Captain jacques margeret: a remarkable huguenot soldier in Russia’s time of troubles
Description of the life story of Captain Jacques Margeret as an active observer-participant in the Time of Troubles, who contributed to the military modernization. "The Russian Empire and the Grand Duchy of Moscow: A 17th-century French Narrative".
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21 The text of the votchinagrants received by Captain Margeret from Sigismund III is remarkably similar to the text of grants issued by the second pretender Dmitrii [57, p. 326-327; 130, p. 262-263].
22 Margeret's huge votchinawas located in the taiga on prime real estate for timber and furs, about 250 kilometers south of Arkhangel'sk. His votchina consisted of over 1000 square kilometers of forested hills and plains, two rivers, many streams, and twenty kilometers of frontage on the Northern Dvina River. One of the villages had a tavern. On this region see Janet Martin [75, note 119, p. 139-142].
23 Unicorn horn was considered a sovereign antidote to poison in early modern Europe. The tsar's unicorn-horn staff was made of narwhal tusk (tooth).
24 Chevreul erred in claiming that Margeret resigned from the royal council to lead a life of leisure [71, p. ix].
25 Ruslan Skrynnikov erred in claiming that Margeret moved to Holland and that his stories of the riches to be had in Russia inspired Flodorf's project [114, p. 207-208].
26 Franзois Lesquaire's bizarre story confused many historians, some of whom even mistook him for Jacques Margeret [49, p. 208; 80, p. 10-11, 313-326, 374].
27 Margeret sent his letter to James soon after the March 1613 meeting of the Polish Sejm. Nazarov incorrectly claimed that Margeret sent his letter in late 1613, basing that claim on information in the letter about the new tsar. Nazarov assumed the letter referred to Tsar Mikhail's coronation in summer 1613, but it actually referred to Mikhail's election in February 1613. The Russian ambassador brought news of the election to Warsaw in late March 1613 [77, p. 410, note 10; 113, p. 402, 406].
28 Margeret did not travel to north Russia only to be turned away by Russian authorities, as some historians claimed [44, p. 387]. Ruslan Skrynnikov implausibly claimed that Margeret “expected to be welcomed with open arms” by the Russians [114, p. 208].
29 The largest collection of archival sources concerning the Radziwill family is held in Archiwum Glownym Akt Dawnych in Warsaw: Archiwum Warszawskie Radziwiiiow. Jacques Margeret's name appears on many documents from the period 1614-1620.
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курсовая работа [77,7 K], добавлен 27.11.2014Russia Empire in the XX century entered into a complex economic and political environment. Consequences of defeat of autocracy in war with Japan. Reasons of growing revolutionary motion in Grodno. Events of revolution of a 1905 year in Byelorussia.
реферат [9,4 K], добавлен 14.10.2009Boris Godunov (about 1552 - 1605) was the Russian tsar since 1598; came to power in the time of "oprichnina"; was the tsar Fedor Ivanovich's wife's brother and actually rulled the state instead of him.
реферат [15,0 K], добавлен 15.04.2006Russian history: the first Duke of Russia; the adoption of Christianity Rus; the period of fragmentation; battle on the Neva River with Sweden and Lithuania; the battle against the Golden Horde; the reign of Ivan the Terrible and the Romanov dynasty.
презентация [347,0 K], добавлен 26.04.2012Wedding The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester November 6, 1935. Wedding Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh November 20, 1947. wedding of Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phillips November 14, 1973. Wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana's July 29, 1981.
презентация [3,7 M], добавлен 22.03.2014The most important centers of the Belarusian national revival. Development of public libraries in Byelorussia. Value Hlebtsevicha as a great researcher of library science, his contribution to development of network of free libraries in Byelorussia.
статья [8,2 K], добавлен 14.10.2009An analysis of the prosperity of the British economy in the 10th century. Features of the ascent to the throne of King Knut. Prerequisites for the formation of Anglo-Viking aristocracy. Description of the history of the end of the Anglo-Saxon England.
реферат [20,5 K], добавлен 26.12.2010