Акція православно-католицького замирення в 1623-1628 роках

Формування наукового погляду на історію релігійно-церковного життя в Україні в перші поберестейські десятиліття. Захист глибинних основ руської віри в Речі Посполитій. Відновлення православної ієрархії на українських землях і зближення з католиками.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 16.04.2023
Размер файла 46,8 K

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Baumaister, A. (2012). Bilia dzherel myslennia ta buttia [Near the sources of thinking and existence]. Kyiv, Ukraine.

Dobosh, O. (2009). Uniia v osobystostiakh ii naivyznachnishykh diiachiv - mytropolyta Yosyfa Veliamina Rutskoho ta Yosafata Kuntsevycha [Union in the personalities of its most prominent figures - Metropolitan Joseph Veliamin Rutsky and Josafat Kuntsevich]. Trudy Kyivskoi dukhovnoi akademii - Works of the Kyiv Theological Academy. № 10. 175-194. Kyiv, Ukraine.

Hordiienko, D., Chentsova, V. (2020). Kyevskaia mytropolyia mezhdu Konstantynopolem y Mosk- voi. 1686 [The Kiev metropolitanate between Constantinople and Moscow. 1686]. Siverianskyi litopys - Siverian chronicle. № 2 (158). P. 134-139. Kyiv, Ukraine.

Klymov, V., Kolodnyi, A., Zhukovskyi, A. ta in. (1996). Fenomen Petra Mohyly (Biohrafiia, diial- nist, pozytsiia) [The phenomenon of Peter Mogila (Biography, activity, position)]. Kyiv, Ukraine.

Skochylias, I. (2013). Retseptsiia Beresteiskoi unii u Lvivskii yeparkhii v pershii polovyni XVII st. (sprostuvannia odnoho istoriohrafichnoho mifu) [Reception of the Brest Union in the Lviv Diocese in the first half of the XVII c. (refutation of a historiographical myth)]. Lviv, Ukraine.


Action of orthodox-catholic reconciliation (1623-1628)

Tokarska Yulia V. - a graduate student of the Department of History of Ukraine and Archeology of the Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

The purpose of the publication is to summarize the experience of Ukrainian historical thought and promote the formation of a scientific view of the history of religious and ecclesiastical life in Ukraine in the first decades of Brest, with a clear indication that «the combination of Rus with Russia» under the strong power of the Independent Patriarch in the XVII c. had an objective historical conditionality.

Scientific novelty. Issues that reveal sources of insurmountable obstacles on the way to the unity of the Churches of the Kyiv tradition are studied.

Conclusions. History of Ukraine XVI-XVII c. was, in fact, a history of religious confusions. These phenomena to a greater or lesser extent characterized the history of all the peoples of Western Europe at that time; but in the history of our region, they had one important distinctive feature - this struggle almost immediately went beyond the church sphere and was associated with the pressing interests of political, social and even economic life of the region. Faith penetrated into the very essence of the people of Rus; therefore, its protection was equated with the protection of the deep foundations of the Russian people, which were encroached upon by a foreign national element in the form of rites or dogmas of the Catholic Church.

Therefore, the Russian faith became the banner under which the entire Russian population of the Rich Pospolita was united, defending the inviolability of national, caste, political, economic and other rights and interests, and ultimately - the birth of national (regional) identity of the «Russian people». But the path to the conscious need for the unity of the «Russian people» lay through enormous trials in overcoming the disorganization of church-hierarchical relations and the authority of the Church in southwestern Russia. By resorting to a union with «the sole bishop of Rome», the best people of the society of that time «corrected iniquities in the Church». The Union of Brest (1596) immediately put the end to the chaotic state of ecclesiastical relations, but destroyed the long-established church and social orders and relations and brought the Church to a deep organic crisis. The union and the Orthodox parties continued the struggle that had begun in church circles earlier. The understanding of the harm brought about by the mutual struggle of the Churches was quickly realized in Russian society. The unity in the «Commonwealth of the Russian People», which was not achieved by the union, now had to lead to the unification of the Churches under the supremacy of the patriarch. Their chronological boundaries are determined by the years 1623-1646. In this important matter, its supporters, mostly the highest hierarchy, did not succeed. The case was conducted only at the «top» and did not become a matter of the faithful. They were left out of the process of many years of preparation, so when masses got the floor by the way of Chmelnichina, they said «no» to the reform that was envisaged. The efforts of two great historical figures - Metropolitan Peter Mohyla and the king Wladyslaw IV- to establish a «universal union» were in vain.

Key words: Kyiv metropolitanate, uniates, orthodox believers, union of churches, “universal union”.

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