Theoretical principles of studying the historical and cultural heritage of small towns of Ukraine
The purpose of is to study the influence of the historical and cultural heritage of small towns on the development of tourism in Ukraine. It was established that small cities of Ukraine have a significant potential for the development of tourism.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.07.2024 |
Размер файла | 790,1 K |
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Theoretical principles of studying the historical and cultural heritage of small towns of Ukraine
V. V. Tsypko
National Transport University, Ukraine
The purpose of the article is to study the influence of the historical and cultural heritage of small towns on the development of tourism in Ukraine. It was established that small cities of Ukraine have a significant potential for the development of tourism. These cities preserve a rich historical and cultural heritage, including ancient architecture, cultural monuments and traditions. The growing interest in travel and educational tourism creates opportunities for the development of the tourism potential of small towns. At the same time, the development of tourism contributes to the economic growth of small towns, creating new jobs and increasing income from the tourism business. It is important to take into account socio-cultural aspects, as tourism can contribute to the preservation and popularization of local traditions, arts and crafts. Therefore, the study of the historical and cultural heritage of small towns will reveal unique resources that can attract tourists. Methodology. The methodological basis of the work is: the method of theoretical research, induction and deduction, observation, comparison, analysis and synthesis. The methodology is based on the principles of historicism, systematicity and scientificity. Scientific novelty. The scientific study emphasizes the role of the historical and cultural heritage of small towns of Ukraine and their opportunities for the development of tourism. Characterized: the conceptual apparatus of historical and cultural heritage, its features as an object of socio-geographical research and modern trends of cultural heritage in Ukraine. The results of the research will contribute to determining the potential of the historical and cultural heritage of small towns and its impact on the development of tourism in Ukraine. It is important to carry out a systematic monitoring study of the state of cultural heritage, which will allow timely detection of problems, evaluation of the effectiveness of preservation and use measures, and adjustment of tourism development strategies. Therefore, the research results can become the basis for the development of tourism development strategies and programs aimed at the attractiveness of small towns for domestic and foreign tourists.
Keywords: historical and cultural heritage of Ukraine, small towns, trends in cultural heritage research, socio-geographic research.
Метою статті є дослідження впливу історико-культурної спадщини маленьких міст на розвиток туризму в Україні. Констатовано, що малі міста України мають значний потенціал для розвитку туризму. Ці міста зберігають багатий історико-культурний спадок, включаючи старовинну архітектуру, пам'ятники культури та традиції. Зростаючий інтерес до подорожей і пізнавального туризму створює можливості для розвитку туристичного потенціалу маленьких міст. При цьому, розвиток туризму сприяє економічному зростанню маленьких міст, створюючи нові робочі місця і збільшуючи доходи від туристичного бізнесу. Важливо враховувати і соціокультурні аспекти, оскільки туризм може сприяти збереженню та популяризації місцевих традицій, мистецтва та ремесел. Отже, дослідження історико-культурної спадщини маленьких міст дозволить виявити унікальні ресурси, які можуть привертати туристів. Методологія дослідження. Методологічну основу роботи становлять: метод теоретичних досліджень, індукції і дедукції, спостереження, порівняння, аналіз і синтез. Методологія грунтується на принципах історизму, системності й науковості. Наукова новизна. В науковому досліджені підкреслено роль історико-культурної спадщини маленьких міст України та їх можливості для розвитку туризму. Охарактеризовано: понятійний апарат історико-культурної спадщини, її особливості як об'єкту суспільно- географічного дослідження та сучасні тенденції культурної спадщини в Україні. Результати дослідження сприятимуть визначенню потенціалу історико-культурної спадщини маленьких міст та його впливу на розвиток туризму в Україні. Важливо проводити систематичне моніторингове дослідження стану культурної спадщини, що дозволить вчасно виявляти проблеми, оцінювати ефективність заходів збереження та використання і коригувати стратегії розвитку туризму. Отже, результати дослідження можуть стати основою для розробки стратегій та програм розвитку туризму, спрямованих на привабливість маленьких міст для вітчизняних та зарубіжних туристів.
Ключові слова:. історико-культурна спадщина України, маленькі міста, тенденції дослідження культурної спадщини, суспільно-географічне дослідження. historical ultural heritage ukraine
The historical and cultural heritage of Ukraine's small towns has significant potential for tourism development. These towns are rich in unique architectural monuments, traditions, crafts and other cultural values that attract tourists. The development of tourism based on the historical and cultural heritage of small towns contributes to regional development, increases local incomes and improves infrastructure. The involvement of the public and private sectors, as well as active public participation, are important factors in the development of heritage tourism. Cooperation of all stakeholders is important to create tourist routes, support cultural events and ensure the quality of tourist services.
To this end, it is necessary to use modern technologies, such as digital media and interactive exhibitions, to attract tourists' attention and promote the historical and cultural heritage of small towns. Today, special attention needs to be paid to the preservation and restoration of historical and cultural sites, as well as to supporting traditions and folk crafts that help preserve the authenticity and attractiveness of small towns for tourists. One of the key aspects is to support and encourage public participation in the process of preserving and using historical and cultural heritage.The involvement of local residents, experts, active NGOs and volunteers can contribute to the effective implementation of projects, the creation of new initiatives and the sustainable development of small towns, and help ensure a comfortable and attractive stay for tourists.
Analysis of recent research and publications
Issues related to the development of the historical and cultural heritage of Ukraine are of considerable scientific interest to researchers.
A significant contribution to the development of the problem was made by Hrytsyk M. (2005), Gansky V. (2018), Kornienko V. (2009), Bubenko P. & Panova O. (2017), Gurzha K. (2020), Pyvovar I. (2010), Polyvach K. (2007), which analyses the role of tourism in promoting the cultural heritage of Ukraine.
The scientific works of Andres G. (2008), Vecherskyi V. (1999; 2003), Kondel- Perminova N. (2009), which address the problems of preserving the architectural and urban heritage of Ukraine during the transformation processes of the monument protection industry of Ukraine, remain relevant.
The legal regulation of the process of development and preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of Ukraine has been studied by such scholars as: Myshchak I. (2015), Pyvovar I. (2010). However, there is currently no comprehensive study on the topic. It is also noteworthy that, despite the growing relevance of the topic, scientific interest in its study has declined in recent years, but in light of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the topic requires a thorough study.
The purpose of the article is to examine, based on the analysis of available sources, the foundations of the historical and cultural heritage of small towns in Ukraine.
In order to achieve this goal, the following tasks are envisaged: to analyse the existing historiography of the problem; to analyse the cultural tourism potential of Ukraine; to determine the role of the state in preserving the cultural heritage of small towns in Ukraine; to identify the features and possibilities of promoting a historical and cultural tour of small towns in Ukraine.
Research methods and methodology
The methods of logical analysis, systematic approach, statistical, cluster analysis, forecasting methods, economic and mathematical methods and methods of mathematical modelling were used in the preparation of the study. In particular, the methods of analysis and synthesis were used in connection with the definition of the following concepts: legal protection, cultural heritage, historical and cultural monuments, etc.Social deterministic - in the process of studying trends in the development of legislation on the protection of cultural heritage; historical and comparative legal methods - in the study of the main legal acts on the protection of historical and cultural monuments at all stages of the formation of Ukrainian statehood and in their analysis.
Presentation and discussion of the main research material. Small towns in Ukraine have significant potential for tourism development. These cities preserve a rich historical and cultural heritage, including ancient architecture, cultural monuments and traditions.The growing interest in travel and educational tourism creates opportunities for the development of the tourism potential of small towns, and the historical and cultural heritage is a significant factor in this.
The conceptual framework of historical and cultural heritage
The conceptual framework of historical and cultural heritage is a tool used to systematise and understand historical and cultural heritage. It allows for the analysis, classification and explanation of various aspects of cultural heritage, such as architecture, art, traditions and other manifestations of popular culture. This tool helps to preserve and transmit valuable knowledge and understanding of the past for future generations (Yurchenko, 2011, p. 229-230).
The cultural heritage of Ukraine is a valuable spiritual and social potential that forms the basis for the sustainable development of our independent state. Preservation of cultural heritage, historical memory and national identity are important components of national security.These cultural heritage sites are unique and provide us with an opportunity to understand our past and enrich our contemporary culture.
Art, culture and nature are sources that allow us to perceive the essence of the country in a deeper way. Personal observations and direct experience in a World Heritage site can be so fascinating that a person becomes an intermediary and joins a new culture. This process of adaptation of a carrier of one culture to another contributes to the mixing, penetration, enrichment and synthesis (integration) of nations. As a result, there is a better mutual understanding, mutual perception, mutual influence and joint development both at the level of individuals and between world societies and other actors (Lytovchenko, 2014, p. 363-364).
The existing component structure of the cultural heritage of Ukraine is defined by the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Cultural Heritage”, according to which cultural heritage objects are divided by type into structures (works); complexes (ensembles); sights [On the Protection of Cultural Heritage].
Since there are a number of definitions and characteristics of historical and cultural heritage that depend on different goals and objectives, we can begin to consider and analyse them with a logical interpretation of the term “cultural heritage”, which is given in Article 1 of the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. According to this Convention, cultural heritage is classified into three categories:
Table 1
Objects of cultural heritage
[compiled by the author based on the research of V.V Vechersky (2003)].
Object name |
Characteristic |
Objects of monumental art |
Works of fine art, which can be independent or associated with architectural, archaeological or other monuments, as well as with the complexes or ensembles formed by them. |
Objects of architecture |
Buildings and architectural structures that have been completely or partially preserved in an authentic state and have characteristic features of a certain culture, era, styles, traditions, or they are the works of famous authors. |
City planning objects |
Historically formed centers of settlements, streets, quarters, squares, complexes (ensembles), which have a preserved planning and spatial structure, historical buildings and are often combined with the natural landscape. They may also include remnants of ancient planning and buildings embodying certain urban planning ideas |
Objects of garden and park art |
Combination of park construction with natural or man-made landscapes |
Landscape objects |
Natural areas of historical value |
Objects of science and technology |
Unique industrial, production, research and production, engineering, engineering and transport and mining objects that reflect the level of development of science and technology in a certain era, specific scientific directions or industrial branches |
Object name |
Characteristic |
Archaeological objects |
These include ancient settlements, fortifications, military camps, production sites, irrigation systems, roads, burial grounds, cultural sites and structures, megaliths, caves, petroglyphs, historical battlefields, and associated movable objects. These objects are underground and underwater and are indispensable sources of information about the origin and development of civilization. |
Historical objects |
Buildings, structures and their complexes (ensembles), individual burials and necropolises, places of mass burials of dead and fallen military personnel (including foreigners) who died as a result of wars, deportations and political repressions on the territory of Ukraine. This list also includes places of combat operations, places of sunken warships, sea and river vessels with remains of military equipment, weapons, ammunition, etc. In addition, it includes significant places related to historical events, life and activities of famous persons, culture and life of peoples. |
The definition of modem ideas about cultural heritage is based on the following basic principles:
1. Awareness of the importance and urgency of supporting the natural and cultural environment, which provides a person with a connection with nature and objects of cultural heritage in society.
2. Understanding that cultural heritage is a necessary condition for sustainable development, formation of national identity and harmonious development of personality.
Figure 1. Categories of cultural heritage [Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage].
For a complete understanding of cultural heritage, it is worth highlighting its objects.
The advantages of sites included in the World Cultural Heritage List are reflected in the World Heritage Conservation Concept, which is the most effective global instrument for the protection of natural and cultural sites.
This concept is embodied in a number of international legal acts, such as conventions, recommendations and declarations, which have been ratified by many countries (Vecherskyi, 2003, p. 133). The conceptual apparatus of historical and cultural heritage is important for understanding, analysis and research of historical and cultural heritage. The main role and purpose of the conceptual apparatus include:
The conceptual framework of historical and cultural heritage consists of a number of key terms and concepts that help to understand, analyse and interpret historical and cultural heritage.The main elements that may be included in the conceptual framework include:
1. Historical and cultural heritage: a term that describes a collection of objects, artefacts, traditions, knowledge and values that are passed down from previous generations and are important for understanding history, culture and identity.
2. Cultural monument: an object or phenomenon that has great value for cultural heritage and requires special protection and preservation.
3. National cultural reserve: a specially defined territory where significant cultural values are concentrated and where special measures are established for their preservation and promotion.
4. Archaeological objects: traces of past civilizations, excavations of archaeological sites, finds of artifacts and remains of structures that help to reconstruct the history and culture of past eras.
5. Cultural tourism: a form of tourism aimed at visiting and learning about cultural monuments, traditions, art and other aspects of historical and cultural heritage.
6. Preservation and protection: principles, methods and strategies aimed at the preservation, restoration and protection of the historical and cultural heritage, in particular the application of conservation technologies, the legal aspect of the protection of cultural values, the role of international organizations in the preservation of heritage.
7. Inventory and cataloguing: systematic accounting and classification of historical and cultural objects and values to create a database and facilitate further research and protection.
Table 2
The main role and purpose of the conceptual apparatus (compiled by the author based on (Myshchak, 2015. p. 15-20).
Role and purpose |
Characteristic |
Unification of terminology |
The conceptual framework helps to establish an unambiguous understanding of the terms and concepts used in the context of historical and cultural heritage. This helps to avoid misunderstandings and confusion in communication and knowledge exchange. |
Analysis and interpretation |
The conceptual framework provides the necessary tools for analysing and interpreting historical and cultural heritage.It helps to reveal the meaning, context and interrelationships between different elements of heritage, to understand their value and impact on society. |
Conservation and protection |
The conceptual framework plays an important role in the preservation and protection of historical and cultural heritage.It allows for the creation of a system of classification and inventory of heritage, prioritisation of protection measures, development of conservation strategies, and identification of the most effective methods of preservation and restoration of values. |
Cultural exchange and cooperation |
The conceptual framework is the basis for communication and knowledge exchange between professionals, researchers, the public and other stakeholders. It creates a common language that helps to avoid misunderstandings and promotes mutual understanding between different groups of stakeholders. It promotes fruitful cultural exchange, cooperation and interaction between different countries, regions and communities. |
Development of tourism |
The conceptual framework is essential for the development of tourism, especially cultural tourism.It provides a basis for creating routes, developing tourist programmes and services aimed at promoting historical and cultural heritage. This helps to attract tourists, increase revenues from the tourism industry, and contribute to the development of small towns and regions. |
Identity formation |
The conceptual framework helps to reveal the significance of historical and cultural heritage for the formation of identity and a sense of belonging to a particular cultural community.It emphasises the value and uniqueness of cultural traditions, values and heritage, which helps to preserve and reproduce cultural heritage for future generations. |
8. Interaction with communities: taking into account the interests and practices of local communities, their participation in the process of preservation and development of historical and cultural heritage.
9. Urbanism and the development of cultural policy: planning the development of local settlements in view of the preservation and use of historical and cultural values, the formulation of relevant strategies and policies (Pyvovar, 2010, p. 167-168).
The conceptual apparatus of historical and cultural heritage includes these elements that help clarify, expand and deepen the concept and meaning of historical and cultural heritage. The use of these concepts allows you to create a basis for further research and analysis of values associated with culture and past eras.
In Ukraine, as a country with a rich and diverse cultural heritage, research and protection of valuable historical, architectural, archaeological and artistic objects are of great importance. Modern trends in the study of cultural heritage in Ukraine reflect new approaches and methodologies aimed at comprehensive understanding, preservation and popularization of this important component of national cultural wealth.
Recently, great importance is attached to the geographical aspect in the study of cultural and natural heritage, since their existence and development in time and space are related to the geographical conditions of their functioning. However, geographical studies of cultural heritage in Ukraine are scattered and do not always have a constructive approach. There is a lack of a suitable research center or department in the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and higher educational institutions, which further complicates this situation. It is also important to note that introduced concepts such as “cultural landscape” and “industrial landscape” are not clearly refl e cted in the natural areas of the country, and little research is conducted in this direction. This situation significantly affects the work of the Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on the creation of the Atlas “Population of Ukraine and its natural and cultural heritage”. Despite this, the conducted research provides an opportunity to identify trends in the preservation of cultural heritage and to put forward separate proposals and recommendations for its preservation and use (Polyvach, 2007, p. 124-125).
Ukraine is actively working to develop and implement innovative approaches to cultural heritage management. This includes the development of new strategies, policies and programmes aimed at the rational use and preservation of heritage, the introduction of modern methods of management and monitoring of the condition of sites, as well as the creation of an effective system of coordination between various structures and bodies dealing with cultural heritage.
Current trends in cultural heritage research in Ukraine also take into account the need for sustainable development and preservation of cultural heritage. There is a growing awareness of the importance of a balanced approach that combines heritage protection with the ability to meet the needs of modern society. This means developing strategies aimed at ensuring the sustainable use of cultural heritage sites, preserving their authenticity and integrating them into modern socio-cultural processes.
Table 3
Main trends of cultural heritage research in Ukraine (compiled by the author based on the research of O. G. Topchiev (2010))
Research trends |
Characteristic |
Interdisciplinary approach |
Scholars are increasingly combining different fields of knowledge, such as archaeology, history, art history, anthropology and sociology, for a deeper understanding of cultural heritage. This allows you to get complex data and interpretations. |
Digital technologies |
The use of digital tools is becoming increasingly common in cultural heritage research. This includes 3D scanning and visualization of objects, web archives, virtual tours and open access to data to help preserve, study and promote heritage. |
Communitarian approach |
The involvement of the public and local communities is increasingly important in cultural heritage research. It promotes the active involvement of people in the process of preservation and understanding of heritage, and helps preserve traditions and history. |
Global cooperation |
Ukraine actively cooperates with international organizations and partners to exchange experience and best practices in the preservation and research of cultural heritage. This contributes to the expansion of knowledge, the improvement of the qualifications of specialists and the improvement of research standards. |
The need to expand the geography of research also reflects current trends.In addition to studying the already well-known cultural heritage sites, researchers are paying attention to less studied and insufficiently documented sites. This allows us to expand our information about the cultural past of the country and identify new valuable sites that should be included in the national heritage.
The role of social definition of cultural heritage is also growing.The understanding that the heritage belongs not only to the state or the expert community, but also to citizens, residents of cities and villages, is becoming more widespread.This promotes active public participation in the processes of preservation, restoration and promotion of cultural heritage.
Databases are an important component in the process of cultural heritage research in Ukraine.Here are some ways in which databases contribute to cultural heritage research:
1. Storage and organization of information: It is databases that allow the storage of large amounts of cultural heritage data, including descriptions, photographs, historical data and other relevant information. They help organize this information into a logical structure that makes it easier to access and find.
2. Analysis and Exploration: They provide the opportunity to conduct a variety of data analysis, allowing researchers to find connections, trends, and new discoveries. With the help of databases, you can search by keywords, filter information by various parameters, perform statistical analysis, etc.
3. Interactivity and visualization: databases enable the creation of interactive interfaces and visualizations that facilitate understanding and facilitate the study of cultural heritage. These can be web archives, virtual tours, digital maps, 3D models and other tools that help to recreate and explore heritage sites.
4. Storage and organization of information: databases enable the storage of large amounts of cultural heritage data, including descriptions, photographs, historical data and other relevant information. They help organize this information into a logical structure that makes it easier to access and find.
Analysis and Research: This component of cultural heritage research provides the opportunity to conduct a variety of data analysis, allowing researchers to find connections, trends and new discoveries. With the help of databases, you can search by keywords, filter information according to various parameters, perform statistical analysis, etc. (Andres, 2008. p. 6-7).
The next component in cultural heritage research is statistical methods used to analyze data, identify trends, conduct comparative studies, and confirm hypotheses. The following auxiliary properties of statistical methods can be defined:
Data analysis: enable analysis of large amounts of cultural heritage data, including numerical data, ratings, assessments and other parameters. With the help of statistical methods, you can find patterns, identify trends and draw conclusions based on objective data.
1. Geographical analysis: statistical methods can be used to study the geographical aspects of cultural heritage, such as the location of objects, distribution and spatial relationships. For example, you can perform an analysis of the density of the location of monuments, find geographical areas with a high level of heritage or identify spatial dependencies in the development of cultural objects.
2. Comparative studies: this method allows for comparative analysis between different aspects of cultural heritage, for example, between regions, eras or types of objects. This allows us to identify similarities, differences and draw conclusions about the influence of various factors on the development of heritage.
3. Forecasting and planning: statistical methods can be used to predict future trends in the development of cultural heritage, for example, the popularity of tourist sites or changes in the way heritage is used. This helps in effective planning and resource management aimed at heritage conservation and development.
4. Identification of trends and influential factors: they also allow to identify trends in the development of cultural heritage and establish influential factors that promote or inhibit development. For example, it is possible to investigate the influence of economic, social or political factors on the state and development of cultural heritage (Voronov,
2020, p. 210-211).
An equally important component is geographic information systems (GIS), which play a significant role in the study of cultural heritage in Ukraine, as they provide a convenient and effective way of organizing, analyzing and visualizing geographic data. The help of this component consists in the following items.
1. Spatial analysis: they allow you to perform spatial analysis of geographical data about cultural heritage, such as the location of monuments, architectural complexes, archaeological finds, etc. With the help of GIS, you can carry out spatial queries, identify connections between objects and establish spatial patterns.
2. Data management: geographic information systems can be used to collect, store and manage geographic data on cultural heritage. They provide structured and centralized storage of information about heritage objects, their attributes, images, etc. This simplifies access to data, ensures its consolidation and convenient management of information.
3. Visualization of data: GIS allow visualization of geographic data about cultural heritage in the form of maps, images, models, etc. This helps to more easily perceive and understand the spatial context of heritage, identify dependencies and find new insights.
4. Modeling and forecasting: They can use spatial models to model and forecast the development of cultural heritage. Based on geographic data such as landmark locations, demographics, economic indicators, etc., predictive models can be created to help predict trends and influence heritage development through effective resource and infrastructure planning.
5. Risk management and assessment: GIS can be used to manage cultural heritage risks. For example, they can be used to assess potential threats such as development, natural disasters or anthropogenic impacts on heritage sites. This allows you to make informed decisions regarding the preservation and protection of valuable objects.
6. Communication and public information: GIS can be used to create interactive maps and web applications that allow the public to access cultural heritage information, including virtual tours, historical data, site locations, etc. This contributes to raising community awareness and interaction with heritage (Topchiev, 2010, p. 23-24).
Another important component is graphic reconstructions of cultural heritage objects, which play an important role in the study and visualization of cultural heritage in Ukraine. Here are a few ways that graphic reconstructions help with research.
1. Reproducing the appearance of objects: graphic reconstructions make it possible to reproduce the appearance of cultural heritage objects as they might have looked in the past. This allows researchers and the public to better imagine what buildings, monuments, artifacts, etc. looked like in their original state.
2. Visualization of historical contexts: this component can help to visualize the historical contexts and environment in which heritage objects are placed. This provides a better understanding of the social, cultural and natural environment in which the heritage existed.
3. Reconstruction of missing objects: used to reproduce missing objects of cultural heritage that have been destroyed or disappeared from the ground. This allows us to reconstruct the appearance of lost historic buildings, structures or artefacts and explore their meaning and context.
4. Promotion and education: graphic reconstructions can be used to promote cultural heritage and educate the public. They provide an opportunity to show a wide audience a visual reconstruction of historical objects and monuments, providing a clear and attractive form of information presentation. This can be used in museums, exhibitions, historical tours or virtual tours to engage the audience and stimulate their interest in cultural heritage.
5. Research and Analysis: These are used in cultural heritage research and analysis. Graphic reconstructions make it possible to perform a comparative analysis of various stages of development of objects and to detect changes in their structure, architecture or functionality (Borysenko V. & Borysenko M., 2022, p. 75-76).
Modern trends in cultural heritage research in Ukraine include the use of databases, statistical methods, geographic information systems, graphic reconstructions, and other innovative approaches. These methods contribute to the collection, analysis and visualization of information about cultural heritage, improving the management and conservation of heritage, expanding public awareness and education. The use of these approaches allows us to enrich our understanding and relationship to the cultural heritage of Ukraine and contributes to its preservation for future generations.
Cultural heritage is an important object of socio-geographic research, which covers a wide range of tangible and intangible artifacts, monuments, traditions, places and historical objects of great cultural significance. Cultural heritage embodies the wealth of cultural, historical and natural heritage that has been formed over the centuries and is an integral part of a society's identity and heritage.
The geography of heritage, together with such cultural and geographic disciplines as ethnocultural geography, geography of religions, geography of creativity, geography of political culture, geotoponymy, etc., is a component of the geography of culture.
Directions of current socio-geographic research in the field of cultural heritage:
a) assessment of historical and cultural potential for various territorial units - development of appropriate methodology and techniques and their practical application;
b) research into the nature and assessment of the degree of influence of cultural heritage on the development of the territory - development of appropriate methodology and techniques and their practical application;
c) development of strategic planning and program-targeted approach in the sphere of protection and use of cultural heritage (Topchiev, 2005, p. 146-147).
Socio-geographic research of cultural heritage studies the interaction between man and the environment, reveals the influence of cultural factors on the formation and preservation of heritage, as well as understanding the relationship between culture and space. This study covers the geographical location of monuments, the distribution and diversity of cultural manifestations, the impact of cultural heritage on the development of territories and society, as well as ways of preserving and using valuable heritage objects.
In the context of socio-geographic research, when it comes to cultural heritage, the sociogeographic approach involves the analysis of spatial features and forms that characterize cultural heritage at different territorial levels.
Depending on the chosen object of socio-geographic research, there are different approaches:
• the component approach involves the analysis of the territorial organization of individual components of the object. In this case, individual elements and their interaction are investigated;
• the complex approach is focused on the study of territorial combinations and combinations of all the main socio-economic components, the object of research is socio- geographical complexes;
• the geospheric approach deals with the study of socio-economic geospheres of the Earth's crust as a whole or in a separate regional context;
• the system-structural approach considers the objects of socio-geographic research as geosystems, that is, system formations within the landscape envelope.
The study of socio-geographical aspects of cultural heritage is based on general scientific principles and principles of social geography, as well as specific principles. General scientific principles include systematicity, territoriality, complexity and proportionality of territorial development, historical approach, perspective, mapping of socio-geographical phenomena, ecological approach, sociological approach and economic approach to socio- geographical knowledge, improvement of social living conditions of the population and others. Socio-geographical methods include mathematical, field, zoning, comparative- geographical, as well as systemic and genetic approaches, etc.
The scheme of socio-geographic research of cultural heritage is based on the following methodological principles and provisions:
• unification of historical, cultural and natural heritage into a single, inseparable and systemic entity, where heritage objects are interconnected with each other and with the environment;
• protection not only of individual objects, but also of the entire historical, cultural and natural environment;
• consideration of cultural and natural heritage as an integral component of modern socio-cultural, socio-economic, political and ecological processes;
• a territorial approach to heritage preservation, taking into account historical and cultural territories, nature reserves, cultural and natural monuments, ensembles, landscapes, as well as preserved traditional socio-cultural and economic forms.
The algorithm of socio-geographic research of cultural heritage involves the following stages:
1) preparatory (theoretical-methodological, methodical and informative);
2) analytical and synthetic;
3) applied.
The scientists of the Institute of Heritage believe that the geographical (spatial) concept of heritage is the basis of the geography of heritage. The main concepts of this concept include cultural and natural heritage, functions of the territory, geographical diversity, the geoframe of the territory and heritage territories (regions). The main idea of the concept is that cultural and natural heritage is a necessary prerequisite for stable dynamics and balanced development of geosystems at any territorial level. An important implication of this finding is the awareness of heritage as a key factor in development.
The study of cultural heritage as an object of socio-geographic research makes it possible to understand the meaning and role of heritage in society, to identify factors affecting its preservation and development, as well as to develop strategies for the management and preservation of cultural heritage taking into account geographical aspects. In addition, the socio-geographic study of cultural heritage helps to understand the influence of geographical factors, such as climate, natural resources and landscapes, on the formation and spread of cultural phenomena and practices. This makes it possible to analyze the spatial connections and interaction between culture and the environment, as well as to identify the peculiarities of the distribution and concentration of cultural objects on the territory (Abramov, 2022, p. 129).
As the researcher Vecherskyi (2003) notes, the territorial differentiation of heritage occurs in space and time as a result of the following main factors:
a) natural (natural uniqueness, landscape aesthetics, benchmarking of natural components and their combinations);
b) cultural (cultural uniqueness, authenticity);
c) historical and social (history of territory development);
d) mental (subjective circumstances of perception of the world of natural and cultural values as heritage).
A unique historical and cultural territory can be described as a special and integral spatial formation, which includes the territory and monuments connected to each other by ethnic, economic, historical and geographical factors. This is a unique complex that contributes to the preservation of the most important objects and phenomena of human history and culture. Typically, unique territories are the basis of regional heritage systems.
According to the “Procedure for recognizing a populated place as historical”, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on July 3, 2006 under No. 909, a city, settlement and village can be recognized as historical and entered into the List if it meets at least two of the following criteria:
• the presence of historical, architectural, landscape and garden and park objects of cultural heritage that have city-forming significance; planning in accordance with past historical eras (until the beginning of the 20th century);
• preservation of compositional centers and compositional axes of settlements;
• the presence of ordinary historical buildings.
The main areas of urban development in the historical settlement:
• preservation of cultural heritage and traditional nature of the environment;
• creation of favorable conditions for the functioning of historical areas;
• harmonious combination of new buildings with objects of cultural heritage.
One of the important aspects of the structural study of cultural heritage is the study and analysis of its territorial structure, which includes “spatial combination (location, relationship and interaction) of various economically significant areas, centers and lines” (Kopievska, 2006, p. 23).
Conclusions and prospects for further research. The study of cultural heritage in Ukraine is of great importance for the preservation and reproduction of national and world cultural heritage. This will contribute to the development of tourism and the opening of new opportunities for the socio-economic development of the regions and the strengthening of the identity of the population.
So, it can be concluded that the cultural heritage in Ukraine is a valuable resource that needs research, preservation and rational use, taking into account geographical features and the needs of society. The study of cultural heritage in Ukraine will help reveal its uniqueness, reveal historical and cultural connections, enrich knowledge about the past and promote understanding of the present.
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