Географическая характеристика Индии

Общая характеристика истории Индии с древнейших времен до современности. Административное деление, геология, гидрология, климат, растительный и животный мир страны. Особенности населения, внешней и внутренней политики, экономики и культуры Индии.

Рубрика География и экономическая география
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65. Dikshit & Schwartzberg 2007, p. 11

66. Dikshit & Schwartzberg 2007, p. 8

67. Dikshit & Schwartzberg 2007, pp. 9-10

68. Самая северная точка Индии расположена возле ледника Сиачен в спорном регионе Джамму и Кашмир. Однако правительство Индии претендует на управление этим регионом и поэтому считает, что самая северная точка страны имеет широту 37° 6'.

69. (Government of India 2007, С. 1)

70. Dikshit & Schwartzberg 2007, p. 15

71. Dikshit & Schwartzberg 2007, p. 16

72. Dikshit & Schwartzberg 2007, p. 17

73. Dikshit & Schwartzberg 2007, p. 12

74. Dikshit & Schwartzberg 2007, p. 13

75. ^ 1 2 Chang 1967, pp. 391-394

76. Posey 1994, p. 118

77. Wolpert 2003, p. 4

78. Heitzman & Worden 1996, p. 97

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82. ^ 1 2 Tritsch, M.E. 2001. Wildlife of India Harper Collins, London. 192 pages. ISBN 0-00-711062-6

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151. Lal 1998

152. (Karanth 1997, С. 26). Quote: "The Yak?agвna IAST folk-theatre is no isolated theatrical form in India. We have a number of such theatrical traditions all around Karnataka… In far off Assam we have similar plays going on by the name of Ankia Nat, in neighouring Bengal we have the very popular Jatra plays. Maharashtra has Tamasa. (p. 26)

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154. Dissanayake & Gokulsing 2004

155. Rajadhyaksha & Willemen (editors) 1999

156. MacDonell 2004, p. 1-40

157. Johnson 1998, MacDonell 2004, p. 1-40, and Kalidasa & Johnson (editor) 2001

158. 1. Encyclopaedia Britannica (2008), «Tamil Literature.» - original.britannica.com/eb/article-9071111/Tamil-literature Quote: «Apart from literature written in classical (Indo-Aryan) Sanskrit, Tamil is the oldest literature in India. Some inscriptions on stone have been dated to the 3rd century BC, but Tamil literature proper begins around the 1st century AD. Much early poetry was religious or epic; an exception was the secular court poetry written by members of the sangam, or literary academy (see Sangam literature).» 2. Ramanujan 1985, p. ix-x Quote - books.google.com/books?id=nIybE0HRvdQC&pg=PR9&vq=eight anthologies&source=gbs_search_r&cad=0_1&sig=ACfU3U3yAk-LoJIs-AdWHCw9nU-OjLUyJA: «These poems are 'classical,' i.e. early, ancient; they are also 'classics,' i.e. works that have stood the test of time, the founding works of a whole tradition. Not to know them is not to know a unique and major poetic achievement of Indian civilization. Early classical Tamil literature (c. 100 BC--AD 250) consists of the Eight Anthologies (Eююuttokai), the Ten Long Poems (Pattuppвююu), and a grammar called the Tolkвppiyam or the 'Old Composition.' … The literature of classical Tamil later came to be known as Cankam (pronounced Sangam) literature. (pp. ix-x)»

159. Delphine, Roger, «The History and Culture of Food in Asia», in Kiple & Kriemhild 2000, p. 1140-1151

160. Achaya 1994, Achaya 1997

161. 18 Popular India Festivals - festivals.indobase.com/index.html.

162. Majumdar & Bandyopadhyay 2006, p. 1-5



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· Kulke, Hermann & Dietmar Rothermund (2004), A History of India - www.amazon.com/History-India-Hermann-Kulke/dp/0415329205/, 4th edition. Routledge, Pp. xii, 448, ISBN 0415329205, <http://www.amazon.com/History-India-Hermann-Kulke/dp/0415329205/ - www.amazon.com/History-India-Hermann-Kulke/dp/0415329205/>.

· Metcalf, Barbara & Thomas R. Metcalf (2006), A Concise History of Modern India (Cambridge Concise Histories) - www.amazon.com/Concise-History-Modern-Cambridge-Histories/dp/0521682258/, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xxxiii, 372, ISBN 0521682258, <http://www.amazon.com/Concise-History-Modern-Cambridge-Histories/dp/0521682258/ - www.amazon.com/Concise-History-Modern-Cambridge-Histories/dp/0521682258/>.

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Флора и фауна

· Ali, Salim & S. Dillon Ripley (1995), A Pictorial Guide to the Birds of the Indian Subcontinent, Mumbai: Bombay Natural History Society and Oxford University Press. Pp. 183, 106 colour plates by John Henry Dick, ISBN 0195637321

· Blatter, E. & Walter S. Millard (1997), Some Beautiful Indian Trees, Mumbai: Bombay Natural History Society and Oxford University Press. Pp. xvii, 165, 30 colour plates, ISBN 019562162X

· Israel, Samuel & Toby Sinclair (editors) (2001), Indian Wildlife, Discovery Channel and APA Publications., ISBN 9812345558

· Prater, S. H. (1971), The book of Indian Animals, Mumbai: Bombay Natural History Society and Oxford University Press. Pp. xxiii, 324, 28 colour plates by Paul Barruel., ISBN 0195621697.

· Rangarajan, Mahesh (editor) (1999), Oxford Anthology of Indian Wildlife: Volume 1, Hunting and Shooting, New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Pp. xi, 439, ISBN 0195645928

· Rangarajan, Mahesh (editor) (1999), Oxford Anthology of Indian Wildlife: Volume 2, Watching and Conserving, New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Pp. xi, 303, ISBN 0195645936

· Tritsch, Mark F. (2001), Wildlife of India, London: Harper Collins Publishers. Pp. 192, ISBN 0007110626


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