Цензурна політика російського самодержавства в "українському питанні" (друга половина ХІХ ст.)
Національно-культурний рух в українських губерніях у складі імперії Романових. Система цензурних органів, що діяли в українських губерніях Російської імперії в другій половині ХІХ ст. Реалізація цензурної політики органами підросійської України.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 13.08.2015 |
Размер файла | 79,8 K |
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Subsequent analysis of the Ukrainian and foreign historiography of "Ukrainian issue" censorship policy of Russian autocracy, as well as adjacent issues related to information policy of the Russian Empire during the second half of the nineteenth century. Found that studied in the thesis a scientific problem only partly reflected in the scientific literature. Because of the work of historiography is a significant expansion and addition of scientific knowledge on the history of censorship policy of the Russian autocracy in the "Ukrainian issue" and of the imperial censorship of Ukrainian provinces on its implementation.
Special attention is devoted to consideration of the essence "Ukrainian issue", its place in the socio-political and socio-cultural life of the Russian Empire during the second half of the nineteenth century. Its main contents of the investigated period was study the socio-psychological differences between Ukrainian and Russian, scientific determination of the Ukrainian language, violation of the education of common people in their native language, development and application of Ukrainian phonetic spelling. Since 1860 the "Ukrainian issue" is subject to general public interest, and at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It appears in the center of political programs and social and political activities of progressive nationally conscious Ukrainian intellectuals.
As a result of analysis of the censorship law reform, institutional framework and mechanisms of functioning of the censorship of the Russian Empire stated the improvement of methods of influencing public opinion and information management. Consideration of the censorship authorities established the Ukrainian provinces of the Romanov's Empire, their powers and relationships with other repressive and punitive bodies showed that they had all the necessary features to implement the government's censorship policy.
The main periods in the development of censorship policy in the "Ukrainian issue" during the second half of the nineteenth century. Defined the specificity of its censorship by the Ukrainian provinces. Thus, during the early 1850's - July 1863 censorship policy in the "Ukrainian issue" was awarded some reflexive censorship measures that were a response to attempts by the Ukrainian intelligentsia bring it to a purely scientific level of discussion, during 1857-1863 biennium, Despite some liberalization of the censorship regime in the Empire, censorship authorities carefully checked as semantic content of artistic, scientific and historical works, and by the Ukrainian spelling. Valuev Circular 1863 initiated a new period of censorship policy in the Ukrainian question. "
During the coverage of this problem we noticed that Valuev Circular and Ems Decree were legitimate acts of censorship policy in the evolution of Russian government aimed to stop development of Ukrainian national liberation movement to reform the Ukrainian spelling, most bring it closer to Russia. On the development and implementation of systemic, purposeful censorship policy in Ukrainian affairs, in our view, we can speak of the decree in 1876, because during the 1876-1900 biennium censorship policy of the Russian autocracy (despite some periods of its so-called mark conditioner) in this regard was the strong tendency to strengthen, improve the methods for its implementation. During 1880-1890's of censorship bodies gradually restrict the genre diversity of works in Ukrainian, intensified their demands to spell (even minor deviations from generally accepted norms of spelling manuscript is returned for revision, and not to be), complicated and highly artificial detained consideration Ukrainian manuscripts. Along with this simplified approach to censorship review tabloid, humorous Ukrainian manuscripts power, filling the market such products, sought to alleviate the "Ukrainian issue" reversed and discredit and its seriousness. We started practice back in 1840 and he continued in 1870-ies, unwarranted removal of historical and art (including Russian) works word "Ukraine", "Ukrainian", "Sitch", "Kozak", "Will" and others in 1890 was replaced by a more rational and differentiated approach when considering the Ukrainian editions.
Only imperfection censorship legislation, bureaucratized apparatus of censorship sacrificial cultural and publishing activities nationally conscious representatives of Ukrainian intellectuals were prevented Censorship authorities contain the "Ukrainian issue", remove it from the information field of the Russian Empire. In the early twentieth century taking into account socio-economic and political transformation in the Romanov's Empire, the output of "Ukrainian issue" in the political dimension of transformation in initiating new censorship policy of Russian authorities.
Key words: Russian Empire, "Ukrainian issue", cultural and educational activities, censorship, censorship policy, Directorate General of Press, the Kyiv separate from the internal censor censorship, the Odessa separate from the internal censor censorship, the Kharkov inspector for printing.
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