Problems of scientific support of agricultural sector in the first years’ activity of agricultural scientific committee of Ukraine

The activities of the Agrarian Scientific Committee of Ukraine, headed by Vernadsky. Coordination of research institutions of the People's Commissariat of land issues related to agriculture. Achievements of the Committee of Agricultural Sciences.

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Problems of scientific support of agricultural sector in the first years' activity of agricultural scientific committee of Ukraine

Agricultural development is an important part of solving the problem of providing the population of the state by life-saving products and includes a set of organizational, economic and technological measures for rational use of agricultural lands. Scientifically grounded system of agriculture is covering all aspects of the most efficient agricultural production and achievements of scientific and technological revolution and advanced experience. In this connection, agricultural education and science play an important role in the development of agriculture in our country.

The goal of this article is to highlight the organizational principles of becoming one of the forerunners of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, namely Agricultural Science Committee of Ukraine, problems its activities and achievements.

In Ukraine the agricultural science as a discipline has evolved and came out of the higher educational institutions: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa (Novorossiysk) Universities, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Novo-Alexandria Institute of Agriculture and Forestry. In West Ukrainian land the prominent industry-specific center of agricultural science was the Agricultural Academy in Dublyany [9, p. 4].

The first federal legislative act “Regulations on agricultural research institutions” that regulates and provides legal support of the domestic industrial science was passed on July 22, 1901 [7]. Before the events of 1917 in Ukraine there was no single coordinating center which would have carried out scientific and methodological guidance to industrial research institutions' activity.

Significant phenomenon in the history of national agricultural science was the establishment of the Agricultural Scientist Committee of Ukraine (further - ASCU), which started its activities by order of the Minister of Land Affairs on November 1, 1918 [10], along with the Committee of Agricultural Education. Its first chairman according to the order of the Ministry of Land Affairs Part 172 was V. Vernadsky [11].

The ASCU was established with the object of scientific issues related to agriculture, to use the scientific experience in the exploitation of the natural resources of the country [12]. Despite the adverse external circumstances, in particular for the development of agricultural science in Ukraine, the ASCU became the center of scientific potential consolidation in the agricultural sector of the state, which later was reorganized into the Agricultural Scientific Committee (November 25, 1920) under the People's Commissariat of Land Affairs (further - PCLA).

A number of issues related to the formation and development of agricultural science, especially of ASCU's activity and its individual sections were highlighted in scientific works by V Verhunov [1], T. Grishchenko [3], S. Kovalenko [4], A. Kushnareva [6] and others. However, it should more detailed analysis of the problems of the scientific support of ASCU's agricultural activities, which is relevant today.

At the initial stage of its existence the ASCU could not properly carry out their activities due to lack of proper organizational structure. In terms of internal organization, and circuit research in the field of applied natural science to improve agricultural development of similar scientific institutions, ASCU appealed to the experience of Russia and, first of all, to Agricultural Academic Committee in St. Petersburg, taking into account the solving of scientific issues on study of climatic and soil characteristics of Ukraine, which was its direct task.

What was the Committee's task? According to the Regulations of ASCU under the People's Commissariat of Land Affairs, ASCU tasks were: combining of scientific activities of all central and local institutions of PCLA; development and systematic organization of national research work related to agriculture; attention to the appropriate study and organization of school and extracurricular popularization of agricultural knowledge and communicating with them science.

Also, the scope of ASCU's activity included [13]:

- management of central and local academic institutions of PCLA through their relevant authorities;

- coordination of research activities of all relevant national, regional, municipal, public and private institutions in Ukraine, convening congresses and meetings, organizing the Standing Committees and the Commissions;

- preliminary discussion and approval of laws and measures of PCLA that require scientific justification;

- development of regular scientific issues within their tasks, organization of national and local scientific institutions, realization of general regional and local investigations, implementation of various surveys and relevant practical measures;

- providing assistance to local institutions of Ukraine in organization of the necessary scientific institutions and in implementation of research activities generally associated with agriculture by funding under certain conditions and on other measures;

- granting financial aid, calls for scholarships, establishing separate institutes and courses in order to prepare the necessary for Ukraine new scientific potential of respective professions;

- publishing periodic and non-periodic scientific and popular publications.

Taking the foregoing into consideration, I would like to emphasize the

importance of solved issues included in the scope of ASCU's activity, as it had not only to coordinate activities of PCLA scientific institutions related to agriculture, but also to promote and financially support the proper training of necessary scientific experts.

For the branch of its activities, ASCU is divided into the following sections: General or Secretariat Library, Forest, Experiential Works, Botanical, Zoological, Soil and Geology, Environmental Protection, Meteorological, Popularization, Economic and Technical [13].

The Botanical Section worked longer than the others and was the most effective one, the establishment and operation of which was due to hard work of the Head, Professor O. Yanata. The objectives of this Section included issues of Applied Botany, in particular for the study of plants, grown in the country and were very important for agriculture.

The Soil Section, headed by M. Florov carried out investigations of soil formation process, conducted work on sketch map compilation of soils of Ukraine and others. The objectives of the Zoological Section were: pest control agriculture and industrial using insects (sericulture, bee keeping), studying and using of cattle and small livestock for agricultural purposes. Forest Section was responsible for identifying positive and negative effects of agriculture on forests, searching for tools and forms of farming with a view to productive use of natural resources, the studying of life of forest pests and their control.

Directions of Meteorological Stations activity were detecting of climatic and meteorological (geophysical) conditions of the country and researching on pests and the means to control. The Nature Conservation Section put into practice measures to protect the natural, scientific and cultural attractions, resolved the issue of preparation of the Law on Protection of Nature, the organization of wildlife sanctuary.

The Economic Section, headed by Professor S. Veselovsky, manager of Subsection M. Velychkivskiy, specialists - L. Bobyr-Buhanovskiy, F. Wolyanskiy, M. Chernenkova, L. Nosoviy and M. Tomnevych, econ. stat. P. Leontovych and pract. Kalnitsky-Potenko. According to the tasks that face the agricultural economy, activity of the Section is divided into two main areas: the study of agriculture and associated with it sectors of the national economy and of dynamic processes occurring in it, establishment of their general characteristics and evolution, as well as installation of main pillars of agricultural policy that is gaining particular importance at a time, when agricultural case is developed.

The main directions of the sectors' activity were [5]:

1) installation of the economic regions of Ukraine on the basis of physiographic and socio-economic data.

2) study of agricultural industry, which is so closely linked to agriculture and its progress or regression.

3) study of the exchange of agricultural products, domestic and foreign, in connection with trade agreements and worldwide market conditions, as well as transport and charging cases as transport and customs.

4) study of types of mass agriculture, their variations in dependence to local conditions and the establishment of the most appropriate effective schemes.

5) review of the financial foundations of agricultural policies.

Based on tasks it was prepared materials for printing, including a series of information for Agriculture of Ukraine and Agricultural Ukraine's Economy's guides. It carried out the organizational activity for the publication of textbooks on economic geography, statistics and agricultural economy. Materials on the import and export of agricultural products in Ukraine were in the developmental stage. There was familiarization with the budget of Ukrainian farms and networking on the coordination of scientific work started with local academic institutions [16, leaf 21 - 22].

The Popularization Section, headed by Karl Os'mak contributed to the spread of scientific agricultural knowledge, based on the use of evidence-based practices and encourage the public to agriculture. The competence of the Technical Section included agricultural Engineering and researches of construction materials, and combinations thereof.

Despite the difficult times that have occurred in the activities of these Sections, they performed their tasks due to its Heads' hard work, and headed by Academician V. Vernadsky.

Already in 1919, the ASCU had extensive structural system, as well as 1924 were 16 sections (economic, meteorological, section of experiential agricultural affairs, chemicals, soil science section, botanical, zoological, pest control section, agricultural goods, cropping, horticulture and gardening, meadow management, agricultural education, promotion and publishers, reclamation, forestry, engineering), 9 subsections (weather service, media and publishing, school agricultural industry, non-formal agricultural education, agricultural industry, terminology and interpreter, agricultural machine building, agricultural building, entomological). In addition, there were 9 Offices, namely: Office of forest entomology, beekeeping, fishery, seed farming, herbs, weeds, plant pathology, floral, museum, publishing, bibliographic, office of foreign relations, correspondents' net, terminology. There worked Commissions on: warfare with drought, tobacco, experiential affairs, environmental protection, division areas [9, p. 7-9].

Due to lack of funds, the amount of budget of ASCU was 1 808 274 rubles in the first half of 1919, was approved only at the beginning of the second half of the year and so only just before the evacuation of the Kyiv state institutions, at the first time of its existence, ASCU has received funds for organizational, scientific and operational expenses, without which had not been able to meet even the most basic needs and the most basic requirements of scientific work [5].

During the evacuation of the Kyiv PCLA have left 330 747 rubles for ASCU's salaries for two months and 250 000 rubles on operational costs. It was assumed that who would not come to power, research institutions will be able to continue their activities. The fact that the change of government in Kyiv and due to the cancellation of soviet currency, actually ASCU could not continue its work, and with the announcement of the General Bredov's Order on the elimination of all institutions of PCLA, ASCU had formally ceased to exist.

With the return of Soviet governmental agencies in Kyiv, in mid-December, the scientific work of ASCU was at low level, and during 1919 it carried out only organizational work on the organization of ASCU, its Sections and Subsections, Bureau and some special institutions. 62 Session was devoted to organizational issues, the main attention was paid to the question of ASCU, its Sections and Subsections, Bureau and some special institutions, and different collegial organs of ASCU reviewed many special reports in this case.

Among all the general issues that developed ASCU should be mentioned the followings [5]:

1) the relationship of ASCU with Agricultural experiential organizations of Ukraine, including the All-Ukrainian Bureau of Agricultural experiential cases, in the organization and activities of which it was active;

2) the relationship with the local ASCU experiential and academic institutions of Ukraine;

3) scientific association of agricultural work in Ukraine, with special provision on the organization of congresses, meetings, special Committees and Commissions and other Sections of ASCU

4) the organization of systematic training of agricultural scientific potential, therefore the specific provisions made for Institutes fellows, interns and correspondents of Sections of ASCU and also developed a Regulations and plan of the organization of Institute for the popularization of modern success agricultural knowledge;

5) the coordination of the activities of ASCU with PCLA;

6) the combination of ASCU's work with the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences' activity.

Subsequently, in December 1927 ASCU was eliminated as a separate entity, and for closer connection PCLA's practical work with the achievements of agricultural science - was reorganized into the Scientific Advisory Council [15].

Thus, a significant phenomenon for the national agricultural science was the creation of one of the forerunners of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences - Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine. Despite the lack of experience in the organization of the mentioned institution and lack of funding, ASCU carried out the research work, solved common problems of relevant science and planning studied agricultural and economic factors, that exerted influence on the development of agriculture in the country.

List of literature

agrarian scientific vernadsky

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6. Кушнарьова В. О. Г. Висоцький (1865-1940 рр.) та Сільськогосподарський науковий комітет України при Наркомземі УСРР (19191927 рр.) / В. О. Кушнарьова // Історичні записки : зб. наук. пр. - Луганськ, 2009. - Вип. 21. - С. 118-122.

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8. Про організацію Всеукраїнської Академії Сільськогосподарських наук : Постанова РНК УСРР № 154 // Зб. Законів та Розпоряджень Робітничо- Селянського Уряду України 1931 р. - 1931. - № 18 (4 черв.) - С. 389-390.

9. Сільськогосподарський науковий комітет України (1918-1927 рр.) : зб. док. і матеріалів / УААН, ДНСГБ ; уклад. В. А. Вергунов, А. С. Білоцерківська, Б. К Супіханов, С. Д. Коваленко ; під заг. ред. М. В. Зубця, Ю. Ф. Мельника ; наук. ред. В. А. Вергунов. - К., 2006. - 528 с.

10. Центральний державний архів вищих органів влади України (ЦДАВО України). - Ф. 1061. - Оп. 1. - Спр. 32. - Арк. 202.

11. ЦДАВО України.- Ф. 1061.- Оп. 1.- Спр. 32.- Арк. 216.

12. ЦДАВО України.- Ф. 1230.- Оп. 1.- Спр. 2. -Арк. 21.

13. ЦДАВО України.- Ф. 1230.- Оп. 2.- Спр. 1. -Арк. 22-25.

14. ЦДАВО України.- Ф. 1230.- Оп. 1.- Спр. 2. -Арк. 9-11.

15. ЦДАВО України.- Ф. 116. -- Оп. 6. -- Спр. 1270. - Арк. 194.

16. ЦДАВО України.- Ф. 1230.- Оп. 1.- Спр. 3. -Арк. 17 зв.-

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