Modern researcheworks concerning the events of Ukrainian Central Council era in the territory of Volyn region

Consideration of the process of state formation and establishment of the republican system in Ukraine. Analysis of political, economic and revolutionary events in the territory of Volyn province during 1917-1921. Formation of central state authorities.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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Дата добавления 17.09.2023
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Modern researcheworks concerning the events of Ukrainian Central Council era in the territory of Volyn region

Oleksandr Demianiuk


The article analyzes the scientific works of contemporary researchers of the period of the Ukrainian Revolution, in particular the period of the Ukrainian Central Council, where military-political and socio-economic events that took place in the territory of the Volyn region (huberniia) are examined. The main focus is on the analysis of studies that cover the periods of stay in the territory of the Volyn region of central state authorities, the struggle between different political forces for power in the territory of Volyn districts (povit) and counties (volost), the participation of local residents in the work of state structures in 1917-1918.

Key words: Ukrainian revolution, Ukrainian Central Council, historiography, Volyn ' region, Volyn' area, Volyn '.


Сучасні дослідження подій доби Української Центральної ради на території Волинської губернії

Дем'янюк О.

У статті аналізуються праці сучасних дослідників доби Української революції, зокрема доби Української Центральної ради, на сторінках яких розглядаються військово-політичні та соціально економічні події, що мали місце на території Волинської губернії.

Головний акцент робиться на аналізі праць, в яких висвітлюються періоди перебування на території Волинського краю центральних державних органів влади, боротьба між різними політичними силами за владу у волинських повітах і волостях, участь волинян у роботі державницьких структур упродовж 1917-1918 рр.

В період новітньої української незалежності зросла кількість, а головне якість узагальнюючих, історичних, краєзнавчих праць вітчизняних дослідників. Вони охоплюють різні елементи соціально-економічних і військово-політичних подій в українських губерніях, які відбувалися в період Української революції. Ці дослідження дозволяють визначити / уточнити роль окремого регіону в революційних подіях 1917-1921 рр. Адже й до сьогодні тривають жваві дискусії щодо становлення, розвитку та кризи республіканського ладу в 1917-1918 рр. При цьому висловлюються різні, подекуди полярні, оцінки цієї доби кількома поколіннями українських дослідників.

Серед узагальнюючих історіографічних праць про добу Української революції, зокрема Українську Центральну раду (УЦР) найпомітнішими стали розвідки В. Солдатенка, В. Капелюшного, О. Сухого, К. Кондратюка, Л. Радченко, в яких автори розглядають процес державотворення цього періоду в цілому. Щодо Волині, то тут варто згадати праці О. Власюка, В. Цятко, В. Дмитрука, І. Гуцалюк, О. Дем'янюка, А. Рацілевича та ін. Проведений аналіз опрацьованих праць дозволив вибудувати чітку хронологічну картину соціально-економічних та військово-політичних змін на території Волинської губернії, більшість праць новітньої доби підготовані в руслі сучасної української історіографічної науки з використанням розсекречених архівних матеріалів.

Ключові слова: Українська революція, Українська Центральна рада, історіографія, Волинська губернія, Волинський край, Волинь.


Formulation of scientific problem and its significance. During the period of the modem Ukrainian independence, the quantity, and, above all, the quality of generalizing, historical and local history works of domestic researchers increased. They cover the various elements of socio-economic, military-political events in the Ukrainian districts that took place during the Ukrainian Revolution. These studies make it possible to determine / clarify the role of a separate region in the revolutionary events of 1917-1921.

To this day, there are lively discussions about the formation, development and crisis of the republican system in 1917-1918. In this case, different, sometimes polar, assessments of this age by several generations of Ukrainian researchers are expressed.

Significantly revive the scientific researches of the era of the Ukrainian Revolution in recent years, which, in January 2016, were announced by the President of Ukraine as the “years of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921”. Given the last two years, it must be noted that domestic scientists, studying various aspects and problems of the Ukrainian Revolution, only fragmentarily, with regard to the specific degree of scientific interest and necessity, touched upon the events and processes that took place at Volyn during 1917-1918. Of course, such a state of scientific development of this problem cannot satisfy the cognitive interests of researchers of the regional and, in this case, of Volyn history. Therefore, there appeared the works of local ethnographers, who, in some cases, studied in detail the individual pages of the local (at the level of district, town, village) history of this period.

Analysis of researches on this problem. Among the generalizing historiographic works about the period of the Ukrainian Revolution, in particular the Ukrainian Central Rada (UCR), the most notable were the exploration of V. Soldatenko, V. Kapeliushnyi, O. Sukhyi, K. Kondratiuk, L. Radchenko, in which authors consider the process of nation-building during this period in whole, without a detailed analysis of the peculiarities of the development of Volyn region. As for Volyn, it is worth to mention the works of O. Vlasiuk, V. Tsiatko, V. Dmytruk, I. Gutsaliuk, O. Demianiuk, A. Ratsilevych and others.

Formulating the purpose and tasks of the article. Given the state of development of the problem of the Ukrainian Revolution (the time of UCC) in recent years, we will try to analyze those works available at our disposal, in which Volyn region is considered in the context of the events of the Ukrainian statebuilding of 1917-1918.

Presentation of the main material and reasoning of the study results

New, more qualitative stage in the study of state-building processes in Ukrainian territories in the first quarter of the XX century began with the proclamation of Ukraine's independence in the 90's of the twentieth century. The weakening of the Soviet ideological framework allowed researchers to impartially consider the most engaging aspects of that era and objectively approach the study of the era of national liberation struggle of 1917-1921. Publications of diaspora scholars' works on the territory of the Ukrainian state, withdrawal of secrecy from a part of archival materials, and disclosure of previously unknown documents gave researchers the opportunity to express their vision of the events that took place 100 years ago as well as to formulate balanced, more objective conclusions.

In some cases, the latest publications touch upon the situation on the territory of Volyn region during the revolution. Fragmentation and small number of references to events at Volyn in the complex works from the period 1914-1921 do not diminish their weight, but only indicate future directions for further special research and refinement.

To the fundamental works of the time of the independent Ukrainian state (including the time of the Ukrainian Central Council), in which the problem of the Ukrainian revolution is considered comprehensively and integrally, with usage of new methods of historical research, we should include the monographs of Volodymyr Soldatenko [1], Alexander Rubliov, Oleksandr Reient [2], Sergiy Komovenko, Anatolii Morozov, Oleksandr Reient [3]. The authors of these works view the Ukrainian revolution as a consequence of the logical development of events that took place in the context of pan - European political circumstances. Considering the time of the Ukrainian Central Council, the researchers conclude that the immaturity of the Ukrainian democratic process, its variegated nature, became an obstacle to the construction of Ukrainian statehood at the initial stage of the Ukrainian Revolution, which, in turn, negatively affected the growth of the level of national consciousness of the population of most Ukrainian regions and the inability of the central government to take control of both the military -political and socio-economic situation in the regions.

Historiography of the modern age cannot be imagined without the works that appeared in the late 90's of the XX century. The most basic, in our opinion, belongs to Liudmila Radchenko [4], Volodymyr Soldatenko [5], Valerii Kapeliushnyi [6]. The authors, having analyzed the studies of domestic and foreign researchers, conducted their systematization, drew attention to the state of development of individual components of the period of the Ukrainian national liberation struggles of 1917-1921 and outlined directions that require additional study. Acquaintance with their scientific achievements has shown that study of the majority of regional aspects still requires special research. Thus, V. Kapeliushnyi noted that the course of state-building processes in the Ukrainian regions had both common features and distinctions, which became the consequence of the peculiarities of the development of a certain region.

The thorough scientific work "Modern national historiography of modern history of Ukraine (19142009)" belongs to Lviv scientists Kostiantyn Kondratiuk and Oleksii Sukhyi [7]. The authors drew attention to the contemporary assessment of the events and phenomena of the UCC era, the modern conceptual apparatus of this historical period and new approaches to the study of the problems of national liberation struggle of 1917-1921. As the researchers correctly point out, "during the years of Ukraine's independence, national historical science has made a huge step forward in studying the history of national-state construction during the years of the revolution" [7, 45].

The works of Viktor Savchenko allow to supplement the general picture of the struggle for Ukrainian statehood in 1917-1921 as well as to recreate its course in the regions. In his works, the author mentions Volyn as needed, based on the events that took place during the period of the UCC [8].

Significant developments in the estimations of the era of the Ukrainian Revolution are found by Volodymyr Sergiychuk. His works are devoted to national problems, including the revival of Ukrainianity in the years 1917-1920. [9] We find in the author information not only about the Volyn lands, but also about the territories adjacent to them. We find here the following text about Kholmshchyna: "The will of Kholmshchyna's people was unambiguously expressed at their congress in Kyiv in autumn 1917: "The people of Holm recognize themselves as Ukrainian people"[9, 100].

Separate information on the subject of our research can be drawn from the works of Olena Boiko. The researcher devoted her publications on the period of the Ukrainian Central Council to the political confrontation between the UCC and Bolsheviks at the end of 1917 [10].

Researches done by Vladyslav Verstiuk are related to general problems of the period of Ukrainian Revolution, including the time of the Ukrainian Central Council. However, the author's extensive research work allows us to deepen understanding of the decisive trends in military-political changes in the state as well as to clarify the emphasis of the UCC "Volyn" period [11].

In a peculiar manner, the events of the period of the Ukrainian revolution were represented by Kyiv's scholar Danylo Yanevskyi [12]. This approach of the researcher to the illumination of well- known facts and to the publication of little-known facts allows the attentive reader to look at the events of our old history in a different way. The author notes that "on January 30-31 (February 12-13) five people gathered at the" meeting "of the People's Commissariat of the UPR in Zhytomyr: V. Golubovych,

O.Zhukovskyi, M. Porsh, G. Sydorenko and M. Tkachenko. Some of these figures, at that time, as far as known from published documents, were private individuals and none of the institutions of the so -called UPR did not approve them to ministerial positions" [12, 253].

The work of the Rivne authors Oleg Vlasiuk and Volodymyr Tsiatko "Volyn in the days of the Central Council (1917-1918)" [13] contains material that allows to reproduce in general terms the current events in the territory of the present-day Rivne region, which was part of Volyn region at that time.

Taking into account the above, the section on the presence of the Central Council and Government of the UPR at Volyn is important as well as the state-building work of state authorities in its territory.

Certain aspects of the identified research problem coincide with the research of Mykhailo Kovalchuk. He analyzed the events associated with the spread of the Ukrainian Revolution in the province, in particular, in the territory of Volyn region [14].

The report on the process of "ukrainization", which in the spring of 1917 gripped part of the troops of the Southwest Front, is provided by the authors of the popular work named "For the fight for freedom. Victory over defeats. Ukraine in the Wars and Revolutions of 1914-1921" (Andrii Rukkas, Mykhailo Kovalchuk, Artem Papakin, Viktor Lobodaiev). The authors point out that the process of "ukrainization" was not consistent, but became a mass movement on the territory of all the fronts that were in Ukrainian territories. As for Volyn region, for example, in Zhytomyr "the soldiers of the 4th reserve regiment declared themselves the 4th Ukrainian Reserve Regiment named after P. Sagaidachnyi" [15, 10]. ukraine volyn republican revolutionary

Works of Yaroslav Tynchenko devoted to the first Ukrainian-Bolshevik war and to Ukrainian Armed Forces in March 1917 - November 1918 allow understanding the problems of military construction during the Ukrainian Revolution better. [16] Lviv scientist Professor Viktor Golubko drew research attention to the problems of military construction of the UCC period [17]. The pages of the paper raise the question of "ukrainianization" of military units of the Russian army, including those located at Volyn, creation of Ukrainian units and organization of military infrastructure, the letter allowing author to confirm the creation of a national army in the UNR. In his articles, professor Pavlo Tkachuk discussed the issue of military confrontation in the Western Ukrainian lands during the First World War, the activities of the Ukrainian People's Republic in the creation of their own Armed Forces and the formation of ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the era of the national revolution [18].

The military component of the state-building processes that took place on the territory of Ukrainian regions in 1917-1918 is enlighten by the authors of the collective work "Fraternal" invasion. Russia's wars against Ukraine. ХІІ-ХХІ centuries", namely: Viktor Brekhunenko, Volodymyr Kovalchuk, Mykhailo Kovalchuk, Viacheslav Kornienko [19]. Among the research problems are the ethnic composition of the Bolshevik Party on the right bank of Ukraine, the confrontation of military - revolutionary committees with Ukrainian military organizations operating in the area of responsibility of the Southwest Front Command, attempts to relocate Ukrainian troops from other fronts to Ukraine and conclusion of the Brest Peace Treaty.

Mentions about the preconditions, circumstances and the process of the formation of the Syniozhypanna's divisions in the territory of Kovel district of Volyn region at the end of winter of 1918 are contained in the work of Yevhen Pinak and Mykola Chmyr named "The Army of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921". It is reffered there that "at the end of February - early March 1918, under Kovel a Ukrainian soldiers stationed in German camps began to form two divisions of a four-regimental structure" [20, 28].

An analysis of Pavlo Gai-Nyzhnyk's work allows us to go into more details of the UCC's internal policy and to familiarize himself with the issuing and financial policies of the Government of the UPR [21]. This is also important in the view of the fact that the legal basis for the introduction of the national monetary unit was laid on the territory of Volyn region.

Volyn's scholar Oleksandr Demianiuk in the monograph named "Volyn in the Ukrainian Revolution: the Day of the Ukrainian Central Council" [22] and in several articles comprehensively investigated the military-political and socio-economic aspects of the development of Volyn region during the time of the UCC, "Volyn period" in the history of Ukrainian state institutions, military-political confrontation of various political forces in the territory, establishment of national authorities in the counties and districts of the region, etc.

Volyn researcher Volodymyr Dmytruk created an essay on the history of the Sirozhupanna division of the UPR recreating its Volyn's path [23]. He, based on the analysis of rare documents and memoirs, managed to create a chronicle of the military unit, the formation of which directly involves the Volyn region. Zhytomyr scholar Mykola Kostrytsia researched the period of stay of the Ukrainian Central Council and the Government of the UPR in Zhytomyr and Korosten as well as their legislative activity [24].

In the historic ethnographic essay by Volodymyr Horn named "The Revival of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church at 1917-2006 Volyn", the cultural and religious palette of Ukrainian provinces, in particular Volyn, was recreated. Here we find the author's analysis of the results of the first and second Volyn Eparchial congresses of clergy and laity held in Zhytomyr in April-June 1917 as well as reports on the activities of the Brotherhood of St. Spas, etc. [25].

The achievements of the Lviv historical school of science, whose main areas of research are the problems of military construction of the era of the Ukrainian Revolution and the course of military confrontation, look rather powerful. Leontii Deshchynskyi in his articles raises questions of the statebuilding work of the UPR on the creation of the Armed Forces of the country, struggle of the UPR against the Bolshevik aggression, in particular in the Volyn region, and struggle of the Bolshevik and national ideologies among the soldiers of the South-Western Front [26].

Lviv scholar Roman Zinkevych set out his position on the problem of activating the Ukrainian military movement on the eve of the Bolshevik coup, political confrontation and armed struggle in the Army of the Southwest and the Romanian fronts after the Bolsheviks came to power, the process of "ukrainianization" of the army and the rear garrisons of the Southwest Front in March-November 1917 [27].

Valdemar Piasetskyi, Volyn's ethnographer, shows in his articles widespread research interests. He studied military-political situation in Lutsk during the war, the self-governmental elections in Lutsk in 1917, etc. [28]. Zhytomyr's Igor Vlasiuk studied the land issue at Volyn during the UCC work [29]. Another Zhytomyr's scholar Andrii Rakylevych researched the Ukrainian national movement in March-June 1917 [30].

The historiography of the problem is additionally fulfilled by the dissertations on Volyn-related topics, which were submitted during last years. For instance, the aforementioned includes works drafted by: Inna Hutsaliuk (Ukrainian national authorities at Volyn in 1917-1921), Oleksandr Demianiuk (the fate of Volyn in the military-political processes of the era of the Ukrainian Revolution), Iryna Kozynets (state-building processes at Volyn during the period of "Ukrainian State" Hetmanat) and Volodymyr Stetsiuk (activity of the regions of the right bank of Ukraine during the period of Ukrainian Revolution), etc. [31].

Conclusions and perspectives of further research

Therefore, with the advent of the latest researches on the problems of the Ukrainian Revolution (the era of UCC and UPR) and publications where the authors consider certain aspects of that era, it became possible to add comprehensiveness and objectivity to the study of the military-political components of the development process of Volyn region during the period of Ukrainian Central Council and Ukrainian People's Republic. Analysis of the considered works made it possible to construct a clear chronological picture of socio -economic, military- political changes in the territory of Volyn region. At the same time, most of the works of the modern age are prepared in the framework of modern Ukrainian historiographical science and with usage of declassified archival materials.

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