The will of the Zhytomyr steward Ivan Komarnytski (1760)
Representatives of the nobility of the Przemysl land of the XVIII century. The historical source is the will of Ivan Komarnytski of Zhytomyr, made in 1760. The life of a representative of the wealthy stratum of the Russian nobility of Przemysl land.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 25.07.2021 |
Размер файла | 26,2 K |
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Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 24 Ivan Franko Str., Drohobych, Ukraine, postal code 82100
National University, 5 Mytropolyta Andreia Str., Lviv, Ukraine, postal code 79016
The will of the Zhytomyr steward Ivan Komarnytski (1760)
Ihor Smutok, PhD hab. (History), Associate Professor, Department
of World History and Special Historical Disciplines,
Yaroslav Lyseyko, PhD (History), Assistant Professor,
Department of History
of Ukraine and Ethno Communications, Institute of the Humanities
and Social Sciences, Lviv Polytechnic
Lesia Smutok PhD (History), Associate Professor, Department
of World History and Special Historical Disciplines,
Заповіт житомирського підстолія Івана Комарницького (1760)
Ігор Смуток, доктор історичних наук, доцент кафедри всесвітньої історії та спеціальних історичних дисциплін, Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка, вул. Івана Франка, 24, м. Дрогобич, Україна, індекс 82100
Ярослав Лисеико, кандидат історичних наук, асистент кафедри історії України та етнокомунікацій, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка» вул. Митрополита Андрея, 3, м. Львів, Україна, індекс 79016
Леся Смуток, кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри всесвітньої історії та спеціальних історичних дисциплін Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка, вул. Івана Франка, 24, м. Дрогобич, Україна, індекс 82100
Мета дослідження - введення до наукового обігу історичного джерела, зокрема, заповіту житомирського підстолія Івана Комарницького, одного з чільних представників руської шляхти Перемишльської землі XVIII ст. Методологія дослідження ґрунтується на принципах історизму й використання підходів, властивих дослідженню мікроісторії, історії локальних соціальних груп. Наукова новизна - уперше до наукового обігу вводиться виявлене історичне джерело, що дає змогу здійснити характеристику історичної постаті, як то Івана Комарницького, житомирського підстолія, представника заможного прошарку руської шляхти Перемишльської землі. Запропонований до публікації документ можна використати для просопографічних студій, генеалогії та у суміжній науковій тематиці, присвяченій історії соціуму Прикарпаття у ранньомодерний період. Висновки: в результаті архівних пошуків виявлено та впроваджується до наукового обігу історичне джерело - заповіт житомирського підстолія Івана Комарницького, укладений у 1760 р. Уміщена у ньому інформація дає можливість з 'ясувати окремі аспекти життя та діяльності вказаної історичної постаті, проливає світло на його світоглядні позиції, особистісні уподобання тощо.
Ключові слова: шляхетські роди; шляхта Перемишльської землі; Комарницькі; заповіт; Самбір.
komarnytsky historical nobility
The aim of the research is the publication of a historical source and its presentation for the scientific community. In particular, the publication of the will of the Zhytomyr steward Ivan Komarnytski, one of the representatives of the Ruthenian gentry of the Przemysl land of the 18th century. The methodology of the research is based on the principles of historicism and the use of methods acceptable for the study of microhistory, the history of local social groups. The scientific novelty - a historical document unknown to historians is published for the first time. This document helps to describe the historical figure, that is, Ivan Komarnytski, Zhytomyr steward, representative of a wealthy group of the Ruthenian gentry of Przemysl land. The published document can be used for prosopografic studios, genealogy and related topics on the history of the Carpathian society in the early modern period. Conclusions: as a result of archival searches, a historical source was discovered. The document is presented for the scientific community. This is the testament of the Zhytomyr steward Ivan Komarnytski, concluded in 1760. The information indicated in it illuminates certain episodes of the life and activity of this historical figure, sheds light on his worldviews, personal preferences e.t.c.
Keywords: the gentry; gentry of Przemysl land; Komarnytski; testament; Sambir.
1. Formulation of the problem
The gentry of the Przemysl land were the leading group of society in the Carpathian region in the XV - XVIII centuries. They formed and determined the main trends in many areas of life. The gentry controlled the economy because it concentrated land in its hands.
They determined the public mood because they exercised control in the region. They controlled church life because they held most of the church posts and, in particular, the position of bishop.
Thus, the study of the history of the gentry of Przemysl land is the basis for the study of the whole history of the Carpathian society of the early modern era.
The implementation of such studies should be based on the search for historical documents. Their presentation to researchers and interested parties will help to better know the history of the gentry. One type of such documents is a will.
It contains a lot of valuable information that shows the world and the values of the individual. This demonstrates the life priorities of the gentry, what bothered them and how they looked at life and death.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The study and publication of wills of the gentry from the territory of Ukraine were made in the XIX century. Modern developments on this topic include several dozen articles and books.
The most significant contribution is the books and articles of Polish and Ukrainian historians O. Vynnychenko (Vynnychenko, 2006; Vinnychenko, 2008a, 2008b), W. Zeletska- Mikolajczyk (Zielecka-Mikolajczyk, 2012; Zielecka, 2010), L. Demchenko and I. Teslenko (2014, 2015, 2016), N. Bilous (2016), P. Klint, K. Rzemenecki, J. Wзglorz (Klint, Rzemieniecki, & Wзglorz, 2018). However, the question is not yet settled. Many wills of the gentry from the Ukrainian regions have not been published and are unknown to historians and history buffs.
The purpose of the article.
To put a scientific source into the scientific circulation, in particular, the wills of the Zhytomyr steward Ivan Komarnitsky, one of the important representatives of the Ruthenian gentry of the Przemysl land of the 18th century.
2. Statement of the main material
Sources for the history of the Ruthenian gentry are represented by a wide array of documents. The vast majority of them remained in the Borough and District acts of Przemysl land. In their content-specific structure, they cover a wide range of documents that were produced in the then paperwork. Testaments were separate forms. They were regularly concluded and widely used to resolve property relations and related legal conflicts. However, they fell into Borough and District acts only in the event of a dispute over the legacy of the testator. Therefore, they came to us in small quantities. We are talking about several hundred documents from the XVI to the end of the XVIII century. Among them are both the testaments of ordinary noblemen who regulate their current property and family affairs, and the wills of more famous historical figures. These include the will of Ivan Komarnitsky - an outstanding personality of the Ruthenian gentry in the mid-18th century.
Ivan belonged to a noble family, whose estate was in the village of Komarnyky, which lies in the mountainous part of Sambir district. His ancestors left Komarnyky at the beginning of the XVII century and moved to villages nearby - Bagnovate and Rykiv. Ivan, the son of Fedko Komarnitsky, the founder of these two villages, left several sons (Smutok, 2004, p. 129). All of them are known from the documents of the 1610-30s. The youngest, Alexander, founded a separate tribal branch. The nickname Alexandrovychi or Postodolsky was assigned to his descendants. In 1666 Stefan Alexandrovych and Ivan Alexan- drovych has received the Royal document on the part of the land in Bagnovate. Stephan lived up to the 1710s. Married to Anastasia Yavorska he had ten children. It was with their generation Alexandrovychi Postodolski began to make progress on the economic and social field and rise above the ordinary gentry (Smutok, 2020, pp. 457-458). The most impressive career made the oldest son, Ilya. Being a man of means, he bought land in Uhertsi (1719, 1723, 1732), Radilovichi (1726), Verkhne Vysotske (1728), Kulchitsi (1725-1726). Ilya ruled the royal estates for a long time. So, in 1713 he was the administrator of the Starosilska saltwork, Ilnitsky and Gvozdetsky districts; in 1715 - 1716, he served as vice-administrator of Sambir Economy; in 1718 - 1722, he was the manager of the Drogobych district; in 1724-1727 - official of the Medenytsky Key. Where, before 1726, he also administered the Dolynski district and local saltworks (Smutok, 2020, pp. 459-460).
Ilya's life became an example for his nephew Ivan. He also conducted vigorous economic activity. In particular, in the 1740s, he bought land in Kulchitsi, estates of Sozansky Guitiny, Kulchitsky Gritinichi, Gusti, Smetanky and Zhigaily. At the same time, he became a landowner in Radilovichi and Uhertsi, paying uncles different amounts for the estate of the late Ilya. From 1742 until the end of his life, Ivan held the post of Zhytomyr steward. Perhaps for some time he was in military service. Ivan married Marianne Pogoretska from Sozan, but the spouses did not have children. Ivan is known for his religious zeal. In particular, in 1744 he donated 1000 zlotys to the cloister in Lishnya (Smutok, 2020, p. 460).
Ivan Komamitsky wrote his will on February 16, 1760 in Uhertsi. He probably understood that his life path was ending. And indeed, as the documents testify, Ivan died a few weeks later, in March 1760. The testament was written down in acts of the town of Przemysl. Ivan personally brought it to Przemysl. The form of the document is ordinary and does not contain any peculiar properties. The dispositional part of the testament is the most voluminous. Its obligatory element is the order regarding the funeral. Ivan willed to bury his body in a church in Sambir. Local priests pledged to hold a liturgy during two days. The testament also informs about other acts of Ivan in the church sphere. So, in 1745 he donated 29.500 zlotys to a monastery in Dob- romyl. However, in his will, he cancelled his gift and left only 3.000 zlotys for the monastery. Ivan also donated 1000 zlotys to the monastery in Lishnya and 500 zlotys to the church in Uhertsi. Ivan's financial situation was difficult. He owned estates in the village Radilovichi and Uhertsi. But most of the estates were held by creditors. The estates in Uhertsi were put up for sale. Ivan expected to get 26.000 zlotys for them. Perhaps the difficult financial situation can be explained by the fact that Ivan spent a lot of money on the construction of a church in Sambir. Ivan announces his marriage to Mary Pogoretska. However, in the will he does not recall the children. Probably the couple did not have children. Ivan chose persons from the local gentry and officials of Przemysl to fulfill the will.
As a result of archive searches historical source were identified and introduced into the scientific practice. It is the will of the steward of the Zhytomyr Ivan Komarnytsky concluded in 1760. The information in it provides an opportunity to understand certain aspects of life and activities of a specified historical person, it demonstrates his worldview, personal preferences, etc.
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