Increasing the public level of education in Ukraine during the ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921: evaluation of the efficiency of S. Rusova’s activities in the direction of out-school and preschool education

The participation of Rusova in the process of Ukrainian state-building during the period of the Ukrainian Revolution is determined. The development of the national system of out-of-school education and preschool education management bodies is described.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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Дата добавления 09.10.2022
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Motuz V.K.

Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy


The article is devoted to the problem of Sofia Rusova's participation in the creation of the Ukrainian state during the period of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921. It is about the development of the national system of governing bodies for out-of-school education and preschool education.

Considering the centuries-old educational process in Ukraine, where at different historical stages of its development specific individuals played an important role, as well as the anniversary of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921, research and coverage of the state and administrative activities of Sofia Rusova, who made a significant contribution to the formation of the Ukrainian national education system, is appropriate and motivated.

Sofia Rusova belongs to that constellation of Ukrainian socially active figures of the last third of the XIX - first third of the XX century, who considered general education as social progress. Therefore, her social and political, and subsequently state-administrative activities were aimed at the cultural development of Ukrainian society. Namely, by introducing into the structure of the social education system in Ukraine during the period of the Ukrainian Central Rada, the Hetmanate of P. Skoropadsky and the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic of all components that were not present during the previous political power and state administration. We are talking about preschool and extracurricular education.

Despite the fact that Ukraine in the first three years of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 turned into a center of political and military upheavals (the struggle of military political forces for control over Ukrainian lands) in Eastern Europe, the activities of Sofia Rusova in the corresponding historical period for the development of the Ukrainian system education was productive.

The criteria for the effectiveness of the innovative activity of Sofia Rusova in 1917-1919 relate to: development of an original, humanistic, democratic in essence, personality-oriented concept of preschool education; recognition of preschool education as the first link in the state educational system; distribution of public preschool education and training of teaching staff for it; improving the administrative apparatus in the educational sphere; uniting the activities of all organizations and institutions that were involved in out-of-school education; organization of libraries, reading houses and preparation of a “model catalog” of literature for public libraries; active development of the system of preschool education and out-of-school education at the lower levels; initiation of consideration and adoption of the Law “On Granting Civil Service Rights to Employees of Out-of School Education and Preschool Education”, when various categories of preschool workers were equated with the corresponding categories of employees of lower, primary, secondary and higher education; training of conscientious Ukrainian personnel who created a kindergarten that was Ukrainian in spirit, in form and in content.

Investigating the contribution of Sofia Rusova to the formation of the national adult education system, the author came to the conclusion that her state and administrative activities in the field of education for a short but extremely eventful period in the history of Ukraine - 1917-1919 - is invaluable for domestic pedagogy and therefore is one of the pillars of the modern education system in Ukraine.

Key words: Ukraine in the first third of the twentieth century, Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921, extracurricular and preschool education, development of out-of-school and preschool education in Ukraine in 1917-1919, Sofia Rusova, state and administrative activities of Sofia Rusova in the educational sphere.


rusova ukrainian revolution preschool

Підвищення громадського рівня освіти в Україні під час української революції 1917-1921 рр.: оцінка ефективності діяльності Софії Русової в напрямі позашкільної та дошкільної освіти. Мотуз В.К.

Статтю присвячено проблемі участі Софії Русової в процесі українського державотворення періоду Української революції 1917-1921 рр., а саме в розбудові національної системи органів управління позашкільною освітою та дошкільним вихованням.

З огляду на багатовіковий освітній процес в Україні, де на різних історичних етапах його розвитку важливу роль відігравали конкретні особистості, а також відзначення річниці Української революції 1917-1921 рр., дослідження та висвітлення державно-управлінської діяльності Софії Русової, яка зробила вагомий внесок у становлення української національної системи освіти й виховання, є доцільним та вмотивованим.

Софія Русова належить до тієї плеяди українських соціально активних діячів останньої третини ХІХ- першої третини ХХ ст., які вважали загальну освіту соціальним прогресом. Тому її громадсько- політична, а згодом і державно-управлінська діяльність була спрямована на культурний розвиток суспільства шляхом упровадження в структуру соціальної системи освіти в Україні доби Української Центральної Ради, Гетьманату П. Скоропадського та Директорії Української Народної Республіки всіх тих складників, які були відсутні за попередньої політичної влади та державного управління - позашкільної та дошкільної освіти.

Незважаючи на те, що Україна за роки Української революції 1917-1921 рр. перетворилась на центр політичних і воєнних перепитій (боротьба воєнно-політичних сил за контроль над українськими землями) у Східній Європі, діяльність Софії Русової щодо розбудови української дошкільної та позашкільної системи освіти була продуктивною у відповідний історичний період.

Критерії ефективності інноваційної діяльності Софії Русової в 1917-1919 рр. стосуються: розроблення оригінальної, гуманістичної, демократичної за своєю сутністю, особистісно орієнтованої концепції дошкільного виховання; вдосконалення адміністративного апарату у сфері освіти; визнання дошкільного виховання першою ланкою державної освітньої системи; поширення суспільного дошкільного виховання; об'єднання діяльності всіх організацій та установ, що опікувалися позашкільною освітою; організації бібліотек, книгозбірень і читалень, а також укладання «взірцевого каталогу» літератури для громадських бібліотек; активної розбудови системи дошкільного виховання та позашкільної освіти в низових ланках; ініціювання розгляду та прийняття Закону «Про надання прав державної служби співробітникам позашкільної освіти та дошкільного виховання», коли різні категорії дошкільних працівників прирівнювалися до відповідних категорій нижчої, початкової, середньої та вищої школи; підготовки свідомих українських кадрів, які би створювали український за духом, формою та змістом дитячий садок.

Досліджуючи внесок Софії Русової в становлення національної системи позашкільної освіти та дошкільного виховання, автор дійшов висновку, що її державно-управлінська діяльність у сфері освіти за короткий, але надзвичайно насичений подіями період історії України (1917-1919рр.) має неоціненне значення для вітчизняної педагогіки, тому і є однією з основ сучасної системи освіти в Україні.

Ключові слова: Україна першої третини ХХ ст., Українська революція 1917-1921 рр., позашкільна та дошкільна освіта, розвиток позашкільної та дошкільної освіти в Україні в 1917-1919 рр., Софія Русова, державно-управлінська діяльність Софії Русової у сфері освіти.

The problem Statement

Sofia Rusova (1856-1940) an outstanding social and political figure of Ukraine, who, having a rich experience of participation on a voluntary basis, in extracurricular and preschool education, was able in a fairly short period of time to make a significant contribution to the development of preschool and extracurricular education at the state level in Ukraine. In particular, in 1917-1919 she developed an original, humanistic, national and democratic in essence, personality-oriented concept of preschool education. During the period of her leadership of the Department of Preschool and Extracurricular Education under the General Secretariat of Education, preschool education was recognized as the first link in the state educational system of Ukraine; the spread of public preschool education and the improvement of its administrative apparatus took place, as well as the training of pedagogical personnel for it was organized; the unification of the activities of all organizations and institutions that were involved in out-of-school education was achieved; the activities of libraries, reading houses were organized, and a “model catalog” of literature for public libraries was prepared; the system of preschool education and out-of-school education at the lower levels was actively developing; the law “On granting civil service rights to employees of out-of-school education and preschool education” was adopted, when various categories of preschool workers were equated with the corresponding categories of employees of lower, primary, secondary and higher education; training of conscious Ukrainian cadres was organized, who were engaged in the creation of a Ukrainian kindergarten in spirit, in form and content.

The Analysis of Recent Research and Publications

Sofia Rusova's activities have not bee n a subject of study for a long time. Historians and educators got the opportunity to comprehensively study her as a person only with the proclamation o f Ukraine's independence. It is over the past thirty years that new conceptual approaches have been put forward in assessing the significance of Sofia Rusova's activities. The first thing you pay attention to when analyzing the historiography of the research topic is the fact that this problem has not yet been comprehensively studied, but still found reflection in the scientific works of historians and educators.

On the basis of a comprehensive historiographic analysis, the degree of study of the problem investigated by the author of the article is determined. This article is based on the materials of various scientific works on the topic, volume and time of writing, which are numerous and mutually complementary.

One of the most important sources for studying the activities of Sofia Rusova during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 is her memoirs - “My Memories” [23]. In them, she pays attention not only to her own biography, but also notes her life positions, socio-political views and expresses her attitude to important events of 1917-1919.

This article uses materials that are presented in the scientific works of modern Ukrainian historians and teachers. This makes it possible to reveal the problem under study in more detail. In particular, one of the researchers of the life and work of Sofia Rusova L. Gonyukova, in her scientific work “Memories of Sofia Rusova” [7] reveals the process of her joining state activities during the period of the Ukrainian Central Rada.

During the Soviet period, the life and work of Sofia Rusova, in particular in 1917-1921, because of her accusations of “Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism” were practically not studied. Therefore, in the historiographic base of the corresponding scientific article, scientific research about Sophia Rusova of the Soviet era is not presented.

With the proclamation of independent Ukraine, a new period begins in the study of the heritage of the outstanding educator and public and political figure Sofia Rusova. So, already in 1990-1991, the first popular science articles about her appeared. For example, such authors as G. Datsyuk [10], A. Zamlinskaya [11], A. Kosuli [15] and others. Despite the fact that the activities of Sofia Rusova during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 did not become the subject of their attention, however, the above-mentioned scientists highlighted certain aspects of her socio-political, cultural and educational activities in 1917-1919. So, in the scientific research of A. Kosuli “The Great Enlightener” [15], interesting little-known facts of her biography of 1917 are given. In addition, in his scientific work, the author publishes individual documents that have not been previously published, which are of scientific interest for researchers of the life and work of Sofia Rousova during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921.

A large number of historians, pedagogue and writers joined the formation of the studios of Sophia Rusova during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 at the beginning of the XXI century.

Among the massive historiographic heritage of the modern period, it is necessary to highlight the scientific work of S. Nagachevsky “Pedagogical thought and enlightenment in the women's movement in western Ukraine (II half of the 19th century - 1939)” [19]. In his scientific work, the author paid attention to various aspects of the social and cultural activities of Sofia Rusova during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921. In particular, little-known and simply interesting facts of her biography were presented to them.

No less attention deserves the scientific research of I. Ulyukaeva “The activity of Sofia Rusova on the creation of a system of preschool education in Ukraine in 1917-1919” [27] and the Directory of 1917-1919 revealed her contribution to the development of Ukrainian statehood during the Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921. The author drew attention to her great organizational work on approving preschool education as the first link in the educational system and training teachers for this.

No less constructive information about the activities of Sofia Rusova during the Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921 was obtained by the author of this scientific article from the author's abstracts of dissertations by L. Gonyukova “Social, political, cultural and educational activities of Sofia Rusova (1870s - 1940s.) [6], G. Grutz “S. Rusova and the educational movement in Ukraine” [9], A. Pshevratskaya “Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the organization of public preschool education in the works of S. Rusova” [23]. For example, in the author's abstract of L. Gonyukova's dissertation in the third chapter of the scientific research, in general terms, the sociopolitical, cultural and educational activities of Sofia Rusova in 1917-1921 are revealed. Based on the analysis of the activities of Sofia Rusova during the period of her creative and professional rise, the candidate for the degree identified her contribution to the construction of a national state on a democratic basis.

It should be noted that the social and political activities of Sofia Rusova during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 in modern historiography, taking into account the chronological framework of the study of published scientific works, is represented unevenly. Most of the scientific works are devoted to the place and role of Sofia Rusova in the processes of the period of the Ukrainian Central Rada and the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic. For example, in a scientific article by L. Berezovskaya “The contribution of Sofia Rusova to the development of national education based on the materials of the magazine “Free Ukrainian School» (1917-1920)” [2], the author focuses on the sociopolitical, pedagogical and journalistic activities of Sofia Rusova during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921. At the same time, bypassing her activities during the Ukrainian State of P. Skoropadsky.

So, characterizing the historiography of this article, the author came to the conclusion that the activities of the outstanding Ukrainian figure Sofia Rusova began to be studied quite fully and diversifiedly during the period of independence of Ukraine. First of all, there are historical studies that highlight the place and role of Sofia Rusova in the history of the development of Ukrainian statehood and domestic pedagogy. All this is revealed on the basis of a balanced analysis of investigated and objectively reconstructed little-known events, archival documents, memoirs, and the like. However, insufficient study of this problem, the lack of a comprehensive study and its scientific relevance require further substantive research.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the topic of Sofia Rusova's participation in the development of the national system of governing bodies for out- of-school education and preschool education and to provide an assessment of her state-administrative activities in the field of education.

Presenting the main material

Considering the existence of a centuries-old educational process in Ukraine, where specific individuals played an important role at different historical stages of its development. And also the proclamation of 2017-2021 as a period of commemoration of events and outstanding participants in the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921. Research and coverage of the social and political activities of Sofia Rusova, who deserves the title “Hero of Ukraine” for her selfless work for the good of Ukraine, first of all, having made a significant contribution to the formation of the national education and upbringing system during the years of the national liberation struggle of 1917-1921 is appropriate and motivated.

In the corresponding study, the author examines not only facts from the biography of Sofia Rusova of the revolutionary period (1917-1919) directly related to her state and administrative activities, but also highlights her social position, views and attitude to important external and internal processes. These processes accompanied the course of events during the reign of the Ukrainian Central Rada, Hetman Pavel Skoropadsky and the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic. It was they who were associated with the development of Ukrainian statehood in 1917-1919, in particular, its educational sphere.

The revolutionary events in Russia at the beginning of 1917 affected the Naddnipryan Ukraine by the rapid growth of the Ukrainian national liberation movement. It was headed by the Ukrainian Central Rada. Sofia Rusova at that time not only continues to be an active participant in social and political life in Naddnipryansk Ukraine, but joins the state process. She receives the mandate of a member of the Ukrainian Central Rada from the public organization “Prosvita” [5, p. 292]. It should be noted that her state activities were not limited to being a deputy in the Ukrainian Central Rada. When the executive body of power in the Ukrainian People's Republic was created - the General Secretariat, Sofia Rusova, given her long “preschool history”, was proposed to head the department of preschool education and extracurricular education formed in August 1917 (since January 9, 1918 - the Ministry of Public Education) [3, p. 100].

Coverage of the role and place of Sofia Rusova in the development of the Ukrainian national system of governing bodies for extracurricular education and preschool education in 1917-1919 should begin with defining the attitude of the Ukrainian society of that period to the designated problem.

Public attention to out-of-school adult education in Ukraine during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 was quite significant. This was facilitated by the fact that the corresponding problem in the pre-revolutionary period was already in the field of vision of the Ukrainian intelligentsia [6, p. 19]. This happened due to the definition of this type of education as one of the most productive factors in the cultural development of the people [12, p. 214]. As a result, the problem of adult education does not lose its relevance during the period of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921. Moreover, during this period, it acquires a progressive development [22, p. 176].

Due to the peculiarities of the above historical period, this problem was solved in two ways. “From below”, we are talking about measures of public and private societies, institutions, cooperatives, local governments. And “from above” - the support of this idea by the Ukrainian Central Rada, the General Secretary of Education and other Secretariats, which also dealt with out-of-school education institutions (military, agriculture, railways, etc.) [1, p. 16]. In addition, the adult education system had a national character [8, p. 75].

Taking into account the above circumstances regarding the development of adult education, it becomes clear that all the activities organized and carried out by the Department of Out-of-School Education under the leadership of Sofia Rusova in 1917-1919 to spread public out-of-school education and train teachers for it, not only did not go beyond public expectations, but moreover, they met the needs of society [13, p. 69].

The first steps of Sofia Rusova in the development of preschool education was the unification of the activities of all organizations and institutions that were involved in out-of-school education. First of all, we are talking about the most widespread public organizations “Prosvita” in that historical period in Ukraine. Since the beginning of the revolution, these public organizations operated throughout the territory of Ukraine. They were very popular among the Ukrainian population, for example, rural [4, p. 52]. Therefore, Sofia Rusova expressed a common opinion when she characterized “Prosvita” as “our national, the best form of conducting the educational process among the adult population of the country” [16, p. 177].

In accordance with this, it decided to convene the First All-Ukrainian Congress “Prosvita”. Thus, the congress held on September 20, 1917 considered it necessary to unite all the “Prosvita” into unions in districts, counties, provinces and in each of them to distinguish sections: lecture, library, publishing, etc. lecturers, organization of libraries, compilation of bibliography for public readings and the like [25, p. 24].

Heading the Department of Extracurricular and Preschool Education under the General Secretariat of Education, Sofia Rusova organized the creation of a central warehouse for books, scientific aids for adults and textbooks for self-education. She also personally joined the preparation of a “exemplary catalog” of literature for public libraries [14, p. 38]. It should be noted that the main methodological publication in the field of extracurricular work should be considered compiled in the department, under the close supervision of Sofia Rusova, “Guidelines for the leaders of extracurricular education and preschool education”, which was supposed to serve as such a task as instructing and helping those working in this field of activity in the field [21, p. 12].

The most elementary form of spreading out of school education, which was used by the Department of Out-of-School and Preschool Education under the leadership of Sofia Rusova, was the organization of libraries and reading rooms. For example, by order of Sofia Rusova, a plan for the development of the library network in Ukraine was drawn up. For this plan, libraries were to be created in all provincial cities and counties. However, this task turned out to be overwhelming for the department. This happened due to a lack of funds, primarily for the purchase of new books, the maintenance of libraries and the construction of new premises [16, p. 175].

An equally interesting fact about the activities of Sofia Rusova as head of the department of out-of-school and preschool education is the organization and control of the activities of local adult education bodies. So, Sofia Rusova believed that the education of adults in the provinces should have been dealt with by the provincial school councils. However, in practice it was mainly zemstvos and cooperatives that controlled the relevant situation on the ground. The explanation for this situation, again, was the practical possibilities of the centralized educational body for out-of-school and preschool education, which were more of a moral than a legal nature [6, p. 19].

For this reason, at a meeting of zemstvo and city leaders of out-of-school education, a path was outlined for the development of a wide network of educational institutions for the adult population in Ukraine. And also the organization of a number of different events aimed at solving painful and acute problems for that time. Such as illiteracy and low cultural level of the Ukrainian people [20, p. 38].

Regarding preschool education, the very fact of the inclusion in the General Secretariat of Education of the department of preschool education actually meant its recognition as the first link in the state educational system. Sofia Rusova joyfully welcomed this event, since she sharply felt and fiercely criticized the absence of preschool education in the educational structure of the Russian Empire [26, p. 74].

Thanks to the efforts of Sofia Rusova, a consistent policy was carried out in the field of public preschool education in that difficult, in many ways tragic and eventful time. In the context of this policy, constructive measures have been taken. It is worth noting that the propaganda of the Soviet period, characterizing the activities of the government of the Ukrainian People's Republic in the field of education, either completely hushed up its work, or covered it biasedly and distortedly, for the sake of the political conjuncture. For example, in Soviet historiography it was argued that the first measures to spread preschool institutions began to be carried out only after the establishment of Soviet power in Ukraine. Such allegations appeared because documents and materials related to educational affairs during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 were seized and until the early 1990s were hiding in special repositories of the Central State Archives of the highest authorities and administration of Ukraine [22, p. 176].

Another, no less important, positive moment in the history of Ukrainian education, according to Sofia Rusova, was the Ukrainianization policy, founded by the Ukrainian Central Rada and supported by Hetman Pavel Skoropadsky, and later by the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic [18, p. 52]. It is worth recalling that Sofia Rusova paid considerable attention to the issue of Ukrainization of educational institutions in Ukraine even in the pre-revolutionary period. Moreover, this was one of the main reasons for her participation in the Ukrainian national liberation movement in the last third of the XIX - first third of the XX century [25, p. 23].

All of the above innovations by the author logically explain the comprehensive support provided by Sofia Rusova to the Secretary General of Education of the Ukrainian People's Republic Ivan Steshenko. This was due to the implementation of the popular at that time slogan “Ukrainization of public education, all schools and all educational organizations” [2].

Having headed the departments of preschool education and out-of-school education, Sofia Rusova immediately decided on the priority tasks in this direction. The first thing that worried the public and political figure was the provision of preschool institutions with qualified personnel. So, to achieve this goal, Sofia Rusova organizes a preschool seminary [24, p. 91]. As conceived by Sofia Rusova, the seminary was created in the format of a scientific and methodological center, which was supposed to perform mentoring functions, in particular, to advise preschool workers and popularize the idea of public education. Therefore, experienced pre-revolutionary specialists were involved in the work of the seminary [12, p. 115].

In addition to the active development of the system of preschool education and out-of-school education at the lower levels, Sofia Rusova sought to improve the administrative apparatus of this system. For this, in January 1918, she appealed to the Ministry of Public Education with a proposal to consider the issue of universal compulsory preschool education and its corresponding legislative consolidation [23, p. 31]. So, in the prepared by the department of the draft regulatory document “Regulations of kindergartens” it was noted that “all children from three years old must go to kindergarten”. These institutions should be “free everywhere and organized at the expense of the zemstvo and city government” [13, p. 70]. In other words, Sofia Rusova made efforts to create a regulatory and legal framework for preschool education on a free basis for all young citizens of Ukraine.

In addition, she became a co-author of the draft “Regulations for Kindergartens”, which was included in the collection “Organizational Councils for Extracurricular and Preschool Education” along with other materials, for example, with a plan for setting up kindergartens and summer playgrounds. These materials, both then and today, are characterized as important instructions on the organization and functioning of kindergartens and other forms of public education for preschool children [17, p. 144].

The next important step in formalizing the work on public preschool education as an equal link in the public education system was the decree at the beginning of 1919 of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian People's Republic “On granting civil service rights to employees of out-of-school education and preschool education” [19, p. 33]. So, in accordance with this document, various categories of preschool workers (heads of departments, instructors of various levels and heads of preschool institutions) were equated with the corresponding categories of workers in lower, primary, secondary and higher schools. Where for each of these categories the educational qualification was determined. The corresponding law was adopted at the request of Sofia Rusova, who, substantiating her idea, noted that among primary and secondary school teachers there are many who want to go to work in preschool institutions, but they are deterred from this decision by the lack of benefits enjoyed by public service teachers [21, p. 13].

So, the above-mentioned government decree, already at the legislative level, showed the importance for Sofia Rusova, as the head of the department, of the issue of teaching staff in preschool education. The corresponding government decree was aimed at helping to attract new people to work with preschoolers. As Sofia Rusova later recalled, “it was not possible to find Ukrainian leaders anywhere to organize Ukrainian kindergartens” [26, p. 117]. That is why considerable attention in 1917-1919 was paid to the training of personnel for public preschool education and, above all, for Ukrainian kindergartens.

At this time, the Frebel Pedagogical Institute continued to function. In particular, in April 1917, under him, courses were organized to train specialists for work in kindergartens and orphanages, and in the fall of 1917, along with the Russian one, a Ukrainian branch was opened at the institute, which was headed by Sofia Rusova, its founder [11, p. 357].

The content of training specialists in preschool education has undergone significant changes, when the institute was supposed to train conscious Ukrainian cadres who would create a Ukrainian kindergarten in spirit, in form and content. In the book “My Memoirs” she described this event as follows “ of my first actions was to Ukrainize the Frebel Institute” [7, p. 136].

The second educational institution, which trained preschool workers, was also Ukrainianized - the school of frebelevok nannies of the Kiev Society of People's Kindergartens. Thus, at a meeting of the Society in April 1917, it was decided to restructure the work of the school, directing it to the training of teaching staff for Ukrainian kindergartens. The teaching of the Ukrainian language, general and children's Ukrainian literature, as well as history and geography was introduced. By the way, at this meeting it was decided not to Ukrainize the kindergartens that had been opened earlier, because half of the children in them were not of Ukrainian nationality, but in parallel with the existing ones to create Ukrainian children's institutions [19, p. 23].

Among a number of activities aimed at ensuring the training of national pedagogical personnel, during this period, a special place was occupied by special courses organized and conducted in April - May 1918. Sofia Rusova pinned great hopes on their graduates in the opening of the first Ukrainian national gardens [10, p. 61]. So, in the curriculum, in addition to the traditional topics that introduced the listeners to the basics of the theory and methodology of preschool education and the characteristics of preschool children, the topic “Ukrainian Studies” was also included. However, the volume of the material was insignificant, therefore it was limited only by the knowledge necessary for future educators to work with children [27]. It should be noted that the courses were taught by well-known experts in preschool education, such as: Sofia Rusova, Ekaterina Tolmachevskaya, Anna Ikonnikova and Vasily Zenkovsky [15, p. 102].

Since the Frebelev Pedagogical Institute, remaining the only higher pedagogical educational institution in Ukraine that trained qualified preschool workers, he could not fully satisfy the growing need for them. Sofia Rusova turned to Ivan Steshenko with a proposal to introduce kindergarten disciplines into the curricula of teachers' institutes and pedagogical courses. The Minister of Education approved her initiative and ordered to prepare a corresponding bill [9, p. 8].

Since the Frebelev Pedagogical Institute, remaining the only higher pedagogical educational institution in Ukraine that trained qualified preschool workers, could not fully satisfy the growing need for them. Sofia Rusova turned to Ivan Steshenko with a proposal to introduce disciplines directly related to the kindergarten into the curricula of teachers' institutes and pedagogical courses. The Minister of Education approved her initiative and gave an order to prepare an appropriate bill [5, p. 292].

Responding to the urgent need of the time, Sofia Rusova in a short time developed the concept of a Ukrainian national kindergarten. She outlined this concept in the books “Preschool Education” (1918) and “In Kindergarten” (1919) [16, p. 179]. These works, at that time, were not the only ones where a holistic theory of the upbringing of preschool children was presented, as well as the organization of the activities of kindergartens. It should be noted that the concept created by Sofia Rusova, on the one hand, accumulated the developments of foreign and domestic theory and practice of upbringing children of preschool age, and on the other hand, was the result of many years of creative research by the author. It is safe to say that Sofia Rusova created an original, inherently humanistic, personality- oriented concept of preschool education. In particular, in the book “Preschool Education” she gives a fairly comprehensive answer as to what a Ukrainian kindergarten should be like. Namely: “It should be organized scientifically, in accordance with modern certain principles of psychology and pedagogy. At the same time, it must be completely imbued with the national spirit of our people” [22, p. 175].

It is clear that the theoretical basis of the system of preschool education and out-of-school education is formed by the principles according to which preschool education should have been carried out. According to Sofia Rusova, upbringing in kindergarten should be individual, national and meet the socio cultural requirements of the time [8, p. 76].

Sofia Rusova called individualization the main requirement for “fair upbringing”. For example, criticizing the school of her day, she noted that in this “old” school, the ideal is a class in which “all children are the same” [14, p. 37]. Sofia Rusova emphasized that individualization is of particular importance in the upbringing and teaching of “small children in kindergartens”. She emphasized that “among these little boys and girls, colorful spiritual figures are very clearly manifested. And it is necessary to approach each of them with the word that better reaches his soul and will cause independent moral work” [17, p. 145].

Sofia Rusova believed that due to respect and love for her people, respect for other peoples, for all of humanity is formed. She noted that “loving his people, a child must recognize good traits and the right to respect for other nations” [21, p. 13]. The basic principles of Sofia Rusova on preschool education have not lost their significance today.

During the reign of Pavel Skoropadsky's hetman, she continued to work at the Ministry of Education. Where she defended her sociopolitical views, the principles of democratization and decentralization in educational work [20, p. 38].

With the coming to power of the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic, the Ministry of Education again returned to its activities, which were based on the principles laid down by the Ukrainian Central Rada [6, p. 25]. Sofia Rusova combined her work in the Department of Out-of-School Education and Preschool Education with other types of political activity. First of all, by membership in the Ukrainian Party of Socialist Federalists. From this party, she was elected as a candidate for delegate to the All-Russian Constituent Assembly. In addition, Sofia Rusova participated in the Congress of the Working People of Ukraine (January 1919) [10, p. 60]. In Kamenets-Podolsk, where she left together with the Ministry of Education of the Ukrainian People's Republic, party meetings were held at her apartment, the strategy of the Ukrainian Socialist Federalist Party was worked out [1, p. 16]. In the same year, the Union of Ukrainian Women of Naddnipryan Ukraine, Galicia and Bukovina was formed. In this organization, Sofia Rusova headed the section on the organization of the hospital. At the same time she worked as a professor at Kamyanets- Podolsk University [25, p. 26]. Its participation in educational processes at the state level ceases with the establishment of Soviet power on the territory of Ukraine.


Thus, studying the problem of Sofia Rusova's professional activity during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921, the author of the scientific study came to the conclusion that the period of the formation of Ukrainian statehood was, albeit short, but very productive in the professional activity of Sofia Rusova. She played an important role in the creation of the national education system. Sofia Rusova personally made significant efforts to develop preschool and out-of-school education in Ukraine. She taught at pedagogical courses, gave general lectures on methodology, prepared a number of laws and bills. Her theoretical legacy contributed to the development of the concept of preschool education and out-of-school education based on the cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people. Under her leadership, a system of public administration bodies for extracurricular education and preschool education in Ukraine was created, which made it possible to significantly increase the level of education of the population.


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