Британські сестри милосердя під час Великої війни (1914-1918 рр.): історіографічний огляд
Характеристика участі британок в епіцентрі бойових дій на різних фронтах війни. Дослідження досвіду війни британських сестер милосердя. Виникнення жіночих організацій під час війни 1914-1918 рр. Жіноча мілітарна проблематика у європейській історіографії.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | статья |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 21.07.2024 |
Размер файла | 59,3 K |
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1. Baidak, M. (2020). Lysty z frontu i na front yak dzherelo z istorii Pershoi svitovoi viiny [Letters from the front and to the front as a source from the history of the First World War]: Ukraine-Poland historical heritage and public consciousness. Issue 13, Lviv, Р. 205-223 (in Ukrainian).
2. Baidak, M. (2021). Viina yak vyklyk i mozhlyvist: ukrainky v roky Pershoi svitovoi viiny[War as a challenge and an opportunity: Ukrainian women during the First World War]. Lviv: Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 319 p. (in Ukrainian).
3. Baidak, M. (2014). Zhinka iz frontu (na materialakh osobovykh dzherel Halychyny periodu Pershoi svitovoi viiny) [Woman from the front (based on personal sources from Galicia during the First World War)]. Ternopil: Scientific notes. History series, Р. 191-197 (in Ukrainian).
4. BaMak, M. (2014) Zhinochyi dosvid viiny (na prykladi uchasti zhinok u zbroinykh formuvanniakh ZUNR) [Women's experience of war (on the example of women's participation in the armed formations of the ZUNR)]. Ivano-Frankivsk: Halychyna, Р. 281-289 (in Ukrainian).
5. Bostridge, M. (2014). Vera Brittain and the First World War. The story of the Testament of Youth. London, 252 p. (in English).
6. Bowser, T. (1917). The story of British V.A.D. work in the Great War. London: Imperial War Museum, 300 р. (in English).
7. British Red Cross. (2020). Letters from a First World War nurse. Retrieved from: https://www. redcross.org.uk/stories/our-movement/our-history/letters-from-a-first-world-war-nurse (in English).
8. British Red Cross. (2020). Spanish flu: The British Red Cross' work in the face of a global pandemic. Retrieved from: https://www.redcross.org.uk/stories/health-and-social-care/health/coronavirus-how-the-red-cross-helped-in-the-spanish-flu-pandemic (in English).
9. British Red Cross. (2020). The heroic women of World War 1: a nurse's diary.Retrieved from: https://www.redcross.org.uk/stories/our-movement/our-history/the-heroic-women-of-world-war-1-a-nursesdiary (in English).
10. British Red Cross. (2020). Why do older images of nurses' uniforms have a red cross? Retrieved from: https://www.redcross.org.uk/stories/our-movement/our-history/banksy-game-changer-and-the-red-cross-emblem (in English).
11. Brittain, V.(1979). Testament of youth. London: Fontana, 41p. (in English).
12. Ilchenko, O. (2011). Hendernyi pidkhid yak nova metodolohiia naukovykh doslidzhen v haluzi pedahohiky: heneza rozvytku [The gender approach as a new methodology of scientific research in the field of pedagogy: the genesis of development]. Poltava: Pedagogical sciences: a collection of scientific works, Р. 22-30 (in Ukrainian).
13. Gosling, L. (2014). Great War Britain. The First World War at Home. Stroud, Р. 239 (in English).
14. Grayzel, S. (2002). Women and the First World War. London: New York, 193 p. (in English).
15. Hallett, C. (2009). Containing Trauma: nursing work in the First World War. Manchester: Manchester University Press (in English).
16. Hallett, C. (2016). Nurse Writers of the Great War. Copyright: Manchester University Press, 144 p. (in English).
17. Harrison, M. (2010). The medical war: British military medicine in the First World War: Oxford University Press, 25 p. (in English).
18. Healy, M. (2004). Vienna and the Fall of the Habsburg Empire. Total War and everyday life in world war I. New York, 333 p. (in English).
19. Huk, M. (2020). Zhinky Ukrainy u Pershii svitovii viini; istoriohrafiia [Women of Ukraine in the First World War; historiography]. Diss. candidate of historical sciences.Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 299 p. (in Ukrainian).
20. Hutton, I. (2008). Memories, 177 p. (in English).
21. Kent, S.K. (1999). Gender and power in Britain, 1640-1990. London: Routledge, 270 p. (in English).
22. Kis, O. (2017). Ukrainski zhinky v hornyli modernizatsii. [Ukrainian women in the crucible of modernization]. Lviv: Institute of Folklore of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (in Ukrainian).
23. Kis, O. (2017). Ukrainky v HULAHu: vyzhyty znachyt peremohty. [Ukrainian women in the Gulag: to survive means to win]. Lviv: Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 288 p. (in Ukrainian).
24. Kis, O. (2015). Zhinochi oblychchia viiny: kliuchovi temy ta pidkhody u zakhidnii feministychnii istoriohrafii. [Women's Faces of War: Key Themes and Approaches in Western Feminist Historiography]. Lviv: Women of Central and Eastern Europe during the Second World War: gender specificity of experience in times of extreme violence, P. 15-39 (in Ukrainian).
25. Kis, O. (2016). Zhinochyi dosvid HULAHu: stan doslidzhen ta dzherelni resursy v ukrainskomu konteksti. [Women's Gulag Experience: State of Research and Source Resources in the Ukrainian Context]. Lviv: Ukrainian Historical Journal, 2016 (in Ukrainian).
26. Kis, O. (2012). Zhinocha istoriia yak napriamok istorychnykh doslidzhen: stanovlennia feministychnoi metodolohii [Women's history as a direction of historical research: the formation of feminist methodology]. Lviv: Ukrainian Historical Journal, P. 165-167 (in Ukrainian).
27. Letters from a lost generation: First World War Letters of Vera Brittain and four friends (1998). London: Virago, 312 p. (in English).
28. MacDonald, L. (2013). The Roses of No Man's Land. Viking, 384 p. (in English).
29. Miller, A. (2015). The Vera Brittain Collection. The First World War Poetry Digital Archive (in English).
30. Motruk, S. (2021). Diialnist sester myloserdia u Velykobrytanii v Pershii svitovii viini [Activities of the Sisters of Mercy in Great Britain in the First World War]. Abstracts of the reports of the 73rd International Scientific Conference on April 23. Kharkiv, P.34-36 (in Ukrainian).
31. Newman, W. (2016). Tumult and Tears: an antology of women's first world war poetry. Yorkshire, 224 p. (in English).
32. Noakes, L. (1963). Women in the British Army: War and the Gentle Sex 1907-1949. Routledge 266267 p. (in English).
33. Sinclair, M. (1917). A Defense of Idealism. New York: Macmillan (in English).
34. Thebaud, F. (2014). Understanding Twentieth-Century Wars through Women and Gender: Forty Years of Historiography. Clio: Women, Gender, History. URL: https://bit.ly/3KLBA8r (date of reference: 22.02.2022) (in English).
35. Thurstan, V. (1917). Field Hospital and Flying Column. Retrieved from: https://mlpp.pressbooks.pub/ worldlitshort/chapter/field-hospital-and-flying-column-violetta-thurstan (in English).
36. Vipper, V. (1924). Vichnist viiny [Eternity of wars]. Literary and scientific bulletin. 24 p. (in Ukrainian).
37. Zaletok, N. (2015). Brytanskye zhenshchynu v hodu Pervoi myrovoi voinu. [British women during the First World War]. Genesis: historical studies. № 2. P. 50-65. DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.2.14066. DOI: http://enotabene.ru/hr/article_14066.html (in Russian).
38. Zaletok, N. (2013). Brytanski zhinky u skladi dopomizhnykh sluzhb v roky Druhoi svitovoi viiny. [British women in the auxiliary services during the Second World War. Part 1] “Gilea: scientific bulletin”: Collection of scientific papers. K., Vol. 73. 95-97 pp. (in Ukrainian).
39. Zaletok, N. (2016). Zhinky u suspilnomu i politychnomu zhytti Velykoi Brytanii (ostannia tretyna XX st. - 1939 r.) [Women in the social and political life of Great Britain (the last third of the 19th century - 1939)]. Candidate's thesis. Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. K., 298 p. (in Ukrainian).
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