Regional studies encyclopedia of Ukraine - 26 -volume "History of cities and villages Ukrainian SSR"
Study of the peculiarities of the first Soviet encyclopedic publications on the history of the SSR, nuanced scientific positions of each of the founders /participants "REIU" general political and ideological context days of the late 1960s - early 1970s.
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Stepan Barchuk
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encyclopedic history ideological soviet
A detailed study of the peculiarities of the first Soviet encyclopedic publications on the history of the SSR, nuanced scientific positions of each of the founders /participants “REIU” general political and ideological context days of the late 1960s - early 1970s. And its impact on the implementation of this encyclopedic project will better understand the features of the historiographical process in the country so far, seen in printed a four not only limited or expressive defects of this “information resource ”, but to reconstruct those historiographical constructions, events, persons, so to speak, were “behind the scenes” edition or presented it in truncated, emasculated, and even forged form.
Keywords: Encyclopedia, science, history, town, village, development, researchers, editors.
Main text
The principal edition “Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia” 1957-1965 not only completed the first successful edition of the Great Ukrainian Encyclopedia, but also laid the foundation for future work on other global projects.
In the first half of 1960-s. that time leadership of USSR adopted a number of important decisions concerning the development of historic study. Thus, May 29, 1962 the Communist Party of Ukraine adopted a resolution on the publication of “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” in 26 volumes. For its preparation was established main editorial board headed by Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers P.T.Tronko, composed of leading scientists - sotsiohumanitarity, university professors historical subjects, employees of institutions of the USSR. Deputy Head of the Main editorial board of the “History of towns and villages in the USSR” was appointed director of the Institute of History of the USSR O.K. Kasymenko1.
Essays and articles on the history of cities, towns, businesses, farms during the 1950-s ethnographers published in Donbass, Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Khmelnitsky, Chernigov, Cherkassy and other areas of the country. An important form of local history were hiking excursion for the study of nature, exploring the monuments of history and culture. Every year more and more attention to the development of historic study paid research institutions. For example, in the mid - 1950-s began compiling historical and geographical dictionary of the Institute of History of the USSR and the Institute of Social Sciences of the USSR in Lviv. Archival institutions of the republic in the postwar period began to actively engage in the use of documentary material for scientific purposes. In 19561959 archives of the USSR with the participation of research institutions and higher education institutions prepared and published about 50 collections of documents, which were showed historical past Ukrainian territories, including towns and villages of Ukraine. However, the emphasis in these publications was placed on the “successes of socialist construction”2.
The above mentioned fact was the fertile ground that it among the scientific community of the republic emerged idea of creating a multivolume history of the towns and villages of the USSR. This idea was supported by the Institute of History of the USSR, the Institute of Party History of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine - a branch of the Institute of MarxismLeninism of the Central Committee and Archival Administration under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, which appealed to the Communist Party Central Committee with a proposal to prepare and issue a “history of towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR”. The initiative was sanctioned by the Communist Party leadership of the republic and 29 May, 1962 was the aforementioned ruling Communist Party of Ukraine on training volunteer for the 50-th anniversary of the October Revolution, the 26-volume edition of the history of towns and villages in the USSR.
Successful performance of complicated task for the preparation of multi-edition history of the settlements of Ukraine is largely dependent on deliberate organization of work. Therefore, the main editorial board of the project paid special attention to scientific and organizational issues. Years of work on the “History of towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” can be divided into three stages: the first - the organizational and preparatory (1962 - Spring 1964); second - preparing manuscripts and sketches of historical information, testing and scientific text editing (Spring 1964 - Autumn 1967); third - published volumes of “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” (1967-1974 gg.)3. At the beginning of the first stage of the editorial board approved all volumes, which led secretaries of regional committees of the CP Ukraine with ideological work.
By the middle of 1962 in the cities, towns, villages, large villages and district centers of the republic for assembling of materials created by the party commission that determined the settlements, which are planned to prepare essays, organized a public asset, equipped with working groups. City and district committee headed by secretaries of district and city committees of the Communist Party, rural and village working groups - secretaries of primary Party organizations, school principals, teachers, historians. However, there were also shortcomings in the deployment of work on the publication - especially during the formation of the editorial boards, selection of authors and work with them. So very often they had to revise the previous decision and to make appropriate adjustments4.
Complicated job changes in the administrative-territorial division that occurred in early 1963. Due to the consolidation area (instead of 604 previously available were created 251 new) many district committees ceased to exist. At the same time in areas where the two were regional committees and Executive Committee of the Communist Party (industrial and rural - “innovation” M. Khrushchev) was set up by two of the editorial board. Only in Rivne, Volyn, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi and Zakarpattia regions continued to work past the editorial board. After all, the first half of 1964 only the editorial board were recovered in all regions of the USSR5.
Home Editorial Board engaged in study of scientific principles of edition, determining its structure, identification of sources, rational division of responsibilities among project participants, training of personnel. It was necessary to make a lot of efforts to convince some leaders in the expediency training opportunities and “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” on a voluntary basis. It is clear that the “communist principles” which are put in the base of edition worked not always and not everywhere, because, for example, a serious problem was repeated with subsequent correction reprinting and reprinting fair manuscript texts of historical essays for publication volumes. Most of the money on reprinting still have to find. Similar was the situation with photo illustrations6.
One of the most important tasks was to organize scientific and methodological guidance at all stages of work in all levels of authors. This experience was not in the SU / the USSR or abroad, because “history of cities and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” was the first work that its creation has been involved in such a significant number of people with different skills - teachers and functionaries of the party-state apparatus, civil society organizations, staff of research institutions, state and party archives, libraries and museums, university teachers. First of all should work out scientific and methodological principles of publication and bring them to all participants in the implementation of this major project. From this and started the work of the editorial board.
Throughout 1962 main editorial board of “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” with the working group established at the beginning of and composed of members of Archival Administration under the Council of Ministers of USSR, academic institutions of history, economics, archeology, linguistics, art, folklore and ethnography, processed and February 6, 1963 approved the guidelines editorial board of the regional, city and district commissions for writing the “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” that they had laid the ideological orientation and scientific publication, the structure and volume of essays and volumes7. In guidance stressed that “the history of towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” should be a solid edition “on the basis of Marxist-Leninist science” and its most important task - “highlight specific examples of socialist transformations that have taken place in towns and villages of the republic for 50 years Soviet power thanks to the consistent implementation of the Leninist national policy. “Each volume and every sketch of 26 volumes of the series were witnessing “the greatness of the Ukrainian people success in economic and cultural development, achieved under the leadership of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and its Leninist Central Committee, under the leadership of the Communist Party of Ukraine”8. However essays had to contain important information about a particular point of inception and until today. Considerable attention was paid to “coverage of socio-economic and political situation of the Ukrainian people to 1917, the revolutionary struggle of the working people against the exploiters for the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution”9.
Every region and capital of the USSR - Kyiv - vidvodyvsya separate volume was given. All publications must have had the same format and print design. Each book of multivolume incorporated introduction; historical and economic essay about the area; sketch of a regional center; essays on cities of regional subordination that were not district centers; materials on areas alphabetically; sketch of a district center with a total area characteristics; essays about cities of regional subordination; then alphabetically essays on urban settlements and certificate of villages - centers of rural councils - with the characteristics of subordinate settlements. All volumes should be richly illustrated, include the index of names and geographical index, illustrations and lists of persons, other than the authors of essays, participated in preparing the publication10.
The volume of the entire publication tentatively determined in the 2800-3000 copyright sheets. Search was carried out the optimal level description of the area and historical references. First, for historical and economic essay about the area allotted to 2 sheets of copyright, the regional center - 1.5 worksheet, city and regional center of regional subordination - 1 author's sheet. Sketch of city district submission was not to exceed 0.5 sheet, certificate of villages - centers of village councils - 0,18 sheet - and townships - 0,15 sheet. But soon Home Editorial Board was assured that a small volume of essays had a negative effect on their content. Since then stopped at these approximate amounts: 1 author's sheet - sketch of the village, urban village, a city of regional subordination; 3 sheets - outline of the regional center and the region; one typewritten page - for information about the center of city, town and village councils. And allowed deviation towards increasing essays and information - depending on the value of the city, village or a certain area in the past and the present in view of their economic development, richness and significance of historical events11.
From the number of cities, townships and villages volume depended on. The list of localities that had to enter because the preliminary determination and their scope of competence belonged to the editorial boards of regional, city and district committees. Main editorial board instead outlined a list of issues which should cover, recommended basic principles of work, tasks authors, as well as district and city committees, editorial boards volumes. At the same time determined stages of mode and work on the volumes, gathering material, its classification, writing essays and reports, reviewing, editing, art design and print publications. It was noted that writing essays on a particular locality can begin only after careful consideration of all relevant documentary material and literature. According to the general objectives of the project set out in the guidance was processed program (questionnaire) collecting the material, which included comprehensive coverage of the history of settlements and determined the sequence of presentation of essays.Draft structure sketch was recommended on a separate settlement. To help the editorial board of volumes and district commissions and authors planned to prepare a layout of volumes (Kiev region)12.
On approaching the completion of all to determine volume edition of its individual volumes of essays and reports, their structure, continued development and improvement guidance. This work of the editorial board has commissioned the newly created according to the decree of the Presidium of the USSR on September 5, 1963 as a part of the academic Institute of the History Department of History special towns and villages. The managers were Ph.D. O.A.Parasunko (1963-1969), his successor (since 1969) - Candidate of Historical Sciences I. Slabyeyev (he was both Chief executive secretary of the editorial board of “History of towns and villages in the USSR” ). To help the department identified scientists from academic institutions, economy, archeology, linguistics, literature, art, folklore and ethnography13. Having put on the basis of short guidance Main editorial board in 1963, the department developed a “Deployed guidelines copyright collectives, committees and editorial board volume” History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR “that May 8, 1964 approved the main editorial board, having sent out after all of the editorial board of volumes14.
February 1, 1964 as a result of previous work on the implementation of large-scale project on the history of the settlements of the republic was addressed to the Communist Party of Ukraine “Memorandum on the implementation of the CC CP Ukraine on May 29, 1962”. On the publication of “History of Ukrainian towns and villages SSR “ signed by Secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine ideology A.D. Skab, head of the Main editorial board of the “history of towns and villages in the USSR” Deputy Chairman of the USSR CM P.T. Tronko and director of the Institute of history of the USSR O.K. Kasymenka15.
The authors of the memorandum focused on the Marxist-Leninist edition of the guide and its concentration in post-october history of Ukraine “methodological basis” History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR “are the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, decisions of congresses and plenums of the Central Committee and Central Committee Ukraine. The common thread through all of essays on cities and villages of the republic will be held idea of friendship of peoples and proletarian internationalism, the implementation of the Leninist national policy in Ukraine, the idea of leading and guiding role of the Communist Party in the struggle for the socialist transformation of [...]. The main place in the essays will be given to post-revolutionary period - highlighting the Civil War, industrialization and collectivization heroic Ukrainian people during the Great Patriotic War [...] in the postwar years, the implementation of the ambitious plans of building communism [...]. In the essays will go question of the best people Ukrainian nation - Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor, innovators of socialist production, members of brigades and shock workers of communist labor, prominent public and political figures, honored teachers, doctors, agronomists, prominent figures of science, literature and art and other distinguished people of Soviet Ukraine. “16.
Management of the Communist Party of Ukraine was informing that work on “The History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” covered almost 100 thousand people from among educators, especially teachers, historians, cultural and educational institutions, teachers of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, party-Soviet assets and regional ethnographer fans. The project was implemented relevant ministries, departments and agencies, and Archive Administration under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. In central and regional state archives compiled filing and the State Historical and regional libraries - bibliography of literature on the history of towns and villages. Institute of History of the USSR recognized the leading researchers on areas for the submission of qualified scientific and technical assistance to the editorial board of the regional, city and district commissions and authors. Lecturers in social sciences universities and institutes assigned to the district and city commissions17.
In a memo were recorded disadvantages too: not all regional editorial board failed to provide the organizational and scientific guidance in collecting materials and writing essays and illustrations; some manuscripts were prepared descriptive and inappropriate ideological and scientific level; some regional committees of the Communist Party and local party organizations ignored the execution of the Central Committee of Ukraine on May 29, 1962 “On the publication of' History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR”18.
The authors of the memorandum asked the Communist Party of Ukraine to help solve a number of methodological and organizational problems identified in the implementation of large-scale project, such as: “In the country 355 cities, 33576 villages, combined in 8581 village council. Total - 34 572 settlements. At the start of the “history of towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” materials gathered in all the cities and villages of the Ukrainian SSR. This made it possible to identify localities with particularly rich history and the most striking achievements in economic and cultural development. “However accommodate 26 volumes essays about the history of all the cities and villages of the USSR was almost impossible, because it twice - three times the amount be increased because for each of the planned area, especially short essays in the volume would be too general in nature and depleted19.
Instead there was proposed to make the following changes to the structure and content of each volume edition: “Under the new structure, expected to write essays on approximately 2200 settlements of the republic with the total number of 34572, including about 355 cities of republican, regional and district subordination and selectively to 1900 essays on urban villages, workers' settlements and most prominent village. On the rest of the settlements in the USSR each volume will be presented short general information”.
Thus, the volume of all publications would have remained unchanged and amounted to approximately 2800-3000 author sheets, so each volume with illustrations - 100-110 sheets. It was believed that with such total volume “History of the towns and villages in the USSR” article in each volume will be thorough and size: introduction (historical and economic essay on the region) - 3 author sheets sketch of the regional center - 3 sheets, a city of regional subordination - 2 sheets, a city of regional subordination and most significant urban villages, workers' settlements and villages - 1 author sheet20.
At the same time, the authors of the position paper considered it necessary to make adjustments and to schemes scientific and organizational support for the publication, stressing that “there is a need now to put the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences scientific and scientific-methodical management work on” The History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” and preparing them for publication, and the main edition “Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia” - edition of 26 volumes of “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR”. “It was also suggested to create in the areas of editorial board only because each of executive secretary from among the workers of the party apparatus, which at the time of final preparation so would be dismissed from work and “fill the Main Editorial Board of “ History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR”21.
February 5, 1964 the Presidium of the Communist Party of Ukraine considered the memo D.Skab, P.T.Tronko and O.K. Kasymenko supporting proposals for the preparation of “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” set out in the memorandum, which decided to send all regional committees of the republic. Regional committee CP Ukraine pledged to take steps “to the timely completion of the volume” History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR “for publication, paying particular attention to the quality of essays that will be placed in the appropriate volume of this publication.” Other points decision were dealt with: 3. Put leadership training in the country “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” on the main editorial board. Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences carry out scientific and scientific-methodical management work on the volumes of “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” and preparing them for publication. On the main edition of the Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia putting edition of 26 volumes of “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR”.
4. To instruct A.D. Skab and P.T.Tronko submit proposals to the Communist Party of Ukraine states and structures of the main editing USE after the release of the last volume of the Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia and prepare relevant economic calculations for the publication of 26 volumes of “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” [... ]”22.
Bureau of the Communist Party of Ukraine at the same meeting and approved the changes in the main editorial board of the “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR”, having added there M.P.Bazhan (Deputy Chairman), I.K. Bilodid, Yu.Yu. Kondufora, S.M. Korolivskii, O.K. Koshyk, I.D.Nazarenko, O.A. Parasunka, V.N.Terletskiy and F.P. Shevchenko. It seemed logical introduction of the main editorial board deputy chairman M.P.Bazhan that 1958-1983's was the chief editor of “Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia” - publishing house, which published 26 volumes of the series.
Instead, from the main editorial board were relieved I.L. Butych, I.K. Golovach, Yu.M. Zaharuk, B.P. Kovalevskiy, A.D.Kochubei V.Ye.Nyzhnyk, O.T. Yurchenko23.
May 13, 1964 in Kyiv at the Institute of History of the USSR held a republican meeting of chairpersons and executive secretary of the regional editorial boards of “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” for representatives of ministries and departments, USSR Academy of Sciences and other senior officials24. The agenda of the meeting included only one question on the implementation of resolutions of the Presidium of the Central Committee of Ukraine on May 23, 1963 and February 5, 1964 edition of 26-volume work “History of Towns and Villages of the Ukrainian SSR.” Last heard about the work of the heads of regional editorial boards25.
The actual work on the volumes of “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” began in 1965 - after resolving the last year most of the organizational edition. Thus, the first half of the year was devoted to archival and library work; material selection to improve the content of essays; selection of illustrations. It is clear that the most favorable conditions were areas that had a significant own scientific potential and scientific historical traditions, Kharkiv, Lviv, Kyiv city. Also had some advantages small area region and those regions whose history has been widely represented in national historiography and had enough of open archival sources.
In the second half of the 1965 edition began to proofreading and editing of regions sent by the authors of the material. The most complete was submitted volume dedicated to the Kharkiv region, which was under a sufficient justification Kharkiv was the first capital of the USSR, and according to the Central State Archive of the October Revolution, the USSR, which until the early 1970-s and still located in Kharkiv, kept much of archival documents in a day; Kharkiv was also one of the leading research centers - Kharkiv University, around which local lore and concentrated work. Owned Kharkiv and a large scientific manpower base, which allowed the authors to regional because even ahead of their Kyiv colleagues. Editing of volume “Kharkiv region” was completed in September and October 8, it has been directed to set the Ivan Frunze Kharkiv book factory. In contrast overloaded Kiev factory “Zovten” Kharkiv publishers very quickly fulfilled his task, and by the end of the year were produced proofs, proofread and edited by members of the editorial board; at the beginning of 1966 to the press was fully prepared and signed by 14 of the 110 pages26.
August 1, 1966 Home Editorial Board summarized the discussion as layout “Kharkiv region. Remarks reviewers were transferred because of the editorial board for consideration during the preparation as in print. To prevent similar flaws in other volume edition of the history of towns and villages of USSR Supreme wording “USE” prepared a detailed memorandum on the results of discussions layout so “Kharkiv region”. Memorandum after review and approval by 23 September main editorial board was sent to the regional editorial board. September 14, 1966 Volume “Kharkiv region” was recommended for publication, February 3, 1967 - signed in print27.
The release of volume “Kharkiv region”28 (edition exhibited at the World Exhibition “EXPO-67” in Montreal in 1967 and has earned a positive evaluation) - the first volume since a major project on the history of the settlements of the republic - was essential to intensify work on further volumes edition.
Besides Kharkiv volume, amended in 1965 submitted manuscripts Lviv, Vinnitsa, Odessa and Poltava region. However, the scientific level Kharkiv are significantly inferior to that and noted member of the Chief Editorial Board. Thus, the revision with editorial conclusions and observations in September 1965 was sent Volume “Vinnitsa region”; in November - “Odessa region”. Also, the revision was sent so much of “Poltava region,” which along with editing volume in Lviv region began in October29.
In subsequent years, the work on the volumes of “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” continued. 1967 was published “start” volume - “Kharkov region” by its - “Poltava region”30; it has been concluding with editing volumes for the city. Kyiv, Luhansk, Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zakarpattia, Chernivtsi and Odessa regions. The editorial also received the manuscript volumes of other areas that were reading out, edited and sent for revision periodically authors. After all, unlike the “Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia”, work on local history project required more detail and branching material. The need to highlight the history of the greatest possible number of settlements often caused conflict between the authors of essays, each of which sought to show its study, despite its actual significance for the region. Of course, the priority of places were somehow connected with the revolutionary movement or important events in Soviet history, but it does not always coincide with the duration of the settlement or its current status.
As a result of the work output volume “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” has become a consistent character. During the 1966-1967 it was managed not only to form the general principles of formation of regional volumes and their criteria, but also to produce the final preparation machinery layout proofs, their proofreading and finally signing for printing and publishing. That is why the number of volumes coming out every year, gradually increasing. Although the release of all 26-volume encyclopaedia project for the 50-th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution provide failed (this idea was originally utopian), but even the publication of volumes (Kharkiv and Poltava regions) to the mentioned anniversary allowed to talk about his dedication this important date Soviet ideology.
The success of the next years was determined by a number of factors, primarily increased interest to the public a new project. Despite its purely Soviet bases and strong ideological load, covered in labor problems found its readers even in the most remote villages, whose story was mentioned in the project, and accordingly have at least one copy, “its own” because it was a matter of honor for each local library. Another equally important factor was the increased efficiency necessary experience that grew up in the editorial staff, allowing each year to increase the number of volumes that came out of print. Thus, 1968 saw the light for three volumes - “Kyiv”31, “Lugansk region”32 and “Lviv region”33.
Among them the most original capital volume was dedicated to Kyiv, because it showed only a history of the city, with the main emphasis was placed y at the history of the twentieth century. Fighting the Bolsheviks to power, events, the so-called Civil and World wars, especially the “socialist construction” of the city occupied a disproportionately large amount - more than two-thirds of volume. A key thesis was the highlight of Kyiv conversion process on a large, modern industrial center, the true capital of Soviet Socialist Republic. Despite ideological overload, the volume was accompanied by a large number of color and black-and-white illustrations, maps and charts, which made it very interesting and informative for the reader.
In 1969 was released volumes devoted to major industrial areas with significant revolutionary traditions - Dnipropetrovsk34 and Odessa35, as well as unique regions of Western Ukraine - the Transcarpathian36 and Chernivtsi regions37. In the first two volumes of material devoted to the events of the twentieth century. Even more than in the past, and in accordance with the achievement of the Soviet period are shown as important factors of regional development. For close to this scheme was shown and the history of settlements Bukovina and Transcarpathia, where the main focus was on the positive role played by the region of its accession to the USSR in 1940 and 1946 This links with the population of Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia first displayed as a manifestation of proletarian solidarity and activity of governments - as ukrayinophobia that prevented the population of the region to fully development. In general, I must say that this approach to the history of western regions (Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Chernivtsi, Transcarpathia, mostly in Volyn and Rivne) was dominant in the project “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” where all previous “pre-soviet history interpreted only as a prerequisite to the” real “history of the region.
August 13, 1970 at the meeting of the Chief Editorial Board of “History of towns and villages in the USSR” dealt with “An improvement of the structure, reducing and refinement of preparation and publication of the volume” History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR' “and” On fixing scientific researchers of the history of cities and villages of the Institute of history of USSR Academy of Sciences in volumes for the submission of scientific and methodological assistance for Authors and work together with the editorial groups history of towns and villages of main editorial on the preparation of texts and essays and bringing them to print”38.
The critic remarks were considered “scientific community” on a significant amount (more than 100 pages.) of the first volumes of the project, the excesses of content, numbers and figures. Proposed to improve the structure of the reporting, according to which, in his essay on the regional center in late-article gave a certificate from the characteristics of the area (2.5 page). Instead proposed to remove such articles including the first two paragraphs (half a) general information about the area39.
These requests were approved by the relevant resolution of the Main editorial board of “History of cities and villages.” However, the number of each photo illustrations so limited 250-300 shots and approximately 7% decreased the amount of these volumes of publications that were prepared for publication. Approved new amount of volumes: in Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne and Ternopil regions - 75 author sheets, Kirovohrad, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Kherson - 80, Zhytomyr, Crimea, Khmelnytsky, Cherkasy and Chernihiv - 85, Vinnytsia, Zaporizhia and Kyiv - 90, Donetsk region - 105 author sheets40.
It was strictly forbidden to take regional editorial board and editorial “History of towns and villages in the USSR” Main edition “USE” accept manuscripts for editorial processing volumes without illustrations. It was established that materials accepted edited “History of towns and villages in the USSR” from regional editorial boards only comprehensive (of course if there are: introduction, essays, references, color and black-and-white photo illustrations, skeleton map etc.) in the presence of authorized representatives of the editorial board of volume, The Main Edition “USE” Institute of history of the USSR and the Chief editorial board of “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR.” The delivering will be fixed by appropriate act41.
At the meeting of the Chief Editorial Board August 13, 1970 was also heard and discussed the report of the Head of the Main editorial board of “History of towns and villages in the USSR” of the academician. P.T. Tronko “On the resolution of the Scientific Council of the USSR Academy of Sciences History of the USSR” On the experience of preparing and publishing multi-volume “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” “42 (issue was discussed in Moscow on July 9, 1970).
In 1970 The Main Edition “USE” finalized over the next three volumes - “Volyn region”,43 “Donetsk region”44 and “Zaporozhye region”45. Each of these regions has been described differently. So, highlighting the history of Volyn, emphasis was placed not only on its historical tradition of Kiev Rus, but also in staying in other states, whose colonial oppression was the strongest here. A special place in this volume also occupied the fight against the german-fascism occupants, especially guerrilla movement. In turn, the volume of “Donetsk region” focused on the revolutionary struggle and the building industry in the region, success coal industry workers. A similar focus was dedicated in Zaporizhia Oblast the industrial development, Dnieper, metallurgical industry and so on. However, a significant place in this volume occupied and “pre-October” theme dedicated to the times of Cossacks and especially the history of Zaporizhzhya Sich, called by K.Marks “Cossack republic”, conveniently was involving in the revolutionary and class struggle “field workers”.
Thanks to considerable preparatory and editorial work in 1971 was published four volumes of encyclopedic project “Ivano-Frankivsk region”46, “Kyiv region”47, “Mykolayiv region”48 and “Khmelnytskiy region”49. It is Interestingthat Kiev regional volume core historic event for the region defined even October revolution in 1917 in Petrograd, and Pereyaslav Council of 1654, which as they say, according to contemporary ideological concept was a turning point of the entire Ukrainian history, and therefore also determined the future of the country.
In the next year the Soviet jubilee - the 50-th anniversary of the proclamation illegitimate USSR (1972) - was published largest volumes of “History of towns and villages in the USSR”. Five volumes of the series, published this year, dedicated to Vinnitsa50, Kirovograd51, Kherson52, Cherkasy53 and Chernihiv regions54. Given that all the mentioned areas were predominantly agrarian history of their settlements was presented on the basis of their steady transition from Soviet times purely agricultural to industrial and collective status. The development of industry was shown as the most progressive direction of movement of the region's history and collective farming - as a kind of addition. However, the authors could not avoid and highlight significant historical events, especially the Liberation War led by Bohdan Khmelnytsky in Vinnytsia region, widely covering not only fighting, but also personalities Ivan Bogun, D. Nechay, M. Krivonosa and others.
In 1973 were published four volumes of this major encyclopaedic project - books on Zhytomyr55, Rivne56, Sumy57 and Ternopil regions58. History of settlements in these regions has been shown in accordance with pre-designed circuits, focusing primarily not on their historical features and achievements in industrial development during the Soviet authority. The authors could not avoid a “significant” aspect of history as the construction of the mausoleum of V.I. Lenin from Zhytomyr granite59.
One can not also ignore one of the most ideological project volumes dedicated to the Crimean region, which completed the multi-volume edition60. Given the then status of the Crimean Tatars (the people in exile who fought for their right to return to their historical homeland), the early history of the region and its features covered in the volume of the smallest, while the achievements of Soviet power (mainly real and fictional) are shown to the smallest detail. For example, the most important phenomena of the history of the peninsula the authors therefore considered the development of fish processing and winemaking smelting plants and more.
The completion of the project “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” became a significant milestone in Ukrainian entsyklopedia. It actually established a new branch in Soviet historiography, showing not only integrated development history and regional features and even small villages. In February 1974 the Bureau of the Department of History of the USSR adopted a resolution “On the experience of preparing and publishing the” History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR “in 26 volumes,” which recommended that all historical institutions AS of union and autonomous republics “use the scientific and organizational principles and methods of the editorial board of the Authors of this publication”61.
The importance and success of the project confirmed the award and its staff artists of USSR State Prize in 1976. The edition of significance and also claimed the then First Secretary of the Communist Party Ukraine V.V. Shcherbytskiy, stressing its important role in the patriotic and international education of workers, promoting the advantages of the socialist system “ outstanding achievements of Leninist national policy of the Communist Party”, “exposing bourgeois and nationalist ideology”62. During the 1974-1983 the reissue of 26-volume “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” was issued in Russian. Launch of the Russian version of the project as “The Crimean region” (1974).
However, not only the Soviet regime project was profitable. It is the first time in the history of Ukrainian science attracted the attention of the general public to the regional-historical issues, involving authorship of articles people of different professions and revealing little-known pages of history of Ukrainian settlements. Encyclopedia nature of the project strengthened the factor that, in addition to its own history, the article contained information on the socio-economic and culturaleducational state of the USSR settlements, partly served demographic dynamics and even the statistics of losses during the Great Patriotic War. In fact, “The history of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” was a real encyclopedia of Ukrainian. Yes, the whole project was published 1341 articles about the city, townships and villages with a long history and significant in economic and cultural terms; 475 Brief description of areas; 8319 information centers of settlement and village councils. “The history of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” was richly illustrated - it contains 9 116 illustrations, 318 of which are colored inset, 620 maps and skeleton maps which are displayed in historical past and current state of Ukraine at the time of publication.
But we can not avoid and disadvantages of the project. This is especially underideology excess material common to all editions of the Main edition of “USE”. This ideological approach and remarkable for a system historiographical bans on coverage of “unfavorable topics” prevent the disclosure of a number of important papers in the history of Ukraine, including its regional history. It first day of the Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921., The Holodomor of 1932-1933, Repression times of the Great Terror of 1937-1938 and others. Equally significant disadvantage, as the ideological origin, was disproportionate materials on different historical periods, with a clear predominance of coverage of the Soviet era and their “achievements”. Available in the project and other defects caused by a number of objective factors - lack of closeness or historical primarily archival sources; and subjective, due to personal interests and backgrounds authors of some articles, especially on the history of villages.
However, despite these shortcomings, “History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR” retains to this day its encyclopedic value, being virtually the only source of knowledge on a number of topics, especially concerning the history of their regions and localities. Unfortunately, more than than two decades after the restoration of state independence of Ukraine was not created by the same publication, which have illuminated the local history of Ukrainian lands in accordance with the modern development of Ukrainian science.
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