Стратегії формування конкурентних переваг транснаціональних корпорацій в умовах глобалізації світогосподарських зв’язків
Характеристика процесів світової економіки та визначення її впливу на підхід формування переваг сучасних маркетингових організацій. Особливість змін рекламних стратегій транснаціональних корпорацій під впливом ходів глобалізації міжнародних зв’язків.
Рубрика | Международные отношения и мировая экономика |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 27.07.2014 |
Размер файла | 49,4 K |
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According to the research, the globalization processes essentially changed the approaches of transnational corporations to forming their competitive advantages. Today the world's leading TNCs strive for a maximum potential increase by expanding their own financial, industrial, research, and personnel and sales capabilities. At present the world's leading companies actively resort to M&A that is one of the manifestation of the new strategy of forming the TNC competitive advantages. The conducted analysis made it possible for the author to mark out three most significant factors that induce TNCs to M&A: first, tendency to maximally increase their own commercial potential by enhancing its components - industrial, financial, research etc.; second, striving to augment the soundness of the company in the world market by conducting business in different spheres and minimization, on this basis, of the negative conjuncture fluctuation risks which, in turn, may be achieved by implementing the strategy of unrelated diversification; third, minimization of the operating costs that may be obtained both by increasing scale and volume of the business activity by means of horizontal mergers (acquisitions) and by optimizing “provision - sale” chain by dint of vertical mergers (acquisitions) with suppliers and sales channel participants.
The analysis, carried out by the author, led him to the conclusion that the effective marketing strategies become one of the most crucial factors of forming the TNC competitive advantages. It should be emphasized that conceptually they do not differ from the national company marketing strategies, and the TNC marketing mix consists of four traditional components - product, price, place and promotion. However the TNC global activity adds specific features to their marketing strategies. First, the peculiarities of the international product life cycle create additional sales opportunities for TNCs as they may introduce the product with a completed life cycle to the less developed countries in the capacity of novelty prolonging its life cycle in the global scale and collecting additional profit.
A second specific feature of the TNC marketing strategies accounts for two principally different approaches to their forming - global and multinational. Yet ten years ago the global marketing strategy was prevailing for TNCs and enabled them (by means of standardized marketing mix without considering specific conditions of national markets) to act in the global scale under the global brand, minimizing marketing expenses and maximizing profits. However under the influence of global changes in the world economy TNCs began to rebuild their marketing mix, apply different approaches to each target market, taking into account its peculiarities and adjusting their brands to specific national and regional markets.
The results of the carried out research enabled the author to draw a grounded conclusion that under the development of globalization processes in the world economy the main factor that will determine the formation and dynamic development of the Ukrainian company competitive advantages is their organizational integration with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) companies. It will allow them to achieve a high level of the cooperative relations development, accelerate the commodity circulation growth and secure their promotion to the world markets with the high-tech items of joint elaboration.
The author suggests the model of forming the TNCs with the Ukrainian company participation that will be able (by means of uniting their industrial, scientific and financial potential and pursuing the single target-oriented strategy) to gain certain competitive advantages in both post-soviet and world markets.
The author argues that at the current stage the innovative model of the company development obtains the importance of high priority for achieving competitive advantages in the market because, according to the world experience, it is an innovation implementation that is a key factor of forming the TNC competitive advantages.
Key words: globalization, transnational corporations, transnationalization, competitive strategy, competitive advantages, mergers and acquisitions, global and multinational marketing strategies.
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