Global integration of China's political processes

Realization of China's industry advantages in the field of raw materials, equipment, goods to meet the material needs of the population and provide high-quality goods and services to the world market. An analysis of China's efforts to ensure world peace.

Рубрика Международные отношения и мировая экономика
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Дата добавления 18.11.2023
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Global integration of China's political processes

Sun Changlong,

PHD student at the Department of Philosophy National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

China is the civilization of the East with a population of over 1.3 billion. Now the country is taking broad steps along the path of modernization. The world, closely following the process of China's development, is asking the following questions: what path of development has China chosen? What is the significance of China's development for the whole world? China has repeatedly told the world that it is steadfastly following the path ofpeaceful development. Our goal is to analyze how carrying out the peaceful development of the country, it also makes efforts to ensure world peace, actively promotes the common development and prosperity of all countries of the world. Entering the second decade of the XXI century, and commemorating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, China has repeatedly solemnly declared that peaceful development is the strategic choice that China has made in order to realize modernization, achieve enrichment and increase the power of the country, and make even greater contributions to world civilization. In the future, China will unswervingly adhere to the path of peaceful development. For more than 5000years ofhistorical development, all the nationalities of China, having demonstrated amazing diligence and wisdom, created a brilliant Chinese civilization and a single multinational state. Chinese civilization has a unique extent, comprehensiveness and openness. Through many years of external exchanges and contacts, the Chinese people diligently learned from other nations and borrowed their positive and useful qualities, as well as strengthened their own strengths and abilities, making a huge contribution to human civilization. China's rapid economic growth and its transition into a global economic powerhouse have positioned it as a significant player in international affairs. As China's influence expands, its approach to development becomes even more relevant to the entire world. The success of China's peaceful development model could potentially offer valuable lessons to other developing countries seeking sustainable growth and prosperity. With its rich historical heritage, China recognizes the importance ofcultural preservation and exchange, understanding that diversity in global cultures contributes to the richness of human civilization. Embracing modernity while preserving its cultural roots, China aims to contribute to the world not only through economic progress but also through sharing its rich cultural traditions and values.

Key words: peaceful development, Modernization, Global influence, Cultural preservation.


аспірантка кафедри філософії Національного технічного університету «Харківський політехнічний інститут» (Харків, Україна)


Китай є цивілізацією Сходу з населенням понад 1,3 мільярда людей. Зараз країна широкими кроками йде по шляху модернізації. Світ, уважно стежачи за процесом розвитку Китаю, задається питанням: який шлях розвитку обрав Китай? Яке значення розвитку Китаю для всього світу? Китай неодноразово заявляв світові, що він неухильно йде шляхом мирного розвитку. Мета статті - проаналізувати, як, здійснюючи мирний розвиток країни, вона також докладає зусиль для забезпечення миру у всьому світі, активно сприяє спільному розвитку та процвітанню всіх країн світу. Вступаючи у друге десятиліття ХХІ ст. і відзначаючи 90-ту річницю заснування КПК, Китай неодноразово урочисто заявляв, що мирний розвиток є стратегічним вибором, який Китай зробив для здійснення модернізації, досягнення збагачення та збільшення могутності країни, а також зробити ще більший внесок у світова цивілізація. У майбутньому Китай неухильно дотримуватиметься шляху мирного розвитку. За більш ніж 5000 років історичного розвитку всі народності Китаю, проявивши дивовижну працьовитість і мудрість, створили блискучу китайську цивілізацію і єдину багатонаціональну державу. Китайська цивілізація має унікальні масштаби, всебічність і відкритість. Протягом багатьох років зовнішніх обмінів і контактів китайський народ старанно вчився у інших народів і запозичував їх позитивні і корисні якості, а також зміцнював власні сили і здібності, роблячи величезний внесок у розвиток людської цивілізації. Швидке економічне зростання Китаю та його перетворення на глобальну економічну державу зробили його значним гравцем у міжнародних справах. Оскільки вплив Китаю розширюється, його підхід до розвитку стає ще більш актуальним для всього світу. Успіх моделі мирного розвитку Китаю потенційно може запропонувати цінні уроки іншим країнам, що розвиваються, які прагнуть сталого зростання та процвітання. Маючи багату історичну спадщину, Китай визнає важливість збереження та обміну культурою, розуміючи, що різноманітність глобальних культур сприяє багатству людської цивілізації. Прийнявши сучасність, зберігаючи своє культурне коріння, Китай прагне зробити внесок у світ не лише через економічний прогрес, але й через поширення своїх багатих культурних традицій і цінностей.

Ключові слова: мирний розвиток, модернізація, глобальний вплив, збереження культури.

Formulation of the problem. In the middle of the XIX century. Western powers began using cannons to try to "open" China, isolated from the outside world. Internal unrest with the impending external threat led to China gradually finding itself in a semi-colonial-semi-feudal position; the country became impoverished and weakened, wars and chaos did not subside in the country, and the people suffered countless sorrows and torments. At that moment, when the country was practically on the verge of national collapse, selfless fighters and patriots zealously rushed into the struggle, trying to save the perishing country through revolutionary transformations. The Xinhai Revolution in 1911 put an end to the autocratic monarchy that had existed for several millennia and inspired the Chinese people to fight for national independence and strengthen the state power. But, unfortunately, these attempts failed, in the final analysis, to change the semicolonial-semi-feudal state of society and alleviate the bitter fate of the Chinese people. Therefore, all national hopes were placed on the CCP. It was the CPC, leading the Chinese people, that embarked on the path of stubborn and intense struggle, founded the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949, and achieved national independence and people's liberation, thereby marking the beginning of a new era in Chinese history.

In the more than 60 years since the founding of New China, and especially in the 30 years since the beginning of the reform and opening up policy, China has made unremitting efforts to develop a path of socialist modernization that meets Chinese realities and the requirements of the era. Despite the ups and downs of history, the Chinese people, keeping pace with the times, have continuously learned and summarized the lessons learned from the development experience of China itself and other countries. The country also constantly deepened the understanding of the patterns of development of human society and contributed to the self-improvement and development of the socialist system. Through painful efforts, China has found a development path that fully meets the realities of the country, namely, the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Presenting main material

Speaking from the standpoint of world history, the path of peaceful development can be characterized as follows: to engage in self-development through the protection of world peace and through self-development to protect world peace; simultaneously with the implementation of development by emphasizing the need to promote external openness at the expense of one's own efforts, reforms and innovations, learn from and borrow the favorable experience of other countries; in line with the development of economic globalization, strive for mutual benefit and win-win with other countries, and common development; together with the international community to promote the building of long-term peace, shared prosperity and harmonious peace. The brightest features of this path are scientific development, independent development, open development, peaceful development, development based on interaction and joint development.

- Scientific development. Scientific development is respect and adherence to the laws of development of society, economy and nature. The country firmly emphasizes economic construction, devotes all its efforts to construction, focuses on development, and continuously releases and develops social productive forces. China considers the concept of scientific development as the main guiding course in the course of socio-economic development, considers the task of development as the paramount task ofthe leading party in the process of governing the country and reviving the country, implements the concept of "People First", comprehensively coordinates all aspects of sustainable development, and tries to pay attention to all relevant areas. Upholding the concept of "People Above All", China will always uphold human rights and respect human values, meet the growing needs of the people in the field of material culture every day, follow the path of universal enrichment, promote the all-round development of people, realize development for the people and rely on the people. making it possible for all the people to enjoy the fruits of development. China comprehensively coordinates all aspects of sustainable development, comprehensively promotes economic, political, cultural and social construction, as well as the construction of green civilization, promotes the modernized construction of each link and each area, and achieves their comprehensive coordination. China pays attention to all relevant areas of the life of the state, correctly approaches and properly regulates the important aspects of socialism with Chinese characteristics, unanimously plans the development of town and countryside, various regions, economy and society, the harmonious development of man and nature, as well as internal development and external opening up.

- Independent development. China, as a developing country with such a large population, has always believed that it is necessary to develop on its own. China has always upheld independence and self-reliance, putting forward the main points and emphasis of national development at home rather than abroad, proceeded from the realities at home, promoted social and economic development, relying mainly on its own strength, reform and innovation, and never shifted its problems and contradictions onto the shoulders of other countries. In the context of economic globalization, China, only by advocating independent development, can effectively participate in the international division of labor, as well as better carry out mutually beneficial cooperation with the countries of the world.

- Open development. From the experience of its own development, China has deeply realized that it cannot carry out construction by isolating itself from the outside world. Therefore, China, considering the policy of reform and openness as the main state development strategy, has combined internal reforms with external openness, upholding independence with participation in economic globalization, inheriting the traditions of the Chinese nation with borrowing the beneficial fruits of human society, the domestic market with the external one. By combining the two sources of resources in this way, the country began to integrate into the international community on the basis of the principles of openness, continuously expanding the scope and depth of external openness, strengthening exchanges and cooperation with other countries, improving the interaction between internal and external situations, achieving mutual benefit and mutual benefit, and realizing a safe and highly efficient open economic system. China's policy of openness to the outside world will never be interrupted, and the level of openness will become higher and higher.

- Peaceful development. The Chinese people love peace because, with the tragic experience of war, humiliation and poverty behind them, they have deeply realized the value of peace and the urgency of development. He deeply believes that only in conditions of peace can people live and work in peace, and only in conditions of development can people live in satiety and prosperity. Therefore, the government considers the creation of a peaceful and stable international environment favorable for state development to be the main task in international work. At the same time, China actively contributes to world peace and development, never engages in foreign expansion, never fights for hegemony, and never claims to be the hegemon, always standing firm in protecting peace and stability both in the region and and all over the world.

- Development based on interaction. Competition and contradictions have always existed in the international community. All countries must show their strengths and overcome their weaknesses under conditions of favorable competition, continuously seek opportunities for cooperation, expand the areas of cooperation and increase the scope of common interests. China is trying to work for the benefit of peace, promote development and reduce differences through interaction; together with other countries, it creates and develops cooperation relations in various forms, makes efforts to effectively resolve the challenges that are growing every day, brought by globalization, through the continuous expansion of mutually beneficial interaction between countries, as well as on the basis of joint coordination with other countries, solves important problems related to economic development of the world and progress in the life of mankind.

- Joint development. Communications and interdependence between different countries of the world has been constantly deepening recently, only if the joint development of all countries of the world is realized and more people are given the opportunity to share the results of development, peace and stability around the world will receive a solid foundation and effective support, and the development of all countries of the world will become continuous and sustainable. Therefore, China has consistently pursued a strategy of openness, characterized by mutual benefit and win-win, upholding the unity of its own interests and the common interests of all mankind. In striving for its own development, the country makes efforts to achieve favorable interaction between its own development process and the development process of other countries, and also promotes the joint development of all countries and regions of the world. China sincerely hopes to achieve the goal of common prosperity and development by working hand in hand with other countries.

On the path of peaceful development, China had to go through large-scale and profound changes. It has made significant progress in development, has made an important contribution to the prosperity and stability of the world, and has also established even closer ties with the world.

China is carrying out a large-scale rise in the country's comprehensive power. The volume of the economy for the period from 1978 to 2010 increased more than 16 times and reached 5.88 trillion. US dollars, the share in the world economy increased from 1.8% to 9.3%. The material base of China's modernization construction has become more solid; the processes of industrialization, informatization, urbanization, marketization and internationalization are developing deeply, thanks to which the cause of building socialism is being promoted in all directions. A historical leap took place in the life of the people, marking the transition from the insecurity of food and clothing to a moderately prosperous society; per capita income compared to the global average increased from 24.9% in 2005 to 46.8% in 2010. The great historical transition from a highly concentrated planned economy to a socialist-type market economy with vibrant vitality was also realized; as a result of this, a basic economic system was formed, where the social form of ownership is the main one with the joint development of many forms of ownership; the basic role of the market in the field of resource allocation has been noticeably strengthened, the system of macroeconomic regulation is being improved every day. Gradually, a social security system is being created, covering the population of cities and villages; culture, education, science and technology, medicine, sports and other areas of public life are being comprehensively developed.

China is making a great historical transition from an isolated and semi-isolated state to an allvector openness. From the establishment of special economic zones to the opening of coastal seas, coastal rivers, border and inland regions, from attracting foreign capital to encouraging Chinese enterprises to invest abroad, from opening up the country and undertaking rapid construction to joining the WTO, China is participating in economic globalization and regional economic cooperation, continuously increasing the level of external openness. The volume of exports and imports from 20.6 billion US dollars in 1978 increased to 2974 billion US dollars in 2010. During the period from 1979 to 2010. the total volume of foreign direct investment involved by China reached 1048.38 billion US dollars. So far, China has established bilateral economic and trade cooperation mechanisms with 163 countries and regions, signed 10 free trade zone agreements, signed bilateral investment protection agreements with 129 countries, and signed double taxation agreements with 96 countries, becoming an active practitioner in the field of liberalization and comfort of trade and investment. China, in accordance with the promises made when joining the WTO, is gradually reducing tax duties: the overall level of tax duties has decreased from 15.3% (before joining the WTO) to 9.8%; most of the non-customs fees were cancelled. China actively builds a relationship framework with other major countries characterized by common stability, equal development, mutual benefit and win-win, promotes the formation of a cooperation environment with surrounding countries on the basis of common chances and common development, strengthens and enhances traditional friendship, coordination and interaction with developing countries, deepens contacts based on interdependence and mutual interests, and expands exchanges and cooperation with all countries of the world (Bloomberg).

China makes a significant contribution to the stable development of the world economy. Since joining the WTO in 2001, China's annual imports have risen to nearly $750 billion and more than 14 million jobs have been created for the countries and regions concerned. Over the past 10 years, enterprises established in China on foreign capital, a total of more than 261.7 billion US dollars of profit was withdrawn from China, and the average annual increase reached 30%. For the period from 2000 to 2010. China's annual non-financial investment overseas rose from US$1 billion to US$59 billion, effectively promoting the economic development of the respective countries. In 2009, Chinese-owned enterprises established abroad paid taxes to the respective countries totaling US$10.6 billion and employed 439,000 local employees. In recent years, China's annual contribution to the world economy has exceeded 10%. After the Asian financial crisis that broke out in 1997 caused large-scale currency devaluations in surrounding countries and regions, China maintained a stable renminbi exchange rate, which made a great contribution to the stabilization and development of the regional economy. When the international financial crisis hit the world in 2008, China became actively involved in the creation of mechanisms such as the G20 and others designed to streamline the world economy, promote the reform of the international financial system, take part in coordinating the macroeconomic policies of different countries, and in the development of plans for the accumulation of capital in international trade and in international financial interaction; he sent large-scale overseas procurement teams, lending a helping hand to struggling countries. China is diligently pursuing the UN Millennium Development Goals, becoming the only country in the world to achieve the goal of cutting the poor by half ahead of schedule, and provides assistance to foreign countries based on its own capabilities. At the end of 2009, China provided a total of US$256.3 billion in aid (161 countries and more than 30 international and regional organizations among beneficiaries), reduced or canceled 380 debts of 50 poorest beneficiary countries and least developed countries, trained specialists for developing countries in the amount of 120 thousand people-times, sent 21 thousand medical workers as part of medical teams and almost 10 thousand teachers to provide assistance to foreign countries. China actively promotes the expansion of imports of goods of the least developed countries, and also promised to eliminate customs duties on 95% of goods exported to China by least developed countries that have concluded diplomatic relations with China.

China plays an important role in protecting the world and countering global challenges. China is the only nuclear-weapon country that has openly pledged not to be the first to use nuclear weapons, and not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon countries and non-nuclear regions. China sent peacekeepers to participate in 30 UN peacekeeping missions in the amount of 21 thousand people-times and became a permanent member of the UN Security Council, which sent the most peacekeepers to participate in such operations. China actively participates in international cooperation related to the fight against terrorism and the prevention of WMD proliferation, provides humanitarian assistance to countries affected by serious natural disasters and sends rescuers there, and sends warships to curb piracy in the Gulf of Aden and Somali waters. China is a member of more than 100 intergovernmental international organizations; he has signed more than 300 international conventions, having long ago become a full member and builder of the international system, making a due contribution to the affairs of the world community. China was the first developing country to develop and implement a "National Plan to Combat Climate Change"; it has become one of the countries that in recent years have been reducing energy consumption and emissions of toxic substances into the atmosphere at the fastest pace and on the largest scale, and are also working on the study of new energy carriers and renewable energy sources. China plays a constructive role in resolving the urgent and urgent problems of the world and the region: regarding the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula, Iran's nuclear "dossier", etc., China encourages negotiations, upholds the need to ensure peace in the region, and promotes the six-party nuclear talks mechanism. the problem of the Korean Peninsula. China, together with the 12 countries with which it borders on land, has settled the border issues left by history, adhering to the position of resolving territorial disputes over land and water areas with neighboring countries through negotiations and dialogues. On the basis of a constructive approach, he put forward the call to "put aside contradictions and strive for common development" and is doing his best to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea, East China Sea and adjacent water areas. China, through the development of bilateral cooperation, participates in regional and sub-regional cooperation, and also makes efforts to promote shared development and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region.

After the founding of the PRC, and especially after the implementation of the reform and opening up policy that has been carried out for more than 30 years, historical facts have shown that China is an important member of the international community and a country that makes great efforts and makes great contributions in the name of advancing development of the international political and economic order in a more just and rational direction (Benka, 80).

General objectives of China's peaceful development

China's unremitting pursuit of peaceful development is to strive for domestic development and harmony, and strive for cooperation and peace in overseas contacts. It is thanks to the tireless struggle of the Chinese people, reform and innovation, as well as friendly coexistence with all countries of the world and the development of equal and mutually beneficial cooperation with them, that the life of the Chinese people has improved in many ways, which in turn properly contributed to the development and progress of mankind. . This became the national idea of China, which was embodied in the plan of national development and the general political course of the country, and was also realized in the course of China's development practice.

Realizing the modernization of the country and the joint enrichment of the whole people has become the main task in China's development process. At the end of the 70s. In the 20th century, when the country began to pursue a policy of reform and openness, China developed and began to implement the “Three Steps” modernization development strategy. The "first step" implied a 2-fold increase in GDP compared to the 1980 figure and a solution to the problem of clothing and food for the people. The "second step" meant an increase in GDP by the end of the 20th century. 2 times more, while the life of the people had to reach the level of a moderately prosperous society. These two "steps" have already been implemented. The “third step” is that by the middle of the 21st century, when the PRC will be 100 years old, the GDP per person should reach the average level of developed countries, the life of the people will be quite prosperous, the country as a whole will be modernized, and China will become a modernized socialist country with developed democratic culture. The central task set within the framework of the "Three Steps" strategy is to increase the level of spiritual and material culture of citizens, the implementation of the enrichment of the population while strengthening the power of the country. In the process of strengthening the country's comprehensive capabilities, China intends to fulfill all international obligations and bear the corresponding responsibilities entrusted to it by the international community.

The all-round construction of a moderately prosperous society, which is aimed at improving the living standards of more than 1 billion people, is the medium and long-term goals of China's peaceful development. By 2020, China will complete the comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society, resulting in a marked improvement in the living standards of more than 1 billion Chinese. Thus, China will become a country where industrialization has been carried out on the whole and the integrated forces of the state have been noticeably strengthened, and it will also enter the first rank of countries in terms of the overall scale of the domestic market. In addition, China will become a country where the prosperity of the population will increase everywhere, the quality of life and the ecological situation will be greatly improved, whose people will enjoy greater democratic rights, have a higher spiritual aspiration and cultural level, where systems will be improved in all areas, and society will be demonstrate active vitality and consolidation in conditions of calm and stability. That is, China will become a more open and attractive state, which will make an even more significant contribution to human civilization (Balassa).

The process from solving the problems of clothing and nutrition to achieving a moderately prosperous standard of living and beyond the average level of developed countries is aimed at making the life of the people richer. This process in a concentrated form reflects the strategic concept of China's peaceful development. In order to realize the above goals, China is ready to take decisive steps in the following areas.

- Accelerate the process of transformation of the economic development model

China considers the strategic adjustment of the economic structure as the main direction of its efforts. It expands domestic demand, and especially consumer demand, through various channels, strengthens the purchasing power of the population, regulates and optimizes the structure of domestic investment, gradually promotes industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, in the field of economic growth engines, stimulates the transition from relying on investment and exports to a coordinated reliance on consumption, investment and export, from reliance on the second industry to comprehensive reliance on the first, second and third industries, from increasing consumption of material resources to reliance on scientific and technological progress, improving the culture and education of workers and innovative management methods. China is comprehensively pursuing a strategy for the rise of the country based on science and education and a strategy for strengthening the country with talented personnel, directing efforts to build an innovative type of state. China advocates the renewal of thinking and system, pays great attention to adopting the best practices of other countries in technology and management, and continuously improves the quality and efficiency of economic growth (Anderson, 2003: 180).

China is making every effort to overcome resource and environmental constraints hindering development: it puts forward development concepts such as "green economy" and "low-carbon economy" as guiding development concepts, focusing on energy saving and reducing toxic emissions, accelerates the creation of a production method and consumption patterns that respect resources and protect the environment. China promotes recycling economic development, improves environmental quality, builds a modern energy industry that is safe, stable, cost-effective and non-polluting, optimizes the resource supply system, promotes the harmonious development of man and nature, and achieves the coordination of economic development with the amount of population at its disposal. resources and environment, developing a new type of industrialization path with Chinese characteristics, characterized by high scientific and technological content, high economic efficiency, low resource consumption, minimal environmental pollution, and comprehensive development of the advantages of human resources. The Chinese economy, showing comprehensive coordinated and sustainable growth, will provide the world economy with a wider development space.


china's industry ensure world

China has rich human and material resources, as well as a fairly advanced industrial production system. In the future, it will continue to follow the path of modernization development, relying mainly on its own forces. By 2015, China's workforce is expected to reach 156 million, of which the proportion of people of working age who have completed higher education will reach 15%; the contribution of human resources to economic growth will be 32%, thus, human resources will provide first-class labor resources to ensure the continued development of the Chinese economy. China is among the countries with the largest mineral resources and arable land; in the field of cereals, self-sufficiency was realized in the country. Although the amount of resources per capita in China is very small, through the full development of market distribution functions and the promotion of scientific and technological progress, the government has been able to greatly reduce the dependence of national socio-economic development on resources. China will further develop its industry advantages in primary raw materials, equipment and commodities to meet the material needs of the country's population and provide high- quality goods and services to the world market.

Population and economy set a huge potential for domestic demand. Following the ever-increasing income of the population, the stable growth of domestic investment and the deep development of the regional development strategy, China is preparing to form a larger market space and create new points of economic growth. In the next 5 years, the structure of consumption in China will improve significantly, the potential consumption opportunities of the population will be released, in terms of the overall size of the domestic market, China will take one of the first places in the world, and the total volume of imports is expected to reach 8 trillion. US dollars, which will bring many different chances to the world.


1. Anderson J.E., van Wincoop E. Gravity with gravitas: a solution to the border puzzle. American Economic Review. - 2003. - № 93. - C. 171-192.

2. Anderson J.E. A theoretical foundation of the gravity equation. American Economic Review. - 1979. - № 69. - C. 106-116.

3. Balassa B. The Theory of Economic Integration. - Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, 1961.

4. Baldwin R., Low P. Multilateralizing Regionalism: Challenges for the Global Trading System. - Cambridge University Press, 2009.

5. Basu Das S. RCEP and TPP: Next stage in Asian regionalism. . URL: rcep-and-tpp-next-stage-in-asian-regionalism/ (Дата звернення: 01.10.2019).

6. Belt and Road portal. - URL: (Дата звернення: 13.05.2019).

7. Benka S. What are the Benefits of the TTIP? . URL: ttip/#.XZRIamAzbIU (Дата звернення: 01.10.2019).

8. Bloomberg. .URL:


1. Anderson J.E. van Wincoop E. (1979) Gravity with gravitas: a solution to the border puzzle. American Economic Review. - 2003. - № 93. - C. 171-192.

2. Anderson J.E. A theoretical foundation of the gravity equation. American Economic Review. № 69. C. 106-116.

3. Balassa B. (1961) The Theory of Economic Integration. - Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin

4. Baldwin R., Low P. (2009) Multilateralizing Regionalism: Challenges for the Global Trading System. Cambridge University Press,

5. Basu Das S. RCEP and TPP: Next stage in Asian regionalism. . URL: rcep-and-tpp-next-stage-in-asian-regionalism/ (Дата звернення: 01.10.2019).

6. Belt and Road portal. URL: (Дата звернення: 13.05.2019).

7. Benka S. What are the Benefits of the TTIP? URL: XZRIamAzbIU (Дата звернення: 01.10.2019).

8. Bloomberg. .URL:

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  • Крупнейшие азиатские транснациональные корпорации и их деятельность на рынках Центральной и Восточной Европы: China Construction Bank, Toyota Motor Corporation, Samsung Group. Распределение бизнеса электронной промышленности Samsung по регионам.

    контрольная работа [32,0 K], добавлен 26.09.2012

  • The essence of an environmental problem. Features of global problems. Family, poverty, war and peace problems. Culture and moral crisis. Global problems is invitation to the human mind. Moral and philosophical priorities in relationship with the nature.

    реферат [41,3 K], добавлен 25.04.2014

  • Review the history of signing the treaty of Westphalia. Analysis of creating a system of European states with defined borders and political balance. Introduction to the concept of a peaceful community. Languages and symbols of the League of Nations.

    презентация [506,1 K], добавлен 13.04.2015

  • Legal regulation of the activities of foreign commercial banks. Features of the Russian financial market. The role and place of foreign banks in the credit and stock market. Services of foreign banks in the financial market on the example of Raiffeisen.

    дипломная работа [2,5 M], добавлен 27.10.2015

  • Characteristic of growth and development of Brazil and Russian Federation. Dynamics of growth and development. Gross value added by economic activity. Brazilian export of primary and manufactured goods. Export structure. Consumption side of GDP structure.

    реферат [778,3 K], добавлен 20.09.2012

  • Mission, aims and potential of company. Analysis of the opportunities and threats of international business. Description of the factors that characterize the business opportunities in Finland. The business plan of the penetration to market of Finland.

    курсовая работа [128,3 K], добавлен 04.06.2013

  • Influence of globalization on Hospitality Industry. Basic Characteristics of Globalization in Tourism. Challenges brought by Globalization. Global promotion, advertising, e-marketing, pricing and ethics. Strategies and tends toward Globalization.

    реферат [50,1 K], добавлен 30.11.2010

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