Archeological research on17th-18th ctntury Baturyn in 2018
Examination of the excavated remnants of residences and service structures constructed by I. Mazepa, Chancellor General P. Orlyk and Hetman K. Rozumovsky in Baturyn 17th-18th century and ceramic stove tiles executed in Ukrainian and Dutch baroque styles.
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Дата добавления | 23.07.2021 |
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V.I. Mezentsev, Yu.M. Sytyi, Yu.O. Kovalenko
baturyn mazepa residence baroque
This article demonstrates Western influences on the fortifications and layout of Hetman I. Mazepa's estate near Baturyn. It also examines the excavated remnants of residences and service structures constructed by I. Mazepa, Chancellor General P. Orlyk, and Hetman K. Rozumovsky, as well as the ceramic stove tiles executed in Ukrainian and Dutch baroque styles, and other 17th-18th-century archaeological finds in the town in 2018. Computer reconstructions of the fragmented tiles with the coats of arms of P. Orlyk and I. Mazepa are published and discussed.
Key words: Baturyn, I. Mazepa manor, brick foundations, decorative and heraldic stove tiles, computer reconstructions.
Мезенцев В.І., Ситий Ю.М., Коваленко Ю.О. Археологічні дослідження Батурина XVn-XVni ст. у 2018 р.
Стаття демонструє західні впливи на фортифікацію та планування маєтку гетьмана І. Мазепи під Батурином. Розглядаються розкопані рештки житлових і службових споруд І. Мазепи, генерального писаря П. Орлика й гетьмана К. Розумовського, керамічні пічні кахлі за стилями українського і голландського бароко та інші археологічні знахідки XVII-XVIII ст. у місті в 2018 р. Публікуються і аналізуються комп'ютерні реконструкції фрагментованих кахлів з гербами П. Орлика та І. Мазепи.
Ключові слова: Батурин, садиба І. Мазепи, цегляні фундаменти, декоративні та геральдичні пічні кахлі, комп'ютерні реконструкції.
Мезенцев В.И., Сытый Ю.Н., Коваленко Ю.А. Археологические исследования Батурина XVII-XVIII вв. в 2018 г.
Статья демонстрирует западные влияния на фортификацию и планировку усадьбы гетмана И. Мазепы под Батурином. Рассматриваются раскопанные остатки жилых и служебных построек И. Мазепы, генерального писаря Ф. Орлика и гетмана К. Разумовского, керамические печные изразцы в стилях украинского и голландского барокко и другие археологические находки XVII-XVIII вв. в городе в 2018 г. Публикуются и анализируются компьютерные реконструкции фрагментированных изразцов с гербами Ф. Орлика и И. Мазепы.
Ключевые слова: Батурин, усадьба И. Мазепы, кирпичные фундаменты, декоративные и геральдические печные изразцы, компьютерные реконструкции.
The main text
Last year, archaeologists continued their excavations in Baturyn, Chernihiv Oblast. This Canada-Ukraine project is sponsored by the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS) at the University of Alberta, the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (PIMS) at the University of Toronto, and the Ucrainica Research Institute in Toronto, Canada. In 2017-2019, the Ukrainian Studies Fund at Harvard University in Boston, the United States, contributed its subsidies to the historical and archaeological research of early modern Baturyn.
Forty-five students and scholars from the Chernihiv Collegium National University, the Chernihiv Regional Historical Museum, the Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, and the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv were involved in the 2018 excavations. Yurii Sytyi, senior fellow at the Centre for Archaeology and Early History of Northern Left-Bank Ukraine at the Chernihiv University leads the Baturyn archaeological expedition. Yurii Kovalenko, M.A., the head of the Scholarly Research Department at the Hlukhiv National Preserve and the instructor of archaeology of Ukraine at the Hlukhiv University participated in the Baturyn excavations and examination of its findings.
Prof. Zenon Kohut, the eminent historian of the Hetmanate and former director of CIUS, is the founder of the Canada- Ukraine Baturyn project and its academic adviser. Dr. Volodymyr Mezentsev, research associate of CIUS Toronto Office, is the executive director of this project from the Canadian side. Prof. Martin Dimnik, the leading Canadian historian of medieval Chernihiv principality and ex-president of PIMS, has also engaged in this research and the publication of its results in North America [1].
In 1669-1708, Baturyn was the capital of the Cossack state, or Hetmanate. It had become known in the West as the major, prosperous, and well-fortified town in central Ukraine, as well as the seat of Hetman Ivan Mazepa (1687-1709), the prominent Cossack ruler most respected in Europe.
In 1708, I. Mazepa concluded an alliance with Sweden and rebelled against Moscow's growing curtailment of the Hetmanate sovereignty. However, that year, in the course of the tsarist suppression of this uprising, Russian forces razed insurgent Baturyn to the ground. The outstanding reformer of the Cossack polity, Hetman Kyrylo Rozumovsky (1750-1764, d. 1803), rebuilt and repopulated the town and facilitated its manufacturing production and trade with Western and Eastern Europe during the second half of the eighteenth century. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the former hetman capital steadily declined, turning into a small provincial borough or mistechko.
According to V. Mezentsev's research, between 1696 and 1700, I. Mazepa commissioned his stately three-story masonry palace in Honcharivka, the environs of Baturyn. It was pillaged and destroyed by Muscovite troops in 1708.
Investigations of the ramparts with a glacis and five earthen bastions of this manor by Dr. Oleksandr Bondar (Chernihiv Historical Museum) have shown that their design, building techniques, and polygonal layout were modelled on advanced seventeenth-century Dutch strongholds (fig. 1). These bastion fortifications of I. Mazepa's main residence in Baturyn are the earliest-known in Left-Bank Ukraine [2].
Within the Cossack realm, the Honcharivka estate also represented the first known example of a fortified villa called palazzo e fortezza («palace and fortress»), which appeared in Italy in the sixteenth century and superseded medieval masonry or wooden castles. Such complexes, like that in Honcharivka, combined early modern civil palace architecture with predominantly bastion defences. From the late sixteenth century, this type of Italian fortified villas spread throughout Western and Central Europe, reaching western Ukraine in the early seventeenth century.
Fig. 1.1 Mazepa's fortified manor in Honcharivka, the environs of Baturyn, before its destruction in 1708. Hypothetical reconstruction by O. Bondar, 2018
Inside the ramparts of the Honcharivka manor, occupying an area of nine hectares, besides I. Mazepa's palatial court, a fruit garden, a birch grove, and an arable field were located. The graphic reconstruction of this estate prepared by O. Bondar, with its orderly network of straight lanes, resembles the regular layout of so-called «French parks» (fig. 1). The design of man-made parks with vegetation areas cultivated in geometric forms and straight or figured alleys originated in Renaissance Italy and became popular in France during the baroque era. I. Mazepa likely created his principal residence in Baturyn along the models of contemporaneous Western fortified palatial complexes with regular parks. He became acquainted with them while serving at the royal court in Poland and during his diplomatic missions, university studies, and travels to Germany, Holland, France, and Italy in the 1650s and 1660s [3].
In 2011-2015, the expedition team led by Roman Lutsenko of the Centre for Archaeology and Early History of Northern Left-Bank Ukraine at the Chernihiv University excavated the remnants of the timber church (before 1700) of 19 m by 11 m is size at I. Mazepa's court. On the basis of its ground plan determined by R. Lutsenko and some extant analogous structures O. Bondar graphically recreated the exterior design of the lost Honcharivka church in 2018 (fig. 2). It was representative of late seventeenth-century folk wooden ecclesiastical architecture in the Chernihiv region.
Last summer, near the site of a well on Honcharivka's estate, the archaeologists uncovered the debris of a 2 m-wide brick corridor with stairs leading down to the well's shaft. Yu. Sytyi suggests that the corridor, extending some 7 m to the west, was a secret underground vaulted tunnel connecting the well's shaft with the basement of the neighbouring building at I. Mazepa's court [4]. Archaeological investigation of the remnants of this extraordinary and intriguing structure will continue in order to define conclusively its layout, dimensions, and specific purpose.
In Baturyn's northern suburb, the expedition continued exploring the site of the home of Chancellor General Pylyp Orlyk, personal secretary, closest associate, and chief adviser of I. Mazepa. Later, he became the hetman-in-exile from 1710 to 1742.
In 2017-2018, part of the brick foundation of P. Orlyk's house was excavated. Yu. Sytyi contends that it was a spacious one-story building or khata of local tradition made of logs at the beginning of eighteenth century. A comparable example of such a well-to-do dwelling is the extant mid-eighteenth- century home of Yuhym Darahan, Colonel of the Kyivan Cossack regiment in Pokorshchyna, in the vicinity of the town of Kozelets, Chernihiv Oblast. This one-floor khata was constructed of squared logs set on a brick foundation and plastered [5].
Many fragments of terracotta and polychrome glazed ceramic tiles (kakhli) facing the heating stoves at P. Orlyk's house were unearthed amidst its remnants. Some of them exhibit fire damage, indicating that his residence was burned during the sack of Baturyn in 1708. Yu. Sytyi asserts that these tiles were produced locally. He considers their high technical and artistic qualities a match to the best stove tiles at I. Mazepa's palace in Honcharivka. But the ornamentations of P. Orlyk's tiles are distinctive in their originality and not mere imitations of those found in the hetman residence. Hence, the stove tiles discovered at P. Orlyk's home represent valuable pieces of local ceramic applied and heraldic arts in I. Mazepa's capital. Several shards with the family coats of arms of both P. Orlyk and I. Mazepa in relief were found there.
Fig. 2 Ground plan and southern elevation of the wooden church at I. Mazepa's court (prior to 1700). Hypothetical reconstruction by O. Bondar, 2018
Using computer photo collage and graphic techniques, Serhii Dmytriienko (Chernihiv), the Baturyn archaeological expedition graphic artist, has reconstructed a whole tile featuring P. Orlyk's armorial bearings known as Novyna (“News”). It was covered with multicoloured glazing, damaged by fire, and measured 33 cm by 35 cm (fig. 3). In the compositional centre of this tile, is the image of a figured blue shield with an inscribed stylized bowed yellow cauldron holder and an unsheathed white (silver) sword with a yellow (golden) hilt in an upward position. The shield is surmounted by a golden inlaid crown. Above it, the bent leg of a knight in blue armour is depicted. Two stylized green palm fronds flank the shield. These heraldic symbols are placed against an oval white background and surrounded by a floral ornament with white and yellow flowers as a decorative cartouche in the Ukrainian baroque style set on a cobalt background. In the early modern era, blue enamel was most expensive and prestigious. Over the crown, the initials of Pylyp or Filip Orlyk (F. O.) are inscribed in Latin letters [6].
V. Mezentsev posits that this unique find is the earliest known representation of P. Orlyk's family heraldic emblem, which he commissioned while serving as Chancellor General in I. Mazepa's administration before the fall of Baturyn in 1708 (fig. 3). Previously, only two wax impressions of P. Orlyk's seals were known to be preserved in Sweden. They bear his coat of arms from the time when he was hetman and lived in emigration in the West since 1715 [7]. However, their heraldic and artistic designs differ and lack inscriptions.
During the archaeological explorations on the site of P. Orlyk's home in 2016-2018, Yu. Kovalenko collected fragments of glazed ceramic and terracotta stove tiles featuring the coat of arms of I. Mazepa. This researcher believes that tiles with the armorial bearings of the hetman and P. Orlyk adorned two separate heating stoves at the dwelling of the latter. He has also revealed that I. Mazepa's heraldic emblem was surrounded by numerous images of the armaments, accoutrements, and attributes of hetman authority or kleinody.
In 2019, on the basis of detailed investigations of the photos of these tile fragments and employing the computer photo collage and graphic techniques, S. Dmytriienko hypothetically reconstructed one coloured glazed ceramic tile with I. Mazepa's coat of arms in relief measuring 27 cm by 30 cm (fig. 4). In the centre of this recreated heraldic composition is a massive figured light green shield enveloped by the decorative acanthus leaves. On this shield, a dark green anchor-like cross with a white crescent moon and a six-pointed star on both sides are depicted - the main heraldic symbols of I. Mazepa's family arms referred as Kurch (Kurcz in Polish). Hung around the crossbar between a crescent and a star is a white ribbon with the Order of St. Andrew. The hetman received this award in 1700. The shield is surmounted by a helmet crested with a princely crown.
Around the shield are relief images of the symmetrically placed stylized Cossack standards with horsetails (bunchuky), banners (korohvy), hetman large round maces (bulavy), flanged maces (pirnachi), fanfares, spears, partisans, flags, cannons, cannon balls and ramrods, muskets, oval and figured shields, a suite of baroque armour, and a helmet, all glazed green and set against a white background (fig. 4).
V. Mezentsev observes that the representations of various weapons, Cossack and hetman insignia, and military ammunitions on the reconstructed tile resemble those found in many armorial bearings of I. Mazepa on the engravings published in Kyiv and Chernihiv during his era. The closest analogies are the hetman heraldic emblems on the silver and gilt kiot cover of the Troitsko-Illinska Mother of God icon (1695) which is preserved at the Chernihiv Historical Museum and on Ivan Myhura's etching glorifying I. Mazepa (1705). Images of many kinds of armaments and kleinody there are particularly similar to those on the recreated stove tile. In I. Myhura's engraving, the Order of St. Andrew is also hung around the crossbar of the anchor-shaped cross, between a star and a crescent.
Probably on P. Orlyk's behest a professional artist from the Kyiv-Chernihiv school prepared the original graphic design or sketch for the reconstructed coat of arms of I. Mazepa. He could use the above-mentioned distinguished earlier armorial bearings of the hetman as source models. On the base of this graphic original, the Baturyn tile-makers or kakhliari carved the wooden moulds for fashioning the clay tiles.
An important detail there is a relief crown surmounting the helmet (fig. 4). V. Mezentsev has identified this type of crown as that depicted on many coats of arms of Princes of the Holy Roman Empire [8]. He suggests that P. Orlyk commissioned the armorial bearings of the hetman with such specific crown for the purpose to honour his princely title. It was granted to I. Mazepa on 1 September 1707 by Joseph I, Emperor of the Habsburg Empire, for his services rendered to the Holy League [9]. This allows V. Mezentsev to date the reconstructed stove tile with the hetman arms as well as the finishing of P. Orlyk's home between this time and the fall of Baturyn on 2 (13) November 1708.
Fig. 4 Burnt glazed ceramic stove tile with I. Mazepa's heraldic emblem (1707-1708). Hypothetical reconstructions, computer photo collage and graphic by S. Dmytriienko, 2019
This particular type of crown is absent on the other representations of I. Mazepa's heraldic emblems from his time which survived to the present [10]. Hence, his recreated ceramic coat of arms that adorned P. Orlyk's residence in Baturyn and dates to 1707-1708 is unique and chronologically the latest known to us.
V. Mezentsev maintains that the combination on the stove tiles of I. Mazepa's armorial bearings with images of various weapons, accoutrements, and hetman symbols of power is also unique (fig. 4). He believes that it was an innovation of P. Orlyk to introduce this motif into I. Mazepa's heraldic composition on some stove tiles at his dwelling. However, these representations of military attributes and the Cossack or hetman insignia lack analogies among the ceramic stove tiles manufactured in the Hetmanate, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and Muscovy. It would appear that the ravaging of Baturyn prevented P. Orlyk's innovation to continue and spread in the ceramic tile decoration of early modern Ukraine and its neighbours. Archaeological research on P. Orlyk's residence will resume in summer.
On the town's western outskirts, the expedition continued excavating the site of the estate of Judge General Vasyl Kochubei (1700-1708). In the second part of the eighteenth century, it was in the possession of K. Rozumovsky who constructed several government office premises there. These were dismantled in the following century.
In 2017-2018, archaeologists partially unearthed the brick foundation of the southwestern building of this administrative complex. Yu. Sytyi dates this edifice from the 1750s to 1770s and surmises that it had approximately 12 m by 10 m in size, one floor, a timber superstructure, a kitchen, and a dining room. An example of such state offices from K. Rozumovsky's era is the extant masonry two-storied chancellery of the Kyiv Cossack regiment in Kozelets which was constructed and embellished in the Ukrainian baroque style with rococo elements in 1756-1765 [11].
Fig. 5 Fragments of Delft blue, white, and brown glazed ceramic stove tiles featuring human figures in Dutch style, mid-18th century. Photos by Yu. Sytyi
Amidst the remnants of the excavated building at V. Kochubei's court, many broken ceramic stove tiles of various shapes were found. They are glazed dark blue, white, and brown and feature the artistic plant motifs and images of early modern Western European architecture, men, women, birds, and flowers in late baroque Dutch style (fig. 5). Similar ceramic tiles adorned the heating stoves and fireplaces of two K. Rozumovsky's palaces (1752 and 1799) in Baturyn. They could have been imported by this hetman from the Netherlands or represent less expensive eighteenth-century Russian or Ukrainian imitations of the popular and prestigious Dutch revetment majolica of the time.
Other notable artefacts discovered at the former Baturyn fortress, town vicinities, and Kochubei's estate in 2018 include: a silver coin of Sigismund III Vasa, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, minted in Bydgoszcz, Poland, in 1623, two copper solidi of King John II Casimir Vasa of the Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth minted in Krakow in 1664, three copper Russian coins, a bronze wedding ring, a signet ring, two belt appliquйs from Cossack leather belts, a button, two lead musket bullets, six iron cannon balls, a grenade, various iron implements of local manufacture, a fragment of the patterned white-clay chibouk of the Dutch pipe, and four shards of imported painted faience plates, all from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The identification of Polish-Lithuanian coins was carried out by Yu. Kovalenko (fig. 6).
Archaeological investigations by Yu. Sytyi have established that during the attack of Muscovite forces on Baturyn in 1708 they destroyed the trade and craft suburbs in Honcharivka and Teplivka. It was only half a century later, when K. Rozumovsky repopulated the devastated town, that new communities of potters and brick makers reappeared there.
Last summer, north of I. Mazepa's manor, archaeologists uncovered the remnants of a wooden dwelling, possibly belonging to a potter. It was burned during this onslaught. Within the structure were found several splinters from an exploded iron cannon ball from the bombardment of Baturyn by the tsarist troops [12].
Fig. 6 Obverse and reverse of 17th-century Polish-Lithuanian coins (silver above, copper below). 2018 excavations at Baturyn. Photo by Yu. Sytyi
The fruitful 2018 excavations at Baturyn have provided us with valuable new information about the fortifications, residences, and service structures of hetmans and state officials in the seventeenth-eighteenth-century Cossack capital. Of particular importance are the archaeological finds of the numerous costly ceramic decorative and heraldic stove tiles, executed in both the Ukrainian and Dutch baroque styles. Tiles with the earliest coat of arms of P. Orlyk and the unique latest armorial bearings of I. Mazepa known to us have been dated to 1707-1708 and graphically reconstructed. New archaeological evidence further revealed the destruction of the town's trade and craft districts by the Russian army in 1708. Field research at Baturyn will be renewed in August 2019.
1. A shorter version of this article was published in the online bulletin of the University of Ottawa, Canada. See Dimnik M., Mezentsev V. «Excavations at Baturyn in 2018», Canadio-Byzantina, no. 30, January 2019, pp. 10-14 ( index.php/cb/index).
2. Бондар О. «Palazzo en fortezza» на Гончарівці в Батурині // Сіверянський літопис. 2018. № 1-2. С. 41-49. Рис. 2-4.
3. Когут З., Мезенцев В., Ситий Ю. Розкопки у Батурині 2017 року. Реконструкції герба Пилипа Орлика. Торонто, 2018. С. 1314 ( See also note 2.
4. Когут З., Мезенцев В., Ситий Ю. Розкопки у Батурині 20172018 рр. Новознайдений герб Пилипа Орлика // Гомін України. Рік LXX. № 38 (3746). Торонто, 9 жовтня 2018 р. С. 6-8 ( 18_L.pdf); Mezentsev V. «Pylyp Orlyk's Coat of Arms and Other Archaeological Finds at Baturyn in 2017-2018», Ukrainian Echo, vol. 33, no. 4, Toronto, February 19, 2019, p. 1 ( nova-anhlomovna-publikatsiyi-pro-rozkopky-u-baturyni/). See this article also in The Ukrainian Weekly, vol. lXxXvII, no. 7, Parsippany, N. J., February 17, 2019, pp. 10-11, 15 ( uwwp/pylyp-orlyks-coat-of-arms-and-other-archaeological-finds- at-baturyn-in-2017-2018/).
5. Вечерський В. Пам'ятки архітектури й містобудування Лівобережної України. К., 2005. С. 95-96.
6. Мезенцев В., Ситий Ю. Герб Пилипа Орлика знайдено у Ба- турині // Свобода (Parsippany, N. J.). Рік 125. № 50. 14 грудня 2018 р. С. 10-11. See also note 4.
7. Ситий І. Герб і печатка Пилипа Орлика // Генеалогічні записки. Вип. 9. Нова серія 3. Львів, 2011. С. 33-37; Ukraine - Sweden: At the Crossroads of History (XVII-XVIII Centuries): Catalogue of the International Exhibition. The Ukrainian Museum, New York, etc., comp. Yu. Savchuk (Kyiv, 2010), pp. 153, 155, figs. 108, 111.
8. [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу: https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Princes_of_the_Holy_Roman_Empire.
9. Оглоблин О. Гетьман Іван Мазепа та його доба. Вид. 2. Ред. Л. Винар. Нью-Йорк-Київ-Львів-Париж-Торонто, 2001. С. 256, 271-272.
10. Дабижа А.В. Мазепа-князь и его шляхетский и княжеский гербы // Киевская старина. 1885. Ч. ХІ. С. 715-716; Полюшко Г. Герб гетьмана Івана Мазепи. К., 2015. С. 8-57.
11. Вечерський В. Пам'ятки архітектури й містобудування Лівобережної України. С. 94-95.
12. Ситий Ю., Мезенцев В., Мироненко Л. та ін. Науковий звіт про археологічні дослідження в охоронних зонах Національного історико-культурного заповідника «Гетьманська столиця» в м. Батурин Бахмацького р-ну Чернігівської обл. у 2018 р. // Науковий архів Інституту археології НАН України. 2018.
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