Educational issue in the Polish Socialist Party activities during the interwar years of the 20th century
Analysis of the educational activities of the Polish Socialist Party in the interwar years. Development of Polish-language educational institutions, improvement of professional qualifications of teachers, raising the level of national consciousness.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 15.01.2023 |
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Educational issue in the Polish Socialist Party activities during the interwar years of the 20th century
Oksana Ruda, кандидат історичних наук,
старший науковий співробітник відділу новітньої історії
Інституту українознавства ім. І. Крип'якевича НАН України
Оксана Руда
Освітнє питання в діяльності Польської соціалістичної партії в міжвоєнні роки ХХ століття
educational interwar polish
У статті проаналізовано освітню діяльність Польської соціалістичної партії у міжвоєнні роки, спрямовану на розвиток польськомовних навчальних закладів, позашкільної освіти, підвищення фахової кваліфікації вчителів, піднесення рівня національної свідомості польського населення. Члени партії долучалися до відкриття шкіл, бібліотек, читалень, організовували курси: полоністичні, учительські, курси за програмою початкових і середніх шкіл, театральні та вокальні трупи, партійні школи, народні університети. Засноване членами Польської соціалістичної партії Товариство робітничого університету, завдяки активній освітній діяльності відіграло важливу роль у боротьбі з неписьменністю населення та формуванні національної свідомості поляків. Показано, що Польська соціалістична партія належну увагу приділила захисту культурних, мовних та освітніх прав національних меншин. Ці проблеми неодноразово поставали на порядку денному конгресів партії, а також їх порушували парламентарі від Польської соціалістичної партії у сеймі. Проаналізовано розроблені членами партії проекти щодо надання територіальної автономії непольському населенню, яке компактно проживало у південно-східних воєводствах Польщі. Відстоюючи права національних меншин, члени Польської соціалістичної партії висловлювалися за розвиток шкільництва з навчанням мовами меншин, відкриття окремого українського університету у Львові, виступали проти переслідувань студентів і викладачів Українського таємного університету у Львові, запровадження утраквізму в шкільництві, а також numerus clausus та «ланкового гетто» у вищих навчальних закладах щодо єврейських студентів.
Ключові слова: Польська соціалістична партія, Польща, освітня діяльність, навчальні заклади, національні меншини.
Educational problems were an important part of Polish political party platforms and activities during the interwar years. The Polish politicians emphasized on the national and religious nature of educational institutions, the need to create an extensive network of primary and secondary schools, providing educational institutions with appropriate material conditions for development, increase in qualification level of teachers and the formation of the Polish national consciousness at students and young people. Recognizing education as the main driver of people's revival and progress, representatives of the leading political forces, depending on ideology, supported the transformation of existing educational institutions into (ones with main Polish language), depriving national minorities of the right to study in the mother tongue, or on the contrary defending the educational rights of the non-Polish population of the state. Presentation by the Polish Socialist Party (Polska Partia Socjalistyczna, after this - PPS) various solutions of an educational problem, their relation to educational institutions with national minorities' languages of teaching, causes considerable interest of scientists up to now.
Ukrainian and foreign scientists have already analyzed some aspects of the studied problem. Much attention was given to the activities of the PPS by Polish researchers. Adam Swiatlo presented the main forms of cultural and educational work of the party. The researcher analyzed its educational programs and highlighted the party members' struggle for the realization of their tasks1. The PPS history, its ideological and organizational bases, forms and methods of working with electors, ways of solving educational issues offered by party members were investigated by Eugeniusz Koko Swiatlo A. Oswiata a polski ruch robotniczy 1876-1939. Warszawa: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1981.725 s. Koko E. Wolni z wolnymi. PPS wobec kwestii ukrainskiej w latach 1918-1925. Gdansk: Wyd-wo Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego, 1991. 234 s.. The development and activities of the PPS, as well as the party's attitude to resolving the Ukrainian issue in interwar Poland, is devoted to the work of Stanislaw Michalowski Michalowski S. Mysl polityczna Polskiej Partii Socjalistycznej: (1918-1939). Lublin: Wyd-wo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej, 1994. 312 s.. Ideological and political concepts of Polish governments, the position of national minorities, views of PPS members on how to deal with Ukrainian, Jewish, and German issues in the Polish state were outlined by Ryszard Torzecki Torzecki R. Kwestia ukrainska w Polsce w latach 1923-1929. Krakow: Wyd-wo Literackie, 1989. 468 s.. Andrzej Chojnowski examined the national policy strategies of Polish governments in 1921-1939 and highlighted the activities of the Polish political parties, including the PPP, directed to resolving the national issue in Poland Chojnowski A. Koncepcje polityki narodowosciowej rzadow polskich w latach 1921-1939. Wroclaw; Warszawa; Krakow; Gdansk: Zaklad Narodowy imienia Ossolinskich, Wyd-wo Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 1979. 262 s.. The author focuses on the attempts of achievement of the Ukrainian-Polish agreement in the 1930s, noting that specific methods of introducing conceptual provisions of national policy depended on executive power, current legislation, and the attitude of Ukrainians.
Also notable are the works of Ukrainian researchers. Mykola Genyk explored the ideology and activities of the Polish center-right parties, as well as revealed attempts to resolve the Ukrainian issue in the PPS's political concepts Геник М. Українське питання в політичних концепціях польських правоцентристських партій (1918-1920). Галичина (Івано-Франківськ). 1997. № 1. С. 37-43.. Maxim Gon paid due attention to international relations in the Western Ukrainian lands during the interwar years Гон М. М. Особливості міжетнічної взаємодії в контексті політичних процесів на західноукраїнських землях у міжвоєнний період: монографія. Рівне: Волинські обереги, 2006. 431 с.. Ways of solving the Ukrainian problem by the Polish political parties in the interwar years, the national and educational policies of interwar Poland were highlighted by Mykola Hetmanchuk Гетьманчук М. П. Між Москвою та Варшавою: українське питання у радянсько-польських відносинах міжвоєнного періоду (1918-1939 рр.): монографія. Львів: Вид-во Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2008. 431 с.. However, these researchers only indirectly concerned the educational activities of PPS.
The purpose of the article is to cover the educational issue in PPS program documents and the educational occupations of party members.
The realization of this goal implies find the key to number of tasks: to explore the solutions of an educational problem offered by party members in interwar Poland; to analyze the activities of the PPS aimed at the development of Polish-language schooling, extracurricular education, professional development courses for teachers and raising people's level of education; to trace the party members position to the introduction of utraquism concept, numerus clausus and the «bench ghetto» in higher education.
In interwar Poland, an important role in raising the educational level of the Polish population was played by the PPS established in 1919. Such famous personalities as Bronislaw Limanowski, Ignacy Daszynski, Mieczyslaw Niedzialkowski, Jerzy Morac- zewski, and others included leading party figures. At the beginning of the activity, the priorities of the PPS were maintaining the Poland independence, unification of all Polish lands, carrying out social and economic reforms Projekt Programu Polskiej Partii Socjalistycznej. AAN. Zesp. 1690. Mikrof. 2167/1, sygn. 114/I t. 1. K. 2-6.. Party members paid special attention to finding ways to solve the national problem in interwar Poland. The party supported the central concept of a solution of the problem of eastern territories, which would lead to an adjustment of Ukrainian-Polish relations, and, as noted by M. Niedzialkowski, would prevent the formation of a «center of rebellion and separatism» on the border with Poland Chojnowski A. Koncepcje polityki narodowosciowej rzadow polskich w latach 1921-1939. S. 19, 22-24. Z protokolu posiedzenia Rady Naczelnej PPS. Rezolucja w sprawie Galicji Wschodniej. 1919 grudzien 7, 8, 9, Warszawa. Ukraine and Poland in Documents 1918-1922 / red. T. Hunczak. P. 1. New York; Paris; Sydney; Toronto: Shevchenko Scientific Society, 1983. P. 439.. Party members were convinced that the southeastern borderline of Poland was to be determined through bilateral Ukrainian and Polish peoples' agreements, not imposed from outside by foreign countries11. In its program, the PPS advocated the territorial autonomy for national minorities that were living in the east of the state; guaranteeing them wide civil liberties; equalization in the rights of citizens of all religions and nationalities; the implementation of the articles of the 1921 Constitution on the cultural, linguistic and educational rights of national minorities; prohibition of national persecution and other. At the same time, party members accentuated the need to protect the rights of the Polish population of the southeastern voivodeships and to form a national consciousness Rezolucje i poprawki do poszczegolnych punktow porzadku dziennego XX Kongresu PPS. AAN. Zesp. 1690. Mikrof. 2167/1, sygn. 114/I t. 6. K. 2-2a; Program PPS (z roku 1920). Charakterystyki i programy stronnictwpolitycznych na terenie Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Zuwzglgdnieniem stronnictw zydowskich, ukrainskich, niemieckich, litewskich, bialoruskich i rosyjskich na ziemiach polskich. Przewodnik praktyczny dla obywatela / ulozyl J. Belcikowski. Warszawa: Ksiegarnia Gustawa Szylinga, 1923. S. 33; Niedzialkowski M. Malopolska Wschodnia. Dziennik Ludowy. 1933.
15 stycznia. Nr 12; Backer R. Polska Partia Socjalistyczna wobec postulatu autonomii terytorialnej Galicji Wschodniej. Polska i Ukraina. Sojusz 1920 roku i jego nast^pstwa / red. nauk. Z. Karpus, W. Rezmer, E. Wiszka. Torun: Wyd-wo Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika, 1997. S. 400-402..
PPP's members expressed different views on granting autonomy to Ukrainians. The left-wing of the PPS demanded to create an autonomous entity from Eastern Lesser Poland and Volhynia. According to M. Niedzialkowski, the autonomous territory should have included the Stanislaviv, Ternopil, and eastern part of Lviv voivodeships with Lviv, except the Boryslav-Drohobych basin Niedzialkowski M. Sprawa Galicji Wschodniej (Referat wygloszony na posiedzeniu Rady Naczelnej PPS w dniu 30 pazdziernika). Trybuna. 1921. 12 listopada. Nr 45. S. 2.. However, Zygmunt Zulawski proposed to separate Lviv and the Boryslav-Drohobych basin from an autonomous territory that would cover Eastern Galicia and Volhynia Koko E. Wolni z wolnymi... S. 146.. On 23 July 1921, on the initiative of Tadeusz Holowko and M. Nedzyalkovsky, the 18th PPS Congress adopted a resolution on the need to grant autonomy to national minorities who compactly occupy certain territories. After discussion this problem at a special party commission, in October 1921, M. Niedzialkowski offered a project of East Galicia territorial autonomy. Afterward, the concept of a solution to the Ukrainian issue appeared in the form of two territorial autonomies - for East Galicia and separately for Volhynia with South Polissya, with a possibility to unite in the future Геник М. А. Українське питання у діяльності польських політичних партій (1920-1926): автореф. дис. ... канд. іст. наук: 07.00.02 / Чернівецький державний університет ім. Ю. Федьковича. Чернівці, 1997. С. 10.. It should be noted that M. Niedzialkowski's autonomy project for three Galician voivodeships had drawn criticism from Polish politicians who considered that it was contrary to Polish state interests and would not lead to settlement of Polish-Ukrainian relations in the region Protokol 3 posiedzenia Komitetu Politycznego Rady Ministrow RP 21 pazdziernika 1921 r. ONiepodleglq i granice: w 7 t. Warszawa; Pultusk: Wyzsza Szkola Humanistyczna im. A. Gieysztora, 2004. Т. 5: Protokoly Komitetu Politycznego Rady Ministrow 1921-1926 / wstep, wybor, opracowanie i przygotowanie do druku M. Jablonowski, W. Janowski. S. 24.. The proposal of Kazimierz Domoslawski and Zygmunt Zaremba to grant Ukrainians national and cultural autonomy also was not supported Chojnowski A. Koncepcje polityki narodowosciowej... S. 22-24; Michalowski S. Mysl polityczna Polskiej Partii Socjalistycznej: (1918-1939). S. 59-62, 67; Koko E. Wolni z wolnymi... S. 73-74..
Incidentally, the supporters of the autonomous solution of the Ukrainian issue mostly represented the «pilsudchyk» wing of the PPS. However, a bit different position was presented by Galicians party members, who opposed plans of the introduction of territorial autonomy in the eastern territories of the state. They criticized equalizing in the rights of the Ukrainian language with the Polish in governing, providing full freedom to Ukrainians at school and education. Party members were afraid that these concessions would promote the development of Ukrainian ethnic nationalism, what they associated with the risk of losing the so-called «Kresy Wschodnie». At the same time, they argued that as long as Ukrainians will remain in positions of Eastern Galicia independence, any Polish attempts to settle this issue will be debated Гон М. М. Особливості міжетнічної взаємодії в контексті... С. 113; Koko E. Wolni z wolnymi.... S. 84-85; Koko E. W nadziei na zgode. Polski ruch socjalistyczny wobec kwestii narodowosciowej w Polsce (1918-1939). Gdansk: Wyd-wo Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego, 1995. S. 67.. Considering the high level of national consciousness of the German minority of Poland, some members of PPS, as well as in a case with Ukrainians, also were against granting them national and cultural autonomy Koko E. W nadziei na zgode... S. 89-90..
Educational goals remained unchanged in the PPS program during the interwar years. They emphasize the need to introduce a general, compulsory, secular school system with teaching in Polish and minority languages; free education at schools of all stages; construction of school premises that would meet the pedagogical, hygienic and aesthetic requirements of the time; providing students with clothes, qualified assistance in education; nutrition; providing financial assistance to young people from needy families; development of extracurricular education. There was also a need to ensure a high level of teacher training; the separation of school power from political administration Projekt programu PPS na XXIII Kongres PPS. AAN. Zesp. 1690. Mikrof. 2167/1, sygn. 114/I-8. K. 1-3a; Program PPS uchwalony na XXIV Kongresie 2 lutego 1937. Dokumenty programowe polskiego ruchu robotniczego 1878-1984 / pod red. N. Kolomejczyka, B. Syzdka; wybor i opracowanie J. Jakubowski, A. Kochanski, W. Kowalski. Warszawa: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1986. S. 246-247. Program Polskiej Partii Socjalistycznej (uchwalony na XVII Kongresie Partii w 1919 roku i obecnie obowiazujacy. BelcikowskaA. Stronnictwa i zwiazkipolityczne w Polsce: charakterystyki, dane historyczne, programy, rezolucje, organizacjepartyjne, prasa, przywodcy: dodatek:polityczne zwiazki mlodziezy w Polsce w 1925 r. / czese ogolna oprac. J. Belcikowski; slowo wstepne napisal A. Romer. Warszawa: Dom Ksiazki Polskiej, 1925. S. 364-365.. Party members advocated on the restriction of the Roman Catholic clergy's influence for school too Przeciwko klerykalizmowi. Przemowienie sejmowe tow. Czapinskiego. Dziennik Ludowy. 1924.
6 lipca. Nr 152.. They believed that it was closely related to the current government, and religious institutions serve political goals. In general, the PPS program both in the educational sphere and concerning national minorities, remained unchanged until 1939, however chances of its realization significantly decreased after the May Coup, 1926 and coming to power of Jozef Pilsudsky. If in the conditions of functioning of the democratic-parliamentary system theoretically there was a possibility of the coalition of the left-wing, center and parliamentary representation of national minorities which could support the socialists project, then after 1926 the PPS, being in opposition, could only carry out preparatory activities for the implementation of its own concepts after the probable collapse of the government Niedzialkowski Mieczyslaw. AAN. Zesp. 1690. Sygn. 4170. K. 161-170. (265 k.); Koko E. PPS wobec problemu narodowosciowego w Polsce w latach 1918-1939. Stulecie Polskiej Partii Socjalistycznej 1891-1992. Materialy sesji naukowej Towarzystwa Milosnikow Historii i Towarzystwa Naukowego im. Adama Prochnika zorganizowanej w dniach 8-9 czerwca 1992 r. / red. M. Drozdowski, J. Myslinski, J. Sujecki, A. Zarnowska. Warszawa: Warszawska Oficyna Wydawnicza «Gryf», 1993. S. 134..
From the beginning, the PPS has developed active educational activities: it opened educational institutions, participated in the work of inter-party societies. Although, not many educational organizations were under the influence of the party at the beginning of its existence, for example, in Galicia - only the Mickiewicz National University. However, from year to year, the local PPS committees livened their educational activities, organized working clubs. A significant milestone in the party's educational work was the decision to convene the Central Cultural and Educational Department in August 1919. The department had to take care of raising the level of education of population and formation of the national consciousness in it to establish evening schools, libraries, reading rooms, organize various courses, national universities, and more. Based on the decision of the PPS Congress in Krakow, which took place on November 1-3, 1919, the Central Cultural and Educational Department, in a letter to party organizations of November 16, recommended them to create local cultural and educational departments which had to establish clubs, reading rooms; open courses for the illiterate, etc Centralny Wydzial Kulturalno-Oswiatowy. 1920 r. AAN. Zesp. 1690. Sygn. 114/IV-5. K. 9-9a; Centralny Wydzial Kulturalno-Oswiatowy. Okolnik do wszystkich Organizacji Partyjnych. Warszawa, dnia 13 maja 1920 r. AAN. Zesp. 1251. Mikrof. 2167/2, sygn. 114/IV t. 5. K. 3. Swiatlo A. Oswiata a polski ruch robotniczy 1876-1939. S. 399-400..
Until February 1921, members ofthe PPS conducted cultural and educational activities together with Communists, but on February 16, at a meeting of the Central Executive Committee, the resolution that obliged members of the PPS to oppose the Communists in educational and other organizations was accepted. The PPS leadership critically evaluated the educational activities of local party branches. The circular of the Central Executive Committee of February 1922 states that the sphere of cultural and educational activity is neglected, the party has not yet worked out an effective plan of work in this direction. Despite certain shortcomings in the 1920s, the PPS launched cultural and educational activities in many settlements, has been organizing various courses, theater, and vocal troupes, opening libraries and reading rooms. In the former sub-Austrian territories, in particular, in Lviv, Boryslav, and Peremyshl, PPS units had been working since 1919. However, not all local branches were able to get active. The biggest problem was the lack of Polish intelligentsia. In particular, on October 6, 1920, the PPS Committee in Peremyshl wrote this to the Central Executive Committee Swiatlo A. Oswiata a polski ruch robotniczy 1876-1939. S. 400-405.. To remedy the situation, the PPS began the search for new forms of cultural and educational activities, and at the end of 1922, created the Society of Working University (Towarzystwo Uniwersytetu Robotniczego, after this - TOUR). As of 1928, the company had 168 branches, 11 of which operated in Galicia Dzialalnosc wydawnicza i kulturalno-oswiatowa (za okres od 1 stycznia 1926 r. do 1 lipca 1928 r.). AAN. Zesp. 1690. Mikrof. 2167/1, sygn. 114/I-7. K. 16 a.. To rise in consciousness of the PPS members served schools and various courses. From 1923 to 1930, the TOUR organized 20 working schools, mainly for party members. By the end of 1929, 180 courses were in operation, including 127 courses for illiterate, 33 professional, and 20 courses for the socio-political program. Most courses, such as Polish studies, teacher training, primary and secondary school courses, party schools, etc., were conducted by local party centers, including in Boryslav, Przemysl, and Lviv. TOUR members also joined to foundation of vocational schools. At the end of 1925, the departments of the association kept 22 libraries and 7 reading rooms, and in 1929 their numbers increased up to 86 and 54, respectively. Quite often, they were the only institutions of this type in certain settlements Pragierowa E. Kilka uwag w sprawie szkol zawodowych. Robotnik. 1929. 12 stycznia. Nr 12; Swiatlo A. Oswiata a polski ruch robotniczy 1876-1939. S. 475..
After the May Coup of 1926, the PPS transitioned into opposition, which caused numerous obstacles to the TOUR activities by the administrative authorities. In the eastern voivodeships, for example, in Volynia, the activities of local PPS units were almost completely paralyzed (partly of the termination of self-government subventions), which had a negative impact on its work, particularly cultural and educational. TOUR has been able to liven its activities a little since 1928. For example, according to the organization's report, in 1928-1929, there were 13 self-education schools and 28 different courses in 115 departments. In 1935-1939, more favorable conditions were created for the PPS and TOUR educational activities, but those centers of society where Communist influences were spreading ceased to exist due to pressure from the authorities Swiatlo A. Oswiata a polski ruch robotniczy 1876-1939. S. 527, 531, 587.. It should be noted that the PPS units in three Galician voivodeships differed in considerable activities. For example, in March 1936, about 7 events were organized in Lviv, including cultural and educational ones, with the number of participants from 300 to 1500 Sprawozdanie sytuacyjne z zycia polskich stronnictw politycznych za miesiac marzec 1936 r. Lwow, dnia 9 kwietnia 1936 r. AAN. Zesp. 1185. Sygn. 23. K. 46..
During the interwar years, the PPS members paid due attention to both the defense of the educational rights of the Polish population and national minorities. They demanded the opening of Ukrainian university in Lviv, granting access to Ukrainians to Lviv University, stopping the persecution of students and teachers of the Ukrainian Secret University in Lviv, stopping the introduction of utraquism concept in school, etc. These issues have repeatedly been put on the agenda of party congresses or during parliamentary speeches by PPS in the Seim Sprawa ukrainska. Opracowanie St. Piotrowskiego. AAN. Zesp. 98. Mikrof. 2314/4, sygn. 71/I-36. K. 9-17; Sprawozdanie sytuacyjne Wojewodztwa lwowskiego za styczen 1926. Lwow, dnia 19 lutego 1926 r. AAN. Zesp. 1185. Sygn. 4. K. 13; W. A. Z. O uniwersytet ukrainski. DziennikLudowy. 1924. 15 wrzesnia. Nr 211.. The party members recognized the German minority's right to develop national schooling, repeatedly supported similar requirements of the German ambassadors in the Seim and the Senate. They spoke out against persecutions of Germans and the restriction of German-speaking schooling, considering that guaranteeing them the linguistic, educational, cultural, religious, and other rights under the Constitution of 1921 will facilitate their assimilation in the future Koko E. W nadziei na zgod?... S. 89-90, 94.. The PPS members also criticized the introduction of numerus clausus and the «bench ghetto» at higher education institutions for Jewish students Do wszystkich Komitetow i Wydzialow PPS. AAN. Zesp. 1251. Mikrof. 2167/2, sygn. 114/III t. 18. K. 14-15.. They supported the guarantee of Jewish cultural, linguistic, and educational rights. At the same time, they noted that linguistic contradictions between the Jews make impossible the fast solution of a cultural and educational problem. While declaring minority rights in their program, the Socialists hoped that the socio-economic development of the region would happen assimilation of all nationalities N. S. Pod znakiem mniejszosci narodowych. NaszPrzeglpd. 1923. 30 lipca. Nr 125; Koko E. PPS wobec problemu narodowosciowego w Polsce w latach 1918-1939. S. 135.. Let us notice that in the early 1920s, only a small part of the party recognized Jews as a separate nation. The rest regarded them as a religious or ethnic group. PPS members supported the idea of Polish Jews assimilation, believing it would take place more rapidly if some Jews had emigrated to Russia, Palestine, etc. The slogan of secular school for national minorities contained in the decrees of the 19th and 20th PPS Congresses clearly outlined their attitude to Jewish schooling. Critically perceiving the influence of «Jewish clericalism» on the life of this community, and also recognizing that the Judaism most of all had affected its separateness, they did not support the concept of a religious school. The activities of the Central Jewish School Organization (Centrale Jidisze Szul Organizacje), which developed secular Jewish schooling, received great feedback from the party members. The anti-Semitism increase in Poland was negatively perceived by the parties, which they attributed to the spread of external factors, including the anti-Semitic activities of the Hitler movement Koko E. W nadziei na zgode... S. 81-84, 126-127; Michalowski S. Mysl polityczna Polskiej Partii Socjalistycznej: (1918-1939). S. 73-75..
A significant criticism of the party members was caused by the implementation of the Law of 31 July 1924 on «The Organization of Schooling», which came into force in Lviv, Ternopil, Stanislavsky, Polesye, Volyn, Novogrodsk, Wilno voivodeship, Grodno and Volkovytsky. The law was adopted with Endecs' supporting, despite protests by the national minorities parliamentary group and the PPS, provided transformation of schools into the utraquistic ones intended to educate loyal citizens from students of Polish and other nationalities in mutual respect for national features (Article 2), as well as to give them state support. Instead, communities were required to maintain national schools. Private national minority schools had to create on the same basis as Polish ones (Article 1) Ustawa z dnia 31 lipca 1924 r. zawierajaca niektore postanowienia o organizacji szkolnictwa. Dziennik Ustaw Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. 1924. Nr 79. Poz. 766. S. 1212-1213; Informacje ogolne o ludnosci ukrainskiej w Polsce. AAN. Zesp. 322. Mikrof. B. 18468, sygn. 2265. K. 209; Papierzynska-Turek M. Sprawa ukrainska w Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej 1922-1926. Krakow: Wyd-wo Literackie, 1979. S. 224.. Schools were allowed teaching in another language so that the minority community constituted at least 25% of the population, and the parents of at least 40 students had submitted appropriate declarations. But if there were 20 Poles in the school, it became bilingual: students were taught to read and write in Polish from the first grade, only nature studies, art, handicraft, and physical education were taught in their native language Гетьманчук М. П. Між Москвою та Варшавою: українське питання у радянсько-польських відносинах міжвоєнного періоду (1918-1939 рр.): монографія. Львів: Вид-во Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2008. C. 241; Papierzynska-Turek M. Sprawa ukrainska w Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej 1922-1926. S. 225..
PPS members suggested extending the law to Hrubieszowski, Tomaszowski, and Wlodawski counties, where the Ukrainian population had been deprived of the right to open both native language and utraquistic schools. They opposed using of the terms «Ruthenian», «Russian» or «Old Ruthenian nationality», considering the use of the terms «Ukrainian nationality» or «Russian nationality», and in brackets «Ukrainian». Party members spoke against Slavic minorities assimilation, recognized their right to develop their language, culture, and education. Another criticism leveled at the introduction of the utraquism concept in school. In particular, PPS ambassador Kazimierz Czapinski believed that utraquist was inherently false; it could not be combined with the recognition of Ukrainians or Belarusians as developing nations. Ignacy Daszynski noted that children could be taught a second language after 10 years Torzecki R. Kwestia ukrainska w Polsce w latach 1923-1929... S. 119-121; Sprawy jezykowe w Komisji Konstytucyjnej. Robotnik. 1924. 4 lipca. Nr 181; Koko E. Wolni z wolnymi... S. 137-138..
Party members have repeatedly emphasized cutting education expenditures from the state budget compared to general expenditures. For example, if in 1928/1929 a.y. they accounted for 15.3% of the total expenditures of the state, in 1935/1936 a.y. did not exceed 14.4%. The PPS's appeal to village and city workers in September 1931, stated that by handing over hundreds of millions of Polish zlotys to the army and police, the state did not care about arming millions of citizens with the knowledge and consciousness that was far more important for the defense of the region, than keep an excessive army in peacetime Swiatlo A. Oswiata a polski ruch robotniczy 1876-1939. S. 269.. In an educational resolution adopted at the 23 Congress of the PPS in February 1934, the party criticized a sanation camp for the introduction of «state education» in schools, which they pointed as party agitation among youth, and also indicated the inadmissibility of further clericalization of education. The resolution also referred to the neglect of national minority schools, including the Ukrainian one, by the authorities Rezolucja oswiatowa uchwalona na XXIII Kongresie PPS (luty 1934 r.). Polska lewica spoleczna wobec oswiaty w latach 1919-1939. (Wybor materialow) / wyboru dokonali, wstepem i przypisami zaopatrzyli B. Lugowski, E. Rudzinski. Warszawa: Panstwowe Zaklady Wydawnictw Szkolnych, 1960. S. 310..
Therefore, in the interwar years, the educational issue occupies an important place in the PPS' activities. The party members supported the expansion of the Polish-language school network, emphasized on the need to protect the rights of the Polish population of the southeastern voivodeships, and to raise the level of their national consciousness. They joined the opening of schools, libraries, reading rooms, organized various courses, national universities. The educational activities of the PPS-based TOUR have played a significant role in raising the national consciousness of the Polish population. PPS members also paid due attention to the protection of the fundamental rights of national minorities. They demanded to guarantee the cultural, linguistic and educational rights of citizens of all faiths and nationalities, as well as providing territorial autonomy for national minorities that lived in the southeastern voivodeships of Poland. The PPS members advocated opening a separate Ukrainian university in Lviv, opposed to the persecution of students and teachers of the Ukrainian Secret University in Lviv, as well as the introduction of utraquism in school, numerus clausus, and a «bench ghetto» at higher education regarding Jews.
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