Customs challenges and innovations in global trade: perspectives and trends

Overcoming legal conflicts in international trade and diplomacy. Finding effective ways to solve problems in the field of taxation. Using artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies to optimize border crossing procedures and combat smuggling.

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Дата добавления 12.05.2024
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Kyiv University of Intellectual Property and Law

National University “Odessa Law academy”

Customs challenges and innovations in global trade: perspectives and trends

Ivan Prysiazhniuk, Doctor of Juridical Sciences

Associate Professor at the Department of Criminal Law,

Process and Forensics


The article analyses the current challenges in the field of customs law and global trade, with a focus on the impact of globalisation and technological development, as well as international legal regulation.

The research focuses on identifying important legal and technological innovations that can contribute to global trade development and overcome customs challenges, as well as on analysing international legal acts regulating customs activities and their significance for Ukraine.

The author considers the following customs challenges: legal gaps and contradictions; customs security; innovations and technologies. Based on this, the author suggests ways to address the challenges in the field of customs law. The article assesses the effectiveness and potential of innovations for addressing customs challenges.

The author uses the method of analysis and synthesis to examine a wide range of issues in the field of customs law, including legal frameworks, customs procedures and customs security. The author provides an in-depth analysis of international agreements, conventions and standards, as well as technological innovations that affect the customs sector.

The research has shown that globalisation and technological advances are creating new challenges for customs services, including the need to harmonise customs laws and procedures internationally. The use of artificial intelligence, blockchain, and automation can improve the efficiency of customs control. At the same time, customs security requires stronger controls to counter smuggling and other illegal activities, which is becoming more challenging as international trade volumes grow.

The author concludes that it is important to integrate technological and legal innovations into customs practice to ensure the efficiency, security and transparency of customs procedures. He also points to the need for international cooperation to harmonise customs rules and procedures, which is key to facilitating global trade and economic integration. The development and implementation of the latest technologies, although requiring significant investment and staff training, is considered key to optimising customs processes and increasing their efficiency.

Key words: customs law, customs security, technological innovations, transnational crimes, international customs law, international trade.


The modern world has a constant development of the global economy, which is directly related to customs law and customs challenges. On the one hand, customs procedures are a fundamental element that ensures the regulation and security of transnational trade. On the other hand, they can create barriers and complexities that require innovative approaches to optimise and simplify trade processes.

Today's customs challenges cover a wide range of issues, from the application of tariff and non-tariff regulations to combating illegal trade and ensuring compliance with international standards. In this context, innovations - both technological and legal - are becoming a crucial factor contributing to the efficiency of customs operations and strengthening the international trading system.

The relevance of this research lies in the rapid dynamics of globalisation processes that continuously affect international trade and customs procedures. This applies not only to economic, but also to political, technological and social aspects of global relations.

The efficiency and flexibility of customs processes affect not only the speed and cost of international trade, but also the stability of economic systems at the macro and micro levels.

This will allow to identify current problems and challenges, as well as to predict possible directions of global trade development and relevant customs strategies for the future.

Such a research is of great importance for both scholars and practitioners in the field of international trade, customs policy and legislation. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to analyse current customs challenges and to identify relevant legal and technological innovations that will contribute to global trade development and overcome customs challenges. Based on the purpose of the study, the author focused on the following research tasks:

• to review current challenges in the field of customs law and global trade;

• to explore the existing international legal acts regulating customs activities and their significance for Ukraine;

• to identify legal gaps and problems that impede effective customs regulation;

• to propose ways to solve legal challenges in the field of customs law;

• to consider modern technological solutions and innovations used in the customs sphere;

• to assess the effectiveness and potential of innovations to address customs challenges;

• to study challenges in the field of customs security and identify ways to overcome;

• to analyse potential future trends in global trade and their impact on customs activities.

Methodology. The author uses the method of analysis and synthesis to study the current challenges in customs law and global trade. This method includes a review and analysis of a wide range of issues, such as the use of innovative technologies, international legal regulations, combating illegal trade and compliance with international standards. In addition, this method is used to analyse the impact of innovative technologies on improving the efficiency of customs control, speeding up procedures and helping to simplify customs clearance.

The legal method was also applied to analyse international legal norms and agreements governing customs activities. In particular, to review international standards forming the basis for customs procedures and policies in different jurisdictions. The purpose of such analysis is to ensure harmonisation of customs rules and procedures, reduce trade barriers and ensure effective control over international trade. This method is also used in the process of identifying legal challenges in customs activities and ways to overcome them through the harmonisation of legal norms.

The systemic method is used to study a wide range of aspects of customs activities, including the legal framework, customs procedures and customs security. The author analyses these components as interrelated elements that together form a comprehensive picture of the current challenges in the field of customs law.

Analysis of current customs challenges in the global context

Globalisation is opening up new horizons for international trade, expanding its scope, but also creating challenges for customs authorities. At the same time, it is necessary to make customs processes more efficient and simpler to ensure uninterrupted trade flow while complying with international security and anti-trafficking standards.

The legal aspects of customs challenges are also important. In general, they represent a complex set of issues that arise in the field of international trade regulation and customs administration. Legal aspects include the legal regulation of customs tariffs, declaration procedures, control and inspections. They also cover international agreements and conventions that set standards for customs regulation and promote the harmonisation of customs rules. In particular, different countries have different customs legislation, which creates difficulties for international trade. There is a need for harmonisation of customs laws and procedures at the international level to ensure the smooth flow of cross-border transactions. For example, Ukrainian researcher O. S. Nagorichna also emphasises the need for a "balanced state policy in the customs sphere" (Nagorichna, 2019). Such aspects are crucial as they determine the framework within which customs procedures take place and affect the efficiency and transparency of customs control.

The development of customs procedures is significantly influenced by technological advances, in particular by such emerging technologies as artificial intelligence, blockchain and automation. Such technologies offer solutions to improve the efficiency of customs control, but at the same time require significant financial investment and reform of existing customs systems.

Customs security remains one of our top priorities. It covers measures to ensure the security of the supply chain and includes actions against smuggling and violations of customs rules that are directly related to the security of foreign trade (Clark et al, 2022). It reflects the state of customs interests in the context of imports and exports. This division of security into separate categories is relatively arbitrary, as this classification is constantly evolving and refining, with all its elements being closely interrelated (Krysovatyi et al, 2020). Customs security includes countering illegal trade, drug and arms smuggling, terrorist threats. However, enhanced security often requires more controls and inspections, which can slow down trade and increase costs. As Ukrainian researcher K. I. Novikova notes: "Customs security is characterised by a large number of criteria, qualitative and quantitative indicators, which, in the process of their evaluation and analysis of the results obtained, will allow to establish the level of effectiveness of ensuring the customs interests of the state. Customs researchers emphasise the importance of developing a system of customs security criteria and emphasise that it should be based on the performance indicators of the customs authorities" (Novikova, 2012).

Thus, the main current challenges to customs law and global trade include three areas: legal framework; customs procedures; and customs security. Each of these aspects is important for maintaining a balance between effective customs regulation and combating transnational crime. All these aspects are interrelated, and their effective management requires a comprehensive approach that includes constant updating of legislation, innovative technological solutions and international cooperation. Difficulties in customs regulation can lead to disruptions in supply chains, increasing costs and delays in the delivery of goods. This is especially important in the context of growing global interdependence and market integration. At the same time, the need to overcome customs challenges is driving innovation and the search for new technological solutions.

Legal regulation of customs activities and proposals for solving legal aspects of customs challenges

International legal regulation of customs activities is a key element of global trade management. The main goal of this regulation is to ensure harmonisation of customs rules and procedures, reduce trade barriers and ensure effective control over international trade. As R. Lemekha points out: "...the norms of international treaties, principles of international law are the basis of the theoretical and methodological foundations of customs regimes..." (Lemekha, 2020).

International law encompasses a wide range of international legal norms that play an important role in regulating customs activities at the global level. These norms are designed to harmonise and simplify customs clearance and control procedures.

Through international agreements states establish common standards for customs procedures. Such unification provides greater predictability and transparency in international trade, as well as reduces administrative and time costs. In addition, international legal norms are aimed at ensuring compliance with international security standards, combating smuggling and ensuring effective customs control.

In general, these legal norms play a key role in creating an effective, transparent and secure customs system at the global level, which contributes to the development of international trade and economic integration of countries. There are a large number of such international legal acts that cannot be exhaustively described in this article, but we will focus on a number of the most important for international customs trade and, in particular, those that are important for Ukraine.

The first to be mentioned is the Trade Facilitation Agreement, 2013, adopted under the auspices of the WTO. This document is aimed at reducing bureaucratic obstacles and facilitating faster and more efficient trade between member countries (Agreement on Trade Facilitation, 2013).

Analyses show that full implementation of the Agreement could reduce total trade costs by about 14.3% and contribute to the growth of global trade turnover by up to USD 1 trillion annually. Low-income countries will benefit from this implementation in particular.

This is the first time in the WTO's history that the implementation of the Agreement is directly dependent on a country's ability to meet these requirements. Ukraine ratified the relevant Agreement in 2015 according to the Law of Ukraine "On Ratification of the Protocol Amending the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organisation" (On Ratification of the Protocol Amending the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organisation, 2015). For Ukraine, as WTO member, this Agreement is important as it helps to simplify customs procedures, reducing trade barriers and promoting more open access to international markets.

It is also worth paying attention to the International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, 1983. The Convention establishes a unified system of classification of goods, promoting standardisation of customs declaration and processing (International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, 1983). Ukraine ratified the convention in 2002 by a Decree of the President of Ukraine (On Ukraine's accession to the International Convention on the Harmonized System of Description and Coding of Goods, 2002). It is very important for Ukraine because the harmonization of customs coding is critical for Ukraine, as it simplifies international trade and exports, allowing Ukrainian enterprises to integrate more easily into the global economy.

Considering the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, 1989, we note that it is aimed at regulating and controlling the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and their assistance or treatment in the participating countries. The Convention provides a clear definition of hazardous waste and also prohibits the illegal transboundary movement of hazardous wastes (Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, 1989).

The next international legal instruments to be mentioned are those of the regional level, in particular the Convention on a Common Transit Procedure, 1987. This is an agreement between the European Union and a number of other countries on common procedures for the international transit of goods, which simplifies the movement of goods across international borders. This Convention is important for countries engaged in transit trade because it promotes efficiency and reduces administrative costs (Convention on a Common Transit Procedure, 1987). Ukraine acceded to this Convention recently, in 2022, although the international legal act itself was adopted a long time ago (On Ukraine's accession to the Convention on a Common Transit Procedure, 2022). This demonstrates the relevance of the issue for Ukraine. It was adopted as part of the policy of adapting Ukrainian law to EU legislation.

In general, the issue of harmonization of EU and national legislation is important for Ukraine today. A key element of bringing Ukrainian custom legislation due to the EU standards include the following: facilitation of customs procedures and trade support; introduction of the latest technologies for customs control; significant simplification of customs formalities for business etc. (Lemekha, 2020).

The process of adapting Ukrainian customs legislation to EU standards requires a cautious approach and a deep understanding of Ukraine's specifics. It is important to avoid copying of norms, as each country has its own unique legal, economic and social characteristics.

Direct transposition of legislation without taking into account these peculiarities may lead to legal gaps and additional problems that will complicate the effective regulation of customs relations.

The author divides the legal gaps and problems that impede effective customs regulation into several key issues, in particular: incompatibility of provisions of national and international legal acts; obsolescence of some legal norms or their absence; lack of international coordination; and shortcomings in the implementation of customs legislation.

The incompatibility of provisions between national and international legal acts is one of the key obstacles to effective customs regulation. For example, states may have different legal traditions and systems, which makes it difficult to create unified international rules. Even when international standards and norms are formally adopted at the national level, they can be interpreted and applied differently depending on the specifics of the national legal system, creating legal uncertainty.

Such discrepancies are a very urgent issue and need to be resolved. Among the ways to overcome it is advisable to apply harmonization of legislation. Countries can develop or improve their customs legislation so that it complies with international obligations and norms, which implies harmonization of definitions, regulations, and procedures.

The only problem that remains unresolved is the inability to control the exact fulfillment of the requirements by a particular country. A practical border is the blocking of border crossings between Ukraine and Poland by Polish carriers. They put forward a number of demands, namely: to cancel the European Union's decision of March 2022 on free access to the EU transportation market for Ukraine; to restore transportation permits with Ukraine in the ratio of 60% for Polish carriers and 40% for Ukrainian representatives, etc. (Kniazhytskyi, 2023).

The European Commission has notified Poland that if the blockade continues, it is ready to impose penalties for violations of European law, but this has not happened yet. In general, the problem of the lack of sanctions in international law often leads to situations where a certain party does not agree with international norms and commits violations of them and, due to the lack of sanctions, cannot be punished. The only possible solution to such problems is to apply sanctions directly. However, while this is still somehow possible within certain organizations, it is practically impossible at the global level.

Therefore, the issue of imposing sanctions for violations will always be open. In addition, economic issues often affect the interests of many states, and sometimes the entire region, so they also cannot always be resolved by "punishment." States prefer to negotiate and make concessions, which may eventually lead to "selective" application of international legal norms.

The next issue is the problem of some customs regulations being outdated or even non-existent, which is a serious challenge for many countries and international organizations.

This problem can arise for various reasons, such as rapid changes in trade practices, technological innovations, and geopolitical circumstances (Denysenko, 2018). To overcome this problem, states should periodically review their customs legislation and make the necessary changes to take into account current realities. This may include improving customs procedures, establishing new rules and requirements, and ensuring compliance with international standards.

The author further highlighted the problem of lack of international coordination in the field of customs law. For example, a certain company assembles cars and uses certain parts that contain different chemicals. Each country has its own standards and requirements for the content of these chemicals in goods. This can lead to delays in deliveries, increased costs of meeting various requirements, and complications in trade. Cooperation between countries at the diplomatic level is key to solving this problem. The overall goal is to ensure a common approach to customs law and procedures to support global trade and prevent trade barriers.

Thus, legal gaps and conflicts between international and national customs regulations can lead to trade barriers and obstacles for business. However, overcoming these problems through harmonization of standards, international cooperation, and adaptation of national legislation are key to creating a favorable environment for trade.

Modern technological solutions and innovations in the customs industry: importance, problems and solutions

Contemporary technological solutions and innovations in the customs industry play an important role in improving customs procedures, ensuring customs security and supporting global trade.

The introduction of artificial intelligence, blockchain, and automation allows for more accurate and faster detection of violations and smuggling, which contributes to customs security. In addition, these technologies help businesses simplify customs clearance procedures and reduce administrative costs. For example, blockchain technology is used to create a secure and invalidable transaction log. In the customs sector, this can be used to record and track customs documents and transactions. It also simplifies the exchange of data between customs and other parties.

The use of artificial intelligence in customs allows automating the processes of analyzing and verifying documents and cargo. Artificial intelligence can recognize unusual or suspicious shipments, which helps fight smuggling and ensures higher customs security. In addition, the use of robots and drones allows customs to conduct inspections and inspections of hard-to-reach or dangerous locations, ensuring effective control and security. The use of robotic systems also intersects with the issue of security at customs, and will be discussed later in the article.

Electronic declaration and common platforms are also important. This allows businesses to submit customs declarations and documents electronically, which speeds up processing by customs.

It also reduces the risk of errors and improves data accuracy. For example, we can look to the experience of Italy. This country uses an automated risk management information system at the customs, which is based on an online connection between the customs inspector and the central computer system and the receipt of an automatic decision on which all further actions are based.

The risk can be objective if it depends on the characteristics of the goods, and subjective if it is based on the characteristics of a particular foreign trade participant. The system uses three levels of risk: low, medium, and high. If a decision is made (automatically) to send a low-risk declaration, the goods are released into free circulation immediately after payment of customs duties. Approximately 75% of goods go through customs clearance and customs control through the green corridor, 20% through the yellow corridor, and 5% through the red corridor (Slastyonenko et al., 2022). This approach greatly simplifies and speeds up customs control and customs procedures.

However, there are problems associated with the introduction of the latest technologies in customs. First, it requires significant financial investments in the purchase and development of software and hardware. Second, it is necessary to train customs services and personnel to use new technologies correctly. Thirdly, there are data protection and privacy issues related to the processing of large amounts of information.

Ways to solve these problems include cooperation between countries and international organizations in the exchange of experience and best practices in the implementation of technological innovations. It is also important to consider public-private partnerships to provide funding and technical support for customs innovation projects. trade legal field blockchain international

Thus, Ukrainian researchers O. Slastyonenko, S. Korniichuk and K. Naumenko emphasize: "We believe that modern information technologies and robotic systems for checking goods and vehicles using artificial intelligence technology will cover customs control of all flows of goods and vehicles, which will ensure highly efficient and effective functioning of customs regimes" (Slastyonenko et al., 2022).

The relevant experience can be applied to Ukraine. In particular, it is advisable to use the maximum automation of customs procedures during customs clearance and customs control, including the use of artificial intelligence technologies to ensure the efficiency and accuracy of compliance with customs rules. In addition, it would be advisable to minimize the role of the State Customs Service of Ukraine in the decision-making process regarding the clearance of goods across the customs border in order to reduce the possibility of corruption risks and ensure objectivity in identifying violations of customs legislation by foreign business entities.

Challenges in ensuring customs security and ways to overcome them

Customs security in the modern world is of great interest and is one of the most important components of national and international security. Violations of customs rules, smuggling, transnational criminal groups and other factors can pose a serious threat to the economy, public health and safety of citizens. Foreign economic security and customs security are important components of economic security in particular and national security of Ukraine in general (Levko, 2015). Therefore, the author identifies customs security as one of the challenges in the modern sphere of global trade.

Among the challenges in the field of customs security, the growth of international trade should be noted first of all. Moreover, transnational crimes pose a significant threat.

They are particularly dangerous in the modern world because of their scale and global nature. First, these crimes often operate across national borders, making them difficult to detect and stop. Secondly, transnational crimes can relate to various areas, such as smuggling, drug trafficking, cybercrime, human trafficking, etc., and have the potential to negatively impact various aspects of society.

Finally, corruption is a threat. It is closely linked to cross-border crime and can lead to customs services being bribed or losing their independence, allowing illegal transnational criminal organizations to cross borders with illicit goods. Also, corruption can contribute to the loss of control over customs and violations of customs regulations, which creates an enabling environment for illegal activities.

The strategy for overcoming challenges in customs security may include several areas. First of all, it is the introduction of modern technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and automation in the customs system to facilitate control and detection of violations.

The introduction of modern scanning technologies, including the use of X-ray and other types of scanners to effectively detect illegal goods, can significantly improve the security situation at customs and speed up inspection procedures. For example, the introduction of automated scanning systems at major customs points, which allow for quick and efficient inspection of goods without the need to physically unpack them. Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms can also be effectively used to analyze customs data and identify suspicious transactions. In general, technology development trends indicate that the relevant algorithms will soon be used on a massive scale, so it is worth working on their application at customs as soon as possible and in more detail.

Cybersecurity should also be included in the customs security strategy. In particular, it is necessary to ensure the protection of customs databases by implementing fortified cybersecurity systems to protect sensitive data. Regular system audits and updates should also be conducted to ensure that security protocols are constantly monitored and updated.

For example, it is advisable to establish encrypted connections for the transfer of customs data between different departments and organizations to prevent information leakage and cyber-attacks. In the same context, intellectual property protection can be achieved by organizing training programs on intellectual property rights for customs officers and working closely with companies to effectively detect and confiscate counterfeit goods. In particular, a mobile application could be developed for customs officers that allows them to quickly check goods for IPR infringement by scanning barcodes and using databases of counterfeit goods.

Thus, ensuring customs security in the modern world requires an integrated approach that combines advanced technology, education and international cooperation.

Trends in global trade and their impact on customs activities

Taking into account the changes already taking place in the international area, this analysis will provide a deeper understanding of how potential future developments may affect the customs sector. It is important to consider these trends in the context of the existing challenges and strategies outlined earlier to provide a comprehensive view of the future of customs and its role in the global economy.

Thus, when analyzing future trends in global trade, there are several key areas that will have a significant impact on customs activities:

1) digitalization and automation, in particular, the growth of e-commerce and the use of digital technologies in logistics and delivery processes. As O. Bohashko rightly notes: "The main factor behind the growth of the e-commerce sector is the steady inflow of new Internet users, in particular, due to users of mobile devices (smartphones and tablets). In addition, it is expected that in the near future there will be a significant increase in the number of purchases, including due to increased price competition between players" (Bohashko, 2019).

In view of this, customs authorities will have to adapt to new forms of trade, which will require the introduction of more sophisticated digital systems to handle large amounts of data and speedy processing of customs declarations.

2) Globalization of supply chains, which is manifested in the expansion of international supply chains and an increase in cross-border transactions. The WTO has repeatedly emphasized the need for the complete elimination of non-tariff barriers, but most countries continue to use them widely. Today, non-tariff barriers are the most effective weapon of discrimination and blocking access to markets (Vatagovych, 2017).

In the case of customs activities, this requires improving international cooperation and information exchange between customs services of different countries to ensure effective control and prevention of customs violations. In addition, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of customs logistics and infrastructure in terms of optimal location, technical equipment, functional and technological operation, and structural and organizational functioning (Hutsul et al., 2022).

3) Increasing the role of cybersecurity. Thus, the growing dependence on digital systems leads to an increased risk of cyberattacks. Customs authorities collect and process large amounts of sensitive data, including personal information, financial data, and information on trade transactions. Effectively protecting this data from unauthorized access and cybercriminals is key to maintaining trust in the customs system. Customs agencies will have to invest in strengthening cybersecurity and developing measures to protect sensitive data.

Thus, it can be stated that the future of customs activities will be highly dependent on technological innovation and digitalization. The growth of cyber threats will require a significant strengthening of cybersecurity measures in customs departments. International cooperation and harmonization of standards will be key to effectively regulating the increased volume of international trade. Adaptation to global economic changes will also be necessary to ensure the stability and efficiency of customs procedures in the future.


Therefore, customs law in the modern world faces significant challenges and gaps that need to be addressed immediately. Globalization and the growth of international trade pose complex challenges to customs authorities and legal systems in terms of simplifying customs procedures, ensuring customs security and implementing the latest technologies.

Legal deficiencies and inconsistencies between international and national customs regulations can create trade barriers and hinder business. However, addressing these issues through the alignment of standards, international cooperation, and the adaptation of national legislation is critical to creating a favorable climate for trade. It is also important to take into account the peculiarities of each country and avoid mindless copying of norms, adapting them to specific needs and conditions. The introduction of the latest technologies in customs control requires financial investment and reform of customs systems, but it also contributes to increased trade efficiency and security.

The elimination of legal deficiencies and the reform of customs law are important tasks to ensure stability, fairness and efficiency in the global customs area. It is only through joint efforts and cooperation that these challenges can be successfully addressed and global trade can develop to the benefit of all participants.

Modern technologies, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and automation, are essential to improving the efficiency of customs control. They allow for quick and accurate detection of violations and smuggling, and help optimize customs procedures.

To summarize, the analysis of current customs challenges shows that they are complex and multifaceted, requiring a comprehensive approach and international coordination. Only through joint efforts and innovative solutions can a balance be achieved between ensuring security, efficiency and facilitating global trade.

Prospects for further research are manifested in a more in-depth study of the impact of globalization on customs processes, with a special emphasis on transnational trade flows and security. In addition, future research should focus on an analytical review of international legal norms, including a detailed analysis of international treaties, agreements and conventions governing customs activities in order to identify their impact on national legislative systems and opportunities for their unification.


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Іван Присяжнюк,

доцент кафедри кримінального права, процесу та криміналістики Київського університету інтелектуальної власності та права Національного університету "Одеська юридична академія", доктор юридичний наук

Стаття аналізує сучасні виклики у сфері митного права та глобальної торгівлі, з акцентом на вплив глобалізації та технологічного розвитку, а також міжнародно-правового регулювання. Дослідження зосереджується на визначенні важливих правових та технологічних інновацій, що можуть сприяти глобальному розвитку торгівлі та подоланню митних викликів, а також на аналізі міжнародно-правових актів, що регулюють митну діяльність, і їх значення для України. Автор статті досліджує такі митні виклики: правові прогалини та суперечності; митна безпека; інновації та технології. На підставі цього, запропоновано шляхи вирішення викликів у галузі митного права. У статті здійснено оцінку ефективності та потенціалу інновацій для вирішення митних викликів. Автор також зосередив увагу на перспективах подальшого розвитку глобальної торгівлі та впливу цього на митну діяльність держав.

Автор використовує метод аналізу та синтезу для розгляду широкого спектра питань у галузі митного права, включаючи правові рамки, митні процедури та митну безпеку. Автор здійснює глибокий аналіз міжнародних угод, конвенцій та стандартів, а також технологічних інновацій, які впливають на митну сферу.

Дослідження виявило, що глобалізація та технологічний прогрес створюють нові виклики для митних служб, включаючи необхідність гармонізації митних законів та процедур на міжнародному рівні. Використання штучного інтелекту, блокчейну та автоматизації може підвищити ефективність митного контролю. Водночас, митна безпека вимагає посилення контролю для протидії контрабанді та іншим незаконним діям, що стає складнішим через зростання обсягів міжнародної торгівлі .

Автор дійшов до висновку про важливість інтеграції технологічних та правових інновацій у митну практику для забезпечення ефективності, безпеки та прозорості митних процедур. Він також вказує на необхідність міжнародної співпраці для гармонізації митних правил та процедур, що є ключовим для сприяння глобальній торгівлі та економічній інтеграції країн. Автор наголошує на значущості митної безпеки як критичного елемента національної та міжнародної безпеки, з огляду на її роль у запобіганні транснаціональним злочинам та контрабанді. Розвиток і впровадження новітніх технологій, хоча й вимагає значних інвестицій та навчання персоналу, вважається ключовим для оптимізації митних процесів та підвищення їх ефективності.

Ключові слова: митне право, митна безпека, технологічні інновації, транснаціональні злочини, міжнародне митне право, міжнародна торгівля.

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