Formation and activities of local authorities in Ukraine in 1917-1921: historiographical overview

A comprehensive review of existing research covering the specifics and trends of the creation and functioning of the system of local government in the days of the Ukrainian Revolution. Definition of the researched problem in the available historiography.

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Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University

Formation and activities of local authorities in Ukraine in 1917-1921: historiographical overview

Kondratiuk Dmytro, Postgraduate Student at the Department of History of Ukraine


The aim of the work is to analyze the range of scientific works on the problem of formation and activities of local authorities in Ukraine in 1917-1921 in domestic and foreign historiography. Research methodology. The methodology is based on the basic principles of historical knowledge. We have been able to research the scientific literature from the time of creation of local authorities in the years of the Ukrainian Revolution to the present, thanks to the principles of comprehensiveness and systematic approach, in particular. Using a specific search method, we have formed a scientific literature on the subject for analyzing to address the goals and objectives of the article. Using the typological and problem and chronological method, we have made a chronological and thematic classification of the existing historiographic base. The method of comparativism allowed us to compare the views of different researchers and to clarify the content of specific works on the problem under study.

Scientific novelty. For the first time, a comprehensive review of available research has been conducted to highlight the specifics and trends of the creation and functioning of the local authorities in the era of the Ukrainian Revolution. Summarizing the disparate and fragmentary data, it was possible to determine the conceptual vision of the problem under study in the current historiography.

Summary. On the basis of the analysis of the historiographic base of the problem of formation and activities of local authorities in Ukraine during the Ukrainian Revolution in 1917-1921 we have made the general classification and divided the available materials into three groups. The first group consists of the works of statesmen and direct participants in the events of the Ukrainian Revolution, in which they characterized the practice of creating local authorities. Soviet historians ignored this topic, considering in their studies the Bolshevik Councils, neglecting the importance of the activities of the authorities of the UNR and the Ukrainian state. The analysis of a range of the scientific achievements of contemporary domestic and foreign scientists attests to the considerable attention of historians to the period of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921. However, it is necessary to note the extreme lack of elaboration of the theme of organization and activities of local authorities during the Ukrainian Revolution and to acknowledge the lack of structured comprehensive studies on this issue.

Key words: local authorities, the Central Council of Ukraine, municipality, the Hetmanate of P. Skoropadskyi, Directorate of Ukraine, Right-Bank Ukraine.



Мета роботи полягає в аналізі наукового доробку з проблеми формування та діяльності місцевих органів влади в Україні в 1917-1921 рр. у вітчизняній та зарубіжній історіографії. Методологія дослідження. В основу методології покладено базові принципи історичного пізнання, зокрема завдяки принципам всебічності та системності вдалося охопити наукову літературу з часу створення місцевих органів у роки Української революції до сьогодення. Для розв'язання поставлених у статті мети й завдань з використанням конкретно-пошукового методу було сформовано базу наукової літератури з даної проблематики для проведення аналізу. За допомогою типологічного та проблемно-хронологічного методу здійснено хронологічно-тематичну класифікацію наявної історіографічної бази. Метод компаративістики дозволив співставити погляди різних дослідників та висвітлити зміст конкретних праць з досліджуваної проблеми. Наукова новизна. Вперше проведено комплексний огляд наявних досліджень, що висвітлюють специфіку та тенденції створення і функціонування системи місцевих органів влади в добу Української революції. Узагальнивши розрізненні та фрагментарні дані, вдалося визначити концептуальне бачення досліджуваної проблеми в наявній на сьогодні історіографії. Висновки. На основі аналізу історіографічної бази проблеми формування та діяльності місцевих органів влади в Україні періоду Української революції 1917-1921 рр. проведено загальну класифікацію і поділено наявні матеріали на три групи. Першу групу складають праці державних діячів та безпосередніх учасників подій Української революції, в яких вони характеризували практику створення місцевих органів влади. Радянські історики ігнорували зазначену тематику, розглядаючи у своїх дослідженнях більшовицькі Ради, нівелюючи значення діяльності органів влади УНР та Української держави. Аналіз наукового доробку сучасних вітчизняних і зарубіжних вчених засвідчує значну увагу істориків до періоду Української революції 1917-1921 рр. Однак, слід відзначити крайню недостатність розробки тематики організації та діяльності місцевої влади часів Української революції і визнати відсутність структурованих комплексних досліджень з цього питання.

Ключові слова: місцеві органи влади, Українська Центральна Рада, самоврядування, Гетьманат П. Скоропадського, Директорія, Правобережна Україна.



Celem pracy jest analiza pracy naukowej nad problemem formacji i dzialalnosci wladz lokalnych na Ukrainie podczas narodowych zawodow wyzwolenczych w latach 1917-1921 w historiografii ukrainskiej i zagranicznej. Metodologia badan. Metodologia oparta jest na podstawowych zasadach wiedzy historycznej, w szczegolnosci ze wzglqdu na zasady wszechstronnosci i systematycznej w artykule objqto literaturq naukowq od momentu powstania wladz lokalnych w latach rewolucji ukrainskiej do chwili obecnej. Aby zrealizowac cele badania przy uzyciu okreslonej metody wyszukiwania, stworzono bazq literaturq naukowq na ten temat do analizy. Metodq typologicznq i problemowo-chronologicznq dokonano chronologiczno- tematycznej klasyfikacji istniejqcej bazy historiograficznej. Metoda porownawcza pozwolila na porownanie poglqdow roznych badaczy i wyjasnienie tresci konkretnych prac dotyczqcych badanego problemu.

Nowosc naukowa. Po raz pierwszy przeprowadzono kompleksowy przeglqd dostqpnych badan w celu uwypuklenia specyfiki i trendow tworzenia i funkcjonowania systemu samorzqdowego w period rewolucji ukrainskiej. Porownujqc rozbiezne i fragmentaryczne dane, mozliwe bylo okreslenie konceptualnej wizji badanego problemu w obecnie dostqpnej historiografii.

Wnioski. Analiz historiograficznej podstawy problemu powstawania i dzialalnosci wladz lokalnych na Ukrainie podczas narodowych zawodow wyzwolenczych w latach 1917-1921 pozwolil stworzyc ogolnq klasyfkacjq, a dostqpne materialy podzielic na trzy grupy. Pierwsza grupa sklada siq z prac mqzow stanu i bezposrednich uczestnikow wydarzen rewolucji ukrainskiej, w ktorych scharakteryzowano praktykq tworzenia wladz lokalnych. Radzieccy historycy zignorowali ten temat, badajqc w swoich badaniach rady bolszewikow, zaniedbujqc znaczenie dzialan wladz UNR i Panstwa Ukrainskiego. Analiza osiqgniqc naukowych wspolczesnych naukowcow ukrainskich i zagranicznych swiadczy o znacznej uwadze historykow z okresu rewolucji ukrainskiej w latach 1917-1921. Nalezy jednak zwrocic uwagq na skrajnq niedostatecznosc rozwoju tematu organizacji i dzialalnosci wladz lokalnych podczas rewolucji ukrainskiej oraz uznac brak strukturyzowanych zlozonych badan.

Slowa kluczowe: wladze lokalne, Ukrainska Rada Centralna, samorzqd, Hetmanat P. Skoropadskiego, Directory, Prawobrzezna Ukraina.


The problem of organizing and forming the system of local authorities has been and remains one of the priority and integral components of the state-making process. The successful functioning of the political system of any state depends to a great extent on the success of the solution of this issue, as the functions of the local authorities are manifested in the solution of a wide range of administrative tasks - from the adjustment of socio-political and economic life to socio-cultural development of the administrative-territorial entity in general. The efficiency of the local government system is directly linked to the degree of perfection of the relevant regulatory framework and to the existence of a coherent public policy in the field.

The issue of organization of the system of local authorities emerged during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 particularly acute. To implement its policy, the UNR government sought to create both fundamentally new structures of the local authorities and to adapt fragments of the old imperial administrative apparatus in accordance with the needs of the young republic. The Central Council of Ukraine's activities in this area proved to be extremely inconsistent and contradictory, which only exacerbated political instability and revolutionary contradictions. The absence of an effective system of territorial representation of the central authorities of the UPR, the Hetmanate, the Directorate was one of the main causes of the systematic defeat of the Ukrainian Revolution 1917-1921. The study of the experience of local authorities creation remains relevant in the context of modern local municipality reforms and state administrative reform initiatives.

The aim of the work is to analyze the range of scientific works on the problem of formation and activities of local authorities in Ukraine during the Ukrainian Revolution in 1917-1921 in domestic and foreign historiography. The methodology is based on the basic principles of historical knowledge. We have been able to research the scientific literature from the time of creation of local authorities in the years of the Ukrainian Revolution to the present, thanks to the principles of comprehensiveness and systematic approach, in particular. Using a specific search method, we have formed a scientific literature on the subject for analyzing to address the goals and objectives of the article. Using the typological and problem and chronological method, we have made a chronological and thematic classification of the existing historiographic base. The method of comparativism allowed us to compare the views of different researchers and to clarify the content of specific works on the problem under study.

Presenting main material

An indispensable guarantee of an objective study of any historical problem is a detailed study of its historiographic base. The mentioned above problem of organizing and forming of local authorities in Ukraine in 1917-1921 remains one of the least researched aspects of state formation during the Ukrainian National Revolution. Accordingly, the historiographical basis of the question is rather amorphous. In general, the materials available today can be classified thematically as follows: the work of participants and direct witnesses to events, as well as studies of Soviet, foreign and contemporary Ukrainian historians and jurists.

The first speakers who directly or indirectly considered the formation of structures of local government under the conditions of the revolution were its direct participants - the heads of state authorities of the UPR. First of all, we should mention among them; M. Hrushevskyi, P. Khrystiuk, S. Yefremov and V. Vynnychenko.

The leader of the Central Council of Ukraine M. Hrushevskyi theoretically substantiated and outlined the general schematic diagram of the system of local authorities of the UNR in his works: “Free Ukraine” (Hrushevskyi, 1918) and “Who Are Ukrainians and What Do They Want?” M. Hrushevsky believed that local government should be formed with the direct participation of the people through elections, and should include not only Ukrainians but also representatives of national minorities living on the territory of the republic. In accordance with the project, the basic structural units of local government in the model proposed by M. Hrushevsky were Ukrainian committees, which in turn merged into provincial committees. Their main function was to initiate the creation of territorial committees, which were tasked to organize elections, prevent and resolve property, class and ethnic conflicts. These functions were vested in the elective village council and government in villages. Bodies similar in structure were formed in the county and the guberniya. local government ukrainian

The views of S. Yefremov published in the articles “Updating Local Self-Government Bodies” (Yefremov, 1917), “Before the Municipal Elections” (Yefremov, 1917), “Attempt on Democratic Zemstvo” (Yefremov, 1918), where the author condemns the indifference of the government to the task of improving the system of local authorities and attests to the catastrophic situation in which they find themselves, are noteworthy. The author puts the problem of local government in the first place among the priorities of the authorities, placing it at the level with the agrarian. In accordance with S. Yefremov, well-organized local authorities are the only ones capable of making the political system of the Ukrainian state solid.

P. Khrystiuk also identifies this issue in his four-volume work “Notes and Materials to the History of the Ukrainian Revolution” (Khrystiuk, 1969). This research analyzes in detail the socio-political processes 1917-1921, of which he was an active participant and eyewitness, and notes a large number of historical documents, some of which directly relate to the problems of local authorities during the revolution, in particular. The scientist claims that the process of formation and activity of structures of local authorities during the time of the Central Council did not acquire a clear structured normativelegislative basis in comparison with the Hetmanate of P. Skoropadskyi, the politician could achieve more noticeable results in this direction in a much shorter time.

V. Vynnychenko, similar to P. Khristyuk, confirms the lack of a coherent and consistent policy in the sphere of local government in the UNR authorities, appraising the experience of state-making during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921, in his work "Renaissance of the Nation" (Vynnychenko, 1920) At the same time with these authors, M. Shapoval (Shapoval, 1937) succeeds in covering the problems of organization and activity of local authorities on Right-Bank Ukraine in 1917-1921.

After the defeat of the Ukrainian Revolution, most of its leaders who sought to escape persecution were forced to emigrate. Therefore, a full-fledged academic study of the revolution as a whole and its individual aspects has unfolded within the walls of Western European and American universities and scientific institutions.

While in emigration, D. Doroshenko published a two-volume "History of Ukraine 1917-1923" (Doroshenko, 2002). The author hardly touches on the problem of local authorities, but the value of the work is that he attempted to cover the events of the revolution in all ethnic- Ukrainian territories, using a much larger documentary base than his predecessors. The fundamental work of I. Mazepa "Ukraine in the Fire and Storm of the Revolution of 1917-1921" (Mazepa, 2003), in which the author critically considers the events of national liberation struggles and the actions of their participants, is particularly noteworthy. In addition, the scientist drew attention to the process of formation of local authorities, noting that under the frequent change of government in Ukraine, local authorities were not viable and lost authority in the eyes of the population.

Articles and scientific intelligence on the events of 1917-1921 began to appear in the Ukrainian emigrant scientific environment subsequently. As an example would be the work of M. Stakhov (USA) “Ukraine in the Age of the UNR Directorate” (Stakhov, 1963) or “Historical Essays” (Lysiak-Rudnytskyi, 1994) by Professor I. Lysiak- Rudnytskyi, The University of Alberta (UofA). The work of I. Vytanovych (USA), “Agrarian Policy of the Ukrainian Governments of 1917-1921” (Vytanovych, 1968), which describes the economic history of the Ukrainian Revolution, is particularly noteworthy. However, the scientific analysis of the state of the legislative and legal system of Ukraine of the Revolutionary era presented in these studies is fragmentary, as diasporic historians have focused on the political and socio-economic aspects of the course of the Ukrainian Revolution. Thus, the problem of formation and activity of local authorities in the conditions of the winds of revolution in 1917-1921 has not been adequately covered in their studies.

Official Soviet historiography stood in the position of denying any manifestation of Ukrainian statehood. The idea about the possibility of separating Ukraine from Russia was interpreted as a manifestation of bourgeois nationalism. In order to eradicate nationalist ideas in historical science, the Institute of Ukrainian History of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR was founded in 1936, which task was to create a “Marxist History of Ukraine”. As a result, the term “Ukrainian Revolution” has ceased to be used in scientific research and social practice by the end of the 1930s. In contrast, ideologists of the Communist Party in Ukraine and the USSR formed the nation-wide paradigm of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

Therefore, in the Soviet historiography, the problem of local municipality during the period of the Ukrainian Revolution was not developed, and special scientific researches did not exist on this issue as well. There are mentioned some aspects of the activities only in separate scientific works of A. Richytskyi, M. Popov (Popov, 2019), A. Lykholat (Lykholat, 1954), M. Rubach (Rubach, 1957), M. Volin (Volin, 2005), V. Manilov (Manilov, 1924), M. Suprunenko (Suprunenko, 1966), S. Korolivskyi. In particular, A. Richytskyi characterizes Ukrainian central and local authorities as bourgeoisnationalist and anti-national ones, and considers their activities as illegal in his work “Central Council from February to October” (Richytskyi, 1928).

Among the other works of this time we should mention the qualitative and thematic works of S. Korolivskyi (Korolivskyi, 1967), who pays considerable attention to the study of social and political processes in 1917. He emphasizes that Ukrainian historiography does not have more complicated and controversial issue than this one. The historian notes that Soviet historical science actually ignored this important issue and rejected the very existence of non-Bolshevik authorities. Based on the available source base, S. Korolivskyi argues that the administrative structures created by the Central Council were not capable of providing full political representation of the central government.

It is necessary to mention the collective generalizing work “The Great October and the Civil War in Ukraine: An Encyclopedic Handbook” (Kuras, 1987). Its numerous authors, including Y. Homretskyi, A. Kudrytskyi, V. Melnychenko, V. Yurchuk, L. Nahorna, P. Varhaniuk and others, raise issues of functioning of power structures partly, focusing on the existence and activities of the district and village committees, which defended the interests of landlords and kulaks.

Among small amount of works of this period we have to highlight the researches of V. Tverdokhlebov (Tverdokhlebov, 1919) and L. Velykhov (Velykhov, 1996). In the works “Local Finance” and “Fundamentals of Urban Economy” they analyze the activities of local authorities in the socio-economic sphere. The main attention is paid to the peculiarities of formation of local budgets, revenues and expenditures of municipal bodies, forms of control over the municipality of cities. However, as with any other work of the Soviet period, it is necessary to treat them critically.

The activity of local authorities was also highlighted fragmentarily in the publications of the historians of law, who wrote mainly about the Soviet statehood of Ukraine. Such publications include the monographs of B. Babii, A. Rohozhyn (Rohozhyn, 1963), V. Koretskyi (Koretskyi, 1961), L. Potarykina (Potarykina, 1957) and B. Tyshchyk (Tyshchyk, 2000) Thus, B. Babii carries out a step-by-step analysis of the activities of the local bodies of Soviet power during the revolutionary era in his monograph “Local Bodies of the State Power of the Ukrainian SSR in 1917-1920” (Babii, 1956). In addition, the researcher denies the fact of the triumphant course of Soviet power and covers the stages of the struggle of Soviet and national statehood in Ukraine between the declaration of Soviet power in 1917 and its final establishment in 1921.

Thus, the Soviet authorities neglected the importance of the activities of the Central Council, UNR, ZUNR, the Ukrainian state in 1918, in the context of revolutionary socio-political transformations of 1917-1921 in Ukraine. Therefore, while covering the activities of the Soviets in Ukraine, historians at the time ignored the very existence of non-Bolshevik power structures. All available local authorities were perceived as either entirely Bolshevik or as supporting them.

The profound changes that took place in Ukrainian society during the perestroika, and later with the collapse of the USSR and the proclamation of Ukraine's independence, gave impetus to the beginning of a new phase of research into the formation and activity of local authorities in 1917-1921. Domestic scientists have moved away from ideological and party dogmas, relying on the latest methodological approaches, have introduced into the circulation of many diverse archival documents of the central, regional and departmental archives of Ukraine, expanded the thematic range of research.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, a group of researchers formed in Ukrainian historical science who began to actively engage in the reconstruction of various aspects of the Ukrainian Revolution. This group of scholars consists of V. Veryha, V. Verstiuk, S. Kulchytskyi, V. Soldatenko, O. Reient, O. Rublov, D. Yanevskyi and others.

The studies, summarizing the entire period of the Ukrainian Revolution in 1917-1921, appeared in that period of time as well. They concluded a collective two-volume work “Essays on the History of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921” edited by V. Smolii (Smolii, 2012), “The Revolutionary Day in Ukraine (1917-1920): Logic, Knowledge, Historical Episodes, Key Figures” (Soldatenko, 2011), “Ukrainian Liberation Struggles of 1917-1921” (Rublov, Reient, 1999).

The problems of local authorities are covered in the fundamental work of V. Soldatenko “The Ukrainian revolution. Historical sketch” (Soldatenko, 1999) only occasionally. Only in the context of revolutionary governments' activities the researcher mentions the tasks and events that were entrusted and directed to local authorities. With the advent of serious generalizing works, as well as dozens of candidate and doctoral theses, it is possible to claim about the creation of a new historiography of the Ukrainian Revolution, both a scientific and socio - political phenomenon.

The studies of the historiography of the events of 1917 -1921 in Ukraine appeared in this period as well. In this context we should note the researches by M. Andrusiak (Andrusiak, 2014), S. Hnatiuk, I. Hutsuliuk (Hutsuliuk, 2009), Yu. Parkhomenkov (Parkhomenkov, 2009), V. Soldatenko (Soldatenko, 1999), R. Pyrih (Pyrih, 2011), L. Radchenko (Radchenko, 1996), V. Kapeliushnyi and others. The thesis of V. Kapeliushnyi (Kapeliushnyi, 2004) is devoted to the historiography of the Ukrainian state formation of national liberation struggles in 1917-1921. It classifies and characterizes the main groups of historiographical sources from 1917 to 2003. The subject of S. Hnatiuk's research (Hnatiuk, 1999) is the historiography of the domestic politics of the Hetmanate. The historian has analyzed various points of view on the problem of the state system, the form of government of the state of P. Skoropadskyi, and the organization of power structures.

A qualitatively new stage in the study of the problems of local authorities during the revolution has began since the 2000s, due to the increase in possibilities of communication between domestic and foreign scientists.

At this time the studies by V. Boiko (Boiko, 2012), T. Vintskovskyi (Vintskovskyi, 2012), P. Hai-Nyzhnyk (Hai-Nyzhnyk, 2009), K. Dvina (Dvina, 2011), A. Kozachenko, V. Strochaus, which describe different aspects of the functioning of local authorities during the Central Council period, were published. Thus, in the article A. Kozachenko (Kozachenko, 2017) has characterized the activities of the Central Council, the aim of which was to reform the local municipality with further expansion of power of local authorities. The scholar analyzes the legislative acts of this period, the Constitution of 1918, in particular, which declared a fundamentally new system of local self-government, which was based on the principles of decentralization of power.

One of the first scientists who began to study the specifics of the formation and activities of local authorities on Right-Bank Ukraine in the days of the Hetmanate was V. Halatyr. His scientific achievements include the researches on the various areas of the work of local government structures from socio-economic to cultural and educational. We have to mention the article “Preparation for Elections in Local Self - Government Bodies on the Right-Bank in the Age of Hetmanate of P. Skoropadskyi” (Halatyr, 2013), in which the positive and negative aspects of the 1918 electoral legislation are outlined.

In the booklet of O. Yaremenko “Administrative Reform of Hetman Pavlo Skoropadskyi” (Yaremenko, 1998), the author analyzes the main aspects of the political and legal activities of the Hetmanate. A lot of attention is paid to the process of power distribution in the Ukrainian state and the work of Zemsky institutions of the Podil region, while the author raises the problem of the intervention of the Austro- Hungarian military authorities in the activities of local governments.

The subjects of attention by such scholars as V. Adamovskyi (Adamovskyi, 2015), V. Hudyma (Hudyma, 2015), S. Kalytko (Kalytko, 2011), I. Ratushniak (Ratushniak, 2017) are regulatory and legal support for the organization and activities of local authorities in the days of the Hetmanate and the Directorate of the UPR, the relationship between central and local authorities, and the specific nature of the civil service.

It is also worth noting the appeal of modern Ukrainian researchers to the analysis of the regional specificity of the activities of local government structures of the era of national liberation struggles in 1917-1921. For example, the peculiarities of the creation of new local authorities after the February Revolution in 1917 and their work during the period of activity of the Ukrainian Central Council are revealed by V. Venherska in the first chapter of the collective monograph “Essays on the History of Zhytomyr Region in the First Half of the Twentieth Century” (Venherska, 2017, p. 35). In turn, in the third section of this study O. Bilobrovets highlights the participation of the Polish community in Zhytomyr in the formation and activities of selfgovernment bodies of the city (Bilobrovets, 2017, p. 198).

The socio-economic component of the powers of local authorities has been considered in the studies by O. Bundak (Bundak, 2010), V. Halatyr, P. Hai-Nyzhnyk (Hai-Nyzhnyk, 1996), V. Lozovyi (Lozovyi, 2005), O. Potapov (Potapov, 2006), O. Starukh, (Starukh, 2001) and others. In particular, V. Halatyr in the article “Measures of local authorities to overcome the devastation in agriculture on the Right- Bank Ukraine in April-December 1918” (Halatyr, 2014) tries to show the crisis situation of the Ukrainian village. The author emphasizes that the orders of the mayors about the forced labor of the peasants in the landed estates and the requisition policy of the German command led to catastrophic situation in the counties and the approach of famine.

The results of the round table on the 125th and 130th anniversary of the birth of the provincial commissioners of Podillia in the days of the UNR Directorate by F. Sumnievych and M. Kurylenko, that took place in Kamianets-Podilskyi on July 2, 2015, are noteworthy. According to the results of the round table a scientific collection “Formation and activity of local state administrations and self - government during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-- 1920s” (Travinskyi, 2015), which contains rich factual material, was published.

In addition, the state is trying in every possible way to encourage the researches on the problems of the period of the Ukrainian Revolution. Thus, Presidential Decrees “On Measures to Commemorate the 90th Anniversary of the Events of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917--1921”, “On Measures to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921”, “On the perpetuation of the memory of prominent figures of the Ukrainian People's Republic and the Western Ukrainian People's Republic” contributed to the emergence of various scientific works and gave impetus to scientific conferences under the auspices of the Institute of History of the NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Political and Ethnographic Studies of NAS of Ukraine. Conferences are being held at the regional level in Kharkiv, Lviv, Zaporizhia, Chernivtsi, Odesa increasingly.


Consequently, the existing historiographical base on the problem of the formation and activities of local authorities in Ukraine during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 can be divided into three groups: the works of participants and direct witnesses of the events of the Ukrainian Revolution; historical studies of the Soviet era; scientific works of Ukrainian and foreign historians and jurists during the period of Ukrainian independence.

Former leaders of the Ukrainian Revolution, who published a series of papers, outlined the advantages and disadvantages of their policy in the field of local government formation, were the first to analyze the issue. In their research on the Councils in Ukraine Soviet historians ignored the themes of local authorities, considering them entirely Bolshevik or supporting them. In the context of revolutionary sociopolitical transformations of 1917--1921 in Ukraine, the Soviet authorities neglected the importance of the activities of the Central Council, UNR, ZUNR, the Ukrainian state in 1918, and the Directorate. Therefore, an objective and impartial study of these topics was impossible in the context of ideological Soviet historical science.

Modern Ukrainian researchers have succeeded in forming a holistic picture of the general political processes of the period 1917 -1921, but a number of individual aspects of social and political transformations during the Ukrainian Revolution has not acquired structured scientific coverage. In particular, there is no special study, in which the problem of the formation and activities of local self-government structures both in Ukraine as a whole and in the regional aspect would be comprehensively considered, in the present historiographical dIBLevelopment of the period of the Ukrainian statehood formation from 1917 to 1921.


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