Економічні умови євроінтеграції країн центральної і східної Європи
Сутність та особливості економічних трансформацій в процесі формування економічних умов євроінтеграції в країнах ЦСЄ. Основні причини розширення ЄС на Схід. Формування євроінтеграційного потенціалу економіки України з урахуванням досвіду країн ЦСЄ.
Рубрика | Международные отношения и мировая экономика |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 30.08.2013 |
Размер файла | 47,6 K |
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The basic macro - and micro mechanisms of providing of CEE countries European integration strategies realization are defined. The foreign investment receipts influence on forming of CEE competitive advantages at the European markets is analysed. Dependence between foreign direct investments branch division and CEE countries economic structural changes is exposed.
The tendencies and problems questions of trade collaboration of Ukraine with EU are exposed in the context of the proper practice of CEE countries. An author came to conclusion, that the main problems which hinder activation of trade collaboration of Ukraine with EU are as follows: slow introduction of structural reforms in Ukraine;
insignificant volumes of investment cooperation of Ukraine with EU; low consolidation level of legislative and executive power which hinders the acceleration of harmonization of national legal norms with European; the Ukraine absence of WTO member status.
A number of interrelated factors which entailed lag of Ukraine from the CEE countries in the terms of European integration strategy realization is defined. It, in particular: economic starting conditions; instruments of economic policy in spheres - macroeconomic stabilization, structural reforms, investment activity, privatization and enterprises restructuring, development of small and middle business, adaptation of national legislation to European (certification and standardization of commodities, taxation, standards of corporate activity, accounting and financial control and others like that).
A number of interrelated factors which entailed Ukraine lag from the CEE countries in the rates of European integration strategy realization. The priority-oriented targets in relation to perfection of Ukrainian economic policy directed on its integration in to EU are represented. The first thing to do is to reorient the state economic policy in small and middle enterprises support. Exactly this segment of enterprise is not only basis of market economy but also mortgage of political stability in the state and invariability of European integration course. In this connection, the union of credits guarantee is expedient to create. For the sake export possibilities expansion of small and middle enterprises it is suggested to develop the plan of their participating in international exhibitions and inculcate the mechanism of partial indemnification of charges, related to such participation. The foundation of small enterprises networking agencies of contracts would rebound to creation between them production, trade, investment connections.
Forming of European integration potential of the Ukrainian economy is inseparable from optimization of its structure. That is why the special actuality is acquired by the problem of enterprises restructuring of traditional industries, above all things coal. The expedient is seemed by conducting of the annual monitoring of unprofitable enterprises activity and, in the case of defining of that or other enterprise unprofitable, application to him of bankruptcy procedure. Except for it, legislative defining the sources of financing of restructuring of industry, mechanism of technical liquidation of mines and public welfare of the disengaged workers, order of employment of separate categories of the disengaged miners on operating mines is necessary.
The important condition of forming of European integration potential of Ukrainian economy is multiplying the foreign investment receipts volumes. In this connection, in paper the number of measures is offered on perfection of the investment regime in Ukraine. In particular, the reduction of corporate rate tax and introduction of deductions of taxes during realization of large investment projects in hi-tech industries would interest a foreign investor. At the same time European practice leads to the necessity of perfection of legal base of free economic areas (FEA) functioning. An equipment on which products will be made in proper FEA must not be more old one year and not to have analogues of competitions of the Ukrainian production. Thus the cost of the imported equipment must make not less 500 thousand of euros (taking into account the CEE countries practice). Products which will be made are to belong to middle or hi-tech industries of industry.
In a context of foreign investors attraction the adaptation national norms to European needs to be accelerated. It is suggested to develop and inculcate the criterion of national economic legislation to European accordance, foremost, in the spheres of standardization, accounting and financial control, corporate management.
Key words: European integration, globalization, international economic relations, Central and East Europe countries, sub-regional integration, economic terms of European integration, foreign direct investments, macroeconomic policy, microeconomic reforms, legislation adaptation.
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