Archival sources for studying the history of Broshniv-Osada united territorial community as parts of the area Boykivshchyna

Analysis of the heritage of the Broshniv-Osad united territorial community according to the project "Gates to Central Gorgans: intercultural dialogue on the Polish-Ukrainian border". Documents of the archives of Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv regions.

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Archival sources for studying the history of Broshniv-Osada united territorial community as parts of the area Boykivshchyna

Volodymyr Velykochyy,

Liliia Kopchak,

Alexandr Novosiolov

The research was carried out within the framework of the project «Gateway to the Central Gorgans: Intercultural Dialogue on the Polish-Ukrainian Borderland», the purpose of which was to draw attention to the historical and cultural heritage of the Broshniv-Osada united territorial community, which is a constituent part of the ethnographic area of Boykivshchyna. The main purpose of the study was to identify the corpus of documents in archival and library institutions of Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv regions about the history of the Broshniv-Osad united territorial community. The search for documents of a socio-economic, cultural, and religious nature was carried out. As a result, a significant volume of a wide variety of documents was discovered.

Among the processed documents, especially valuable, in our opinion, are metrical books of various denominations. This corpus of sources is the largest and most informative in terms of volume. Important information about the economic and social life of the region is reflected in the «Josephine Metric» and «Franciscan Metric». Note that these landmarks are considered the first land cadastres of Galicia, known in the historical scientific literature as the “«Josephine» (1785-1788) and «Franciscan» (1819-1820) metrics.These documents are an inexhaustible source for studying the history of the development of productive forces in agriculture and industry, socio-economic relations and culture in the western Ukrainian lands during the period of the dissolution of the feudal-serf system and the emergence of capitalist relations. Documents of a legal nature deserve special attention: lawsuits, complaints, decisions. This part of the sources is significant from the point of view of studying the level of development of legal and property relations in the region. We believe that the intensification of work in this direction will contribute to the introduction into scientific circulation of an array ofpreviously unpublished materials, which will contribute to the further deepening of scientific developments, will contribute to the development of tourism and popularization of the historical and cultural heritage of the Broshniv-Osada united territorial community as part of the area of Boykivshchyna..

Key words: Boykivshchyna, Broshniv-Osada united territorial community, archival documents, library funds, historical and cultural heritage.

Володимир ВЕЛИКОЧИЙ,

доктор історичних наук, професор кафедри історіографії та джерелознавства Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника (Івано-Франківськ, Україна)


старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов і країнознавства Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника (Івано-Франківськ, Україна)


кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри готельно-ресторанної та курортної справи Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника (Івано-Франківськ, Україна)


Дослідження було здійснено в рамках проекту «Ворота в Центральні Горгани: міжкультурний діалог на польсько-українському прикордонні» метою якого було привернути увагу до історичної та культурної спадщини Брошнів-Осадської об'єднаної територіальної громади, яка є складовою частиною етнографічного ареалу Бой- ківщини. Основною метою дослідження було виявлення корпусу документів в архівних та бібліотечних установах Івано-Франківської та Львівської області про історію Брошнів-Осадської об'єднаної територіальної громади. Було проведено роботу із пошуку документів соціального-економічного, культурного, релігійного характеру. Результатом є виявлений значний обсяг найрізноманітніших документів. Серед опрацьованих документів, особливо цінними, як на наш погляд є метричні книги різних конфесій. Цей корпус джерел найбільший за об'ємом та найінформативніший за обсягом. Важлива інформація про господарсько-економічне та соціальне життя краю відображено в «Йозефинський метриці» та «Францисканській метриці». Зауважимо, що ці пам'ятки вважаються першіми поземельними кадастрами Галичини, відомі в історичній науковій літературі як «Иосифінської» (1785-1788 рр.) та «Францисканської» (1819-1820 рр.) метрики. Означені документи є невичерпним джерелом для вивчення історії розвитку продуктивних сил у сільському господарстві й промисловості, суспільно-економічних відносин і культури у західноукраїнських землях в період розкладу фільварково-панщинної системи і зародження капіталі^ичних відносин. Окремої уваги заслуговують документи юрижичного характеру: судові позови, скарги, рішення. Ця частина джерел є значущою з точки зору вивчення рівня розвитку правових та майнових відносин в краї. Вважаємо, що активізація роботи у даному напрямку сприятиме введенню у науковий обіг масиву неопублікованих раніше матеріалів, що сприятиме в подальшому поглибленню наукових розробок, сприятиме розвитку туризму та популяризації історичного та культурного спадку Брошнів-Осадської об'єднаної територіальної громади як частини ареалу Бойківщини.

Ключові слова: Бойківщина, Брошнів-Осадська об'єднана територіальна громада, архівні документи, бібліотечні фонди, історико-культурна спадщина.

Problem state

Boykivshchyna is an ethnographic region occupying the central, most developed part of the Carpathians (the Beskyds, the Gorgans, Subcarpathia). On the territory of Ivano-Frankivsk region, Boykivshchyna covers Dolyna, Kalush, Rozhniativ and part of Bogorodchany districts. The uniqueness and originality of the population of the Boyko region is manifested in their worldview, beliefs, rituals, and material culture. However, we must acknowledge that the rich ethno-cultural potential of Boykivshchyna is not fully used in promoting the region and tourism. It is notable that individual territorial communities are actively seeking ways to promote the region participating in crossborder projects. For example, Broshniv-Osada united territorial community is involved in the implementation of the «Gateway to the Central Gorgans: Intercultural Dialogue on the Polish- Ukrainian Border» project.

Analysis of recent research and publications.

The study of the historical heritage of Boykivshchyna actually began in the 19th century. These were separate works of both domestic and foreign researchers. However, we note that source studies specifically for the study of archival collections appeared only in the second half of the 20th century. One of the first such publications is the fundamental collective work «Boykivshchyna. Historical and ethnographic research» (Бойківщина. Історико-етнографічне дослідження, 1983). We will also note the study «Boikivshchyna. A monographic collection of materials about the Boykiv region from geography, history, ethnography and everyday life» (Бойківщина. Монографічний збірник матеріалів про Бой- ківщину з географії, історії, етнографії і побуту, 1980). The studies of R. Kirchiv (Кирчів, 1978) and

O. Drozdovska (Дроздовська, 2003: 68-69) are dedicated to source studies. We must admit that despite the significant scientific interest of researchers in the ethnographic region of Boykivshchyna, at the same time, the study of archival documents and collections requires special attention.

The purpose. As part ofthe project implementation, there was a need for archival research and study of library collections and funds of archival institutions of Ukraine, as well as published materials about Boykos region, the settlements of Broshniv-Osada united territorial community, located in the modern Rozhniativ district.

Presenting main material

Implementing the project tasks, we focused on studying the funds of the State Archive of Ivano-Frankivsk region and the Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Lviv.

An important corpus of documents, which we consider particularly valuable for our research, are the metric books of religious institutions in the region. It is worth noting that the term «metric» (Latin matricula) - a list, register, is used in various meanings: as a book for recording births, baptisms, marriages and burials - a metric book; as a separate document, a certificate; as a collection of ancient government documents (Polish Crown, Lithuanian, Ruthenian (Volyn) metriCs); as a separate unit in the office, and later in the archive. The emergence of metric books was necessitated by the need to register the population. The tradition of registering the faithful began with the keeping of various types of lists of the newly baptized, catechized, and deceased, known since the early Christian times.

After the annexation of Galicia to Austria (1772), as early as 1775, a reform of church metriCs was initiated, which lasted until 1788. Austria considered the parish as the lowest but very important link in the state governance, through which the authorities conveyed their orders to the wider populace, and from the parish received statistical «vykazy» (reports) from the priests for circular bodies, from which demographic data was drawn. The Lviv governor, in a letter to the bishops dated July 10, 1775, demanded that the priests diligently fill in the metric books, «so that marriage, baptismal, and death metriCs are properly kept, so that in case of need - every moment when such need arises - they could be referred to, and they would serve as confirmation of the truth.» At the same time, printed metric forms were introduced. The relevance of the measure was due to the fact that distortions of surnames often occurred in peasant families, some deliberately changed them, and married women continued to use their maiden names. In this regard, Maria Theresa issued a patent on February 3, 1776, which prohibited such practices and required «every son or daughter, while retaining their accustomed surname, to be called by their paternal surname, with the exception of married women, who were to adopt the husband's surname».

From the bishops and consistories, it was simultaneously demanded that they compel their parish priests «to keep the metric books in order, and in the case of marriage, to record the true surname of the bride and groom; this also applied to baptism and burial». However, the fundamental reform of metric books was implemented only in 1784. By the patent of Emperor Joseph II dated March 20, 1784, parish priests were required to «maintain three separate registers, namely - A Marriage Book, A Birth Book, and A Death Book.» It was also required that these books be kept in Latin, separately for each village. The birth and baptism books were to contain the following information: the year, month, and day of the child's birth, house number, the name of the baptized child, gender, information - whether the child was born in wedlock or out of wedlock, the names and surnames of the parents, their religion, the names and surnames of the godparents, their status and occupation. In the case of a child born out of wedlock, the patent recommended not to record «thefather's name in the birth book, as such entries were made from the words of the mother, other information, or assumptions of the pastor, and therefore they could be untrue, as for the right - this had no significance for either the mother or the child.» According to the norm of the patent, the father's name could only be entered when he himself declared it (Лобко, 2010: 161-162).

The new Marriage Books, introduced in 1784, had the following columns: year, month, and day of marriage, house number, name and surname of the groom, his religion, age, and marital status (single, widower). For the bride, in addition, the name, surname, and status information of the witnesses were also entered. The metriCs were to be written by those who gave the marriage, and they were signed by the witnesses. In the column «characteristics of the witnesses», their social status was indicated.

The Books of the Dead had the following columns: year, month, and day of death, house number, name and surname, religion, gender, age of the deceased, nature of the illness or cause of death.

These metric book forms existed until the First World War.

In the State Archive of Ivano-Frankivsk region (hereinafter referred to as the SAIFR), a unique collection of metric books of churches, chapels, and synagogues of Stanislav voivodeship is gathered, which, in the context of increased interest in genealogy, is widely used for reference work. Fund 631 «Collection of Metric Books of Churches, Chapels, and Synagogues of Stanislav voivodeship, 1752-1938» is particularly valuable for our research (ДАІФО. Ф. 631, Оп. 1). The fund stores information about the birth, marriage, and death of the inhabitants of Stanislav voivodeship; metric books were kept in Latin, Polish, and Ukrainian; an index of settlements of Stanislav voivodeship is compiled for the metric books; information about the Greek-Catholic, Roman- Catholic, and Jewish denominations is included. A significant corpus of the documents presented is the metric books of Greek-Catholic parishes, which are the subject of our research.

Below is a list of the fund's cases, which, in our opinion, are of particular scientific interest for our research.

Lviv Eparchy (Rozhniativ Deanery)

Church of St. Archangel Michael, vill. Tsineva of Dolyna district.

Villages: Broshniv, Verkhnii Strutyn, Vilkhivka, Dymnia, Dobrohostiv, Kniazivske, Lypovytsia, Nyzhnii Strutyn, Rivnia, Ripne, Rozniate, Slyvky, Topilske, Yakivka, Yasenovets

Birth Records:

1820-1839: fund 631, Descr. 1, Cs. 505;

1840-1862: Fund 631, Descr. 1, Cs. 506;

1862-1878: Fund 631, Descr. 1, Cs. 507;

1865-1876: Fund 631, Descr. 1, Cs. 508;

1878-1908: Fund 631, Descr. 1, Cs. 509.

Marriage Records:

1851-1894: Fund 631, Descr. 1, Cs. 510;

854-1873: Fund 631, Descr. 1, Cs. 511

Death Records:

1835-1876: Fund 631, Descr. 1, Cs. 512

Lviv Eparchy (Rozhniativ Deanery)

Church of Annunciation of the Holy Virgin Mary, Vill. Krekhovychi of Dolyna district.

Birth Records:

1866-1910: Fund. 631, Descr. 1, Cs. 490.

Of a significant scientific interest, in our opinion, is the collection of Roman Catholic metric books of the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv (hereinafter - CSHAL). Clearly adhering to the purpose and objectives of our research, we note that this source corpus is significant, meaningful and informative. In particular, in the Birth Books, we find information about: the year, month, and day of the child's birth, house number, name of the baptized child, gender, information about the legality of the parents' marriage, names and surnames of the parents, their social status and occupation, the surname and name of the priest who baptized the child, the surname and name of the midwife. The Marriage Books contain information about: the year, month, and day of the marriage, house number, names and surnames of the bride and groom, their religion, age and marital status (single, widowed), names and surnames, as well as the status data of the witnesses (indicated in the «characteristic of the witnesses» section) who signed the metric. In the Death Books, we find sections about: the year, month, and day of death, house number, name and surname, religion, gender, and age of the deceased, the nature of the illness or cause of death. Interesting and rare sources are the books of the Easter confession (only two of which are Roman-Catholic), in which the data of the confessors were indicated: serial number, surname, first name, and social status of the head of the household, surname and first name of the wife, names and ages of the children of the couple, surnames and names of the servants (if any), if the person was not a Catholic, this was also noted («m^z rusin», «zona ruska»).

In the CSHAL, Roman-Catholic metric books are kept in the Fund 618, Descr. 2 «Roman Catholic Metropolitan Consistory, Lviv» (ЦДІАЛ. Ф. 618. ОП. 2). Some of the books are also in the Fund 201, Descr. 4a «Greek-Catholic Metropolitan Consistory, Lviv» (ЦДІАЛ. Ф. 201. ОП. 4a).

Below is a list of cases of the Fund, which in our opinion represent a special scientific interest for our research.

Town Rozhniativ, Dolyna district

Broshniv (Broszniow), Vilkhivka (Olchowka), Demnia (Demnia), Duba (Duba), Krekhovychi (Krechowice), Letsivka (Lecowka), Perehinsko (Perehinsko), Rivnia (Rownia) / Kalush povit (district)/, Svarychiv (Swaryczow), Spas (Spas), Strutyn Vishniy (Strutyn Wyzny), Strutyn Nizhniy (Strutyn Nizny), Topilsko (Topolsko), Tsineva (Ceniawa)

Birth Records:

1830-1832, 1835: Fund. 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1591; 1836-1840: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1592;

1841, 1843-1844, 1846: Fund. 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1593;

1847-1848: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1594; 1849-1852: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1595; 1853-1856: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1596; 1857-1858: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1597; 1859-1861: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1598; 1862-1865: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1599. Marriage Records:

1830-1832, 1835: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1591; 1836-1840: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1592;

1841, 1843-1844: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1593; 1846-1848: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1594;

1849- 1852: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1595; 1853-1855: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1596; 1856-1858: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1597;

1859- 1861: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1598; 1862-1865: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1599.

Death Records:

1830-1832, 1835: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1591; 1836-1840: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1592;

1841, 1843-1844: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1593; 1846-1849: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1594;

1850- 1851: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1595; 1852-1855: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1596; 1856-1859: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1597;

1860- 1861: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1598; 1862-1865: Fund 618, Descr. 2, Cs. 1599. Collection of Greek-Catholic metric books of the

Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv (CDIAL)

Vill. Broshniv (Broszniow), Dolyna district Church of St. Paraskeva (daughter parish of Holyn)

Birth Records:

1834- 1835, 1843-1844: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 555;

1835- 1839: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 554; 1840-1845, 1847-1849: Fund 201, Descr. 4a,

Cs. 556;

1846: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 59;

1850, 1852-1855, 1858-1859, 1862-1863, 1865: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 557;

1856: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 1359;

1861: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 1358.

Death Records:

1835-1839: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 554; 1840-1842, 1845, 1847-1849: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 556;

1843-1844: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 555;

1846: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 59;

1850, 1852-1855, 1858-1859, 1862-1863, 1865: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 557;

1861: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 1358.

Death Records:

1834- 1839: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 554;

1836, 1843-1844: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 555;

1840-1842, 1844-1845, 1847-1849: Fund 201,

Descr. 4a, Cs. 556;

1846: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 59;

1850, 1852-1855, 1858-1859, 1862-1863, 1865: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 557;

1856: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 1359.

2. Vill. Krekhovychi (Krechowice), Dolyna district

3. Church of Annunciation /Rozhniativ deanery/

Birth Records:

1835- 1847, 1849-1851, 1853-1855, 1858-1863, 1865: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 2751;

1864: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 1357.

Marriage Records:

1835-1847, 1849-1851, 1853-1855, 1858-1863, 1865: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 2751;

1864: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 1357.

7. 1834-1847, 1849-1851, 1853-1855,

1858-1863, 1865: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 2751;

1864: Fund 201, Descr. 4a, Cs. 1357.

We believe that these Funds are quite representative and allow studying various aspects of the socioeconomic, cultural, and religious life of Broshniv- Osada united territorial community.

Valuable information regarding the economic activity of the region is contained in «Josephine Metric» and «Franciscan Metric»

The first land cadastres of Galicia, known in historical literature as «Josephine» (1785-1788) and «Franciscan» (1819-1820) metrics, are an abundant source for studying the history of the development of productive forces in agriculture and industry, socio-economic relations, and culture in the western Ukrainian lands during the decline of the feudal-serf system and the emergence of capitalist relations.

«Josephine Metric» is the first land cadastre of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria - a census and economic assessment of land use. It was compiled in 1785-1788 based on the decree of the Austrian Emperor Joseph (Josif) II (1741-1790) dated April 12, 1785. It was named «Josephine» in honor of the Emperor Joseph II.

The purpose of «Josephine Metric» was to organize the tax legislation of the Austrian Empire, including Galicia, over which the authority of the Habsburgs was extended in 1772, to regulate land relations and the tax system. Regarding the subject of our research, the source contains the following separately:

The Ground Metric - a book of land income from the bound printed forms with paragraphs including the topographic number of the land plot, the surname of its owner with the house number, the size of the surface of the land plot with an indication of the type of land and the income from it.

At the end of the book, there are summary data on the size of all community lands and the income from them, certified by the signatures of representatives of the commission (representatives from the dominion and the community).

Description of the Community's Land Boundaries - a protocol for demarcating the lands of the community from neighboring communities.

Rules of Land Allocation - a Description of the field with the sowing types and quantity of grain per 1 morg (Prussian morg - 0.2553 ha) and the income from it. At the end of the rules, there are summary records for each field and land of the community as a whole, comparisons of the quality of land and income from them with similar indicators of neighboring communities, etc., notes of the land commission, certified by the signatures of its representatives, the community, and neighboring communities.

It was used in the resolution of disputes related to land ownership. «Josephine Metric» reflects the development of social relations, agricultural and industrial production, and economic development of the region as a whole at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century.

The texts of the books of «Josephine Metric» of the populated areas of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria were written in Polish and German.

The documents of «Josephine Metric» are preserved in the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv (ЦДІАЛ. Ф. 19. Оп. 16. Спр. 172; ТТДТАЛ Ф. 19. Оп. 16. спр. 174).

Based on «Josephine Metric», «Franciscan Metric» was created - the second land cadastre of Galicia and Lodomeria (1819-1820).

«Franciscan Metric» (Franciscan cadastre) is a census and economic assessment of the land use in Galicia conducted by the Austrian government in 1819-1820. The name comes from the name of the Austrian Emperor Franz II, during whose reign the census was conducted. «Franciscan Metric» Describes in detail the sizes of manorial estates and peasant communities, the quality of the soil and the use of land, land income, and reflects changes in land use that occurred since the first land cadastre - «Josephine Metric.» «Franciscan Metric» is an important source for studying the development of productive forces in agriculture and industry, socioeconomic relations, and culture in Galicia in the first half of the 19th century. The materials of «Franciscan Metric» are also significant for the study of historical geography, metrology, phragistiCs, toponymy, and anthroponymy.

The texts of «Franciscan MetriCs» books of the settlements of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria were written in Polish and German.

The documents of «Franciscan Metric» are preserved in the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv (ЦДТАЛ. Ф. 20. Оп. 16, Спр. 144; ТТДТАЛ Ф. 20, Оп. 16, Спр. 143).

Of particular interest to our research is Kraiova Tabula (the Regional Land Registry) - a legal institution subordinate to the Nobility Court in Lviv. It was created to keep records of large immovable property by making relevant entries in tabular books, a significant amount of which is preserved in the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv. According to the imperial patent, any change in the state of immovable property acquired legal weight only after its registration in the Tabula.

In addition to a significant corpus of tabular books (Descr. 1, 5664 cases), accompanied documentation related to them is preserved in the archive, which resulted from the consideration of property cases by the Nobility (Higher Regional) Court. It serves as a logical and integral complement to tabular entries, providing information about the reasons and legal consequences of their appearance. In some cases, the accompanying documentation allows for a detailed reconstruction of all stages of the case consideration and related legal disputes. This complex of documents also helps to determine the features, principles, procedures, and mechanisms of the functioning of the Nobility (Higher Regional) Court in the judicial system of Galicia, particularly in matters of accounting and control of private land ownership, as well as the adoption of relevant legal decisions in this area (ТТДТАЛ Ф. 166. ОП. 1).

The accompanying documentation in the archive is represented by many Descriptions. Each of the Descriptions refers to tabular entries for a specific year in ascending order. Usually, the year of tabular entries is the lower chronological limit of the documents in a specific Description. However, in some cases, documents of an earlier time than the tabular entries they relate to are encountered. The imperial patent clearly regulated the tasks, powers, and duties of the Nobility (Higher Regional) Court in the sphere of functioning of Kraiova Tabula (the Regional Land Registry), defining a certain typological composition of documents based on which the general scheme and sequence of case consideration by the court within its competence can be determined. It is worth noting that in Fund 166, Descr. 4, Cs. 81 (ЦДТАЛ Ф. 166. ОП. 4. Спр. 8) documents are preserved regarding the legal status of immovable property of Stefan Krekhovetsky in the villages of Krekhovychi of Stryi district, and Berezdivtsi of Berezhany district, dating from 1782 to 1805 (ЦДТАЛ. Ф. 166. ОП. 4. Спр. 8. Арк. 18). The language of the documents is Latin.

In this Fund 166, Descr. 4, Cs. 341 (ЦДТАЛ. Ф. 166. ОП. 4. Спр. 441) documents about the legal status of immovable property of Franciszek Stzhatkovsky in the villages of Kotsiubynchyky, Burdiakivtsi, Zbryz, Bossyry of the Zalishchyky district, and Krekhovychi of the Stryi district, dating from 1805 to 1824, are preserved (ЦДТАЛ. Ф. 166. ОП. 4. Спр. 441. Арк. 93). The language of the documents is Latin.

The uniformity of documents of the Description and their repetition in cases led to the choice of a standardized unified heading. The term «documents», which is a component of all headings, includes the types of documents that are usually available in every case. This includes appeals to the court (requesting to make new entries or strike out old ones from the land register in order to change the legal status of immovable property), powers of attorney (if the plaintiff's interests in court were represented by an officially authorized person), court orders to Kraiova Tabula (the Regional Land Registry) (demanding to make new entries or strike out old ones from the land register in order to change the legal status of real estate), and the court's responses to the plaintiff and other interested in the case parties (with justification for the decision made. In this case, copies of land register entries may be added). The chronological scope of the documents covers the period from 1782 to 1891. The documents are written in Latin, Polish, and German.

An important source preserved in the Funds of the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv is «Akta grodzkie i ziemskie z czasow Rzeczypospolitej polskiej z Archiwum tak zwanego bernardynskiego we Lwowie» (Grodski (castle) and zemski (district) acts from the times of the Polish Republic from the so-called Bernardine Archive in Lviv) (Akta grodzkie ziemskie, t. I-XXV. Lwiw, 1868-1935). The documents were published in 25 volumes from 1868 to 1935 in Lviv and contain records from the times of the Kingdom of Poland and the Republic of Both Nations (the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). The Funding for the publication was provided by the chief scholar, Count Alexander Stadnitski.

The publication was supported by the Galician Regional Department. Ivan Vahylevych participated in the work on the publication.

The editors of the publication were successively Lucian Tatomir (1836-1901), who prepared only the first volume for publication, Ksaverii Liske (1838-1891), Antoni Prokhaska (1852-1930), and Wojciech Heynosh.

Zemski (district) and grodski (castle) acts (Acta terrestria et castrensia) are among the most valuable sources for the history of Ukrainian lands from the 15th to the first half of the 17th century. They arose as a result of the activities of zemski (district) and grodski (castle) courts.

Zemski courts (district courts) (Iudicia terrestria, termini particulares), sitting at sessions («rochki»), considered civil cases of the nobility (property, land, financial, border), recorded agreements, transactions, and wills. Various documents and acts of higher government bodies and officials of the Polish- Lithuanian state were entered into zemski (district) and grodski (castle) books: royal charters, privileges, mandates, resolutions of the Sejm (the representative legislative body of an Austrian province), Sejm constitutions, universals, manifestos, orders of kings and hetmans, inventories, and lustrations. Three categories of zemski (district) books are distinguished: books of decisions (Libri decretorum), judgments (condemnationum), and registers of cases (regestra causarum).

Grodski (castle) courts (iudicia, officia castrensia capitanealia), named after their location in grods (castles), were headed by starostas (settlement heads) and functioned constantly. Therefore, alongside criminal cases, they also took over some civil cases within the competence of zemsky (district) courts. The grodski (castle) books contain numerous official documents that gained legal force after being certified in court. Entries in the judicial records are literal (complete, without changes or abbreviations) records (mainly of agreements, contracts, wills, etc.) or excerpts, called «oblata.» Three types of protocols of grodski (castle) courts are distinguished: entries (inscriptionum), reports, testimonies, or reports on judicial processes and their completion (relationum), and powers (plenipontentiarum).

The volumes of the series are divided into 3 groups:

the 1st group contains mainly documents from the 13th to the beginning of the 16th century, relating to various aspects of the history of feudal (secular and ecclesiastical) land ownership, the history of bishopriCs (mainly Roman-Catholic) in western Ukrainian and neighboring Polish lands, cities, relations with Moldova, etc. (Vols. I-IX). The documents in these volumes are arranged in chronological order but without clear thematic grouping by volume;

the 2nd group contains regests (records) of 15th-17th century acts from Lviv urban and land books (vol. X);

the 3rd group contains judicial acts and documents of seymiks (gatherings of the nobility of individual regions) from the 15th to the 17th century (Vols. XI- XXIV).

We believe that separate attention should be paid to the object of the cultural heritage of the Boikos - the Catholic Church of St. Cecil in the village of Krehovychi. It is interesting that the established oral tradition refers to this church as the kostel (Catholic church) of St. Cecil. At the same time, we are reasonably inclined to think that this sacred object is dedicated to St. Cecilia (Цецілія // Шевченківська енциклопедія, 2015: 690). However, this topic requires a separate in-depth study.

The village of Krekhovychi was founded in 1419 by a minor Polish nobleman named Krekhovych, who received land there, and the village was named after his surname. The tax register of 1515 documents 4 fields (about 100 hectares) of cultivated land in the village (Zrodla dziejowe, 1902: 82-83).

A Catholic church, also known as a kostel (Czech: kostel, Slovak: kostol, Polish: koscioi, Belarusian: касцёл), is a Roman-Catholic church, or by another definition, a West Slavic name for a Roman-Catholic church, its building, and its community. The word «koscioi» is derived (presumably through the intermediary of the Old Czech word «kostel») from the Latin «castellum,» meaning «fortified place» or «castle».

The Church of St. Cecilia is a subsidiary church, subordinate to a church of a higher hierarchical level, and does not have a specific parish.

According to historical tradition, Krekhovychi were supposed to have their own independent parish. In the historical literature about Rozhniativ and Krekhovychi in 1925, A. Vaida noted that as early as 1738, there were supposed to be parish centers in Broshniv, Krekhovychi, Strutyn, and Svarychiv in this district (Wajda, 1925: 16).

Due to the lack of documents, it is currently difficult to speak about the date of the parish's establishment.

It is known that the inhabitants of Krekhovychi built a parish church in the 18th century and decided to build a kostel (Catholic church) there as well.

Before the First World War, attempts were made to create an independent parish for the parishioners in Krekhovychi and Broshniv. However, these attempts were thwarted until the beginning of the Second World War. Meetings were also held in the village to build a new church and a priest's residence.

The laying of the first stone for the construction of the kostel (Catholic church) of St. Cecilia in Krekhovychi took place in 1900. The wooden kostel (Catholic church) was built and consecrated in 1901, by the efforts of Fr. Francis Malinovsky, the pastor of Rozhniativ, with Funds provided by Fr. Lyubomirsky and the management of the steam sawmill in Krekhovychi. It seems, this church was the only one for Broshniv and Krekhovychi until 1937. According to the 1936 inventory, a new church began to be built in Broshniv.

In the scientific work «Koscioiy i klasztory rzymskokatolickie dawnego wojewodztwa ruskiego» (Koscioiy i klasztory, 2008: 618) in the 10th volume, there is a lack of a section between the holy places of Broshniv and Krehovychi. They are considered as one object.

With the departure of Fr. Yan Potepa from the Broshniv parish, the kostel (Catholic church) was closed on March 15, 1944, and soon it was transformed into a warehouse, and then into a club. It is currently not in use due to the poor condition of the building. The kostel (Catholic church) is empty and gradually deteriorating. The stone foundation is well preserved. The bell tower and church inventory are absent. However, we should note that thanks to the project «Gateway to the Central Gorgans: intercultural dialogue on the Polish-Ukrainian border», this historical and cultural monument will receive new life and become an original tourist attraction.


Thus, we consider that the discovered corpus of archival materials and published sources is informative and rich. Historical documents reflect certain aspects of the life and activities of the inhabitants of the region, and their potential can be useful for the development of tourism as well as the promotion of the Boykivshchyna and the Boykos.


brochniv-osad united territorial community

1. Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie. Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie z czasow Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Vol. 4. Lviv, 1873. 308 s.

2. Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie. Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie z czasow Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Vol. 5. Lviv, 1875. 295 s.

3. Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie. Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie z czasow Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Vol. 6. Lviv, 1876. 307 s.

4. Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie. Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie z czasow Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Vol. 7. Lviv, 1879. 335 s.

5. Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie. Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie z czasow Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Vol. 9. Lviv, 1883. 344 s.

6. Koscioly i klasztory rzymskokatolickie dawnego wojewodztwa ruskiego. Praca zbiorowa. Krakow: Mi^dzynarodowe Centrum Kultury, Drukarnia narodowa, 2008. T. 10. 618 p.

7. Wajda Alf. Z dziejow Rozniatowa i okolicy ze szczegolnem uwzgl^dnieniem Krechowic. Z drukarni i litografji St. Chowanca w Stanislawowif. 1925. 16 st.

8. Zrodla dziejowe. Polska XVI wieku pod wzgl^dem geograficzno-statystycznym. Tom VII. Cz. I. Ziemie ruskie. Rus Czerwona. Warszawa: Warszawska Drukarnia Estetyczna. 1902. 402.

9. Бойківщина. Історико-етнографічне дослідження. / З.Є. Болтарович, А.Ф. Будзан, РП. Гарасимчук та ін. Київ: Наукова думка, 1983. з04 с.

10. Бойківщина. Монографічний збірник матеріалів про Бойківщину з географії, історії, етнографії і побуту / редактор і голова редколегії мґр. Мирон Утриско. Філадельфія; Нью-Йорк, 1980. 522 с.

11. Державному Архіві Івано-Франківської області. Ф. 631, Оп. 1.

12. Дроздовська О. Історія заснування й краєзнавчі студії журналу «Літопис Бойківщини» (Самбір, 1931-1939 рр.). Студії з архівної справи та документознавства. 2003. Т. 10. С. 66-69.

13. Кирчів Р. Етнографічне дослідження Бойківщини. Київ: Наукова думка, 1978. 174 с.

14. Лобко Н. З історії запровадження метричних книг на українських землях. Сумський історико-архівний журнал. 2010. № VIII-IX. С. 159-164.

15. Центральний державний історичний архів України, м. Львів. Ф. 618. ОП. 2.

16. Центральний державний історичний архів України, м. Львів. Ф. 201, Оп. 4а

17. Центральний державний історичний архів України, м. Львів. Ф. 19. Оп.16. спр. 174.

18. Центральний державний історичний архів України, м. Львів. Ф. 19.Оп.16.спр. 172.

19. Центральний державний історичний архів України, м. Львів. Ф. 20, Оп.16, спр. 144

20. Центральний державний історичний архів України, м. Львів. Ф. 20, Оп.16, спр. 143.

21. Центральний державний історичний архів України, м. Львів. Ф. 166. ОП.4. Спр. 8. Арк. 18.

22. Центральний державний історичний архів України, м. Львів. Ф. 166. ОП.4. Спр. 441. Арк. 93

23. Цецілія. Шевченківська енциклопедія: у 6 т. / Гол. ред. М. Г Жулинський. Київ: Ін-т літератури ім. Т. Г. Шевченка, 2015. Т. 6: Т - Я. С. 690.


1. Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie. (1873). Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie z czasow Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej [The acts of the castle and land courts from the time of the Polish Commonwealth]. Vol. 4. Lviv, 308 s. [in Polish].

2. Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie. (1875). Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie z czasow Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej [The acts of the castle and land courts from the time of the Polish Commonwealth]. Vol. 5. Lviv, 295 s. [in Polish].

3. Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie. (1876). Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie z czasow Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej [The acts of the castle and land courts from the time of the Polish Commonwealth]. Vol. 6. Lviv, 307 s. [in Polish].

4. Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie. (1879). Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie z czasow Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej [The acts of the castle and land courts from the time of the Polish Commonwealth]. Vol. 7. Lviv, 335 s. [in Polish].

5. Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie. (1883). Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie z czasow Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej [The acts of the castle and land courts from the time of the Polish Commonwealth]. Vol. 9. Lviv, 344 s. [in Polish].

6. Koscioly i klasztory rzymskokatolickie dawnego wojewodztwa ruskiego. Praca zbiorowa (2008) [Roman Catholic Churches and Monasteries in the Former Rus' Voivodeship. Collective work]. Krakow: Mi^dzynarodowe Centrum Kultury, Drukarnia narodowa. T.10. 618 s. [in Polish].

7. Wajda Alf. (1925). Z dziejow Rozniatowa i okolicy ze szczegolnym uwzgl^dnieniem Krechowicz [From the history of Rozniatow and the surrounding area, with particular emphasis on Krechowicz]. Z drukarni i litografji St. Chowanca w Stanislawowif. 16 st. [in Polish]

8. Zrodla dziejowe. Polska XVI wieku pod wzgl^dem geograficzno-statystycznym (1902) [Historical sources. Poland of the 16th century in terms of geography and statistics]. Tom VII. Cz. I. Ziemie ruskie. Rus Czerwona. Warszawa: Warszawska Drukarnia Estetyczna. 402 s. [in Polish].

9. Boikivshchyna. Istoryko-etnohrafichne doslidzhennia. (1983). [Boykivshchyna. Historical and ethnographic research] / Z.Ie. Boltarovych, A.F. Budzan, R.P. Harasymchuk ta in. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1983. 304 s. [in Ukrainian].

10. Boikivshchyna. Monohrafichnyi zbirnyk materialiv pro Boikivshchynu z heohrafii, istorii, etnohrafii i pobutu. (1980) [Boykivshchyna. A monographic collection of materials about Boykivshchyna in geography, history, ethnography and everyday life]. / redaktor i holova redkolehii mgr. Myron Utrysko. Filadelfiia; Niu-York, 1980. 522 s. [in Ukrainian].

11. Derzhavnomu Arkhivi Ivano-Frankivskoi oblasti. [State Archive of Ivano-Frankivsk region]. F. 631, Op. 1.

12. Drozdovska O. (2003). Istoriia zasnuvannia y kraieznavchi studii zhurnalu «Litopys Boikivshchyny» (Sambir, 19311939 rr.) [ History of the foundation and local history studies of the magazine «Chronicle of Boykivshchyna» (Sambir, 1931-1939)]. Studii z arkhivnoi spravy ta dokumentoznavstva. T. 10. S. 66-69. [in Ukrainian].

13. Kyrchiv R. (1978). Etnohrafichne doslidzhennia Boikivshchyny [Ethnographic study of Boikivshchyna]. Kyiv: Naukova dumka. 174 s. [in Ukrainian].

14. Lobko N. (2010). Z istorii zaprovadzhennia metrychnykh knyh na ukrainskykh zemliakh [From the history of the introduction of metric books on Ukrainian lands]. Sumskyi istoryko-arkhivnyi zhurnal. № VIII-IX. S. 159-164. [in Ukrainian].

15. Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi istorychnyi arkhiv Ukrainy, m. Lviv. [Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Lviv]. F. 618. OP. 2.

16. Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi istorychnyi arkhiv Ukrainy, m. Lviv. [Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Lviv]. F. 201, Op. 4a.

17. Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi istorychnyi arkhiv Ukrainy, m. Lviv. [Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Lviv]. F. 19. Op.16. spr. 174.

18. Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi istorychnyi arkhiv Ukrainy, m. Lviv. [Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Lviv]. F. 19.Op. 16. spr. 172.

19. Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi istorychnyi arkhiv Ukrainy, m. Lviv. [Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Lviv]. F. 20, Op. 16, spr. 144.

20. Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi istorychnyi arkhiv Ukrainy, m. Lviv. [Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Lviv]. F.20, Op.16, spr. 143.

21. Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi istorychnyi arkhiv Ukrainy, m. Lviv. [Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Lviv]. F. 166. OP.4. Spr.8. Ark. 18.

22. Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi istorychnyi arkhiv Ukrainy, m. Lviv. [Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Lviv]. F. 166. OP.4. Spr. 441. Ark. 93

23. Tsetsiliia. (2015) Shevchenkivska entsyklopediia [Cecilia (2015)// Shevchenko encyclopedia:]: u 6 t. / Hol. red. M. H. Zhulynskyi. Kyiv: In-t literatury im. T. H. Shevchenka. T. 6: T - Ya. S. 690. [in Ukrainian].

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