The Ukrainian-language educational literature in educational sphere of Volhynia Voivodeship (1921-1939)
The spread of the Ukrainian educational content in the educational space of Volhynia Voivodeship has been analysed and its influence on the formation of national self-awareness, moral and ethical values among a young generation has been elucidated.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 10.10.2024 |
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The Ukrainian-language educational literature in educational sphere of Volhynia Voivodeship (1921 - 1939)
Valentyna Dobrochynska
PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor in the Department of History of Ukraine of Rivne State University of Humanities, Rivne
Oleg Lenartovych
PhD hab. (History), Professor of the Department of Ukrainian History and Archaeology, Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka, Lutsk
The spread of Ukrainian educational content in the educational space of Volhynia Voivodeship has been analysed and its influence on the formation of national self-awareness, moral and ethical values among a young generation has been elucidated. The purpose of the research is to analyse the variety and content of the Ukrainian-language educational literature at state and private schools, as well as extracurricular education during the interwar period in Volhynia. The methodology of the research consists of the principles of objectivity, historicism, systematicity, and scientificity. The method of analysis and synthesis has been applied. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time the practice of using the Ukrainian-language educational literature in the educational sphere of Volhynia Voivodeship has been researched; the ways of the Ukrainian-language books distribution among readers have been clarified; there has been analysed the content of the Ukrainian- language educational literature; an attempt has been made to determine a collective portrait of the authors of Ukrainian-language educational literature. The Conclusions. Native language didactic literature played an important role in preserving the national identity of the Ukrainians, which was a source of knowledge and patriotic education in the educational sphere of Volhynia Voivodeship. At state primary school, textbooks written in the Ukrainian language were used, but with an assimilative educational content. The use of the Ukrainian-language educational literature at private schools and an extracurricular environment confirmed the national worldview of youth through the study of the Ukrainian language and literature, their own history and geography, as well as the foundations of the Orthodox religion. School libraries, private bookstores, cultural and educational institutions were filled with the Ukrainian-language books owing to income from publishing houses and the “Native School" society. The authors of the Ukrainian-language school literature of the interwar period were the Ukrainian intellectual elite, mainly Galicians. Common features of a collective portrait of the authors are their pedagogical work, social activities and experience of an active participation in the Ukrainian national liberation movement. It was these common biographical guidelines that became decisive in the Ukrainian-language educational literature.
Key words: Poland, Volhynia Voivodeship, Ukrainian-language educational literature, interwar period, educational process, school, extracurricular education.
кандидатка історичних наук, доцентка кафедри історії України, Рівненський державний гуманітарний університет, м. Рівне,
доктор історичних наук, професор кафедри історії України та археології, Волинський національний університет імені Лесі Українки, м. Луцьк
Досліджено поширення українського навчального контенту в освітньому просторі Волинського воєводства та показано його вплив на формування національного самоусвідомлення й морально-етичних цінностей у молодого покоління. Метою роботи є аналіз різновиду й змісту україномовної навчальної літератури в державному та приватному волинському шкільництві, а також позашкільній освіті міжвоєнного періоду. Методологію складають принципи об'єктивності, історизму, системності, науковості. Застосовано метод аналізу та синтезу. Наукова новизна полягає у тому, що вперше досліджено практику використання української навчальної літератури в освітньому середовищі Волинського воєводства; з'ясовано шляхи надходження українських книжок до читачів; проаналізовано зміст української навчальної літератури; зроблено спробу визначення колективного портрета авторів української навчальної літератури. Висновки. У збереженні національної ідентичності українців важливу роль відіграла рідномовна дидактична література, яка була джерелом знань і патріотичного виховання в освітньому просторі Волинського воєводства. У державному початковому шкільництві послуговувалисья підручниками з українською мовою навчання, але асиміляційним навчальним контентом. Використання української навчальної літератури в приватних школах і позашкільному середовищі утверджувало національний світогляд учнівської молоді через вивчення української мови та літератури, власної історії і географії, а також засад православної релігії. Наповнення українськими книжками шкільних бібліотек, приватних книгарень і культурно-освітніх інституцій відбувалося через надходження від видавничих осередків і товариства “Рідна школа". Авторами українознавчої шкільної літератури міжвоєнного періоду виступала українська інтелектуальна еліта, головно галичани. Об'єднавчими рисами колективного портрета авторського складу є їхня педагогічна праця, громадська діяльність і досвід активної участі в українському національно- визвольному русі. Саме ці спільні біографічні орієнтири стали визначальними у підготовці української навчальної літератури.
Ключові слова: Польща, Волинське воєводство, українська навчальна література, міжвоєнний період, освітній процес, школа, позашкільна освіта.
The Problem Statement
ukrainian language educational literature
Political transformations of modern era caused a part of western Volhynia (in the Ukrainian transliteration - Volyn) to be part of the revived Second Polish Republic during the interwar period. In 1917 - 1921 the defeat of national state-building did not stop the development of the Ukrainian-language schooling, but on the contrary, in the new political realities, the Ukrainians' patriotic aspirations were strengthened against the background of Polonization and assimilation policy. During this period, the worldview factors of a young generation of the Ukrainians were formed, which in the future ensured durability of the idea of the national liberation struggle. An important role in realization and preservation of the national identity was played by education/self-education through the study of the Ukrainian language and literature, history and geography of Ukraine, religion, and more precisely, their educational content. At the crossroads of Polish educational policy, the network of Utraquist schools increased in Volhynia Voivodeship, while the number of schools with the Ukrainian language of instruction was reduced to a minimum. The ban on teaching History and Geography of Ukraine as school subjects determined their study in an extracurricular environment, and therefore in the research we use the phrase “educational sphere”, going beyond the boundaries of school educational process. In order to reconstruct a holistic vision of the use of the Ukrainian-language books in Volhynia schooling, it is necessary to systematize them, analyze them, and find out the ways they were distributed among students/readers. The identified educational publications with official stamps of educational institutions, public institutions or collections of private collections of the State Archives of Volyn Region, the State Archives of Rivne Region, Rivne Regional Museum of Local History helped in the reproduction of the Ukrainian-language book supply and logical assumptions about their circulation in the educational sphere of Volhynia Voivodeship.
The Review of Recent Researches and Publictions
Various issues of Ukrainian schooling in Volhynia Voivodeship are presented in the works of many historians, both domestic and foreign, among whom it is worth highlighting the following ones: М. Iwanicki (Iwanicki, 1975), R. Davydiuk and М. Kucherepa (Davydiuk & Kucherepa, 2001), Yu. Kramar (Kramar, 2015), V. Dobrochynska (Dobrochynska, 2016) and the others. A historiographic review of the national policy of interwar Poland in the western lands of Ukraine, which was also reflected in Volhynia school system, was carried out by V Futala (Futala, 2017). The scholars I. Zuliak and A. Klish (Zuliak & Klish, 2019), L. Strilchuk and Ya. Yarosh (Strilchuk & Yarosh, 2021), V. Futala (Futala, 2023) did research on the interwar national and cultural atmosphere in the western Ukrainian lands, the influence of the Ukrainian intellectual elite on the formation of worldviews. The studies of I. Tsependa (Tsependa, 1993), P. Khmeliovsky (Khmeliovsky, 2004), Ya. Yatsiv (Yatsiv, 2004), О. Ruda and О. Pikh (Ruda & Pikh, 2023) deal with the struggle of the Ukrainians for their national rights, in particular defense of language issues in school policy. The educational studies of scholars showed the trends in the development of the Ukrainian schooling during the Polish period, but the educational content of textbooks remained beyond their focus. It is common knowledge that school literature is in scholars' focus of various fields of scientific research. Textbooks studies develop at the interdisciplinary junction of history of pedagogy, bibliography, pedagogy and psychology. A comprehensive historical and pedagogical analysis of school educational literature in Ukraine was carried out by O. Zhosan (Zhosan, 2014, 2015). Analyzing the Soviet school literature, the author highlighted the main stages of its development, substantiated the system of scientific and methodological support at various historical stages, and also developed a model for the analysis of school educational literature, which was considered under the prism of pedagogical, social and bibliographic phenomena. Lviv scholar N. Zubko (Zubko, 2019) carried out a historical study of school literature in Ukraine using the example of the Soviet and era of independence textbooks on chemistry. N. Ihnatenko analyzed the methodical principles of the Polish grammar school textbook on history by T. Berholtz, introduced into school circulation in 1937 (Ihnatenko, 2000). The author noted that by the end of the 1930s, historical educational literature had turned into a source of knowledge and contributed to the development of cognitive interest and creative activity of schoolchildren. Researches on the Ukrainian educational literature during the Polish period were presented by Galician scholars. In particular, M. Ilnytska (Ilnytska, 2012) substantiated the history and specificity of Galician chytanka of the early 1920s, and M. Nadraha (Nadraha, 2018) focused on the variety of books at Ukrainian school libraries in Lviv. Certain aspects of the research issue are analysed by V. Dobrochynska (Dobrochynska, 2021), in which there is elucidated the importance of the Ukrainian-language textbooks and literature in the study of Volhynia schooling during the interwar period.
Therefore, the lack of a comprehensive historical research in the academic output of scholars regarding the practical use of the Ukrainian-language textbooks at schools of Volhynia Voivodeship prompted the research on the Ukrainian-language book and its didactic analysis.
The Purpose of the Research
The main purpose of the article is to do research on the introduction of the Ukrainian-language textbooks in the educational sphere of Volhynia Voivodeship; to analyse the educational content and substantiate the importance of a native language literature in preserving the national identity of the Ukrainian people.
The Results of the Research
The Ukrainian Revolution of 1917 put an end to the dominance of Russian culture in Volhynia and contributed to the organization of Ukrainian schools, and thus, to the emergence of the Ukrainian-language educational literature. The reorganization of the education system during the period of national renaissance was recreated by the school inspector F. Pekarsky through the prism of his own experience, noting that for some time the Ukrainian language was taught in Russian in Rivne gymnasiums, accustoming the audience to Ukrainian, because students were mainly the Russians and the Jews: “...there was a kind of spectacle: “History of Ukraine” is taught in Ukrainian, the Ukrainian language - in Russian”, and at school libraries of the former Russian schools “...there were no books in the Ukrainian language” (Dobrochynska, 2016, p. 197).
We assume that under the new Polish government from the beginning of the 1920s in Volhynia Voivodeship, the lack of textbooks in schooling was compensated by the first Ukrainian textbooks, printed as early as the time of Ukrainian statehood, in particular in the Kyiv publishing house “Ukrainian School” by such authors as Ya. Chepiha “Arithmetics at Primary School”, “Arithmetic Rules”, “Bukvar for Adults”, “Chytanka for adults”; S. Cherkasenko “Beginning”, “Grammar”, “Native School. Chytanka”, “The Most Necessary Spelling Rules”; V. Oliinyk “Course of Natural Science at Secondary Schools”, Yu. Siry “About the World of God” (conversations on natural science)”. “Vernyhora” publishing house compan published S. Rudnytsky's book “Geography at Primary School”, I. Krypiakevych's book “History of Native Land”, “Synopsis of the History of Ukraine”, A. Khomyk's book “Brief Geography of Ukraine. Part 1, Part 2”, “General Geography. Part 1-4”, I. Rakovsky's book “Natural Science Textbook”, A. Krushelnytskyi's book “Chytanka. Part 1-4”, F. Schindler's book “Physics”, some of which were found in the State Archives of Volyn and Rivne Regions and Rivne Regional Museum of Local Lore.
A nationally conscious Ukrainian elite arrived in Volhynia Voivodeship, among whom there were authors of the Ukrainian-language textbooks, for example N. Shulhyna-Ishchuk (1888 - 1979) (a sister of O. Shulhyn, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Ukrainian People's Republic), who, since 1927, taught Mathematics at Rivne Ukrainian private gymnasium, using her first Ukrainian-language textbooks - “Systematic Course of Arithmetic. Part 1, Part 2”, which were published by the “Society of School Education” in 1917 - 1918 (Dobrochynska, 2016, p. 172). Another well-known political and public figure, the author of educational literature, M. Levytsky (1866 - 1932), understanding an urgent need to teach the Ukrainian population in their native language, compiled “Ukrainian Grammar for Selfstudy” (Part 2), which was published at the publishing house of the Ministry for Railways in 1918. The textbook is addressed to a wide range of people who wanted to learn the Ukrainian language, because it was the lack of educational literature that hindered this process. In order to master Ukrainian grammar better, the author used a methodological approach based on the comparative characteristics of the Ukrainian and Russian languages (Levytsky, 1918). It should be emphasized that at that time M. Levytsky held the position of a chief sanitary doctor at Railways of Ukraine and headed a cultural and educational department of the Ministry for Railways. From 1927, he taught the Ukrainian language to students of Lutsk Ukrainian private gymnasium and later represented new textbooks.
In Volhynia Voivodeship children of the Ukrainians went to public schools, which differed in the language of instruction: Polish, Polish with Ukrainian as a subject, and bilingual (Utraquist). Children of the Ukrainians went to private schools as well. In the national structure of the Voivodship, the Ukrainians accounted for about 70% of the total population, while the Poles (16.6%) were the smallest group compared to other regions. The Polish state declared support for national minorities in their right to a cultural development, in particular education in their native language, but at the same time, due to the increase of Utraquist schools, it pursued the policy of Polonization. In 1928, there were 1,144 schools in Volhynia, of which 750 were Polish, 390 - Utraquist, and only at four schools Ukrainian was the language of instruction. At the end of the 1930s, the result of H. Yuzevsky's “Volhynia experiment” was the growth of Polish schools at which the Ukrainian language was the subject - 853 schools (121,455 students) and Utraquist schools - 529 (77,008 students). At the same time, there operated 494 Polish schools (74,520 students) and only seven Ukrainian schools (1,076 students) (Dobrochynska, 2016, pp. 21-27).
The first group of educational literature consists of the Ukrainian-language textbooks, which were provided to state primary schools. The educational programme of this type of school implemented basic, elementary skills in accordance with the age and psychological characteristics of students. In particular, Arithmetic textbooks - “Arithmetics” taught first- graders to perform simple mathematical operations with the help of a large number of black and white illustrations of living and non-living objects, and for the second-graders, the authors also prepared illustrative materials and short text tasks adapted to various situations of an everyday life (Rahunky, 1925; Rahunky, 1930).
Chytanka “Life and Work” for students of the 4th grade at primary school contained educational materials that involved implementation of cultural and political “Volhynia experiment” by H. Yuzevsky. On Page 1, students were introduced to a photo of the Lubart Castle in Lutsk, and the stories are devoted to love of their native land, student trips to the towns and picturesque recreations of Volhynia, the Cossack past, and outstanding historical figures. The leitmotif of the textbook is a call to work, because this is what the compilers of the textbook saw as the meaning of a human life. The educational content of 167 poetic and prose works is designed to bring up industrious young schoolchildren, which is confirmed by both title of the textbook and the subtitles - “Let us Get to Work”, “Mother's Help”, “In the Kindergarten”. In the textbook, the theme of the harvest of grain crops can be clearly traced - “Harvest”, “Obzhynkova Song”, “Obzhynky Feast”, “Obzhynky in our Native Place and in Spala”. It is in the area of Spala, where the president's family was on vacations in the summer, near Lodz, during the interwar period, a tradition was established to celebrate the presidential obzhynky - a holiday of the end of the harvest, which included speeches by the president, representatives of a local self-government and concert by amateur groups. In this text, the authors had the goal of instilling a respectful attitude towards the state and its president, “who took care of welfare of the country” (Zhyttia i pracia, 1935, р. 10).
During the interwar period, the Ukrainian-language textbooks played an important role, influencing the development of national consciousness in students, which was one of the criteria for the national identity formation. According to a researcher I. Kresina, the main components of the national identity are awareness of a state-political, public and territorial community, a spiritual unity, an ethnic and historical kinship (Tsyvilizatsiina identychnist ukrainstva, 2022, р. 73). The second part of educational literature consists of the Ukrainian language and literature, history and geography of Ukraine, and religion, which were used at private schools and extracurricular education.
The libraries at Volhynia schools, bookstores and reading rooms of cultural and educational institutions were filled with books published by Ukrainian publishers in European countries, as well as publications by Galician authors who understood the importance of teaching students in their native language, instilling universal spiritual values and awakening national consciousness during the The Second Polish Republic. It is worth taking into account the historical experience of a national identity formation in Eastern Galicia, in contrast to Volhynia, in which the projection of the sub-Russian past was evident, in particular in the limited local publishing of Ukrainian school textbooks. The Galician Society “Native School” took on an important mission of bringing Ukrainian educational literature to Volhynia readers. From the 1919/20 academic year, books were sent from Lviv to Volhynia school committee, and in 1926 at the first September Congress of educators in Rivne, a decision was made to recognize it as the “main public authority” in the defense and spread of Ukrainian private schooling in Volhynia Voivodeship (Yasinchuk, 1931, pp. 214-215). However, despite the Polish government officials stopping its activities there, the Society continued to send books to Volhynia residents. It is known that through the mediation of a public and political figure R. Mohylnytsky (a Galician, a representative of UNDO; he ended up in Volhynia due to oppression by the Polish authorities), “Native School” provided primary school education by means of Ukrainian chytanka books (Dobrochynska, 2016, p. 156).
From the beginning of the 1920s, 36 chytanka books were published in Galicia, of which 16 were sent to primary schools, 18 - to secondary schools, and 2 - to teachers' seminaries (Ilnytska, 2012, p. 219). Among the above mentioned, we will analyse the chytanka edition for the primary school, which was prepared by a Galician writer, a teacher under the pseudonym M. Kuzmova (Koltsuniak) (1884 - 1922); it was used (rather in home use) by more than one generation of Volhynia children due to its national and patriotic content. The book contains 109 texts, without illustrative material, but a well-thought-out structure and content made it attractive for readers. The idea of forming children's national self-awareness and patriotism, which is laid down in the first lines of the “Prayer”: “God the Great, God the One, bless our native land! All Your favours and all your bounties on our land, Father, give us! We are still small and weak, you give us courage and strength, so that we know how to give our lives for our native land at every moment!” (Kuzmova, 1920, p. 3). Compositionally, the texts of poems and stories are selected according to their content, which develops a worldview, educates moral, ethical and Christian virtues and reflects the following themes: love for Ukraine, respect for parents and family, folk traditions of celebrating Christmas and Easter, natural themes, and also contains works of a religious content - “Prayer before Studying”, “Prayer after Studying”, “To the Holy Mary”. The thematic plots were successfully selected by sayings, proverbs, riddles and exercises that developed imagination, logical thinking and encouraged self-control.
The educational function was performed with the gymnasium “Chytanka” books of the Ukrainian writer, teacher, Minister for Education of the Ukrainian National People's Republic (1919) A. Krushelnytsky (1878 - 1937), who made a significant contribution to the preparation of a didactic literature. “Chytanka” book for the 4th grade students of gymnasiums is addressed to high school students, and according to the stamp it became known that the book collection of Kremenets Theological Seminary provided future Orthodox priests with books that would form a historical memory and patriotic spirit. The literary content of “Chytanka” is systematized according to two main genres - poetry and prose. After analysing the content of the first part of the textbook, it becomes clear that the author grouped the texts into four thematic and genre subdivisions - epic, lyrical, didactic and dramatic poetry, which, in turn, are filled with genre diversity. For example, the subsection “Didactic Poetry” is represented by fables, satire, parables, epigrams, didactic lyrics, proverbs and riddles. By studying the works of Ukrainian classics, students got acquainted with the lives of outstanding creators - B. Lepky, A. Tchaikovsky, M. Hrushevsky, T. Shevchenko, I. Franko, M. Lazarevsky and other writers. The author devoted the section “History” to the Ukrainian past, which contains several essays by M. Hrushevsky - “Greek Colonies in Ukraine”, “Kyiv - the Centre of a Cultural Life in Ukraine in the 17th Century”, I. Krypiakevych - “Ancient Lviv”, “The Lviv Starovpigian Brotherhood in the 16th Century” and the work of the French linguist and historian Amedeu de Que de Saint-Emur “Anna Yaroslavna - Queen of France”. It is interesting that before the exposition of historical plots, the author focuses on significant events of the past with reference to the number of series of the textbook, in which the cognitive information is published. The summary list of the works of Ukrainian and world poets and novelists is arranged according to the same principle (Krushelnytsky, 1922). Schoolchildren of that time noted that “Chytanka” textbooks by A. Krushelnytsky for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades of gymnasiums were particularly popular among readers, their price was 14 zl. in Ukrainian bookstores in Rivne. Four Ukrainian bookstores operated in the largest city of Volhynia: three sold new books, and in the fourth, students had the opportunity to buy used the Ukrainian-language textbooks on Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Logic at a lower price (Hutsuliak, 1976, p. 230).
To form skills of the Ukrainian language Grammar acquisition, several textbooks were used at Volhynia schools. The authors of “Short Grammar of the Ukrainian Literary Language” M. Uhryn-Bezgrishny (1883 - 1960) and A. Lototsky (1881 - 1949) - active participants in the national liberation struggle, public figures and teachers at Rohatyn private gymnasium, compiled the study guide, noting that it was addressed rather for a private use than for Ukrainian schools of the time, the number of which was reduced to nothing. Exercises developed practical skills in a correct use of words of different grammatical categories in simple and complex sentences, competent punctuation of various syntactic constructions (for example, in Paragraph 44, Paragraph 52). The paragraphs “Something about clarity, purity and impeccability in speaking and writing” focus on the improvement of students' oral and written communication culture (in Paragraph 49), “Dictionary of Obscene Sayings” (in Paragraph 50), “Foreign, Unnecessary Words in the Ukrainian Language” (in Paragraph 51) (Uhryn-Bezgrishny & Lototsky, 1936). In favour of the fact that teachers of Rivne Ukrainian private gymnasium (1923 - 1939) used the educational content of this textbook is evidenced by the fact that the circle of nurturing the native language promoted the literary Ukrainian language among gymnasium students and sought to make it pure of “all provincialisms and barbarisms” (Dobrochynska, 2016, p. 102), and this fully reflects the content of Paragraph 49.
In V. Bohatsky's school textbook “Grammar”, a considerable focus is on the problem of students' awareness of the structural and semantic features of various types of syntactic units (primarily simple, complex sentences), the constructions with direct and indirect speech are characterized. Fragments from the works of H. Kvitka-Osnovianenko, T Shevchenko, P. Kulish, I. Nechui-Levytsky, P. Myrny and other classics of Ukrainian literature, as well as modern writers, are selected for the exercises. The didactic material of the textbook is aimed at improving the punctuation literacy of speakers (Bohatsky, 1929). The analysed textbooks deepened students' knowledge of a systematic organization of the Ukrainian language, contributed to normalization of oral and written speech.
Another edition - “Ukrainian Chytanka” by M. Levytsky - was primarily addressed to illiterate students of extracurriculum education courses, approved by Volhynia District Board of Polish Public School Teachers (Levytsky, 1930). The study guide, which is small in volume, realized a cognitive and practical goal - through the analysis of short texts of an instructive nature, folk sayings and catchphrases, the author suggested analyzing sentences (“1. On Content; 2. On Etymology and Syntax; 3. On Word Formation”). This methodological approach is aimed at mastering Ukrainian phonetics, vocabulary, phraseology and practice of the acquired knowledge.
Although History and Geography of Ukraine were not included in school curriculum, this did not stop the interest of the Ukrainians in studying these subjects. For example, the reading rooms of the Volhynia “Prosvita” were filled with Ukrainian historical and geographical literature, which laid the foundations of scientific knowledge and formed national consciousness. In this cultural and educational institution, readers got acquainted with the work of the Galician historian and a teacher J. Tchaikivsky (1876 - 1938) “World History”. The exposition of the key milestones of world history in Volume 2 “The Middle Ages” is also directed to the display of Ukrainian heritage - “Prehistoric Times of Ukraine Rus”, “Antis and Settlement of Ukrainian-Rus Tribes”, “The Beginnings of the Rus State”, “Volodymyr the Great and Yaroslav the Wise”, “The Decline of the Rus State”, “The SocioPolitical Structure of the Ukrainian-Rus State”. Volume 3 “New Times” contained sections of the Cossack history - “The Uprising of Bohdan Khmelnytsky” and “The Ruin” (Tchaikivsky, vol. 2, pp. 244-245; vol. 3, p. 304).
Since 1934, a series of books “Children's Library” had been published in Lviv, in which artistic poetic and prose works for children of a younger age category were published. Aware of the importance of national and patriotic education from an early age, A. Lototsky prepared a popular history book “History of Ukraine for Children” in three parts dedicated to the heroic era of Ukrainian statehood (Part 1. Kyiv principality, 1934; Part 2. Galicia-Volyn state, 1934; Part 3. Cossacks, 1935; 2nd ed., 1939). The author reconstructed the historical past in an accessible popular science form, adhering to the problem-chronological principle. The books are decorated with an illustrative material by the famous Galician artist M. Fartukh (a pseudo of Ya. Fartukh-Filevych (1897 - 1979)). It is interesting that one of the books was written by the Ukrainian writer U. Samchuk, as evidenced by his bookplate, where his surname is indicated in the top line, and the sentence “Ukraino moya myla” is written in one word below (according to the original).
The textbook of the founder of Physical Geography and Anthropogeography of Ukraine S. Rudnytsky (1877 - 1937) “Fundamentals of Geography of Ukraine. “Physical Geography of Ukraine” (Rudnytsky, 1924) can be considered as one of the most thorough contemporary
Ukrainian-language manuals on Geography. The publication was based on the author's previous works, in particular “Short Geography of Ukraine. Kyiv, 1910”, on separate chapters translated into German in Vienna (1916), English in New York (1918) and French in Bern (1919) of the same book and added new paragraphs on anthropogeographical aspects. S. Rudnytsky adhered to a popular style of presentation of the material with the vocabulary and dialects of the time. The first textbook focuses on the physical and geographical description of such regions of Ukraine as the Carpathians, Horhany and Velyky Dil, Crimean Verkhovyna, Podillia, Roztochchia, Volhynia, Pidliashsia, Polissia and the others. The natural and geographical description of the regions is based on a traditional plan - from geological and geomorphological features to natural landscapes (from a modern point of view - landscapes).
His second book “Anthropogeography of Ukraine” territorially covers ethnographic Ukrainian lands, “without regard to political borders”, which makes it possible to “bind the Ukrainian land and the Ukrainian people into one whole, that lives in our imagination as “Unitary Ukraine” (Rudnytsky, 1926, p. 3). It is these words in the author's foreword that prompt a reader to think about independence and unity of Ukraine, about the Ukrainians as the titular state-creating nation. The book contains 30 chapters that cover the issues of population geography, ethnography, political geography, mineral resources, forestry, farming and agriculture, animal husbandry, industries and trade, etc. Three sections of the publication are devoted to economic development of Right-bank, Left-bank, and southern Ukraine. The manuals are designed to form a “geographic image” of Ukraine with its natural conditions and resources, population and ethno-national composition, economy and, most importantly, to show it as a prototype of an independent state, which the author managed to achieve.
Confessional memory is an important component for the national identity preservation. In the Polish Catholic state identification of the Ukrainians as the nation was also determined by a religious sign, namely, Orthodoxy. Religion lessons became an important component of Ukrainian schooling. Teaching the Law of God as a full-fledged subject was an indispensable aspect of religious education. The textbook “Law of God” for seventh-grade elementary schools contained general information about Orthodoxy, Holy books of Christians and was published in Warsaw. The educational material is grouped into three parts - “About Faith”, “About Hope”, “About Love”. A thorough analysis by the authors of the ten commandments of the Law of God was aimed at inculcating universal spiritual values, because, as they finally note, so that knowledge about faith is not in vain, “the science of Christian faith and morality should be applied in practice to life” (Pidruchnyk Zakona Bozhoho, 1934, p. 82).
We cannot ignore the first methodological guide for teaching the Law of God, addressed to teachers of religion. It was written by an archpriest A. Abramovych, edited by I. Vlasovsky, the former director of Lutsk Ukrainian private gymnasium, and approved by Volhynia diocesan committee in 1937. “Methodics of the Law of God” is an original edition, distinguished by a high level of requirements for the pedagogical work: “Teaching religion, like any other education, is a kind of art. However, it is based on certain principles and rules that everyone who wants to devote himself to this work should know. Just as a musician cannot be a good virtuoso and a musician without having firmly mastered the technical principles of music, so a religion teacher cannot teach the Law of God well without knowing pedagogical and methodological principles and methods of teaching” (Protoiierei Abramovych, 1938, p. 2). The content of the manual is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical, which, in turn, structurally covered the most important theoretical and methodological, didactic aspects and methodological techniques.
The Conclusions
Thus, in the educational sphere of Volhynia Voivodeship, private Ukrainian schools operated, which needed didactic literature in the native language. In this way, the Ukrainians defended their own language, history, religious memory, and, despite oppression and prohibition, formed the national consciousness. Taking into account the educational needs, the Ukrainian-language educational literature was aimed both at students of educational institutions and those who independently mastered didactic materials. School books were distributed through a network of Ukrainian private bookstores, cultural and educational societies - “Prosvita” and “Native School” .
The main task of the educational content of the Ukrainian-language textbooks was to lay the foundation of knowledge and establish national identity. The Ukrainian-language textbooks were written by representatives of the Ukrainian intellectual elite, who took an active part in the creation of the Ukrainian state in 1917 - 1921, and understood the importance of preserving national schooling in the Polish state.
Acknowledgement. We express our sincere gratitude to the employees of the State Archives of Volyn Region, the State Archives of Rivne Region for help in finding sources, Rivne Regional Museum of Local History (old Ukrainian textbooks are stored in these institutions), as well as scientific consultations of Doctor of historical sciences Olena Pryshchepa.
Funding. The authors did not receive any financial support for the publication of this article.
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