Lviv» («I love Ukraine» by the artist Olesya Vakulenko from Kharkiv)

(28.10.2015) ; «The editors of the «Day» newspaper present a bok trilogy in Zaporizhzhia»

(20.11.2015) ; «Red Book» in Zaporizhhia» (about Dmytro Lazutkin collection of poems) (10.12.2015); «Red Book» in Zaporizhhia» (11.12.2015); «Zaporizhzhia traveler - Vladimir Suprunenko presented his new book» (25.12.2015); «Zaporizhzhia poet Igor Korsar presented his work» (14.01.2016); «New book about Jews of Ukrainian origin presented in Israel» (21.01.2016); «Les Beley visited Zaporozhye with his book presentation» (16.02.2016); «The last book pf Umberto Eco will be published in May»

(22.02.2016) ; «42 days of «Donetsk» airport defense - is one of the most important military events on the East of Ukraine» (26.02.2016); «Zaporizhzhia author presented her new book» (15.03.2016); «'The fourth Republic” by Borys Lozhkin» (20.03.2016); «A historian research “Ukrainian Tradition” was presented in Odessa» (within the framework of XVII Ukrainian fair-forum «Ukrainian book of Odessa» ) (23.05.2016); «Rosette (socket)»: a superbook «Magic cleaning» will help to maintain life»

(23.05.2016) ; «In Zaporozhye they'll tell about «The house where the bathroom is out of order» (about Ievhenia Chupryna collection of work) (29.06.2016); «Hybrid War Chronicle» was presented in Zaporozhye: about the effectiveness of the army - the dry language of facts» (29.06.2016); «Stanislav Stetsenko, a writer, the author of the novel «The war of the artists» (08.08.2016); «Savchenko translates her book into Russian: Let the Russians read it» (11.11.2015);

8) the writers' life, including their anniversaries (total - 1): «Despite the disability, a woman from Zaporozhye keeps the strength of spirit and writes poetry with her feet» (17.08.2015);

9) holidays associated with books (total - 2): «Children in Zaporizhzhya continue to take interest in literature» (dedicated to the World Day of libraries) (29.09.2015); «June, 6. This day in history» (about «Blumsdey» holiday) (16.06.2015);

10) the events in the book business abroad (total - 2) «Chervak: For Moscow even a Ukrainian religious book is a threat to the»Russian Peace» (Russia included in the list of banned Ukrainian books that are the threat to the «Russian Peace» even spiritual literature)» (30.10.2015); «In London bookstores - excitement because of the new Harry Potter» (31.07.2016);

11) the fate and fortune of works and literary heroes (total - 1): «The first edition of The Hobbit was sold for 185 thousand euro» (book by John Tolkien's The Hobbit, published in 1937 was sold for a record amount of 185 thousand euros at Sotheby's auction in London) (05.06.2015).

As we can see, most of the selected programs are dedicated to the publication of the new edition, usually it is s book of a Zaporizhzhya author (eg M. Bratsylo, V. Suprunenko, F. Turchenko) or about the residents of the city (eg «The Book about talented children», «Honorary Citizens of Zaporozhye city. Bibliographic Essays»). We should also note the coverage of libraries activities. On TV «Alex», as well as at the national TV channels, special attention is given to books about current relations between Ukraine and Russia (N. Savchenko «Strong name Nadiia (Hope)» T. Berezovets «Annexation: Island of Crimea»).


Thus, the analysis makes it possible to draw the following conclusions. Zaporizhzhia channel «TV- 5» does not have regular programs specifically dedicated to the book. However, you can discover a number of material that is directly or indirectly focused on creating a culture of reading books. The TV channel possesses projects that have the potential in creating a culture of reading, such as: «Morning with TV-5», «The line of success», «Conversation», «Talking to You» («Idu na Ty»). «Talking to You» («Idu na Ty») is a frank and sincere conversation of Neonila Antonova with famous people of Ukraine and of the world. The guests of the program were also the authors of the books, such as a famous political person, Chief Editor of an Internet edition LB. ua Sonya Koshkina, Soviet and Rusian poet, composer, playwright, screenwriter, singer, member of the dissident movement in the USSR, laureate of literary and music awards, Yulii Kim. Book theme is little presented on the TV channel. 14 items for analysis had been found. However, authors, publishers and bookstores have to manage cooperation with the TV channel, as do the representatives of other sectors. The programs editors should seriously think about which of the writers, poets, librarians, bookstores they can invite as studio guests, and do it more often.

«Alex» is another Zaporizhzhia channel and is the largest producer of the author programs. Within the framework of our study the following programs are of greatest interest: news program, «Alex- Inform», «Culprosvit» («Cultural enlightenment») and Nova Litera («New Letter»).

Among the material on the news «Alex-Inform» and «Zaporizhzhia News» which is directly or indirectly focused on creating a culture of reading books, most devoted to the publication of the new edition - 34 out of 38, usually it is s book of a Zaporizhzhya author (eg. M. Bratsylo, V. Suprunenko, F. Turchenko) or about the residents of the city (eg. «The Book about talented children», «Honorary Citizens of Zaporozhye city. Bibliographic Essays»). We should also note the coverage of libraries activities. On TV «Alex», as well as at the national TV channels, special attention is given to books about current relations between Ukraine and Russia (N. Savchenko «Strong name Nadiia (Hope)» T. Berezovets «Annexation: Island of Crimea»).

In our opinion the mentioned Zaporizhzhia channels should pay more attention to children's reading and achievements of Ukrainian writers and poets abroad, because they can be proud of them. But most of the Ukrainians know nothing about it. In the future, it would be interesting to see the status of other channels in terms of their formation of culture of reading Ukrainian books.


1. Àëåêñ : ñàéò. URL:

2. Ãîÿí Â. Â. Iíôoðìaöiéía òåëåâiçiéía nporpaMa: Òènoëoãi÷ía õaðaêòåðèñòèêa, ïaðaìåòðè äiÿëüíoñòi æóðíaëiñòa : aâòoðåô. äèñ.... êàíä. ôòîë. HayK : 10.01.08. Êè¿â, 1999. 19 ñ.

3. Ãîÿí Â. Â. Æóðíaëiñòñüêa TBop4iCTb Ha òåëåáa÷åííi : ìoíoãðaôiÿ. Êè¿â, 2011.319 ñ.

4. Ãîÿí Â. Â. Òåëåáà÷åííÿ ÿê âèä æóðíàë³ñòñüêî¿ òâîð÷îñò³: â³çóàëüíî-âåðáàëüí³ êîìïîíåíòè åêðàííî¿ êîìóí³êàö³¿ : àâòîðåô. äèñ.. ä-ðà íàóê ³ç ñîö. êîì. : 27.00.01. Êè¿â, 2012. 36 ñ.

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Ïîäîáíûå äîêóìåíòû

  • Russian press for the young reader as opposed to the "adult" started with a magazine. History of child Journalism Beginning of a new era in the Children's journalism. Authors of children's creative destiny "Chizh", "Hedgehog" - to the brightest example.

    ðåôåðàò [11,6 K], äîáàâëåí 28.02.2009

  • Reading is the foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. The importance of teaching reading. Developing reading skills and strategies. Stages of conducting reading and reading activities. Rules of training of the advanced readers.

    êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [36,2 K], äîáàâëåí 10.04.2012

  • Effective reading is essential for success in acquiring a second language. Approaches to Teaching Reading Skills. The characteristic of methods of Teaching Reading to Learners. The Peculiarities of Reading Comprehension. Approaches to Correcting Mistakes.

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  • The existent problems in teaching reading comprehension and finding the ways out of this problem by suggesting the exercises that can be useful in classroom activities. The reading skills and teaching technics, new technologies in teaching reading.

    êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [23,9 K], äîáàâëåí 17.04.2011

  • The lessons of reading and translation of different texts and word-combinations into Ukrainian. The most frequently used expressions with the verbs to be, to have and sentences with them. Reading and translation the dialogue used in the usual speech.

    ó÷åáíîå ïîñîáèå [89,2 K], äîáàâëåí 25.03.2010

  • Improvement in English proficiency. Theoretical background of reading. Structure-proposition-evaluation method to read a book. Advantages of a Guided Matrix, the importance of rereading. Matrix Options at Different Levels. Assessing reading outcomes.

    êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [39,7 K], äîáàâëåí 22.02.2014

  • Main part: Reading skills. A Writing Approach to–Reading Comprehension–Schema Theory in Action. The nature of foreign-language teaching. Vocabulary teaching techniques.

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  • What are the main reasons to study abroad. Advantages of studying abroad. The most popular destinations to study. Disadvantages of studying abroad. Effective way to learn a language. The opportunity to travel. Acquaintance another culture first-hand.

    ðåôåðàò [543,8 K], äîáàâëåí 25.12.2014

  • Advantages and disadvantages of living abroad. Difficulties in adapting to a new country its culture and customs. Ways to overcome them. Complexity of studying abroad. Statistical data on the desires and reasons student learning in another country.

    ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [363,8 K], äîáàâëåí 14.10.2014

  • The role of experience from the first reading the book for further reading hobby. Familiarization with the work of Terry Prachetta, J. Tolkien, R. Howard, and William Shakespeare. "Crime and Punishment" - an outstanding novel in Russian literature.

    ýññå [12,2 K], äîáàâëåí 16.01.2011

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Ðåêîìåíäóåì ñêà÷àòü ðàáîòó.