Direction of "Gusan-Dong" village improvement after canselation of reconstruction by authority

The alternative method to improve the residential condition with minimum ousting of tenants. Analysis of physical, human and social environment of "Gusan-Dong". Searching of problem-solving method by existing system. Rehabilitation for old housing.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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Дата добавления 05.10.2021
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Minseok Kim, Chulsoo Park,

Yunjung Hwang, Jae Ung Kim, Yonghoon Cho

HKNU, Anseong, Republic of Korea


During the rapid modernization period of Korea especially after Korean War of 1950 until now, population increase and urban expansion led all the Korean cities to be lack of houses especially at Seoul. As a result, the number of buildings and housing complexes in `Gusan-dong ' area has increased dramatically with the city expansion of Seoul, but now this area has a number of problems due to the aging of buildings (houses and collective housing complexes) like other old areas in Korea. So the local authority designated this area as reconstruction zone in order to solve these kinds of urban problems, but this means that all buildings in this designated area will be demolished, site cleared, new buildings constructed, and finally many tenants will be ousted. Therefore, understanding the weakness of this reconstruction method, the local authority stopped this reconstruction strategy and is studying the alternative method to improve the residential condition with minimum ousting of tenants. Therefore, with the change of authority's attitude, the researchers tried to find another method of minimizing physical conditions as follows; the primary problems were identified through the analysis of physical environment of this target area, these problems were cleared by site survey and classified by residents interview.

Key words: village improvement, reconstruction cancelation, user participation.



Минсеок Ким, Чулсо Парк, Юньчжун Хван, Чжеунг Ким, Юнхун Чо ГУХК, г. Ансон, Республика Корея

В период быстрой модернизации Кореи, особенно после Корейской войны 1950 года и до настоящего времени, рост населения и расширение городов привели к тому, что Сеул и других корейские города испытывали недостаток жилья. В результате скорого строительства количество зданий и жилых комплексов в районе Гусан-дон резко возросло, но теперь в этой области есть ряд проблем из-за старения зданий (домов и коллективных жилищных комплексов) как и другие старые районы в Корее. Поэтому местная власть назначила эту зону в качестве зоны реконструкции для решения таких городских проблем, но это означает, что все здания в этом обозначенном районе будут разрушены, очищены места, построены новые здания и, наконец, многие арендаторы будут вытеснены. Понимая слабость этого метода реконструкции, местная власть прекратила эту стратегию и начала изучать альтернативный метод улучшения жилищного состояния с минимальным вытеснением арендаторов. По этой причине, с изменением авторитета власти, исследователи попытались найти другой метод минимизации физических условий. Основные проблемы были выявлены в результате анализа физической среды в этой целевой области, эти проблемы были устранены путем обследования объекта и согласованны с мнением жителей.

Ключевые слова: благоустройство местности, аннулирование реконструкции, участие пользователя.


Target site 177-1 and around of Gusan-dong, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul was designated as reconstruction area by local authority for various reasons such as the aging of houses and the dilapidation of village physical condition, but the reconstruction was canceled at 2017 due to several difficulties in the process of reconstruction project. Therefore, since Gusan-dong, where the legal protection has disappeared, began to suffer various problems such as the danger of over-exploitation, the local authority and the residents of this village had to find a new way to solve these problems.

Figure 1 Site Location - Gusan-dong, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul

Site analysis and Finding problems

This site was designated as reconstruction area about 10 years ago. Since this site was designated as a reconstruction area, the activities such as new construction or reconstruction were strictly restricted. As a result, the aging of houses became higher and higher over the time and the residential environment of the area became poor and poor because the expansion or the additional inflow of infrastructure were impossible.

Analysis of physical, human and social environment

© Height difference of land: Because the site is located in Gusan which is actually mountain area, the elevation difference of land is rapidly formed within the site, where the height difference between x-1 and x-1 ' is 32 m, and y-1 and y-1 ' is 40 m, so there is a severe slope in this site and it makes passengers' and vehicles' traffic inconvenience.

Figure 2 Height difference of land

housing gusan-dong residential condition

Census): The total population is 1298, and the total number of households is 422 in this site. The population consists of 665 men and 663 women. Their average age is 42.

Building Status (Base Year: 2015, Source: National Statistics Geographic Information Service): The site is housing area with 136 buildings, 106 detached houses (77%), 30 multi-family houses (22%) and 6 other ones (1%). Among them, since 65% of buildings are over 40 years, 5% of buildings are over 30 years, 22% are over 20 years, the buildings in the site can be said to be old.

2) Summary of interview with residents - The basic problems of the site are highlighted through questionnaires and interviews with residents as follows; © Insufficient play facilities, @ Extreme level difference of site, ©) Lack of commercial facilities and convenient facilities, © Narrow streets and parking area deficiency, © Shortage of streetlight and delinquency of youth.

Searching of problem-solving method by existing system: `Dukkeobi' housing - As result of cancellation of reconstruction of this site, the urban and residential environment improvement law, which is a current operating system at this time, is considered to find multiple solutions such as physical, social, and economic regeneration. In addition, through the "DUKKEOBI housing", which is a social company established by the Urban and Residential Environment Improvement Act of Eunpyeong-gu, the comprehensive physical, social, and economic rehabilitation for old housing is pursued. The landscape and details of the village are improved through the system of urban landscape agreement and building agreement of building law.

Characteristics of `Dukkeobi' housing (Source: Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul city homepage) project - It is a project that is implemented as a part of the urban and residential environment improvement law of Eunpyeong-gu. Because this `Dukkeobi' housing aims at ensuring the rights of residence through physical, social, and economic generation for congested area of low-rise type housing where detached houses, multi-storied rental houses, and multi-family houses in Eunpyeong-gu, it can contribute to the formation of friendly village communities and regional economies.

Figure 3 flow of institutional system following the cancellation ofreconstruction

Physical Restoration: Improvement of residential environment such as housing management and repair, expansion of infrastructure, and provide paid service and free service of housing management. In addition, it helps to renovate the house for the low income group.

© Social Rehabilitation: Community recovery and alley culture preservation, and village community project is carried out. Town development by participation of citizens and by public support by using of private experts is carried out.

© Economic Revitalization: An independent village is created through job creation and local support.


1) Making an old house to small-scale community space - Reusing of existing building is positively recommended and new construction is highly restricted. Researchers suggest that the first floor of the building with more than 2 stories shall be remodeled to a community space, and that it can be programmed as assembly hall, indoor playground, children's book cafe, and teenagers' study room etc., and that this community space will be managed by residents with each other.

2) Remodeling through public intervention: Facilities for residents, facilities for the elderly, and facilities for children shall be provided through remodeling method by social village company through `Dukkeobi' housing business which is financially supported by legal system of local authority, Eunpyeong-gu.

3) Residents-led community: Make a community program through residents meeting, select a program manager through volunteer applicants, and provides a space for running a program. Support managers to make volunteers' work spaces and income, and provide educational programs to local residents

4) Car-free streets: Make car-free streets as many as possible and make a plan to use community parks and communication points of residents who have been unable to use the outside space where was occupied by many vehicles.

5) Fence Breakdown: Break down the private fence, which is an environmental element of the existing house, and improve the landscape of the village by using this privately occupied outdoor space to semi-public outdoor space. Create a garden space, an village exhibition space using a non-demolished fence, and a village street park through this newly generated outdoor space.

6) Create a pocket outdoor space for the residents: Provide a small outdoor space for resting and chatting to the pedestrians and residents by creating a pocket outdoor space at the sloped part of steep roads where there are many moving people such as citizens and students during their commuting time.


This research is started to resolve the urban problems of house and village aging through `Dukkeobi' housing business which is the official Eunpyeong-gu autonomous project model on the target area `Gusan-dong' where the reconstruction was cancelled and therefore all the buildings and other residential environments have been dilapidated. Small-scale community development, remodeling and recycling of old buildings, introducing of car free street, and more specific and careful public intervention methods are suggested. The goal of this suggestion is to find a new way for future village improvement method through building remodeling and user participation without total demolition method which has been popularized in Korea especially at Seoul, but has many limitations in that it needs more detailed programs for improving the economic and social status of residents. Further research on the institutional issues that can be led by inhabitants should be done in detail, and more detailed analysis is needed on the physical environment of the villages and the target area, especially on the housing structure.

Figure 5 Suggested master plan of `Gusan-dong' improvement


1. “Urban and residential environment improvement law” by ROK government,(2018.0Ln.)

2. Eunpyeong-gu Office “DUKKEOBI HOUSI NG” https:// /CmsWeb/ viewPage.req? idx=PG0000003887&page=110,(2018.01.n.)

3. Jae-il Jang, Kun-hyuk An, A study on Applying Rehabilitation Method to Housing Reconstruction Project for Detached Dwelling Area, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 25 (8) pp.225-232. 2009.02

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