Personal and Individual potential of Yaroslav Sichinsky

The life path, activities and creative heritage of the well-known Ukrainian architect, cultural and public figure of the Ukrainian diaspora of the USA, a member of the famous Ukrainian family of Sicinsky-Chekhov-Sichinsky-Shandor Yaroslav Sichinsky.

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Personal and Individual potential of Yaroslav Sichinsky

Anatoliy Trembitsky, associate professor of the law and law enforcement department of the Khmelnytsky Institute of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher

The article deals with the life paths, activities and creative heritage of the well-known Ukrainian architect, cultural and public figure of the Ukrainian diaspora of the United States, a member of the famous Ukrainian family of Sitsinsky-Chekhov-Sichinsky-Shandorov, Yaroslav Sichynsky.

Key words: Yaroslav Sichinsky, Ukrainian, architect, cultural and public figure, USA, Ukraine.

Особистісно-індивідуальний потенціал Ярослава Січинського

Анатолій Трембіцький

У добу незалежної України постійно зростає інтерес національної еліти, різних груп суспільства до пройденого українським народом історичного шляху, низки важливих його складників, які загалом розкривають об'єктивні процеси, сутність і зміст основних етапів розвитку, висвітлюючи при цьому роль патріотично налаштованої, високопрофесійної і талановитої інтелігенції у вирішенні назрілих суспільно-політичних, культурно-просвітніх, аукових та інших проблем, її конкретний внесок в інтелектуально-культурний ріст своєї національної спільноти.

Важливе місце в багатій історико-культурній спадщині країни посідає плеяда яскравих, відомих особистостей кінця ХІХ ст. - 2000-х рр., об'єднана родинним походженням та ідеєю самовідданого служіння українській громаді, її кращому майбутньому. Їхня цілеспрямована, багатогранна й ефективна діяльність залишила вагомий слід у різних сферах професійного і громадського життя суспільства, позитивно вплинула на просвітництво українців, відчутно примножила освітні й наукові здобутки, досягнення в культурно-мистецькій сфері. На особливу увагу заслуговує постать Ярослава Січинського (02.08.1924 - 28.08.2015), знаного архітектора, творця і дослідника української сакральної архітектури, одного з засновників, керівників і члена Кабінету дослідження Поділля імені Юхима Січинського, згодом Товариства подолян при УВАН (США), Товариства українських інженерів Америки, автора більше двадцяти архітектурних проєктів в українському стилі тощо.

Доведено, що Євфимій Сіцінський, Володимир і Ярослав Січинський ґрунтовно дослідили українську дерев'яну та кам'яну архітектуру, багаточисленні зразки храмових і оборонних споруд, що визначило їхній внесок у фахове вивчення української архітектури кінця ХІХ-ХХ ст.; а Володимир і Ярослав Січинські стали відомими архітекторами, спорудили в українському стилі майже два десятки храмів і пам'яток сакрального мистецтва, більше двадцяти вілл, будинків, офісів, торговельних центрів тощо, що поширило українську архітектурну традицію в країнах Європи та за океаном.

Ключові слова: історія, культура, українська діаспора, родина, Ярослав Січинський.

Creation of social portraits of prominent Ukrainian families is a very important part of the reproduction of the overall process of creating history and culture of Ukraine, in the history of which, as in «The history of each state, every nation has its own light and shadow, and the figures are clear and dark, there are knights and nobody» [1]. Among the genera of the Ukrainian elite, whose scientific, state- social, cultural-educational, religious-theological and other activities and creative heritage, requires detailed research and the establishment of objective historical truth in assessing their place in the history and culture of the Ukrainian people for several centuries - The prominent place belongs to the Ukrainian family of Sitsinsky-Chekhov-Sichinsky-Shandorov. From the knowledge of history, the further development of the nation and the state depends on the direction, because only those who know the history of their country, their family, their past, know the road to their future [2].

This family was rooted in the Ukrainian ethno-sociocultural environment, it included many well- known personalities who entered a bright page in the history and culture of Ukraine. Its history, or rather, the history of some of its most well-known representatives, has caused, causes and continues to cause considerable attention of foreign and Ukrainian researcher. Although recognition of the merits of the majority of members of the glorious family, which, as wrote by a well-known art critic prof. Demian Gornjatkevich "comes to us already to dynastic dignity, such as the well-deserved families of the Chykalenkov, Drahomanovs-Kosach, Krichevsky, Barvinsky and Nizhankivsky" (London, 1955) [5, p.46], before the Ukrainian society took place in historiography even at their life, but after a good memory of them there was a thorny path of affirmation in the coming generationp.

The main part of the study. Ukrainian architect, cultural and public figure, son of the famous art historian Volodymyr Sichynsky, grandson of the famous historian Yevfimiy Sitsinsky, Yaroslav Sichinsky (*02.08.1924 - f28.08.2015), born in Prague [24; 25, ark.1], where "idyllic times" of "childhood and happiness" were held, where he was "surrounded by beauty, creativity and prosperity". Becoming a senior Yaroslav liked to draw and had a "keen interest in technical disciplines", that is, "the choice was already made" in childhood [14]. He "went his father's path", becoming an architect [24]. Many nights he spent in his father's office, where friends and colleagues of his father, including the Minister for Development and Construction of Czechoslovakia, often discussed various architectural projects and plans for their implementation [14].

Yaroslav Sichinsky graduated from the Czech Real School in Prague [25, ark.2], and then studied for two more years in the Ukrainian Real Gymnasium (Modrzhany) [19; 20], where, together with the son of Yefim Fil, nephew Polikarp Gerasimenko, Leonid Fil, made a matura [20]. However, already August 8, 1944 [25, ark.3] Yaroslav, as a Ukrainian, the German occupiers "took to forced labor" to the camp OST - arbeiter lager in Ravensburg, Germany [17], where he worked on factory until 1945 [4; 14; 24].

After the end of World War II, he sought fathers for long searches, and in October 1945 he met them in the commune of Burghoberbach near Ansbach (Bayern), and subsequently moved with them from one refugee camp "DPi" to another (Ashaffenburg, Frankfurt am Main-Mainie, Darmstadt, "Laharde", "Artlier", "IRO" (Schweinfurt city), Bremen Fegezak) [25, ark.3]. Together with his parents in one of the basement rooms of the camp he met at the meetings of the MUU (Art Ukrainian movement), where he listened to the reports of writers I. Bagryany, V. Domontovich, V. Samchuk [24]. Yaroslav Sichinsky "did not bother to start his life and did not want to waste time", he signed up for a studio of architecture at the Technical University of Darmstadt. However, after three years of university studies, he lacked only one semester to complete his studies, the family on April 15, 1949 [25, p.3] on an American military transport ship sail to the United Statep. On April 26, they met Oksana and Vikenty Shandora in the port of York City, and they were sheltered in their home in Elizabeth [25, ark.4].

Without knowledge of English, he "passed the path of difficulties inherent to every new immigrant" [4] and was forced to interrupt "casual earnings" [14], in particular, ironed man's shirts in a small enterprise [25, ark.4]. Six months later, he and his parents moved to Paterson, where he "found himself working at a factory producing various stainless steel accessories" [15]. It was not easy, during the day, hard work at the factory, "which reminded him of the war" [14], and in the evenings, along with his mother and older sister Oksana, went to school to teach English. After he was poisoned with carbon-tetra-chloride vapors and brought him to the chest, he, after a brief cure, left the factory and "found himself working as a draftsman in a bureau that was drafting a prison", where the sanitary engineering department designed "water supply and flood" [14; 15]. In personal life, too, there were changes, on July 7, 1951 he married the native of Kamyanets- Podilsky, Nina Nizhna [14; 15] (the second wife of Maria Kolenska-Baranska) [18] and left the family nest and moved to New York [15; 25, ark.4]. At the Family Council, it was decided to complete "architectural education" at the Columbia University's Columbia University School of Architecture (Columbia University), which was chosen because of its reputation and, moreover, because the training was conducted in the evening. However, when entering the university did not take into account his studios at the University of Darmstadt and he had to learn "to start from the beginning". To be able to "find the right job", Yaroslav became a US citizen in 1954 [14].

March 15, 1957, "just on the eve of the final exam" and graduation from the diploma project on design, son Andrew was born [14]. Soon, Yaroslav graduated from the University [14; 24], his "diligence and perseverance paid off", on June 4, 1957 he received a diploma and "two medals for completed projects" [4], that is, "has achieved its goal". Volodymyr Sichynsky congratulated his son on obtaining a diploma and wished him "success as a new architect". However, Yaroslav, said that he still can not be called an architect, because "he did not pass a state examination" in the architectural council [14].

After graduating from university studies, he worked in various architectural bureaus on various projects (banks, public schools, housing, hospitals, shopping centers, department stores) [14], in particular, on the project of the car repair center at Hamilton City (1969) [20]. But, the greatest interest and love was shown to church design projects [14]. So, in 1956, he created the design of the "Inter-Confessional Chapel" [20], and, in collaboration with his father, performed in 1954 for the company "Rayleigh-Parry and Sons" in South Orange (New Jersey). The project of the interior of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (Newark) in the style of the French Gothic [4; 14], the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Sophia in Montreal (Canada) [4], and also independently implemented several projects of church interiors [24].

In May 1965, he made "state examinations" and received a diploma-license from an architect in the states of New York and New Jersey, but, unfortunately, in 1962, his father died and could not be a witness to this success of his son. He worked in a large architectural firm head of department [4] for the design of social and cultural facilitieP. He lived in Kergokson, New York. In the late 1960s, he participated and won the competition for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Clifton, New Jersey. Becoming the main architect of this project took an active part in its implementation in 1970 [14]. He won the competition for the project of the Ukrainian Great Holy Ascension Temple [20]. According to his project, Savut-Bavend-Brook's cemetery was erected on the cemetery of his father, Elena Chekhivska (1972), as well as a monument to parents Volodymyr and Mikhailin Sichinsky (1989) in the form of a stylized dome of the church, inside which "the Sun of Podillya", Bronze medallion. Arranged and handed over the manuscript inheritance of his father and a significant part of his library to the archive of the Institute of Ukrainian Studies at Harvard University [10; 24].

Yaroslav Sichinsky took an active part in public-public and professional societiep. Thus, he, as a member of the initiative group of Kamyanets and Podolians, participated in the organizing committee on the celebration of the 900th anniversary of the city of Kamyanets-Podilsky, formed on May 28, 1966, which was soon transformed into the Yulia Sichinsky Department of the Podillya StudieP. and on September 4, 1969, in the Podolyan Society at the Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences in the USA, headed by the architect, Podolyanin Mikhail Semenovich Kravchuk [12; 13; 35]. Together with his wife, Nina made donations to the "Fund to celebrate the 900th anniversary of Kamyanets Podilsky" [11]. Y. Sichinsky was a member of the Organizing Committee on the occasion of the 900th anniversary of the foundation of Kamyanets-Podilskyi, a scientific conference held on December 7-8, 1968 in New York, and at the historic section, delivered a speech entitled "Memoir of the Researcher Podilly Protopr. Y. Sitsinsky", which he prepared "on the basis of information obtained from his parents" [3; 28].

In addition, he was a member of the Society of Ukrainian Engineers in America [14], where on December 20, 1958, he was elected a member of the General Board of the Society [8], December 12, 1959 - Treasurer of the Main Board [9], January 29, 1960 - Member of the Comrades Court of the Society [6]. In 1979 he participated in the exhibitions of the Society, where he exhibited photographs of his architectural monuments [33]. He was a member of the Ukrainian People's Union [7], donated to the People's Fund [25], for the publication of the "Svoboda" public weekly of literature, art and culture [27].

Speaking in the diaspora press on artistic and ethnographic subjects, he promoted the work of his father V. Sichynsky, his grandfather E. Sitsinsky, and corresponded with many scholars of Ukraine [22; 24]. His first scientific article was "placed in a separate edition of the Congress of Architectural Students (Reich 1957)", where he described his way of "getting the title" an architect" [14]. He also participated in several exhibitions of the Association of Fine Artists of Ukraine in America, in particular, at the XIV Exhibition of the OMUA, which was opened on November 2, 1967 at the Literary and Arts Club in New York, where as a guest artist, a painter exhibited his works [32].

In the summer of 1991, Yaroslav Sichinsky visited Kamyanets-Podilsky for the first time [23; 24] and together with the master of archeology, director of the Kamyanets-Podilsky Foundation Andriy Mandzy, as part of the archaeological expedition, took an active part in the archaeological and architectural excavations of the Dominicans' Monastery (XV-XVIII centuries) - the Church of St. Mykola Mirensky in the Old City [29]. During his stay in Ukraine, he took part in the grand opening of a monument on the grave of his grandfather Yevfimiy Sitsinsky in Kamyanets-Podilsky, visited his fatherland in the village of. Mazniki of the Derazhny rayon [24]. He came back to Kamyanets-Podilsky in September 1994 and took part in an international scientific and practical conference "Spiritual Origins of Podillya: Creators of the History of the Territory" [23], in which he spoke with the report "The Word on the Father" [30]. At the same time, Yaroslav Vladimirovich transferred to Khmelnytsky Oblast Universal Scientific Library some works and memoirs of his father V. Sichynsky about famous people, including about M. Hrushevsky [23].

In spite of the fact that on his life there was "a lot of ups and downs" [14], which did not quite have a family life (twice married) [18], his "love for architecture was permanent" [14], because he realized that that by continuing the work of his father Volodymyr Sichynskyy, the famous architect, professor and scientist, and his grandfather Eufemiy Sitsinsky, a well-known scholar of Ukrainian sacral architecture, he establishes and develops Ukrainian architectural styles [4] in Ukrainian immigrants' settlements, promotes and strengthens Ukrainian culture in the world.

He became ill from Kergoksson to Andrew's son in Georgia, near Atlanta, since 2001 he was often in hospitals, several times he was doing Anqinorlasty, constantly infuriated with arthritis [21]. A great lifestyle fan, he learned to work on a computer at the age of 85 when presented to his nephew, Bogdan Sandor (son of Oksana's sister), and on April 5, 2010 he published and sent his "first letter in Ukrainian" to Anatoly Trembitsky [19]. Yaroslav Sichinsky, a cultural figure, the glorious son of the Ukrainian people, although he was born in the Czech Republic and successfully "mastered" Czech, German, and later English [14], well-fluent in Ukrainian, "kept her treasures in a multi-ethnic environment, was interested in family roots, made up "Ancestral tree" [24] of Sichinsky and Chekhovsky, a biography of his mother Mikhailina Sichynska, a register of architectural projects of Volodymyr Sichynsky [31] and before the end of his days he lived in Ukraine and in Podillya, in particular.

A well-known Ukrainian architect and cultural public figure Yaroslav Sichynsky died on August 29, 2015 in Atlanta, USA [24; 34], having lived 91 yearp. Buried on September 8, 2015, near their parents at the cemetery at the Church of the Holy Monument. Andrew in the town of South Bound Brook. During the funeral, the family invited invitees who wished to honor the memory of the rest, donations to the Orphan's Foundation and the Museum Foundation at the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the United States at the Ukrainian National Women & apos s League of America War Victims Fund UNWLA [34].

The scientific novelty of the results obtained is that for the first time, the personality and individual potential of a member of the famous Ukrainian family of Sitsinsky-Chekhov-Sichinsky-Shandorov, a well-known architect and cultural and public figure of the Ukrainian diaspora of the United States, Yaroslav Sichynskyi, who created architectural monuments in the Ukrainian style, lived in Ukraine and believed in her better future. The concrete theoretical and practical significance of the results obtained is that they are part of the dissertation research and enable the creation of a holistic social portrait of the glorious Ukrainian dynasty of the Sitsinsky-Chekhov-Sichinsky-Shandor dynasty, whose members, with their daily work, took care that Ukraine became a free and powerful state, devoting itself entirely to serving Ukraine and its people. Returning to Ukraine the names of members of this famous dynasty family is impossible without studying and analyzing the entire multi-faceted heritage of each individual member of the family, understanding his multidimensional activity and creative heritage.

Approbation. The article is submitted for the first time and has never been published anywhere.

architect diaspora yaroslav sichinsky creative


1. Vishnevsky O. Ataman and atamaniya, Svoboda (Jersey City), 1951, 16 May, P. 3.

2. Knowledge of history depends on the development of the nation, Government courier (Kiev), 2008, April 18, P. 2.

3. The solemn commemoration of the 900th anniversary of Kamyanets-Podilsky will be celebrated in New York, Svoboda (New York), 1968, December 4, P. 1.

4. V. Sh. [Vikentiya Shandor], New professional force - the architect Yaroslav Sichynsky, Svoboda (N.Y.), 1965, July 29, P. 3.

5. Gornytkevich Demyan. Father Yefim Sichinsky (1859-1937), Liberation Way (London), 1955, Kn. 3, March, P. 39-46.

6. General Meeting of the New York Department of the Ukrainian Engineers Association, Svoboda (Jersey City), 1960, February 11, P. 3.

7. Report of the U.S. Union Record Division for the month of September 1970, Svoboda (N.Y.), 1970, October 29, P. 3.

8. Inzh. Vasily Ryzhevsky elected to the head of the T-va of Ukrainian Engineers in America, Svoboda (Jersey City), 1959, January 10, P. 3.

9. Inzh. Roman Rogozha elected to the head of the Society of Ukrainian Engineers of America, Svoboda (Jersey City), 1959, December 17, P. 1.

10. Bookstore and Archives of V. Sichinsky at Harvard, America (Philadelphia), 1980, August 26.

11. Committee for commemoration of the 900th anniversary of Kamyanets Podolsky, Svoboda (N.Y.), 1968, March 15, P. 3.

12. Lehun Yu.V. Podolyan & apos;s Society at the Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences in the USA (end 1960s - early 1970s, Scientific notes of the Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University named after Mikhail Kotsiubynsky, Whip 14, Series: History: Collection of scientific work, For the community Ed. prof. P.P. Grigorchuk, Vinnytsia, 2008, P. 386-387.

13. Letter to Kamyanchans and Podolians, Svoboda (New York), 1967, April 27, P. 3.

14. Letter from Yaroslav Sichynsky to Anatoly Trembitsky from October 18, 2011, Family archive of A.M. Trembitsky, 1 ark.

15. Letter from Yaroslav Sichynsky to Anatoly Trembitsky from September 20, 2011, Family archive of A.M. Trembitsky, 1 ark.

16. Letter from Yaroslav Sichynsky to Anatoly Trembitsky from April 23, 2011, Family archive of A.M. Trembitsky, 1 ark.

17. Letter from Yaroslav Sichynsky to Anatoly Trembitsky from May 29, 2010, Family archive of A.M. Trembitsky, 1 ark.

18. Letter from Yaroslav Sichynsky to Anatoly Trembitsky from June 3, 2011, Family archive of A.M. Trembitsky, 1 ark.

19. Letter from Yaroslav Sichynsky to Anatoly Trembitsky from April 5, 2010, Family archive of A.M. Trembitsky, 1 ark.

20. Letter from Yaroslav Sichynsky to Anatoly Trembitsky from November 6, 2011, Family archive of A.M. Trembitsky, 1 ark.

21. Letter from Yaroslav Sichynsky to Vitaliy Matsk from November 12, 2002, Family archive of A. Trembitsky. Copy, 1 ark.

22. Letter from Yaroslav Sichinsky to Vitaliy Matz dated September 30, 1991, Family archive of A. Trembitsky. Copy, 1 ark.

23. Matsko V. Unknown of the well-known, Podolski news (Khmelnytsky), 1995, January 12, P. 3.

24. Matsko V. Glorious son of the Ukrainian genus, Podolski news (Khmelnytsky), 2015, October 27, P. 4.

25. Mikhailina Orisik-Sichynska. Chronologically mapped information about my mom. Son Yaroslav Sichinsky, 2012, United States. Letter from Yaroslav Sichynsky to Anatoly Trembitsky on June 14, 2012, Family archive of A. M. Trembitsky, 7 ark.

26. For the People's Fund in 1951: (Letter D. 40 - on the day of February 12, 1952), Svoboda (Jersey City), 1952, March 22, P. 4.

27. Our cultural referendum, Svoboda (Jersey City), 1951, November 15, P. 4.

28. Present. The 900th anniversary of the city of Kamyanets-Podilsky, Svoboda (N.Y.), 1969, January 23, P. 3.

29 Sichinsky Ya. Kamenets-Podilsky rebuil, Svoboda (N.Y.), 1991, September 6, P. 7.

30. Sichynsky Ya. The word about the father, Volodymyr Sichynsky and Ukraine. Materials of international conference, Kiev, 1996, P. 19-21.

31. Trembitsky A.M. The dissertation of the Sitsinsky-Sichinsky family on the materials of the family archive of Yaroslav Sichynsky, Scientific Note. Collected Works of Young Scientists and Postgraduate Student, Kiev; Khmelnytsky, 2006, t. 14, P. 321-348.

32. Shulova R. Fourteenth exhibition of OMUA in NY York, Svoboda (N.Y.), 1967, November 2, P. 4.

33. Jubilee of TUI, Svoboda (N.Y.), 1979, February 14, P. 3.

34. Yaroslav Sichinsky [Nekrolog], Svoboda (N.Y.), 2015, September 18, P. 18.

35. 900 years of the city of Kamyanets on Podillya, Svoboda (N.Y.), 1967, January 29, P. 3

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