The coastland changes of the black sea western part in connection with the climatic factors

The goal is to analyze the dynamics of land on the coast of the western part of the Black Sea against the background of climate change, to assess the relationship with various local and global hydrometeorological factors. Sea level ranges were considered.

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Дата добавления 17.04.2023
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The coastland changes of the black sea western part in connection with the climatic factors

O.R. Andrianova, Doctor of Geography, Senior Research Scientist

A.A. Batyrev, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics

L.M. Roschin, Ph.D. in Technical Science

The State Institution "Hydroacoustic Branch of Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine"

The coastland changes of the black sea western part in connection with the climatic factors

Global climate change and regional variability are the main impact factors on the coastal environment features. The purpose of the research was to study and evaluate the dynamics of land on the coast of the western part of the Black Sea against the backdrop of climate change and in connection with the influence of various hydrometeorological factors and assess their contribution to the optimization of life and comfortable living of people.

The analysis was done on the basic of the hydrometeorological information on the Odesa port station for the whole observation period up to 2017: more than one hundred years series of average monthly values of air temperature, precipitation, sea level; more than half a century series of water temperature and salinity and the average annual (> 100 years) and average monthly (> 50 years) data on the rates of the rivers flowing (Danube and Dnepr). The series of sea level by stations were considered for estimating the intensity of fluctuations of the coastal land along the western part of the Black Sea: 6 Ukrainian - Vylkove, Chornomorsk, Odesa, Yuzhne, Ochakiv and Sevastopil; 2 Romanian - Constanta and Sulina; and 2 Bulgarian - Burgas and Varna.

The climate norms have increased in all parameters over the past 70 years, relative to whole observation period, exclude the water salinity, that of the decreases accordingly. The air temperature in Odesa increased by 0,9 °C, the water temperature - by 0,5 °C for the period considered. A common feature of all parameters in the interannual variability, is the presence of well-defined wave fluctuations of different scales which occurs against the background of alternating trends. The connection with the El Nino phenomenon is one of the reasons for the observed surges in changes in the water and air environments in the Black Sea region. The level fluctuations in the Black Sea are synchronous on low-frequency scales (their period is more than 5 years) because they are under the influence of global climate processes on our planet. The shortterm changes in the Black Sea level are determined by regional characteristics and are created by local factors. The dynamics of the land motions are the result of the action of sea level fluctuations and tectonic processes.

Keywords: temperature, salinity, precipitation, the rivers flowing, sea level, coastal land, fluctuations, western part of the Black Sea

Надійшла 15.11.2021

О.Р. Андріанова, доктор. геогр. наук, с.н.с.

О.А. Батирев, канд. ф.-м. наук

Л.М. Рощин, канд. техн. наук

ДУ "Відділення гідроакустики інституту геофізики ім. С.І. Субботіна НАН України"



Глобальні зміни клімату та особливості регіональних процесів здійснюють основний вплив на формування характеристик на морських узбережжях. Мета дослідження - проаналізувати динаміку суші на узбережжі західної частині Чорного моря на тлі зміни клімату, оцінити зв'язок з різними гідрометеорологічними факторами як локальними, так і глобальними, для визначення їх внеску щодо комфортного проживання людей та оптимізації життєдіяльності. Аналіз проводився на основі гідрометеорологічної інформації по станції Одеса за весь період спостережень до 2017 р.: більш ніж сторічний ряд середньомісячних значень температури повітря, опадів, рівня моря; більш ніж півстолітній ряд значень температури і солоності води, а також середньорічні (> 100 років) та середньомісячні (> 50 років) дані про витрати річок (Дунай та Дніпро). Для отримання оцінок інтенсивності коливань прибережної смуги уздовж західної частині Чорного моря розглядалися ряди рівня моря по станціях: 6 українських - Вилкове, Чорноморськ, Одеса, Южне, Очаків та Севастополь; 2 румунських - Констанца та Суліна; і 2 болгарських - Бургас та Варна. За гідрометеорологічними параметрами отримано, що кліматичні норми протягом останніх 70 років збільшилися за всіма параметрами відносно всього періоду спостережень, за винятком солоності води, яка відповідно знизилася. Температура повітря в Одесі за аналізований період підвищилася на 0,9 °C, температура води - на 0,5 °C. Спільною рисою всіх параметрів у міжрічної мінливості є наявність чітко виражених хвильових коливань різного масштабу, що виникають на тлі перемінних трендів. Встановлено зв'язок різких змін, що спостерігаються в розглянутих параметрах водного й повітряного середовищ в регіоні Чорного моря з явищем Ель-Ніньо, яке може бути однією з їх причин. Коливання рівня Чорного моря синхронні на низькочастотних масштабах (їх період більше 5 років), тому що вони знаходяться під впливом глобальних кліматичних процесів на нашій планеті. Короткострокові зміни рівня Чорного моря визначаються регіональними особливостями та створюються місцевими факторами. Динаміка зсувів суші є результатом дії глобальних коливань рівня моря та локальних тектонічних процесів. land sea climate

Ключові слова: температура, солоність, опади, витрати річок, рівень моря, прибережна суша, коливання, західна частина Чорного моря.

О.Р. Андрианова, докт. геогр. наук, с.н.с.

А.А. Батырев, канд. ф.-м. наук

Л.М. Рощин, канд.техн. наук

ГУ "Отделение гидроакустики Института Геофизики НАН Украины"



Глобальное изменение климата и особенности региональных процессов оказывают основное влияние на формирование характеристик морского побережья. Цель исследования - проанализировать динамику суши на побережье западной части Черного моря на фоне изменения климата, оценить связи с различными гидрометеорологическими факторами как локальными, так и глобальными, для определения их вклада для комфортного проживания людей и для оптимизации жизнедеятельности. Анализ проводился на основе гидрометеорологической информации по станции Одесса за весь период наблюдений до 2017 г.: более чем столетний ряд среднемесячных значений температуры воздуха, осадков, уровня моря; более чем полувековой ряд значений температуры и солености воды, а также среднегодовые (> 100 лет) и среднемесячные (> 50 лет) данные о расходах рек (Дунай и Днепр). Для получения оценок интенсивности колебаний прибрежной полосы вдоль западной части Черного моря рассматривались ряды уровня моря по станциям: 6 украинских - Вилково, Черноморск, Одесса, Южное, Очаков и Севастополь; 2 румынских - Констанца и Сулина; и 2 болгарских - Бургас и Варна. По гидрометеорологическим параметрам получено, что климатические нормы за последние 70 лет увеличились по всем параметрам относительно всего периода наблюдений, за исключением солености воды, которая соответственно снизилась. Температура воздуха в Одессе за рассматриваемый период повысилась на 0,9 °C, температура воды - на 0,5 °C. Общей чертой всех параметров в межгодовой изменчивости является наличие четко выраженных волновых колебаний разного масштаба, возникающих на фоне чередующихся трендов. Установлена связь наблюдаемых резких изменений в рассмотренных параметрах водной и воздушной сред в регионе Черного моря с явлением Эль-Ниньо, которое может быть одной из их причин. Колебания уровня Черного моря синхронны на низкочастотных масштабах (их период более 5 лет), так как они находятся под влиянием глобальных климатических процессов на нашей планете. Краткосрочные изменения уровня Черного моря определяются региональными особенностями и создаются местными факторами. Динамика смещений суши является результатом действия глобальных колебаний уровня моря и локальных тектонических процессов.

Ключевые слова: температура, соленость, осадки, расходы рек, уровень моря, прибрежная суша, колебания, западная часть Черного моря.


Coastal research is becoming increasingly important because the impact of climate change is most felt here. The special system of natural complexes dynamically coupled in space and time is formed in the coastal zone. The sea level is an indirect indicator of processes in the ocean, at its bottom and in the atmosphere. Seacoasts are the most attractive regions for life and represent a natural zone of interaction of three environments: the first is geological (land and the bottom of the seas and oceans), the second is hydrological (the water layer of the seas and oceans) and the third is meteorological (the air with atmospheric impact).

Regional climate change and variability are the complex outcome of global climate change (including sea surface temperature characteristics, linked with large-scale changes in ocean circulation), large-scale atmospheric (e.g., jet stream, monsoon) circulation changes, and their interplay with local drivers (e.g., land surface, aerosols), local physical processes and the non-local responses to large- scale phenomena such as El Nino and the Southern Oscillation (ENSO) or other modes of climate variability. That's why the assessment of climatic changes and anthropogenic impact on the regional changes of the natural environment is one of the main tasks set in the AR6 Synthesis Report, due for release in 2022 (AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2022).

The global climatic changes occurring in the atmosphere were estimated in numerous works of the last 50 years, including those carried out by the authors of this paper (Voloshchuk, Boychenko, 1997; Efimov, Eremeev, 2003; Andrianova et al., 2005; Andrianova et al., 2015). Some authors (Voloshchuk, Boychenko, 1997) suggested that if the current trends in the development of the world economy persist, the planet's climate may be warmed by 3.0-3.5 °C by the second half of the 21st century. This can lead to unpredictable natural disasters.

The changes in sea level are also among the most important indicators of climate affecting human living conditions. Analysis of sea level changes on the coasts of various parts of the World Ocean (the Mediterranean, Black, Baltic, and North Seas, as well as on the Atlantic coasts in Brazil and France) over a long period of time have shown various fluctuations with an upward trend in recent decades (Jevrejeva et al., 2008; Andrianova, 2012; 2014; Andrianova et al., 2015; Navrotskaya et al., 2016).

The purpose of the research is to study and evaluate the dynamics of land on the coast of the western part of the Black Sea against the backdrop of climate change and in connection with the influence of various hydrometeorological factors and assess their contribution to the optimization of life and comfortable living of people.

Data & methods

Table 1 shows information about hydrometeorological parameters for Odesa port station, which were analyzed for whole observation period up to 2017: these are more than one hundred years series of average monthly values of air temperature, precipitation, and sea level and similar more than half a century series of water temperature and salinity.

Table 1.

Information about hydrometeorological characteristics and its annual climatic norms

Point of observation


Unit of measurement




Air temperature




Air temperature














Water temperature










Sea level




Sea level




Danube (Reni)

Flow rates

km3 / year



km3 / year



Dnieper (Nova Kakhovka)

Flow rates

km3 / year



km3 / year



In addition, the average annual (> 100 years) and average monthly (> 50 years) data on the rates of the rivers flowing into the northwestern part of the Black Sea are involved for the analysis (Table 1).

The series of sea level by stations were considered for estimating the intensity of fluctuations of the coastal land along the western part of the Black Sea (Fig.1): 6 Ukrainian points - Vylkove, Ilyichivsk, (since 2016 the city has been renamed to Chornomorsk), Odesa, Yuzhne, Ochakiv and Sevastopil; 2 Romanian points - Constanta and Sulina; and 2 Bulgarian points - Burgas and Varna.

Research results and discussion

The results of our calculations of the variability of the atmospheric impact on the coastal zone (by the example of Odesa) confirmed the general trend of global warming of the Earth's climate since the second half of the 20th century. The information in Table 1 clearly shows how climate norms have increased in all parameters over the past 70 years, relative to whole observation period. At the same time, the salinity of the water decreases accordingly. It shown also on the graphs presented in Figure

2. For the period considered, the air temperature in Odesa increased by 0,9 °C, the water temperature increased by 0,5 °C.

Fig. 1 Map of the coast of the western part of the Black Sea indicating the stations considered

A common feature of all parameters in Figure 2 in the interannual variability, is the presence of well-defined wave fluctuations of different scales which occurs against the background of alternating trends. The variability of the interannual course of precipitation was characterized by a wave-like rise throughout the observation period, with its increase in the last 50 years. The increase of the precipitation occurred mainly due to the autumn-winter time. The trends in the sea level and rivers flow rates had unidirectional tendency. The disturbance of the climatic seasonal variation and the appearance of a well-defined second extremum in the cold season with a maximum in December-January and a minimum in January-February was found in seasonal fluctuations in salinity, sea level in Odesa and the flow rates of the Danube and Dnieper rivers.

Trends in the sea level and land on the Black Sea coast were explored by using the average annual sea level data on the set of stations in the period from 1874 to 2015 (Fig. 3A). Our calculations of the general trend of the eustatic rise in the Black Sea level is consistent with its growth in the World Ocean (0,1-0,2 cm / year) (Jevrejeva et al., 2008).

FiЈ 2. Time series of annual mean (solid line) and moving average by 5-year (dashed line) values of air temperature (a), precipitation (b), sea level in Odesa (c) and flow rates of the Danube River (d).

The tendency of the wave-like growth of the level at Odesa-port station was monitored until 1994. Then from the second half of the 90s, a slight decrease even was noted, which can be traced to the present day. The exception was in 2010, when a sharp increase in the average annual level was observed, which was noted not only in Odesa, but also at other stations considered by us.

The value and intensity of interannual tectonic shifts of coastal land on the Black Sea were estimated during the same period with using the method of water leveling (Table 2).

The interannual variability of the coastal land subsidence is a mirroring of the fluctuations in sea-level rise. The tectonic subsidence of land at Ochakiv and Sevastopil stations, based on the materials of long-term observations (140-year series) and characterized by an insignificant negative trend (Table 2).

That's why the observations at Sevastopil station were used as a reference for assessing coastal land fluctuations on the Black Sea coasts based on the water leveling method (Fig. 3B). The short and sharp "discrete peaks" of sea level and similar "fallings" of the sea bottom were found in series of average annual data (Fig. 3). These disturbances were observed nearly simultaneously on all analyzed stations with quasi-decade frequency and had cycle time 3-4 years (sometimes up to 5 years) and amplitude up to 10-17 cm (usually 12 cm). The disturbances on the moving average by 5-year data had cycle time 10-12 years with an average amplitude of 5 cm. Sometimes the discrete peaks of sea level (and the same "fallings" of the sea bottom) were observed in pairs.

Fig. 3. Time series of annual mean (1) and moving average by 5-year data (2) A - sea level heights; B - calculated values of land subsidence at stations of the Black Sea.

Table 2.

Information about the stations on the Black Sea coast and averaged over the observation period the values and rates of the land dynamics


Observation period, years

Series length, years

Values of land subsidence per whole period, cm

Rates of land subsidence, cm/year

Rates of land subsidence by trends, cm/year







































































The estimation of the value and intensity of the land subsidence on the coast by data of the Odesa station showed that, in general, from 1875 to 2015 the land subsidence was about 50 cm, and its intensity was 0.35 cm / year (Table 2). At the same time, two stages are noted with different intensities of land subsidence - 0.5 cm/year from 1875 to 1962 and only - 0.2 cm/year from 1962 to 2015. At stations with a shorter duration of observations, land subsidence is also noted with different stages of its intensity, which have been synchronized in recent decades.

The analysis showed that the anomalous changes in the considered characteristics in the Black Sea region is consistent with the El Nino years (1953; 57-58; 65; 69; 72-73; 76; 82-83; 86-87; 97-98; 09-10). On Figure 4 is shown that the maximums in the average annual series at the near-equatorial stations of the Pacific Ocean is correlate with the same Black Sea data (shaded zones). The level maxima in these average annual series are global, has with approximately quasi-ten-year rhythm, and are consistent with the El Nino years. This phenomenon causes various cataclysms and has a significant impact on climate variations in different regions of the globe, including Europe.


The growth of all parameters (water and air temperature, precipitation, river flow rates, and sea level) in recent decades is a general trend in fluctuations in hydrometeorological characteristics. At the same time, the salinity of the water decreases accordingly. A common feature of all parameters in the interannual variability, is the presence of well-defined wave fluctuations of different scales which occurs against the background of alternating trends. The connection with the El Nino phenomenon is one of the reasons for the observed surges in changes in the water and air environments in the Black Sea region.

Fig. 4. Time series of annual mean (solid line) and moving average by 5-year (dashed line) sea level height on stations: a - La Libertad (Pacific), b - Balboa (Pacific), c - Ochakiv (Black Sea), d - Sevastopil (BlackSea), e - Tuapse (BlackSea).

Uneven subsidence of coastal land is a consequence of the growth of the sea level - its mirror image. The fluctuations in the Black Sea level are synchronous on low-frequency scales (their period is more than 5 years) because they are under the influence of global climate processes on our planet. The short-term changes in the Black Sea level are determined by regional characteristics and are created by local factors. The dynamics of the land motions are the result of the action of level fluctuations and tectonic processes.


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    реферат [23,1 K], добавлен 23.01.2008

  • Theoretical aspects of investment climate in Ukraine. The essence of investment climate. Factors that forming investment climate. Dynamics of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Ukraine. Ways of improving the mechanism of attracting foreign investment.

    курсовая работа [155,2 K], добавлен 19.05.2016

  • Climate change risks for energy sector companies, climate change governmental, institutional policies impact on energy companies operations. Energy companies reactions to climate change issues: strategies, business decisions. Adapting to climate change.

    курсовая работа [1,0 M], добавлен 23.10.2016

  • История возникновения и этапы развития платежной системы Western Union. Деятельность Western Union в России, открытие новых маршрутов. Система осуществления денежных переводов. Способы отправления и получения денег по данной системе, их оформление.

    курсовая работа [32,4 K], добавлен 11.11.2010

  • Сущность антиглобализма, первая организация антиглобалистов People's Global Action. Идеологическая основа и основные тезисы антиглобалистских организаций "Глобальное действие", "Black Bloc", противодействие слиянию всех мировых процессов в единую форму.

    презентация [749,7 K], добавлен 31.01.2013

  • Black English как продукт системы подневольного труда и африканской работорговли, его появление в результате смешения рабовладельцами африканских этнических групп. Синтаксис, семантика и фонетика - смесь афроамериканских и английских языковых традиций.

    реферат [27,8 K], добавлен 31.03.2010

  • Poe does not give his readers any clue. That is why the puzzles of his tales will never be solved, no matter how many times you have read them.

    сочинение [7,1 K], добавлен 07.04.2006

  • Wales is part of Britain and the United Kingdom. Climate landscape and the shape of coast. National Symbols and emblem. The harp is regarded as the national instrument of Wales. The Welsh Government. Language, sports, music, film and TV arts and culture.

    презентация [3,5 M], добавлен 17.01.2013

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