International Organizations in Preventing and Countering International Terrorism

Analysis of the international system of combating international terrorism. The role of international organizations in countering international terrorism. A complex of anti-terrorism measures. Cooperation of international organizations in this field.

Рубрика Международные отношения и мировая экономика
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International Organizations in Preventing and Countering International Terrorism

Fedir Khodko Postgraduate student of the Department of Political Science and Law, Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University in Poltava

This article analyzes the international system of combating international terrorism, which is based on the principles of prevention, detection and termination of acts of terrorism, elimination or minimization of the consequences that may occur as a result of their implementation. Determining the role of international organizations in preventing and countering international terrorism proves that with the spread of state terrorism, the functions of international organizations in this area require rethinking. It is argued that combating international terrorism through participation in international organizations requires interstate, intergovernmental and interagency levels of such international cooperation. In general, the fight against terrorism involves the implementation of a set of special measures of an ec o- nomic, political, legal, operational, organizational, technical and other nature, aimed at eliminating, weakening or neutralizing the conditions and factors that contribute to the implementation of acts of terrorism; prevention, detection and termination of such crimes, registration and disclosure (search for criminals) and investigation of crimes; administration of criminal justice and other purposes. This goal is most effectively achieved through the comprehensive (mutually complementary) application of measures at the domestic and international levels.

It has been established that with the strengthening of globalization processes, international interagency cooperation plays an increasingly important role in the fight against terrorism, as the development of such cooperation is determined by objective needs.

Keywords: international terrorism, international organizations, international fight against terrorism, international cooperation.

Міжнародні організації у запобіганні та протидії міжнародному тероризму

international organization terrorism

В даній статі проаналізовано міжнародну систему протидії міжнародному тероризму, яка ґрунтується на принципах попередження, виявлення та припинення актів тероризму, ліквідації або мінімізації наслідків, які можуть настати в результаті їх здійснення. Визначення ролі міжнародних організацій у запобіганні та протидії міжнародному тероризму доводить, що з поширенням державного тероризму функції міжнародних організацій у цій сфері потребують переосмислення. Аргументовано, що протидія міжнародному тероризму через залучення до участі в міжнародних організаціях передбачає міждержавний, міжурядовий і міжвідомчий рівні такої міжнародної співпраці. У цілому боротьба з тероризмом передбачає здійснення комплексу спеціальних заходів економічного, політичного, правового, оперативного, організаційного, технічного та іншого характеру, спрямованих на усунення, послаблення або нейтралізацію умов і чинників, сприяючих здійсненню актів тероризму; попередження, виявлення й припинення таких злочинів, реєстрацію та розкриття (розшук злочинців) і розслідування злочинів; здійснення кримінального правосуддя та інші цілі. Найрезультативніше ця мета досягається шляхом комплексного (взаємодоповнюючого) застосування заходів внутрішньодержавного й міжнародного рівнів. Залежно від просторового розмаху, зокрема кола учасників, які залучені до боротьби з тероризмом, ця діяльність здійснюється на внутрішньодержавному й міжнародному (загальному), регіональному (субрегіональному) і двосторонньому рівнях.

Встановлено, що з посиленням процесів глобалізації, міжнародна міжвідомча співпраця відіграє усе більш важливу роль у боротьбі з тероризмом, оскільки розвиток такої співпраці визначається об'єктивними потребами. Міжнародна боротьба з тероризмом включає співпрацю один з одним в обміні відповідною інформацією щодо запобігання тероризму та боротьби з ним; докладання спільних зусиль для запобігання та припинення терористичних актів; недопущення та припинення використання своєї території для підготовки будь -яких терористичних актів; запобігання фінансуванню діяльності терористів і терористичних організацій; розширення співробітництва у боротьбі з міжнародним тероризмом шляхом укладання спеціальних міжнародних договорів та їх швидкої реалізації; приведення внутрішнього законодавства у відповідність до міжнародних договорів у сфері боротьби з міжнародним тероризмом; надання один одному всебічної допомоги у зв'язку з розслідуванням кримінальних справ або кримінальним переслідуванням у разі терористичного акту; запобігання переміщенню терористів або терористичних груп через державні кордони.

Ключові слова: міжнародний тероризм, міжнародні організації, міжнародна боротьба з тероризмом, міжнародне співробітництво.

Statement of the problem

Characterizing the state of scientific development of the above- mentioned issues, it should be noted that international terrorism as a criminal encroachment on the international legal order or objects that enjoy international protection, as well as individual, individually targeted terrorist acts that spread to the territory of more than one state, in modern conditions of globalization has become into the problem of the entire world community.

International organizations play an important role in the governance and reform of the security se c- tor. They provide information and advice; increase safety awareness; fund training, programs and projects on many important issues such as technical skills, security sector governance, oversight, and integrity building. International organizations also play a leadership role in the rule-making process, ensuring accountability and the rule of law. In addition, they provide a channel of communication between governments and society, as well as between different countries, other international bodies and actors involved in security governance and reform. Today, international organizations are undoubtedly one of the key actors in world politics and international relations, performing a number of important functions.

Recent research and publications analysis. Despite the sufficient interest in the problem of combating terrorism by scientists and practitioners, a whole complex of issues of administrative and legal support for combating terrorism still remains outside their attention. Such an attitude towards this problem caused the low activity of scientists in various spheres of activity, as well as subjects of rule - making regarding the development of means of counteraction to this negative phenomenon. It should be noted that for ten years there has been an opinion about the possibility of using exclusively criminal legal measures for such countermeasures, however, the position about the need for a comprehensive approach using all available means is becoming more and more widespread.

Scientific works of V. Antipenko, M. Gutsalo, E. Kozhushko, D. Olshanskyi. I. Pronoza and others are devoted to the analysis of the main directions of modern political terrorism. They investigate the motives of terrorists' actions, the ideological roots of terrorism - social, psychological, worldview. Scientists analyze certain aspects of the process of transformation of extremism into political terrorism.

An in-depth analysis of the causes of the emergence and growth of terrorism is given by a number of foreign scientists. Such researchers include U. Bek, E. Giddens, B. Grosscap, M. Crenshaw, W. Lacker, N. Livingston, S. Lombroso, M. Funke, B. Hoffman, S. Schmal, A. Schmidt. They focus their attention on the role of the state in the emergence and implementation of political terrorism, the influence of political and economic processes on the content and direction of terrorist activity.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the activities and features of international organizations' methods of combating international terrorism. The specified goal involves the following tasks: to consider the phenomenon of terrorism in the context of globalization; to analyze the significance and specificity of activities of international organizations in the fight against terrorism; familiarize yourself with the main conventions and agreements created to reduce the impact of terrorism on the world community.

Basic material of the research

Russia's military aggression against Ukraine has added a new urgency to the need for more active integration of our country into the present system of international cooperation in preventing and countering international terrorism. The international system of combating international terrorism is based on the principles of prevention, detection and cessation of acts of terrorism, elimination or minimization of the consequences that may occur as a result of their implementation. In general, the fight against terrorism involves the implementation of the set of special measures of economic, political, legal, operational, organizational, technical, and other nature, aimed at eliminating, weakening or neutralizing the conditions and factors contributing to acts of terrorism; prevention, detection and cessation of such crimes, registration and solution (search of criminals) and investigation of crimes; administration of criminal justice, and other purposes. This goal is most effectively achieved through the comprehensive (complementary) application of measures at the domestic and international levels.

Depending on the spatial scope, in particular the range of participants involved in the fight against terrorism, these activities are carried out at the domestic and international (general), regional (subregional), and bilateral levels. The functioning of the system of international fight against terrorism is ensured by: unequivocal condemnation of all acts, methods, and practices of terrorism as criminal and unjustifiable, wherever they are carried out, and whoever commits them; inadmissibility of justification of acts of terrorism, regardless of political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other considerations of the persons who commit them; uncompromising fight against international terrorism in all its forms and manifestations; enhancement of international cooperation between states and international organizations to prevent, cease, and eliminate all forms of international terrorism; ensuring, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties and domestic law, the detention and prosecution or extradition of persons who have committed or assist in the commission of terrorist acts; refusal to grant asylum to persons engaged in or assisting in terrorist activities; inadmissibility of participation by states in organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in terrorist acts in another state or facilitating organizational activities aimed at committing such acts within its territory.

The international fight against terrorism includes cooperating in the exchange of relevant information regarding the prevention and combating of terrorism; making concerted efforts to prevent and cease terrorist acts; preventing and stopping the use of its territory for the preparation of any acts of terrorism; preventing the financing of activities of terrorists and terrorist organizations; enhancing cooperation in the area of combating international terrorism by concluding special international treaties and promptly implementing them; bringing domestic legislation into line with international treaties in the area of combating international terrorism; providing each other with comprehensive assistance in the course of criminal investigations or criminal prosecution in the event of a terrorist act; preventing the movement of terrorists or terrorist groups across state borders Антипенко, В. (2012). Боротьба з сучасним тероризмом: міжнародно-правові підходи. «ЮНОНА-М», Київ, 356 с..

International cooperation is one of the important components of the international fight against terrorism. It is also a system of measures that, although still not effective enough, are constantly being refined. At the same time, the main goal of the system is to protect the vital interests of states and their citizens from threats of various manifestations of terrorism, which is implemented through the cooperation of states, international organizations, and other actors on the international scene. The interaction between the states involves, first of all, cooperation based on the pursuit of a joint fight against criminal acts that threaten their security.

Several levels of such international cooperation can be distinguished: interstate, intergovernmental, and interdepartmental. Specifically, the heads of states determine the focal areas of the domestic and foreign policy of their countries in the area of combating terrorism. They represent states in international relations, including when concluding interstate treaties. Governments and their heads take actions to implement foreign policy in this area and conclude international, intergovernmental, and, in some cases, interstate treaties. At the same time, the main burden in the international fight against terrorism rests with law enforcement agencies authorized by the states, whose competence includes a wider range of tasks in this matter. In accordance with national legislation, the authority to participate in international cooperation and conclude international treaties of an interdepartmental nature is often delegated to such agencies. It should be noted that international interdepartmental cooperation plays an ever-increasing role in the fight against terrorism, since the development of such cooperation is determined by objective needs Ліпкан В. (2002). Боротьба з тероризмом. Знання України, Київ, 254 с..

International cooperation in the area of combating terrorism takes place by means of concluding international treaties, developing other international documents in this area; adopting national normative legal acts aimed at implementing the international obligations of states; mutual exchange of information; joint activities to detect, prevent, cease, and solve crimes, search for criminals; providing mutual assistance in the area of criminal justice; sharing experience, legislative and regulatory acts; mutual exchange of special technical and other means; assistance in training, retraining and advance training of personnel competence level; conducting joint scientific research, sharing the results of independent research, and other mutually acceptable forms.

The international fight against terrorism is conducted within land, water, and air territories. The specifics of this fight are determined by the various international legal statuses and legal regimes of these spaces. In addition to states, universal international intergovernmental organizations (UN, IMO, IAEA, WHO) are significant contributors to the fight against terrorism. They solve a wide variety of tasks in this area, from the development of draft international treaties to the implementation of specific measures to combat terrorism. A large number of international treaties against terrorism were signed under their auspices. However, the UN and its bodies play the most important role among international organizations.

The UN uses the most diverse forms of international cooperation in the interest of developing measures to combat terrorism. International congresses have become one of the most effective means to share experience. The Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, held in Havana from 27 August to 7 September 1990, focused directly on the problem of combating international terrorism. At this congress, the “Measures against international terro r- ism” were adopted. This document contains provisions related to the issue of defining the term “inte r- national terrorism”; identifies the problems in the area of combating this illegal phenomenon; specifies the measures aimed at intensifying international cooperation to ensure effective and uniform preve n- tion of terrorism and combating it; marks the potential targets of high vulnerability; emphasizes the non-applicability of justifications; considers the issues of jurisdiction, extradition, mutual assistance, control of weapons, ammunition and explosives, the protection of the judiciary and of criminal justice personnel, the protection of victims of acts of terrorism and the protection of witnesses, the treatment of offenders, codification of international criminal law, as well as enhancing the effectiveness of international cooperation; and clarifies the role of the mass media Біленчук П., Сав'юк О. (2010). Тероризм - глобальна проблема людства. Юридичний вісник України, 39(587), с. 4-5..

Ukraine takes actions aimed at confirming the central and coordinating role of the United Nations in the realm of international cooperation in the area of combating terrorism, the unfailing implementation of the resolutions of the UN Security Council and the provisions of universal conventions in this area, and at the effective implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy adopted by the UN General Assembly in September 2006. Regional treaties in the area of combating international terrorism concluded within the regional international organizations, as a rule, detail universal international treaties, establishing specific rules for the interaction of states and their competent bodies. Specifically, the European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism of 1977, concluded in Strasbourg within Europe, in addition to the definition of acts that are criminal, covers the issue of extradition of persons who committed these acts, mutual legal assistance, and a number of other issues.

The Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism (Shanghai, 15 June 2001) also puts stress on international interdepartmental cooperation. According to its provisions, the competent authorities shall cooperate and assist each other through: exchanging information; executing requests concerning operational search actions; developing and implementing agreed measures to prevent, identify and suppress acts referred to in this Convention, as well as informing each other of the results of their implementation; implementing measures to prevent, identify and suppressin their territories, acts referred to in this Convention, that are aimed against other parties; implementing measures to prevent, identify and suppress financing, supplies of weapons and ammunition or any other forms of assistance to any person or organization for the purpose of committing terrorist acts; implementing measures to prevent, identify, suppress or prohibit the activities aimed at training individuals for the purpose of committing terrorist acts; reaching, upon mutual consent of the parties, agreements on other forms of cooperation, including, as appropriate, practical assistance in suppressing terrorist acts and mitigating consequences thereof. Such agreements shall be formalized in appropriate protocols that shall form an integral part of this Convention Антипенко, В. (2012). Там само..

According to the 2001 Convention, the parties shall exchange information on preparations to commit acts aimed against heads of state or other statesmen, personnel of diplomatic missions, consular services, and international organizations, as well as other persons under international protection and participants in governmental visits, international and governmental political, sports, and other events. Information on organizations, groups, and individuals preparing or committing acts referred to in this Convention or otherwise participating in those acts, including their purposes, objectives, ties, and other information, shall be exchanged. The same applies to the communication of information on illicit manufacturing, procurement, storage, transfer, movement, sales, or use of strong poisonous substances, explosives, radioactive materials, weapons, explosive devices, firearms, ammunition, nuclear, chemical, biological, or other types of weapons of mass destruction, as well as materials and equipment that can be used for their production, for the purpose of committing terrorist acts; forms, met hods, and means of committing crimes. In order to deprive terrorists of funding, the parties to this international treaty shall exchange information on the identified or suspected sources of financing of the crimes committed.

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) plays a prominent role in developing measures to prevent acts of unlawful interference in the activities of civil aviation and controlling implementation thereof. This organization has developed a number of aviation standards, as well as draft international treaties on air transport safety. In September 2002, the ICAO aviation security action plan was adopted, which provides for a set of measures to protect air transport facilities from acts of terrorism at the present stage.

Nuclear terrorism is a socially dangerous phenomenon, one of the signs of which is aimed at achieving the goals of terrorist activities. Such activities are based on the illegal use of atomic energy and radiological properties of substances. The acts of nuclear terrorism may result in serious cons e- quences for people's lives and health, environmental pollution, deterioration of the political, ec onom- ic, and social situation in the country, and a threat to international peace and security. Even the threat of such acts has a strong psychological impact on people Конвенція про фізичний захист ядерного матеріалу (від 3 березня 1980 р.), ратифікована постановою Верховної Ради України № 3735-ХІІ від 5 трвня 1993 р. Відомості Верховної Ради України, 1993, 24, ст. 262..

The UN and the IAEA take an active part in countering nuclear terrorism. Under their auspices, the majority of universal international treaties influencing this sphere have been adopted. In addition, they have developed and adopted many resolutions dedicated to the safety of nuclear energy in the light of the fight against acts of nuclear terrorism and other related crimes. The 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism is focused on strengthening the foundations of cooperation between states regarding effective measures to prevent the financing of terrorist activities as well as in the fight against it. According to this document, an offence (related to the financing of te r- rorist activities) means activity in the course of which any person, by any means, directly or indirectly, unlawfully and wilfully, provides or collects funds with the intention that they should be used or in the knowledge that they are to be used, in full or in part, in order to carry out terrorist acts.

It is significant that the 1999 Convention establishes the responsibility not only of individuals, but also of legal entities. Specifically, its parties, in accordance with the principles of their domestic law, take the necessary measures in order to bring to responsibility a legal entity existing in a territory of the state or in the legal environment according to its laws. This applies to cases where a terrorist financing offence is committed by an individual who is in charge of the management or control of this legal entity and who is acting in his/her official capacity. Such responsibility may be criminal, civil, or administrative. Efficient, adequate, and effective criminal, civil, or administrative sanctions should be applied to those legal entities that bear such responsibility. They may also include financial sanctions. However, this responsibility does not exclude the criminal responsibility of individuals who committed these offences.

The FATF, which is known to fight against laundering the proceeds of crime, ramps up its efforts to fight against the financing of terrorism. In addition to Forty Recommendations, which make up the foundations of the activities of this international association, the FATF has expanded its mandate to include issues related to the financing of terrorism and has developed Nine Special Recommendations on Terrorist Financing. They contain a number of measures aimed at countering the financing of terrorist acts and terrorist organizations. These documents are advisory in nature and set the minimum standards for actions by states in this area. However, states, being members of the FATF, must make every effort to implement the provisions of the recommendations, taking into account their specific conditions and character of their constitutions. It should be noted that in 2002, the FATF adopted the “Methodology for Assessing Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism Standards”. The International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, the International Asso ciation of Insurance Supervisors, the International Organization of Securities Commissions, and the Egmont Group took part in preparing this document International Monetary Fund (2002). Methodology for Assessing Compliance with Anti-Money Launderingand Combating the Financing of Terrorism Standards. Available from: (Accessed: 15 September 2023)..

The main efforts of Ukraine within international anti-terrorist cooperation are focused on the following areas: 1) identification and elimination of lacunae in international law as applicable to the regulation of cooperation between states in the area of combating terrorism; 2) promotion of Ukrainian international initiatives in the area of combating terrorism, including the Global Initiative to Combat Acts of Nuclear Terrorism and the Strategy for the Partnership of States and Businesses in Combating Terrorism; 3) ensuring the effective operation of mechanisms of both multilateral (in the format of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, and other international organizations), and bilateral cooperation with partners in the anti-terrorist coalition; 4) implementation of practical measures to block the financing channels of terrorist organizations, suppress the illegal circulation of weapons, ammunition, and explosives, prevent the movement of subjects of terrorist activity across state borders, counter the spread of terrorist propaganda and ideology, and assist victims of terrorism.

There are many negative outlooks for further destabilization in the world in connection with the global crisis. But there are documents where these outlooks are absorbed, and fairly reasoned conclusions are drawn. One of them is the 120-page report “Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World” prepared by the National Intelligence Council and published on 20 November 2008; it covers the events up to the inauguration of US President Barack Obama. In the next twenty years, the world will live under constant threats of nuclear war and ecological disaster. The likelihood of the use of nuclear weapons will increase as access to nuclear technology expands and as new options and capabilities to launch limited strikes appear. And the report goes on to say: “In the near future, the world will face an increasing likelihood of conflicts over resources, including food and water. The threats from “rogue countries” and terrorist groups, which will have increasing access t o nuclear weapons, will pursue the world with persistence” Office of the Director of National Intelligence (2008). Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World. Available from: (Accessed: 15 September 2023)..

It is important to note that a month before the report was published, on 19 October 2008, Joe Biden, then a US senator, speaking in a narrow circle of fellow-thinkers for the election campaign and fellow Democrats, said that in the first six months of Obama's presidency, Obama would be tested in a way comparable only to those experienced by John Kennedy in 1961-1962. That would be the most severe international crisis, when Obama would have to make tough and unpopular decisions, both in foreign and domestic policy. Biden said that there were four to five scenarios for an international crisis, and the source of one crisis would be the Middle East, Afghanistan, North Korea, or the Russian Federation. However, Biden also spoke about Pakistan, which was “stocked with nuclear weapons”, and about Al-Qaeda.

The outlook for increasing terrorist tensions was also articulated by the US intelligence chiefs. The former Director of National Intelligence, Mike McConnell, speaking on 30 October 2008 at the plenary session of the US Geospatial Intelligence Foundation Symposium in Nashville (Tennessee), noted that: “According to the department's analysts, terrorism will not be defeated by 2025. The lack of the necessary economic and political prerequisites to eliminate this evil in the Middle East and other regions of the world will not make it possible to defeat the militants on a global scale. Moreover, according to the forecasts of special services, future social realities will be right for growing radicalism and recruitment of youths into terrorist groups” Антипенко, В. (2012). Там само..

According to McConnell, by 2025, extremist groups will likely retain all of their organizational structures, as well as elements of the Islamic command-and-control processes and the training procedures necessary to conduct sophisticated attacks on America and other enemies of the Muslim world, in the form in which it is understood by the leaders of the “holy war against the infidels”. In early D e- cember 2008, the U.S. Joint Forces Command released “The Joint Operating Environment (JOE) 2008: Challenges and Implications for the Future Joint Force” Joint Force Command (2008). The Joint Operating Environment (JOE) 2008 Challenges and Implications for

the Future Joint Force. Available from: (Accessed: 15 September 2023). Office of the Director of National Intelligence (2008). Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World.. The report puts particular emphasis on the fact that one of the most serious external threats to the American nation is “preventing access” to global infrastructure and resources (oil, gas, metals, etc.). According to the authors of the report, in the 21st century, the U.S. forces have to conduct combat operations permanently, in the form of either a conventional armed conflict or a series of counter-terrorist or counter-insurgency operations.

Almost simultaneously with the publication of the report, the DOD Directive was signed, according to which the financing and planning of an operation of irregular (or asymmetric) war are henceforth equated in rank with ordinary military operations, that is, with combat operations against the armed forces of any state. The directive ranges the fight against terrorism, insurgents and partisans, assistance in ensuring the internal security of a foreign state, as well as operations to maintain stability in various regions of the planet as irregular operations. In connection with such forecasts and documents, one should expect a change in the concept of “war on terrorism”.

This term was introduced by the Americans after 11 September 2001. It suggested the integration of international efforts in the war against the “axis of evil”, consisting of “rogue countries” that give rise to terrorism, as well as the destruction of Al-Qaeda, the terrorist organization declared to be the epitome of evil on the planet. In September 2001, immediately after the terrorist attack on the USA, American politicians, military, and scientists stated that there was an “axis of evil” responsible for te r- rorism. Afghanistan was included in this axis as the main refuge of Al-Qaeda; Iraq, Iran, and North Korea were included as potential nuclear terrorists; Syria was included as a sponsor of Palestinian te r- rorism. The “axis of good”, which immediately after 11 September 20 01 began to help the USA in the “war on terrorism”, included NATO members, states that sought to join NATO, as well as Pakistan and Israel. Most of the other countries of the world have become friends and helpers of the USA in the “war on terrorism”. The consensus supported the invasion of Afghanistan11.

After the “five-day war” in Georgia, Russia was included in the group of these states. The foresight of American analysts was confirmed in 2014 when the Russian Federation supported terrorists in eastern Ukraine. The famous political expert Arthur Herman in his article “Russia and the New Axis of Evil” in The Wall Street Journal of 29 August 2008 arranged a new “axis of evil”, having included Russia, Iran, and Venezuela in it. Herman, A. (2008) Russia and the New Axis of Evil, The Wall Street Journal, August 29. Available from: http://online. (Accessed: 15 September 2023).. There is a consensus of opinion among many experts that the main American front of the “war on terrorism” is moving to Pakistan. And, strange as it may seem, at first glance, it is Pakistan, because this country is the next candidate for the new “axis of evil”. In the report of the US National Intelligence, it is said that the share of the Muslim population will grow by 2025, and by 2030 it will reach 19%. By way of contrast, in Western Europe, if current rates of migration remain, the number of Muslims will not exceed 7%. According to the authors of the report, such a situation will inevitably lead to a powerful surge of nationalism among the Orthodox Slavic population of the CIS in the future Office of the Director of National Intelligence (2008). Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World..

Therefore, summing up the above, it should be noted that terrorist activities in present conditions are marked by a wide scope, the absence of clearly defined state borders, the presence of communication and interaction with international terrorist centers and organizations; a rigid organizational structure consisting of a management and operational links, intelligence and counterintelligence units, logistical support, combat groups, and cover; strict conspiracy and careful selection of personnel; the activities of agents in law enforcement and state bodies; good technical equipment; the presence of an extensive network of conspiratorial shelters, training bases, and training areas.

However, today, the activities of international organizations in countering interstate international terrorism cannot be described as prompt and effective. Speaking at the OSCE Ministerial Council in Basel, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, P. Klimkin, noted that the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe failed to achieve tangible results in resolving the Donbas conflict: “During the year, we tried to use various tools available at the disposal of the OSCE; however, their effect turned out to be very limited. The OSCE must act decisively; otherwise, it will fade into oblivion as an organization that does not respond to modern challenges ”. At a press conference following the results of the first day of the OSCE Ministerial Council, Didier Burkhalter, the Chairman-inOffice of the OSCE, stated that the main reason for the lack of consensus on the OSCE document on Ukraine was disagreements over the causes of the crisis in our country: “We really failed to reach a consensus on the declaration on Ukraine today, but we are getting closer to it; I hope, in the end, we will be able to reach it... The main point of disagreement was different points of view on the causes of the Ukrainian crisis. Now there is no consensus on this issue”. In turn, the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly I. Kanerva stated that Russia has provoked an “existential crisis” in the organization by violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine Укрінформ (2014). ОБСЄ не змогла прийняти декларацію по Україні. Available from: https://www.ukr ne_zmogla_priynyati_deklaratsiyu_po_ukraiini_1998409.html (Accessed: 15 September 2023)..

Therefore, despite the operation of international organizations that focus their activities on counte ring international terrorism, the existence of interstate international terrorism raises the question of the need to reconsider the strategy of international organizations to counter international terrorism in the globalized world.


The modern system of multilateral cooperation in the fight against terrorism has developed principally over the past fifty years and dates back to the period after the Second World War. International organizations that were founded in the middle of the 19 th century actively joined the fight against terrorism. At the end of the 20th century, there were about four thousand international organizations in the world, most of which were interstate or intergovernmental (created by states or their governments) Авер'янов, В. (2012). Загальні засади теорії державного контролю та його правового регулювання.

Інститут держави і права ім. В.М.Корецького, Київ, 247 с.. The system of cooperation itself can be considered in two realms: as general provisions of international law, from which the illegality of terrorism, in particular, logically follows, and as special, particular international agreements against terrorism.

Today, Ukraine is a party to a number of international treaties in the field of organizational and legal support for combating terrorism. Their list is quite broad, since the forms of committing terrorist acts, as well as the forms of leadership and aiding and abetting terrorist activities are quite diverse and, accordingly, require specific forms of countermeasures and international legal cooperation in these matters. The main international documents in this area include the 1970 Convention for the Suppression of Criminal Seizure of Aircraft, the 1971 Convention for the Suppression of Criminal Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation, the 1997 International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, the International the 1979 Anti-Hostage Convention, the 1980 Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, the 1988 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation, the 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, the Council Convention of Europe on the Prevention of Terrorism of 2005, the International Convention on the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism of 2005, and the Council of Europe Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of Proceeds of Crime and on the Financing of Terrorism of 2005. In total, Ukraine is a party to 17 basic international conventions and protocols to them, which regulate various aspects of combating terrorism. All the mentioned international agreements in the field of combating terrorism are in place multilateral and provide international legal organizational guidelines for combating terrorism.

Modern terrorism is marked by a combination of solely local causes of its occurrence and global perception and action. In the age of globalization of international relations, the fight against terrorism solely within the national framework turns out to be ineffective. Joint efforts by states at the parliamentary, governmental, and public levels are needed. Among the problems that require an immediate solution is the need for changes in public consciousness in relation to manifestations of terrorism. It is not enough to condemn terrorism and demand that governments and relevant state bodies protect society from terrorism. It is necessary that every member of society understand his/her involvement in the fight against terrorism. Fighting terrorism is necessary, among other things, at the philosophical and theoretical and politological levels, at the level of the influence of all educational links of social organization (schools, churches, arts, mass media, etc.). The anti-terrorist ideology should be communicated to the mundane life of people.

Consistent prevention of terrorism requires new political thinking and a joint search for preemptive actions, joint operational measures, exchange of technologies and experience in the application of technical and military means of combating terrorism; creation of a network of structures for early prevention of terrorism; establishment of the latest and advanced intelligence systems and mechanisms; creation of a single, unified legal framework for combating terrorism; exchange of various information regarding the methods and tactics of terrorist groups; identification of specific mechanisms that would ensure unavoidable responsibility for committing terrorist actions and terrorist activity in general. These days, the actions to prevent and preclude terrorism are insufficient. Among the negative reasons for this, the following should be noted: a) lack of effective forms and methods of combating terrorism; b) an outdated decision-making system for the prevention of terrorism; c) lack of a systematic approach to preventing and countering terrorism, etc.

Список джерел

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10. Herman, A. (2008) Russia and the New Axis of Evil, The Wall Street Journal, August 29. Available from: http://online. (Accessed: 15 September 2023).

11. International Monetary Fund (2002). Methodology for Assessing Compliance with AntiMoney Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism Standards. Available from: (Accessed: 15 September 2023).

12. Joint Force Command (2008). The Joint Operating Environment (JOE) 2008 Challenges and Implications for the Future Joint Force. Available from: (Accessed: 15 September 2023).

13. Office of the Director of National Intelligence (2008). Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World. Available from: publications-2008 (Accessed: 15 September 2023).

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